The Innocuous Memories

By syriacax

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𝖑𝖀𝖳𝖱𝖠𝖸𝖠𝖫 𝖲𝖀𝖱𝖨𝖀𝖲 #2 "Stefano..." I open my eyes and awaken from the lust. My hand is still on hi... More

ꨄ Welcome ꨄ
Therapy Session 001
❦︎ Worthless Dirty Hoe ❦︎
Therapist Session 002
❦︎ It's All My Fault ❦︎
Therapy Session 003
❦︎ No, Rae ❦︎
❦︎ Small One, On Her Hip ❦︎
❦︎ Do You Still Love Me? ❦︎
Therapy Session 004
❦︎ My Memories ❦︎
Therapy Session 005
❦︎ A Muse Can Also Be A Sexy Man ❦︎
❦︎ She Looked Happy ❦︎
Therapy Session 006
❦︎ Gone Girl Gone Wild ❦︎
❦︎ This Is Getting Sappy ❦︎
Therapy Session 007
❦︎ I Needed Him Like I Needed Air ❦︎
❦︎ Do You Want One? ❦︎
Therapy Session 008
❦︎ I Love You ❦︎
Therapy Session 009
❦︎ The New Beginning ❦︎
❦︎ Rae, Stop It. Lets Go ❦︎
Therapy Session 010
❦︎ Beginning Of The Downfall ❦︎
❦︎ Leave That Gun Alone, Rae ❦︎
❦︎ Lies, Lies, Lies ❦︎
❦︎ You Had All The Right Reasons To ❦︎
❦︎ Therapy Session 011 ❦︎
❦︎ Friends ❦︎
❦︎ Lorelai Tried To Kill Luigi ❦︎
❦︎ That Was The Hardest Thing I Had To Do ❦︎
❦︎ Shes Just Lorelai ❦︎
❦︎ I Want To Take It Off So Bad ❦︎
Therapy Session 012

❦︎ He'll Call You ❦︎

224 8 0
By syriacax


I noticed Lory rubbing her stomach worried like in the car. I then noticed how Ares was wrapping her pinky around his. Lory wouldn't let him unless she was worried or needed the affection. I noticed a lot of changes in Lorelai and just brushed them off until I couldn't. I didn't want to ask her if she was because it could turn out that she wasn't. That she was just anxious for the ball but it doesn't explain the stomach rubbing.

I fiddled with the rubby on my ball gown as I watched Lory and Dom have a conversation. My hand got lifted and kissed by the dashing prince next to me. I smiled at him in appreciation and he kissed my forehead. We were way past caring about showing everyone else. We weren't in a relationship yet but we had been kissing and going out.

Lory knew. She made fun of me for it. Then she told me to prank him. She wanted to see him suffer before accepting him but I told her no. I wanted this relationship to flourish.

Upon entering, I get a wave of heat from the hall. It was decorated nicely, I have to give him that but I still don't like him. Stefano kept his hand on my back, showing everyone I was with him. I removed a piece of dust off his suit, while fanning my face with my hand. Lory and the rest come inside after us and we all stand in a tight circle. Anticipating the rest of the evening.

"It's quite hot in here " I fan myself. Lorelai's eyes dart over to my breasts.

"I love your breasts in that dress." She complimented. I looked down at them in awe and mumbled a thank you. I've never been told I have nice boobs.

"Why are you looking at them like that?" Stefano asked before he looks at them himself. I laugh at his quizzical look before he darts his eyes away from them.

"Those were mine before you started sucking on them." She looks around. "And good God do you do some sucking."

I gasped so loudly, I might have even swallowed a fly. I swatted Lorelais arm and scolded her for saying that. Poor Stefano, I thought.

"From what I hear, it's better sucking than you did."

Oh dear Lord have mercy on me. I was about to smack the both of them. He was enjoying this and I was one more comment away from being tomato red.

As I grabbed Lorelais arm, she laughed his comment off and laughed at me. He laughed too. Atleast he wasn't scared of her. It didn't have to come at my expense though.

"That was not funny." I roll my eyes, looking around the hall.

"He's funny. Atleast." She chuckled lightly.

"So, do you like him?" I asked, folding my arms in my lap.

"You like him. That's all that matters. Fuck me."

Famously said by Lorelai Campbell. Or Russo, I don't know. We noticed a tall man standing by Ares and the others and by the looks of it, it was heated. Lorelai immediately recognized him and cursed under her breath, charging towards them.

"I thought I killed you." She sneered at him. I stood by Stefano, sinking my nails into his arm. He wrapped that arm around my waist in comfort.

"Untouchable as you can see."

"You're not fooling anyone with the fifty thousand dollars worth of plastic surgery and fake Armani suit." I scoffed with irritation. The tag was still hanging outside his pants.

"Do you dare speak, little wife?" Luigi taunted. I suddenly felt so small, I sort of retreated back in Stefanos arms. The confidence I had shrank along with him.

"Say it again." Stefano growled deeply. His hand itching by his gun.

"Little-" Luigi began to speak but Stefano cut him off with a gun to his head and the click of the weapon. Lorelai pulled one out and shot at his foot, warning no one.

He immediately cowered forward and we all jumped back. Giana, worried out of her mind, comforted him. He looked up and glared at Lorelai.

"My finger must have slipped." She taunted and slipped her gun back in her holster.

I looked up and no one was paying attention to us. No one wanted to be apart of the argument. I noticed a batch of cleaners ready to move into the spot. That's when it dawned upon me how no one cares about anyone.

You either kill or be killed. No one cared for anyone. Besides us. We are a family, we are together no matter what.

"Fucking bitch." Luigi cursed at Lorelai but she didn't seem fazed.

"You don't call his wife a bitch or any of these ladies, do you understand?" Doms teeth bared. He protected us no matter what. He was always going to protect us.

Giana, with a frightful look on her face, helped Luigi up and they both left running with their tail between their legs.

"Remember I called dibs on Luigi." Dom quipped. Lorelai frowned immediately and I smiled.


"Dibs." Dom nods his head and she shakes hers. Stefano gaped.

"You don't know what dibs are?" Stefano gasped. Ares and I both looked at each other and laughed at their shocked expressions.

I knew she didn't know. Ares knew she didn't know. I would've been shocked if she did know.

"He wants to be the first person to kill Luigi." I said calmly.

"Just say that."

Lorelai and I moved towards the drink station, my eyes fleeting over to her stomach every once in a while. Is she pregnant?

I'm proved correct when she snatches a flute from the table and brings it to her lips. Slowly, like antagonizing me into giving up what I know. I don't care if I'm right or wrong but my gut is never wrong. I snatched the drink away from her and gulped it down. I hated wine, or whatever this drink was. It burned.

"I'm really thirsty, this is so good." I said in a panicked voice before looking around the room.

"I wasn't going to drink it." She whispered to me. "Alcohol is harmful to kids."

That's all she said and I held my excitement down. I couldn't believe it. My best friend ever was pregnant. She was going to have a baby! I was practically bouncing with excitement.

We talk about other things when a dark presence looms before us. It's wearing a normal black tuxedo and has all its hair gel back. He looks between us and then around the whole room. His arms brought up and he smiles. It gives me a chill, an eery chill. I knew I wasn't safe.

"Having a nice evening?" His voice so scruffy and scrawny. So insecure and evil. So like Luigis.

"Until you showed up." I grumbled. She took another gulp of the champagne.

"What type of host will I be if I didn't come and greet the people I invited?" He kept the very animated look to his face.

"A splendid host." Lory deadpans before looking around the hall.

"You don't mind my wife standing with the two of you, do you? Bella!" He called out and a beautiful lady with an emerald green mermaid dress turned her head at the sound. She sauntered over to us, reluctantly. She placed her hand on his shoulder very hesitantly.

"Do we hate her?" I whispered to Lory and she shook her head. "Great because she's absolutely stunning."

"Lorelai!" She exclaimed breathlessly.

"I'll leave you three ladies." He curtly nods and moves away from us.

She sighed as he walked away, relieved from his presence. Atleast I wasn't the only one.

"Ares is in grave danger."

I see Lorelai reaching for a flute and I am about to protest, and tell her it's wrong when she gulps it down. That one sentence made her so worried.

"Continue." She ignored the stares.

"Francesco is going to say alot of things to Ares that may shatter his heart. Francesco wants Ares dead. He might kill my baby." Her voice cracked at the end and I rushed to her side.

I could feel her heart pounding.

"He's not going to kill him." Lory stated and we both looked up at her for clarification. "He's not going to kill him. Not while I'm still alive."

"Francesco wants what he wants, there's no stopping him and believe me, I've tried." She sounded dissapointed in herself.

Lorelai was a vengeful person. Francesco has a lot of men but she has a lot of power. She turns her head slowly, watching him leave and as I'm about to stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do, she walks away. I was so conflicted on whether to stay behind with Mrs Russo or go towards Dom. I let my feet think and my mind run as I walked to Dom, Stefano slipping out just in time.

Dom stopped me from walking and I tried to tell him that I wanted to speak to Stefano but he shook his head.

"What does that mean?" I asked with anger.

"He's busy. We're busy. Things are picking up and we need you to stay here." Domenico, the funny always smiling guy, was serious and solemn. I've never witnessed him like that unless we were in a mission.

"I just needed to speak with him." I was scared of not seeing him again. I was scared of not seeing any of them again. I suddenly felt the pressure hit me like a ton of bricks.

"He'll call you."

"You don't know that."

"I know he will. He wouldn't not call you."


Lorelai walked to us, infuriated by someone or something. I was about to speak when she wanted to leave. She wanted to go with Dom. I told her she was crazy and couldn't possibly think that it was safe. For her and the baby. I knew she was capable even with the baby but I didn't want to risk it. It would be one too many lives if it got taken away before it lived.

She dismissed the craziness and nDom encouraged it. After she left, I hit him against the head and left to sit with Mrs Russo. I fished in my bag for my phone and when I found it, I saw a missed call from Stefano. I pressed his voice-mail and ran to the bathroom to listen to it.

"Rae, I just left the hall. Following Ares' dad. Luigi and him are both fucking idiots if they think this will work." He scoffs and I chuckle with him. "I'm safe, don't worry about me. Call me when you get this."

I hadn't realized I was smiling throughout the whole voice mail. I felt my cheeks get red at the mere thought of him calling me. To check in.

I called back and waited for him to answer. I sat down on the bench and fiddled with a ruby on my ball gown.

"Rae?" He huffed and I nodded my head, humming a response. "Are you in the hall?"

A distant voice shouted and he told them to wait.

"I'm still here. Dom told me to stay behind."

"Listen to him, please. Lorelai is stubborn and just sort of skewed the plan. I'll shoot you a text of where you can go after."

He sounded in a rush but I stopped him.

"Yes?" He said patiently.

"Be safe."

"You too."

We ended the call and I had spent the entire evening with Mrs Russo. Both of us too anxious to make conversation with other people. We tried but ended up giving up after nine and just sitting by ourselves. At ten, I started getting worried when I felt a vibrate. A text from telling me that everything is crazy and that I should go to the van and fetch them. It wasn't too far. I sprung up and forgot all about Mrs Russo when I sprinted out of the hall. Frantic eyes checking my surroundings. I huffed and puffed my way to the van, opening with and hearing a loud boom.

I winced before getting in. I couldn't change but I also couldn't drive as well as I usually do because the dress was uncomfortable. I sped through the open field, meeting a tired Dom and a running Stefano. My heart picked up when I didn't see Ares or Lorelai. I couldn't even get my voice put when Dom asked where they were. I jumped out and escaped Stefano to run back to the building. It's open flames so desperately holding the souls of many. I heard a small shout for Lorelais name and ran closer and closer to it. A train drove so speedily, I wanted to gain the forces of Spiderman and stop it.

I saw Lorelai look into the light and wondered why they were still standing there. Stefano came up behind me and he pulled me back.

"No, that's my best friend, I can't." I pleaded. When I looked back, I saw Ares holding Lorelai while she had fainted in his arms.

I attempted to run down but I tripped and fell. I didn't let it stop me before I ran down again, holding my dress. As I ran, I yelled at them to move. Ares knelt down and tried to grab her dress. The train got closer and closer. I ran down and yelled again. I rested my head down to catch a breath and when I heard the horn blare, I watched the train pass through. No sign of my best friend, no sign of Ares. Nothing. No cry or yell.

"No." A whisper fell through the cracks of my lips.

"Raeni!" I heard voices yell but I couldn't be bothered with them.

I just watched the death of my friends. The train wouldn't end. Furthering making me suffer. As the wagons passed through I ran over to their body's. No blood that I could see. I climbed over the tracks. I made my way to them. Lorelai had a huge scar on her shoulder, blood seeping through the open wounds.

"Domenico!" I cried out for help. I needed him to help her. I heard rushed footsteps as I moved over to Ares. My dress getting destroyed but I could care less about it.

I kneeled down and held his face.

"Ares, please."

I begged and pleaded all night at the hospital. I needed them both alive. I couldn't let the other live without the other. They both got hit but Ares moved in time for it not to be severe. The doctor droned on and on about the broken ankle and the skin gone off of Lorelais shoulder but all I needed to hear was that they were alive.

They were alive.

"And the baby?" Dare I ask before Lory knows? Yes. I was worried for all three of their lives.

The doctor smiled knowingly before he nods his head gingerly. "It's okay. Glad she didn't land on her stomach but other than the shock, it's perfectly fine."

"How many weeks?"

"Only three."

"Thank you."

After the doctor left, I felt the stares coming from the two men behind me. I didn't want to deal with questions so I sat down and buried my head in my hands.

"I wasn't the only one with a pregnant date."  Dom said, cheerily. "Suck it, Ares."

"Oh my gosh." Stefano sighed. He sat down beside me and Dom sat down as well.

"Are you pregnant?" Dom asked and quickly whispered an "ow!".

"No, Dom." I laughed lightly before taking a  deep breath in and sitting up.

Stefano wiped my tears for me. Dom held my hand. They both laid their heads on my shoulders and we stayed the whole night at the hospital. The doctor came to wake us up because we could finally go and see them. I looked outside the window and noticed the dawn breaking. I looked down at my dirty ball gown, walking barefoot as Stefano holds my heels and Dom holds my purse for me.

I walked inside first, seeing the resting couple together. Lorelai had bandages going around her shoulder and neck. I walked up to her and softly touched her face. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Our Paris is just like his mom," we all got a fright as Ares grunted to sit up on the bed, "determined."

I marveled for a few seconds before rushing to hug him. I didn't care if he was sore, I just wanted to feel him. Feel that he was okay and well. He chuckled painfully and hugged me back with one weak arm. They all laughed a little before I moved away.

We all talked as if the last few hours never happened. They told me everything that went down and I gave Ares another hug for it all. The biggest relief was that the baby wasn't Doms, the saddest news was that Jessica had been murdered. They didn't know by who but Stef suspected Lory did it. I wouldn't put it past her but then again...

I don't know.


A U T H O R ' S    N O T E


Of part one!!! Lol, I made you look!!!! AHAHAHA.

Anyways, love you guys. Don't forget to vote comment and share with all your wattpadians.

Stay cool and stay slutty <33

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