The Pirate (a legolas x oc st...

By zahraussy

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shes a pirate elf and hes an elf prince, what a pair right? legolas and maeral have been childhood best fri... More

Part I: The beginning
chapter 1: who's taller?
chapter 2: friends truly are where the home is
chapter 3: rivendell
chapter 4: mae-1 dar-0
chapter 5: the fellowship of the ring
chapter 6: dont do anything stupid until i get back
chapter 7: and off we go to Mordor
chapter 8: spotlight
chapter 9: more than just a simple greeting
chapter 10: forgiveness
chapter 11: as if it would be enough
chapter 12: magic doors
chapter 13: cant believe you'd think about stealing at a time like this
chapter 14: spoke too soon
chapter 15: tis' nothing but a scratch
chapter 16: fly you fools.
chapter 17: the aftermath
chapter 18: past "entanglement"
chapter 19: aye aye cap'n
chapter 20: curse you pippin the hobbit!
chapter 21: for i shall return with haste
chapter 22: "oh"
chapter 23: attaboy
chapter 24: hurry your ass up then kid
chapter 25: Minas tirith it is!
chapter 26: have you truly?
chapter 27: we shall
chapter 28: water war
chapter 29: that could've been me.
chapter 30: you could've been my older sister
Chapter 31: let's hunt some orc.
Part II: We're halfway in it now
chapter 32: what else could I say about that?
chapter 33: aragorn is demented
chapter 34: oh blimey
chapter 35: white blond elf
chapter 36: have you seen that kid before?
chapter 37: visiting an old friend
chapter 38: did you threaten him??
chapter 39: you are actually at a serious advantage here
chapter 40: call me captain
chapter 41: For a while, the world was dark
chapter 42: we will endure
chapter 43: curses? really?
chapter 44: offsprings
chapter 45: It would be a miracle
chapter 46: you look like you've seen a ghost
chapter 47: I didn't have time to run
chapter 48: puffy princessy dress
chapter 49: how can I? You're taking all the stupid with you
chapter 50: I'll gouge your eyes out
chapter 51: was this the moment?
chapter 52: nice haircut
Part III: The end
chapter 53: a pirate's promise
chapter 54: may the best drinker win
Chapter 55: is it important?
chapter 57: old ass
chapter 58: a cactus
chapter 59: the kids aren't high yet at least
chapter 60: oh
chapter 61: a bit inappropriate no?
chapter 62: You'll need all the help you can get
Chapter 63: stupid
chapter 64: jack shit
chapter 65: the captain's back
chapter 66: lover instinct
chapter 67: free
chapter 68: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye
chapter 69: fragments
chapter 70: dark allure
chapter 71: promise me you'll be careful?
chapter 72: fight
chapter 73: glow
chapter 74: Return of the king

chapter 56: you're supposed to be dead.

226 8 0
By zahraussy

*first person pov*

"that was really stupid of you to do Mae." Darvyn blurted out as we descend down the stairs.

I turn to him, frowning. That was sudden. He was talking to us laughing and shit just fine, then suddenly he says I'm stupid? for doing what?

"sorry to say this Maeral but dad's right." Carter shrugged. Fastred and Emmet nodded, carrying a drunk passed out Nelda around their shoulders.

"alright I am stupid I know that but about what?" I wave my hands around in circles.

They all stopped and looked at each other, even the drunken passed out Nelda. They slowly turn to me like I just lost a head.

I could even hear Nelda sighing.

Nesta walks up to me, putting her hands on my shoulders. "Maeral. You are an amazing woman." She said, her brown eyes stared into my very soul.

"okay...." I nod slowly, a crease forming between my brows.

"but how can you not see that that elf loves you?"


"do you not love him as he does to you?" Emmet asked, shifting his feet.

"I-I mean..." no words seemed to come out of my mouth.

"by saying you were stupid we meant that you could've been with him somewhere while he confesses his love to you, he was going to do that you know?" Darvyn said, before walking once more.

Everyone else started to walk again. I stood stuck in the middle of the road, while everyone just walked around me, living their life.

Couples walked to stores, journeying people walked out of inns, kids ran past me with their parents smiling and shaking their heads.

Nesta stood on her toes and kissed Carter on her cheek.

Nelda lazily nuzzled her head into Emmet's neck.

Darvyn spun his golden ring on his finger. The one Daratrine, Radelia and me helped picked out for him and Lily when he proposed to her.

I wonder what it'd be like if me and Legolas had a life like that. It would-

"oh my god." I whispered. I sprinted up to them, my head feeling like it had just solved a centuries old mystery. "oh my fucking god" I rub my temples.

"did you just realize it?" Darvyn beside me smirked.

"I've been in love with him- in love in love, and I've only realized it now." I said. I can't believe it. It wasn't just a stupid crush that fades away, I actually love him.

But was he going to tell me that?

"oh fuck now what do I do?" I turn to the rest of them.

" love him right?" Nesta asked, a brow raised.

"currently having a crisis over it but.....yes." I answered, biting the bottom of my lip.

"then just say it." Nelda interjected. Nesta raised a finger to say more, but then thought better of it and just nodded.

"easy for you to say all of you are married." I motion to all of them. It's not that I want to marry Legolas right away, I love him yes but I don't want that. Not now at least. I do want to marry him someday but not now, I'm not really ready for marriage and settling down yet.

"honestly now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that was all I did. And look at me now, happily married and content." Fastred said and everyone shrugged.

Fair, I mean that's all it is right? that's how love works. You just tell them and if it's true, then there might be a chance you'll end up happy with each other forever.

But the key word was if it's true.

I let out a sharp breath. "this is so hard." I whined. Darvn patted my shoulder.

"let's just let it sit in your mind for awhile, when you're ready for it, you can tell him." Darvyn reassured me and I nodded.


I walked up the stairs to the hall. Was it even true? That he was going to tell me how he feels?

I shudder at the thought. I must be delusional. It was a long shot that Legolas would even want me, I'm jut his best friend of two thousand years. He probably has never even thought of me being anything more.

Besides, he could have anyone he wants. Beautiful elf maidens, nobles, other princesses, maybe even a human if he loved her so much. Or he's already engaged, betrothed to someone by Thranduil's arrangements.

Oh hell why am I even contemplating about this shit? I'm a pirate. I don't have time for things like this.

This is what happens when I stay sober for too long. Too much sappy thoughts in my stupid brain.

I need a bath. Yeah that's what would make me clear my head. Probably even make me forget about all this.

I reach the top of the stairs, suddenly hearing Legolas whisper frantically to Aragorn.

"He's here."

Legolas turned to me, a terrified look on his face. Without asking, I already know who he was talking about.

The three of us ran inside, running through all the rooms and corridors that decorated the big hall in Edoras before we could reach their room. And when we did, Pippin was screeching and lying on his back while a glowing orb is glued to his fingers.

I rush to Pippin's side. Taking the palantir from his hands without thinking.

And oh how stupid of a decision that was.

The orb disintegrated, my hands were pulled to my back. In something cold, wet with something that smells familiar. I tug at it, trying to get myself free.

My breath hitches as I realize.

It was chains.

There was blood. That was the familiar smell. I was soaked in it, hell the entire place was covered in the red liquid.

My hair was longer, dripping down to my ribs as it had years ago. I was changed out of my dress, instead I was wearing my armour, the hole at my back still exposed and ripped. My back was soaked with blood, the scars from my time reopened. With another new addition.

I got on my feet, but was shoved down as I try. A booming voice appeared in the open field, a tall black figure stood straight with his helmet covering his face. A golden ring on his finger.

"Join us. Abandon them. You have a mighty ship at your command. Summon them and join me, and we will sail and explore the seas freely as you wish." a guttural voice spoke, a hand extended to me.

"you fucker. You won't win, you'll rot and die just as you did when isildur cut off your hand." I grinned. "And I'll be enjoying every minute of it."

He stared at me, unmoving then turned away.

I release a heavy sigh, tugging at my unchained fingers. But my relief washed away as soon as the scenery changed into a battlefield. A battlefield in front of minas tirith.

Blood painted the floor, bodies were sprewn everywhere, all whom I know or have seen before.

I backed away from the cruel scenery. I know these people. I've seen them play with their children and partners.

I stop as I my foot hits someone's leg. A wooden leg. I turn around, my whole body shaking. I knew who it was. And I was not ready to see him. I release a sob as my eyes set on him. Darvyn.

I tear my eyes away from him, just to see more people behind his corpse. There was everyone. Aragorn, Gimli, Fastred, Eowyn, Eomer, Gandalf, Kiaan. Everyone.

I ran away from them, it was too much. Too much death. Too much attachments burned. All because of what? a stupid ring?

I ran a hand through my hair as my legs gave up, breathing heavily. There was still blood, oh god there was so much blood. But at least here there wasn't much bodies, and even so I've never talked to them much before, just a word or two.

Their motionless faces replayed in my head. The faces of people whose laugh I'd never listen to again.

My knees went limp. I fell to the bloodied ground, I didn't want to mop myself in their blood. But I was already soaked in it.

Tears fell out of my eyes, was this what was going to happen in the future? Everyone I know and love dead in my hands, leaving me alone to witness it all again.

My breath catched as I see a glimmer of white hair besides me. I crawl towards her, taking her limp body in my hands and sweep her curls out of her face.

"Dar? Dar?" I shook her body. "wake up. Wake up please." I wailed, I couldn't help it anymore. The water out my eyes fell out, the restrained grief from this journey just pouring out of my chest.

I hugged her close to my chest, not wanting to let my sister go.

I look up from Daratrine's body, blinking the tears away. A familiar silver bow caught my eyes, drifted apart from his owner.

I kissed Daratrine's head, before setting her down slowly on the ground and going up on my feet. I took the bow in my hands. It was his.

I look around the field, searching for him. I was praying and hoping that he wasn't here. I don't think I can bear seeing him dead most of all.

I jog around the place, I hope whatever it is Sauron wants to me find will be close enough to me so that I'll be able to get out of this place.

I stop to catch my breath for a while. It feels like I've been running for miles, maybe longer than when we chased pippin and Merry. What was it he wanted me to find?

I bent over my knees, panting. It was as if I was a human.

It's tiring.

But my panting quickly stopped as I saw what stood near my feet. His eyes weren't closed. His blond hair sprawled out and a sword stood in his chest, near his heart.

My bottom lip quivered, my hand shook as I reached for him. He didn't reach back.

I kneeled down beside him. His skin was cold. My eyes bawled out as I touched him. This wasn't the Legolas I knew. This was a corpse.

I put his head on my lap, I looked into his eyes. The waves weren't dancing anymore. The mermaids were gone and they were dull, like unmoving sea water. But not calming, rather the calm before the storm.

I traced his cheekbones. "Oh my love, is this what is bound to happen?"

"hurts doesn't it." A voice as smooth as silk stated. I whipped my head to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice wavering. My hands reaching to my dagger, finding that it's not there.

"oh darling, have you forgotten? we're not in the real world anymore." He bared his teeth, his green eyes gleaming despite the unnerving scene.

He reached for his dagger. My dagger. "don't're confused, I'll demonstrate it to you." He lunged forward, lifting me up in a chokehold.

His neat blond hair turned into a mess after he ran after me. "Now you'll understand what it feels like." He scowled. And stabbed me with my own weapon.

I screamed, then I was transported back into the real world. At least I hope it was.

My legs gave out and I fell to the floor with a thud, the palantir slipped out of my fingers. It rolls away to Merry, but he dodges it and the palantir rolls further.

Gandalf chases after the palantir, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over. The palantir stopped.

"Fool of a took!" Gandalf shouted, turned towards Pippin. But his anger quickly turned to concern as he sees Pippin lying on his back straight and unmoving.

Gandalf rushes over to pippin's side and shoves the perched merry out of the way. He takes Pippin's hand in his, putting his other hand on pippin's forehead. He closes his eyes and mutters something, then Pippin woke up. With a shuddering gasp he opens his eyes and looks around in worry.

"Look at me." Gandalf said softly.

Pippin looks at Gandalf. "Gandalf, forgive me." He breathed out and closed his eyes.

"Look at me! What did you see?" Gandalf demanded.

Pippin looked around and closed his eyes again. He gulped. Trying to recall the vision he saw.

I took in a deep breath. I understand the difficulty. My vision wasn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows either.

"A tree." Pippin nodded and opened his eyes. "there was a white tree in a courtyard of stone. It was dead." He frowned.

"The city was burning." His eyes were wide, Pippin looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Minas tirith? Is that what you saw?" Gandalf posed.

"I saw...." Pippin tried to remember it, but his face soon meddled into fear. "I saw him! I could hear his voice in my head."

"And what did you tell him? Speak!" Gandalf shook Pippin's face. The fear was present in his voice.

Pippin shut his eyes. "He asked me my name. I didn't answer him. He hurt me!"

"What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?" Gandlf voice turned to a normal volume, but his voice still had an urgency to it.

Pippin stared at Gandalf, he panted and frowned. Oh valar, did he tell him? If he did then my vision could have a chance to be true.

"No. I didn't- I didn't tell him anything." Pippin answered. I slowly turn to Gandalf.

Gandalf looked at Pippin with disappointment. But alas, he gave a grunted nod.

"He is not lying." Gandalf declared, even with the reassurance I wasn't sure. His voice still rang in my head, and the blood still felt present on my body. I still felt like I was drowned in it.

I reach for my hair, it was as short as I had cut it days before.

A hand touched my shoulder, my breath went rigid. I could hear his voice. Hurts doesn't it?

I grit my teeth. I reach for his hand and pushed him to one of the pillars behind us. I pulled my dagger and pointed it up his throat.

"You're supposed to be dead! " I growled.

Legolas looks at me with widened eyes, his face was mere inches from mine. But there was no love in his eyes. Just fear.

Was this the exact thing Sauron wanted to show me? That I'll be the one who killed legolas myself. That his blood will be spilled by my own hands.

That I'll murder the only person I'm truly comfortable with.

"I..." I pulled back from him. I clutch my dagger tighter. I fisted my free hand around my dress, not wanting people to see my shaking hand. Aragorn and the hobbits looked at me with unease. Gandalf even looked alert.

I groan softly and strode out of the room.

I could feel Legolas rushing after me, but Gandalf stopped him.

"let her be. She needs to recollect her thoughts."

A/n: Halluuuuuu sorry for the late update everyone i've been so busy with school lately and i also think this is my schedule now :(( i think I'll update every 5 days now I'm sorryyyyy but I promise the chapters will be atleast 2000 words long.

Also my fleetwood mac obsession is starting to come back #my70sphaseiscomingbackslay

Anyways hope yall liked this chapter and gave a vote if you thought it was good!

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