The Aylesbury Chronicles

By Zoethe80slover

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In a small town in the English countryside known as Aylesbury, a group of families work together to look afte... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

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By Zoethe80slover

Andy's POV

So you may be wondering, what is this nice medieval village somewhere in the countryside of England? This is Aylesbury, where I've been living my whole life. Let me introduce myself, my name is Andrew James Hernadez Taylor, Andy for short. Well, originally Le Bon Taylor but my parents divorced when I was young, shortly after my brother, Nick's birth because my real dad, the one who impregnated my dad (he's intersex and has both male and female sex organs) is a pervert. Anyways, I'm 13-years-old and suffering from stage 4 cancer since I was 11. It went into my lungs when I was 12 and my body stopped responding to chemotherapy, now I'm practically very weak and I get sick easily. I can recall that scary moment, my lungs filled up with fluid that day and I had to be on a ventilator and in the hospital for a week.

Well, considering the fact this town seems medieval, we have modern technology too. I'm now on supplemental oxygen because my lungs are very weak. I'm on an oxygen concentrator but only at home; it has been my friend since I was 12. I have oxygen tanks too for whenever I go out but the thing is, my dad wouldn't let me go out because of my weak immune system. I can't even play with my brother anymore because if I catch the flu or cold from him, I'll immediately get pneumonia. This isn't fun, but that's my life. No friends, isolated because I'm suffering from the most life-threatening disease. I'm all alone. "Andy, ready to do your treatments today?" That is the voice of my dad, the one who gave birth to me, John. He's very overprotective and the reason why I can't go out.

"Yeah," I yelled out. I stood up from my desk chair and sat on my bed. I don't have my own room, I have to stay in my dads' bedroom so that my dad, John, could easily look after me. This is where I rest, play video games or get my treatments. It wasn't chemotherapy, my body's too stubborn for it now but back when it was responsive, it wiped out my immune system. It was Phalanxifor, a drug developed here in Aylesbury by my uncle Paul and the hospital here. Because there's no tablet form, it has to be in IV form. My dad, John, went into my room and connected the IV to my port. He also proceeded to check my blood oxygen levels, still fairly low. "You must be doing well with your treatments," my dad said. I just remained silent, I don't know how to word out my thoughts to him.

Sure I'm sick and I can't breathe without a nasal cannula, or a breathing tube through my nose but I want to be a normal kid. I'm not going to last long but I want to live life to the fullest, I can't just be isolated for so long. "Dada, may I ask you something?" I asked, feeling a lump in my throat. "What is it, my child?" John asked. "Can I go outside and play with Nick and his friends?" I asked. "Andy, you're too sick to play outside and you might get sick whenever they sneeze or cough on you, you have to stay here," John said, ruffling my hair. And you may be thinking, I lost my hair during the cancer treatments. Well, I did but ever since I'm off chemotherapy, my hair grew back to its former glory. I have very long bangs that cover my forehead but I swiped it to my left and I hope they cover my puffy steroid cheeks.

My hair is not as thick as it once was but at least I still have it. I couldn't ever bring myself to rebel, I'm a bit tired so I laid down on my bed and fell asleep. John affectionately swiped my long bangs to the side while I was resting. That's when I heard a knock on the door, John opened it. "Hi John." That must be one of our gay neighbours, uncle George. I mean, the majority of Aylesbury is gay because same sex marriage is legal so that would explain it. "Oh hi George," John said. "How's Andy doing?" George asked. "He's sick right now, he's receiving treatments right now. He gets sick very easily now because of the past chemotherapy treatments," John said. "Oh I see, can I see him?" George asked. "Of course," John said. I opened my eyes and took a glimpse of uncle George.

He looks awfully handsome like my dad, but unlike my dad, he's Greek and has blonde hair and hazel eyes. My dad on the other hand has brown eyes and brown hair, both very tall. Unlike me, I'm very short and skinny, like so skinny I look very malnourished. I might need a feeding tube soon if nobody wants me to die of malnutrition before the cancer kills me. "Hi uncle George," I greeted groggily. "Hi Andy, how are you?" George asked, brushing my hair out of my way with his fingers. What's with everyone with my hair? "I feel awful, I really wanna go out," I said. I just recieved a sigh from uncle George. "I'm sorry kid, but your dad keeps you here for a reason," George said. "He's very weak now, poor boy," John said. George just nodded. I couldn't do anything anymore, I want to live like a normal kid, not a hospice patient.

Nick's POV

So, you already know my older brother, Andy. Well, he may be older but he looks younger than me, so skinny and short. Anyways, my name is Nicholas James Hernadez Taylor, also known as Nick or Nicky. I'm 12-year-old, Andy's cancer really took a toll on me. I missed playing with him, all the times I played Space Invaders with him or played with him with my friends. Now he has cancer, poor guy. I'm playing Space Invaders right now when my dad, well step-dad, Roger sat next to me. "Nicky, can you pause the game for a bit?" Roger asked. "Sure," I said as I paused the game. "What's up?" I asked, not knowing what's going on. "Nick, you can't play with Andy now, okay?" Roger said. "Why papa? What's wrong with him? I know he has cancer but why can't I play with him anymore?" Nick asked.

"He's severely ill now, we're waiting for him to get better but you can't play with him, you might spread the germs," Roger said. Tears started coming out of my eyes. "Why him? Why not Morrissey or some dada-obsessed girl?" I questioned. I refer to John as 'dada' and to Roger as 'papa' like Andy. "Hey, don't cry Nicky," Roger said, hugging me. I just continued crying, my tears landing on his shirt. "It's alright, Andy will be alright too," Roger said. "I miss playing with Andy, why is he very sick?" I asked, tears still streaming down my face. "Andy has cancer right now, apart from his body not being able to respond to the chemotherapy, he gets sick easily now because his immune system and his lungs are weak," Roger said. I was in disbelief, I've been by Andy's side ever since he was diagnosed with cancer.

And while he was receiving chemo treatments, he asked me to shave his head off once his hair started falling off. Well, I felt bad I wouldn't be able to see his dark hair again, the dark hair he inherited from our dada. But I remembered telling him that I gave him a very bad haircut. Now, ever since he stopped the chemo and is on respiratory failure, I'm no longer allowed around him. I haven't seen him for a while, he's just locked in his room. "Nicky, why don't you go outside and play with Martin and Dave?" Roger said. "Okay," I said. I turned off the game and went out of my house and into the village square where the kids often play. There's Martin and Dave, uncle Fletch and Alan's kids, I often call him Mart to not be mistaken for uncle Martin. Nick, well, he has the same name as me so that's why everyone calls me Nicky and Stuart or Stu for short, uncle Steve and Jez's kids and Richard, Bryan's kid in the square.

I waved at them as they went up to me. "Hi Nicky, how are you?" Mart asked, he is around my height, he said he's of African descent but he's blonde and blue eyed, I don't think I believed him and he's also 13. "It seems like you cried, what happened?" Dave asked, this is his adoptive younger brother from Malaysia, he is also Eurasian and is 12. "Oh err," I started off, wiping off my tears. "Is it something to do with Andy?" Nick asked, Nick, even though he is 11 and the youngest here, is very tall, he has fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes. "Yes, it is something to do with Andy, last year his lungs failed and has to be on oxygen, his body stopped responding to chemo and his immune system became weak, he has to be stuck in his room now like a prisoner," I said, tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Oh my goodness," Mart said, hugging me. I hugged back and continued crying. "You know, I also have cancer, look," Dave said, lifting up his shirt for a bit. I wiped my tears, it made me realise that Andy's not alone, he's also a tubie. "I need this tube to gain nutrients, the cancer I have had spread to my stomach," Dave said. "That's why you're so skinny," Nick said. "Yeah and my body stopped responding to the chemotherapy, glad Phalanxifor did its job," Dave said. "Then why didn't uncle Fletch or uncle Alan lock you up?" Nick said. "Because they know Dave doesn't last long so they allowed him to live life to the fullest," Mart said. That's when something clicked, dada was being overprotective towards Andy. Because Andy gets sick easily.

"But my dada decided to keep Andy in the room because he gets sick easily," Nick said. "We all know he gets sick easily and he's fragile, but locking him isn't the solution," Richard said, he is Jewish American and has brown hair and blue eyes. "You gotta talk to your dads," Stu said. I nodded and ran back to the house, but before that, I checked the sun. It was setting and the street lamps were lighting up. That means it's supper. I went into the house and papa had just prepared dinner and John went into his room to feed Andy. "Come here Nick, eat up," Roger said. I just sat down and stared and played with my food. All I could think about was Andy. "Nicky, what's wrong?" Roger asked. "I really miss Andy," I said, accidentally slipping my words out.

"Andy will be fine, he's just very sick now, just have faith he'll get better," Roger said. I honestly don't know what to say, I can't stand my brother being ill. But I guess I can't do anything at this point but to keep away from him. Because he gets sick easily and if I get the cold or flu, it's doomsday for him. He's already on respiratory failure, pneumonia or bronchitis is very deadly for him now. Well, I guess we're just going to wait and see.

Andy's POV

I'm asleep now with this annoying BiPAP on my nose. I couldn't stand the noise, I've been sleeping with this nasal mask on since I was 12. But if I don't want to die of pneumonia during the cold English countryside weather during nighttime, I need this thing on. While I was sleeping and breathing through this damn ventilator, I felt something weird in my mind. I tossed and turned and then all of a sudden, I woke up and my oxygen concentrator, ventilator and myself ended up in... Nick's room? "Huh? Andy, what are you doing here?" Nick asked upon turning on his lamp. He must've woken up because of me noisily breathing through a ventilator. Awesome. "I, I dunno," I said. It's so awkward, I haven't been with Nick for a while ever since I got respiratory failure.

"You alright?" Nick asked me. "I dunno for sure," I said. I sound so horrible with this thing on my nose, I sound like I caught a cold and the snot couldn't get out. "You sound so adorable Andy, I really miss you, and I cannot believe you grew out your hair ever since your lungs stopped working properly," Nick said, sitting in front of me and ruffling my hair. It felt so weird seeing him, he's now taller than me and his voice got a bit deeper because of puberty. I mean, he's 12 already so he can do that. And there's me, 13-years-old and thanks to my cancer treatments, short, skinny and I still sound like a little boy. "I can't believe you're taller than me now," I said. "You still look the same, except the hair and puffy cheeks, but apart from the port and the ventilator, you look pretty good," Nick said.

I'm glad Nick doesn't think of me differently now that I rely on tubes and masks to breathe. He still thinks I'm his big brother, well little brother actually even though I am older, I still look younger than him. "Wanna go back to dada and papa's room?" Nick asked. "It's okay, I can actually teleport back there," I said. I closed my eyes and tried to teleport myself back to my dads' room. It didn't work. "Actually, I can help bring these things back to papa and dada's room," Nick offered. I didn't see how kind Nick was apart from being very naughty. "Well, thank you, I appreciate it," I said. Nick just smiled and pushed both the oxygen concentrator and the ventilator it is attached to as we tried to quietly enter my dads' room. Well, I tried because I need to breathe through this damn mask that's covering only my nose and the ventilator is noisy too.

Once we arrived at our dads' room, Nick quietly placed my oxygen concentrator and ventilator next to my bed as I placed myself on the bed. Nick sat on my bed and tucked me in, I closed my eyes as he brushed my long bangs away from my face. "You can't be here for too long, dada might wake up," I nasally whispered. "I know, but hey, at least I get to see you after a year, good night Andy," Nick said, patting my shoulder. I smiled and then fell asleep, breathing through this damn ventilator. The next morning, I took off my BiPAP mask, placed it on my bedside table, turned off my ventilator, disconnected it from my oxygen concentrator and then connected my nasal cannula and the extension tube to it. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wee and took a bath, well a quick warm shower because the English countryside is cold and I'll get sick if I'm cold and wet.

After drying myself, I changed into my casual clothes, a red jumper over a white shirt and white jogging pants because I'm cold and went out of the bathroom. I checked if the oxygen through my nasal cannula is flowing before putting it on, fastening it at the back of my head. I just laid on my bed, I'm usually this stubborn when it comes to stuff like this but now I'm used to it. Because if I'm not on oxygen or on a ventilator, I'll die. The metastasis in my lungs didn't make things better, it just damaged my lungs. That's when dada, John woke up. "Morning kiddo," John said, brushing out my wet hair. "Morning dada," I said, coughing. "You sound terrible today, kid," John said. "It's actually normal, considering how shitty my lungs are," I said with a bit of sarcasm even though I'm right.

"I'll go and make you breakfast, okay?" John asked, patting my shoulder. I nodded and grabbed my gameboy because I got bored. I so wanted to escape, now that I have those powers, I think I have the chance. Oh well, it's too late now, John returned with my breakfast, oatmeal. I went up to my desk and began eating it. I really need to eat or else I'll get a feeding tube like Dave, who also suffers from cancer. "Eat up kiddo," John said before he went to the bathroom. I slowly ate my oatmeal as papa, Roger woke up. He too went to the bathroom after John came out. He just sat on his bed. How did I become this observant all of a sudden? Is this related to my teleportation powers? Anyways, I finished my breakfast and went back to my bed, continuing my game on the gameboy.

Nick's POV

After eating my breakfast, I went out of the house and met up with my friends. "Hey Nick," Mart greeted. "Hi Mart," I greeted back. "So, what do you want to do today?" Dave asked. "Wanna play Space Invaders?" I asked. Everyone agreed. "Sounds good," Nick said, not me by the way. "Can you not play Space Invaders once in a while?" Oh shoot. That's Simon, my pervy biological father, tall like my dada John but the opposite, blue eyes and blonde hair. Which contrasted my orange hair with blonde highlights and green eyes. "You're not my dad!" I yelled out. All my friends were shocked and they backed away. "I'm pretty sure you know I am, come on, let's play baseball," Simon said, grabbing my wrist. Ugh, that pervert. "No!" I yelled out, grabbing the bat he was holding and attacking him.

"Ow, that hurt," Simon groaned. But I just hit him more. "Oh my goodness," Mart said. "Is that really your dad?" Nick asked. I felt so embarrassed with my pervy biological dad. I've always felt that Roger was my real dad but I was wrong. "Pervy father!" I yelled out. "Space Invader addict kid," Simon groaned, clutching his crotch. I felt bad for hitting it with a bat but I have to. The embarrassment came further as the entire village came in, including my dads. "Both of you enough!" Roger said as our argument escalated. "What now?" Richard asked. That's when Roger began his rant. "Simon, you weren't there during Andy and Nick's birth, all you were doing is being a perverted whore," Roger said. "A what now?" Nick asked. I didn't know what's going on at this point, I know dada told me he's a perv though, but how?

"And when Andy's sick, you didn't even dare to help John, and now he's very ill, he's so weak," Roger continued. "Now I see why he really needs to stay home," Nick said. I couldn't believe it. That's when papa decided to turn to me. "Nick, I get you're so lonely and you miss being with your brother, but you don't have to take it out on whoever he is," Roger said. "Oh my god," Simon said, upon disbelief of what papa said. I get that he's my biological father but he's rarely there, he's just being a perv and hanging out with hoes all the time. "Yeah Simon, you barely contributed when Andy got sick, I was the one who had to bring in a lot of medical supplies like medicines, oxygen tanks, breathing tubes and stuff like that." That's the voice of uncle Tony, he's our godfather and always brings all the medical stuff to our home from the hospital.

He's very tall and pale with brown hair and matching brown eyes. "And you were his tree." That's auntie Kim, she may be a dumb blonde at first but she's a badass. Not only does she care for us, she also had to help Simon not be a perv. "Yeah, all this because I'm this tall, yeah," Tony said embarrassingly. "Okay okay, man, stop this! I won't do it again, oh my God," Simon yelled out. I just hope he really means what he said. "You gotta be there for not only Nicky here, but also your sick son, Andy, John really needs your help because Andy got way sicker than before, it got to the point he couldn't breathe on his own anymore. George is in there right now," Tony said. At least I got some support, but if I'm being fair, Andy needs it more than me.

"He's on oxygen now? Poor kid," Kim asked. I dunno how to answer her, last night I saw him. He's on a BiPAP, the mask covered his nose and the noises were creepy. "Alright Tony, I'll go back and take care of my son," Simon said. Finally he sees his responsibilities as a father. "Thanks Tony, and yes Kim, he's on oxygen now," John said. Where did he come from? "Geez, poor kid," Kim said in sympathy. That's when I noticed a strange man approaching us. He's not like us, he's wearing a suit while all of us were wearing casual clothes. Is he from the secret service or something? "Hello." That man said. "Fuck you Morissey!" Tony yelled out. Wait, I wonder if that dude's name actually is Morrissey. "Fuck you Tony!" Morrissey yelled out.

Okay, everyone is swearing now, that's pretty awkward for us kids. "Get out of here you miserable twat!" Richard yelled out. He may be American, but boy he talks like an Englishman. "Richard Noel Marx-Adams, where did you get that word?" That's the voice of uncle Bryan, not that tall but he's also blonde and blue-eyed. Ever since he divorced his wife, Richard's mother, he relocated here in Aylesbury which is his ancestral home. The Adams were a very important family here in Aylesbury, and some of them branched out to Canada and America. Bryan is from the Canadian branch but married an American Jewish woman which is why Richard is here. But 10 years ago, they moved here. "Fuck you Morrissey!" Tony said once again. "I don't like you all, to be honest, and fuck you Tony!" Morrissey yelled out.

"Better keep our kids inside." That's uncle Fletch, Mart and Dave's father, well adoptive father. He is very unique compared to all of us, a redhead and has blue eyes. Hey, at least I'm not the only redhead, we got Fletch. I just have red hair and a blonde highlight I inherited from my dada, John and green eyes. Where did I get green eyes? Andy got blue eyes from his, ugh, real dad, Simon. Now I see where he got his blue eyes, the brown hair came from John. But I dunno where I got my green eyes. "My kid is already inside..." John trailed off. "Fuck you redhead!" Morrissey yelled out. Crap, is he talking about me? "Redhead?" Fletch asked. "Yes, I hate redheads!" Morrissey said. Holy cow, why does this man have a problem with hair colour?

That's when Fletch magically turned his hair into blonde. The Fletchers are another important family here in Aylesbury, they're known not only for their red hair but their ability to change their hair colour at will. "Better? I'm blonde, bitch," Fletch said back. "Good but I hate you," Morrissey said. Oh boy, this beef isn't going to end well and I'm in the middle of it all. "Keep your bad mouth to yourself, Irish whiskey-drinking asshole," Mart yelled out. The embarrassment continues to creep up on me. "I'm Irish..." That's uncle Bono, of the few Irish residences here in Aylesbury. "Sorry uncle Bono," Mart said. "When will this asshole shut the fuck up?" John asked. "I hate you all, fucking Irish!" Morrissey yelled out. I'm not even Irish, I'm literally part Italian and Greek on John's side and a bit French on Simon's side.

"Said by an actual Irishman who grew up here in the UK," Bono said. Morrissey's family moved here from Ireland many years ago, in fact they're another important family in Aylesbury. Only this time, their descendant, Morrissey, is more of an asshole. Leaving Morrissey here while the rest of the family moved to Manchester. "I don't care," Morrissey said. "Wow, wow, find better insults," Dave said. "Shut up, multi-ethnic dog-eater," Morrissey said. Though Dave is of Malaysian descent, he isn't Chinese, he's half English half Malay. "Please leave my kid alone," Fletch said, giving a protective arm to Dave. "Don't listen to him, Dave." That's George, Andy probably already introduced him to you. That's when I saw papa, Roger, look at George in dismay.

"George, did you leave Andy alone in his room?" Roger asked. "Oh my goodness," George said. I was visibly confused, but I am already aware of Andy's powers. But is he using them right now?

Andy's POV

Now that uncle George is gone, now's my chance to shine. I closed my eyes and then, all of a sudden, I had a vision of locations I could go to. Great! Okay, where can I go? Oh yeah, the town square where everyone gathers, I haven't been there before. Okay. I opened my eyes, disconnected my IV from my port, took off my nasal cannula and teleported myself towards the village square. But I ended up on uncle Tony's back? "He's climbing up Tony right now," uncle Fletch said. I haven't seen him for a while. "Wow, Tony is so strong." That's uncle Gary, one of the Kemps. The Kemps were not only known for their blonde hair and blue eyes but also their weirdness. "...just because I'm tall, doesn't mean I am a tree, what's with you guys and my height? Andy's not even on my back," Tony said.

Am I really this underweight? "You have one fucking kidney, Kemp," Morrissey said. "I have three, also, Tony, you better look behind you, the child's on your back." That's uncle Martin, Gary's younger brother, another Kemp. He's also weird, he has three kidneys and Gary only has one. "Weird brother, I hate it," Morrissey scoffed. "Oh, there you are naughty boy," Tony said. Great, he spotted me. He then put me in front of him. I immediately hugged him and he just kept carrying me. "Hi uncle Tony," I said. I really miss him. "Hi Andy!" Someone yelled out. That's uncle Steve, Tony's boyfriend, he's the opposite of Tony, blonde and light-eyed. "I missed you, uncle Steve," I said, jumping off uncle Tony's arms to hug uncle Steve. "I miss you too, Andy, I heard from Tony you're very sick with cancer, hope you're okay," Steve said, playing with my hair.

"I'm okay," I said, coughing. God, when will I ever breathe normal air again without needing the damn tube in my nose? That's when John grabbed my arm. "Andy, we have to get you back to your room and back on oxygen, your lungs are very weak," John said, dragging me back to the house. "No!" I yelled out, getting John to let me go. "I'm done being locked in your room, dada, acting like I'm still a child. I'm 13-years-old!" I yelled out. I can tell everyone was shocked, my small stature couldn't convince them that I'm 13. "But Andy, you get sick easily," John said. "Yeah and you know I can't live a long life because I have cancer. I want to live like Nicky, Dave, Mart, Richard, Nick and Stu. Dave even has cancer," I continued to say, ranting.

"You should've told us Andy was your younger brother instead of older brother, he looks so tiny," I overheard Nick, Steve and Jez's son say. "He is my older brother, cancer treatments caused his body to delay puberty, that's why he sounds young," I overheard my younger brother, Nicky, say. "Andy, kid, it's for your own good, if you want to be healthy soon, we don't want the other kids' germs to get to you, that's why we separated you from Nick," my papa, Roger said. "Could that explain why Andy rarely comes with you to play recently?" I overheard Stu ask. "Yeah," my brother Nick said. "I thought you guys had a fight," Richard said. "Even though we had fights, he still loves me and I still love him and I care for him. I've been by his side throughout his cancer treatments and even shaved his hair when it started to fall off," Nicky said.

"I just want to be a normal kid, sure I can't breathe normally like one anymore but that doesn't mean you have to limit me. Also, yes I get sick easily but you need to let Nick protect me, I'm done staying in that house like a prisoner," I continued to rant out. "If I'm being honest, you gotta let Andy out once in a while. Andy felt lonely when he was cooped up in his room and he wants to be with his brother again. As well as his friends. Even with how weak his immune system is now, he will still get sick more when he's sad." That's the village leader, uncle Paul. Paul's family has been running this village for generations. He became the youngest ever in his family to gain the title of village leader. That's what made the Youngs another influential family in Aylesbury.

"Dada, papa, I really want to be with Nicky and friends," I said. I couldn't help but feel bad upon seeing pity on my dada's face. Not only him but also my step-dad which I call papa and my biological father. I can recall that dada called him a pervert who was never there when I was born. "Oh my God, how does he know well?" Gary asked. "I told you he's a great father, everyone would leave their kids under his care," Martin said. "You're right Paul, I'm so sorry, both of you, I shouldn't have been too overprotective towards you, Andy," John said, apologising to me and Nick. I went up to Nick and hugged him, for the very first time in a while. In fact, I felt very emotional because of that I actually began crying. "Oh Andy," Nicky said, he ruffled my hair like he did last night.

I felt so overwhelmed with the brotherly love I've been lacking the past year. Soon, all of my brother's friends surrounded me and hugged me as well. "You deserved to be loved Andy, I know the entire village had worked really hard to get you better but this is what you really need," Dave said. We soon broke out of the hug and I wiped my tears. "I'm sorry too, kids," Roger said. "I'm sorry too, especially you John, I shouldn't have been a perv, I should've been next to you when Andy and Nick were born," Simon said. That's when I punched him, at least I'm not that weak even though my arms look like sticks. "I didn't regret being with you when you guys were born to be honest," Simon said. "Haha no regrets, step daddy," Nick said and I laughed. Even though Nick had already hit puberty, he's still a bit naughty.

"I am your step daddy," Roger said. "I know, but Simon's the real step-daddy," Nick said. "Nick, that's not nice," Kim, one of the few women in the village, said. "But he's my step-daddy," Nick said. Oh boy, Nick decided to be naughty today. "No kid, Simon is you and Andy's biological father, he was rarely there so even though you think Rog was your bio father, he's actually not, he is your step-dad," John said. I mean, I already know Simon was my real father and not Roger. "Yes, and I like to kiss John every day, you don't understand it, kid," Simon said. We both remained silent. "I always suspected you guys inherited something from that dude instead of Roger," Richard said. "Yeah, I got his blue eyes and ADHD," I said. "At least you got your hair from dada," Nick said, ruffling my hair once more.

How is this so calming? But if I'm being fair, I'm very embarrassed and I want to go back to my room. "Uncle Tony, please take me back to my dads' room, I don't want to see this," I said, climbing up uncle Tony so that he could carry my tiny frame. "Okay, but you have to be on oxygen again," Tony said. "Not that I care anyway," I said. I don't even want the oxygen but if I still want to live, I need it. I almost coughed up blood today and I don't want to end up in the ICU again. "No Andy, I love you too," I heard my real father say. "Whatever daddy, you weren't there for me anyway!" I yelled out, tears coming out of my eyes. "Smart kid." That's uncle Andrew, uncle George's boyfriend who is of Italian and Egyptian descent. "How can I make up for what I did wrong, little Andy?" Simon asked.

Did he just call me little because of my small stature despite being 13? Or maybe it's because uncle Tony was carrying me. I don't actually care if it embarrasses me, I just want to get out of here. "Be there at least!" I yelled out. He just went up to me and kissed me on my steroid cheek. Oh my goodness. "Sure Andy, get back on oxygen, will you?" Simon asked. I nodded. That's when Tony and I bumped into Morrissey, oh geez, what's gonna happen now? "Oh no," I said. "Get out of the way Morrissey, the child is sick," Tony said. "Child, he looks a bit big," Morrissey said. "I'm 13," I said, just hugging Tony as tight as my weak stick arms could. "13? 13? You could be lying about your age, are you really 13?" Morrissey asked. "He is 13, it's just that his puberty is late, now get out of the way," Tony said.

"Or what? Take him to the hospital or something?" Morrissey asked. That's when I began having a coughing fit again, the one that almost made me cough out blood. But it just tugged into my stomach, this must be the best time to vomit on Morrissey. Once I knew the vomit was coming out, I turned my head and aimed at Morrissey, spewing all over him. Everyone just stared at us. "Oh no, this is not funny," Gary said. "Ewwww Andy," Nicky said in disgust. "That's what you get for being racist!" Dave yelled out. "Oh no," Simon said. "Okay kid, we gotta get you washed up and back on oxygen, okay?" Tony asked. "Okay," I said, teleporting me and Tony back to the house. At least my teleportation powers work.

Nick's POV

Once Andy and Tony were in the house, I continued watching the commotion. "What about me, Tony?" Morrissey asked. "Fuck you Morrissey!" Tony yelled out. Oh no, not the swears. "Maybe you should wash up yourself instead of being a baby," Fletch said. "But Andy's being a baby," Morrissey said. "That's because he is battling cancer, you're just bullying multi-ethnic kids and red-head adults," Fletch said, pointing at his hair. "You dyed your hair blonde." That's the voice of uncle Alan, Fletch's new husband. "I know," Fletch said. "Shut up, boyfriend," Morrissey said but Alan just flipped him off. Morrissey just left the town square in defeat, going back to his house. "Hang the racist!" Mart yelled out. "Ha!" Simon said. I still can't believe how useful Andy could be.

Tony and Andy soon teleported back to the town square with Andy on fresh clothes and back on oxygen. Tony carefully placed him down as I hugged him once more. "You did it, Andy," I said excitedly. "You vomited on Morrissey? That's so cool." That's uncle Limahl, he's co-parenting with uncle Jez and uncle Steve (Askew). "It's not my fault I'm sick," Andy said. "Not saying that it's your fault, it's just cool you vomited on a racist," Limahl said. "I mean, that's disgusting, but I'm proud of you, buddy," Bryan said, patting Andy on the shoulder. But whatever, I'm glad to be with Andy again. Just looking at him, despite the nasal cannula across his face, he looked good. "You also have a tube, right?" Dave asked, playing with Andy's oxygen tubing.

"Yeah, it helps me breathe better," Andy said, also pointing at his tank. "Well, so do I, it helps me get nutrients," Dave said, showing his g-tube. "You have a feeding tube?" Andy asked. "Yeah, I also have cancer in my stomach and I couldn't get the food I need to survive, also because I tend to lose appetite pretty easily. I also had surgery to remove the tumour from my stomach as well," Dave said, pointing at his scar. "I have one too because I wasn't gaining weight, it's mostly for night feeds," Andy said, showing his g-tube to Dave. "Glad you found yourself a best friend for life," I said, ruffling Andy's hair again. "Actually, I found all of my best friends for life," Andy said, referring to all of the kids in the town. "If I'm being honest, Andy being free is the best thing I've ever seen, I can't always lock him in," John said.

"I have an idea," Simon said. "Want me to teleport you?" Andy asked. I nodded. "Good luck, Andy," I heard Mart say. We both teleported back to the house and we decided to play Space Invaders in the living room. "You know, I miss playing Space Invaders with you," I said. "Yeah, it sucks being this sick, especially when you have a metastasis in your lungs," Andy said. Just as we were about to finish the game, our dads went up to us. "Kids, mind if you pause the game for a second?" John asked us. I paused the game just to pay attention to him. "What is it, dada?" Andy asked. "Close your eyes," John said. We both closed our eyes as John guided us somewhere. As soon as we opened our eyes, we were shocked that there were two beds in my room.

"Your dads and I decided that it's time we put Andy under your care, so we moved his bed, desk, oxygen concentrator, ventilator and all his stuff here," John said. I was delighted, I finally got to share a room with my brother. "Thank you so much, dada," I said, giving John a hug. He then lowered down to our level, since we're both short and he's extremely tall. "One more thing, your biological dad, Simon, and I decided to co-parent. He promised to stop being a pervert to look after you and you guys have three fathers now," John told us. We all became excited, I'm so glad we got a lot of good news. And now I get to have Andy spend his soon to be last moments with me before his death. I dunno when but at least we have each other now.

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