The Radio Kids. (Hazbin Hotel...

By MidnightViolex

61.3K 1.6K 1K

*UPDATES WHENEVER POSSIBLE* (Chapter 31 uploaded on April 29th, 2024) Ah, the stock market crash of 1929... O... More

Kidnapped by a murderer.
Home of the killer.
Threats by the fire.
Kept in check.
Going to work.
The radio show and escape plan.
A tough choice.
Tough memories.
Education and another to deal with.
Drenched in crimson.
Daring Decision.
Sample of blood.
New Normal.
Learning the ropes.
Strange meal.
Special day.
Dare he say.
Suspicion and inconsistency.
Night terror.

The basement.

1.4K 34 14
By MidnightViolex

Sam's scream of terror echoed through the forest and into the ears of the young brunette who had been deep asleep just seconds ago. The sudden loud noise jolted her awake.

However, just as soon as the sound started, it stopped.

Edith's eyes peered around the dark room in confusion. There was no signs of anyone or anything and everything was now quiet.

All that could be heard were the calls of the crickets outside.

All that could be seen was the soft moonlight that peaked through the curtains.

When the girl's nerves finally settled back down, she carefully put her head on her pillow and slowly fell back to sleep, almost completely unaware of what was happening not far away.


The ever so soft rays of dawn began to show itself across the town as the streets began to brighten ever so slowly. The blades of green growing out of the ground were wet with the ever so refreshing morning dew.

Though it was now considered morning, most people were still asleep, warm in bed. Comfortable and at peace.

That was true for one person in this household. But not the other two.

Darkness. All Sam could see was darkness. Why was it so dark? Was he dead? Were his eyes closed? Why was he so numb? What happened? Where was he? More importantly, where was his sister?

His mind raced with an endless amount of questions. The feeling in his head slowly came back as he opened his mouth slightly and opened his eyes. The flickering light of a lantern to his right was just enough to slightly illuminate the room he was in. It was dark and it was cold.

"You're very fortunate to have the privilege of breathing, young one." An all-too-familiar voice echoed from his right. Sam slowly and carefully tilted his head to the right and saw Alastor sitting at some sort of workbench, facing away from him. "But don't get greedy. Things can still go very differently if you fail to proceed with caution, Samuel."

The teen gulped thickly. Even though the room he was in was dim, there was still enough light for him to understand that this was a room he hadn't been in before. Not to mention, if Alastor was threatening him again, he had to have done something wrong. What happened? Why couldn't he remember whatever it was he had done?

Al quickly finished what he was doing before turning around to face the boy who was still on the floor, too weak to move.

"Then again, I believe I have given you this warning a great deal of times. Yet you have failed to heed it every single time."

The man's tone was unreadable. Sam couldn't tell if he was angry or upset or anything for that matter. The teen has learned that such a tone was never a good sign.

The feeling slowly started to return to his arms and hands, then his legs and feet not long after. The tension of his situation and lying in the same position for however long has made his muscles ache but when he tried to move his limbs to more comfortable positions, he was stopped by ropes attached to his wrists and ankles.

"Ah yes, I apologize for the restraints. I couldn't have known how you would have responded to the situation. I'm not a time traveler after all!" Alastor laughed at the joke that barely registered in Sam's mind. "Now then, I will loosen your restraints for your comfort as long as you remain as calm as you are now."

Sam looked up towards the man, his eyes trying to focus as he nodded in agreement, wishing for the ropes to stop digging into his flesh.

"Very well." Alastor spoke, turning around to grab a knife before kneeling and cutting the ropes off of all of the boy's limbs except his right ankle. "Well, now that that's finished, I warn you again. If you give me the slightest hint of attitude or rebellion from here on I will not be showing you the same mercy I have been throughout our time together. Especially not the mercy I showed you just hours ago."

Hours ago? What happened hours ago..?

His plan... His anxiety...

The rope made of sheets...

The ominous moonlight shining through the trees...

The cocking of a shotgun...


All at once he heard two large snaps of twigs, one in front of him and one behind him. Instinctively, Sam swung around in absolute panic to see what was behind him, only to regret it almost immediately.

In this pitch black forest illuminated by only moonlight, Sam could make out a person. But not just any person. No. This was the one person he feared most.

Alastor was staring right back at him with an almost insane looking smile on his face.

The teen met the man's gaze with nothing but absolute horror. A deer in headlights.

What happened next made Sam's heart stop beating, paralyzed by fear.

The sound of a gun being cocked echoed through the forest as Alastor held up a shot gun towards the terrified teenager... And before Sam could even scream in fright...


Sam covered his ears as a sharp cry of terror erupted out of his lungs. His entire body shook violently as he fell to the forest floor below. His ears were ringing and his blood ran cold... but he wasn't harmed. He didn't feel the pain of a gunshot wound. All he felt was fear and panic. So much so that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching and stopping in front of him.

The words Alastor spoke were faded and muffled by Sam's heavy breathing. It wasn't long before his hands, nose, and lips began tingling and his muscles began to stiffen as the effects of hyperventilation kicked in.

The adult carrying the gun stepped over Sam, walking toward something behind him as the teen's vision went dark.


When Sam's memories came back to him, he started to feel around his body, checking for a gunshot wound, but one couldn't be found. In fact, the only injuries he could find were minor scraps from the twigs, thorns, and rocks that were carefully bandaged up, but also a deep cut on his finger that was bandaged up as well.

Alastor turned back around towards his workbench but Sam couldn't tell what exactly he was doing.

"W-Where are we?" Sam asked cautiously.

"Why, we're at home of course." Al responded. "It would be quite irresponsible of me to be seen carrying an unconscious young man in public. Especially so early in the morning."

A rather loud thump was heard from in front of the man as though he dropped something, drawing Samuel's curiosity even further. The teen sat up and looked around the strange room. All he could focus on were the few candles sitting on the floor and on Al's workbench, the strange piles of what looks like clothes in a corner, as well as the strange metallic smell stinging his nostrils.

"W-What is that s-strange smell?"

The brown-haired man chuckled darkly, startling the boy. "Now now, I would highly recommend being careful with your questions. Wouldn't want to ask one you don't want to know the answer to, would we?" He said, not looking back.

Sam sat in stunned silence. That wasn't the answer he expected. This was some place he hasn't been before. That's obvious.

But- they're still in Alastor's house?

That tiny bit of information gives three possibilities. The first being Alastor's room but that doesn't seem as likely considering this space is much bigger than the bedrooms, so that possibility is out. Next is his office which is still very unlikely considering there isn't a desk. Plus Alastor's work involves lots of papers and there doesn't seem to be any papers in sight.

But where else could they be besides...?

The basement.

Sam's heart began to race as a memory from a few days ago began to play in his mind.


That day Alastor came back with blood all over his coat...

That bag that seemed to be dripping blood which he took downstairs into the basement and did who-knows-what with it.

That unforgettable smile that seemed so friendly and kind but hid true evil.

That unforgettable smile that could fool anyone.

That unforgettable smile that could fool anyone but Sam.


With wide eyes and trembling limbs, the teen slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position. "Where's Edith!?" His tone changed to one of panic as he whipped his head from side to side.

Al chuckled dryly. "Calm yourself. Last time I checked she was still asleep." He said before stopping what he was doing and turning around. His posture was straight and professional. "Though, I do suppose she should be beginning to wake by now."

At least now Sam had an idea of what the time was.

"So if you'll excuse me," Alastor stood up, dusting off and fixing his clothes. "I should be going now."

As the adult began walking past, Sam panicked once again, the rope on his ankle drawing blood, causing him to let out a sharp yelp of pain.

Alastor looked back, his smile showing content but his eyes showing frustration. "See look, now you've hurt yourself." He sighed. "I'll bring you some medical supplies and food in a little bit. Until I return, do try not to move very much. We cannot risk your wound getting worse or infected, now can we?"

The boy carefully nodded his head in agreement. As much as he hated the situation he was in and how fearful he was, he knew Alastor was right. This wound on his leg was not a small one and it becoming infected could be a very dangerous situation so if there was any time to listen to Alastor, it would be now.

"Good. I will return shortly." The man said before disappearing into the darkness.

When he was gone, Sam let his head fall to the hard ground below. Never in a million years did he ever think this is where he and his sister were going to end up.

But did he regret trying to run away?

His mind was torn. On one hand, he had to at least try. Try to go get help. Try to help himself and Edith. Try to bring Alastor to justice for the horrible crimes he's committed.

On the other hand, he was caught. He knew there was always a chance he'd get caught, he just thought he was careful enough not to. Apparently not.

Though, one thing confused him. Why didn't he worry about what was going to happen to Edith when he realized what had happened to him? All he did was ask where she was. Why didn't he ask what Alastor was going to do once she woke up?

Sam's heart began to pound, but he took a deep breath. He had to stay calm. If he let himself panic, he'll no doubt start struggling or even trying to get up, and that will make his ankle worse. He can't help Edith if he can't walk.

The teen ran his hand through hair. It's grown longer since he and his sister 'disappeared'. He hadn't even noticed how long it was getting. The front was long enough to be tucked behind his ears now. At least it wouldn't be in front of his eyes anymore, he laughed dryly to himself.

Sam knew he would have to take a shower sometime soon, his hair was becoming a little greasy and messy. Now that he thought of it, he's never had problems with his hair being dirty before. What changed?

At the same time he was thinking about this, his stomach reminded him of how he was hungry. That's strange, he's never had problems with being hungry before. Heck, before it was an everyday experience. Before, he - wait...


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