PEPERINA ༒ Daisy Jones & The...

By iownthemooon

6.7K 228 8

Peperina. ༒ Quiero contarles una buena historia... La de una chica que vivió la euforia, de ser parte del roc... More

TRACK I. Ultra Beba.
I Love Rock N' Roll.
Lady Grinning Soul.
Y Volveré.
La Vuelta Al Mundo.
This Is What Makes Us Girls.
Here's Where The Story Ends.
The Next Best American Record.
You Make Loving Fun.

There She Goes.

305 13 2
By iownthemooon

[Tape starts]

Rhiannon: After that day I just spent my time with Joni. But I mean, I did kind of up and leave without keeping up with Camila or the others, so I paid them a little visit with Joni— at the worst time possible mind you.

Joni: Never in my life had I ever thought I would see a rock band break up right before my eyes— especially by their lead singer at that. I mean Billy was a rock n' roll star, I didn't know him or any of them for that matter, but I would listen to their music sometimes and I knew that it wasn't just Billy who was the star.
They were all born for the stage— it's just, sometimes people don't know how lucky they are to have that kind of miracle.

Interviewer: What did you first think of Joni?

Eddie: You wanna know what I thought? I thought, "Who the fuck is this guy and why is his arm around my girl?" That's what I thought.

Graham: I mean we were all having a bad day that day. Billy had sat the others down and broke it to them that he didn't want to be in the band anymore— Eddie was livid, the others were silent, but angry and I was just as mad. Didn't really help that Rhiannon had walked in with a stranger by her side. [smiles] You should've seen the look on Eddie's face man.

Karen: I mean bands fall apart— that's rock n' roll you know. I just... thought this one was different.

༒ "... You got the songs, you have the fan base! I mean, I'm sure if you just—"

Billy! If you're going, go." The sound of Eddie's voice echoed through the small house, leaving Rhiannon to falter in her steps at what his words.

"What's up?" Joni whispered to her, just as confused as she was. Then, as if timing
couldn't be anymore perfect, Billy walked into the kitchen, seeing Rhiannon and a stranger standing there as if they were new to the home.
(well, one of them was.)

Rhiannon stared at him with a look that didn't hold anger, that's what he knew at most. Maybe it was disappointment? Or relief? Who knew really.

"Hey." Was all he said before walking out to him and Camilas room. That was the next stop, but in the mean time the pair entered the living room right when Warren had asked, "Now what do we do?"

"What happened?" Rhiannon asked. Karen was the first to look over, seeing Joni, her eyes widened.

Karen: He was handsome! I think I stared for so long he started making stupid faces at me. [smiles] That guy was a trip.

Eddie dodged her question, instead asking, "Who the fuck is this?"

Before Rhiannon could introduce her friend, Joni had beaten her to it. "I'm Joni. Anna's friend from New York."

"You never told us you were from New York?"Karen said.

Rhiannon shrugged her shoulders, "The topic never came up." Instead of watching everyone stare at Joni like he was a creature, Graham decided to greet himself.

"I'm Graham. Nice to meet you man," Graham reached his hand out for Joni to shake, Joni taking it gladly. Warren had been watching everything unfold with a wide smile, temporarily forgetting the previous events.

Warren: Eddie was my best friend at the time man! I could see it all over his face— the son of a bitch was jealous. [laughs] Karen was giving him these dough eyes and Graham was just oblivious to the whole thing. I mean it was great, really helped take my mind off the fact that Billy had laid us off.

"Alright well it doesn't seem like a good time to be here. I'm gonna go say hi to Camila, it was great seeing you guys." Rhiannon announced, not being able to leave the mess that was that very moment, thanks to Karen.

"Actually Ann I wanted to talk to you a while ago about something. Do you mind?" Karen said without really giving the Puerto Rican girl much time to think before taking her by the arm, dragging her to a separate room.

"Who the fuck is that and why is he so hot?" Rhiannon laughed at Karen's remark.

"He already told you, he's my friend from back home."

"The way you had your arm around his didn't seem like you guys were just friends." Rhiannon rolled her eyes at this. She didn't like to think of Joni as anything more of a friend, even if at that moment she'd been pushing back that weird feeling in her stomach.

"Well he's not and he won't be. He's staying for a few days and I'm going to invite him around more often and you're not going to say a single thing if something ever does happen." Rhiannon whispered the last part of her sentence before giving Karen a playful glare.

"Whatever you say."

Rhiannon: Forget about it, the girls wouldn't ever leave me alone when it came to Joni. [sighs] all and all, it was just a shit show for me really. I hated myself for feeling something towards Joni, I hadn't seen him in ages and I was already wrapping him in the loop of bullshit and on top of that I had Eddie to worry about too.

Well, not that I needed to worry about him, I just felt as if I led him on.

Eddie: Of fucking course she led me on. Anyone could see her and Joni were something behind closed doors, even if they weren't doing anything about it. And it fucking pained me to watch them every single time.

Joni: Honestly I was a little clueless for a while. I started getting along with Warren and he would just give me a blunt here and there, so I was high most of the time.

Warren: Man I miss that guy.

Rhiannon: Anyway, besides all that Christmas rolled by quickly. It was good for the most part, only because everyone was just in their own world, but that's not important—
Billy had written a song he wanted us all to hear and [laughs] I remember Eddie being the only one who didn't wanna hear it.

And that's how Honeycomb came about.

Billy: I didn't really care to get to know Joni at the time, but he was honestly the only one who liked the original version of Honeycomb.
He came to me a little later on after I played it and he just told me, "Man beggers can't be choosers." I told him, "What the fuck do you know."

he said, "What do I know? I know I love music, more than you probably, but I'm no expert. What I do know beyond that though is that those guys can't not like that song. You could see it written all over their faces— I hate to be the guy that says this man, but they got nobody but you. Don't let that inflate your head though, you'd be nothing without them either."

I always though he was just talking to talk back then because he was as high as Warren sometimes, but now thinking of it... that fucker had a way with words.

Joni: High or not I knew what I was talking about. What I also know is that I wasn't actually high that day— I was just speaking the truth. And I also never said I fully liked the song, I always knew it needed something more, Billy was just too dense to think of that himself.

I was proud as it was that he took the song to Teddy Price and even let the guy have an opinion of it [chuckles].

Warren: Teddy thought a female vocalist might give us an edge.

Karen: Someone new that he was working with.

Rhiannon: I didn't know Teddy well... actually I didn't know him at all. I was just happy that he turned that sad ass song into what it is now. I was especially happy that he had the bright idea of putting Daisy on the song as well.
There was always something about that girl that I couldn't really put my finger on... but when I saw her singing on that mic with Billy— man I knew at that point. I knew what I couldn't put my finger on before, I could then when she started singing.

She was a fucking star.

© iownthemooon.
it's Daisy Jones, everyone.
(easter special jejejejejje)

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