Stuck In A Dimension Of Drago...

By Venator-TheThird

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your name is Axel Cederburg and you live in the country of Sweden, you are a huge fan of the how to train you... More

Chapter 1: Hunters
Chapter 2: Dragon's Edge
Chapter 3: A Giant problem
Chapter 4: Berk
Chapter 5: Stormstriker
Chapter 6: Project Shellfire (part 1)
Chapter 8: The Woman behind it all
Chapter 9: The Volcano
Chapter 10: slimy trouble
Chapter 11: Temporary relief
Chapter 12: Into Ashes
Chapter 13: The Scream Of Death
Chapter 14: Titan Isles Part 1
Chapter 15: The Meeting
Chapter 16: Battle on the Edge Part 1
Chapter 17: Battle on the Edge Part 2
Chapter 18: Journey To Vanaheim

Chapter 7: Project Shellfire (part 2)

65 3 0
By Venator-TheThird

You reached Dragon's Edge in the middle of the night. You knew that the riders would return at midday so decided to take the opportunity to sleep. You went to the clubhouse and found Stormstriker already snoring away, so you decided to sleep next to her.

The next day you kept waiting and waiting but no one came. So you decided to fly around the island just incase of a possible invasion. But there was nothing. So you waited till the next morning for the riders to appear but still none came. So you decided to train Stormstriker.

You took her to the dome where the dragon training equipment was. You decided that you would practise mounting her while sprinting towards each other. Both of you stood on the opposite ends of the dome and you whistled to let Storm know that the excercise had begun.

Both of you started to run towards each other and prepared to jump onto other, she came next to you and you jumped on grabbing her left wing and propelling yourself on her.

Next you decided to try out how strong Storm's others senses were, other than sight. So you blindfolded her and went to other side of the dome. The scenario was that you were captured by the hunters in the dead of night and Stormstriker had to grab you with her claws and throw you ontop of her while blindfolded. That's why you had also put several dummies around you. Oh boy did you have a rough time.

The first few times Storm grabbed the wrong dummy, and on the third try she accidently ripped a dummy in half. And after 10 trys here you were. You whistled again and Stormstriker flew towards you and grabbed you with her claws and took off, finally you had succeeded in the first half, now was the part where she would throw you onto her back. You said "Come on girl you can do it!" Unfortunately Storm underestimated her claw strength and threw you straight into the air miles above her. You were enjoying the sensation of flying up at first but when you started to fall you shouted in fear "Stormstriker I need you!"

Storm heard your distressed voice and tried to catch you with her tail, however she than overestimated her tail strength and as soon as she grabbed you the momentum forced her down as well. Just before hitting the ground Storm pulled you near her stomach and covered her wings around you as a protective shield.

You hit the ground with a mighty SLAM! Thankfully you were saved and so was Storm due to her armour and durability. You sighed in defeat.

If only Heather was here, she'd know what to do, wait a minute... you suddenly realized something. In the episodes, after realising that Ryker controlled the Shellfire the gang didn't come back straight to the Edge, they went to Berserker Island and the Defender of the Wing island first. You quickly said "Come one girl we have to go".

You mounted Storm and took off heading to Berserker Island. Well you were about to when you saw a dark figure fly through the clouds straight towards Astrid's hut. At first you thought it was a projectile or a dragon but on closer inspection you realized that it was Toothless. On him Hiccup was looking really worried and in his arms–in his arms was Astrid, she was injured in her leg and blood was spilling. You quickly turned Stormstriker and flew towards them.

You landed outside the hut and rushed in. You ran besides Hiccup who didn't even care about the fact that you were out of the hanger cell. You asked "What happened?" He replied "We were coming back from the Defender of the Wing island when we saw the Shellfire and the hunters. We were about to chase it when out of nowhere this mysterious man in a purple cloak, standing on a Catastrophic Quaken flew towards us and tried to kill us! We tried to escape but he threw a knife that hit Astrid in the leg. Wait how are you outside? And is that a Razorwhip?" You said "I'll tell you later, what can I do to help?" He replied "There's a cloth on the table take it and as soon as I remove the knife, cover the injury."

You nodded in agreement and picked up the cloth. Hiccup than removed the cloth and you quickly covered the injury. Hiccup than took hold of the cloth from you and you stood to the side thinking this mystery man is becoming more of a threat every second, and the fact that he knew I was not from this universe, and he knew my full name...

At that moment yo6u stream of thoughts were interrupted by a massive boom that shook the island itself. You said "What was that?" Hiccup replied "The hunters are here, and it lookes like there gonna use that Shellfire to sink our island." You replied "Well what's the plan?" And to this Hiccup answered "We're going to secure the island first, make sure everything–including Astrid's health, is stable. Than we'll attack the hunters." You said "Okay I'll distract them while you and the Riders do this, than you can come as back up." "Out of the question, you could get seriously hurt or injured" He replied. You countered "I'm your only hope, let me go prove myself, plus I won't be alone I'll have Stormstriker." Hiccup sighed in defeat and said "Okay fine you win, but don't engage the enemy, you hear me? Retreat at the first sign of danger!" But you didn't reply as you had already ran out the hut towards Stormstriker who was playing with Toothless. You got onto her and said "Come on girl, we have a job to do" she growled in agreement and off you went towards the hunters.

Your plan was simple, destroy as many hunter ships as possible, there were about 50 or 60 of them surrounding the Shellfire. You flew towards them until you were right infron of them, you whispered to Storm "Okay girl, this is the battle of our lives, we may get hurt or even killed, but we have to protect the Edge, are you ready?" She roared on agreement and you dived down towards the onslaught of ships which had already started to throw projectiles towards you.

You dodged a flaming boulder from the first ship and blasted it with Storm's blue hot fire. The second and third ship you threw spines and and they sunk due to the holes in their hull. However before you could reach the fourth ship, a massive dragon emerged from the water beneath you, it was another titanwing, this time a titanwing Whispering Death, about 4 times as big as Storm, on top of the dragon was the mystery man standing there with one hand on of the dragon's spikes. The massive beast had the same lifeless expression as the previous titanwing under this man's control.

How many titanwings does this man have? You asked yourself. You stared at the Titanwing, with a mouth big enough to tear Stormstriker in half. The man laughed and said "You really thought you had gotten me? Oh no, I'm not that easy to defeat, you however are just one massive bite away from death, and I'm the one that's going to deliver that bite!" You replied "Who are you and what do you want!" And the man replied "I'm not going to answer any of those questions!"

The titanwing Whispering Death than sucked in the air around it and released a stupid amount of fire towards you which Storm dodged at the last second. You dived towards the water dodging and evading through the ships with the man right behind you. You heard the man shout "you can't escape me, I'm too powerful!" You said nothing and kept trying to fly away but even Storm could not outfly the large beast.

Suddenly the titanwing Whispering Death bit into Storm's tail and started to slurp on it like it was some long noodle piece, and even though we were flying at intense speeds you still felt Storm's body slowly being sucked into the titanwing's mouth. Storm roared in fear and anger and tried to get free but to no avail, you decided to do something really risky. By that point the titanwing had sucked half of Storm's body into it's mouth and was approaching her wings. You quickly got up and rushed towards the beast–punching it straight in the left eye. The dragon let go momentarily and roared in pain, it let of of Storm's body by throwing it towards the water. Both of you hit the water separately and started to sink. In the water you stated to swim towards Storm who was trying to locate where you were, you got to her and saw that her tail armour had been completely ripped off exposing grayish skin with blood coming out. You quickly got on her back and together you flew out of the water. You said "Come on girl, let's take our revenge!" She roared in agreement and you to flew towards the Whispering Death titanwing in a ramming position. The man saw us do this and dived the Whispering death towards us with its mouth wide open and the rows of teeth rotating like crazy. At the last second you dodged right and Storm used her tail and cut deep into the titanwing's body and kept cutting until she reached the tail of the dragon, now with half of the dragon's left side cut up, it crashed into the water and for the second time, the mystery man went under.

Well that's that handled with, now to deal with the ships. You flew towards the ships and started to destroy more of them until you had destroyed at least 13 or 14, at this point Storm had gotten really tired and the Shellfire had stopped shooting so you decided to use the moment to return to the dome to put some bandages and give her some fish. So you flew off.

You reached the dome only to find Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins and another girl in Razorwhip scale armour–Heather, arguing with each other. You landed Storm and dismounted from her and she rushed over to the food and water. The others were too busy arguing so you cleared your throat loudly. The riders noticed you and Fishlegs was the first to say "Axel your alive! And have a dragon, umm how did that happen?" Before I could even say anything Tuffnut said "Did you know that Hiccup is dyi-" He was interrupted by Ruffnut who said "No its Astrid who's dying and Hiccup is spending as much as time as possible, and apparently with Viggo too". "What did you just say?" You asked confused. Snotlout (who was sharpening his axe and trying to seduce Heather, like he usually tried but as usual failed miserably) turned to the twins and shouted "THEY ARE NOT DYING, FOR THE LAST TIME, HICCUP HAS A GAMB–you know what forget it, they've gone with Viggo who is claiming that he knows how to stop the Shellfire". You asked "What about Astrid's leg?" This time it was Heather who replied "She's fine, ate some healing herbs and bandaged her leg, you know how she is–or you will, I'm Heather by the way, nice to meet you". You replied "I'm Axel, nice to meet you too".

Snotlout interrupted our talk by saying "Hey Hiccup gave us a plan! Shouldn't we, oh I don't know be listening to it!" Heather replied "Your right, here's what Hiccup told us, Fishlegs you take the baby Eruptodon to the volcano, maybe by eating the lava it can stabilize the volcano, the rest of us will destroy as many ships and distract the Hunters until Hiccup and Astrid return. Axel your with us".

You replied "Okay let's go than". You rushed to Storm while the others ran to their dragons, before mounting her you checked to see wether her tail was in good conditions for flying. You saw that even though the armour was deformed the spines were still there and Storm would still be capable of flying. You approached her and said "Are you ready for round 2?" Storm whined in pain but than roared in what you took as a yes. This time you would make sure not to let anyone hurt her.

You mounted Storm just as another smaller Razorwhip approached them both, well it was not a smaller one but a regular sized one because as you knew, Storm was a failed titanwing. The razorwhip was exactly the same as Storm but had green eyes (all Razorwhips looked alike) on top of the dragon was Heather. This meant that this was her dragon Windshear, whom she rescued from another dragon. She dismounted from Windshear and approached Storm and storked her head. She asked "How did you find her?" I replied "Well to be honest she found me, but still I was able to calm her and show her I was better as a friend rather than a free meal". Heather said "After this I'll tell you all the basics on training and caring for a Razorwhip, gods know I have experience thanks to Windshear". You nodded in agreement and she went back to her dragon and mounted her.

She than shouted "Riders! Let's go!" And all of you took off.

You, Snotlout, the twins and Heather were to fend off the dragon hunters while Fishlegs was going to save the island by trying to stabilise the volcano with the Eruptodon adolescent. Heather said "Okay Ruff, Tuff you both take on the Eastern flank, Snotlout you take the Western one, cause as much chaos as possible and I'll take the front of the armada, Axel you take on the ships that are to the back of the Shellfire and try to cut the chains that attach the huge dragon proof ship to the Shellfire, got it? Okay let's go!" Snotlout laughed loudly and said "Four thousand pounds of flaming muscle coming through!" And hookfang set himself on fire to demonstrate (Monstrous Nightmares have that ability to scare off other creatures, snotlout was protected due to the flame proof saddle). Tuffnut said "Don't worry my friends, we'll give these hunters chaos worthy of Loki himself!" With Ruff saying "Couldn't agree more!" You also said "Don't worry, we can do this, come on Storm let's go!"

You dived down from the clouds towards the vessel that was attached to the Shellfire, you blasted at the armour at its back but as expected it did nothing to it  You shot some spines at its back but again no reaction which meant that the dragon had thick armour. Nevertheless you dived towards the first visible chain on the left and tried to cut it, but you couldn't get close due to the amount of arrows being shot at you so you wanna play the hard way eh, okay than you thought. You started to fly up into the sky and without warning dived straight towards the chain. Storm was so fast you were sure she had broken the sound barrier, true she was no Night Fury but you still had to hold on for dear life.

This Speed was what you were counting on as the hunters missed every arrow, you reached the first chain and cut it, mission success. But before you could fly away a normal non poisonous arrow hit you in the back, you screamed in pain and quickly removed the arrow, your back was in excruciating pain, you had injured yourself before but this was even worse. Nevertheless you grunted in pain and flew towards the ships behind the Shellfire, these ships were not as heavily armed as the ones in the front so you had no problem blasting and shooting them with spines until all 30 of them had sunken. You than decided to helo Snotlout as he was having the most issues.

You flew towards him and started to blast ships. He said "I've got this covered, go help someone else" than a boulder nearly missed them and he changed his idea and said "You know what, on second thought, maybe you should stay here, so I can protect you that is". You would have laughed if your back was not in excruciating pain, thankfully the wound had not been infected and was not deep enough to draw blood. Both you and Snotlout started to blast the ships until you heard 2 people shouting from behind, it was the twins, they had fallen into the water–right infront of the Shellfire, Heather dived towards them to try and help but both she and Windshear were also hit by a boulder and fell into the water next to the twins. Snotlout shouted "We have to help them!" You said "I'll pick up Barf and Belch as Storm can carry more weight, you save Heather and Windshear."

You both started to fly towards the downed riders but were not able to get close due to arrows being shot at you. The Shellfire than opened its mouth and to your horror, was about to blast the riders.

Than suddenly the most unexpected thing happened, just as you expected it to. A massive submarriper, the same one as before, rammed the Shellfire from below causing it to miss and fall back. The Shellfire and the Submarriper than started to circle each other. Than the Shellfire tried to ram the Submarriper but it dodged right at the last second and dived into the water and used its signature move, which was to suck everything towards its mouth including water, and creating a whirlpool. The Shellfire was spooked by this and swan away carrying the Hunter vessel with it. Heather and the twins flew towards the oncoming Hiccup and Astrid who were chearing. You also flew towards them and heard Tuffnut say to his sister "Ah the Submarriper, Submarriper-ama" to which Ruffnut replied "Love the dragon, hate the smell" just like they did in the episode.

All of you flew back to Edge, towards the volcano to check up on Fishlegs. Along the way Astrid flew near to you on Stormfly and said "How are you outside your cell? And who's this? I'm really confused by all this–this drama". You replied "It's a long story and one I will tell you all, but not now". Astrid nodded and said "Thank you for helping us in our time of need". Than she flew off towards the volcano.

Hiccup also came upto you and said "Great work, I didn't know wether we could trust you or not but now I'm sure we can. Thank you and you as well Stormstriker". You said "It's the least I could do for you. I just have one request, if you could lend me some bandages and medicine than I could treat Storm's tail, than we'll leave you in peace". Hiccup than gave an answer that both surprised you and made you filled with joy. He said "Oh no, your not going anywhere, all of us are in debt to you, so how about we make you and official member of the dragon riders eh? Your training will start as soon as possible. Thanks again for helping us".

He than flew off towards Astird, Toothless easily filling the distance between them while you were left in shock. Joining the riders...that had always been your dream! You said "You hear that Storm, we're dragon rider now". Storm growled happily and you smiled as well and followed after the riders.

All the riders including you had reached the volcano and Hiccup asked Fislegs "Is the volcano stable?" You were standing near the crater and from looking into it, you could tell that it was stable. Fishlegs also confirmed your thoughts by saying "The volcano is stable thanks to the eruptodon". Everyone sighed in relief and started to mount their dragons. But you were still careful as you knew what would happen, how Viggo would capture Astrid and try to make a deal with Hiccup to get the Dragon Eye. But surprisingly everything went smoothly and Viggo was nowhere to be found.

However that did not mean that they were out of danger.

One second Asrrid was flying ahead of the group and the next both her and Stormfly were wrapped around the tail of the titanwing Whispering Death, the same mystery man standing on top.

Hiccup shouted Astrid's name and tried to rescue her but the man said "Oh no, the only way your getting her back is by giving me the dragon eye".

The dragon eye, so that's what the man was after. Astrid replied "Hiccup don't!" And the Whispering Death wrapped around both of them even tighter causing Stormfly to squawk in pain. The man said "Keep quiet you fool"

Heather said "Let her go you monster!" But the man just repeated "The dragon eye first".

Snotlout whispered to the twins "He isn't really gonna give it is he?" And to this both Tuffnut and Ruffnut just quoted "The things we do for love".

Hiccup took out the Dragon eye from his satchel and threw it towards the man. He grabbed it and said "Hmm easier than expected, but than again you vikings are so gullible." He then proceeded to throw Astrid and Stormfly directly towards the ground at full speed and flew away.

Hiccup quickly dived down and caught Astrid in Toothless's paws and the twins caught Stormfly. Hiccup looked straight at me and said "Stormstriker is the only one partially able to challenge a titanwing, try to get back the dragon eye but do not place yourself in unnecessary danger, understood? The rest of are going back to the edge". You nodded and flew off after the man.

Thankfully due to the injury Storm had given the titanwing Whispering Death, it was unable to fly at full speed and you easily caught up to the man, you flew infront of him forcing him to stop.

The man said "Must we really do this again? You are no match for me and you know it". You replied "Want to find out?". The man leaned forward and the beast obeyed also flying forward straight towards you and Storm. You also flew straight towards them intending to ram them. You half expected the Titanwing to open its mouth to blast or tear you to pieces but the man had also committed to ramming you. Now normally a titanwing ramming another dragon, even a failed titanwing would be kill the other dragon but this titanwing was slower and injured.

You 2 rammed each at other at top speed causing both dragons to be forced back from the force. Before you or Storm could recover the man jumped from the titanwing and landed onto Stormstriker. He kicked you in the facee causing you to fall onto your back and grabbed you and jumped off Storm's back towards the ground. Just before you hit the ground the titanwing caught the 2 of you onto its back and the man looked at you straight in the eyes and said "Never interfere in my plans again understand, but perhaps a warning would suffice". He than threw you off the Whispering Death titan straight towards the ground.

There you were falling to the ground when suddenly Storm caught you. She than flew back straight to the Edge to avoid further conflict. The man also flew away without challenging you further. Somewhere along the journey you fell unconscious.

You awoke in the clubhouse where you were laying on a mattress made of straw. Infront of you the riders were deep in talk while the dragons were playing outside. You groaned in pain and their attention instantly turned back to you. Hiccup said "your awake, thank Thor, what happened?" You told everyone what happened. At the end Astrid said "Well thank the gods you survived." Fishlegs was also pretty exited saying "Your dragon bonded so quickly with you that she save you without thinking twice, amazing!" Tuffnut was too busy playing with his chicken to say anything however his sister Ruffnut said "That mystery man sure is something"

"Speaking of which, did you get the Dragon Eye?" Interrupted Snotlout but Heather scolded him by saying "He just woke up and this is what you ask? Plus against such a seasoned warrior..."

But you checked your pocket and sure enough the Dragon Eye was there. You pulled it out and revealed it to everyone who went into shock. Finally Hiccup said "How did you manage to get that?"

You replied "While the man was busy punching me and kicking me in the face I took it from his pocket and voila"

The room was silent before Tuffnut broke said silence by saying "You, my friend, are a thief worthy of Loki's attention". "Umm thanks" you replied not sure what make of it.

Hiccup helped you up and said "Well while you were out we did a vote on wether you should be a dragon rider or not, and all of the answers were yes, so welcome to the team."

You were holding your breath during the last part and released it and smiled saying "I'm honoured to be a part of your team". Snotlout suddenly shouted "Come on let's have a party!" And before you could protest they picked you up and carried you outside where the sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery. They were taking you straight to the hanger and you didnt resist at all

You just laughed and enjoyed the moment.

[The Submarriper]

[Titanwing Whispering Death]

Editors notes: Whoo that's the first section of the story done, sorry for making this chapter so long I was actually expirementing, now that Axel is a part of the dragon rider team I wonder what could happen next in section 2? Well section 2 is coming out soon so be ready!

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