Kamen rider Geats X Senki Zes...

By JustyTurner

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What is your desire? Is your desire to be a famous musician the world has even seen? A hero to save lives? Or... More

Protagonist: Geats
Prologue: Fight until death
Chapter 1: Ready, sing
Chapter 2: Desire Grand Prix
Chapter 3: Never Replace her
Chapter 5: The Nehushtan armor
Chapter 6: A ninja hero
Chapter 7: Music is hope
Chapter 8: A threeway battle
Chapter 9: Hatching the secret
Chapter 10: Abandon
Chapter 11: Friends stay together
Chapter 12: A gunslinger date
Chapter 13: Y/n's day out with the girls
Chapter 14: A full on attack
Chapter 15: A little fire power
Chapter 16: Fine's plan is revealed

Chapter 4: Hard to be a hero

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By JustyTurner

It was a nice day as we see a farm where it is homed to a nice older man as we see him planting some plants and having a nice time planting. It too him hours but after a while he was done as he stand up and wipe the sweat across his face and smiled to himself.

He then grab his garden tools and make his way to his house. After he put away his garden tools, he entered inside his house and sat down at the couch as he let out a soft sigh as he look over to an empty couch that belong to his wife until she passed away.

He turns to the TV and switch it on and watch the news talking about a Noise attacks as he watches the news until his phone started to ring. He grab his phone and he answered the phone.

???: Hello?

Y/n: (phone) Hey there. Been a while hasn't it?

???: (smile) Ah it has my old friend, how are things?

Y/n: (phone) Pretty normal as always. Say Tsumuri request for us to work together for this next upcoming mission.

???: (smile) Of course, I'll be there soon.

Y/n: (phone) Alright, see you there.

They ended the call as he let out a soft chuckle while he reach over and grabs the Desire driver on a small table next to him.



We see Y/n and Hibiki hanging out at Hibiki and Miku's apartment building as the two were listening to some music while they sat on the couch and listening to some good music.

Y/n: (smirk) You have some good music Hibiki.

Hibiki: (smile) Yep! They are totally the best!

Y/n: (smile) I can understand why.

Miku: (smile) Hibiki likes to listen to her favourite songs. One time she accidentally turn the volume a bit too high and, let's just say we got in trouble.

Hibiki: It was only an accident!

Y/n: (chuckle) Oh silly Hibiki.

Hibiki: Hey don't call me silly!

He just smiled at her and then poke her nose which made her blushed.

Y/n: (smile) But you are but I like it about you.

Hibiki: (little blush) Th-Thanks.

Miku: Hey Hibiki there is the shooting stars happening tonight if you wanna come with me and see them.

Hibiki: (smile) Sounds wonderful! I can't wait!

Miku: (smile) What about you Y/n? You wanna join?

Y/n: Sounds great but sorry, I'm gonna be busy this afternoon.

Miku: Oh job related things?

Y/n: Yeah but maybe next time alright?

Miku: (smile) Sure.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n walking through the school hallway while students where walking by when he looks up and noticed Tsubasa standing in front of him and looking at him.

Tsubasa: Oh....hey there Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like you have a rough day today?

Tsubasa: Yeah. Guess you can say that.

Kanade: (smile) Hey there Y/n~!

Then Kanade came up to Y/n and then hug him as he made a small purring sound which Y/n smiled as Kanade stop hugging him and ask.

Kanade: (smile) How's my man doing today?

Y/n: (smirk) Normal as always Kanade. What about you and Tsubasa?

Kanade: (smile) Pretty good. Say Y/n, when are you gonna be free?

Y/n: Probably tomorrow.

Kanade: (smile) Perfect! I was thinking if you wanna hang out with me and Tsubasa tomorrow.

Tsubasa: You sure this is a good idea?

Kanade: (smile) Sure why not? Y/n loves hanging out two famous pop stars right Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah. You two are real angels of songs when it comes to your singing.

Kanade: (smile) Aaaww your too sweet.

Tsubasa: (blush) Yeah. Like what Kanade said.

Kanade: (smile) Anyways we gonna go now so catch you later Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) Same here you two. Take care.

And so they walk off and once they were out of sight he goes to his class and after class ended he make his leave when he come across a older man as he smiled at him and waved at him.

Y/n: (smirk) Well if ain't the Owl man himself. Kaito, how are things?

Kaito: (smile) Oh you know the usual stuff the usual. See your still kicking as always.

Y/n: (smirk) Always and always will be.

Kaito: So when is our upcoming mission gonna show up?

Then they got a beep on their phones which they pull it out and see the location.

Y/n: Right now.


The two arrived at the location which was a subway that is under attacked by Jyamato and Noise as the two sides battle each other as they can hear noises at the entrance to which they are standing.

Y/n: Looks like there is a massive fight down there.

Kaito: Agree. Time to show those nasty creatures not to mess with the two of us.

Y/n: (smirk) I was thinking the same thing.

Hibiki: Wait up!

The two turn to see Hibiki rushing towards them and once there she catches her breath.

Y/n: Hey Hibiki, weren't you not suppose to be with Miku watching the shooting stars?

Hibiki: Yeah but I got a call from Genjuro that there are Noise activity so I came here to help.

Kaito: A friend of yours?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. A new hero.

Kaito: (smile) Well a pleasure to meet you Hibiki. The names Kaito aka Kamen rider Ginpen.

Hibiki: (smile) A pleasure to meet you. I'm still training to be the best hero I can ever be.

Kaito: (smile) Well here's some advice to you. So times being a hero is hard but what makes you a hero is to never give up. That is why us riders never give up because if we do, lives would get hurt.

Hibiki: (smile) Never give up! Got it!

Y/n: (smirk) Alright then. Let's do this.

Desire driver!

Desire driver!

Y/n pulled out his shield armed shield while Kaito pulled out his armed arrow and slide them onto each of their drivers.

Hibiki starts to sing and transforming into hee symphogear while Y/n and Kaito called out.

Y/n and Kaito: Henshin!

Desire driver: Armed shield.

Desire driver: Armed arrow.

Ready, fight.

The trio leap down the steps and land onto the first floor as they see Noise and Jyamato battling each other and making a huge mess all around them.

Ginpen: Time to break up this fight!

Hibiki: Yeah, let's do this!

Hibiki leaps over and start punching the Noise and Jyamato while she sings as Geats joins in and ramming his shield onto the Jyamato and blocking their attacks with his shield as he kicks them back while Ginpen fired arrows which hits the Noise and Jyamato.

He then dodges Jyamato's attacks as he fire an arrow at them and then leaps across and gets behind Geats as the two battle together against the Noise while Hibiki continues to punch more and more Noise and Jyamato around her.

Geats: Looks like she's having a lot of fun.

Ginpen: I can say the same to you.

Geats: My Magnum would be fun but this will do.

He then slam his shield at a Noise, costing it to go flying back and land hard onto the ground. Soon they managed to clear the first floor and go down to the second to see now the Noise as the Noise launch themselves towards the which Hibiki punches at them while Ginpen fires his arrows at them.

The trio charge into action and battle the Noise as they strike blow after blow at the incoming Noise as Geats hits them with his shield. He looks over to see Hibiki fighting a bit aggressively so Geats called out.

Geats: Need a hand?

Hibiki: (panting) No thanks. I'm go-

Suddenly there was an explosion that sent Hibiki flying back as Geats was about to save her but more Noise block him as Ginpen kick a few back and look over to see Hibiki turn while a group of Noise rushes towards her.

He rushed over and getnin front of Hibiki and hits them back while he fire his arrow which they cost thme to turn into ashes. Ginpen turns to Hibiki and tells her.

Ginpen: Your one tough girl but you can't fight this alo-

Suddenly he gets stabed from behind by a Noise from behind which shocks Hibiki while Geats pushes the Noise back and look over to see Ginpen gets hit. He drop his crossbow and fell onto thr ground while Hibiki yells and punches a Noise and then kneel down to Ginpen.

Ginpen: Looks like this is it for me. Then (coughing) it's nice knowing you Hibiki.

Hibiki: No don't die! I'm sorry!

Ginpen: Don't be. Being a hero is never easy but.....I know you will be a great hero for sure. Be a hero.....Hibiki.

Desire driver: Mission failed.

Then he fated away leaving his driver as Hibiki is shocked by this and soon she was replaced with pure rage as she gets up and then turn to the Noise.

Hibiki: He was a nice man. Your all are gonna die for that!

She charges towards the Noise and fights them while Geats knocks a few back and looks over and noticed Hibiki going down to a third floor as he called out to her.

Geats: Hibiki wait!

He goes after her and once he made it to the train station he sees Hibiki going into a rampage, punching the Noise away and letting her angry out of the Noise as her eyes were all red.

Geats watched her like this and worried that she will go to far so he rushes over and leap over her and then blocks her punch with his shield. The impact was strong as Geats slowly gets up.

Geats: Hibiki calm down. I know it feels hard to lose someone but we can't let his death blinded us. He wants us to keep fighting no matter what, is that clear?

Hibiki takes a few angry breaths and slowly calms down. She node to him while Geats noded to him back as the two turn to the last remaining Noise and the two battle them. They battle the Noise for sometime and soon they were done.

(Short while later)

We see them outside od the subway with Geats holding Ginpen's core while Hibiki stand there and then said.

Hibiki: Sorry for going into my rage. Its just.....I left Miku to watch the shooting stars on her own and let Ginpen to die. He was right, being a hero is hard.

Geats: Yeah. But we just need to keep going and get better no matter what.

Hibiki: How can you struggle to be a hero knowing lives would be lost?

Geats:.....Not too sure. I just know that someone has to be a hero to this world and if not, then all hope is lost.

Hibiki: I see.

Then Geats pat Hibiki on the head, making her blush as she look up at him while Geats tell her.

Geats: Just remind me not to make your angry. I don't want to get punched into out of space or into a sun.

Hibiki just smiled at his joke as she wink at him and then tells him.

Hibiki: (smile) I promise.

Geats smiled underneath his helmet and then they heard something behind them which they turn to see Tsubasa there and already in her Symphogear.

Geats: Sorry but it looks like you miss it. But I would tell you it was fun.

???: Oh really. Well allow me to give you more fun.

They turn around to notice a female figure appear out or the bushes wearing a white Symphogear like armor that is different to Hibiki's or Tsubasa's as Tsubasa widen hee eyes in shock.

???: If you like that when here is round 2 for you three.

Tsubasa: (shocked) That armor. That can't be possible.

Geats: You know that armor?

Tsubasa: (shocked) Yes. That's.....That's Nehushtan armor but how. I thought it was gone two years ago.

Geats and Hibiki turn to the mysterious women while she smirked as the trio were ready for round 2 with this women and her Nehushatan armor.

To be continued...................................

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