The Wolf's Marine

By CamoflaugeForest

23.8K 749 82

Storm is a recently discharged Marine who lost her leg to an IED. Medically discharged, she returns to her ho... More

I'm Home
Thank You
Old Friend
The Legion
New Home
New Friend
Holding Hands
On the Deck
Badly Injured
The Beeping has Stopped
Emotional Damage
The Bite of Change
Our Friends Live
There's Another Kid
Going to the Store
Wilder has been Seduced
The Contest for the Puppy
and Then There Were Two
Read This
Alt. Ending I Didn't Want to Write
Alt. Ending Pt.2
Alt. Ending Pt. 3
Alt. Ending Pt.4


431 11 0
By CamoflaugeForest

Time Skip Because Why Not?
Storm's Pov.

Since the moment I woke up, Wilder will not leave me alone. He says we're taking it slow but he's been practically glued to my side all day.

Even though all I do is lay in this bed and do nothing, he doesn't seem to have anything better to do than hover around me.

"Wilder, it's great spending time with you. But isn't there something you have to do other than sit with me?"

"Nope, it's my job to leech your pain. That's what I have to do." He gives me a golden retriever grin.

"And I thank you for that. It's just, you're driving me fucking nuts. I want some space." I snap at him. I didn't mean to be rude but I'm so damn annoyed with him and his hovering.

"Oh." The golden retriever smiles melts into a frown. "I'll be going then." In a blink he is up and gone.

The next few hours I watch tv, no particular show. I change it whenever it gets boring.

"Knock knock! Can I come in Storm?" A feminine voice asks from the other side of the door.

"Sure." I answer. The door opens and Delaney walks in. "How are you feeling?" She asks, sitting in the chair Wilder normally sits in.

"I definitely hurt less than I did yesterday. Most of me still hurts though." I tell her. "I'm glad you feel somewhat better."

"Thanks! I just can't wait to get out of here and back home. I have to bury Cowboy yet."

"I already did that for you." My eyes widen, she did that for me? "Thank you. You don't know how much better that makes me feel." I reach out and pull her into a hug.

"Now what have you been up to?" She asks me. "Well apparently I have a soulmate and his name's Wilder. For the past day he and I have been talking and such but he's so hovery! He treats me like a baby! Just because I'm battered and bruised doesn't mean he should treat me that way." I explain.

"Now it's not my story to tell, Wilder should be the one to tell you this, okay? I can say he was in charge of protecting someone a few years ago and he didn't protect them well. Because of that he's going to do his damndest to protect you." She tells me.

Ah, he's got trauma too. We need one more person and we can start a club!

"I know my brother isn't the easiest on the eyes," she laughs, "however I know for a fact that he'll do his best to make you happy."

Wait a second, did she just say brother?

"Wilder's your brother?" I ask and she nods her head. "That's why you pointed him out at the bar! You were trying to set us up!" I exclaim.

"Guilty as charged." She smirks.

"Storm I brought you some lunch." Wilder's voice says from down the hall. "Looks like your bodyguard's back." Delaney winks at me before taking her leave.

No! Delaney come back! Don't leave me alone with him! He's gonna hover again!

"Karl said you can eat this." Wilder walks in with a sandwich on a paper plate. "Thank you." I take the sandwich and take a bite, it's good!

I expect to Wilder to sit down except he doesn't. He's actually walking around with his nose in the air, sniffing loudly.

"Someone was here while I was gone." He turns and looks at me, clearly expecting me to tell him who.

"Delaney stopped in to ask me how I was feeling." "That was nice of her." Is all he says before he takes the chair and drags it across the room, as far from me as he can be without being in the hall.

I eat in silence, occasionally looking at him. When I look at him, he's looking at anything but me. I don't know if this is better than the hovery.

This must be what Delaney meant when she said he'll do his best to make me happy.

"Wilder, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier." I apologize once my sandwich's finished. He looks up from his hands to me and our eyes lock.

"It's not your fault, I have been very clingy all day. I didn't mean for it to bother you." He gives me an apologetic look.

"It's okay, we're both new to this whole soulmate thing. We'll figure it all out eventually." I reassure him.

"I'm thankful you're not mad at me. It was eating me alive thinking I'd made you mad." He admits.

"If you think that was me mad, you've got another thing coming for you. I'll cuss the shit outta you when you actually make me mad." I chuckle. His eyes widen and he looks worried.

I'm about to make a funny comment when he gets that distant look. Someone must be mind linking him.

"Karl says you're free to go home if you feel up to it." Oh hell yeah! I'm going to go home and properly grieve Cowboy's death.

Wait, how am I supposed to drive when I don't have my truck or my leg?

"I want to go home but I don't have a way to get home." I point at my missing leg. It's going to cost a lot to get a new prosthetic, I hope I can save up enough to get it.

"I could ask Alpha if I can borrow his car and drive you home?" He offers. "That sounds good." The distant look returns.

"Alpha says it's okay. Do you want me to carry you to the car?"

"I actually want to try walking, I'll just need you to wrap an arm around my shoulders to balance me."

And so that's what happens. In his right hand he carries my prosthetic and the left he wraps around my shoulders.

It's a rocky start at first trying to step when he steps but I eventually get it figured out, though I occasionally stumble when we go down stairs.

The house we're in must be huge because we must have walked for at least ten minutes now and have ran into a lot of people.

All of the people we've passed have looked at us like we're something absolutely shocking. I don't understand why.

Wilder forces us to stop when a man probably around his age comes up to us. The man has scars all across his neck and face. He's seen some fighting, I can tell you that.

"Wilder, you're back?" He looks at Wilder in wonder. What's so wondering about this? What am I missing here?

"Yes, now please get out of the way. We have places to be." Wilder responds in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry about him." He apologizes once we're away from that man. "It's fine. Now are we almost out of this place? It's like a never ending maze."

"Actually, we are just leaving." There in front of us is a glass door. Yes! I get to go home.

Once we're in the car, I notice Wilder doesn't seem to have a clue on what he's doing. He keeps trying to drive when it's in neutral or park, this is sad.

"Have you never driven before?" I ask him after the seventh time of him fucking up. "It's been five years, I'm a bit rusty." He admits.

"Cars done drive unless they're in drive." I tell him. "Oh yeah, I knew that." He shifts the car into drive and drives at a snails pace.

"You can drive faster. You know that right?"

"What part of I haven't driven in five years did you not understand? You're pressuring me into doing something I'm not comfortable with and I want you to stop!" He snaps, his eyes never leaving the road.

"My bad." I raise my hands in surrender. What's wrong with me? Never raise your hands in surrender, even when you're surrounded.

Anyway, it takes forever and a day to get home with Wilder driving no more than twenty miles per hour.

After his thirteenth attempt at parking, he's now parked crookedly next to my truck. "Here, I'll help you out." He offers once he's out and at my door.

"Get your hands off my granddaughter you dirty thug!" I look over Wilder's shoulder to see Grandpa, who's also parked crookedly, holding a gun. And by the looks of it, he's ready to use it.

(This chapter was absolutely terrible, I'm sorry folks.)

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