I rely on kryptonite infrastr...

By pttcch

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I just practiced the infrastructure game The infrastructure mad girl who reached the full level was suddenly... More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 91 - 100
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 131 - 140
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190
Chapter 191 - 195

Chapter 21 - 30

391 5 2
By pttcch

ʚChapter 21



    This time they brought back a total of more than 50 melting crystals. Lian Yun originally intended to make them into a structure similar to street lamps, which can be illuminated at night.

    But the current materials are too scarce to support Lianyun's idea.

    They were divided into three groups, and they found good positions on both sides of several streets frequently walked in the town, so that they could illuminate the road under their feet at night and not be too obtrusive during the day.

    Lina listened to Lianyun's vision for street lamps on the way, thought for a while and said, "The village chief can forge things. Uncle Gailin's daggers and swords are all made by the village chief. You can ask him when you return to the village."

    "Is your village chief old?" Lian Yun asked. After getting along with each other these days, she also knew some information about the village from Lina.

    Their village has existed for a long time, because there are few monsters nearby and the level is low, so it is very suitable for settlement.

    The number of people in the village has not been very large, they are self-sufficient, and their life is not bad.

    But since a group of orcs settled near the village a few years ago, their quality of life began to decline sharply.

    Those orcs were brutal and unreasonable. They often turned into beasts and went to the village to wreak havoc, not only trampling their fields and houses, but also ruining their food. The threats and losses they caused to the village were even greater than those of the surrounding monsters.

    It is also for this reason that many people left the village.

    The rest are the children picked up over the years and the few adults who can't let go of the village.

    Gaelin's caravan is the only way to make money in the village.

    Every time they go out, people in the village will prepare for a long time, dry food on the road, goods brought, and fat camel animals to be raised.

    "The village chief..." Lina rolled her eyes, "The village chief can't tell how old he is, and no one has asked about it. But Uncle Gailin and the others were raised by the village chief."

    Lian Yun nodded, half understanding. She was not very clear about the age mechanism in this world, but it sounded like the village chief was a highly respected person.

    She was also a little worried: "If he is asked to do a lot at once, will the old man be tired?"

    "No!" Lina smiled, "He likes casting objects very much. I remember he said that if he didn't want to be a villager Chief, I guess he will become a blacksmith." "

    And I have several partners who are learning casting from the village chief, and they will be very happy to help the village."

    Lian Yun touched her cheek with a smile Head: "You are working for the welfare of the village."

    Lina stuck out her tongue playfully: "It happens that my sister needs it, and our village is short of money."

    "Are you homesick?" Lian Yun asked suddenly.

    Lina's round deer eyes looked at Lian Yun without blinking: "I think. When are we going?"

    Lian Yun's lips curled into a smile, and he took the little girl beside him into his arms: "Tomorrow Let's go, how about it?"

    "Okay!" Lina buried herself in the girl's arms, seeming to jump up on purpose, but her voice sounded muffled.

    Who doesn't want to go home?

    Lian Yun hugged the little girl in his arms tightly, and gently stroked her hair with his palms to comfort her silently.

    The molten crystals on the ground shone brightly, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and for the first time, the night town had light.

    After putting away the melting crystals, everyone went back to their residences.

    Lianyun asked them to save some molten crystals and put them in the dwelling, and the invisible room became much brighter.

    She let Lina go upstairs first, turned around and knocked on Lanna's door.


    Lanna, who had just returned to the room and hadn't taken off his cloak, heard a familiar voice, quickly opened the door, and looked at the mysterious Lianyun with a good temper: "My lord." The brows

    of Lianyun couldn't hide his joy : "What color clothes do you want?"

    Lanna smiled slightly, and had a guess in her heart: "I like everything my lord gives you."

    "It's boring," Lian Yun muttered, but the ending sound showed her good mood.

    She shook her hands, and a long robe appeared.

    is black.

    "Do you like it? It's the same color as your cloak."

    "I like it." Lanna's eyes seemed to have stars in them, and there was gentleness flowing in them.

    "It's fine if you like it, but it doesn't matter if you don't like it..." Lian Yun's voice became more mysterious as he spoke, his hands shook again, and his robe turned pink.

    Lanna raised an eyebrow slightly.

    Adults like to do magic tricks.

    Seeing Lanna's unexpected expression, Lianyun couldn't stop smiling, and handed him the clothes with both hands: "I bought it for you tonight. It can change colors at will, isn't it amazing?"

    Lanna Nodding his head, his tone was gentle: "It must be very expensive." "

    What is this!" Lian Yunhao patted his chest angrily, "Are you not confident in my financial resources?"

    As a lord who has money but has no land to spend and is forced to be poor, he said , There are no materials for infrastructure construction, and no seeds for farming, so her only happiness now is to buy, buy, and then give gifts!

    The surprised and happy expression when someone receives a gift is the moment that makes her the happiest.

    "Hurry up and change the suit on your body. It's really shameful that I don't even have a decent dress these days." Lian Yun said with emotion.

    One day when she can enter the city, she must buy something cool, at least buy 365 sets for each of these people around her, and change every day without repeating the same.

    "I forgot to mention it to Gailin and the others," Lianyun said angrily, "I should ask them to help bring some things." In those

    days, she was so nervous that she only focused on how to protect herself and how to complete the task , all kinds of things happened one after another, and she was overwhelmed.

    To say that the energy that was really put into the construction of the town, I'm afraid it hasn't been poured into Xiaobai as much.

    "We've seen what your lord has done. With your lord around, the town will definitely develop quickly. It's just a matter of time." Lanna comforted softly.

    Lian Yun chatted with him a few more words, said goodnight to each other, and went back to the room to rest.


    The next day she was awakened by Xiaobai's scratching the door.

    The sound of scratching the door was so loud and urgent that she thought something serious had happened, so she quickly got up and ran to open the door while turning on the telepathy.

    Xiao Bai heard her footsteps, and sat down obediently the moment she opened the door, obediently watching the blank Lianyun with round eyes.

    "I'm hungry."

    The little Naiyin paused every word, and Lianyun's eyes turned black.

    "Didn't I just feed you before going to bed in the middle of the night last night?"

    "I'm hungry again."

    Being stared at pitifully by such a white dumpling, Lianyun couldn't say anything to blame, sighed slightly dotingly, and bent down hold it.


    didn't move.

    Lian Yun gestured with a black face, and saw a trace of shock in the eyes of Lina who heard the sound going upstairs, so he came to a terrifying conclusion in his heart.

    Xiaobai grew up overnight.

    If the previous Xiaobai was a slightly rounder mouse without a tail, then the one in front of him now has grown into the size of a small dog overnight.

    It seems even rounder.

    No wonder he was crying and saying he was hungry.

    "Do all your flying gerbils look like this?"

    Xiao Bai tilted his head, his eyes full of puzzlement.

    "...Okay." Lianyun tried to accept this fact, saw that Xiaobai was going to jump on his shoulder as usual, and quickly threw out a piece of meat to attract its attention.

    Xiaobai abandoned his master without hesitation, turned a corner and flew towards the meat.

    While it was eating the meat, Lianyun solemnly made a request: "With your current weight, you can no longer lie on my shoulders. Otherwise, I will be killed." No one will give you something to eat."

    Xiaobai nodded with an aggrieved face, and ate even faster.

    Lianyun and Lina went downstairs, and Abe had already prepared breakfast for everyone.

    Lianyun discussed with a few people last night that he would take Lina back to the village together today, so he had to replenish his energy in the morning.

    After breakfast, Lianyun explained the general route to everyone.

    The village is located on the edge of the desert, not very far from here. If nothing else, we'll be there before the sun goes down.

    "Why don't I take everyone there?" Abe scratched his head, "It's a long day, if I run quickly, I'll be there before noon." "Is it okay?"


    Lianyun thought about it, but... Wouldn't it be unethical for Abe.

    "What's the matter." Abe waved his hands carelessly, "I don't mind. I'm very happy to help everyone! And I haven't seen many people for a long time, so I'm looking forward to it." Lena nodded

    happily : "I must make it clear to them that you are not that kind of orc. They will welcome you very much!"

    Everyone left the town and set off for Lina's village.

    Aibei was very fast, and used his abilities to shield them from the wind and sand, and the three of them sat firmly on the bear's back.

    They have long been tired of seeing one piece after another of endless and magnificent yellow sand, and Lianyun was idle and bored on the road and told them about the delicacies of his own world.

    As Abe said, before noon, I heard Lena stand up excitedly, pointing in one direction and cheering: "We started from here! We will reach our village further on." Looking from

    afar Seeing a lush green parsnip field, Abe quickened his pace.

    "Look! Then..."

    Lina's voice stopped abruptly.

ʚChapter 22


    As the voice gradually became smaller, Abe's pace also slowed down.

    Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and fell silent.

    The parsnip field in front of me was a mess, many parsnips were broken or uprooted and thrown aside. Huge footprints shuttled among the fields, trampling the newly grown parsnip seedlings into the soil.

    The high-quality soil that was cultivated with great difficulty was trampled unevenly. The crops that the village has worked so hard for several months have been scraped to pieces.

    Looking further into the distance, the warm and beautiful village that Lina mentioned has been turned into ruins.

    This is much more tragic than Lian Yun seeing the dilapidated town of Bubu for the first time.

    It has been burned and looted not so long ago.

    The strong house was knocked down by powerful force, the door of the warehouse was violently torn open and thrown several meters away, the roof was directly lifted, and the inside was empty.

    Most of the village is built with stone walls. Lina said that there are stones of various colors in the mountain where everyone carries the stones. When building houses, they choose the color they like. It looks so colorful from a distance, which is very beautiful.

    But now the burnt outer wall can only be seen in darkness.

    There are also some thatched huts that have already been ashes.

    The thatched and wooden fences that were piled up between the houses were completely burned, leaving only the black charcoal after burning on the ground.

    After at least a day and a night of fire, no one could resist the fire until everything disappeared in the fire, leaving nothing behind.

    And after the extreme killing was over, in the deathly silence, there was no sound of life calling for help.

    There is no sound.

    Lina jumped off the bear's back in disbelief, her hands trembling, she took a few steps forward, her legs softened and she almost sat on the ground.

    "Lina!" Lian Yun rushed up to support her, and hugged her shoulders tightly, with a dignified expression.

    Lina raised her head slowly, grabbing Lianyun's cloak as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.

    The little girl leaned on the young girl's body for support temporarily, tears gleamed in her eyes, but she tried not to shed tears: "Sister..." "

    I know, I know..." Lian Yun's eyes were dim, and he deliberately slowed down his voice. I hope it can give the little girl in my arms some hope, "Let's go and see if there is anyone else, okay? Don't be so pessimistic."

    The little girl couldn't even utter a clear word. Struggling again: "But I'm late, I..."

    Lian Yun bit her lower lip and interrupted her words with a gloomy face: "Shut up."

    "My lord." Aibei couldn't bear to step forward.

    "What if there are still people alive? If you are sad for a second, let them struggle and suffer for another second. Are you sure you want to continue?" Lian Yun stared fiercely at Lina's eyes.

    "My lord!" Abe knew that she was forcing Lina to cheer up, but for a little girl who just lost her home, this was too cruel!

    Lanna stopped Aibei with a blank expression: "Don't interrupt your lord."

    Aibei looked at him angrily, but the latter was unmoved, so he had to look at Lianyun again helplessly: "My lord, Let Lina rest for a while, let's find someone."

    Lian Yun frowned and closed his eyes, exhaled lightly, as if fighting against his own thoughts.

    She opened her eyes and looked down at Lina, who was in her arms with lifeless eyes and seemed to have lost her soul.


    Abe breathed a sigh of relief, rushed up to pick up Lena, comforted her softly, and settled her aside.

    Lian Yun waved at Lanna, his expression was cold but much calmer than before: "Take Xiaohong, split up and find someone to let Xiaohong tell me."

    Xiaohong rushed to the sky and headed west fly away.

    After Lianyun gave his orders, he walked towards the east without looking back.

    She didn't miss a single corner, opened every collapsed roof, pushed aside the messy piles of stone bricks, and carefully paid attention to even the tiniest sounds around her.

    There are more than a dozen houses on the east side, and she rummaged through them one by one.

    The silence of everything allowed her to hear her own breathing clearly. Looking at the collapsed house in front of her, the glare of the midday sun could not illuminate her eyes, as if the sun was fading away from her eyes little by little.

    The darkness climbed to the corner of her clothes and covered her skin, bit by bit eroding her mind. The scene in front of her overlapped with the rainy night that she least wanted to recall deep in her memory.

    Such a general dead silence.

    The world was spinning, and everything around her was out of her control, spinning and twisting towards the distance she was looking at.

    And she leaned back.

    Out of control.

    Lianyun thought with a wooden expression.

    Such a dangerous perception made her subconscious awake instantly.

    But she was still falling.

    She was ready to fall to the ground, but unexpectedly fell into a firm and spacious embrace.

    "My lord."

    The familiar and gentle voice sounded beside her ears, and a pair of big hands wrapped around her slender waist through the cloak.

    The darkness suddenly dissipated.

    Lian Yun supported his arm until his brain was no longer dizzy.

    "My lord is too careless." The blond man in front of him smiled slightly, which made Lianyun feel extremely warm for a moment.

    She was happy for her luck: "Fortunately, you are here! You are always by my side! Lanna!" "

    Of course, my lord. Because you are the lord, the town needs you, and I also need your guidance. " Lanna's smile remained unchanged.

    Lian Yun was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

    Just because... is she a lord?

    "Yes, yes." The smile on Lian Yun's face stiffened.

    She shrugged pretending to have nothing to do, and returned the same smile: "I need you too, you are very powerful." "Really?"

    Lanna lowered her head and smiled muffledly, "Is it just because I am strong? ?”

    Lian Yun smiled even more awkwardly, as expected, he said too much and made mistakes.

    Seeing that he didn't say anything more, Lian Yun pursed his lips slightly, as if he really thought too much.

    She gently pushed the man's arm to withdraw.

    But after the man in front of her laughed, the hand on her waist suddenly tightened, pulling Lian Yun to her face.

    The distance between the tip of their noses was only a few centimeters, Lianyun was surrounded by a strange and strong atmosphere, and his whole body went down instantly.

    The man's blue eyes were as clear as water, reflecting her embarrassment, but the owner of the eyes was full of teasing.

    Lian Yun was taken aback for a moment, she could even smell the faint fragrance of his body.

    The girl froze for several seconds.

    The man thought she was too shy to move, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and just about to speak again, he saw the girl suddenly put her hands on his chest.

    A wicked smile suddenly appeared on the girl's pure and indifferent face.

    She kept moving her hands, pressed on the neckline of the man's cloak, and pulled it to the sides— "I want to     see

    your little Barbie pink gown!"

, anger, helplessness, and the most obvious gloom.

    Lian Yun pushed the man away while he was dazed, stepped back a few steps, and his expression recovered.

    Her eyes fell on the man's chest, and the man was wearing a black robe under his cloak.

    It wasn't the Barbie fan transformed according to Lian Yun's mind, and it wasn't even the one she gave to Lanna.

    "You want to pretend to be Lanna too?"

    Lian Yun was full of disdain, and pointed out his middle finger, giving him a mocking smile.

    The man seemed to have suffered such insult for the first time, with a dark face, tremblingly pointing at Lianyun.

    "You!..." He gritted his teeth and was speechless.

    "Don't make such an expression on his face." Lianyun's eyes were indifferent, "It's very shabby."

    She opened her backpack and scanned around, but couldn't find a weapon, so she had to take out a melting crystal regrettably and aim at the man His head was smashed hard.

    The man quickly turned his head, reached out to catch Rong Jing, and his expression calmed down.

    He raised his chin slightly, and stared at Lianyun, as if looking at a small ant: "It doesn't look that stupid?"

    The man's figure began to dissipate into fragments from bottom to top.

    want to run?

    Before he disappeared, Lian Yun spoke quickly: "You also want to pretend to be Lanna, you are so ugly that you dare not show your true colors? Is this difficult? Isn't it enough to have a face? No way ? No one is shameless, right?"

    The expression the man had just put together collapsed again.

    He seemed to be trying to walk towards Lianyun, but disappeared completely in the next second.

    Everything around him began to spin again, Lian Yun closed his eyes, and skillfully let his body fall backwards.

    "My lord."

    Those warm hands avoided her waist and held her shoulders firmly.

    What lingered on the tip of Lianyun's nose was different from the warm, flamboyant and supercilious scent of the counterfeit just now.

    This is a long and quiet, subtle yet bitter fragrance, which embraces everything and restrains the edge.

    It is the bitter fragrance of herbs from the wound carefully hidden by the beast, and it is the fragility that can only be smelled when you get close to it under the undoubted absolute strength.

    Lian Yun opened her eyes, and she saw the fair-skinned blond man in front of her with a calm expression, but his always peaceful brows couldn't hide his worry.

    Seeing Lianyun open his eyes, Lanna's blue eyes blinked, and a gleam of joy finally opened up, and his whole tense body relaxed instantly.

    "Lanna." Lian Yun called him softly.

    She has never felt so at ease since she came to this world.

    "Abe replaced me, so I'm here to find your lord." Lanna explained in a gentle voice.

    "Lanna is late."

    Lian Yun shook his head, and told him about the illusion he just encountered, naturally ignoring the details, only mentioning that the person turned into him.

    Lanna frowned slightly: "Aibei also encountered the same situation just now."

    "Then how is he?" Lian Yun was a little nervous.

    "He turned into a giant bear, as if... broke the illusion," Lanna said.

    Lianyun: ...Unexpected and reasonable.

    At this time, a moving shadow was cast on the ground beside them. The two looked up and saw Xiaohong hovering in the sky.

    Xiaohong turned to the west and uttered a few short calls.

    "We found someone."

    The two looked at each other and said in unison.


    The author has something to say:

    Did you get fake sugar hhhhhh

ʚChapter 23


    Abe stood at the entrance of the cellar to meet the children who climbed up the wooden ladder.

    They were all ashen-faced and exhausted, and their clothes were also dusty, and some of them were burned to the corners of their sleeves.

    There were a total of ten children who came up, and three others were injured in the cellar and were carried by adults on their backs.

    Finally, when Lianyun and Lanna rushed over, there were thirteen children and ten adults standing beside the cellar.

    They formed a circle, surrounded Lina in the middle, and fell silent as they watched Lina hugging the person in her arms.

    "Village chief... wake up." Lina cried out in grief, tears rolled down her face one by one, and everyone who saw it was heartbroken.

    "My lord! You are here!" Aibei shouted loudly, and everyone's eyes instantly focused on Lianyun.

    Lian Yun walked forward without saying a word, knelt down, and wiped away tears for Lina.

    "Don't cry, Lina, is this the village chief?"

    Lina bit her lower lip tightly and nodded.

    The dwarf with eyes closed and unconscious in her arms was the village chief of their village.

    This is something no one in the group expected.

    The treatment of dwarves in this world is comparable to that of orcs.

    Their race is deeply discriminated against.

    The power of the orcs is quite strong, since they are not respected by the crowd, they will stay away from them. Therefore, the orcs are generally distributed in places where other races are rare, but they will basically form a tribe to survive.

    There are degenerate orcs who live by burning, killing and looting, and some self-proclaimed orcs lead their tribes to strangle monsters and occupy a habitat.

    A larger part is controlled by the powerful landowners in the city from birth, working as coolies and livestock, doing everything. The only difference from livestock is that they have the same wisdom as other races, but even so, they are still Can't get rid of the predicament of being at the mercy of others.

    There are also very few organizations that break away from the main force like Abe, and survive alone or with other orcs.

    The situation of the dwarves is similar, but not the same.

    If orcs are treated like slaves, dwarves are cheap high-tech workers who are exploited and humiliated.

    The dwarves have an innate learning ability and craftsmanship. They focus on and love the work in hand, and treat life meticulously.

    But the creator gave the dwarves talents, but forgot to tell them the dangers of the real world.

    The dwarves are warm and kind, not only for their own lives and their own people, but also for the malicious foreigners.

    Even in adversity, they can face it with optimism.

    But because their physical strength and figure did not match their strength, they were bullied by other races.

    This is what Lanna told Lianyun, and because he knew the restrictions and difficulties of the orc race, Lianyun accepted Aibei and Xiaohong more tolerantly.

    Now facing the dwarf village chief who protects and maintains the entire village, Lian Yun recalls the situations and situations he may have encountered in these years, and admires his persistence even more.

    The village head was already gray-haired, his eyes were closed and he fell into Lina's arms, breathing shallow and difficult.

    The earth-brown skin had multiple burns, and his right hand was clenched tightly, as if he was holding something.

    Lian Yun handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Lina: "Let the old man drink it."

    Lina raised her tearful eyes and looked into her hand, recognizing that the bottle was exactly the same as the one Lian Yun handed her when he saw her injured.

    She didn't know how effective this potion would be, if it still couldn't save her...

    "Lena." A little boy stood up from the crowd. He looked a few years older than Lena, with short hair. Red hair, handsome appearance.

    He is also the most calm and silent one since he was rescued.

    "It's good to relieve the pain of the village head and grandpa."

    The little girl gritted her teeth and wiped away the tears on her face.

    Seeing her making up her mind, the little boy glanced at an adult behind him. The latter nodded and stepped forward to help Lina up the village chief so that she could feed her medicine more smoothly.

    The little boy pursed his lips and walked towards Lianyun. Someone beside him tried to stop him, but he stopped him with a look.

    The boy came to Lianyun, bent down and performed a standard respectful etiquette towards her.

    "My name is Buck Lyman, and I am a candidate for the next village chief." He stretched out his right hand towards Lianyun with a solemn expression, "Thank you for your rescue, Lord Lord." Surprise flashed across Lianyun's heart


    According to the age of the village head of the dwarves, the position of the head of the village should be passed on to an adult who is about the same age as Gaelin, but he did not expect to be handed over to a child in his teens.

    But judging from the performance of the young successor of Buck Lehman just now, the village chief's vision is fine.

    "If it's convenient for you, can you ask your subordinates to help us take care of the wounded?"

    Buck Leman's eyes showed just the right vulnerability, which made Abe's heart soften for a while.

    He stepped forward and patted his chest: "Leave it to me!"

    The boy cast a grateful look at Aibei: "Thank you, Lena is right, you are a warm-hearted and handsome, full of kindness, different Mr. Beastman."

    Complimentary words were thrown over like money, making Abe blushed dizzily, and waved his hands in embarrassment: "Where, where."

    He looked away and inadvertently looked at Lanna With cold eyes, he lifted his spirits, and quickly added: "But! We still have to listen to our lord, who has the right to speak."

    The boy looked at Lianyun again, pleading.

    Buck Lyman is a very good-looking little boy, and when he looks at you, you can't help being attracted to him. When he shows a fragile expression, it always makes people want to drop everything to care for him.

    Yes, Buck's appearance is probably the best-looking face that Lian Yun has seen since he came to another world, Lian Yun admits this.

    But what she's not sure about is, is this perception just because of her looks?

    After all, she is not very easy to sympathize with others.

    Lian Yun smiled lightly and did not answer directly: "Lovely child, you don't need to worry about this. I treat Lena like family, and Lena's family will naturally take good care of them." But no matter what, he

    did Made the right choice.

    Buck chose to believe in the "female lord" who had only met once, or in other words, this was his only choice.

    "Thank you, sir." He pursed his lips, his expression unclear.

    Although he said the words of thanks, he kept a modest smile on his face, and deliberately acted calmly, but Buck Lehman was still too young, and Lian Yun could see that his answer did not satisfy him too much.

    "Village Chief!"

    Someone in the crowd cheered in surprise, and Buck quickly turned around, and was shocked to find the village chief's eyelids in Lena's arms.

    Lena froze with joy, bewildered.

    he woke up.

    "The burn of the village chief seems to be..."

    "Healed!? What kind of potion is this!..."

    The surrounding villagers let out admiration and surprise. Even though they had never seen such a powerful potion, they knew that it definitely had The city is priceless.

    The white-haired village chief was helped to stand up, and Buck rushed over to support him with Lina, supporting him to stand.

    "...you saved me."

    Although the village chief's eyes were weak, he could not hide his sharpness. He found Lianyun in the crowd and judged her status at a glance.

    Lina reminded him softly in his ear: "This is Lord Lianyun. It was the sister of the Lord who took me in and brought me back. It was the sister of the Lord who took out the medicine and saved you." He walked in front of Lianyun with his support

    , Thank you solemnly with eyes: "Thank you, my lord.

    " It might offend you, but I want to know, what happened in your village?"

    The village chief's eyes flashed a trace of grief, and Buck caught a glimpse of his expression and immediately cut off the conversation: "Let me tell your lord..." "

    No , Buck." The village chief shook his head firmly: "I need to clarify this matter."

    "Start from the beginning."

    A few days ago, Gaelin's caravan set off from the village.

    Because the nearby orcs attacked the village when the caravan was away half a year ago, this is the first time their caravan has left since it was rested for half a year.

    And because the journey was a bit long this time, the people they brought with them were skilled people who often go to business, and the things they had prepared were complete, and

    Lena was old enough to go out and make a living, so they decided to take her to the outside world to have a look .

    Just in case, the magician Mr. Roque spent half a year drawing a life-saving magic circle, which is on this wine cellar, which can shield their life breath and resist damage if necessary.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as they left, the nearby orcs attacked the village with their back feet.

    First they destroyed their fields, and then smashed their houses.

    People in the village were arrested together, and some were killed on the spot.

    This attack came without warning, and even though they had guessed that they would come, they did not expect it to be so fast.

    The village chief realized that they planned to kill them all, so he didn't care so much, so he took the opportunity to set fire to the thatched cottage behind him, causing chaos.

    Taking advantage of the chaos, he led ten adults to cover the children and fled to the cellar, where he stayed for countless nights and days.

    In order to take them away, he suffered severe burns and fell into a coma.

    Without the guidance of the village chief, they dare not act rashly. Fortunately, there are enough grain reserves in the cellar.

    "If it's just a thatched hut, it's impossible to endanger the whole village." The village chief said in a sad tone, with tears hidden in his old and deep eyes.

    Regardless of whether it was because of the village chief's act of setting fire, the orcs were reminded of this practice of destroying corpses and destroying traces, and the entire village was burned. But the guilt and remorse that the village chief felt as a result of this may be indelible.

    "I understand you." Lian Yun said softly.

    No one can change what has happened, and she believes that the village head also understands this truth.

    "Thanks for your help... I really can't think of what my villagers and I would do if you didn't help us." The village chief's eyes showed genuine gratitude.     Lian Yun shook his head gently: "So     ,

    about what to do next... Do you have any plans?

    " =================

ʚChapter 24


    The village head was about to say something when he suddenly coughed a few times.     While helping him straighten his back, Lina said anxiously to Lian Yun: "The village chief is very tired, can my sister

    give him a little rest?"


    "Wait." The village chief stopped Lian Yun and let out a long breath.

    After his breathing subsided, he resolutely rejected the proposal to rest: "Take the medicine given by the adults, and I'm already much better." "

    Now there are things that are a hundred times more important than rest."

    The village chief is a stubborn person, since he insisted Now, Buck and Lena had to let him do it.

    "Where is my lord's town? Can you allow our remaining villagers to live temporarily?" The village chief said these words in a very formal tone, but could not hide his sadness.

    Lianyun brought people here, and his original intention was not to help them, but he was forced to help them with all his strength due to the situation.

    What's more, he still has something to ask for.

    For an old man with some status, although it is not unfamiliar to deal with it, there is always a trace of desolation in it.

    "This time they deliberately killed them all and destroyed the corpses. At that time, they didn't know the magic circle left by Rock, and they just used it as a fire to burn us clean, but if they turned back suddenly, they would definitely find us." "At that time

    , We don't even have a place to hide..."

    The village chief looked at Lianyun with tears in his eyes.

    "My lord, I would like to trade with you all the things left in our village, so that these children... can live." The

    village chief said, and suddenly pushed away Lena and Buck who were supporting him, and his legs One bend is about to kneel down.

    Lian Yun hurriedly leaned over and firmly held his arm: "What are you doing?"

    "Village Chief!" Buck frowned, obviously unwilling to see the old man behave like this.

    "I know you want to keep us, but..."

    But the person in front of him didn't know the details, and the so-called small town was even more unheard of.

    Even if Lina lived in their town and got along with them, even if they saved herself.

    Buck didn't want to easily believe that a stranger could be so kind.

    Holding back his tears, the old man shook his head slowly, and continued to Lianyun,

    "There is also a mutated parsnip in the cellar. You will know its value."

    "I know." Lianyun replied, "Your village is another A parsnip is still in my town."

    The village chief raised his head slightly surprised.

    The villagers looked at her with suspicion, fear, and cautious hope in their eyes.

    Lian Yun continued without changing his face, "I bought your cloak at double the price, and I wanted to buy parsnips, but they refused to sell them. Later, before Gailin left, they took the initiative to stay and said they came back to pick it up." The

    girl Raising his eyebrows, he changed the subject: "However, Gailin didn't say that you have two parsnips."

    Buck was stunned for a moment, and pursed his lower lip: "... Gailin trusts you so much that he dares to keep the parsnips. "

    And with double the price...

    what else can they offer to impress the lord in such a wealthy and luxurious town?

    Lian Yun looked at him with a teasing smile in his eyes: "Gai Lin still dares to keep Lina. Then do you dare to go?"

    Buck didn't answer, but held the village chief with both hands, showing his position.

    The boy calmed down, and said in a soft but decisive voice: "If you agree with the village chief's deal, please take the other children with you. They are very sensible and will not cause you any trouble." "But I will stay and take care of them.

    " village head."

    "What about you?" Lian Yun asked.

    The young man's voice was a little difficult: "If I can survive, I will serve you." "

    Who said the village chief should stay?" Raise the corners of the lips.

    "Our town is very short of manpower now. To be more precise, if you round up and include Lena, there are only five people."

    Everyone was really shocked.

    "A small town with only five people?" Buck nabbed, and paused when his eyes swept over Xiaohong, "there is one who is not human..."

    Xiaohong screamed and fluttered her wings, protesting his words .

    Abe was also a little unhappy with the young man who felt pity for him just now: "What do you mean Xiaohong is not a human being?"

    Lian Yun stopped him with a smile, and explained: "Kids, be careful what you say, this Cornelius and Abe He also belongs to the Beastman tribe, and he is older than you."

    Buck subconsciously covered his mouth, lowered his eyes towards Xiaohong: "I'm sorry, little... brother Xiaohong?"

    ...I felt a strange feeling when I heard it.

    Xiaohong soared her wings depressedly, flew into the sky and went for a walk.

    "Then the village chief, what do you think?" Lian Yun looked at him with a smile.

    The village chief waved his hands with red eyes and laughed.

    His expression was obviously much more relaxed: "I can't trust people that Gai Lin can trust." "

    But... is it really okay?"

    Although Lian Yun looks rich and powerful, they add up to more than 20 people, and they are not alone. small amount.

    Upon hearing this, Lian Yun raised a meaningful smile: "Don't worry about it. But I need to remind you in advance that the current situation of the town, and"

    Lian Yun continued: "Obviously our town will not stop here forever. If we want to develop, we need people from various industries. I heard that you are good at casting


    " That would be great," Lian Yun smiled sincerely, "You know, whether it is the equipment needed for the construction of facilities, or the weapons and equipment needed to expand the territory and eliminate monsters, blacksmiths are needed in all aspects." "If you

    need ...No, if you allow me, I will do my best to help you build the town." After

    solving a big problem and talking about the topic he is good at, the village chief's voice was like a bell, and he was very energetic.

    "My children are all smart..." The village head waved his hand and called the children behind him to introduce to Lian Yun.

    "His name is Bart, and he is Buck's younger brother. He has been learning casting from me for more than two years. If you have seen Gaelin's dagger, you will be amazed by his talent." The village chief smiled and patted the side. Looking up at the shoulders of a ten-year-old boy, "It was given to Garin by Bart before he set off."

    Bart has the same red hair as Buck, but shorter. He is not as good-looking as Buck, but he is much stronger than Buck even though he is a few years younger.

    Bart grinned at Lianyun: "My lord."

    "Are you brothers?" Lianyun asked curiously.

    "No," the village head replied for the two, "It's just because they all have red hair, their surnames follow me."

    Lian Yun nodded.

    She understood that these two children were the village head's confidantes, one inherited his position, and the other took over his craft.

    "I dare not say anything else, but I can guarantee your safety." Lian Yun said, pointing to Lan Na behind him, "This is my most loyal partner, he is very strong." Lan Na who was praised by the

    public He calmly nodded slightly to everyone, his earlobe was slightly red.

    The village chief and Lianyun talked about some related matters, and Buck led the people down the cellar again to bring up the remaining supplies and the parsnips.

    They have enough supplies for half a year's life.

    Seeing that it was getting late, the village chief discussed with everyone for a while and decided to take everything away at once.

    "No accident, we will not come back again."

    Although there is reluctance and nostalgia, everything is worth it compared to the safety of the whole village.

    "Take everything away, it is best not to let them find out that we are still alive." The village chief said.

    Lianyun thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Does the magic circle left by Rock have hallucinogenic effects?" "

    It doesn't seem to have this effect. Rock is usually not good at these things, and he even learned defensive magic circles for a long time. "

    "If that's the case, I'm afraid we have to leave now," Lian Yun said in a low voice.

    She told everyone about the illusion they encountered just now, and the village chief and the others couldn't help being silent, and their expressions became more serious.

    Buck said softly: "It sounds like some deceptive magic, but this kind of magic usually only changes the environment. If someone actually appears in the illusion...it's more like the handiwork of a succubus." "

    Succubus Demon?"

    It was another race that Lianyun didn't know.

    But now is not the time to ask these questions. Everyone realized that it was not only the group of orcs who attacked the village, but other races were mixed in now.

    Everyone set off.

    Adults carry huge suitcases on their backs. Lianyun has filled his backpack as much as possible, and Abe has also shared some, so he has almost enough things to carry.

    Xiaohong leads the way for them, and Abe turns into a giant bear, who can lead seven or eight people at a time.

    Some children who were too young even cried directly after seeing the giant bear due to the orc attack a few days ago.

    Buck and Bart comforted the children's emotions, and the two took the children to the small town first.


    The author has something to say:

    I'm late,

    I'm so sorry for the final exam week

ʚChapter 25


    Lianyun and the village chief were the last to leave. Abe was exhausted when he came back. Lianyun asked him to return to human form and handed him a bottle The big blood bottle restores stamina.

    Seeing Aibei so tired, the village head felt very guilty.

    "If the llamas we raised were still there, we wouldn't have to bother you like this."

    Abe poured a blood bottle and waved his hand, "It's not trouble, it's work."

    "Work?" the village chief asked.

    "Since I moved into the town, this is the first time I have made some contributions to the town." Aibei smiled, very proud, "Besides, we will be a family in the future, so why not be polite.

    " The simple and warm-hearted character of the residents sighed: "Although there are not many people in your town, they are all very good people. My lord, you have a good eye." Lian Yun smiled     knowingly

    : "Aren't you too?"

On the way, Lianyun asked the village head and Lanna if they knew about the race of "succubus".

    The village chief smiled: "Didn't you notice?"

    Seeing Lianyun's confused expression, the village chief smiled and shook his head.

    Although the girl didn't say it clearly, they could all tell that the lord was a bit ignorant of worldly affairs. Didn't the lady who was not favored by the nobleman be kicked out to inherit the territory?

    "My lord, the Buck next to me is a hybrid of a succubus and a human."

    Lian Yun:? !

    Did she just say the kid looked deceptive? It's just that I didn't expect so many races to be hidden in a small village.

    The village head naturally saw her doubts, and took the initiative to answer: "Gai Lin brings children into the village regardless of race. In fact, it is because of their race that they are more likely to be abandoned."

    " But..." Lian Yun glanced at Ai Bei who bowed his head and said softly, "There seems to be no orcs among those children."

    If so, Abe would have cheered for meeting his kind.

    The village chief was silent for a moment.

    "This involves Gai Lin's privacy. Maybe you can ask him personally if you have a chance." He apologized, "I can't make a decision for him and express his thoughts." Lian Yun nodded, expressing his understanding


    The village chief continued to tell the information he knew about the succubus: "I don't know why the succubus is a race, and the number has always been very small. Some of them follow the adventure team to do tasks to receive bounties, and some of them can take tasks by themselves. In life They have always been solitary, and they are rarely seen."

    "As far as I know," Lanner said in a deep voice, "Due to the difficulty in procreation, succubus attaches great importance to the juniors in the race. Although they are mixed But as long as they meet, they will try their best to take care of them."

    But the succubus who attacked the village with the orcs and cast illusions obviously did not intend to show mercy.

    "Maybe the other party didn't realize that Buck is a half-succubus?"

    "No," Lanner shook his head, "Succubus is born with a keen sense of the same kind."


    "So, all races are not the same as everyone thinks. It’s like that, right?” Lian Yun raised his eyebrows and came to a conclusion.

    Like the "crazy and cruel" Abe of the orc tribe, the "kind to stupid" village head of the dwarf tribe, and the succubus who "is always kind to the younger generation" of the succubus tribe.

    Lian Yun remembered that when he first arrived in another world, the mission statement about "Save the World" mentioned the quelling of conflicts between races.

    Will their solidified stereotypes of each other be one of the breaking points?

    "Actually, that's what I thought the succubus was like."

    When Lian Yun heard about this race, he had a completely different picture in his mind. In short... definitely not the appearance of the little boy Buck.

    Although Buck is nice to look at.

    "Yes." Lanna dutifully answered the lord's doubts, "The succubi I saw were all very low-key."

    Even though they were extremely beautiful, no succubi was stupid enough to flaunt their race all day long knowing that their race was on the verge of extinction.

    Lian Yun realized that he hadn't seen a good-looking young lady until now, and was hanging out with a group of men all day long, feeling that he had lost a great deal of fun in life.

    "There is always a gap between ideals and reality." Lian Yun said solemnly to the village chief as he was about to reach the town, "I hope you don't dislike our town too much later, you know, a strong and beautiful city It can't be built in a day."

    The village chief smiled and waved his hands: "What is your lord talking about?"

    "Since your lord is doing our best for us, I also want to say something from the bottom of my heart to you."

    Lian Yunyi became interested , pricked up his ears and waited for him to continue.

    "To be honest, I have long planned to relocate the whole village." The

    repeated attacks of the orcs made them unbearable, and the already not very wealthy village was even worse.

    The first few times were okay, they just came to plunder food, but later they became more and more ruthless. It was not until half a year ago that someone almost died because of this that everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

    Since then, the village chief has been secretly preparing for the relocation. One of Gailin's main tasks this time is to find a suitable relocation destination.

    When Lian Yun said that another parsnip was left in the town by Gai Lin, the village chief almost trusted Lian Yun completely.

    This is the most suitable new place that Gaelin chose for the village, so he dared to put the parsnips, which is related to the fate of the whole village, in the small town.

    Lina's staying is also so natural, there is no need to ask more, as long as one day Lina misses home and wants to go back to the village, the village chief will naturally understand Gailin's intentions.

    That's why Gai Lin easily agreed to the little girl's stubborn request.

    And after the village chief secretly understood Gai Lin's meaning, he was even able to negotiate terms with the inexperienced girl lord to control the transaction.

    Every moment is just right.

    It's a pity that Gaelin didn't expect, and everyone didn't expect, that the orc's attack came so quickly.

    Without the slightest preparation, people directly used the last line of defense to save their lives, and even lost most of the villagers.

    Lian Yun really didn't expect this.

    In fact, in the original world, she was just a little girl who had just graduated from college and was immersed in the game trying to escape because of the depression and depression of life.

    Although after these days of experience, she has already developed great courage and confidence, and she has matured many times compared to her previous self.

    But when facing the "human spirits" who came from another world, Lian Yun still felt the gap between people.

    But she wasn't discouraged either.

    Don't you still have Lanna?

    She is not a fool, although she may not think so much for a while, she can still feel that she has not been tricked.

    It doesn't matter if you say no, you can always fight, right?

    Lian Yun also understands that Gai Lin is a member of the village, and it is not normal for him not to work for the welfare of his own village.

    It just so happened that she needed smart people too.

    The village has moved here, so Gai Lin is naturally one of his own.

    "My lord has a really good temper." The village chief smiled, "but let me tell you something, it would be better if your lord has some dignity." "

    Even if you only have a small village under your command like me, there are still troubles. Everyone Although there is no bad intention, there are always people who will do unimaginable things." The village head said with a lot of heart.

    "If there is no majesty at this time, even if I am the village chief, they may not be able to listen to me."

    Lian Yun listened carefully.

    But she really didn't expect the village head to adapt so quickly, and now began to teach her the necessity of establishing prestige.

    She admired her very much: "Then how do you establish your prestige?"

    The village head narrowed his eyes slightly: "When Gailin is in the village, he will help me deal with it."

    "...Huh?" Lianyun didn't react for a while .

    Looking at the village chief's expression of "knowing himself", Lianyun suddenly realized.

    It turned out to be a fellow!

    Lianyun enthusiastically embraced Lanna behind him: "I understand now! Lanna can help me deal with it in the future."

    The village chief nodded in relief.

    As the sun was setting, they finally returned to the small town.

    Under Xiaohong's organization, everyone went to find a few houses, and took advantage of the afternoon to clean up the rooms. Everyone has a place to live tonight.

    The supplies they brought were placed in a large warehouse in the middle of the residential area, and the parsnips were planted into the soil.

    Lian Yun paid attention to the expression of the village head, seeing the dilapidation of the town, the other party was not surprised, but rather happy.

    "I thought there was only an open space. This is much better than I imagined. My lord, you are too generous." The

    village chief said with deep emotion.

    "And there are so many possibilities in such a big place."

    Who said otherwise!

    The village chief and Lianyun walked through the open space in the southwest, and then went around the business district.

    Seeing melting crystals on the side of the road while walking, Lianyun took advantage of the opportunity to mention the original purpose of going to them today - the manufacture of street lamps.

    Hearing Lianyun's idea, the village chief nodded repeatedly: "I have seen that kind of street lamps in the city, but generally the street lamps are full of flames released by the fixed magic circle of the fire magician." "These 'melting crystals' are

    indeed It's a good thing."

    The village head also enthusiastically shared with Lian Yun some street lamp styles he had seen.

    "I can make a few more styles," the village head said with a smile, "Since I'm here, I can also put down the village head's affairs and concentrate on my hobbies."

    Lian Yun gave a thumbs up, feeling more and more connected with the village head Getting acquainted is like meeting a bosom friend in a foreign land.

    "One more thing."

    When he came to the few houses that had just been tidied up, Lian Yun suddenly remembered the task of recruiting residents, and turned to the village chief to propose that becoming a member of the town required completing the contract on the altar.

    The village chief immediately called Buck and asked him to gather everyone around the altar.

    The village chief stood in front of everyone, and said in a formal tone, "This is where we will live from now on - Bubu Town. After several days and nights of darkness, I believe everyone knows how hard-won the current stability is. Such a small The town, such an opportunity, and such a lord are our greatest luck. Now we need to express our sincerity for our arrival."

    Lian Yun briefly explained the purpose of the altar to everyone.

    The village chief stopped talking and waved his hand, signaling a villager to go up.

    [Beep—the intention of residents has been detected! ]

    [Resident intentions from the human "Kelme": None. Degree: Two stars. 】

    Lianyun was stunned.



    The author has something to say:

    Welcome to collect and comment on Coriander!

    Kiss, hug and hold high!

    Confess that you insist on loving my little cutie! =3=

ʚChapter 26


    Everyone looked at the village chief and Lianyun with different expressions.

    Just came to this small town, the first thing Lian Yun made a difficult problem.

    "What's going on!" The village chief frowned slightly, obviously not wanting to see such a result.

    The man standing on the altar lowered his head, as if letting himself be beaten and scolded.

    "Village chief, don't be angry..." Lina walked up to him, grabbed the village chief's sleeve and shook it.

    "The lord's sister told me that this contract requires the applicant's heartfelt will. We just lost the village, and there is no way to immediately fall in love with another town, which is understandable..." Lina

    said As he spoke, he couldn't help choking up.

    The little girl looked at Lian Yun with pleading eyes: "Sister, can you give them some time?"

    Lian Yun glanced at the village chief, who pursed his dry lips, closed his eyes, and remained silent.

    Some of them may not have accepted the fact that the village is gone. Right now, the village chief is their only backbone, and they will do whatever he says.

    But this kind of behavior is like a puppet summoned by 996, without emotion.

    The Holy Altar has a loose mechanism for accepting town residents, and it does not want to accept residents at will.

    Lian Yun thought about it carefully at this time, and it was indeed the truth.

    Everyone is here, town residents are just a title, tasks can be done sooner or later, why force them?

    The residents obtained in this way, let alone the altar refused, Lianyun was not willing to accept.

    And what about the village chief?

    How could he not know this truth?

    The old man's old eyelids are covered with gullies, concealing all kinds of emotional turmoil in his heart.

    No one cared more about these people than he did. These were the children he had watched grow up, and he couldn't let go of each of them.

    Like these people, he lost his homeland and relatives, and witnessed the death of those around him beside him.

    Under such circumstances, they can still stand here without breaking down, and I am already proud of them.

    The old man sighed, of course he knew the pain.

    But he suppressed the severe pain in his heart, as if he had never been injured, he chatted with the lord and provided suggestions for the construction of the town.

    Everything is just for them.

    He couldn't wait for these children to be safe. There were too many changes and uncertainties. He couldn't bear the embarrassment that these children might be homeless again in the next second.

    In this desert, there is no second Lianyun and her town.

    Such anxiety never left his body for a second.

    Even if everyone calls "village head" and "village head".

    He knew that his village was long gone. From that moment on, he was homeless and wandering like his children.

    He even began to wonder if he was really doing the right thing by raising these children but causing them to lose their homes and even their lives again?

    The old man opened his eyes, and his dry throat made a very hoarse voice: "Children, don't call me the village head anymore. From now on, Bubu Town is our home, and I am one of them." "

    I It's called Gerry Lyman."

    Although the old man's voice was hoarse, it was still warm and powerful.

    His eyes glowed with confidence.

    "Everyone should go forward and look forward. You can't look back."

    Everyone looked at Gerry's smile, and some opened their mouths, but said nothing.

    But the ice in everyone's numb heart seems to be melting a little bit.

    Lian Yun watched this scene, beckoned to Ai Bei, and whispered a few words.

    After Gerry finished speaking, he walked up to Lianyun: "My lord..." "

    It's okay, I will give you time. As long as you are willing to treat the town as your real home, it doesn't matter how long it takes." Lianyun smiled kindly laugh.

    "Thanks to our tolerant and benevolent lord." Gerry was the first to say this sentence loudly, and then gave a complete salute.

    The people behind him imitated his movements and also worshiped Lianyun.

    It was the first time for Lian Yun to see such a situation, and he raised his eyebrows, suddenly feeling that it would be great to have an experienced helper.

    Lian Yun quietly bent down and approached Gerry: "Hey, do you know what the lord's assistants are called?"

    Gerry was stunned: "There are administrators who deal with big and small affairs, there are housekeepers who handle small things for the lord, and there are managers. Fields, livestock, warriors... what kind are you talking about?"

    Hearing Gerry's example, Lian Yun feels that he needs such talents with a wide range of knowledge now.

    So the girl straightened up and solemnly extended an invitation to Gerry.

    "I, Lianyun, the lord of the town. I want to hire you as the administrator of Bubu Town. What do you think?"

    Gerry was flattered, pointing to himself: "My lord, you mean... me?"

    "That's right. "

    Oh, she is really an extremely young and kind girl lord.

    Gerry glanced at the expressionless blond man behind the girl. The latter didn't look stupid. Why didn't he stop the girl from doing anything?

    Gerry kindly reminded: "My lord, I just stepped down as the village head, and I brought these people here."

    "I know."

    Gerry was stunned: "So their hearts are still toward me..."

    "Of course I know." "

    ...If I intend to usurp the throne..."

    "Ahem, you are not just my only assistant," Lian Yunyi Positively speaking, he pointed to Lanna behind him, with a playful look, "You are all second in command, and no one is better than the other." "

    So... Even if you make a mistake, he can still help me deal with it."

    The girl Yang A very confident smile.

    This confidence comes from the trust in the man behind him, and it is also a test for Gerry.

    Gerry smiled knowingly and accepted the test gladly.

    "What the adults said is very reasonable. I am very familiar with this group of children, and I can deal with them more easily."

    Maybe he was too hasty, mistaking the girl in front of him for a little girl who had no strategy for everything.

    Maybe she doesn't have enough experience, but she is definitely not an ordinary person.

    "Then what about the salary? How much do you think is appropriate?" Lian Yun touched his chin and thought about the things that made him happy, "How about 500 gold coins a month?" Lian Yun blinked at him, "As a subsidy, how

    about There are rationed blood bottles and medicine bottles."

    She said, pulling out two medicines and explaining their miraculous effects to him.


    Gerry might be starting to understand why Lanner let her do anything.

    Without falling, there is no experience.

    And even if they fall, they have enough capital to get back up.

    As a qualified administrator, finance is of course also part of Gerry's responsibility.

    He took office immediately and dutifully handled his duties.

    "My lord, even if you have gold coins that you can't spend, you can't squander them like this." Gerry said with a strong and serious voice.

    Lianyun: ...?

    The girl hissed, feeling as if she was lifting a rock and hitting her own foot.

    "As you know, the total amount of gold coins in the entire continent is fixed and limited. You can distribute gold coins outside the main city, but you can't be so casual..." Next,

    Lian Yun was forced to study related courses on "Economic Theory of Another World" , including but not limited to topics like inflation, currency devaluation, financial crisis, etc.

    In a trance, Lianyun even felt that he was back in the drowsy classroom of the university, and he was not majoring in his major.

    Lina handed the old man a glass of water with great insight, Lian Yun could finally take this opportunity to catch his breath.

    Seeing Lianyun's relieved expression, Gerry sighed slightly.

    It seems that there is a long way to go to educate the young lord, but in order to live up to Lianyun's trust, he will definitely work hard.

    "So does your lord understand?" Gerry asked kindly.

    Lianyun nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "I understand!"

    Gerry nodded in relief, looked at the people wandering around the altar, and said, "Then, my lord, let everyone bring some dry food back to the residence?

    " Lianyun, who was about to slip away, was refreshed and almost forgot what he asked Abe to prepare just now.

    "No!" Lian Yunlang said in a loud voice.

    "Go to the tavern! I asked Abe to roast some big frog legs for dinner!"

    On the way to the tavern, Lianyun and Lanna walked side by side at the end of the line.

    Seeing Lianyun's exhausted expression, Lanna couldn't bear it: "Why don't you go back to rest first, you are too tired today."

    Lianyun shook his head, his eyes burst into a strange light: "I am very happy! "

    "Honestly, I thought it was pretty funny."

    Gerry was funny and serious, a funny old man.

    Although she couldn't understand his chatter, she still understood the other party's kindness.

    Gerry is a good guy and really wants to do a lot for the good of the town.

    "That's good..."

    Lian Yun's voice was full of joy, but somehow it became smaller and smaller.

    In the next second, Lanna quickly caught Lian Yun who fell backwards.


    The author has something to say:

    Gerry (scrupulous): You need to know that issuing so many gold coins may have the following consequences...

    Lian Yun (fainted) Drowsy): As if back in college.


    I never thought it would be so easy to return to my own world!

    Just listen to a lesson from Gerry!

ʚChapter 27


    "My lord..."

    "Shhh—" Lian Yun struggled to stand up while supporting his head, and waved his hands to signal him to keep quiet, "I'm fine !"

    Just now, Lianyun's eyes were blurred, and weightlessness and chaos suddenly struck.

    Now that he has regained his senses, Lian Yun frowned and opened his information panel, and clearly saw - [Succubus Illusion Debuff].

    [Succubus Illusion Debuff: The general illusion will not have an effect, it only has a chance to happen when the succubus is casting advanced spells. Effect: The carrier will be inexplicably excited and hallucinating, and the effect time is short. ]

    ... There is no coma effect.

    Suddenly Lianyun froze for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the top of his head.

    The stamina value is almost bottoming out!

    Lanna watched the girl hurriedly take out a bottle of blood, and after the other party poured it into the mouth, he worried: "What happened, sir?" Lian Yun

    put his hand on Lanna's wrist, but the other party did not Carry this Debuff.

    She pondered for a moment and looked at the man: "What does the illusion among you look like?"

    "Abe said he saw a mountain of food, but because he was not hungry at the time, he passed it easily." "As

    for I..."

    Lan Na said honestly: "My lord, I have not encountered any illusion."

    What is the reason for this?

    Is it because Lanna ranks higher than all of them?

    After this question, Lanna also sensed something was wrong: "What is the illusion that your lord encountered?"

    Lian Yun pressed his temple, feeling very headache: "I met a copy of you, but the behavior is completely different. Like you, I don't like the scent on him either..."

    She didn't think there was anything, the feelings she had for that "Lanna" were not her real thoughts at all.

    She and Lanner are loyal partners who are honest with each other, and she firmly believes that.

    Even if Lanna encounters the illusion that is also a replica of "Lianyun", he will pass through it easily.

    But the problem now is that Lian Yun seems to be the only one who is treated specially.


    Could it be that the illusion also depends on people's dishes?

    The big troops have already entered the tavern, and the remaining molten crystals were moved to the tavern for lighting tonight, and now the lights are brightly lit from a distance.

    The windows of the tavern were not all sealed, and the melting crystals exuded silver light, and the light shuttled through the crowded room.

    It looks very lively.

    "You go too, I'm exhausted today." Lian Yun patted Lanna's shoulder and said.

    The latter shook his head, "I'll take you back first. Don't worry here, with Gerry and Abe here, nothing will happen." Lianyun knew that it was

    not time to hold on, so he nodded and let Back to the residence with the help of Lanna.

    She tidied up briefly, then lay down on the animal skin and fell into a deep sleep.

    In her dream, she seemed to hear the joy in the tavern not far away.

    In the chaos, she couldn't help but remind her of her own home.

    The place where she lived when she was a child was also so united, friendly and happy.

    Every holiday, everyone always gathers together.

    Celebrate together, chat together, talk about the future and tomorrow together.

    Lianyun is like a bystander, standing outside the window of the room, holding his chin to look at the "little self" surrounded in the center of the room.

    The little girl said confidently and firmly that she must do something in the future.

    The adults around her smiled lovingly, no one laughed at her ideals, and no one said anything depressing.

    Everyone looked at her as if she was shining, as if...

    she was the people's hope.

    Lian Yun felt very warm, as if he had returned to that world, and was immersed in the atmosphere of his childhood.

    She really wanted to blend in again.

    Lian Yun's face froze, and when he looked down, he seemed to have touched some invisible wall.

    The steps she took were blocked, and she couldn't enter the house.

    Before she could figure out the situation, the house suddenly began to shake violently, and she wanted to yell at the people in the house.



    Everyone was still listening to the little girl in the house talking, and it seemed that they couldn't feel the shaking of the room at all.

    Lian Yun was so anxious that his hands trembled, and he slapped the wall desperately.

    But the wall remained motionless, and the people in the room turned a deaf ear.

    Lian Yun gritted his teeth, suddenly a resentment grew in his heart, and he pointed at the little girl in the middle of the room.

    What is she saying!

    Shut up!

    If she hadn't been talking on and on, if she hadn't been in the house!

    ...It's fine if she's not here.

    Lian Yun's face gradually lost expression, and he became quiet.

    If only she died.


    A familiar reminder sounded from above her head.

    "Very hungry, very hungry~" "


    Lian Yun rubbed his drowsy head and sat up, looking at Xiao Bai who was running around beside him, shaking the floor.

    "Very hungry."

    Seeing that Lianyun finally got up, Xiaobai slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of Lianyun, and sat down obediently.

    Xiaobai looked at her with eyes as round as her body, blinking, as if saying: You woke up yourself, it's none of my business.

    The girl was full of helplessness: "How did you come in?"

    Xiaobai looked at the window and said sweetly: "The window opened, I jumped up.

    " Have you discovered Xiaobai's skill point?

    At this time, there was a knock on the door and Lanna's soft voice: "My lord, are you up?"

    Lian Yun moved his tired body, stood up and opened the door.

    Lanna was holding a plate with a grilled meat and a glass of warm water on it.

    The man said gently: "Aibei has just been baked. I picked the soft part and put less seasoning. It is suitable for you to eat in the morning." Lianyun took the plate, glanced

    at the physical value above his head, and thanked: "Thanks for thinking of me."

    After sleeping all night, his physical strength has not recovered much.

    Fortunately, the debuff has disappeared.

    Lan Na walked downstairs with Lian Yun, and turned around when he heard this: "Did you not rest last night, sir?"

    Lian Yun rubbed his hair upset: "It seems to be a nightmare, I can't remember the details. She

    didn't bother to think too much, and said casually: "But Xiaobai seems to have unlocked a new skill, next time I sleep with the window closed."

    Lanna paused, and met the girl's eyes.

    Lian Yun felt an uneasy premonition.

    "My lord, when I left last night, the windows were closed."

    Lian Yun: ...? !

    "I'm sure." Facing the girl's suspicious expression, Lanna was very sure.

    Lianyun swallowed the meat in his mouth, and subconsciously looked at Xiaobai who was following behind him step by step: "Did you knock down the window?"

    Xiaobai firmly denied it very unconvinced.

    It's just a mouse, how can it have the strength to knock open the window?

    Lianyun and Lanna looked at each other.

    "My lord, I went to the tavern for dinner after I left last night, and then I hurried back. I didn't see anyone suspicious on the way," Lanna said.

    Even in another world, Lian Yun is a staunch atheist.

    So last night, someone definitely entered her room.

    But she is now unscathed, except for a little headache.

    ...Wait, the intruder didn't hit her on the head, did he?

    The more Lian Yun thought about it, the more uneasy he felt: "We must find out who this person is."

    But without thinking too much, it must be one of the new arrivals last night.

    People with malicious intentions cannot enter the town.

    Lianyun is well aware of this truth.

    But she's also pretty sure there's a mole involved.

    It's a tricky business.

    Although it is imminent, it still needs to be discussed in the long run. The first thing to do is not to startle the snake.

    The degree of danger of people who can be monitored through the protective cover is uncertain, and Lian Yun always feels that the other party is very threatening.

    Lanner can handle it, but if he can't handle it, will the group of people led by Gerry turn back if they are incited or panicked?

    Everything is unknown.

    "I don't know the feeling of the unknown." Lian Yun pursed his lips and said in a deep voice.

    "My lord." Lanna's gentle voice calmed down the restlessness in her heart bit by bit, "I am here, and I will help you find that person." "

    Everything will be known."

    Lian Yun looked up at him.

    Without clues, Ke Lanna always looks confident.

    She remembered Gerry's saying that she was always fearless, and she smiled a little.

    "It's nothing to be afraid of, right?"

    Lanna's calm eyes and words slowly stabilized her mind.

    Lian Yun let out a long breath and said, "Talk about this to Gerry and Abe first if you find a chance. As for Lina, don't mention it." Lina is

    still young, and she can't always hide her thoughts.

    Although Aibei is a bit big, he is not sloppy when he should be careful.

    And Gerry was looking after those people, maybe the ones who were the first to notice something was wrong.

    If he can't believe it...these people might as well drive them all out.

    "By the way, my lord." Lanna suddenly remembered the reason for waking her up, "Have you received the reminder from the altar?

    " He quickly looked at the task list.

    [Resident intent detected]

    [Resident intent from "Lina": This is my new home and everyone's new home. I should set an example and actively integrate into this group. 】

    【Level: 7 stars. Is this resident application accepted? 】


    "She just went to the altar, he said she has already thought about it." Lanna said.

    Lianyun wiped out the meat, drank the warm water in one gulp, and followed Lanna to the altar.

    The little girl sitting on the altar stone swayed her legs boredly.

    There was a circle of people around the altar, and Gerry stood under the altar, looking up at the little girl with a smile.

    Seeing Lianyun, Lina waved her hands happily and raised her voice, "Sister! Have you received my application?"


    The author has something to say:

    Thank you for your support!

    The rookie author knows that he has many shortcomings. To be precise, this is my first book that has officially received attention.

    There are many places that are not well grasped, and there may be many places that people don't like when they look at it.

    The only thing I can be sure of is that every chapter I write now is my current level.


    I will work hard.

    I will grow, and so will the protagonist.


    Welcome everyone to witness our growth.

ʚChapter 28


    "Have you figured it out?"

    Lena nodded seriously, her eyes focused on Lianyun.

    Lian Yun smiled slightly and clicked [Accept].

    [Congratulations to the lord, the residents have successfully moved in! ]

    A [Lv.3] font appeared above Lina's head.

    [Ding—Progress of side quest (4/5)]

    [Sub quest: Many people and houses (1) (in progress): Congratulations, my lord! Just one resident away from completing Phase 1! Let us wait and see. ]

    [Mission Progress Reward: Facility Card × 1]

    Lianyun suddenly noticed that the experience above his head had increased wildly, and after a few seconds, the level became [Lv.4].

    "Sister, am I a member of the town now?" Lina jumped up and down in front of Lianyun.

    Lian Yun rubbed her head with a smile, and said dotingly: "Yes!"

    "I can help my sister!" Lina happily raised her thin arms to show off her "muscles".

    [Ding——Congratulations on the successful restoration of the tavern! 】

    【Reward items: a set of drawings of indoor facilities. 】

    Lianyun subconsciously looked at the top of his head again, and the experience value rose to 3/4 again.

    "The tavern has been repaired?"

    Lanna nodded slightly at her: "Abe went to lead people to finish the final work this morning."

    More people are better, and everything can be done quickly.

    Lian Yun sighed.

    The people around were not assigned to do anything, and they were all observing Lianyun's movements either covertly or openly.

    They saw with their own eyes that Lena was the first to become a member of the town, and there must be a change in their hearts.

    As for the amount of change, it needs Lianyun's continued guidance.

    Lianyun found Gerry in front of everyone and discussed his ideas with him.

    After getting Gerry's approval, Lianyun turned around and faced the crowd.

    "I'll keep you, this is my decision. But Bubu Town never raises idlers. I believe that you are not idlers in the original village. From today onwards, I will assign tasks to you. You need to complete the tasks you need to do every day and get two meals a day." Two

    meals a day is the eating habit of most people in this world. Their dinner is fixed, but they only choose one of lunch and breakfast.

    This is what Lianyun has thought about ever since he decided to accept them.

    She sympathizes with them for being homeless, but she is also not a philanthropist, and cannot support a group of idlers unconditionally.

    She has the ultimate mission and her own ultimate goal.

    She is going back to her own world.

    Every opportunity must be seized and efforts must be made to speed up the progress of the town and complete the progress.

    This is also the result of her discussion with Gerry.

    Gerry agrees that they have something to do, which is also conducive to the formation of a basic labor and remuneration mechanism in the town.

    "As for the distribution system of tasks and rewards, it will be jointly formulated by Gerry and Lanner, and it will be launched within a few days." "

    What do you think?" Lian Yun smiled slightly at everyone.

    Everyone looked at each other and nodded in unison.

    Lianyun was very satisfied, and added one more: "Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to work." "

    This," Buck raised his hand silently, "I disagree."

    Buck's eyes were light: "I'm going to be 14 soon. , I am in good health and can work."

    His brother Bart also jumped up and tried to reject Lianyun's proposal: "Master! Although I am 12 years old, but look at me—" Lianyun has long

    noticed that Bart is strong and tall, even though he is 15 years old Also very believable.

    The kids here are so precocious...

    "Okay," Lian Yun sighed.

    "That's fine. You can take on tasks and participate in work, but you can't do too dangerous labor. You must strictly abide by Gerry's arrangements." Now

    the dozen or so children are no younger than seven years old, and they all seem to be at least seven years old. Those who can protect their own safety, have self-knowledge, and will not do things beyond their own capabilities.

    "Okay! We must keep your words in mind." Bart smiled brightly.

    When Lianyun finished handling the assignment, he turned around and saw Gerry was about to leave, so he stopped him quickly.

    Gerry turned his head and showed a look of praise towards Lianyun: "My lord, don't worry, I will definitely help you to come up with my best plan." "Oh, that's right. My

    lord can provide me with the funds for the current town Reserve? Including gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins?" Gerry suddenly remembered.

    Hearing this, Lian Yun pursed his lips, looking a little troubled.

    Gerry was stunned for a moment, and said in the same embarrassing way: "My lord...is the fund insufficient?" "

    That's not true, you don't have to worry about the fund issue at all."

    Lian Yun said melancholy: "It's just that I haven't seen any silver coins . And copper coins, do you still have these two currencies?"

    Gerry: ...

    "Are you serious, sir?" Gerry was very professional and asked very politely.

    When Lian Yun cast a sincere and beating look, Gerry fell silent.

    "Okay, I understand."

    Now he couldn't figure out where Lian Yun came from.

    What kind of family can raise such a lord? I don't know that other races in the mainland have untold wealth, and I haven't even seen copper and silver coins.

    And he doesn't really want to know now.

    Gerry got the answer, but lost his curiosity.

    But now he is more sure that Lian Yun in this situation needs his help even more.

    For example——

    "My lord, stop explaining your financial situation to others." "Professor" Gerry said seriously.

    "It is likely to attract the attention of others. If you are targeted, you should know that it will be very dangerous."

    Seeing Lianyun's expression suddenly froze, Geli's vicissitudes of life gradually surfaced a serious expression.

    "Have you told anyone else?"

    Lian Yun suddenly raised a finger: "Gai Lin also knows."

    Gerry breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay. Gai Lin won't talk nonsense."

    Lian Yun said obediently nod.

    "In this case, I'll go back and prepare first."

    Lian Yungang was about to continue nodding, but suddenly remembered the reason why he called Gerry, stopped him again, and handed him a stack of drawings.

    [A set of indoor facilities drawings: including the production methods of various furniture and public facilities. 】

    Gerry took the drawings, flipped through a few pages, and was pleasantly surprised.

    "You can take it back and study it slowly..." Lian Yun said thoughtfully.

    Before the words finished, Gerry looked solemn: "My lord, I will keep these exquisite designs carefully, and I will choose very reliable people to make them with me."...

    Lian Yun swallowed the second half of the sentence silently, "You You can find a few more people to study."

    The soul of Geli's craftsman was burning crazily, and he had no intention of leaving, so he pulled Lianyun to ask about the blueprint.

    Lian Yun turned his head, saw Lan Na coming, and winked at him bitterly.

    The latter understood, and interjected to get her: "My lord, there is a child looking for you over there."

    Lan Na successfully got her away.

    "Next time I have to let you deliver something." Lian Yun felt relieved, looking at him suspiciously, "Is someone really looking for me?"

    Lanna nodded, "The seeds I planted next to the parsnip before have grown up."


    grown up.

    When Lianyun and Lanna arrived, a little brown-haired girl was squatting side by side with Lina, and the cluster of small round leaves was right in front of them.

    No, it can no longer be called round leaves.

    It's right to call it Dayuanye.

    It seems that a day and a night have passed, and the leaves are now as big as four or five palms, and there is a tendency to continue to grow.

    "My lord." The little brown-haired girl stood up, she was wearing a red plaid skirt that reached her ankles, her voice was soft and soft.

    Lina proudly introduced the little girl to Lian Yun: "Her name is Mei Li, and

    she is very good at growing things!" What kind of plant is this?"

    And Lianyun looked at the round leaf inexplicably, and finally knew why it felt inexplicably familiar...

    "Over there...we call it the lotus leaf."

    Lianyun said with difficulty.

    "Did your lord know this plant before?" Lanna asked.

    "Yes, but I didn't recognize it at first."

    After all...how did she expect that lotus flowers can grow on sand! ?

    Meili nodded with some understanding, looked at Lianye and smiled slightly: "What a nice name."

    Lianyun was silent for a moment.

    She always felt that the way Meili looked at Lianye...as if she was looking at her own child.

    Lina gave her a soft "shh" by raising a finger.

    "Mei Li is very obsessed with all kinds of plants, especially the rare and unseen ones." Lina whispered, pointing to the parsnips next to her, "She was taking care of these two parsnips in the village before. She took good care of it."

    "The parsnips in the field were trampled, and she was the saddest."

    Lian Yun thoughtfully, lowered his voice and said, "Since she is good at it, let her take care of the lotus?" "

    Really Is it?!" Mei Li suddenly jumped out, her eyes sparkling.

    "Yes." Lian Yun patted his chest to calm the soul that was about to fly out.

    Meili suddenly became tactful again, bit her lower lip and said: "But I have never grown this kind of plant before, I am afraid..." "

    Don't worry, I have never grown it before, you must be better than me." After practicing Yuntou Trusting eyes.

ʚChapter 29


    Lianyun gave Mei Li the task of taking care of the fields, and planned to tell Gerry about this later, and add it to the task list first.

    "It's just that there is no need for so many people here now." Lanna reminded.

    Lianyun: "I know, so I plan to send some people to go to the cave with you and Abe, what do you think?"

    You can fight frogs, which is also a source of food and experience.

    Lanna thought for a while: "Yes. But they may need some training."

    "You can arrange this," Lian Yun nodded, "I still have a few days of meat reserves here, and it's best to act before they run out. "

    She paused, and then said: "I will go with you at that time." Last time I

    went to find that the pool water is still connected to a deeper cave, if there are no frogs in the outer cave next time, they should find a way to go deep into the lower cave. A cave.

    "By the way," Lian Yun suddenly remembered something and looked around, "Where is the fisherman summoned by the summoning box?"

    She remembered that the fisherman came back with them.

    Lan Na turned around and took Lian Yun to walk in one direction, and saw the fishermen after a while.

    [Fisherman No. 1685] with his back to them, squatting at the mouth of the well bored.

    The two detoured in front of him, and found that he was holding a fishing rod in his hand, and the hook was thrown to the bottom of the well, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

    Lianyun: "...For a puppet born as a fisherman, it is so cruel not to be able to fish."

    So she immediately made a decision: "We will bring him next time."

    After all, she also has fishing skills, but the next five The skill name has not been activated yet, and I don't know if it will come in handy.

    After confirming that the No. 1685 fisherman was just depressed and there was no major problem, Lian Yun took Lanna to the store to refresh today's purchase limit.

    【A bag of growth hormone fertilizer (advanced): Contains all the nutrients needed by plants, allowing your plants to grow rapidly and mature overnight. ]

    [Price: 999 gold coins]

    After Lianyun clicked to buy, he handed it to Lanna behind him, and asked him to hand it over to Meili later.

    It happened that Meili was taking care of Lianye. If she could grow up overnight, it would give Meili a sense of accomplishment.

    I randomly picked a daily lucky bag and got [three-piece stationery set].

    Includes a quill, a blank sheet of paper, and a bottle of ink.

    After asking Lanna, Lianyun was a little disappointed when he learned that there are such things in this world.

    I haven't drawn anything useful for several times, either some ordinary food or some small items.

    Although Lianyun can use them, what she hopes to get now is something that can help the development and construction of the town.


    the next day.

    Gerry came to Lianyun early to report the formulation of the rules.

    "It was done so quickly?" Lian Yun was really surprised, she thought it would take two days to start.

    Gerry smiled: "There are not many tasks that can be done now. There will be more things in the future, and I will improve at any time."

    Because Lianyun only has gold coins now, Gerry plans to use the point system to exchange tasks and rewards.

    According to the priority of tasks, different points are allocated, and residents can accept tasks according to their own abilities and needs.

    After the task is completed, Gerry will distribute points according to the completion degree and quality of the task.

    All points are recorded by Gerry.

    This is not an easy workload, especially when the number of residents and things become more complicated in the future, so Buck and Bart beside Gerry will assist him in managing these affairs.

    According to Gerry's rules, the points that formal residents and temporary residents can get are different.

    Even though Gerry is now also a temporary resident, he still said he would be paid according to the rules to set an example.

    "Now Lanna has formed a team with five people. Lanna will train this person every day. In the future, they will shoulder the responsibility of guarding the town and going out to explore. What do you think?" This is what Lanna asked him to ask

    . Lianyun reported it, and Lianyun agreed very much.

    The town's protective shield is only valid for one year. After one year, the town will be exposed in front of all monsters. When high-level monsters pass by, the town can no longer shield its own existence.

    Lianyun is not sure how far Bubu Town will develop in just one year, so the sooner this kind of team is established, the better, and it is always right to prevent problems before they happen.

    Because Lanna is the only one managing the team, there are only five team members. Lian Yun thinks this number is enough for the town's current needs.

    The safety of the town is not considered at the moment, the main place to go out is the cave.

    The frogs in the cave were not even nearly as dangerous to them as Lanner and Abe were to the frogs.

    Generally speaking, the current main task of this team is not to kill themselves, and to have the ability to protect themselves against monsters.

    "Trust me, my lord. Lanner is a man with great vision. The adults he selected are all courageous, resourceful, and able to endure hardships and stand hard work." Gerry said, "I believe they will give your lord a satisfactory answer. Lian

    Yun nodded, she also believed that since Lanna could choose, it should be no problem.


    "Did Lan Na tell you?" Lian Yun mentioned what happened the night before. Even though nothing happened last night, it was still not reassuring.

    Gerry's expression sank: "Yes, my lord, about the person who sneaked into your room... It's not that I'm trying to protect you, but I'm just sorry that I really don't have a clue."

    "I don't think any of them have the ability to jump to the second floor."

    "They are all ordinary human beings."

    Lian Yun caught some information and paused: "You mean, apart from what we know so far How many...the others are human?"

    "Yes, except me and Buck..." Gerry was taken aback, "You mean, Buck?" "

    No." She didn't say that.

    But both of them knew that for now, probably only Buck had this possibility.

    Gerry stopped talking. He rubbed his stiff face, not wanting to think about this possibility.

    [Ding——Congratulations to the lord for completing the side task]

    [Sub-line task: Agriculture is the third productive force (1): Planting lotus flowers. (Completed)]

    [Task Reward: Ten sets of farm tools. 】

    【Ding——Congratulations, my lord, the skill of copying seeds of "Cultivation" has been unlocked! ]

    [Ding——Congratulations, Lord Lord, for successfully upgrading to level 5 and unlocking a new store mode. ]

    Lianyun was a little at a loss for a series of reminders. When she recovered, she didn't know when Lina stood at the door.

    "Sister! The lotus is blooming, but it..." Lina gestured joyfully and anxiously, she couldn't explain clearly at the moment, so she had to run over and tug on Lianyun's sleeve.

    Lianyun trotted along with her until he saw that...

    no, it was three flowers in the field!

    Three incomparably huge lotus flowers were blooming side by side, one was as big as three people hugging each other, and there were... vines growing on the lotus leaf underneath?

    Meili stood under the three lotus flowers, stroking the vines of the lotus with a calm face.

    This scene is very similar to Thumbelina in the fairy tales that Lianyun read when he was a child.

    ...Although growth hormone is used, the speed is too obscene! petty! up.

    Looking at the surprised faces of the people around him, Lian Yun felt that the scene was extremely harmonious.

    "My lord is here," Mei Li noticed her and smiled at her, "It's so beautiful." "

    And have you seen it? It's still growing."

    Lian Yun stared at the lotus flower intently upon hearing this, Sure enough, he noticed that the branches of the three lotus flowers connected to the lotus leaves were growing spores at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    Everyone didn't want to miss this scene, and Lianyun was no exception.

    She was not in a hurry to check the reminder just now, and even sent someone to get some food for them to eat while they waited.

    They stared together for several hours, watching the spores slowly swell, take shape little by little, and gradually turn into the one that Lian Yun is familiar with—the

    lotus pod.

    "Ah!" Lena exclaimed in surprise, "What is this for?"

    Lian Yun rubbed his chin, thinking about the possibility of using lotus seeds to make soup.

    Meili stood on tiptoe, stretched out her hand to hold a lotus pod for careful observation, and suddenly said, "My lord, it seems inside..." Before she

    finished speaking, her feet fell to the ground, and the lotus pod fell down with her.

    Mei Li didn't dare to move, thinking that she broke the lotus pod, but when she turned her head, she found that the stem of the lotus pod stretched automatically.

    The lotus pod in her hand is still firmly connected to the ground.

    "It can stretch?!" Lena opened her eyes and said in disbelief.

    "My lord?" Mei Li looked at Lian Yun blankly, expecting an answer.

    Lian Yun was also bewildered, and beckoned to her, and Mei Li just held it all the way, bringing the huge lotus pod over.

    After bringing it to Lianyun, Meili stopped in her tracks.

    But the lotus pod in her hand didn't seem to stop, and continued to stretch forward for a while. Meili quickly grabbed its stem, and then the lotus pod faced the ground——



    Lian Yun stretched out his hand and pinched the lotus pod. The texture is the same as the real lotus pod, but it has become bigger and has a line of words:

    [Lotus pod: stretchable, absorbs water and irrigates the surrounding soil according to the amount of water the plants need. (Amount of water absorbed = irrigation amount)]

    In other words, this lotus pod is equivalent to a sprinkler?

    Lianyun opened the task panel and saw a more accurate explanation.

    [Agriculture is the third productive force (2): Congratulations, you have obtained an irrigation system! According to the development of the town, the system has humanizedly formulated the next development task for you - to grow food crops and maintain self-sufficiency. 】

    So the convenience it brings is to provide an irrigation system.

    Lian Yun nodded clearly and explained to everyone.

    Mei Li was not stingy with her compliments: "It's really beautiful and capable!"

    Gerry raised concerns: "But the well is not near, you know."

    Even the planting in their village was planned next to the well .

    Lian Yun also thought of this point, now there are five adults and ten teenagers left, but she can't let everyone carry water back and forth every day.

    Purely mechanical, meaningless labor, which has no effect on experience and their faculties.

    "It would be great if there were water channels," said Grid.

    But it is relatively easy to simply bring the water over, the main thing is how to pump the water out of the well.

    "Do you know about windmills?" Lianyun had a flash of inspiration, "It's...a kind of thing that can be blown and turned by the wind. With this power, the water in the well can be pumped up." It was the first time Gerry heard of it

    . Although he was very interested in this whimsical idea, he still shook his head regretfully.

    He remembered something again, and took out a stack of blueprints from his arms, which were the ones that Lianyun gave him yesterday: "My lord, is there what you said in it?"

    Lian Yun took it and flipped it over, sighing.

    Since it is an indoor drawing, there must be no such facility as a windmill.

    She was about to hand it back to him when she suddenly saw a page of drawings, her eyes glowing.

    "What is this?"

    Gerry took a look and analyzed: "It seems that these blades are driven to rotate by the stones with energy, which can cool people in hot weather..." Speaking of

    this His voice paused, and he suddenly became enlightened.


    The author has something to say:

    Damn it! How can the collection still drop!


    PS, the rhythm is too slow, the next chapter will be the first time shuttle Dafa.

ʚChapter 30


    "If it is the same reason, then I understand."

    Gerry nodded towards Lianyun: "I will study it today and design it tomorrow. I will come up with a plan for you."

    Gerry is really talented in manufacturing, and Lianyun is very relieved.

    Lian Yun took a few bottles of blood from his backpack and handed them to him.

    "Don't be too tired, just take it from me when you run out."

    Gerry cast a grateful look, and took the blood bottle.

    Lian Yun also said: "Don't do everything yourself, Buck is a capable child."

    Mental work is also very exhausting, although with the help of Buck and Bart, Gerry is still the one who needs to control the overall situation and manage the overall situation. part of things people.

    "My lord." Gerry's expression became extremely serious, "Until Buck clears his suspicions, I will not let him have access to these important affairs of the town." Lian Yun froze for a moment, hesitated for a moment, and still

    shook Shaking his head: "Buck grew up by your side, you should know him. I didn't think carefully and asked you rashly this morning."

    However, Gerry still insisted: "I know that Buck is indeed suspected. Even though he grew up by my side Big, but I can't clear his suspicion." "

    In this case, I have to be responsible to the town. You don't have to feel guilty, this is not only related to your safety, but to a bigger extent, it is also a matter that is closely related to the town. Inseparable."

    "So I won't let him touch those blueprints again, and if I find out that it's not him in the future, I will apologize to him."

    Lian Yun had no choice but to agree.

    She asked Meili and Lena to take care of Lianhua first, then turned and went to the store alone.

    As soon as she stepped into the store, she saw the light panels above the display cabinets quietly change their appearance.

    [Congratulations to the lord! Unlock the store's "Non-Chief Protection" mechanism - ten consecutive ones! 】

    [Ten consecutive returns to one: spend ten purchase restriction opportunities, and draw a purchase restriction opportunity in a specified direction. Avoid drawing useless things, and greatly increase the chance of drawing the required items! ]

    This is a good choice.

    The direction of the purchase limit can be determined, and she also avoids wasting times on it.

    But when Lianyun received the good news from the store, he also discovered a not-so-happy thing—

    [Sorry, since you have reached level 5, the novice protection factor of the daily lucky bag has been reduced, and it has been updated to draw once every two days. 】

    Even though she doesn't want to accept it anymore, she still has to admit this fact.

    The system is only responsible for sending her here and protecting her through the novice period.

    For example, the protective cover will disappear after one year, the daily lucky bag will become a two-day lucky bag, and the frequency will even be reduced in the future, all expressing this meaning to her.

    At the same time, she is also silently urging her to speed up the development of the town without stopping, and only by becoming stronger quickly can she protect the safety of herself and the town.

    There is no free lunch in the world. What she got in the novice stage must be invested in the construction of the town to maximize her profits before she can continue to develop.

    This made her more determined not to use the store purchase limit for the next ten days.

    Ten in a row to one, this is her next chance.


    Ten days later.

    Lan Na led a team of five and stood neatly in front of Lian Yun.

    Each of them held a wooden sword made by Bart and Gerry, which was not lethal, but it was a weapon anyway.

    "Preparation is complete, my lord."

    Today is the day when Lian Yun decides to explore the cave.

    Lianyun, Lanna, and Xiaohong lead a team of five, plus a fisherman No. 1685 carrying a fishing rod.

    As for Abe...

    "My lord, you are here! There is still a short distance to go, and I think we can dig it when we come back!" Aibei enthusiastically showed Lianyun that the excavation of the canal had come to an end.

    That's right, Gerry drew the blueprint of the windmill on the second day, practiced it a few times, and finally succeeded on the fifth day.

    Except for the five-member team, almost everyone jumped on it.

    Under Gerry's command, they created the first windmill in the small town of Bubu in just a few days.

    After a brief test to confirm that the windmill was working properly, the construction of the canals from the wells to the fields began in earnest.

    In these ten days, Lianyun drew five lucky bags, which were two large pieces of wood, one bag of cake, one blasting talisman and one sound transmission talisman.

    The wood was given to Gerry and the others as materials for building the windmill. Even if it failed a few times, the waste can be used as fuel.

    The lotus has also grown bigger these days. Lianyun arranged for a few careful and dexterous people to dig out the lotus carefully and move it to the center of the field.

    Because the layout of the town is centered on the altar and diverges outwards into a circle, the cultivated land in the town generally resembles a quarter fan of a circle.

    After the lotus is transplanted to the center, its three side-by-side lotus pods just extend towards the two corners and the altar, perfectly dividing the cultivated land into three areas, and at the same time can irrigate every inch of the land.

    As for the seed issue...

    Lian Yun glanced in the direction of the store.

    When she comes back, she will know what to plant.

    Before leaving, Lianyun handed the sound transmission talisman to Gerry, and she put the blasting talisman into her backpack.

    "I don't know when Rock and the others will come back."

    Lian Yun on the road suddenly said this.

    "This name sounds familiar..." Abe thought for a while, "I heard the children say it! It's that old man with a bad temper, right?" "..." There's nothing wrong with saying that


    "Please show some respect to Mr. Roque." There was a rebuttal from the five-member team.

    Lian Yun recognized the man with the scar on his face, his name was Jamie, he was very fierce, the children in the town were afraid of him, and after these few days of training, no one dared to look at him.

    But such a person has extremely strong feelings for his hometown and clansmen.

    Just like now, he doesn't like others to rape people he respects.

    "Mr. Rock is great. In order to protect our former village, he even gave up his teaching qualification in the Magicians Association in the main city and returned to his hometown." "He doesn't know how to protect the

    formation, but he spent a long time learning it for us. And you know, drawing a formation is not easy."

    Abe scratched his head: "I'm sorry, I spoke too fast, and I didn't mean him to be sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future."

    Jamie's dissatisfaction soon followed This sentence dissipated: "It's okay, I'm just used to defending my own people, and everyone will be my own people in the future." "

    If you spend more time with Mr. Roque, you will definitely find his friendliness."

    Lian Yun has been silently observing Jamie.

    Although he cared a lot about his previous relationship, after moving to a small town, his enthusiasm and loyalty did not diminish in the slightest because he moved to a different place. For him, the place where his clan is located is his hometown.

    He is both clear and loyal enough, maybe he will be a man worth reusing in the future.

    Lianyun and Lanna looked at each other, and the latter immediately understood her thoughts.

    Lianyun had long discussed with Lanna that he hoped to cultivate a few confidantes among the existing people.

    As time goes by, the town will become more and more prosperous. She needs someone who has followed her from the beginning and experienced the development of the town from scratch.

    Such people were more loyal—to her and to the town.

    Therefore, Lanner pays special attention to character and conduct when selecting team members. Looking at it now, Jamie has a good chance.

    "It's just ahead." Following Xiaohong's reminder, Abe ran forward a few steps and turned into a giant bear.

    The five-member team took a few steps back. They were still not used to the transformation between the Abe and the bear, but they no longer felt the fear they had when they first saw him transform.

    Lianyun followed the previous steps and led everyone in when the cave opened.

    Still led by No. 1685, we soon saw the light ahead.

    After the last cleaning, a lot of frogs came out of the holes inside.

    Xiaohong and Abe rushed out to attract firepower, Lanna led a five-man team around the frog's back, raised the knife in his hand, and stabbed the vital point every time.

    Lianyun came out after there was no sound outside, and put away more than a dozen frogs on the ground, which should be enough to eat for a while.

    Fisherman No. 1685 rushed to the side of the pool immediately, sat cross-legged, and hung the bait and threw the rod in one go.

    Lianyun asked them to pick melting crystals first, and walked to the fisherman: "Can you catch something here?"

    No. 1685 gave her a "shh" and continued to meditate as an old monk.

    Lianyun: ... Good luck.

    Several people picked hundreds of molten crystals, and a large black rock was exposed on the wall next to the pool.

    "Behind this wall, there are caves?" Abe couldn't believe it.

    Lianyun led the crowd to the edge of the pool, and pointed to a small arch above the pool.

    "Did you see it?"

    The water in the pool was clear, and after Lianyun pointed, everyone vaguely saw the entrance of the cave submerged in the water.

    This hole is similar in size to the hole that everyone passed through when they came in, the only difference is the height.

    One is underwater and one is on land.

    "Frogs can't stay in the water all the time, so there must be a hole in the hole...at least there is land for us to stand on."

    "But how does this get over?" Abe tried to push the wall, but the wall remained motionless.

    Lianyun took out the blasting talisman: "Stand back."


    The author has something to say:

    Lianyun: Back off, I'm going to pretend to be X up.


    Give me favorites! Who doesn't accept it? Believe it or not I beg you on my knees!


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