The Incrediamphibians (Amphib...

By Edeemer17

4.6K 59 40

(Note: this is a Marcanne Fanfiction) In this alternate universe to Amphibia Superhero's rule in human soci... More

Prologue/The Glory days
15 years later
Sasha, Lincoln & Marcy's night out/Argument/fired
New mission Opportunity/Coregirl Vs The Omnidroid/Dinner
Marcy's montage/ New suit/Anne's suspicion/Return to the island
Confrontation/Anne sees the new suits/Operation Kronos
Anne's Rescue OP/Missile Lock
Release me or she'll be crushed/heart to heart/Frogwoman returns
Frogwoman confronts Coregirl/100 mile Sprig/Battle time is family time
When everyone's super/Coregirl's apology/Escaping the island
Darkstorm's final scheme/3 months later/the Underminer
The Amphibi-Credits/cast

Defeating the Omnidroid

174 2 0
By Edeemer17

*Marcy and Anne see the Omidroid as they hear people scream in the background*

Coregirl: Wait here and stay hidden, I'm going in

*She gets out of the van but then Anne stretches her tongue to stop her wife dead in her tracks*

Frogwoman: While what? I watch helplessly from the sidelines? I don't think so Marcy! 

Coregirl: I'm asking you to wait with the kids Anne! 

Frogwoman: And I'm telling you not a chance. You're my wife, I'm with you, for better or worse

Coregirl: I have to do this alone!

Frogwoman: What is this to you? Playtime?

Coregirl: No

Frogwoman: So you can be Coregirl again?

Coregirl: NO!

Frogwoman: Then what? What is it?

Coregirl: I'm not...

Frogwoman: Not what?

Coregirl: I-I'm not strong enough.

Frogwoman: Strong enough. And this will make you stronger?

Coregirl: Yes--NO!!

Frogwoman: That's what this is Marcy! Some sort of workout!?

Coregirl: I CAN'T LOOSE AGAIN!!!!!  *grabs Anne by the shoulders, as ahe says it*........I can't.........Anne........Not again.........I'm not.......strong enough..........

*Anne notices Marcy's distress as the kids watch them Anne and Marcy kiss*

Frogwoman: If we work together Mar-Mar, you won't have to be.

Coregirl: I don't know what'll happen

Anne: Hey Marcy, We're superheroes What can happen?

*Suddenly, Maggie screams as one of the Omnidroid's legs suddenly crushes the van, but the kids quickly make it out, as everyone runs to the other side of the road,

 the Omnidroid tries to crush them, but ends up blocking the kids from escaping*

Frogwoman: MAGGIE!!!! POLLY!!!! SPRIG!!!! NOOO!!!!! 

*The Omnidroid tries to crush the kids, but Maggie made a force field around them

Then, the Omnidroid tries to crush them with its body. The force made Maggie's force field break and it knocks her out*

Sprig: Maggie?

Polly: Sis?

*The Omnidroid is about to crush them again but it stops as the two see Marcy keeping the Omnidroid off*

Polly & Sprig: Mom!

Coregirl: Go, go!

* Anne grabs Maggie while she, Polly and Sprig run to a safe place Marcy lifts the Omnidroid up a bit but it grabs her, and throws her into an office building, Anne Polly and Sprigrun to the corner of a building*

Maggie: I'm okay, mom. Really.

Frogwoman: Stay here, okay?

*She runs off to fight the Omnidroid, The Omnidroid climbs the building it threw Marcy in 

and looks for him, Marcy runs up to it and punches it, causing it to fall off

Then, Sasha arrives, that she has finally found hee super suit*

Coregirl: Ice Queen! Yeah!

*Lincoln also arrives* 

Ace Savvy: it's time to deal out some justice! 

*Sasha soon tries freezing the legs in place*

Frogwoman: Marcy!

*They see Frozone fall onto a car*

Ice Queen: ugh 

Coregirl: Hey!

*The Omnidroid hits Marcy onto the side of a building and lands on the road. 

The Omnidroid tries to crush Anne but she jumps out of the way

She uses her tongue to stretch to the side of a building and avoids the Omnidroid's claw

Then, Sasha tries to freeze the claw in the building but it frees itself, As Anne avoids the lasers, Marcy notices a remote*

Coregirl: huh?

*She remembers that Darkstorm uses it to control the Omnidroid*

Coregirl: DARKSTORM'S REMOTE!!!!! 

*The Omnidroid hears this despite having no ears at all and it uses its claw and grabs onto Marcy and lifts her up 

while Marcy tries to work the remote, Then it removes its own leg making her fall as Polly turns into a bald eagle and flies into the fray

As Maggie, and Sprig witness the whole thing*

Coregirl: *screaming* 

Maggie: The remote controls the robot!

*Marcy  tries to avoid the laser beams when she sees Sprig on the other side*

Sprig: Hey, mom! Throw it! Throw it!

Coregirl: Go long!

*Marcy throws the remote to Sprig, He ends up throwing it very far, causing Sprig to chase after it while avoiding the laser beams, He runs across the lake and catches the remote*

Sprig: I Got it!

*Sprig runs onto the road but the laser beams hits a car and explodes in front of Sprig as He tries going the other way but another car explodes

Cuts to Marcy as she runs to her wife*

Coregirl: Anne Honey!! , take out its guns!

*The Omnidroid shoots in front of Marcy and then sees Anne running to a sewer lid

 She grabs the lid and stretches her tongue to the lamppost and uses it to sling-shot the lid, The lid hits the Omnidroid's guns and destroys them

The Omnidroid tries to attack Lincoln when he tries to blow it up that's when Polly turns into a Tyrannosaurus Rex and uses her jaws to keep it from crushing him 

As we Cut to Sprig*

*Sprig is surrounded by fire when Sasha comes and gets him* 

Ice Queen: Sprig! Need a lift? 

Sprig: yes aunt Sasha! 

Ice Queen: I Gotcha!

*The Omnidroid sees that Sprig has the remote and turns into a ball to rolls over to them

 Sasha creates an ice path over the lake and stakes across it to escape the Omnidroid

 The Omnidroid jumps into the lake breaking the ice path, 

 The jump created a huge wave and Sasha with quick thinking turned it into snow, Sprig lands on the snow but lost the remote

Marcy sees the remote and tries to grab it* 

Coregirl: *gasps* 

*The Omnidroid sees her and shoots its claw to grab her before she can get the remote

 As the Omnidroid walks over to the remote, Sasha puts ice on the road so it was harder for the Omnidroid to balance Lincoln uses an EMP that temporarily disables the control of its legs and Anne  stretches her tongue connecting from one lamppost to another to trip it

 The Omnidroid falls over and tries to grab the remote Then, while being invisible, Maggie takes the remote and dodges the Omnidroid's claws

 As she takes the remote to everyone, the Omnidroid falls over trying to get her, Then Maggie becomes visible again*

Ice Queen: *off screen* Maggie! 

Ace Savvy: are you alright 

Maggie: I am *to Anne* Mom, I've got it! I've got the remote!

*The Omnidroid gets up*

Ice Queen: A remote? A remote that controls what? 

Ace Savvy: Maggie what does that remote control?

*As the Omnidroid gets closer, Maggie presses a button that activated the Omnidroid's rockets*

Ice Queen & Ace Savvy: The robot?!?!

*The Omnidroid flies past them and crashes into a building. Meanwhile, Marcy is trying to free herself from the claw, Then, the Omnidroid gets back up*

Sprig: It's coming back!

*Sprig takes remote from Maggie and presses a button, It opened the claw that Marcy was stuck in*

Sprig: That wasn't right

Polly: you think! 

Maggie: Give me that! *Takes remote back*

Coregirl: We can't stop it. The only thing hard enough to penetrate it is...

*She remembers how she had to make the Omnidroid on the island destroy itself*

Coregirl: ...itself......

Sprig: It's getting closer!

*Marcy picks up the claw*

Maggie: It doesn't work!

Frogwoman: Kids!

*Violet presses a button that turned on the rockets on the claw Marcy was holding The force of the rocket was pushing Marcy, Anne takes the remote*

Ice Queen: It's not doing anything!

Frogwoman: Lincoln, Sasha!  try to buy us some time!

Ace Savvy: We'll Try! 

Ice Queen: Try the one next to it!

*Sasha runs up to the Omnidroid and makes an ice wall in front of it as Lincoln uses his gadgets in an attempt to distract it* 

Coregirl: Honey!!!

*Anne presses a button that turned off the rocket*

Coregirl: Wait a minute, ANNE! PRESS THAT BUTTON AGAIN!! 

*Anne presses a button that makes the claw spin much to Marcy's worry and annoyance*


Frogwoman: First button!!! Got it!

Sprig: It's getting closer!

Ice Queen: LOOK OUT!

Frogwoman: Get out of here, kids! Find a safe spot!

Maggie: We're not going anywhere!

Polly: she's right mom! Where with you if you like it or not!!

Coregirl: PRESS THE BUTTON!!! 

Frogwoman: Not yet!!

Ice Queen: ANNE!! 

Ace Savvy: HANG ON!!



*The Omnidroid gets closer and Anne presses the button to turn on the rockets*

Coregirl: EVERYBODY DUCK!!!!!!!! 

*Marcy lets go of the claw and it flies right through the Omnidroid, It falls over into the lake and explodes*

Coregirl: Hey, Ace, Queen

*Everyone comes out and cheers for the Omnidroid's defeat, as Darkstorm wakes up*

Darkstorm: Huh? *Angrily*  No!

Old man: Hey, did you see that? Eh? That's the way to do it. That's old school.

Old man 2: Yeah. No school like the old school.

Ice Queen: Ha-ha! Just like old times!

Ace Savvy: definitely 

Coregirl: Just like old times Sash *gives Frozone a heavy pat on the back*

Ice Queen: Oh! Yeah. Hurt then too. Ow.

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