Yandere One Shots

By A_non_ym_ous

56.9K 1K 368

One shots for when I'm bored and have quick ideas. All these stories have darker themes and plots, most if n... More

The Arena
The Arena P2
Once Upon A Dream
Hack N' Slash
Hack N' Slash Pt2
Revenge is Sweet
Truth Hurts
All The Kings Men
Step Into My Parlor
Touch Tone Telephone
Into the Water
The Willow Maid

Into The Abyss

4.8K 108 22
By A_non_ym_ous

M.Sea Monster x Reader

      The water was clear as they dove deeper, the sun above them partially lighting up the water. The cenote had an almost closed ceiling, only letting in so much light to the water down below.
   Her heart fluttered with excitement, this sinkhole being one of her more thrilling dives. Y/N had dived all over the world, had seen many different caves and waters, but never had she been the first to discover. It was a cave divers dream come true, to be the first to explore the unknown.

   On the way down, small openings lined the stone walls, probably leading to smaller tunnels that went to god knows where. Darkness also became more relevant, as the suns rays were not so clear, and the water was becoming dimmer and dimmer. Of course, every diver has their own flashlight, and it was no problem.
   The sinkhole was deep, and over the course of many hours and decompression stops, they were reaching 40 meters. The amount where the diving started to become very dangerous for any average skilled diver.

    Bubbles floated from her face as she watched her companions flashlight light stop, hitting a cloudy bottom. Only a few ten or so feet below them, was thick, gaseous water; the color a swampy green. The front diver looked back, before moving on, all seven of them knowing this would be where they stopped.
    The sulfide cloud was something they would be risking their lives to swim through and continue on, especially since they didn't know how deep it went. Inside the cloud would be no sense of direction, no up or down, the flashlight wouldn't be able to travel through it. Even if they did go underneath, the dive would then be truly pitch black.
    Though dangerous, the cloud was a wonder to look at and to go in and out was fun. Y/N had experienced this once before and was happy to experience it again, knowing this spot would become popular among skilled divers.
  The seven started to spread out slightly, using their flashlights to look around and take in the scenery.

    The young woman swam down, gently moving her hand through the cloud, glancing around. She was surprised she didn't see more dead plant life, as that decomposition is what made clouds like this. Y/N was thankful that the sulfur smell of rotten eggs wasn't potent either, that's a smell she never missed.
   The divers all enjoyed their time in the seemingly mystical cloud, wanting to relish the end of their dive before they started the very long ascension.
    She watched as two went in and out of the cloud briefly, neither going deep. One poked his head up, bubbles flowing from his mask as he shined his light around. He swam to go back down, before looking back and forth. His flashlight starting to flit around more frantically, catching the rest of the diver's attention. He looked like he was looking for something- and then it dawned on her.

   The other diver hadn't come up.

   Her eyes widened before starting to look into the cloud herself, the rest catching the message, everyone now knowing the problem.
   She forced her breathing to stay calm, but her heart pounded in her chest at the possibility that that diver could lose his life in here.
    She reached her hands down, briefly diving, waving them around to try and accidentally grab him. But she knew that if he didn't come up soon, they'd have no choice but to leave. It was a death wish to go down and try to find him. Good divers know not to go back.

Y/N came back up, not seeing any sign of the lost diver, the realization making her feel like she was going to sink like a rock right there. They had lost a diver.
Everyone seemed to slow their search, knowing it was now nothing more than a lost cause.
Her hand clutched her flashlight with white knuckles, forcing herself to stay calm, she had to stay calm, even if he was lost.

Her eyes trailed to the center of the cloud, where a red substance started to float upwards through the green smog. Her eyes slowly widened, realizing it was blood, more of it cascading up.
Across from Y/N was an underwater scream as she snapped her head to another female diver- her flashlight being left behind as something yanked her down into the smog.

There's something in there. There's something in the cloud.

She wasted no time kicking her feet upwards, realizing the cloud had something in it, something that was going to kill them all if they didn't get away from it.
Could it be a shark? No, there's no way it'd be that aggressive and able to yank someone down like that. Squid aren't territorial enough- a fish couldn't do that- nothing can live in that gas-
Her panicked thoughts were stopped when she felt a hand around her foot, multiple sharp points pricking her ankle- before she was dragged down with intense speed, leaving her spinning and flailing in the water, by some miracle still holding her flashlight.
Her breathing picked up as she waved the light around, but it was no use. She was in the center of the cloud, her light unable to poke through the gas in the slightest.

The young woman looked around, trying to see a lighter top or maybe pitch black bottom, but it was green all around her.
On the verge of a panic attack, she clenched her eyes shut and just floated, slowing her breathing, counting to ten.


She knew if she didn't calm herself down she would launch herself into instinctive fight or flight and end up unintentionally killing herself.
Her eyes slowly opened, looking up at the green fog.
    Looking up.
    Around her was pitch black, the green smog almost seeming to glow above her.
    But she had direction, if she swam straight up, she'd be out of it.

    Y/N shined her flashlight around, her heart wanting to stop when she saw several of her coworkers bodies floating down from the smog, red coating the water around them.
   She wanted to believe they were alive, that they were only hurt and could still swim, but she knew they had been killed by whatever was lurking in these depths.
   Y/N looked back up, starting to orient herself so her fins were below her all while shining her flashlight around, alert for whatever was attacking them.

    A black mass swam through the light faster than she'd ever seen any sea creature move, leaving her skin cold despite the wetsuit.
    Then, a low clicking sounded through the water, somewhat similar to a whale but much deeper and faster, rang throughout the water.
    Once again, she forced herself to be calm, but had no time to waste.
    The female diver's legs kicked into action, swimming up towards the gas, her heart pounding out of her chest as that clicking sound was heard again, and this time, much louder.

    She felt like she was moving at a snails pace even though she was pushing as hard as she could.
   And as her head surfaced into the smog, that familiar hand grabbed onto her foot while her ankle was pricked... and she was dragged back into the depths...

Her body twitched.
Dragging me... deeper deeper deeper....
A strangled breath passed through her lips.
She gasped, waking with a jolt, air ripping in and out of her lungs as her eyes adjusted to the area around her.
Disoriented, she realized she was on her back, and rolled onto her side, her eyes squinting at the harsh light of her flashlight that was on the rocky floor beside her.
Weakly, she reached for it, her body exhausted while she caught her breath.

Her hand softly wrapped around it, before moving the light around, looking at the area she was in.
It was a cave- or more so a large air pocket, the walls and floor uneven and sharp in places. In the walls were small tunnels, too small for her to fit, similar to the ones on the dive down into this hell hole.
Her brows furrowed, she didn't remember swimming into here- in fact- the last thing she remembered was being dragged down by that thing and passing out from the panic that had ensued.

Once remembering that that thing still lurked out there, she moved away from the pool of water she had been sitting by, shining her flashlight over it in fear.
Her flashlight didn't reach far through the water though, as that same green gas was underneath. She gulped, really not knowing how she ended up swimming into this cave- or how a cave with breathable oxygen like this existed so deep beneath the water-
Y/N kept moving away from the pool of water, sweeping her light across the water- something shining when she moved the light across.
Two orbs on the other side of the pool shined, similar to how a cats eye would.

Her hand shook lightly, staring at the two glowing dots, suspiciously spaced like eyes, wanting it to be a reflective rock or some form of metal. With a shaking breath, her hand moved the light towards them before landing right on it.
Two black eyes stared back at her before almost immediately retreating back under the water once the light was on them.

   It was here. She knew it was. Y/N knew that had to be the thing that dragged her down here.

   The air was thick and silent as she stared at the water, not wanting to take her eyes off of it. She was a good ten feet away from the pool, feeling confident it couldn't reach her, but that didn't stop her from watching.
   Her eyes glanced around, looking for a loose rock or something, trying to find some kind of weapon. She'd have to escape sometime soon, and she knew that that thing would be waiting, she'd need something to defend herself with.

   A large splash sounded from the pool while she was distracted, and before she could even look, she was being tackled to the floor, a heavy weight now on top of her.
   Her hands were grabbed, causing the flashlight to roll away and cast a side light onto her attacker as it pinned her arms above her head.

   The thing on top of her had those same pitch black eyes, glowing from the reflection of light. It's skin was a pale, sickly green, similar to the gas in the water. It had too many sharp teeth to count and had the body of a man, a toned chest yet the monster's limbs were lanky with webbed fins on his arms. Long, silky, wet black hair cascaded over his shoulders, framing his face.

   Her chest rose and fell quickly as she tried to pull her hands away, but they were held down tight, those same claws lightly poking her wrists.
   She looked down his body to see he had no legs like a normal human, but a very long tail, a deep almost black green color; sharp spines starting small at the bottom fin and getting much larger at the top, stopping at his lower back. Spines lined the sides of the tail too, but in between them was a light green webbing, the same as the ones on his forearms.
   Y/N looked back up to his face, her eyes wide as his eyes stared down to hers. He- was a mermaid- or something like that- a merman I suppose. The thought was mind boggling, and even with being able to see it she still doubted such a thing could exist.

    For a few minutes, the two just stared at each other. Y/N had stopped thrashing, not knowing what to do, unable to get away.
   Slowly he pulled one hand away from her wrist bringing it back while his other, large hand held both wrists firmly still.
   His hand was webbed and had sharp, long claws that could easily shred anything to pieces. This thing- man- was a killing machine, and she knew from experience. From what she knew, he had killed all six of the other divers; a demonstration on how fast and strong he really was. He was an underwater superhuman, a predator, so why... why was she not dead yet?
   Maybe he's smart, so he wants to play with his prey. The thought made her stomach churn.

    His hand trailed up her side very gently, seeming to be very careful with his claws as he touched her. It was an uncanny kind of caution for such a creature.

"Y... you-" She muttered, his eyes snapping to her when she spoke. "...wha... what are... you...?" Her words shook, her voice meek, terrified to her core.
He didn't respond and smiled a little, his sharp teeth making the smile seem threatening. He leaned his head down and responded with a low click, the same one she had heard in the water, though now it was much louder and echoed around the cave.
He buried his head into her neck before pulling her into his chest, one hand holding them both up.
   She didn't know why she thought he may understand English, he lives in a literal sinkhole underwater. Words can't even really travel underwater. What's worse is he obviously liked the fact that she was making noise to him.

    Y/N tried to wiggle from his grasp, but he sat up, now wrapping both arms around her while pulling her into his lap.
"Mmph- no-" She muttered, trying to squirm away, but his brows furrowed and he held her tighter, his tail now slowly starting to wrap around her legs like a boa.
Panic flitted in her chest and her eyes widened, is this how she was going to die? Was this creature finally going to eat her?

Her suspicions seemed correct when he once again leaned down to her neck, this time licking slowly with a tongue she didn't know was there, tasting her.
Y/N moved her shoulders back and forth with vigor, not wanting this thing licking her; earning an annoyed growl from the sea beast, his hands reaching up, one grabbing the shoulder he was licking, the other laid on the back of her head.

"Stop!" She yelped, unable to move from the tail around her legs and the grip on her top.

Quickly, his hand wrapped around her hair, pulling her head back, before sharp shooting pain filled the spot he'd been licking.
Her face paled as a small scream rang from her lips, echoing around the cave. The young woman started to thrash, but barely moved in his grip, and it only increased the pain of a thousand needles digging into her neck. She looked down at him -barely able to move her head- but quickly realized that he was biting her.
A strangled breath leased from her lungs as his teeth moved deeper, her skin now all the way up to his gums.
She could feel his tongue moving around the wound, presumably sucking her blood.

Once again, she began to fight, only ripping the wound wider, like a deer breaking its leg to get away. She felt like prey. She felt like food, nothing more than a meal- and it was apparent that is what she truly was to this monster.
The diver gritted her teeth, waiting for him to rip the chunk of flesh from her shoulder or to claw her open. Waiting to be mutilated like her companions were, but he only kept sucking, not ripping or chewing, just staying in place.

Low, quick clicks sounded from his chest, the gills on his neck flaring. The sound seemed like a happy one, but Y/N was anything but happy as her head started to feel dizzy and her eyes fuzzy, her body going limp from the amount of blood he was taking.
Her chest weakly went up and down, and before she knew it, she was forcing her eyelids open- and losing the battle.

An incoherent word passed through her lips as she succumbed to darkness, the creature slowly taking his teeth from her neck as he realized she had fainted.
He licked his red stained teeth, lapping up the rest of the still oozing wound, thoroughly enjoying her taste.
He lifted his head from her neck and looked at her seemingly peaceful face, his breathing calm since now she was marked. That now the rest of the ocean would know she belonged to him.

{I did do research on cave diving but I'm no expert, so some stuff may be wrong.}

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