The True Neverland (ON HOLD)

By dillonhartley

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The reader, was always into kpop, but especially G-IDLE, the group that pulled them into this magical world... More

The Introduction
On the way
The Interview
First Meeting
The Surprise Meeting
Dinner Time
Special Night


260 9 24
By dillonhartley

**Before anything I want to apologise about the late update, I have been sick lately and work has been busy but I am back now**

(Minnie POV)

''Oh, he spotted me hehe'' I say giggling

He starts to walk over to me, and for some reason I feel my face get hot. What the heck, I feel like a tomato.. and my worries were confirmed when Y/N got to me and said

-''Are you ok, do you have a fever? Your face is like really red?'' 

''Oh, um, yea I am fine, let's move over there, too many people here'' I said

-''So, why are you here'' Y/N Asked as he giggled a little

''Well, that's a pointless question to ask no? Why else would I be here'' I replied

-Y/N Sighs

''What was that sigh for'' I ask

-''I know your here because of me, but I meant, why. I am only attending training'' Y/N Said

''Well, to support you duh'' Minnie giggled

Also, because I wasn't sure I will see you again, so I just came here, but you don't need to know this.

(Yuqi POV)

I followed Minnie, and of course. It was exactly where I thought she was going. His training was starting soon, I need to find him to support him before he starts. 

I start looking franticly around the entrance Minnie went in, and I can't see them anywhere,

''Where could they have gone too'' I think to myself.

As I looked over to my left I saw Y/N, hidden in the corner. And out of nowhere he looks my way, and we make eye contact. I am not sure if he recognised me. I have a bucket hat and a mask on, I doubt it. 
I start to make my way over to him. 

As I get closer, I see Minnie talking to him, I knew she was going here. I take off my hat and my mask, and Y/N looked at me, with a shocked expression.

''What's with that face Y/N?'' I asked nervously

-''Um, I was not expecting you and Minnie to both be here today'' He replied

''Ah, well. I just followed Minnie here, she was acting suspicious'' I replied

--''Yah, what do you mean suspicious''  Minnie asked me

''Sorry, unnie hehe'' I reply

-''You two are adorable when you argue'' Y/N Randomly said out of the blue

Ah.. I wasn't expecting him to say that, my face just got hot... ah..

-''Yuqi? You ok? You've gone red? Y/N Asks

I quickly put my mask back on to cover my embarrassment, and I noticed Minnie also did the same.

''Minnie, you also are a bit red, you ok? I asked sarcastically

--''I'm fine, um'' Minnie replies

-''Heh. Cute'' Y/N Whispers

Me and Minnie both hear that, and we both went red again.. But before we could get rid of our embarrassment. We hear over the loud speaker, it was time for training to begin, so Y/N Had to leave.

''Have fun Y/N!'' I say excitedly 

-''Yess, have fun!'' Minnie also says

Then Y/N unexpectedly hugs both of us, and it caught both me and Minnie off guard, we weren't expecting it. Then he said

-''You girls are amazing, thank youuu!''

Me and Minnie both blushed hard.. What is Y/N trying to do...


Haha, teasing those two is so fun. They go red so easily, so I just messed with them like crazy there. How can them two be so cute. I wonder to myself. It should be illegal to be as cute as Minnie and to be as gorgeous as Yuqi.

Anyways I digress, I made my way over to the room that I needed to go to, as I looked behind me, I saw them two, just staring at me. Haha. 

After getting to the training room, a short introductory video was played and we all introduced ourselves. There was only around 6 new employees, so I was even more happy I got selected. 

The training was to take about a week, Monday-Friday and it always between 11am-6pm.. so I wont have a lot free time the next week.  Oh, that's right I almost forgot Minnie's manager told me they were going to this restaurant at 20:00 today, I am obviously going to go. Mainly because I am starving, but also to see everyone.

There wasn't much training today, today was just a introductory session. As I left the room I checked my phone, I had a message from the manager.

Mins Manager

**Hey Y/N, hope your first day went well, Minnie is with me back to the hotel, she wanted to rest for a bit, also remember about the meal tonight at 20:00 if your going let me know, I will pick you up, after I get the girls there''


**Yes, I am obviously going, not to see the girls tho, I am just hungry ;)**

Mins Manager

**Sure sure, whatever, you know you like the girls,. anwyas, I will pick you up at your place at 19:45**


**Ok dokey**

Mins Manager

**Also, what did you do to Minnie, shes giggling and always embarrased. Shes imagining naughty things maybe? ;P**


**Manager! I may of teased her a little**

So, Minnie's manager, clearly doesn't know about Yuqi being there too. I guess Yuqi went off on her own accord, classic Yuqi that is. I need to head home. Been a decent day today. And I need to shower and get ready for this meal tonight. 


(Yuqi POV)

I need to start getting ready, manager will be here soon to come pick us up. 

-''Oh Yuqi, where did you go a few hours ago, you kind of left in a hurry?'' Soyeon asks

''Oh, um, I just went to, uh, to, to sight see. Yes, I went to see some stuff'' I reply nervously

-''Hmm, I dont think you did, where did go huh?'' Soyeon asks again teasing me

''I went sightseeing really'' I reply

--''Yuqi went to see Y/N'' Minnie says out of the blue

''Minnie YAH!'' I shout

-''Oooo, so you went out with Y/N, di... wait  a Minute, Minnie how do you know this?'' Soyeon asks

--''Oh um..'' Minnie says

-''Ehh, so you both went to see Y/N, well done Minnie, you outed yourself'' Soyeon says

''Ok, fine, yes. I went to see Y/N with Minnie, to wish him luck with his training, because we don't know if we will see him again'' I reply

-''Hmm, you sure that's all it was? To Wish him luck, rawr'' Soyeon says

Soyeon! YAH!'' I shout

Soyeon giggles and walks off, leaving me and Minnie in the room, waiting for the rest to get ready. 

''Minnieee, why did you say anything'' I ask

--''Sorryyy, hey, be glad I outed myself, I didn't think that through'' Minnie replies

Before me and Minnie could continue, Miyeon walks in and tells us Manager, is ready and waiting outside. 

The ride to the restaurant was uneventful, until Manager said she needed to go pick someone else up. We were all confused.. Who else, what...

We all got out of the van in confusion, on who else needed to be picked up, she told us to go to our private table at the back so, we did. 


Ok, manager should be here any time now, I think I look decent, I tried to dress up, for obvious reasons. Sometimes I forget, and I am  going out to eat with GIDLE, but anyways, I wait for a few minutes outside, when I see the van come round the corner. 

She rolls down the window, as she pulls up next to me.

-''Get in handsome'' Manager says

''Will do m'lady'' I reply, sarcastically 

Me and the manager get along so well, we both tease each other constantly. It's so good to get along with her this well. The ride was normal, blasting GIDLE through the speakers, until the manager turned the music off, and randomly blurted out:

-''You got anyone you like?'' 

I was shocked and surprised at the random question, and I went a bit red.

''Why would you suddenly blurt that question out'' I asked

-''Why not'' As she winks at me

''Well, I wasn't ready for that, that's why'' I reply

-''Sorry, hehe, but really do you have anyone? She asks

''Maybe, but I am not telling you'' I reply

-''Aww, why. We get along so well, cmonnn, tell me. I promise I wont tease'' She says

''I plead the Fifth'' I say

-''Your no fun'' She says

We continue, to have a laugh and talk all the time on the way there. We arrive at the restaurant, and I suddenly felt nervous. I forgot I was going to eat with G-IDLE again. I started to go red.

-''Your going red again'' Manager says

''Thanks for the info'' I reply sarcastically

We made our way into the private booths area, and nerves starting rising again. As we got closer I heard the girls talking, in Korean obviously. I stopped to listen to what they were saying, and the manager sees me stop:

-''Why did you stop?'' 

''I'm listening to what they are saying'' I reply

-''Hang on, your understand Korean??'' She asks shocked

''Yes, I am fluent in it'' I reply 

-''Well this is some big news, I am guessing the girls don't know'' She asks

''Nope, I was planning on letting them know today or something. haha'' I say

-''Your cheecky'' She says as she walks into the booth

--''Oh, did you pick the other person up? Or you by yourself?'' Soyeon asks

-''Oh I did, you can come in now'' Manager replies

I made my way, inside, and as I walked in, the girls were shocked to see me. For some reason especially Yuqi, she got out of her chair and ran over to hug me. I instantly went red, probably more than a tomato.. My bias, was now hugging me, a bit too tightly... 

''Yuqi, I can't breath'' I say

-''Ah, I'm sorry hehe'' She giggles

-''What are you doing here'' She asks excitedly

''Isn't it obvious, I am hungry'' I reply

-''Oh'' Yuqi says with a sad tone

''And obviously to see you girls again'' I reply with a wink

-''Oh um, hehe'' Yuqi replies

I make way way over to the empty seat greeting all the girls, as I was doing that I was a bit confused on why Minnie didn't get super excited, she just had a face staring at Yuqi, like she hated her. Is Minnie, jealous again? 

Minnie is definitely jealous, and that face she has, makes me kind of sacred for Yuqi. 

-''So I am curious, why and how did our manager pick you up?'' Miyeon asks

''Well, we exchanged phone numbers'' I replied

As I said that, I noticed all the girls faces change, especially Minnies and Yuqi's faces change drastically, I instantly knew what they thought when I said that,

''Not in that way, jesus. Not a romantic way, your manager teases me too much for me to even consider that'' I reply

-''You know you love me Y/N'' Manager says

''See what I mean'' I reply as all the girls start laughing

-''Oh, thats right, how was your first day Y/N?'' Minnie asks

''Didn't do much today, it was all just a introductory video and introducing ourselfs. That was it today, but next week I am busy.. Everyday from 11:00-18:00 I will be busy by the way Manager, training schedule, so DONT tease me during those hours. Thanks :)'' I said looking at the manager

-''Fine fine'' She replies with a smug face

--''So, we thought we had no way of contacting him and our manager got his number behind our backs, and didn't tell us. Ugh'' Miyeon says in Korean

I looked at the Manager, shaking my head, I decided not to reveal I speak Korean tonight, I still wanted to wait a bit more. 

**Timeskip after the meal**

We all were full, as we left the restaurant and waited for the manager to bring the car around, I noticed Yuqi was wearing a dress and she was a bit cold. I got my jacket and wrapped it around her. 

-''Oooooo, lovebirds'' Soyeon says

''Soyeon, really? hahaha'' I replied laughing

-''Thank you'' Yuqi replies in a whispering voice

''No problem, you was cold'' I replied

-''YAH, STOP FLIRTING YOU TWO, ITS ANNOYING'' Minnie yells in Korean

Oh. Crap, I forgot Minnie gets jealous, I kinda feel bad now. But before I could do anything the manager came round the corner with the van, the girls got in and I stayed, as my friend was coming to pick me up.
All the girls happily waved me goodbye, apart from Minnie, she looked sad and didnt even face me. 

I only gave Yuqi my jacket.. I wonder why it got her so angry.  I wondered to myself.

My friend arrived, and I fell asleep in the car, when I woke up, we have arrived at my place. IO thank him for picking me up, and I head upstairs and pass out on my bed. 

(Yuqi POV)

Minnie hasnt been herself since she shouted that outside the restaurant. 

''Minnie, are you ok'' I ask her

-''Eh? Oh, yea I am fine'' She replies

''Your not though, I can tell'' I reply

-''I said I am ok, Yuqi'' She replies with a obvious fake smile

Crap.. I know, she's jealous.. Minnie was always the type to get jealous, really easily, and I know why she is jealous tonight. It's because of me. She never even greeted Y/N properly at the restaurant, probably because I got up first and hugged him. And outside with the jacket. And I am still wearing it. 

''This jacket still smells like him'' I said in my head

I felt my heart racing as I smelled the jacket. I stopped instantly, my face was getting hot and Soyeon  just saw me do that.

-''Ehh, Yuqi.. '' Soyeon said whispering

''Soyeon, just don't say anything please'' I pleaded with her also whispering

-''Hmhm ok.. I wont'' She replied

As we got back to them hotel, Minnie once again, didn't say anything and just went straight to her room and closed the door. I felt bad, but I can't really apologise, I haven't done anything wrong. I decided just to leave her, and wait until the morning. Hopefully she feels better then.

**Hello everyone, and thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you are enjoying this so far. As I said at the top of the book, sorry for this late update. I was meant to be released last week, but I got sick and work was killing me. But I am better now, and back to writing. Stay tuned :)**

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