Midsummer's Magic

By EmmielouKates

2.7M 28.9K 1K

Beth is always running from love, life and relationships and yet another disastrous break up finds her in a l... More

Midsummer's Magic
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
We're getting published!!
Something free
And we have a winner!
You guys are awesome!!
Last day to get the free book!
We're going live people!
Launch Day!
The secret to immortality!
An Early Holiday Treat for y'all

Chapter 3

101K 1.4K 66
By EmmielouKates

Chapter 3 

By the time Beth had fought her way round Asda, (she had forgotten that in the summer season, holidaymakers stocking up on beers and barbecues swelled the numbers of regular shoppers), it was 8.30PM. She made her way back to the cottage and unloaded the shopping from the car. When she had organised the kitchen to a state that she could at least live with until the morning, she decided to forget the pub and make herself a light supper, open a bottle of wine, and collapse into bed. 

She was just finishing her second glass when her mobile rang; she looked at the caller ID and flipped the phone open. "Hi, Trish." 

"Hiya Beth, I didn't call earlier as I thought you would be too busy unpacking to talk. How are things in the deepest, darkest part of Cornwall then?" 

"Fine, everything seemed to get here in one piece, including me. I'm just winding down with a glass of wine before I get some shut eye. I'm exhausted." 

"I bet, because you go and run off on your own without a moment's thought about your friends. If you had stayed up here, we could have all chipped in and helped." 

Beth sighed. Here we go again. 

"I thought we had done this to death Trish. I had to get away, right away; you know fresh start and all that. It will be tough without your shoulder to cry on, but I can cope on my own honest." 

"Yeah, well, that remains to be seen. As I said before you left, you can't keep running away Beth. One day you will have to stay put and settle down like the rest of us." 

"Who says? I like my freedom, I don't want to be tied down ever, I just can't do the whole relationship, kids, house thing. You should know that by now." 

"I still think the only person you're fooling with that attitude is yourself, but it's the train wrecks you leave behind you that get me. Steve is still wandering round as if he has been pole axed you know." 

"He'll get over it, they always do." Beth rolled her eyes. 

"Well, although you are my best friend, I just think that one day you will fall headlong into a relationship. And maybe the guy will be the one to do the running; you might get a taste of your own medicine." 

"Not a chance, you know my motto, the three F's." 

And they both chanted in unison "Find 'em, fuck 'em, and forget 'em." 

"I just don't think you are as tough as you would like us to believe Beth. I have known you now what? Five years, and although I tried to get through that armour of yours without much success, I know that what ever turned you into this hard arsed bitch when it comes to men has to be resolved sometime. You can't go through life not experiencing the highs and lows of love, and one day you will realise that. I hope." 

"Yeah, well, I think I'm fine as I am. Thanks very much, but let's not argue on my first night here, please Trish." 

"I'm sorry; I just worry about you, that's all. Anyway talking of the three F's, have you met any local talent yet?" 

"Give me a chance, I have only been here a day. I did have a run in with an arrogant farmer who accused me of blocking his access." 

"I have never known you to block any guy's access," Trish laughed on the other end of the line. "Was he the weather beaten Heathcliff type then, all gruff and muscles?" 

"I wouldn't know. I was too busy telling him where he could get off." 

"Oh come on, when have you ever been slow in assessing the opposite sex?" 

"Ok. He was tall, dark, and muscular with these incredibly deep blue eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul." 

"Well, well, he did make an impression, didn't he? Will you be seeing him again?" 

"Trish, don't be daft. He was a rude, arrogant oaf, who parked my car so close to my garden wall it took me ages to get it out to go shopping." 

"And how may I ask did he get hold of your car keys?" 

"I left them in the car. It's not London, you know. My cottage is down a small lane that ends at a field, not much chance of having it stolen down here, but that's not the point," and she proceeded to give Trish the unabridged version of what went on that afternoon, refilling her glass twice in the process, and sinking deeper into her large soft pillows. 

By the time they said goodnight, Beth was feeling decidedly mellow and slightly pissed. As it was such a warm night, she stripped off and laid on top of her quilt naked. Letting the light summer breeze from the open window caress her body, she slipped into a deep sleep. 

But not a dreamless one... The touch of the breeze turned into the light, feathery touch of hands running gently down her neck and across her breasts. She felt her nipples stand erect from his warm breath before his lips sucked gently on them. Then his hands were sliding down over her waist, around her belly button, closer now to her pelvis, and gently parting those lips to find her hot and wet. Her bud throbbing, just waiting to be caressed. His mouth moved down slowly to that same place, and he began to gently lick and suck her. She could feel herself getting wetter as her body tingled all over with desire. She tried to pull his head up so that he would enter her, but he stayed kissing, licking and blowing on her hot, ripe bud that felt ready to explode. Then, his fingers slid inside her and she moaned with delight, getting wetter and hotter by the second. She raised her hips so that he could penetrate her further, still sucking her. Finally, when she was on the ragged edge, he moved himself up and entered her with his long hard cock. Gently at first, then he went harder, more insistent. He held her buttocks as she arched her back to meet him. Faster, faster, both bodies slippery with sweat, until she felt the final rise and shudder as they both came together. She screamed as she felt his warmth fill her, and her body burned in ecstasy. 

As her mind started to come back to earth, she opened her eyes and looked into the face of the man who had brought her to such a high point and saw....TRACTOR MAN! 

Beth bolted upright in bed, her eyes wide open, gasping for breath as she choked back the shock of such a vivid dream. After all, that's what it was, a dream. Her body felt satiated, as if she really had just come. She put her hand down between her legs and felt the warm familiar wetness. "Oh my god, I've just had a wet dream," she muttered to herself, but why him of all people? She lay back down and started to feel the chill of the night, so she pulled the duvet over her and drifted back to sleep. 

The next thing she knew, she was woken by warm sunlight streaming in through her curtain less window. The morning chatter of songbirds could be heard out in the garden. 

Briefly, her mind flitted back to her vivid dream. Feeling slightly uneasy about what had happened, she slid out of bed and into the shower. 

Half an hour later, she padded round her kitchen in bare feet. She wore cut-off jeans and a skimpy top, and prepared breakfast. In her mind, she was planning the next stage of getting the cottage sorted. She would get her office ready to start work on Monday, finish unpacking the boxes left in the living room, and then she might go out and explore the village. She switched on the radio and let the raunchy sound of Beyonce flood over her as she buttered her toast. Taking a bite, she began to sashay round the kitchen 'shaking her booty' as the song instructed. As she got more into the music, she twirled around the kitchen using a wooden spoon as a microphone, and belted out the words to the song. 

She was so wrapped up in the music. She didn't see the tall, dark figure lounging against the kitchen door watching her, a smile on his lips and those deep blue eyes twinkling mischievously. 

Liam had decided to make an early call to apologise for yesterday. He had walked up the path towards the front door of the cottage, and heard the music coming from the back. So he decided to go round to the open kitchen door. He was about to knock when he saw her twirling round the kitchen, eyes closed, singing at the top of her voice. As she jiggled, her pert little breasts moved against the thin top and below, tiny, cut off jeans her long slim legs moved her gracefully round the room. He was entranced. 

Then the music stopped. She opened her eyes, and stared straight into his. 

Her heart felt like it had turned a somersault as she jumped back and exclaimed, "What the hell do you think you are doing?" 

Liam stopped smiling and stood up straight, she was sure she saw a slight blush in his ruddy cheeks. 

"I came to apologise for yesterday and introduce myself properly. I heard the music and saw the door open, and was about to knock when I saw you, um, dancing," he stammered. 

Pictures of last night's dream skittered across Beth's mind and she felt the colour rising up her neck. Then, temper took the place of embarrassment. 

"So I can add peeping tom to your list of unpleasant characteristics," she blurted. 

Liam stepped back, stung by her sharp words. His face clouded as the venom in her voice cut through him. 

"I can assure you that my intentions were entirely innocent, and if you don't like audiences, I suggest you keep your door shut in future." He turned on his heel and started to march back down the garden path. 

Beth felt just a little guilty for having another go at him, and if like he said, he had come to apologise, she had better go and make her peace. What the heck, she didn't want to start a feud with a local on her second day here. 

She ran out of the kitchen door in her bare feet and started down the garden path. 

At precisely the same moment, Liam had decided to give her a second chance. Realising that she had been caught off guard in what was really a private moment, he turned and started marching back up the path. 

They collided midway. Liam being taller, Beth ended up with her face buried in his chest as they both toppled against the garden wall. He reached out with one hand to stop them both tumbling to the ground and grabbed her with the other to steady her. His hand landed on her backside, cupping around her pert bottom. 

As Liam steadied himself, he looked down, and their eyes met. Beth found herself drowning in those deep, blue pools and she caught her breath. For just a brief moment, she lost herself and could feel his heart beat against her chest. As they both realised where he had his other hand, they jumped apart as if a passing wasp had stung them both. 

They both started to speak at the same time. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Liam mumbled 

"No, it was my fault. I..." Beth stammered. 

Then they both started laughing, and the awkward moment passed. When she had managed to pull herself together, Beth said, "Look, let's start again shall we? I think we got off on the wrong foot yesterday. Come in for a cuppa, I'm Beth Hathaway, by the way." 

"Liam Trevose," he smiled as he held out his hand, which she shook and then turned and started to walk back towards the kitchen. Liam couldn't help feeling a faint stirring in his groin as he watched that pert bottom wiggle its way back up the garden path. 

Beth made them both a mug of tea, and they sat outside on the garden wall chatting. As they exchanged pleasantries, she couldn't help noticing his tanned, muscular arms, the way his quicksilver t-shirt stretched across his broad chest, and those long, long denim covered legs. 

Liam's voice cut into her thoughts about his body. "So, what brings you down to Cornwall then," he asked. 

"Oh the usual, fed up with the rat race, wanting to get out of London, I saw this cottage to rent on the internet and just grabbed the chance to get away." 

"Are you always so impetuous or did you have something or someone to get away from?" 

Beth's cheeks flushed again as he said this. Her head whipped round and she glared at him, "That's none of your business." 

Liam stared back into those green eyes. Thinking that he had rather hit the spot with that question, he felt slightly uncomfortable. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. Sometimes my mouth runs away with me before my brain can catch up." 

He gave her an apologetic smile, and his eyes twinkled at her. 

As she stared back at him, her animosity fell away as she lost herself in those deep blue pools again. They sat there, just staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, until the loud squawk of a seagull overhead broke the spell. 

Liam stood up rather abruptly, handed her his mug, muttered gruffly about things to do, people to see etc, and almost ran back to his old jeep parked in the lane. With one agile jump into the driver's seat, he started up the engine and roared away. 

Beth sat on the wall, still holding his mug, staring at the dust cloud he had left behind in his haste. "Well, that was odd... Nice, but odd," she mused aloud as she stood up and walked slowly back to her kitchen. 

Liam's mind was in turmoil as he roared down the familiar lanes back to the farm. He had felt something deep in his stomach as he looked into those eyes. It was a strange gut wrenching feeling, as if he had been punched. He tried taking a few deep breaths of the warm air slamming into his face as he drove his open top jeep, but it didn't seem to help. 

He pulled into the farmyard and brought the jeep to an abrupt stop, spraying gravel and dust up into the air. Turning off the engine, he just sat there pushing one hand through his unruly hair, thinking, trying to make sense of what had just happened. 

It wasn't as if she was the first woman he had ever met. God knows during his surfing days he had the pick of some of the most beautiful girls ever. Not just one night stands either; he had been in one relationship at Uni for over a year. But what he had always felt in the past was more transient, based around lust and just fooling around. No woman had ever affected him in the way Beth had that morning. It was ridiculous; he had only just met her. They had exchanged a few words over a cup of tea. 

"Hey, Liam!" 

Joe one of his farmhands, calling across the yard, brought him back down to earth. Jumping out of the jeep, he started towards the barn. Thinking to himself, he had to get a grip. The best way round this dilemma was to avoid her, at least for the time being until he got his emotions under control.

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