By Sakura-Maiden

176 5 64

A collection of my Edens Zero characters All images and media are not mine unless stated otherwise. More

Suri Kessho
Guinevere Elysium
Artemis Esmeray
Twyla La Rouge
Seraphina Ventus
Alison Veil
Bahari Rafferty
Sasori Charluse

Niu Adel

28 1 1
By Sakura-Maiden


♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚


↬ Full name ↫

↬ Niu Ty Adel

↬ Nickname ↫

↬ She doesn't have one, other than being called the Holder of Destruction

↬Age ↫

↬ 18, After 3 year 21

↬ Birthday ↫

↬ August 2nd

↬ Birthplace ↫

↬ on a planet called Onyxia, on the Atvankan side

↬ Zodiac ↫

↬ Leo

↬ Height ↫

↬ 5' 2"

↬ Gender ↫

↬ Female

↬ Orientation ↫

↬ Straight

↬ Species ↫

↬ Human

↬ Social Class ↫

↬ High Class

↬ Wealth ↫

↬ Considering where she lives she has a good amount of money, but she doesn't flaunt it.

❝*Atvanka is very lovely, filled with music and colors. Everything meant something*❞


♚ R A T I N G S ♚


↬ Psychological strength ↫


↬ Physical strength ↫


↬ Close quarter combat ↫


↬ Distanced combat ↫


↬ Leadership ↫


↬ Wisdom ↫


↬ Intelligence ↫


↬ Confidence ↫


↬ Endurance ↫


❝*The constant droughts taught me survival, this heat is nothing to me*!❞


♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚


↬ Normal mood ↫

↬ Despite the condition that Niu had lived in, she is extremely positive and overall happy, not afraid to go all out. She is brave, but mainly since she acts first and asks questions later. She doesn't think until after the fact but isn't dumb either. She can notice someone's true intentions before they actually show it off, allowing her to trust people easier than most. She is still very childish, fully believing that the war can stop. She is a fighter, she believes, wanting to do her best and go out into the war in hopes to stop it with her ability.

↬ Temper ↫

↬ Although it doesn't come out much, Niu does have a sharp temper. When it does come out, or when she is upset, she becomes very difficult to understand due to her heavy accent. That is, if she isn't speaking her native tongue.

↬ Discipline ↫

↬ Niu isn't disciplined and will go off and do her own thing, which is why she often bumps heads with the Creation Holder. All she knows is to be sneaky and not get caught.

↬ Strengths ↫

↬ Niu constantly keeps a positive outlook. While her ether gear is also great for when she needs to break things.

↬ Weaknesses ↫

↬ She can often be very hard to understand due to her heavy accent. Her ether gear, although strong, is terrifying and can even hurt someone.

↬ Drive/dreams ↫

↬ Niu's dream is to eventually leave Atvanka and Onyxia in general in order to find her sister Ranu.

↬ Fears ↫

↬ She is terrified to find out her sister is dead or coming back from her journey with her country completely torn apart.

↬ Likes ↫

↬ Niu adores spicy foods and music that comes from Atvanka. Anything that reminds her of home.

↬ Dislikes ↫

↬ Anything cold really doesn't satisfy her, especially cold weather. She has grown up in hot conditions so suddenly being somewhere with a cold climate is jarring. She also does not like the people of Virya due to the war. It was more taught to hate on that end though.

↬ Soft spot ↫

↬ Niu has a soft spot for children, especially for the ones in a war. She knows that they have no choice but to grow up through it and are only outcomes from it.

↬ Depression ↫

↬ The very idea that her family could very well be dead after she left.

↬ Inspiration ↫

↬ her inspiration to keep going comes from her friends and the desire to see her sister and family again.

↬ Role model ↫

↬ Her main role model is Shiki Granbell for his bravery and determination to make friends with everyone he meets.

↬ Mental disorder ↫

↬ Though Atvanka is not very modernized with its medical, relying mostly on plants and even stones from the deep desert caves, Niu has definite signs of ADHD. She also has insomnia, afraid of the war reaching her home while she sleeps.

↬ Habits ↫

↬ She is often bouncing or playing with her hands, always moving an never fully occupied on one thing.

❝*War hurts everyone. Strong or weak. Children and adults. I want tis all to end. Why do they keep attacking if they want the same?*❞


♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚




↬ Skin color ↫

↬ As she aged, Niu has become more tan as she was exposed to the sun

↬ Eye color ↫

↬ Pinkish purple

↬ Hair color ↫

↬ Pinkish purple

↬ Hair style ↫

↬ She always has some type of braid in her hair, but her hairstyle is most often in a ponytail with a traditional Atvankan headband and braids framing her face. Her hair is extremely wavy otherwise.

↬ Body Type ↫

↬ Niu has a pretty average height and an average breast size, but she has pretty strong and curvy hips and slender legs with good calves due to her dancing skills.She has a pretty decent muscle tone.

↬ Scars ↫

↬ She doesn't have any scars except for the marks on the bottom of her feet from being barefoot so much.

↬ Piercing ↫

↬ None

❝*I may look soft, but I'm like a temple. Strong and sturdy.*❞


♚ H O M E L I F E ♚


↬ Location ↫

↬ Her original home was on Onyxia, but she recently moved to the Edens Zero

↬ House size ↫

↬ Her house in Atvanka is small and cramped, but she doesn't mind it.

↬ House type

↬ A home made of clay and stone

↬ Level of luxury ↫

↬ Her house isn't very luxurious despite how rich they are, but the tapestries are beautiful and worth a good amount.

↬ Outdoor description ↫

↬ The home Niu lives in is very plain but decorated by rare flowers occasionally found sprinkled through Atvanka. It also is easy to tell that the house isn't that big.

↬ Indoor description ↫

↬ There are tapestries everywhere and all kinds of homemade pots and tools.

↬ Bedroom description ↫

↬ Niu shares a bedroom with her older sister, Ranu, which has become very lonely over the years that she had left. Her favorite tapestries are hung inside and anything that reminds her of home between pictures and little trinkets given to her.

❝*A real bed!?* Oh thank you!❞


♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚


↬ Hobbies ↫

↬ Niu mainly enjoys dancing, as she feels like it is what she was born to do. However, she also can play a few instruments. Although she isn't very good on them, she enjoys it.

↬ Talents ↫

↬ Her main talent is dancing, but Niu is very agile and graceful in her movements. When she attacks she does her movements with ease, its just the strength behind the attack that is her issue.

↬ Sports ↫

↬ Niu, like most children in Atvanka, used to play a sport similar to t-ball and american soccer, Catavi. It is played by a ball being knocked into the air by its post and players drive it into each other's goals. This is mostly played by four players and children, but it is very popular.

↬ Occupation ↫

↬ An Edens Zero Crew Member

❝*Anything outside of Atvanka is likely a paradise. Oh how I wish to see it.*❞


♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚


↬ Father ↫

↬ A man by the name of Banishi Adel. He is currently alive and 43 years old.

↬ Mother ↫

↬ A woman by the name of Awae Adel. She is also alive and 41 years old.

↬ Brother(s) ↫

↬ Niu has 3 younger, very rambunctious brothers, Wante, Xeret, and Azash. Wante wants to become a miner like his father and is extremely loud compared to the other two. Xeret is sweet and soft spoken, unable to hurt a fly. Azash, on the other hand, is a little adventurer. He is a trouble-maker and likes to pull pranks on others. Niu also has an older brother named Eshet who has become extremely protective after their older sister left.

↬ Sister(s) ↫

↬ Niu only has one older sister, Ranu. She always looked up to her and found her to be so strong and talented, able to get along with everyone she met. For a short time she was on the battlefield, but later mysteriously left after stating she wanted to explore the galaxy to find Atvanka help.

Niu also had a baby sister who would've been 7, but she was murdered in a house fire during an attack.

↬ Other relatives ↫

↬ Niu has quite a large family outside, mainly 5 aunts and 8 uncles and many, many cousins. She gets along with most of them well.

↬ Enemies ↫

↬ Anyone from Virya she sees as an enemy in their current war, but also anyone who attacks the Edens Zero ship.

↬ Rivals ↫

↬ Niu has one main rival, that being Nyssa Lyrx (@Ravenwolf2020 's oc), who was from Virya and they are constantly at each other's throats.

↬ Friends ↫

↬ Most of the Edens Zero crew she takes a liking to, particularly Witch, who reminds her a bit of Ranu, and Rebecca as Rebecca shows her so much about the outside world through videos.

↬ Best friend ↫

↬ Her best friend is Homura Kogetsu, someone who understands the terrible tragedies of war.

↬ Love interest ↫

↬ She fell in love with Shiki Granbell rather fast, heavily due to his personality. He was welcoming to her and helped bring up her confidence the most. Outside of Atvanka, he became her first friend.

↬ Marital status ↫

↬ Single at first but she eventually gets with Shiki Granbell

↬ Spouse ↫

↬ N/A

↬ Children ↫

↬ She does eventually have children with Shiki after the 3 year timeskip, who she is very protective over.

↬ Pets ↫

↬ She has a little griffin thing named Zephyr that is black with a bit of red. She loves it very much and it is her best friend, often eating all sorts of plants.

❝Friends are family in a war. When you are away from family it ends up like that. Family is all you need and eventually a village has its members become its family.❞


♚ C O M B A T ♚


↬ Rank ↫

↬ C (Without Ether), S (With her Ether)

↬ Weapons ↫

↬ N/A

↬ Range ↫

↬ Close

↬ Accuracy ↫

↬ Exact point of interest

↬ Power ↫

↬ Ether Gear: Destruction Holder

Niu's Ether stems from a long line of people from the Atvankan bloodline. Either it is inherited by blood or passed onto an unlucky child born. Niu just so happened to be the next baby after the bloodline wasn't continued. When Niu touches a surface or object, ancient runes scatter across it before it breaks into pieces and even turns to ash. Large buildings or objects will break into pieces. She is terrified to accidentally do this to a human being as she has no idea the repercussions that could happen.

Overdrive: Unraveling

When Niu activates her overdrive, her appearance changes. It is like another 'her' comes out. This is the original holder just within Niu's body. So although her hair and eyes change, her facial structure is the same. In this form, Niu doesn't even have to touch an item to break it but it does become a lot more unstable and dangerous in this form if not used wisely.

↬ Block/nullified ↫

↬ Any sort of protection spells or blockage can of course block Niu's ether. Even if the runes are erased within a quick period of time.

❝How are you not scared of my Ether? This is the reason for war... I'm too destructive.❞


♚ L I F E S T O R Y ♚


↬ Age 0-12 ↫

↬ From the moment Niu was born she was loved, which was especially easy in the tight household. It became even bigger and yet smaller as she grew up and more siblings entered the mix, but she never complained. Her family was especially protective over her due to her being a holder, and so was taught how to survive at just 2 years old. This is around the time when people began to discover the truth and the King of Atvanka set into motion that Niu would not be entering the warzone due to her being the holder.

Niu was raised on how to not get caught, anything else was alright within reasoning. She was told right from wrong, but especially told who exactly to hate. Of course it was the Viryan's who she was told started the terrible war that left everything in shambles. She was also taught the skill of dancing, passed down through generations. It brought her peace and she has danced at every festival since she was around 5. By the time she was 10 she was able to take care of her younger siblings and pass the knowledge onto them.

↬ Age 13-18 ↫

↬ Beforehand, Niu was never shown the true painful experiences of war. Of course she knew soldiers that left and never came back or terrible injuries that would last the rest of their lives, but her family never experienced it. Until around 13 years old. Her small Atvankan village, recovering from a previous attack, was attacked again. Their home was set ablaze with some servants inside as well as her little sister Vaina who was two years old. That moment stuck with Niu and her family felt hopeless for that entire year.

Niu became even more attached to the children in her vicinity, feeling that she needed and could protect them. She did her best to keep them all safe and happy. A year later, when Niu was 14, her sister officially announced she would suddenly be leaving. Niu was unsure if this was secretly due to their sister's death but decided not to interfere and let her sister have her own freedom, though she wished to go with her. This is around the time where Niu was taught how to be a homemaker and find the perfect husband. She hardly listened, although she attempted to a few times. She just wasn't ready to grow up yet. Until 4 years later when she decided to leave for the sake of Atvanka.

↬ Darkest secret ↫

↬ Vaina's death really messed with Niu, whether she wants to admit it or not. She pretends that she has gotten over it, but it has only gotten worse since Ranu hasn't returned.

❝*Space*... I want to see it. I want to see what Ranu is seeing. I want to bring peace to Onyxia,❞


♚ T H E M E S O N G ♚


After all these yearsssss still haven't figured one out


♚ C R E D I T ♚


↬ Images, videos, and audio, may be subjected to copyright law. I (user name) do not own the images, videos, and audio. ↫

↬Template created by Ace_Chick ↫

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