the devil doesn't bargain

By Sweetjj9

26.8K 992 140

vegaspete story, omegaverse themed More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 3

1.6K 63 8
By Sweetjj9

pete closed his eyes as he sat down on the bed, head between his hands, he did not know what to do this was a disaster!

how would he face kinn now? how is he going to go back to the main family house? to his life? his whole life just turned upside down in a split second.

in his despair he looked up to see vegas humming happily? as he did something on his phone, what was he happy about? they are in a disaster! both of them!

having an affair was one thing but getting pregnant? don't get him wrong he loves vegas, he worships him!  and if it was any other situation he would be the most happy omega in the whole world to get pregnant from his beloved alpha, he's not gonna lie sometimes in the quiet night when he's all alone in his bed he does dream about having a normal life where he belongs to vegas and in return vegas belongs to him! 

because even though they are in an affair together and he knew vegas wasn't sleeping or seeing anyone else besides him but still he knew for a fact that if vegas decided to have one on the side or worse have HIM on the side he won't be able to say anything about it, he won't be able to even protest this kind of arrangement since he's married to another man himself !

so he wasn't confident in keeping his alpha, or who he wished he could call him his own alpha before someone else comes along the way and steals him from him, so he dreamed ! he dreamed of having a normal life with vegas, a normal relationship, and he even dreamed of being pregnant with Vegas child! so he would secure his place by vegas side, so vegas would never leave him!

but he never thought that if his dreams were to turn real they would turn into nightmares !

"all right we are set for our appointment at the hospital tomorrow to make the final check ups" said vegas as he locked his phone and slipped it into his pocket .

"for the abortion?" said pete hopefully

vegas turned ice cold at this and looked at pete in a way that Pete has never seen before "you want to kill our child pete?"

pete didn't answer, didn't know what to even say, he didn't know what Vegas was thinking about

"it's an appointment to make the blood test to make sure of the pregnancy as well as to see if you have any deficiencies so the doctor would prescrip some vitamins to make sure the pregnancy goes smoothly" said vegas as he sat down next to pete on the bed .

pete scoffed and got up from the bed angerly "goes smoothly? are you kidding right now vegas? what goes smoothly! the pregnancy CAN'T go anywhere past this day anf past this room, we are going to drop it!" said pete as he was getting quite angry with how vegas was dealing with the situation as if it was a joke, it isn't! it's most definitely isn't a joke!! it was a disaster that they both needed to get rid of, a small tug came to Pete's heart with the thought of killing his own child that he dreamed of but he ignored it immediately.

vegas got off the bed quite angry himself now with what pete was saying "it isn't yours alone pete to drop it! it's my child as well! mine!! don't you even dare to keep this idea running around in your head pete because i won't let it happen!"

"yeah? you won't let it happen? so what will you do about it then? how are you going to solve this?"

"there is nothing to solve, we will go to the hospital tomorrow, take the necessary tests and maybe set another appointment with the doctor if needed and we'd comeback home, as simple as that" said vegas now a little calmer, he's willing to calm himself because he doesn't want to frighten pete, he's pregnant now he needs extra care .

"and what am i going to tell kinn? am i supposed to go home and tell him he's going to be a father even though he never touched me not even once in all of our time married? or am i supposed to tell him to raise his rival son as his own because we aren't willing to drop the baby?" said pete, he's going to lose his mind because of vegas, he's well aware of their situation so what was wrong with him!?

vegas eyes turn ice cold as he looked at pete, Pete's words ripping in his heart but he kept a steel face to not show how hurt he is, what does pete mean when he says he'd ask kinn to raise his child? did pete really thought that he'd just knock him up and run off act as if he had nothing to do  with it? or did pete think he wasn't good enough to be a father? that he needs kinn to raise up their child.

he didn't say any of his thoughts however and acted non-chalant, he didn't like to show his weakness even if it was in front of pete.. especially after what pete said !

he calmed himself well and answered "you don't have to tell him anything, actually from now on you won't have to even talk to him" vegas smiled sweetly as he caressed Pete's cheek " he's a closed case to you now"

pete didn't understand, and he was in so much distress already, vegas was already getting angry and he can tell that he was trying his best to keep calm.. the whole situation was a mess and they both were a mess too so he decided to not argue anymore and just moved closer to hug vegas and lay his head on his shoulder, he was already pregnant staying away from vegas now is just pointless, besides, he was craving vegas touch and maybe it was the baby that's making him crave vegas around this much.

even if he was going to abort his baby he wanted to give him happiness for the little time he has left with him, so he didn't deny himself nor his child what he wished for and that is.... vegas.

he could worry about it tomorrow, they were already going to the hospital tomorrow and maybe vegas is just hyped up now about being a father and the whole situation hasn't downed on him well yet, tomorrow he'll definitely change his mind and they would have to bury the seed of their love away, even it will damage his soul to kill his barely formed baby but he needs to do the important thing here and that is to keep vegas and the mionr family save from the destruction that's going to fall upon them because of him.

so for now he's going to bask in his lover warmth as a full family, for the first and the last time he wanted to make love with vegas while their love fruit was in his womb.

he lifted his head to look straight into vegas eyes all the anger and frustration from before gone and instead there was a look that vegas couldn't quite figure out, he was surprised even more when pete leaned his face closer and placed his lips on his kissing slowly.

the slow kiss turned more intense as pete now was kissing him open mouthed, pushing his tongue in vegas mouth.

vegas breathed hard at that and grabbed both of Pete's arms and after a light squeeze he started to take Pete's cardigan off, he dropped it to the floor and then turned them around so Pete's back would be in the direction of the bed as he started to walk little by little towards the bed pushing pete along with him until his legs hit the bed and fell down on top of it.

vegas took his t-shirt off quickly as he climbed back on top of the panting pete "I don't know what got into you suddenly but it's hot" whispered vegas

"i want you.. I'll always want you vegas" or maybe our child wants us together he wished to say that but he couldn't, it was too painful to say it out loud when he knows their won't be any child tomorrow.

pete pulled vegas head down and directed vegas mouth to his neck which vegas started to suck on with pleasure.

they had a rule of never leaving hickes in obvious places like the neck or arms or lips or anywhere that kinn or any of the main family might see and right now vegas was breaking this rule, pete knew.. he could feel it.. he could feel how vegas was kissing him and sucking him hard in the
prohibited places, and it wasn't just one or two.. it was many and vegas kept going further up in his neck and behind his ear and pete didn't stop him, not even once did he reminded him of their deal nor did he asked him to tone down his actions, pete just let him do as he wished, he felt like vegas earned it.

he was going to be a father and then pete broke his dream into the bitter reality that they couldn't and won't be parents, so he felt like he owned vegas to not ruin his mood along with his fatherhood dream .

to be honest, a part of pete was quite surprised that vegas actually didn't mind being a dad, didn't mind his pregnancy and most importantly wasn't the one suggesting the abortion even though he was in a very tight position as the leader of the minor family! on the contrary he was actually making appointments about them checking the pregnancy and his well being as a first time pregnant omega, that made such warmth spread through Pete's body but was quickly pulled back from his thinking when a harsh bite was delivered to his nipple.

"ugh vegas" moaned pete as he hugged vegas around the shoulders

"where did you go off to with your pretty head, huh?" said vegas as he licked the nipple he just bit

"don't think much love, I've got it all sorted out, you'll see tomorrow" said vegas as he kissed him deeply making pete smile at the fact that vegas could tell even in the middle of having sex that he was still stressed and thinking hard about the situation.

"yeah, i know you will" smiled pete softly as he looked up into vegas eyes

vegas, upon hearing such trustful words from pete, he got extremely happy that he started releasing alot of pheromones.

that surprised pete and he started to giggle because the pheromones were happy pheromones, it made him feel giddy inside and all so light, also it surprised him the amount that vegas released! seriously even though vegas was so scary to everyone in the mafia world he was like a little child around pete and that only made pete affection towards him increase even more.

pete put his two hands on each cheek of vegas then pulled him closer and kissed him deeply and sucked his lower lip then chewed on it making vegas take a sharp breath at that.

vegas grabbed Pete's sweat pants along with his underwear and took them off rapidly, his lust increasing by the minute, pete ran his hands over vegas chest and nipples feeling every muscle under his touch and moaning at the feeling.

vegas pulled back from the kiss finally feeling his lower lip throbbing after the hard sucking it had went through, he looked at his lover under him then grabbed his two legs and pushed them up and bending pete in half in the process, staring at the soft thighs in front of him vegas eyes suddenly widen then dropped Pete's legs suddenly making pete jerk back to reality from his highs .

"what's wrong?" pete asked fully surprised

"i... i forgot you're pregnant now this move could harm the baby" said vegas, guilt filling his face and voice .

pete scoffed "you had me bend over your office just yesterday night, now suddenly you think it's not appropriate? just do it the way you want the baby is barely there, he's still too small"

"that was different i didn't know yesterday" said vegas as he lay down beside pete on the bed, pulling him sideways too and lifted his right leg up "let's do it this way, it's safer"

pete jerked his head sideways abd widen his eyes "are you serious? vegas I'm barely pregnant and you are already putting me through this sex position!! what would you do when I'm eight or nine months then?" his frustration and need to his alpha made him forgot all about his plan to not be a mother at all

vegas gave him a kiss on the lips "we won't be doing any sex position it will only be hand jobs by then"

"you fucking kid- ugh vegas let's just focus on this sex today, shall we? we'll see what to do when the time comes and no! we're not having sex sideways! "

"and I'm not bending you all the way or doing the crazy sex we are used to doing"

"but i want to look at your face as you do me" pete whined "then at least let me find another position"

pete got on his knees and hands then slowly lowered himself leaving his ass up in the air, he put his head over his hands that were flat on the bed with his cheek resting on the back of them and looked seductively at vegas fluttering his eyelashes, he shook his ass a little and said "come and do me like this"

vegas didn't need to be told twice, he got up immediately and attacked pete in speed light, his face got buried between his ass cheeks, his tongue ran all the way from Pete's balls to his twitching hole to the line that separated the two butt cheeks.

pete panted as vegas kept licking him, hands grabbing hard at the ass cheeks, vegas couldn't resist much with Pete's moans ringing in his head so he started to penetrate his hole with his tongue and after a few pushes of his tongue he started to suck and he would be damned if that wasn't the most enticing moans he was hearing in all of his life.

pete was losing his mind over the sucking and the penetration, he was already too wet down there and he could hear vegas slurping all of his juices, he kept on moaning and panting, he pushed his ass back into vegas face, what he was getting wasn't enough! he wanted more... he NEEDED more.

a loud slap was heard in the room as vegas slapped his ass cheek, pete moaned louder at that and pushed his ass even further back into vegas face, he looked over his shoulder and then wiggled his ass again to get vegas even more turned on, he know how to burn his lover in need .

another slap came ringing on his ass cheek and making him moan some more before he turned his head again towards vegas "i guess the baby won't mind the slapping huh?" said pete naughtily teasing vegas as he knew he was losing his self control

vegas positioned himself in front of Pete's hole and started to push in lightly, pete jerked his head back quickly "vegas.... condoms?" it was a breathy whisper, it made vegas tremble and push harder in.

"no need love, already got you pregnant" vegas smirked as he extended his right hand and held Pete's -still flat- tummy

pete moaned as vegas filled him up with his dick and started going in and out in slow rhythm.

vegas squeezed Pete's ass cheeks then he slapped it one more time causing a load moan from pete before his hand went down to Pete's dick giving it a slow stroke making pete tremble and lose strength in his arms that he couldn't keep himself still, he collapsed on the bed.

vegas held his ass in place and launched himself on his back kissing and biting and licking from his spine to his shoulder blades and finally to his neck.

"i can't wait to mark you my own, to bite this neck and claim you my mate" said vegas as he grazed his teeth against Pete's neck over and over while pushing into him over and over.

"no one will be able to take you from me now.. you hear that pete? no one ever" said vegas aggressively as he quickened his pace, losing all the control he had over himself in the midst of the idea of owning pete, his alpha pheromones filling the room and engulfing pete fully .

pete was lost in the lust and the pheromones of the alpha that was pounding him, "ve... vegas" he called with a broken voice, vegas was so lost in marking Pete's back that he couldn't hear pete, his senses long gone with pete pheromones filling his nostrils.

"fuck" he cursed loudly when pete clutched hard on his dick, his hole going impossibly tight on vegas dick.

"fuck pete, why you clinching this hard baby, wanna get punished?" said vegas as he pulled Pete's ass higher up and closer.

"no.... ah ve...." pete could barely speak, his voice cracking with how loud he moaned.

"i want to kiss you" pete managed to say finally.

vegas chuckled before he flipped pete on his back at the speed of light, pete yelped, feeling shocked with how fast vegas turned him around then before he could say anything vegas was already on his mouth, chewing his lips .

Pete's arms flung around vegas and hugged him tightly, inserting his tongue inside his lover's mouth, licking everywhere he could reach and barely breathing.

vegas that had pushed his dick inside of Pete's again went back to his rhythm, taking his speed up as he engulfed pete with his arms.

pete pulled from the kiss and took a harsh breath before he went to Vega's neck and launched himself there sucking and biting, he wasn't supposed to have any marks in any visible place because he had a husband but vegas? vegas can have as many marks as Pete's wants because no one can say anything about it, and in fact, it only makes vegas proud and happy when marked by him.. vegas often told him that he liked to see people's shocked reaction over his hickeys especially the ones that's trying to hit on him, even his bodyguards would flustered everytime Pete leaves hickeys on him! and pete liked that... liked that he can announce to the world his ownership over vegas even if it was just by painting his skin with hickeys and showering him with his pheromones.

vegas hands went to grab onto Pete's dick and started stroking it over and over, pete mouth dropped from vegas skin upon the pumps and started to moan desperately as he got closer to his release, his arms and legs tightened around vegas, nails clawing at his back.

vegas quickened his pace on Pete's dick until he came hard and strong between them, panting so hard and holding on to vegas back.

"mine, mine, mine" vegas enchanted as  buried his head in Pete's neck and inhaled sharply and after a few more strong pumps inside pete he came filling him, pete moaned at the heat and the feeling of being full.

they stayed still like that, Pete's legs and arms around vegas while vegas engulfed him between his arms, head in the junction between Pete's neck and shoulder, neither of them had the energy to move.. nor did they want to move, they stayed still basking in each other's heat and scent .

when they calmed down after a while vegas realized that he was putting his whole weight on pete, his pregnant omega, he got up so fast that he startled the snoozing pete .

"wha...." pete was dazed from the sex and the warmth that was all over him.

"nothing babe" said vegas as he kissed the crown of his head "let's get you under the blankets shall we?" smiled vegas sweetly to pete, pete smiled back as he crawled up the bed and under the blankets, he settled down covered all the way to his ears, vegas couldn't help himself with how cute pete looked like, so he dipped his head down and kissed him fully on the mouth .

pete sighed, feeling content with everything at that moment but he frowned when vegas got off the bed rather than laying down next to him, he quickly grabbed his hand .

"where are you going?"

"just to take a smoke, don't worry I'll be right there at the window love" said vegas as he pointed at the windows a bit far from the bed, pete nodded his head and retreated his hand from holding vegas, he covered himself well into a cocoon with only his nose and eyes remained out of the covers, his cheeks squashed fully into the pillow as he was starting to drift into sleep.

'adorable' mused vegas quiet fascinated

vegas sighed before he pulled himself the pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the bedside table and then got up from the bed, moving to the large window on the far end of the room, he opened it to have a cold draft hit his fully naked body .

vegas lit up the cigarette and inhaled deeply before he turned to the drawer next to the window, checking one more time that pete was fast asleep before typing something on the phone and sending it.

vegas looked at pete again, a devilish smile creeping its way to his lips, he took another puff from his cigarette whispering in the night "it's all falling in the places i wanted" .


hello 👋

chapter 3 is here!

hope you like it... tell me what you think?
also what does vegas mean? 🤔🤔 what do you think will happen next? I'm sure you will be surprised next chapter 😁

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