Ever Lost


105 6 1

In a Sanctum built for angels and mages lives a boy of secrets who carries a cracked halo, and a girl with a... Еще

Authors Note
Teaser 1
Everlost: Part 1
Part 2: Teaser 2
Everlost: Part 2
Part 3: Teaser
Everlost Part 3:
Part 4: Teaser 4
Everlost Part 4:


3 0 0

I climbed into the carriage with the goblet tucked neatly away in my bag. Apollo settled in across from me, the queen stood before the opened door. "You'll each receive messages about your next visitation. A carriage will be sent for you next time. Thank you for joining us." She beamed. Apollo and I smiled, "Thank you for having us."

"Ah, Audrey!" The queen said, fumbling through her pockets. She pulled out a beautiful jewelry box and handed it to me. "Your mother used to stay in that same guest room. When she disappeared, what remained were small trinkets of her and Andres." She said. I traced my fingers along the intricate carvings along the box. A butterfly engraved into it. "She was not very materialistic. She owned very few of her items, but what she did own, she treasured. We've collected their most precious belongings here for your travels. I hope you'll enjoy these. The rest will be waiting her." I smiled, "Thank you, my queen."

"Of course. I shall see you off now." She said, lifting her skirts, she took a sure step away from the carriage. The guards closed the door, and moments later the carriage pulled off.

I tried to restrain my view from Audrey. She looked out the window with wonder-filled curiosity, astounded by all she saw as if she hadn't traveled these roads millions of times before. My gaze traveled around her, her hair. I never considered the idea of her with short- no, shorter hair. Though I had seen it last night, just before she had tied it up for the evening, it hadn't stopped me from being jarred by it. Her hair was still quite lengthy but not enough that it fell in her lap as it had before. She seemed indifferent to the change but every once in awhile she'd reach into her lap and pull her hand away, her face would contort slightly with disappointment. Even then, I thought she looked more beautiful with her hair short. I clenched the stress ball in my hands fighting every thought there was to be had about Audrey Willow. The annoying, pretty girl. Clever beyond belief, impulsive and irritating. Everyone loved her, these days I felt my hatred teetered on the edge of love. I wouldn't mind being just another boy who stupidly fell for Audrey, but I couldn't handle acknowledging it when it was just us two. I feared, I'd be too tempted to hold her in my arms, whisper sweet nothing, love her. Her gaze flickered to me, and mine away from her. I tried to find some interest in the scenery around us but it only bored me. I kicked my leg up on the sill of her seat and yawned, meeting her gaze once again. "Do you need something?" Her gaze averted from mine. I acquired my desired reaction but it felt bitter still. I sucked in a breath. "You have the cup?"
Tch. She ran a finger over her lip. Now I felt awkward. "Well, do you?" I tried again.

"Sure." She replied dryly. I should've seen that coming, but I didn't. Time in the palace had given me space to forget I was Apollo, and she was Audrey. That when the sun set and the moon rose, we were still, in many ways, worlds apart. Though my every thought was consumed by her, I had forgotten she still hated me and I should still hate her too. It was the natural way. At least it was in my head. But I felt stupid thinking that now. I felt stupid I ever thought it at all.

The ride passed just as horribly slow as the first had been and we didn't arrive back until the school day had officially come to a close. I tapped on the roof of the carriage again to wake Audrey. She forced one eye open and looked around wearily. When she had processed her surroundings, she closed her eyes again, stretched, yawned, and pulled her things together then promptly stumbled out the carriage. I hurried out after her, "can I help you?" I asked, rushing to the imperial. She cut her gaze at me, "what for?"

"Well- actually I don't have a reason," I chuckled awkwardly. "Just let me help you... please?"

A smile found its way onto her face, I expected a yes but she declined the offer anyway with a bit more attitude than I had prepared myself for. Audrey was Audrey, and I was Apollo. I hefted my things out the imperial and trudged back to the Angel Common Rooms, hopeful that the chatter about the blessings had ceased.

The room was empty, her bed still made and her things untouched, the room had began to collect dust which wasn't noticeable if you weren't looking for it, but I was. I was searching for any sign Alice was back alive. When I found none, I thought I could fool myself into believing she was here and fine, but I heard the sound of my bags dropping and I crumpled, complete shattering at her absence. I found my eyes dry, but the urge to scream pummeled out my throat. I wanted to let myself be angry and hurt and tired, but it was inappropriate, impolite. I did not have the strength to scream now. Instead, I found it in me to close the door and curl up in front of it, digging my nails into my bare knees until they were bloody and ached all over. It wasn't until I peeled back my hands that I finally noticed Silas- and the pain in my knees. He looked down on me with disapproval. His eyes were greedy and expectant, he was anxious with the waiting and I could tell he was less than excited my meltdown was what had kept him waiting. "What-" he shushed me, "do you have it?" He asked.

"Do you have what I want?" I asked. He nodded, "of course, I always come prepared." Sure. I reached into my bag, pulling out the milky goblet. He reached for it anxiously but I withheld it. "Tell me what I want to know,"

"You'll give me the goblet first." He seethed. My lips twitched. "My parents," I coerced. "What happened?"

"They died, hand me my goblet."

"Not good enough."

His gaze darkened on me and he stepped back, running an excited hand through his hair. His face broke into a twisted smile which opened in laughter. Shrill, angry, laughter. He collapsed before me with wide eyes. "Give me the goblet." My body trembled, but I held firm. "Give me my hair back." His eyes relaxed, "I don't know-"

"Oh? Then I guess this goblet is mine." Silas reached out to grab it, it's marble burned him as soon as he touched the cup and he cursed angrily, throwing down Alice's vanity. He stormed through the room, tearing apart anything that he could easily break, which was most things. I watched in horror as he destroyed my room, every thing he touched faint black figures would hover near by and disappear. They must've been his minions, there's no other reason why they'd stand around and watch. When he was done, the room was a mess of broken glass and furniture, unlivable. "Give me my goblet, or there will be hell to pay."

"I can pay the price." I said, clutching the goblet closer now. "Fine," he stood over me now with fidgeting hands. "You wanna see your parents? I'll show you them." He growled. I blinked, and he was gone again, the state of my room was the only proof he was ever there.

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