Perfect Storm

By RainyVenus_

73K 1.5K 53

___________________________ "You were mine the second you put your signature on that contract." He looked at... More

• Perfect Storm • | Introduction |
• Perfect Storm • | Important Places |
• Perfect Storm • | 1 |
• Perfect Storm • | 2 |
• Perfect Storm • | 3 |
• Perfect Storm • | 4 |
• Perfect Storm • | 5 |
• Perfect Storm • | 6 |
• Perfect Storm • | 7 |
• Perfect Storm • | 8 |
• Perfect Storm • | 9 |
• Perfect Storm • | 10 |
• Perfect Storm • | 11 |
• Perfect Storm • |12|
• Perfect Storm • | 13 |
• Perfect Storm • | 14 |
• Perfect Storm • | 15 |
• Perfect Storm • | 16|
• Perfect Storm • | 17 |
• Perfect Storm • | 18 |
• Perfect Storm • | 19 |
• Perfect Storm • | 21 |
• Perfect Storm • | 22 |
• Perfect Storm • | 23 |
• Perfect Storm • | 24 |
• Perfect Storm • | 25 |
• Perfect Storm • | 26 |
• Perfect Storm • | 27 |
• Perfect Storm • | 28 |
• Perfect Storm • | 29 |
• Perfect Storm • | 30 |
• Perfect Storm • | 31 |
• Perfect Storm • | 32 |
• Perfect Storm • | 33 |
• Perfect Storm • | 34 |
• Perfect Storm • | 35 |
• Perfect Storm • | 36 |
• Perfect Storm • | 37 |
• Perfect Storm • | 38 |
• Perfect Storm • | 39 |
• Perfect Storm • | 40 |
• Perfect Storm • | 41 |
• Perfect Storm • | 42 |
• Perfect Storm • | 43 |
• Perfect Storm • | 44 |
• Perfect Storm • | 45 |
• Perfect Storm • | 46 |
• Perfect Storm • | 47 |
• Perfect Storm • | 48 |
• Perfect Storm • | 49 |
• Perfect Storm • | 50 |

• Perfect Storm • | 20 |

1.2K 28 0
By RainyVenus_



Crap, crap. crap. I forgot to give notice to Mr. Stronel. The last time I missed work for a long period of time he gave me a warning. This time he doesn't even know I'll be gone, I'm going to lose my job.

I grab my purse from under my feet in the cab and remove my phone from it. I enter the 6 digit pin before rushing to get my boss on call. After about 4 rings the call goes through and I hear the voice of Mr. Stronel on the other side.


"Hi, Mr. Stronel. I know this is late notice but I won't be working until next Monday." The name catches Lewis's attention. He looks up from his laptop on his lap and turns toward me.

He gestures to put the phone on speaker so he could listen to what he says to me and I obey. "Ugh, again? How many times do I have to tell you? I have a business to run and if you won't be here then why am I paying you? There are hotter girls dying for your job who-" He snatches my phone out of my hand and brings it to his mouth.

"I was just thinking about taking my business to that new club downtown. What was it? Nerotica?" He snaps his fingers as if trying to remember the name but it seems like he knew all along.

I hear shuffling on the other end of the line before a muffled response. "I-I was, I didn't mean-" He stutters while Lewis tries to keep his laugh in.

"Look I don't care what you meant, but I know what I heard. Now the only reason your still in ownership of that club, is because Astoria works there. If you value your business I'd suggest you pick up your fucking pants, and run it like you care." Before he gets a response he hangs up the phone and drops it in my hand with a smile on his face.

I shake my head at his boyish expression. "That was mean."

"Oh darling, you haven't seen me when I'm mean. And I doubt you'll want to." He says, his voice lowering at the end of the sentence.

I rest my hand on his thigh, when he looks down at it he smirks. "I want to see all of you," I say truthfully and completely innocently but that's not the way he took it.

"Do you now?" He leans his head down into the crevice of my neck, kissing gently.

"Okay, I think you've forgotten that we are here. Have been the whole time." Quinn cuts into the conversation, gesturing to her and Chris who sit in the seats across from us. The cab is more of a limo, I kind of forgot to specify.

"Oh, I'm here too. In case you forgot." James digs his way into the conversation as well. "And let me tell you, this would not be the first time I've seen something a big brother should not have seen." His attempted audience is Chris who laughs in Quinn's shoulder.

They seem to be getting on. They both have that goofy personality, James more than Chris but they both have it nonetheless.

Lewis sighs heavily and dramatically might I add. He sits back in the seat and glares at everyone including me since I'm the one that invited Quinn who invited Chris who is now teaming up with James. "I'm regretting not leaving you at the airport." He throws his head back on the seat and opens his legs. Which I think was a mistake.

"Hey Lewis, I think you might want to cover that." Chris says in between laughs and chuckles while James and Quinn try their best not to look.

I bite my lip in a failed attempt to stop myself from laughing. James throws his jacket at Lewis and I place it over his lap. Before I pull my arms away he catches my wrist.

"You're not getting out of this, I have all night to do to you as I please. And just know that this earned you a need for punishment." He whispers in my ear, low enough that nobody heard but me.

Wait, what does he mean? "We're sharing a room?" I thought I had my own. I thought he'd want time away from me.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." He smirks and lets go of my wrists, leaning back on his seat while I sit dumbfounded.

Well, I guess I'm in for a treat tonight.


Oh my goodness, this place is beautiful. The architecture is so beautiful with bright snow coving 60% of it all. I've only ever seen snow once or twice in my life. It doesn't snow much in the city or where I was born.

It's like a fairytale or one of those movies that make you wish life was different or the world was different.

I stare out into the forest that goes back miles and miles. The sky that can only be seen from places where there aren't many trees is a fresh blue color. It's amazing how natural this place is. I've never seen so many trees in one place.

The air is crisp and the breeze feels like nothing I've ever felt before. Overall this is an experience I'm glad I'm not missing out on.

"Can you believe this? This is so amazing." Quinn is just as amazed as I am. I remember her telling me that she's lived in Norchester all her life. Born and Raised.

Chris, James and Lewis retrieve all of the suitcases and duffel bags from the trunk along with our driver, whose name I actually don't know.

After the last PD Lewis banned me from having any type of relationship with them. I'm not too bothered though.

Anyways, me and Quinn completely fan girl over the scenery as the guys unpack our things. "Girls," James calls and we snap our attention toward them. ", we're going into the cabin now if you want to join. If not that's fine too." Lewis shoves his shoulder and glares at him. From afar you'd think their not close but I can tell they love each other. Anyone could, they've been through so much together and it shows.

"Ooh, I wonder if the bathrooms have jacuzzis." She skips and makes her way to the big wooden cabin styled house. I chuckle to myself and follow close behind her.

Oh my god, the inside is even better than the outside. My jaw practically drops as I take in my surroundings. There is absolutely no way I'm staying here.

It's a...I don't know what to call it. Oh I know, it's like a, "Dream." Quinn speaks my mind as she twirls around to get every angle of every vase, painting, candle, and lamp.

Lewis looks at our expressions and scrunches his eyebrows in confusion. He looks around as if to see what we were seeing. "I mean, it's okay. Nothing special." He shrugs his shoulders and continues to separate our bags so we can bring them to our assigned rooms.

I mean, I guess he has seen this place a million times before this. He comes here every year for god's sake. But if I could come here every year, it would still amaze me each time.

"Okay, so the rooms are assigned by numbers. Each room has a key with a corresponding number on it. I don't really care what room you pick, except you, but the only room that is off-limits is room 5. That's my room, otherwise go crazy." He points his attention towards me mid-sentence before handing the book of keys around.

The book contains pictures of each room with the key underneath so we know what we're picking. Well not me personally but, that's the point.

After everyone picks their keys, James alone and Chris and Quinn together, we head to our rooms.

My face is filled with joy and wonder as I look at the room. It's very modern and has the style of Lewis but still has that off the grid cabin in the woods vibe.

"You like it?" A voice sounds from behind me. I smile giddily trying to keep in the overflowing happiness.

"It's beautiful," I say picking up random things around the room, inspecting every little detail before moving on to the next.

"I know, I say that every day." Huh? I turn around to see Lewis leaning against the door frame, his arms cross over his chest and his left leg crossing the right.

The blood in my brown cheeks heats instantly, causing them to turn a rosy red. "I meant every year, you know, every time I come here." He says with a cheeky smirk that makes me think he's lying.

In desperate need of a change in topic, I say the only thing on my mind. "So, how many women have you brought here?" I ask as I sit on the soft grey fur blanket on the bed in the center of the room.

I keep my head down waiting for his response, not so sure if I'd even want to hear it. After an uncomfortably long period of time, I'm not sure how long, a few minutes? A few hours? A few days? It seems I've lost the ability to tell time.

He stands up straight before kicking the door shut with his foot and walking towards me. He stops less than a foot away from me, leaning down and placing his hands on either side of me on the bed.

"Apart from my co-workers, I've never brought another woman here. So that makes you the first. Seems your the first for a lot of things." He whispers against my lips, looking into my eyes with an unreadable expression.

I feel the sudden urge to kiss him though my mind tells me not to. I fight my self-battles and lean into him slowly. My lips gently caress his, the soft warm feeling of his mouth on mine is like an addiction I can't seem to shake.

We're so close I feel his long eyelashes against my cheek and I wonder if he can hear the war that sets place in my stomach. The butterflies are winning. Just FYI.

"Do you want me?" He whispers slowly.

He can definitely hear my heart beating, no pounding against my chest. Trying to break free of the bondage my body causes it.


As I try to go the extra mile and start something that I may or may not regret later, he pulls away. Stands up to his full length and smooths out his suit jacket. "We have to meet the rest of the crew in about, five minutes. Get ready bambina, it'll be cold." He checks his watch and winks at me before opening the door and leaving. Just like that.

Just. Like. That.

What is he doing to me? What has my life become? But can I complain? No, no I can't.


I watch as everyone slides down small hills and some go down large hills. Either way, everyone is skiing or snowboarding as I sit and enjoy a glass of Rosé.

Since I've hardly ever seen snow, I don't exactly have the skill set to do those things. Well, at least I'm on the warm patio of the ski house.

As I take another sip of my wine I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I jump in my seat only to be met with a comforting smile.

"Not a fan of snow?" James sits in the seat across from me and looks out at the tons of people spread across the large area of snow. I smile back at him. "Well, I couldn't really tell you. I've never touched the stuff." His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Your joking?" I shake my head, my smile growing wider.

"Oh, man." He leans back in his seat shaking his head. He then shoots back up as if an idea popped up in his brain. "What if I taught you how to ski?" I search his face for the joke that was filtering through the air.

There's no way anyone would be willing to teach me, anything really. But once he didn't back down from his idea, only grew more excited by the second. "I don't know-"

"Come on, it'd be fun. What's the point of coming on a ski trip if you don't ski? Come on, what's there to lose?" He seems dead set on teaching me.

"Maybe a limb?" I doubt id be good. I've never even skated and I'm pretty sure it's the same rules as snowboarding and skiing.

"Please, everyone here knows how to ski and I really want to teach you. Please?" I sigh and give in. I mean can you blame me? He reminds me of a teacup puppy, the face is hard to say no to.

He takes my hand and drags me over to the station where all the gear is.

I get suited up and before I know it, James is sliding with me down small hills, gradually getting bigger over time. "Why don't you do this one on your own?" Oh no, no no no.

"Huh? Wait I agreed to learn but J can't-"

"Come on just once? Put your skills to the test. I know you can do it." Well with that enthusiasm I can tell he was the daredevil of the brothers.

I nod in agreement but before I can even move to go up the slope, Lewis storms over in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" He asks, his face turning more and more red by the second and I don't think the freezing air is the cause.

"I was just teaching Tori how to ski. No biggie." James shrugs his shoulder before moving to help me down from the hill.

He places his hand on my waist which immediately catches Lewis' eye. His focus zeroes in on the hand of his brother on my waist, helping me down from the wooden ledge.

"Why are you touching her? Don't touch her." He seethes and slaps his brother's hand off of me. The smile drops from James' face and his playful aura fades away with it.

"Bro, I don't mean to upset you, or anything." It's like what he's saying is going in one ear and out the other. It's like he's not even registering what going on.

He grabs my hand and drags me back toward the cabin. I turn back to check if James is okay to see that a huge smirk is on his face.

What the heck?

"Wait I can't walk t-that good in t-these," I say as I struggle to balance myself let alone walk in the long ski shoes.

He stops walking and drops my hand before bending down to take off the ski boots. One by one making me stand in the cold snow.


Before I know it I'm thrown over his shoulder as he continues his long strides back to the cabin. Once he finally gets there he quickly unlocks the door and walks up the stairs, skipping steps to make the process of getting to the room, shorter.

He throws open the door and slams it shut with his foot before tossing me on the bed. I bounce a few times, losing my balance from the force he threw me.

He paces back and forth and back again, his hand running through his already messy hair.

"What's wr-"

"He doesn't get to touch you." He yells causing me to flinch from the sudden change of atmosphere. I'm confused, what is happening right now?

"What do you-"

Again he cuts me off before I can finish the sentence. "I don't care if it's your finger, or your arm or a single hair on your fucking head. You are Mine and I need for no other man to lay a fucking hand on you." The more he talks the closer he gets until he's so close that he couldn't possibly come closer.

Except I was wrong.

He pushes me back and climbs on top of me, his hands beside my head and his left leg in between my thighs.

"I don't think you understand that the second you signed that contract, you became mine and only mine. And now," He lowers his head into the crease of my neck and lowers his voice.

I feel the softness of his lips on my skin as he slowly drags them across my collarbone as if reclaiming what's his.

"I'm going to fuck that fact into your memory so you never fucking forget it."

- Hey Luvs, I don't know much about skiing but I had to incorporate some type of, something so yea.

-Also I know this is sort of a long chapter but I felt you all deserve it,

-lastly, don't worry you weren't robbed, the next chapter is...

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