Princess of Mardalia

By blackgirlwriter97

1.3K 78 31

~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... More

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

84 7 0
By blackgirlwriter97

Aisha and Atticus re-joined the dinner just as everyone began taking their seats. At the head table the King and Queen sat in the middle, Aurelius and Axel on their mother's side and Atticus and Aisha on his father's.

The room quieted down as the King rose.

"Thank you for all coming here tonight. I am happy to announce Prince Atticus' betrothal to Princess Aisha of Mardalia."

The pair stood together as the room erupted into applause and guests rose from their seats. There were a few whoops from the men and pounding on the tables.

"Let us make a toast." Everyone grabbed their goblets. The King looked to Atticus and Aisha. "May your wedding be blessed, your union bring peace, and your efforts be fruitful."

The room full of people laughed in unison. Aisha hurriedly sipped her wine as her face lit up at the king's suggestion. Atticus smiled at her.

"Now drink and eat!"

They all sat down as servers began pouring in to set down their first course. The table was alive again with conversation and laughter.

Aisha was sat next to an older fellow, who could barely stop himself from replying to anything she said.

"You've got a funny accent," he said to her.

"Oh, well I am not from Pantoran, I'm from Mardalia."

"That would explain your appearance."

"Oh please don't mind great Uncle Levi. He has been senile for many years. He says whatever comes to his mind."

Aisha smiled. "It's okay. He hasn't said anything particularly rude and I appreciate his candor."

"One thing about it, I can't tell a lie. Back in my day you couldn't get a bride from some other nation. You had to choose from what you had. And back then, the women wasn't that pretty." He stuffed some food in his mouth full of missing teeth. "I would've done the same as you Atticus. Get me a pretty foreign lass."

Aisha choked a little on her drink and burst into laughter.

Aurelius heard the sound from beside his father and could not stop himself from peering over at her. The sound that came from her voice was like music to his ears.

"I am flattered by you Uncle Levi. You have truly made me laugh."

Uncle Levi glanced at Atticus and winked at him, sticking his tongue out of a gap where a missing tooth was with a silly grin.

"It's my pleasure to sit next to such a pretty woman. The least I could do is make you laugh."

They all continued dining and talking. The more Aisha drank the more comfortable she became and Helga was right, warmer.

By the time dessert came out, music was playing full swing and some people had gotten up to dance.

"Would you like to dance Aisha?"

Aisha peered over to where others were dancing.

"I don't know your dances."

"I shall teach you. This one is not hard. What do you say?

"I can never say no to dancing."

He got up and pulled her chair out and lead her to the dance floor where people were dancing lively.

"Follow my lead," Prince Atticus said grabbing one of her hands and placing the other around her waist.

They began their dance stepping left twice then right, left twice then right, forward, backward, spin her around, then repeating the motion.

Aisha giggled freely as she spun around and back into Atticus' arms.

"You're a natural."

"I love to dance," she said with a smile as they slowed for the end of the song.

Another tune started up. "Ooh this one is good too. This time on your 3rd spin we will switch partners, don't worry though, I will have you in my arms again before the song is finished." He smiled coyly down at Aisha as the song started and they danced again.

On her 3rd spin she spun into the arms of Axel.

"Well hello there, Aisha," he said stepping into rhythm with her.

"Prince Axel, what a pleasure. This certainly could've been one of the things you taught me on our 4 week voyage here."

"Dancing? You don't know how to dance," he said spinning her out and back into him.

"My people do not do this style of dance."

Axel remembered how her people danced and it brought a smile to his face. There were group dances, but not like this one, and when the party was going there were a lot more glistening skin, drums, and sensual bodies.

"Certainly, they do not. Maybe you can teach Atticus. I'm sure he'd be interested to learn your style of dance," he says with a mischievous grin.

Aisha blushed as she thought of dancing for Atticus the way her brother's wives had told her about. She spins away from him again and back into his arms.

"And maybe I will," she said teasingly.

The two finished their last twirl as she made her way into the arms of a stranger. He gripped her tight as he peered down at her.

"Ah, I'm glad to finally meet the Princess."

"H-hello sir," she said startled before regaining herself. "I have not had the pleasure of being introduced."

"I am Ronan, the Royal Ambassador, your highness. I am from the great Monarchy."

She spun away and back into his arms. This guy was weird. His dark, greasy black hair and spilled eyes, made her spirit weary.

"Well, thank you for introducing yourself," she said with a forced smile as they continued their dance.

"I am an advisor of King Eirik's. Your arrival at the castle was met with," he paused, "mixed responses, but I am happy for your arrival here, I have never seen the Prince so enamored." He smiled, but his smile did not bring her joy.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." She said ending their dance a little preemptively as she twirled into another set of arms, this time Aurelius'. He was actually smiling and held a twinkle in his eyes, similar to Axel.

"Well hello there," he said with a smile.

"You are jovial."

"I like this song."

Aurelius admired her as he spun her out, then back into his arms, but keeping a good distance between them. He wasn't sure he could handle her any closer to him.

"You've mastered these steps in such a short time."

"I owe that to your brother." She laughs. The sound perks his ears up.

"And how have you been fairing? Are you enjoying the feast?"

"I am having a very enjoyable night. My days here have been amazing actually. Everyone is so kind and accepting of me."

"You are hard not to be kind to or accepting of, Princess Aisha." He gazed down into her brown eyes and down to her plump lips as she smiled at him. He was charming just like his older brother, and dare she say, handsome.

She spun out, then into him again, this time much closer to him. His breath hitched as he looked her over once again.

"Thank you Prince Aurelius." Their turn had come to an end.

"We will dance again," he says spinning her away.

Aisha twirled, this time into Atticus' arms.

"I told you I would have you in my arms again before the end of the song."

Aisha pushes closer to him and whispers, "so it seems I am."

Atticus could feel every curve of her body against him. He rested his hand on her lower back and smiled.

"I know the circumstances in which you are here... but I've quite enjoyed your presence and this dance with you."

"You are a generous Prince, Atticus. I'm glad my presence here is welcoming and that my dancing isn't too shoddy."

"You could never be shoddy, Princess Aisha. You are a jewel amongst rocks."

Princess Aisha smiles as she reads the genuineness in his eyes. She could tell he meant what he said.

What did this mean?

Was she over I'ekae? Her heart did not ache the way it once did at the thought of not being his wife. Now her heart yearned to know what it was like to be Atticus'.

The song came to an end as everyone burst into applause. Atticus and Aisha walked away from the dance floor to a secluded area of the hall.

"Should you want to dance again, all you have to do is ask."

"You have been an attentive partner tonight, I could not ask you for much more."

"Don't worry about me. I want you to have anything you want while you're here."

"Anything? Hmmm?" She said with a mischievous grin. "Promises like that may be hard to keep."

"For you, Aisha, anything is the least I could give to make you happy."

She looked at him in disbelief. "You can not be real. How can you say such beautiful things to me and we have only known each other for 2 days?"

He chuckled. "I don't know... I know our arrangement, but I do not see why either of us must do it without...warmth or love. Whatever the outcome I want you to be happy and wish to help you find that."

"You are a hopeless romantic Prince Atticus," she said with a giggle and teasing push of his shoulders. "I am too."

His face brightened up red as he leaned into her. She sat with her breath held as they both peered into each others eyes closely. He moved a stray curl from her face before smiling and leaning back.

"I look forward to wedding you Princess Aisha."


The next morning Helga was in the Princess's room pouring water for her bath. Aisha awoke with a groan.

"Good morning Helga."

"Good morning, Princess. How was your night?" She asked pouring oils and scents into her bath.

Aisha smiled and sighed whimsically. "It was very good, Helga. I really think Prince Atticus might actually like me."

"I would think so. I've never seen him so smitten over a woman before."

Aisha smiled as she got out of the bed and began stripping for her bath.

Across the castle Atticus was listening to his mom talk.

"Are you spending enough time with the princess?"

"As much time as I can. I have kept her company in any way I can since she arrived."

"Do you think she likes you?"

"I don't know mother. She is very kind, but I know she is here out of duty for her kingdom. I could not imagine she could've possibly said no."

The Queen stopped her pacing with her hand on her hip.

"Well you must continue to woo her then. I would not want either one of you to be unhappy in this arrangement. You deserve love-"

"I do not deserve love, especially not from her, when she was brought here for politics. My concern is her happiness," Atticus said.

He couldn't imagine what it was like to be a woman and shipped off to a foreign land as a bargaining chip for resources. She would stay in Pantoran forever, marry him and give him an heir. If they are meant to be together he at least wanted her happy- or as happy as she could be.

"You do deserve love, Atticus. Have your father and I not shown you that?"

"Mother. Not everyone gets a perfect love story. You and dad were made for each other and that is fine. Aisha and I- I will take whatever she gives me of herself."

Before she could interject again.

"I must go. I'd like to eat breakfast with the princess again this morning. Maybe you can lecture one of your other sons. Especially Aurelius. I did see Merida eyeing him last night."

With a kiss to her cheek, he walked away leaving the Queen annoyed.


Aisha's first week at the castle had arrived sooner then she expected. She had become familiar with the halls of the castle and could find her way around most places.

Wedding preparations had begun.

The first thing they did together was finalize the guest list. A meeting that required the King and Queen, Atticus, and Aisha.

"Okay your majesties, our final head count for the royal wedding is 350 people. Have we forgotten anyone," the royal coordinator asked.

The next thing they did was finalize the menu. A Mardalian cook had been sent to Pantoran in anticipation for the royal feast.

"For the food menu, both cooks are creating a 5 course menu for the wedding. You two may choose what you want."

Aisha was excited about this. She had not eaten Mardalian food in over a month. She could not wait to savor her home food.

" I hope you love Mardalian food." Aisha said to Atticus.

"What is it like?"

"It's flavorful and rich and full of spices," She smiled at him.

The first courses came out. A Pantoran salad and a Mardalia couscous medley.

Atticus was weary of the couscous, but dipped his spoon into it first. It's was light in taste, but flavorful.

"This is quite good."

Aisha's eyes lit up as she took a spoonful as well. He face formed into a look of ecstasy as she savored the dish.

"Mmhh." She hummed.

Atticus could not tear his eyes from her face. She was beautiful and made tantalizing noises as she enjoyed her food.

"Okay which do you prefer," she asked.

"The couscous."

"I agree!"

The next course came out, 2 different soups. They opted for the Pantoranian soup. The 3rd course was a mini appetizer. The Pantoranian dish was veal cubed, with asparagus, and a white gravy drizzle on top. The Mardalian dish was a chunk of goat, covered in spicy curry sauce, and a small serving of rice.

Atticus unequivocally decided on the goat dish.

"My mouth is on fire, but that is delicious."

Aisha laughed. "That's not even very spicy."

"How can you say that?! My lips are tingling from all the spice."

Aisha laughed harder. "Awe you are adorable. I must help you overcome your intolerance to spice then, my soon to be husband. A baby could handle more spice than that in Mardalia.

Atticus smiled at her just as Aurelius came into the room.

"Princess Aisha," he said bowing towards her, "Atticus, Father is requesting you in the throne room."

Atticus turned to Aisha. "I'm sorry I couldn't finish this with you, please make whatever choices you want for the rest."

"It's okay. I shall see you later."

Atticus stood and began walking to the doors with Aurelius in tow.

"Actually Aurelius, why don't you stay and be my taste tester?"


"That's a great idea! You will know what the Pantoranian people will favor," Aisha chimed in.

Aurelius could not say no to her smiling face.

"Then I shall stay."

"Thank you, brother. I owe you." Atticus left the room as Aurelius walked over to where the princess sat.

He pulled the chair out and sat next to her, trying to avoid her gaze. It was fairly awkward as it was just the two of them.

"What have you been up to today, Prince Aurelius?"

"Just sparring and duties."

They both sat in silence as they waited for another meal to come out.

Aisha could not understand why Aurelius was like this with her. Sometimes cold and reserved and other times fun and light. She did not know if it was something she had done or just his cool demeanor.

The next 2 dishes came out.

"This is a Pantoranian favorite. Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and yeast roll. The other is a Mardalian specialty. Grilled lamb rack on top of a bed of rice with a heaping spoon of tomato soup with veggies."

They both ate of the Pantoran dish first then the Mardalia dish.

Aisha looked to Aurelius. "I cannot decide which to choose. They are both so good."

"Indeed. I want to devour both of these plates."

Aisha laughed and it made Aurelius smile. Her energy  was infectious.

"You were made to stay to help me decide."

"Well It is your day, isn't it? Why not have both."


"I'm sure some of your family would appreciate an authentic meal when they are so far from home and some of our people would too. I would definitely pick this lamb."

"Okay it's settled then, we will do both meals." She said smiling. "I did enjoy the chicken a lot."

"Are you excited to see your family?"

"Yes, I am. I try not to think about it too much, but I miss them dearly. Especially my little sister," she said as a lone tear ran down her face.

Aurelius quickly grabbed his napkin and saved her tear.

"Please don't cry, I didn't mean to make you upset," he said grief stricken.

"Oh please, it's not your fault." She grabbed the napkin from him and wiped her tears. "I'm excited for these halls to be filled with my family members."

"As are we."

She smiled at his kind words. When she looked into his eyes she could see that some of his walls had come down. He looked at her freely without glancing away.

"Are you excited to wed my brother?"

"I am more excited now then I was before. Your brother is kind and attentive," she paused, "He has grown on me. I see the way your father looks at your mother as if she is the only woman in his world... I could see Atticus and I having that."

"I hope you have that, Princess Aisha." He says and he truly means it.

"You know you can call me Aisha. You're the only one who does not."

He didn't want to be that informal with her. He struggled with his feelings about admiring his brother's betrothed. He did not want to lose himself.

"I know. I like calling you princess," He said with a smirk.

"And why is that?"

"Because, you are a Princess."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, Princess."

"The more you say that word, the more infuriating the title becomes. Well Prince Aurelius when I become Queen, I can't wait to watch that smirk disappear from your face."

He chuckled and she quite enjoyed the sound of the middle brother relaxing.

"I would still call you Princess, Princess Aisha."

"You are just as infuriating as Axel," She said with a roll of her eyes.

The last dish came through. 2 slices of cake on one plate. A Mardalian chocolate cake and a Pantoranian vanilla cake.

The two looked at the plate between them. Aisha scooted closer to Aurelius and picked up her fork. He froze at the proximity of her, her shoulder brushing against his.

"I do not have germs, you know?"

"I am aware," he said coming closer to her.

He could smell her from his seat. She smelled of rose petals and vanilla. Her curly hair was pulled into a ponytail, exposing her smooth neck. His eyes swept over her face as she savored a piece of the vanilla cake.

She looked over at him with her eyes wide with excitement and a smile on her face. Her lips moved as she went to cover her mouth.

"Are you okay?"

Aurelius snapped out of his daze. "Just got caught up in my own thoughts."

"Okay," she said hesitantly. "This vanilla cake is amazing."

"Well, I'll tell you that Atticus loves chocolate cake. We all do actually."

"Well then we will have a multi layer cake. 1 for chocolate and another for this vanilla cake. This is amazing." Aisha took another bite as Aurelius dug into the rich Mardalian chocolate cake.

"Yes, Atticus will thank me for this."

"Or hate you for getting to try this, in his absence."

Or hate me for trying this. He certainly would.


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