It can never be the same

De Isobel_555

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"There he stood, wide-eyed and frantic, his raised hand shaking as he pointed his wand at her face. He knew h... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Part 1
Chapter 4: Part 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Bonus: Yule Ball

Chapter 22

39 2 0
De Isobel_555

It was a determined anger that had pushed her into action; that had fueled the chase after Draco. It was her anger that drove her crucial decisions - but if she didn't have anger to cloud her judgment and consume her being, then that left room for overthinking and fear to rule over her mind. Her anger could be her weakness but it could also be a source of her strength, her anxiety, however, could only ever be her downfall.

As soon as she had seen the malicious look on Bellatrix's face, she had frozen. It was only for a second, but it was a second that cost her. The destination that she had been picturing clearly slipped away as her mind went blank, her heart squeezed, and her muscles tensed.

For all her talk of being ready for a fight, the biggest battle that she had ever been in had been just last year in the Department of Mysteries. And she had been shaking for a while after that fight, especially since someone she knew and cared for had died during the battle. Being ready to defend herself and those she cared about did not exclude her from feeling fear.

They were in the process of apparating away, the flames that were moving closer should not have reached them. Yet, she still felt heat lick at the side closest to Bellatrix. The destination that she was thinking of earlier changed to a different one as the first inkling of pain registered.

And then they were gone.

She landed heavily on her feet, stumbling a bit before a hand tightened around her own, preventing her from toppling over. She took a ragged breath and looked up only to blink at the number of eyes that were staring back at her. It would seem that she had brought them back to Hogwarts, more specifically to the hospital wing.

"You!" an outraged voice cried out.

She wasn't too sure who it was since she was still getting a hold of her bearings, plus she felt lightheaded. Several people pulled out their wands and pointed them at her - no, not at her - at Draco and his mother. Unfortunately, that was also the exact moment that she remembered that her side had just been burned. The stinging that she felt was unbearable; it was too much, too much, but still, she gritted her teeth and took a step in front of Draco.

It still felt like the flames were burning her side, in fact, it felt like her whole body was on fire, but she would be damned if she let anything happen to Draco.

She attempted to speak but only a pained groan came out.

"Y/n!" Hermione called out in alarm.

She tried to take a step forward but stopped when Y/n finally spoke, mustering up what she hoped was a glare and directed it at the people pointing their wands at them.

"Nobody touches him," she said.

Her vision was swimming but she could just make out the shocked expressions on everyone's faces.

"Or her," she added on, referring to Draco's mother.

She attempted to pull her wand out, despite the fact that she was swaying on the spot, but she ended up grunting when she moved. Draco wrapped an arm around her uninjured side and hovered close behind her.

"But, he was with them! He left with him!" Ron protested.

"But he wasn't with them, was he, Y/n?" Luna asked.

Harry, who had been watching her with a mix of a worried and pensive gaze, finally spoke up.

"Dumbledore - " his voice cracked. "He spoke to you about still helping you out. He knew you were a death eater all along, didn't he?"

He had addressed Draco and suddenly she was reminded of the fact that, technically, she and Harry were still in the middle of a fight. It all seemed so insignificant after everything they had just gone through - plus the excruciating pain prevented her from thinking too deeply about their fight.

Y/n could feel Draco tense behind her. She could practically envision the uncomfortable look on his face and the way he must've been shuffling on his feet.

"Yes, he did," he said stiffly. "And I'm not a death eater - okay, well, at first I was, but then Y/n brought me to him to ask for help and I became a spy for him instead, I guess."

She squeezed her eyes and blinked rapidly for a moment in order to see the dubious expressions that most had. Hermione was quick to jump in and corroborate Draco's story.

"It's true. Y/n told me everything," she explained when all eyes turned to her. "Malfoy's not the enemy."

Harry and Ron stared at Hermione but the others looked from her back to Draco with varying wary expressions, reluctantly putting their wands away. Her knees felt wobbly and her vision was blurring every so often; she realised that she was relying heavily on Draco to keep her standing. An agonising groan escaped her lips when pain spiked through her arm as sharp as a knife.

Draco muttered something behind her and a cool sensation ran down her injured side.

She hadn't dared tried to take a peek at what her injured side might look like. If she did, she had a feeling that she would faint. Lupin moved closer toward her and Draco quite literally hissed at him, tensing behind her and pressing closer to her without touching her injured side. She couldn't help but think of a feral cat.

Lupin stopped not too far away from her and offered her a kind smile. She, in turn, offered him a dopey smile.

"Professor Lupin," she slurred.

"How many times must I tell you not to call me professor?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm not your professor anymore."

"But you were the best professor we ever had. Isn't that right, Draco?"

"Yes, I suppose he was," he agreed reluctantly. When Lupin made to come closer, he tensed even more, if that was possible. "Don't touch her."

"I'm only going to help you get her into a bed. Her burns need to be treated."

The warmth that Lupin had in his voice when he addressed her was gone. She realised that the others still did not trust Draco, even if he had said that he wasn't a death eater.

Draco hesitated but ultimately accepted Lupin's help. She was moved onto a bed opposite Bill and not far from Neville.

"Neville," she called with a smile, "you're okay."

He cast a wary glance at Draco before he returned her smile.

"I am, thanks to Madam Pomfrey. I'm sure she'll come soon to treat your burns."

Someone stroked a hand through her hair and she turned her head to see Draco watching her intently, Lupin hovering behind him.

"Madam Pomfrey's just mixing the paste together," Lupin said. "She'll be here soon so just try and bear the pain for a little longer, okay?"

Draco turned to him with a glare, his voice snippy.

"She's not in any pain at the moment. I performed a numbing spell on her; haven't you noticed how loopy she is?"

Lupin ignored Draco's tone and instead studied her. She was too busy glaring at Draco for, not only his rude tone, but the fact that he had just called her loopy. (Though what she didn't realise was that her frown was more of a pout).

"You should've waited for Madam Pomfrey to treat her," he reprimanded.

Draco sneered, "And just let her suffer?"

She opened her mouth to de-escalate the situation but Tonks beat her to it.

"Hey kid," she said as she walked toward her on the other side of the bed.

She scrunched her nose up, directing an irritated glare at her. Tonks knew she hated it when she called her 'kid'. Her face relaxed and her lips quirked up into a smirk as a brilliant idea crossed her mind.

"Hey Nymphadora," she greeted with a cheeky grin.

Tonks huffed with a small smile, "How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

An awkward tension filled the air and - Merlin, she really must've been loopy because it felt like the tension was between Tonks and Lupin. Though, she couldn't fathom why that would be the case.

"I'm going to check how far along Madam Pomfrey is with the paste," Draco said after another awkward moment.

He bent down and pressed a lingering kiss on her hairline. He kept a hand in her hair for as long as he possibly could before he finally left her side but he still kept stealing glances at her as he walked away.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Lupin asked.

"Of course, we can."

"And why's that?"

"Because he's my pretty boy," she answered seriously.

Tonks struggled to contain her laughter. Lupin shot her a look.

"This isn't funny. What if that 'numbing spell' he cast was actually an imperius curse."

"Oh come off it, Remus, that boy is clearly whipped for her. He wouldn't do that to her," Tonks said.

"Whipped for her? Really? That's what makes you so sure that he wouldn't use the imperius curse on her?"

"Oh right, I forgot, you're against the whole notion of love," Tonks muttered bitterly.

Lupin fell silent, looking away from her with a guilty expression. She looked between the two, her brows furrowed. Why did Lupin look so guilty? And why did Tonks look so upset?

Oh. That's why there was an awkward tension.

Lupin cleared his throat as he turned back to face Y/n.

"I suppose I should send a patronus to your parents. They should know what happened to you."

Lupin knew her parents quite well, which in turn meant that she knew Lupin well too. In fact, she had known him for practically her whole life. Her parents were a couple years older than him and, although they knew of each other in school, they only became close when he joined the Order.

"Uncle Remus," she blurted out as he turned to walk away.

He turned back with an odd expression on his face. It was a sort of mix between surprised and touched.

"You haven't called me that in a while," he said wistfully.

She was embarrassed. It was true, she had stopped calling him Uncle Remus after he disappeared for a few years. Then he had suddenly shown up at Hogwarts as her new DADA professor and she had been angry with him for cutting off contact, little did she know that he had been undercover with the werewolves that whole time. She never addressed him as Uncle Remus again and somewhere deep down, she knew he was hurt by that fact.

"My parents aren't at home."

"Then where are they?" Tonks asked, butting into the conversation.

"They're in a safe house in Belgium."

Uncle Remus and Tonks shared a surprised look.

"And how do you know this?" Uncle Remus asked.

"They sent me a letter yesterday."

"Okay, but why are they in a safe house?"

"Because I asked them to set up a safe house for Draco and his mother," she explained. "When I first told them about the plan I had come up with and they told me that Dumbledore hadn't told them anything about it, I asked them to prepare a safe house for them."

"Do you remember which safe house it was?" Uncle Remus asked.

"The one in Belgium?" she said, confused.

Uncle Remus pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed deeply. Tonks gave her a patient smile when she turned to her with a baffled expression. Wasn't there only one safe house in Belgium?

"Go easy on her, Remus. She's not in the right state of mind right now."

She took offense to her words; not in the right state of mind? She felt perfectly sane at the moment - as sane as she always did. Tonks was wrong, her mind was completely sound.

Uncle Remus sighed once more, "You're right. I'll figure out which safe house they're in."

He left after giving her a reassuring pat on the head. She watched him stop for a moment and turn back to look at Tonks, a longing in his eyes that she had never witnessed from him before.

"Are you starting to feel any pain again?"

She snapped her gaze back to Tonks and scrunched her face up in thought before she shook her head.

"Was that Bill I saw lying in a hospital bed?" she asked. Tonks nodded, her face turning grave. "What happened?"

"Greyback attacked him." When she saw the look on her face, she continued hastily, "but he wasn't transformed so there's no guarantee that Bill is a werewolf now."

"So, he's alright?"

"He'll have a few scars but yeah, he'll be alright."

Tonks had a faraway look in her eye and because she apparently had no filter, she blurted out -

"I think he loves you too."


"Uncle Remus," she clarified, "I think he loves you too. I saw the way he looked at you earlier."

Tonks looked like she was going to respond but she was interrupted by Narcissa who stepped up beside her. She offered a brief smile to Tonks who moved out of the way for her, and she took a hold of her uninjured hand.

"Y/n," she said, smiling gently at her. "Thank you for everything you've done for my son."

"There's no need to thank me, Mrs. Malfoy - "

"Please, call me Narcissa," she interjected, "and I have every reason to thank you. You've done so much for us - for him."

"Mr. Malfoy, I assure you that I know exactly what I'm doing!" an irate voice said, breaking up the moment between her and Narcissa.

A disgruntled Madam Pomfrey came into view, an equally disgruntled-looking Draco not far behind her. They both came up to her injured side, deep frowns on their faces. She fixed him with a look when they made eye contact.

"What did you do?"

"I just wanted to make sure that she took into account that I had used a numbing spell on you when she was making the paste," he explained.

Madam Pomfrey turned to him sharply, looking appalled.

"That's all that you did?" she asked sarcastically. "He tried to push me out of the way so that he could make the paste himself."

"Draco, Madam Pomfrey's been working in the hospital wing longer than you've been alive," Narcissa scolded.

"Well, I took a peek at the instructions that she had out - someone who's been working here for that long shouldn't need to look at instructions by the way - " Madam Pomfrey gave an indignant huff, "and I noticed that she was about to stir it anticlockwise 9 times instead of 8 so I simply gave her a little nudge and alerted her to the mistake she was about to make."

"A little nudge? A little nudge!" Madam Pomfrey cried. "He tried to wrestle the mixing spoon out of my hand!"

She couldn't hold it in any longer. She burst out laughing, which didn't seem to please Madam Pomfrey much. She looked rather cross and gave another huff but ultimately decided to just start applying the paste. Yet, before she could even step forward, Draco snatched the bowl out of her hands.

"I'll apply the paste," he said with a snooty sniff.

Madam Pomfrey threw her hands up in the air in exasperation and left, muttering irritably to herself. Draco turned back to her, a soft expression across his face. Narcissa and Tonks shared a look and left the two of them alone as he pulled a chair up to the side of the bed. He studied her for a moment, a deep crease in between his brows.

He got to work, using his wand to remove the bits of her clothing clinging to her burns while still keeping her modestly dressed. Tonks had pulled the curtain closed around them as she left to provide them with a bit of privacy anyway. She was suddenly very grateful that Draco had used a numbing spell on her because she was sure she would've been screaming as he worked if he hadn't.

"How bad is it?" she asked quietly.

His eyes flickered to her own for a moment before he looked back at her burns. He had a concentrated look on his face as he diligently worked, his mouth in a grim line.

"You've got burns on the side of your neck, a bit of your back and your stomach, and your hip and upper thigh, but the worst of it is your arm," he said, his voice low. "Your scar that was on your hand is going to be replaced by an even bigger scar."

His frown only deepened, guilt clear in his features. He began applying the paste with a careful hand.

"This isn't your fault, Draco."

He only grunted in response.

"It isn't," she insisted. "I don't blame you. I chose to help you - I chose to chase after you - and I don't regret it." He paused and he looked up at her, his features falling slack in surprise. "I would do it all over again if it meant that you'd be safe at my side by the end of the night."

He went back to applying the paste, his cheeks pink.

"Thank you for coming after me."


After he was done, Madam Pomfrey came back with bandages and shooed away a protesting Draco but she wouldn't give in this time and insisted that she be the one to wrap her burns. Her mind wandered as Madam Pomfrey applied the burn cover to her arm before she wrapped the bandages around it.

She still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Dumbledore was dead. He had always seemed invincible; this great shield that protected them from Voldemort. Now that the shield had fallen away, she shuddered to think about what Voldemort would do next.

Of course, she was saddened by the news that he had been killed. He was her headmaster, someone that she respected a great deal, someone who she trusted to guide and look out for her and her friends - especially Harry. Yet, there was also anger mixed in with her grief.

Dumbledore had lied to her. He had promised that Order members would be in the Room of Requirement tonight but it was clear that they had no clue about the plan. Being mad at a dead man didn't sit quite right with her, though, and she felt guilty for feeling angry when the news of his death was still fresh.

Madam Pomfrey pulled the curtains back, snapping her out of her thoughts. It would seem she had finished wrapping the bandages around her torso, arm, and thigh. She had even conjured up a new clothing for her which she had helped her change into.

Draco was back at her side in an instant, along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Her friends stood on the opposite side of the bed to Draco, doing little to hide their dislike toward him when they looked at him. Their expressions softened when they looked at her. Draco settled into the chair he had pulled to the side of the bed earlier. Hermione was the first to speak up.

"How're you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm not feeling much of anything at the moment," she answered honestly. "I can't feel any pain."

Harry stepped closer to her despite the glare Draco directed at him.

"Y/n," he said, stroking the back of his hand across her cheek, drawing her eyes to him. "Why didn't you just tell Ron and me the truth?"

"Dumbledore's orders," she said with a weak smile.

"You know all about following Dumbledore's orders, don't you, Potter?" Draco asked snarkily.

"Draco," she admonished, "now isn't the time."

"Actually, I do," Harry said, squaring his shoulders.

"Harry c'mon. Our best friend's lying in a hospital bed," Ron said.

Harry had the sense to look sheepish.

"You're right, I'm sorry," he said. "And I'm sorry about what I said to you, Y/n."

"It's okay, Harry. I forgive you."

"I don't," Draco said indignantly.

"Well, it's a good thing I wasn't apologising to you then, isn't it?" Harry asked sarcastically.

"Both of you stop it right now before I make you hold hands until you get along," she snapped.

Ron and Hermione suppressed their smirks as Harry and Draco turned to her with identical horrified looks.

"Sorry," they muttered in unison.

She sighed; she was dealing with literal children. She made a move to get out of bed and was met with four voices asking her what the hell she was doing. Bewildered, she glanced around at the people who were vehemently trying to keep her in bed.

"Draco and I need to leave now," she said.

"What?" Draco asked. "Leave? To where?"

"The safe house my parents set up. I was supposed to apparate us there in the first place but then... "

She glanced down at her bandaged arm as she trailed off. She looked up at Draco, only to see him looking intensely at her injured side. He looked up into her eyes and his gaze softened.

"We can leave tomorrow for the safe house. Right now, you need to rest, my love."

She opened her mouth to protest but was interrupted by Hermione.

"He's right. You can't apparate in your condition."

McGonagall walked up to them then, putting their conversation on hold, and asked Harry to come with her. She left with Harry, offering Y/n well wishes for a quick recovery. Ron noticed Madam Pomfrey walking back to Bill's bed and he and Hermione left for his bedside to hear what she had to say.

She and Draco were left alone once more. A tiredness swept over her as the adrenaline finally left her body and she slumped back into bed. She looked around the hospital wing, seeing Neville dozing off and Uncle Remus and Tonks speaking quietly together off to the side.

Mrs. Weasley and Fleur were standing next to each other with their arms wrapped around each other, Mr. Weasley standing on Mrs. Weasley's other side. Hermione and Ron were holding hands as they stood next to Ginny and Luna, who had a comforting hand on Ginny's back.

They were all standing around Bill's bed, listening intently to what Madam Pomfrey was saying. She noticed all their pallid and tired expressions and knew with a heavy finality that this was only the beginning. With Dumbledore gone, there was no one to directly oppose him - well, no one but Harry.

She wondered what the future held in store for them. All she knew was that whatever journey Harry was on, she would stick by his side, and she was sure that Ron and Hermione would do the same. It had always been the four of them against whatever was terrorising them that year and it would continue to stay that way.

She turned to Draco; after tomorrow, she didn't know when she would see him again. She didn't know if she would even survive to see him again. Her gaze wandered over to the watch around her wrist.

"Tonight did not turn out the way I expected it to," Draco sighed.

Her attention snapped away from the watch and back to him.

"Tell me about it."

He looked between her eyes, searching for something in her gaze. She leaned closer to him, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Y/n, I - " She tried to listen to what he was saying but an ache started up in her arm that made her visibly wince. "What's wrong? Is it hurting again?"

She nodded as she grit her teeth. Draco immediately got up and called Madam Pomfrey over. She came to her side with some medication for her to take.

"This is for the pain, dear," she explained. "Though I should warn you, it's going to knock you right out."

And she wasn't wrong; after a couple of minutes, grogginess overtook her senses. She shifted into a more comfortable position, her eyes drooping closed.

The next morning, she awoke with a sharp intake of breath, squeezing her eyes as she became aware of hushed voices. She turned her head and was met with a head of pale hair. Draco was sleeping at her side in a chair, his arms folded onto the bed and his head leaning on his arms.

She frowned; that couldn't have been a very comfortable position to sleep in. She attempted to move her arm to run her fingers through his hair but she flinched, belatedly realising that he was sleeping on her injured side and she had just attempted to move her bandaged arm.

"Fuck, that hurts," she hissed.

Draco shifted and she held her breath, waiting to see if she had accidentally woken him up. She sighed as he settled once more, only to yelp when his head suddenly shot up. His movements suggested that he was alert but his eyes were still bleary.

"What hurts? Do you need to take more medication?"

She huffed an amused breath.

"Good morning to you too, Draco."

His cheeks turned pink but he would not relent until she assured him that she wasn't in any pain. He helped her sit up and that's when she decided to take in her surroundings. It seemed that Draco was not the only one that Madam Pomfrey had been unable to kick out of the hospital wing.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all sleeping in chairs around her bed like Draco had been, unlike Draco though, they were sitting upright in their chairs and she wondered how they could possibly sleep like that. Ginny and Luna had placed their chairs against a wall so they could lean their heads back; some time in their sleep their heads must've gravitated toward each other and they leaned against each other as they slept soundly. They were closer to Neville's bed, who was chatting quietly to Madam Pomfrey while she checked up on him.

Fleur was sleeping similarly to how Draco had been at Bill's side, though Bill was still unconscious. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were awake and talking with Tonks, Lupin, Narcissa, and - she blinked - her parents. Her father spotted that she was awake first, exclaiming her name rather loudly and effectively waking up everyone who had been asleep.

He didn't seem to care as he rushed to her side, her mother close behind him. There was no hiding the obvious glint of tears in their eyes as they embraced her. The rest of her morning was spent being simultaneously coddled and scolded by her parents. Draco and her traitorous friends were only emboldened by her parents' behaviour and took to coddling her too, much to her dismay.

Eventually, she convinced everyone around her that she was fit enough to apparate. Draco left to gather some of his things that he wanted to take with him and to say a proper goodbye to his friends. In that time, Madam Pomfrey checked her burns and gave her a lecture about being careful and to remember the dangers of apparating when injured.

She received more lectures from her parents, Lupin and Hermione, all of them basically saying the same thing to her, just using different words. By the time Draco came back, she was ready to leave. She stepped forward and took a hold of Draco and Narcissa's hands.

"Are you ready?" she asked, looking at Narcissa first before she locked eyes with Draco.

He nodded and in the blink of an eye, they were gone.

They appeared in front of a modest-looking house near the Sambre river. Narcissa let go of her hand as they walked up to the house. She glanced around, making sure that there were no muggles around, and used her wand to open the door. She stepped away from the door to let Narcissa and Draco step through. Draco pulled her along with him, using the hand that he hadn't let go of.

"Welcome to your new home. I know it's not Malfoy Manor but - "

"It's perfect," Narcissa said, turning to her with a smile. Draco let go of her hand as Narcissa embraced her. "Thank you again for everything."

"Really, you don't have to thank me," she said with a sheepish laugh.

Narcissa simply gave her a knowing smile and kissed her forehead. She walked away from her and Draco, claiming that she was going to explore the house though she suspected that she was giving them some privacy as they said goodbye.

She turned to Draco who was watching her with devastating eyes. Suddenly, she was overcome with the urge to cry but she pushed the feeling aside. She did not want to have a teary goodbye.

"So this is it," she said with a weak chuckle.

He simply watched her for a moment and she had the distinct feeling that he was memorising the way she looked right then. She had to admit, she was doing the same thing with him.

"Stay," he said.

A conflicted look crossed over her face before she could stop it. It would be so easy to just stay with him, forget the war, forget Voldemort, but she knew that it wouldn't be so easy to forget her friends, her family, or even all of the innocent lives that would be affected in the war.

"You know I can't."

He let out a resigned sigh, "I know."

She looked down at the floor but her gaze caught onto the watch wrapped around her uninjured wrist. She fiddled with the strap, taking the watch off and stepping in front of Draco as she did. When she looked up at him again, she found that he was watching her with a quizzical look on his face.

She gently took a hold of his wrist without breaking eye contact and his frown deepened.

"What are you doing? I thought this was a gift."

She looked down at the watch once more as she secured the strap around his wrist before she looked back up at him with a small smile.

"A gift for you," she said, watching his eyes widen. "I bought it for your birthday last year."

He stared dumbly at her for several seconds.

"I did think it looked too big for you," he finally said. When she started laughing, his look turned sheepish. "I mean, thank you."

He stared deeply into her eyes and she knew that he wasn't just thanking her for the watch. Her hand slipped down to his own and she took a step back, her hand lingering in his. If she stayed any longer in his presence, if she spoke the truth out loud, she feared that she would never leave his side.

"There's an engraving on the back," she said with a wink.

His hand tightened around her own, preventing her from pulling away. He looked desperate and she knew that her expression mirrored his. He squeezed his eyes as he brought her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss there. A sob crawled up her throat that she swallowed down, though she couldn't hide the way her lips trembled.

He finally let go of her hand and looked at her with a pained smile as she took another step back from him.

"You're wrong, you know? This isn't it," he said.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Because we'll see each other again," he said with absolute certainty.

"How can you be so sure?"

"You owe me fifty shillings."

Her mouth dropped open in shock and she scoffed indignantly.

"I do not."

He tried and failed to suppress his smirk.

"You do. You apparated; remember our bet?"

"I was supposed to apparate by our next lesson, which I didn't. It was only the lesson after that that I finally apparated."

He frowned in fake contemplation, "No, I think you're getting confused."

She scrunched her nose and Draco began chuckling, she soon joined him. They shared a fond smile once their laughter subsided.

"We'll see each other again," he repeated warmly.

He stepped closer to her and wrapped her up in a hug. They stood there for what felt like hours in each other's embrace. She placed a kiss on his chest before she pulled away from him.

Once she was outside, she took one last proper look at him as he stood in the doorway. It occurred to her then that she had known him for as long as she had known her friends. He had been there for almost every step of her journey at Hogwarts. She did not know life without him; she barely remembered what it was like before she knew him. Though they had gotten off on the wrong foot, he had always been a crucial part of her life, as her enemy, as her friend, and as her greatest love.

How was she ever expected to part from him?

"We'll see each other again," she whispered as a reminder to herself.

She took in the way he smiled at her one last time as the sun shone delicately over him. Then, she turned on the spot and just like that, she was gone.

The end.

A/n  And that's it. That's the end of the story.

Well, there is still the epilogue but yeah this was the final chapter. I may have written too much because I couldn't find it in me to actually end it but eventually, I had to. I hope you all enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

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𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲, 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗿, 𝗔𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 �...
506K 10.5K 46
A new girl (y/n) moves to stiles town. She even goes to the same school as him. She's definitely different then other girls Stiles and Scott notice...