My Guardian Nightmare

By Mondi06

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There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Chp. 1 - Visit
Chp. 2 - Cult
Chp. 3 - New Classmate
Chp. 4 - Lucid Dreaming
Chp. 5 - Cooking Time
Chp. 6 - Jobs are mean, in Error's opinion
Chp. 7 - Ice Cream
Chp. 8 - Food and talking
Chp. 9: Just a mother coming home... Oh, and Pain.
Chp. 10 - Breakfast after the shock
Chp. 11 - Glück
Chp. 12 - Gifts
Chp. 13 - Planning
Chp. 14 - Reintroducing: The worst person possible
Chp. 15 - Breaking down
Chp. 16 - Visitors
Chp. 17 - A tale of persuading cats and swearing
Chp. 18 - Seeking help from the outside
Chp. 19 - Someone from the past
Chp. 20 - Disturbance
Chp. 21 - Quitting?
Chp. 22 - Father-Daughter-Reunion, I guess
Chp. 23 Nightly Visit
Chp. 24 - Bonding Time
Chp. 25 - The stairs of doom
Chp. 26 - Hospital
Chp. 27 - Eos
Chp. 28 - SOUL
Special - Birthday Party
Chp. 29 - Geno's Check-Up
Chp. 30 - Shadows
Chp. 31 - New Home
Chp. 32 - Office
Chp. 33 - Further explanation about the cult
Chp. 34 - King Nightymare
Chp. 35 - Crown
Chp. 36 - Crayon Queen
Chp. 37 - Similarity between mother and son
Chp. 38 - Spooder
Chp. 39 - Removing the drug
Chp. 40- Talking about trauma
Chp. 41 - Dads are embarrassing
Chp. 42 - Medicine Time
Chp. 43 - Meeting Family
Chp. 44 - Waking World
Chp. 45 - Demise
Chp. 46 - A teasing God
Chp. 47 - Magic?
Chp. 48 - Alptraum
Chp. 49 - A super cool Adventure
Chp. 50 - Lovebirds

Chp. 51 - A crash

820 40 93
By Mondi06

Oh ma gaaawd
An update
Just one tho-

Comyet then yawned as she then walked down the corridor towards Ink's room, knocking quietly for a bit to see if her child was still asleep.
When there was no answer, she then walked in only to view such an adorable sight. Covering her mouth in shock, her eyes sparkled a bit before she quickly ran out.
"Asy- CQ-!" Comyet whisper yelled, knocking on their doors to also wake them up.

The door to CQ's door opened, she seemed still tired. What is this and waking people today?
,,Nghh... wha-?" She mumbled, looking at Comyet. The woman rubbed her eyes and yawned. ,,Comyet?"

"Comyet? Is something the matter?" Asy yawned as she left the room as well before blinking at Comyet's excited look.
"What hap-" "No time." Comyet whispered and grabbed both of their hands, quickly dragging them to Ink's room.
"Shhh, Look." Comyet whispered, gesturing to the two children and Asy covered his mouth in surprise before just letting out a small and soft 'awh'.

CQ looked at the children and cooed quietly. ,,That's honestly adorable." She mumbled out looking at her and Comyet's child.
"Indeed it is." Comyet smiled gently. "Almost makes me want to not wake them up." Comyet sighed softly.

"Have you already prepared breakfast?" Asy asked in surprise and Comyet nodded. "Mhmm." Comyet chuckled while Asy sighed.
"Without waking me up?" "Hey, you know the rules." Comyet giggled, ah yes, whoever wakes up first between the adults gets to do breakfast... Even though it's a rule that they don't really need to follow, mostly a joke rule.

CQ laughed quietly at the two, she didn't mind who made breakfast, honestly. As long as Asy and her children were eating enough-
,,I mean, we could wake up Geno and Fresh first." She hummed.

"Yeah that's true, I'll go wake them up." Asy chuckled, leaving the room while Comyet pulled out his phone to take a picture, ah yes, embarrassment material <3.

Nightmare - still in the shadows, of course, looked at Comyet.
Ah yes, she was doing the right thing. He wished he could ask her to send him pictures.
CQ just looked at the children, thinking that this was the most adorable thing she had ever seen.

"Ah... I wish I can send this to Ink's friend." Comyet couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"But that'll be hard... CQ, do you think you can ready the plates? I'll send you and Asy the picture later." Comyet smiled gently at CQ.
CQ nodded slightly and smiled, before  rushing out of the room with a quiet ,Alright'.

Comyet then sighed lightly. "Too bad Dream's missing out on this." Comyet couldn't help but snicker as she then tapped away on her phone, she could call the little guardian maybe.
Moving and standing in front of the children as she placed the phone on her ear, she then looked around before spotting the medicine, ah, so that's why Error's with Ink.

Nightmare frowned lightly at that. Dream? Comyet knew his brother? Was this why he had felt him that day, Fresh went into the coma?
Comyet then hummed a bit. "Hey Dream." Comyet then carefully arranged the items for a bit before going back to the children.
"How's the council? Have you been keeping them away?" Comyet asked as she then carefully pets Ink.

"They're still persistent...? Damn assholes. Ink is too young to take over, hell he doesn't even want to." Comyet frowned a bit as she then began to gently shook Ink.

"Keep them busy with fighting your brother. No one in the council can, or should ever find this Miniverse." Comyet muttered, noticing Ink stirring.
"Okay, thank you. I'm counting on you." Comyet then sighed as she then closed her phone. "Inky, Error, wake up." She cooed softly.

Nightmare was just... staring. What the hell was Comyet talking about? Why the fuck should Ink, a literal child take over the council? Not even Nightmare would do that!
He might be evil, but he wasn't a child abuser. What? Can't argue with him that it would be child abuse. And what was this about Dream and the council?
Also, he was just used to keep them busy? Rude. But clever. Welp, he couldn't go away anyways though, he promised his son.

Ink stirred and opened his eyesockets, yawning. ,,Maman?" He mumbled and rubbed his face.
"Hey chéri." Comyet then carefully rubbed Ink's skull.
"Avez-vous bien dormi?" Comyet softly asked, glancing over at Error as he also stirred as well. "Ms... Com...?" Error then yawned a bit, rubbing his eyesockets lightly and Comyet smiled. "Hi."

Ink yawned and nodded slightly. ,,Oui..." He mumbled and rubbed his eyesockets.
He looked to Error and smiled.

Error then yawned as he then sat up a bit, rubbing his eyesockets. "What... What time is it...?" Error muttered.
"It's 9 now, Error." Comyet replied and Error nodded, he had a dreamless sleep this time... And it's been two hours... Since he went to Ink? If he remembers correctly.

Ink stretched himself a bit and climbed out of the bed. It seemed like Ink wasn't really a morning person, because he was still not talking.

Error then glanced at Ink and then grabbed his hand a bit. "Breakfast is ready, Go down, your brothers should be waiting." Comyet explained before glancing at Error at the mention of his brothers.
Error nodded a bit and began to sleepily drag Ink out the door. Comyet then sighed softly before grabbing the cream before blinking and frowning when she looked at her messages.

"The council can't find the Miniverse under any circumstances..." Comyet muttered to herself as a reminder, watching the retreating form of Error and Ink.
"God knows they'd use Error against Ink if they find out about them." Comyet whispered under her breath before following after the children with concern as she pocketed the phone.

Nightmare just stared at Comyet. Ohoho, he would make sure that they weren't using his son.  Besides, the council would tell Error that Nightmare was bad and the guardian was sure that Error would think they're crazy.
After all, Nightmare himself couldn't make Error think that he was bad and now Nightmare was a Papa. The guardian shook his head, before following Error and Ink.

"Hey Error?" Comyet then peeked into the room where the children was, which was the art room. "Yeah?" "Are you busy?" Comyet asked since she doesn't see Error doing anything, just watching Ink draw. "Well... Not really... Do I have to model again?"
"If it's not much of a bother? It's a suit this time." "Eh... Sure." Error sheepishly said as he then glanced at Ink.

"Again?" Fresh asked as he leaned against Geno and Error sheepishly shrugged. "Eh, it's fun anyways." Error giggled lightly. Comyet just smiling. "I'll meet you at my work room hun." "Okay!" Error then rushed out. "Ms. Com?" "Yes, Fresh?"

"Is there any particular reason why you always have Error model?" Fresh couldn't help but ask and Comyet couldn't help but smirk a bit.
"I'm helping your brother be more confident in himself, Fresh. Modeling is one of the ways to help him." Comyet smiled and Fresh lets out a small ooh.

Ink perked up and looked at his mother. ,,Puis-je venir?" He asked excitedly, wanting to sta- WATCH Error.
He didn't understood everything that was said, but the rest of it could Ink clue with logical thinking together.

Comyet couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Oui." Comyet then glanced at the two. "You two can come too."
Comyet spoke and then left the room. "Pog! Let's go Geno!" Fresh then grinned, grabbing Geno's hand and then rushing out the door.

Geno nodded excitedly and bounced lightly. ,,Yesss!" He cheered. Ink was now almost as excited as Geno. The son of Comyet grinned happily.

Soon enough, once they reached Comyet's room, Error had already wore the polo shirt, a white poloshirt, as well as black dress pants, which he mostly wore on his own.
"This suit is gonna be a little different, considering it's gonna be worn by someone who's also androgynous, like you." Comyet smiled down at Error, who then nodded, quite curious of what the top of the suit would look like.

Ink jumped excitedly, his multicoloured eyes looking at Error. He remembered the star eyelights from this morning. This was something he still needed to tell his mother, but haste makes waste. This was definitely not a german saying thrown into the google translate, no-

Soon enough, Comyet then carefully took out a coat from the closet. "Arms up." Error then lifted his arms a bit and Comyet began to carefully put the coat on Error, almost immediately, he could feel the long part of the back hitting against his feet.
Error then looked down, not seeing the front however and was confused. Was it halved?

Comyet then carefully buttoned up the coat and then wrapped something around Error's waist, a belt. She also folded the button up shirt over the coat's sleeves and doing the same with the collar of the shirt.
Once she finished tying a bow tie on Error, she stepped back and awed softly.

The coat that Error wore was actually a half gown, a suit on the top and a gown on the bottom, All black with little white embroidery at the end of the half skirt. The front part was cut off so it's mostly just the back.
Error then did little swishes as he looked behind him and letting out a small 'ooh'. Error does look pretty androgynous in the outfit, as it's combining the two gender expressions.

Ink was a rainbow once again, as he was staring at Error. ,,My, my. You look gorgeous." Nightmare hummed and chuckled. ,,My little, gorgeous child."
,,Pretty!" Geno cheered and looked excitedly at his brother.

'I- I am not!' Error couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, also at Ink's staring. "I'm not that pretty..." Error sheepishly said.
"Oh wait, I almost forgot." Comyet then carefully grabbed a set of pearls and then carefully wrapped it around Error.
"I'd also put earrings but you're not pierced so..." Comyet sheepishly said while Error tilted his skull. "Pierced?"

,,You are pretty!" Geno huffed slightly and crossed his arms. ,,Why wouldn't you be pretty?" Ink just looked at Error with a dreamy stare. ,,Gotta agree to your brother, you're very pretty."
"B-Because I just can't be pretty! You're way prettier- Ink is WAY prettier!" Oh, he just complimented Ink. 'But I am nooot!'

Ink blushed even more and hid his face in his clothing. Nightmare laughed. ,,You're the prettiest child that I've ever seen. I love you very much, everything about you is pretty. Your bones, your voice, your smile. I'm very proud to be your Papa." He hummed.

Error blinked and just blushed even more, his glitching starting to act up since he couldn't take any more of the praises. "Error you okay?" Comyet couldn't help but ask.
"M-M'noT preTty!" "Don't worry Ms. Com, this is normal when he gets overwhelmed." Fresh snickered. "In this case, by praises." "I see."

Geno snickered lightly. ,,Error really doesn't think he is pretty! Which he very much is!" He cheered. ,,I'm going to make sure he knows that." Geno huffed then.

"No! ShUt-" And he crashed. "Oh damn, that's the first." Fresh couldn't help but snicker and then quickly rushed towards Error in a... Surprisingly fast speed to catch the crashed glitch, it almost looked like he teleported.
"Don't worry, this is also normal! Though it's been a while since this happened, I didn't expect praises would affect him this much." Nah, Nightmare took part in it.

Geno nodded slightly, scooting to his brothers, looking slightly over the crashed glitch.
,,At least he didn't hurt himself!" He hummed smiling. Ink just stared at the three in confusion and worry, before glancing at his mother.

"Gen Gen, can you get ma? Tell Ma that Error crashed again. And get the crash book, we hafta know if Error-brah'll remember today." Fresh hummed as he then carefully picked Error with surprising ease and then carrying him to chair.
"He can forget?" "His crashes sometimes makes him forget the events that led up to the crash! He'll remember after some reminders, it's mostly just a side effect." Fresh explained.

Geno just nodded agreeing and rushed out of the room, calling for CQ.
Ink just  looked worried at Error, before looking up at Comyet again.
Also, Nightmare was panicking over his child. Thought I should mention it.

Comyet then carefully picked Ink up. "Ça ira chérie, ils ont dit que Error ira bien et que c'était normal. Il va bientôt récupérer." Comyet said softly, kissing Ink's skull. Fresh then watched Error for a bit before poking his cheek and humming.
"Show progress." Fresh spoke, and a bar popped up above Error, that shouldn't be normal... The bar said 'Rebooting... 67%' and it was also of a cyan bar that's slowly filling up as the numbers go up.

,,Cela ne semble pas très normal..." Ink mumbled and rubbed his arm. The door opened again and Geno came back, tugging CQ along with herself, who had a book in her hands.
The woman glanced shortly at Comyet, before going to her son, kneeling down to him with a small sigh. She couldn't do much right now, except to wait.

"Vous avez raison, ce n'est pas... Quelque chose comme ça nécessiterait généralement de la magie..." Comyet muttered before walking towards CQ.
"Is Error really okay?" Comyet worriedly ask as Asy then rushed in. "Oh- What happened to Error?" He was honestly wondering what a 'crash' meant when Geno rushed into the room and saying that Error had crashed, he honestly did not expect this.

,,Mhm... Oh oui, il y a encore quelque chose que je dois te dire." Ink mumbled, looking at his friend. CQ looked up.
,,Huh? Oh yeah, he is. It's kind of like-" CQ frowned, searching for the right words. ,,Like he's unconscious. But it also calms him? It's confusing. But Ruru will wake up soon."  The woman hummed slightly, looking at her son.

"I see." Comyet nodded a bit, well, at least it's a relief that it's not anything serious.
"Qu'y a-t-il, Inky?" Comyet asked, glancing at her baguette child afterwards while Asy then walked over to them, stuffing his hands into his pajama pockets and then glancing at Comyet and Ink.

,,Ce matin... Ruru me parlait d'un rêve qu'il avait fait. C'était un rêve vraiment cool! Mais là n'est pas l'important... il me disait comment il avait des ailes et pouvait voler dans son rêve... et ses yeux, maman. C'étaient des vedettes... Sorte de."
Ink told, happy that the only ones in this room understanding him were Asy and Comyet.

"Vraiment?" Comyet blinked in surprise, glancing at Asy who shrugged a bit too, also quite shocked. "Il est peut-être plausible que las enfants aient de la magie, mais nous ne pouvons en être sûrs que si nous les voyons réellement l'utiliser." Asy spoke up quietly and
Comyet nodded. "Nous faut les surveiller de plus près alors." Comyet whispered back and Asy nodded.

Ink just looked at the adults and nodded slightly, before looking back at Error. CQ was still kneeling next to her son, patiently waiting for him to finish rebooting.

Soon enough, the bar had reached 100 and the numbers disappeared, as well as the reboot bar. A beep sounded out and the black 'ERROR' glitches then dissipated from Error's eyesockets.
Blinking a bit, he then blinked once more and slowly sat up, looking around in confusion. "Hey Error brah!" Fresh chirped and Error flinched a bit in surprise, staring at Fresh in confusion.

"Wh-" "Do you remember what day it is?" Fresh was quick to ask and Error squinted a bit before slowly shaking his head.
"What's your name?" "Uhh..." "Who am I?" "I- I don't know???" "Do ya know who she?" "That's Mama." Error blinked a bit. "Ma, sounds like it's mild."

CQ nodded slightly and took the book she had taking with her, quickly writing something in it, before mumbling to herself.
,,Hey, Ruru." She hummed then. ,,How are you feeling?" It was better to start slow.

"Uhh... I... Have a headache..." Error muttered softly, rubbing his skull a bit. "And uhm... That's about it. Mostly just confused." Error blinked a bit.
CQ nodded slowly. ,,Alright. What is the last thing you remember?" The woman asked carefully, Geno creeping up behind CQ... loudly.
Nightmare had stopped panicking and was just watching confused.

"Erm..." Error then squinted his eyesockets a bit. "Uhh... An... Outfit... And standing somewhere... I also felt...chest pain and... Entering a room but... Everything's blurry." Error murmured softly, blinking a bit.
Ah, so he remembers the early days, just blurry. Looks like it's mostly just the names and dates that he's forgotten.

CQ nodded slightly. ,,Good, that's good." She answered. ,,Okay, let's start slow, uhm... Error, what does the name ,Fresh' tell you?"
Error blinked a bit, tilting his skull a bit. "Uhm..." Error then stared at CQ for a bit with squinted eyesockets before glancing at Fresh.
"Uh... Fam... Family...?" Error then glanced down at his outfit, seeing that he was still wearing the outfit Comyet made him wear. "Well that's a start at least."

He then slowly began to scoot to the edge, examining the outfit he wore. "Can I also get out of this? It might get... Get uhh..." Error blinked a bit. "It might get ruined." "Oh, uh, hold on." Comyet then carefully sets Ink down and carefully began to unbutton the coat top.

CQ didn't mind Comyet unbuttoning the outfit, Error was wearing. ,,Good, that's really good. What do you connect with the name Geno?" She just countinued.

"Geno..." Error mumbled a bit in thought before blinking. "Brother!" Error then smiled a bit. "Well, at least he knows family." Fresh snickered lightly.
CQ nodded agreeing and smiled, petting Error slightly.
Her eyes wandered to Ink, and the woman thought for a short moment, before looking back at Error. ,,Ink?" She asked her son.

"Uhh..." Error then glanced at Ink again as Comyet gently placed Error's clothes on his hands again. "Fr... Fruh... End...? Friend."
CQ smiled and nodded. ,,Asy?" She just countinued, looking calmly at her son. The woman tapped lightly on her leg.

Error then blinked, looking around for said Asy, when Asy waved a bit, seemingpy recognizing the skeleton, he simple said.
"Mama's Papa!" Asy choked on a wheeze at that.

,,Wha- I-" CQ blinked, being red again. ,,He's not-" The woman stopped herself.
She wouldn't confuse her son right now. CQ rubbed her face and asked then, still being red: ,,What about Comyet?"

Error then turned to Comyet, tilting his skull a bit. "Aun... Auntie? Friend's Mama." Error concluded and Comyet smiled gently, well, at least now she knows that Error does see her as an auntie of some sort.

The woman nodded. ,,That's good. Really good. What about the cats? Do you remember our five kittens?" CQ hummed.
"Yeye... Blue cats." Error chirped happily. "Mon... Moni... Di Cats!" I think he's trying to say a reference.

Absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I never met a Monidi Cat. Or anything similar written or pronounced. What? Why should I look into a mirror?

CQ chuckled. ,,Yeah, the cats. Do you remember anything else?" She asked.
Nightmare wanted to know now if Error remembered him. So he asked. ,,What about me? Do you remember me? And please think the answer, if you don't remember."

Error blinked in surprise at the sudden voice as he then entered the dressing room. 'Like... Like this...?' He asked in confusion.

,,Yep, my little prince! Just like this." Nightmare answered. He chuckled. ,,If you close your bigger eyesocket, you can see me! Or... my shadow. I have tentacles."

Error then blinked in confusion. 'Little... Prince?' Suddenly, realization seems to befall on him. 'Papa!'
Nightmare was happy that Error remembered him. ,,That's right, bucko! It's me! Your Papa!" He cheered. ,,How are you feeling after... whatever this was, son?"

'Dizzy and have a headache.' Error replied, changing his clothes. 'Mama knows more about this than I do!'
,,I see... I was really worried about you, y'know?" Nightmare chuckled. ,,But Geno and Fresh said to Comyet and Ink that it is apparently normal, soo... yeah. How is your memory going?"

'I'm pretty sure it is normal... Especially if Mama keeps tracks of my records... Everything is still blurry though, but it's getting a bit clearer.' Error thought for a moment.
,,Okay." Nightmare answered. ,,I'm sorry about your unconsciousness, though. If I had known that praising my little favourite boy could do this..."

'F-Favorite? I'm your favorite?' Error's eyes seem to sparkle at that before quickly disappearing. 'Wait- Why would I be your favorite though- I'm not that amazing!' Ah, he's still low with his self esteem.

,,Well, I think you're the most amazing person I could ever meet. After all, you are the son of a super awesome king, meaning that you are a super awesome prince." Nightmare huffed.
'I am not awesome whatsoever...' Error huffed as he then finished putting on his jogging pants, carefully folding the outfit and walking out.

"Here Ms. Auntie." "Aye, looks like he remembers calling you Miss!" Fresh snickered. "Thank you Error." Comyet chuckled softly.

,,Yes you are. You are the prince of darkness, how couldn't you be awesome?" Nightmare huffed.
CQ smiled and looked at Error. She then looked at Comyet and the other children. ,,What even caused the crash?" She asked.

"Overpraisin'! I think, we didn't really praise him enough for it to be overwhelming." Fresh shrugged a bit.
"Eh... S'fine, whatever the reason was, we're way past it now." Error pouts childishly. "We won't stop praising you just because you crashed broski~" Fresh giggled and Error glared at him.

,,Gotta agree to your little brother~" Nightmare hummed and probably would have grinned at Error now. ,,Ah." CQ answered and sighed.
,,I understand." The woman went to her middle son and hugged him. She seemed to be in thought for a minute, before shacking her head and looked down at Error. ,,Hun, are you okay now?" Geno bounced behind CQ, looking at Error.

Error then leaned into the hugs happily. 'Meanie.' "I think so ma." Error blinked a bit. "I'll probably not remember names for a bit..."
CQ nodded lightly. ,,Alright." She answered and nuzzled her son.
Geno giggled a bit. ,,That means that my name memory is now for a short time better than yours! Yus!" The bounced up and down.

"Hey." Error whined childishly, pouting a bit. "My name memory will get better eventually Ge-G... Gemi!" Fresh snorted a bit. "Geno." "That's what I said!" Error huffed.

Geno laughed. ,,Well yeah, but for now, I have the better name memory! I have the power! Muhahahaha!"
And we don't talk about Fresh, the only one actually being able to remember names at the moment of the siblings?

Comyet just softly chuckled at their antics while Error huffed. "Meanie! Squid they're being mean to me." Error then turned to Ink and pouting at him. Awhh, a nickname.

Oddly familiar.

Ink blinked lightly at that and pointed at himself in confusion, not even knowing what a squid was. But Error was looking at him, soooo-

"Oui, you." Error pouts even more at Ink while Asy couldn't help but raise a brow. "Why squid exactly?"
"Because... He... He has that inky splotch." Error then pointed at his cheek, where Ink's splotch would be. Comyet just chuckling lightly when Error pretty much accidentally said Ink's name.

Ink blinked lightly, before blushing without reason. ,,Uh- uhm-" He just stuttered, before hiding his face in his clothes.
Error blinked in confusion. "Squidy you okay?" Asy was trying his best not to burst into laughter at this point, okay, Error with name amnesia is adorable as hell, especially with the unintentional nicknames.

Ink blushed even more. ,,Ou-Oui-" He just stuttered out and avoided eye contact with Error. CQ was just watching this, thinking it was adorable.

"You're all glowy!" Error huffed, marching towards Ink and touching his cheeks. "And warm. Ms. Commimie! Squidy is sick!" Error pouted in concern and Comyet may or may not just have died right there.
"Oh my God my poor heart." Comyet whispered, putting a hand over her heart while internally crying.

CQ covered her mouth, almost laughing out loud. Ink just stared at Error, before looking at his mother. He then looked back at Error and suddenly hugged him, not letting go. Again.
Error squeaked at the sudden hug and glanced back at Ink and pouting. "Kiki let go!"
"Oh my God he said Kiki." Fresh whispered, nudging Geno excitedly. It was as if he warships this.

Geno nodded excitedly, looking at the two grinning. Ink just shook his head. ,,Nu-uh, Ruru!" He giggled and smiled happily, as he countinued to hug Error.

"Mama!" Error whined, looking at CQ with pleading eyes and a pouty face.
"I'm sorry Error, I don't think your mother can do anything right now." Comyet giggled as she then pulled out her phone to take a picture.

CQ giggled. ,,Yeaaah, no- I don't think I get Ink off you." The woman just watched the children with a grin. Ink smiled and nuzzled Error happily.
Error whined and just attempted to get out of Ink's death grip, a growing blush on his face. "This is so adorable." Comyet chuckled softly. "Kiki's the adorable one not meh!" Error huffed.

,,No, no, you're both adorable." CQ said, looking at the children. Ink giggled and booped Error, when he saw the blush.
Error huffed and snuck his tongue out at Ink in annoyance, having stopped struggling now. "Can you at least free my arms?" Error whined.

Ink giggled and nodded, understanding enough to know what Error wanted. The child moved a bit and let Error's arms free.

Error then carefully wiggled his arms out, staring at Ink for a bit before suddenly crouching with his arms up, easily sliding under Ink and running away, sticking his tongue out at Ink.
"Oh, there he goes." Asy laughed lightly.

,,Ruru!" Ink called and ran giggling after Error, making grabby hands.
CQ snorted at that, while Geno grinned. ,,I think- I think the two fit together!" The child cheered.
"Trueee, Wait- Would they end up like those people that we see on the magic box?"
Ah yes, couples in the movies. Fresh then glanced at CQ curiously. "Will they, ma?"

CQ grinned at that. ,,Oh, I bet they will." She snickered and shook slightly her head.
Geno gasped. ,,I  wanna be there when they're in those dresses and suits! Error can wear the dress! And Ink the suit!" He cheered.

"Oooh yeaaaah!" Fresh bounced excitedly in his spot while Asy just glanced at Comyet and CQ.
"Welp, guess we're planning an early wedding." Asy couldn't help but snicker softly while Comyet chuckled. "Yep..." Comyet just grinned lightly.

CQ chuckled and looked at her two sons. ,,We can make cake for them! Like those in the magic box!" Geno was currently rambling.
"Oooh! Ooh! We need decorations!" Fresh exclaimed "Well, they're quite excited." Asy smiled gently while Comyet picked up her sketchbook.
"I'll go and design their outfits." Comyet chuckled softly. "Ooh, do you remember the little wedding with the ring pops?" Comyet suddenly grinned.

CQ blinked lightly. ,,You want to let Ink and Error ,marry' with ring pops?" She just asked and raised an eyebrow.
Geno looked at Fresh and nodded. ,,Yeaaah! With flowers! Many flowers!" He cheered and was jumping excitedly.

"It's a little adorable thing I found out that children do, some daycares and even schools does a little marriage ceremony where they wed with ring pops." Comyet chuckled lightly.
"It's adorable... Ah! Lemme show you." Comyet then pulled out her phone.

CQ blinked curiously and tilted slightly her head. ,,It does sound adorable..." She mumbled and smiled lightly.
"Aha." Comyet then showed CQ how it would look like, Asy walking over and smiling at the sight of the smol beans getting 'wed'.

CQ looked at it. ,,D'awwwww-" She said with big eyes. ,,That's adorable- More than adorable-" The woman cooed.
"Exactly! What do you say, we do a little ring pop wedding for them?" Comyet giggled.
"In spring too, I'm sure that it would be better with the flowers all around!"

CQ nodded lightly with a grin. ,,This sounds perfect." She snickered lightly. Then she frowned.
,,But the children will need to agree to it first." She hummed in thought.

"Of course we'll ask them. This is mostly just in case that they wanna do it." Comyet chuckled softly before blinking when he heard Error yelling, now being dragged into the room while being held by Ink.

"Noooo let me gooo! Squidy you're a meanie!" Error flailed from Ink's hold, his blush a bright blue- wait wasn't that yellow earlier? And all the times he blushed before?
Ink just giggled and looked down at Error, booping his cheeks with a hand.
He then shifted Error in his grip and hold him in the bridal style. The child stared at Error's blush, before shrugging and cuddling Error.

Error just pouted at Ink while Fresh pointed at Error. "Oh hey, he's blushing blue now!"
"This is a normal occurence?" Comyet turned to CQ with a raised brow. Definitely, especially since Error's pretty much multicolored, so his blush is too.

CQ nodded. ,,Yeah... His blush colour is pretty random. Often yellow, sometimes blue-" The woman squinted her eyes together and thought for a moment.
,,I think I saw him blush red once? I dunno, it's been years, could've also been Geno."

Nah, that was definitely Error, having a red blush when Geno made him laugh once.
"I blush three colors?" Error blinked lightly. "Huh. Also put me down Squidy!"
Ink shook his head and cuddled Error closely. The child giggled happily and gasped, before kissing Error's forehead.

"Meaaaan." Error pouted childishly at Ink as he then huffed. "Should we mention it now or?" Comyet whispered to CQ.
CQ smiled light. ,,I mean- why not?" She grinned lightly, as she whispered her answer back to Comyet.

"Hey, Ink, Error." Comyet then glanced at the children, Error seemingly not responding. "Broski, you're Error." "I am?" "Yeah brah." "Oh... Yes Ms. Comimie?"
Ink looked curiously at his mother. ,,Maman?" He asked.

CQ opened her mouth, but quickly closed it. Comyet had started to call the children, so she probably wanted to tell... that was CQ's logic, anyways.

"You can tell them CQ." Comyet snickered lightly, nudging CQ in a playful manner while Error looks at them in confusion.

CQ nodded slightly and smiled softly, before asking the children with a grin. ,,What do you think of a wedding?" CQ frowned lightly. ,,Okay,  I think that was too blunt-" She mumbled lightly,  before clearing her throat.
,,Well, not really a real one, more like-" The woman blinked. ,,Wait, Error, do you even know what a wedding is? Y'know, where people are with dresses and suits-" Ah, CQ messed up.

"I've seen weddings in a magazine ma... Also Ms. Comimie has magazines about them so I've read some." Error spoke.
"Tu te souviens de ce qu'est un mariage, Inky?" Comyet asked her chile, smiling since Ink still hasn't put Error down.
Ah, Ink's lucky that his strength is quite high, or else he would've gotten tired carrying Error by now.

Ink nodded. ,,Oui, Maman!" He cheered and huffed, before crossing his arms. ,,Un jour, je vais épouser Ruru!" The child cheered and held Error closer to himself and nuzzled him.
CQ hummed slightly. ,,Alright, sorry-" She answered. ,,Well, if you want you could marry Ink - with ring pops, so... Not really official?"
The woman tilted her head and glanced slightly at Comyet, not very sure if she was saying the right thing.

Comyet couldn't help but laugh a bit. "I know, you definitely will marry Ruru one day." Asy grinned a bit while Error blinked.
"Hey WaIT!" Error whined, his voice glitching... Or was it cracking? Either way it went an octave higher.
"Basically, We want to know if you two would like to get married this spring?" Comyet asked, kneeling in front of them and smiling lightly and Error's blush brightened. "I- Huh???"

CQ smiled at her son's blush. Honestly, she would've never thought that Error was the first one falling in love... or having a crush, but she was sure that it would be the romantic love one day... could children even experience that-?
CQ blinked lightly at that thought. Probably. Ink giggled and nodded happily, having now stick together what he just learned new and what he already knew.
,,My Ruru!" He cheered in broken English and held Error up, happiness filling his very being. ,,Whoa!" Geno gasped at Ink in shock.

"Wh- HeY INK PUT ME DOWN!" Error yelped, flailing his arms now in a both panic and embarrassment.
"Now now Ink, don't get too excited." Comyet laughed lightly. "Anyways Inky, Tu es d'accord pour épouser Error au printemps?" Comyet snickered softly.

Ink gasped and nodded. ,,Ouuuui! Error est ma femme alors!" He cheered and bounced excitedly - of course after he had lowered Error a bit.
Error, almost immediately, clung to Ink, wrapping his arms around Ink's neck in fear, another small squeak escaping him when Ink bounced a bit. "Careful!"

Ink just giggled like the little maniac he was. ,,My Ruru!" He cheered and smiled up at his mother.
"Okay okay, your Ruru." Comyet laughed softly. "What about you, Error? Are you okay with marrying Ink in spring?" Comyet asked with a raised brow and Error was silent for bit, his blush worsening before he burried his skull on Ink's neck.
"M-maYbe..." Error squeaked, glitching a bit in embarrassment.

Ink looked at his friend, just happy that Error was 'hugging' him. He nuzzled Error lightly with a smile.
CQ raised amused an eyebrow. ,,Is that a yes?" She asked and chuckled lightly.
"I s-said maybe!" Error squeaked, his blush worsening. "It's not a no."
Asy snickered softly while Comyet nodded, grinning cheekily at the two.

Ink blinked and looked at Error. ,,Ruru, repeat me. Oui. O-u-i." He said slowly and booped Error smiling.
Error glared lightly at Ink and pouted at him. "Peut-être." Comyet just ended up stiffling more laughter.

Ink pouted a bit. ,,Non, non, Vous devez le prononcer comme ceci : Oui. je. fais." He attempted.  Nightmare was just laughing at all this, being a big help.
This was sarcasm. He would love to have wedding photos and he would definitely make some.

"Non." Error huffed childishly, moving his arm to gently smack it against Ink's face. Very lightly, he doesn't want to hurt his cru- friend.
His friend. Nothing more. Papi you heard nothing. "I'm sure even without pronouncing it directly, it's a yes... Right, Error?"
Asy teased and Error blushed bright once more and refused to answer... Despite the tiny nod that Comyet and Asy barely caught. D'awh.

,,I heard everything." Nightmare just answered. CQ cooed lightly, and maybe or maybe not had a mumbled ,,I knew it." Under her breath.
She petted Error lightly. Ink looked at Error's blush,before cuddling him happily.
'No you didn't.' Error responded back while Fresh tilted his skull. "So... Is the wedding continued?" "Oui." Comyet chuckled softly and Asy snickered. "It's yes in French." "Ah."

Geno cheered. ,,Yay! We will make the best wedding ever for them!" He said excitedly, jumping up and down. Nightmare chuckled. ,,Alright, bucko. I didn't hear how Ink is your crush."

"Nnnnuuuh!" Error whined and covered his skull in embarrassment, accidentally saying that out loud. "Mean!"
CQ raised an eyebrow with an unsure grin. ,,Is Geno wanting to make the best wedding really that bad?"
She asked, glancing lightly around, confused about how her son acted.

Error blinked. "Nooo s'not that!" Error huffed. "Geno makes the best everything!" "What about Fresh?" Asy couldn't help but ask.
"Eh... He makes nice music I guess..." "Awwwhh, thank ya broski!" Fresh laughed, knowing very well that Error admitting that he likes anything about Fresh is not an easy thing.

CQ smiled and petted Error lightly. ,,Then why did you call out like this so suddenly?" She asked her son.
"It's nothing ma." Error huffed a bit. "My thoughts were being annoying with meh." And by thoughts, he meant his Goopapi.

,,Alright, Ruru." CQ chuckled and smiled at Error, pecking a kiss on his forehead. Nightmare just laughed.
Error huffed and then glanced back at Ink. "Can you put me down noww? I wanna kee- I- Don't you have a drawing to finish?!" Error pouted, he is not gonna say that he wants to continue watching Ink draw, Nuh-uh!
,,Sure~" Nightmare chuckled. Ink just giggled and let Error finally down, smiling at him.

Error then huffed, dusting himself off and adjusting his sweater a bit, he seems to like sweaters a lot.
He then crossed his arms and pouted at Ink.

Ink smiled and tugged Error out of the room, probably to go back to drawing. CQ smiled after the children.
Geno giggled and rushed out, too run around again. ,,Be careful, Geno!" CQ called after her child.

Error yelped and followed after Ink. "I'll go with Geno, ma." Fresh hummed, getting down and rushing after Geno. "Kids." Comyet laughed lightly. "Do you think this is a good dress for Error?" Comyet then showed CQ a pretty flowy dress.

Yay Update

Poor Error tho lol



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