Mha Dekubaku One-Shots

By OssieThe0celot

17.2K 344 1.3K

A bunch of Dekubaku stories for you to enjoy! And maybe if they get enough votes/comments asking for more, th... More

Culinary Skills
New Look
If I Killed Someone For You
Prince's Prisoner
Night Alone
New Language, New...Friend?

Baby Boy's Birthday

1.9K 33 169
By OssieThe0celot

Ship: Dekubaku


It's Bakugou's 24th birthday and Izuku tries to give him the birthday he deserves. But it all goes to chaos...

-Non quirk au.

-There will be another part on Katsuki's next birthday.

-Katsuki works as a fashion designer while Izuku is his model.



Katsuki's Pov


The morning sun hits my face waking me up from my beauty sleep. Groaning, I shut my eyes and roll over but I hear a rustle. Wondering what it was I open my eyes and gRaCefUlLy sit up and scan my room. Nothing was different about it but as soon as I looked down I saw orange petals and green leaves surrounding me in the shape of a heart. This could only be the work of Izuku.

I gave only him a key to my apartment in case of an emergency but I see he's used it for this...

A light blush litters my face as I carefully step out of bed, trying not to ruin his hard work. I walk to my wardrobe and I open the doors to see an outfit already picked out for me. A note attached to the cuff. I pick up the note and unfold it reading the messy handwriting that I think Izuku tried to make better.

"Wear this and come to the park near your apartment.

See you then.


Your Deku ◕‿↼"

I rolled my eyes and tossed the note aside muttering under my breath how much of a hopeless romantic he was. I stood back and looked at the outfit. I gotta say. Izuku may have just thrown these together but they actually go pretty well with eachother.

He picked out a dark red plain shirt; black shorts that go up to half of my thigh; my combat boots I usually wear on a day out, and black fingerless leather gloves. I smile.

At least he put some thought into it.

I then take the outfit and get changed quickly, I have no idea how long he has been waiting for me, so I best hurry and try to get there.

But while I was changing I saw something black fall from the top. I went to pick it up and saw that it was a black mask. I raised a brow then carefully put it on. I looked in my bodysized mirror and smirked a little. I looked good with a mask. It only covered the top half if my face but I think that fine. I went and searched for the note and opened it back up. At the bottom I missed something.

"And Kacchan.

Wear the mask.

You're gonna need it.

Love you!"

I scoffed.
"What would I need to wear this for?" I asked to no one in particular. I shook my head and went back to changing. Once I was done, I looked in the mirror and thought the look wasn't entirely complete yet. I then went and found my chains that I then attached to my shorts and found my earrings so I gently placed them in my ears. I looked back in the mirror and felt complete.

I sighed then took my wallet, phone, keys and a knife just in case I needed it for self defence! Anyways, I headed to the entrance and slipped on my combat boots, walking outside and locking the door before taking the correct path to the park.

On my journey people looked at me, probably trying to figure out where they know me from but the mask, I think, concealed my features enough that they just continued walking along minding their own business.

I smiled. He remembered what I talked to hik about 3 weeks ago. I said:

"I hate it when people just go running their damn mouths thinking they know everything about our lives and what we do! When they aren't even in our lives! I just...wish that they minded their own damn fucking business..."

He obviously thought of that and implement this mask. He's too thoughtful sometimes.

Anyways I made it to the park and saw the cherry blossoms fall to the ground by my feet. I won't deny, it looked beautiful. But it all became less important the moment I saw him...






And yet he was still smiling...

Looking st me with

As if he wasn't in excruciating pain from...whatever- no whoever did this to him...

I was fuming. I ran to him, heart racing, my eyes stung from the wind hitting them, and I nearly collapsed into his arms.
"DEKU! WTF!? Who did this to you!? Are you okay!? Why are you limping! Stop smiling you dumbass! Do you need to go to a hospital!? Wh!-" Deku hushed me by placing his finger on my lips and smiled brighter. I glared at him and moved his hand away.
"Dumbass! Who did it?" He sighed and started to 'discreetly' play with my hair as he talked.

His voice was hoarse.
"It's nothing Kacchan. I just...I just tripped, how about we just enjoy your birthday?-" I hit him upside the head and yelled into his face.

"No! That's not important right now! Let's get you to the hospital!-" His smile seemed brighter than before, he then pecked me on my forehead, cupping my cheeks and looking into my eyes.

"Alright...but after we come back here so I can show you your surprise?" I rolled my eyes and started assisting him back down the hill, calling a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital, my hands around his torso while he held onto my shoulders. His form towering over mine. I hardly grew since high-school.

"Whatever, let's just get you checked up. And I'm still waiting for an answer to Who did this." I scowled at him while putting him in the backseat. He smiled at me and sighed knowing I won't stop asking until he tells.

"Fine...I was...kinda...found by some fans...and they...kinda got a little crazy...they were all over me! And the only thing I could think of was to push them all away and start running. But then, I tripped and fell down the hill, hitting a stone and I screamed out in pain while they all ran away...I then made my way back up the hill and took my position as soon as you got there..." When I tell you I saw red. I. saw. red.


"Ah! But uhm! Kacchan! It's fine! I'll be getting the 'help' I need from the hospital and I will continue your birthday plans as soon as we get out!" My eyes twitched, my breathing was ragged and all I could see where his green emerald eyes staring at me with guilt in them. As if it was his fault for the fans ambushing him!

I growled and muttered under my breath as we pulled up to the hospital, helping Izuku out and to the front desk. The guy standing there looked bored out of his mind, doing something on his phone, not paying attention to his surroundings. I rolled my eyes and slammed my hand down on his desk so I could grab his attention.

He looked up bored and slightly out of it. If I knew any better I'd say he was sleeping standing up with his eyes open! But all that vanished as soon as he got a good look at Izuku.
"'S YOU! Oh! I am such a big fan! Wi-Will you sign my hat?-" I glared at him and he shut up but Izuku hushed me and took a pen out of his pocket, signing the kids cap. I rolled my eyes and huffed, still scowling at the kid who died even notice that his 'idol' was covered in mud, bruises and cuts, being helped to stand up.

"Yeah, yeah, okay kid. Look, I just came in with an injured man and the first thing you do is ask for your hat to be signed? At least tell me where a doctor is so he can be treated!" I growled out, the kid flinched but nodded, pointing out a nearby doctor talking to a nurse.

"O-Okay th-then I will need you-your names..." I huffed, already fed up with him. I'm glad Izuku took this situation into his own hands.

"It's Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Midoriya." The kid nodded but hesitated before writing our names down. I tsked before helping Izuku to the doctor the kid pointed out.

"Can you help him?" I asked, immediately getting to the point. I don't like small talk. The doctor looked up at us and smiled, nodding her head.

"Sure, follow me. I have a bit of free time right now so you came just in time!" I walked more aggressively than I should of with Izuku holding onto me but I couldn't help it, everyone was frustrating me.

We entered a room and the doctor did her usual check ups. Coming to the conclusion that Izuku's leg had been fractured and he should be keeping off of it for a while, while also wearing a cast. I nodded along and Izuku looked defeated. The doctor gave us some pain pills to keep the pain at bay and gave us some crutches so Izuku could walk on his own.

I 'thanked' her and headed out with a pouty Izuku behind me. Calling another cab to pick us up. While we were waiting I sat Izuku down on a nearby bench and stood beside him. His sadness radiating off of him. It was getting irritating.

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday-" I cut him off with a glare straight into his eyes. He immediately shut up and looked down, guilty. I rolled my eyes again. For like the hundredth time today. And kneeled next to him so he was looking down on me.

"You didn't ruin anything Deku-" His brows furrowed as he interrupted me.

"I did! I let those fans surround me! Trying to be nice! And then I let you take me to the hospital! When it wasn't anything really bad and now I can't even walk properly so you have to care for me! I'm a mess...totally useless..." He buried his head into his hands hiding his face from me. This irked me. Why does he always think these thoughts? Doesn't he know I don't care for any of that? I just want him near me and that's enough.

I sighed and held his hands, pulling them away from his teary face, eyes red from trying to hold back the dam I knew was going to break as soon as I say these words.
"I don't care that they 'ruined my birthday', I don't care that you just wanted to please me with something elaborate, I don't care that I had to take care of you, I don't care. I just want you. And that's enough for me. So don't call yourself useless when I know even after being hurt like that did you only care about me and showed no signs of selfishness whatsoever. I love that about you and I don't want you to change. I have another birthday next year. You can try again then. But for now, let's get you home so I can cook Katsudon for lunch." His eyes sparkled at me and I saw the waterworks start making their way out of the dam.

"And it's spicy for you?" I chuckled.

"Yes. And it's spicy for me." I hauled him up and helped him into the taxi again.

"I love you Kacchan." I rolled my eyes and leaned my head onto his shoulder closing my eyes as I feel his arm snake around my shoulders.

"I love you too."

"Now I just need to call Ochako and tell her the plan is off-" He spoke, breaking the silence. I raise a brow and look at him pulling out his phone and clicking onto his contacts.

"What plan?" His eyes widened and he quickly brushed it off, calling her and putting the phone to his ear.

"H-Hey Uraraka-san!" I leaned closer to him, trying to make out what Pink Cheeks was saying. It seemed as I didn't have to as she then screamed at the top of her voice.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" We both flinched, Izuku taking the phone away from his ear and hissing in pain. He still smiled sheepishly and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me back to rest against him.

"Sorry Ura...a...slight mishap happened-"

"Slight? Is limping with a fractured leg called slight?" I rang out, Izuku looking at me like I betrayed him and the Ripoff Kirby was silent.

I stared at Izuku in his eyes, not looking away or backing down. He just sighed and looked towards his legs, his grip on my shoulders tightening.

Finally, she decides to speak and break the silence.
"Fractured what?" I roll my eyes and hold out my hand, wanting Izuku to pass me the phone. He got the signal and placed it on my outstretched palm.

I pull it up to my ear and reply to Blushy Blushy: The Game's earlier question.
"Yeah, a fractured leg, I took him to the hospital, don't worry. He just called to tell you that whatever you all planned for my birthday is off and you're all doing it next year." She hummed on her end but I could hear other groans in the background, signalling to me that she was on speaker mode.

"That's...fine...I guess...well guys we gotta pack it up!" More groans. But then I could hear a slap echo throughout the air. I was confused.

"Kaminari! Don't say that!" I raised a brow and spoke into the phone.

"Say what?" The line went silent, I couldn't even hear their breaths. I huffed and spoke calmly to them.
"If you are not gonna tell me then I might just have to not pick out your clothes for a whole year." Immedietly Weird Ass Smile replied and answered my question.

"Denki said that it'd be better if your mum came instead of you. Probably meaning to hit on her and you know Mina doesn't take that type of crap so~" I nodded even though they could've see me.

"Uhuh, well tell him that if he is to ever hit on my mother again I am going to rip his tongue out, shove it down his throat, stab all of his limbs 53 times, then slowly cut them off, throw him in a wood chipper, collect the remains, set it on fire, put his ashes in a picture frame and decorate my house with his remains on my mantle." I could feel Izuku tense against me as he looked at me like I was a hot, crazy, satanic figure. While the line was dead, they hung up.

I shrugged and gave Izuku his phone back, looking into his viridian eyes innocently. He chuckled before hugging me closer than before and took his phone, putting it back into his back pocket.
"Thank you sunshine." His smile blinded me.

"Ugh. Too much sappiness." He chuckled again and rested his head ontop of mine, smelling my hair.

"Have I ever told you that you smell like caramel?" I crossed my arms and tried to look up at him.

"Yes. Many times." I felt him smile against my head before kissing my hair.

"Well you smell beautiful~" He took a big sniff to exaggerate his sentence then traveled down, grazing his nose against the side of my head towards my ear.
"You look beautiful~" He softly kissed my ear and started to suck just behind it. My breath caught in my chest as he went lower.
"And you taste beautiful~" He then bit my neck! Locking his jaws in place as I tried to get away from him. But I couldn't deny the rush that enveloped me as he bit me. I loved it. I held in my moan and pushed away his face as he laughed.

"You mother fucker! How dare you!" I managed to push his face away and once I did I looked for blood, surprisingly there wasn't any. He didn't break the skin. Good. That would've gave me a horrible infection if it did...

I sighed and relaxed back into the seat, Izuku snuggling up to me burrowing his face into the crook of my neck, gently kissing where he bit.

"I'm sorry sunny~ you're just so pretty. It's so hard not to just shower you with my affection all the time~" He whined pulling me closer. My face was flushed; my breathing shaky; my whole body trembling; my stomach was leaping and I wouldn't trade it at all. I loved this man...

"Oi you two! Stop being all lovey dovey in the back! Get out and do that where I can't see it! Some people are single!" I rolled my eyes as my blush soon dissipated, not completely though...
"We're here so go on! Get!" I sighed before helping Izuku out and watching the taxi drive away.

"You know, I think I want you taking care of me all the time." I looked up at him and snarled.

"You are not getting hurt again under my watch!" He laughed as we slowly made our way inside.

"Gomen, gomen!" I smile, taking off my mask.

"And what was the mask for?" I smirked wrapping it around Izuku's neck, tugging on it slightly. A light blush seeped up from his neck to his cheeks.

"...I planned to take you to a popular place and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with all the fans and everything...I even had one for myself I  my pocket, so that I'd be just us." I smiled softly.

"This is why I love you, always so thoughtful. But always so goddamn stupid! I mean look at your leg! That us pure stupidity!" His face fell into a pout as he lent against the wall.

"I thought it was the fan's fault." I scowled.

"It is just as much their fault as yours!" I walked away leaving him in the hall to follow with the crutches.

"Wah!? Sunshine! That's no fair!-"


End of One-Shot

3138 Words

(That is the most words I have ever had on a page before-)

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