The Pretend To Be Agreement

By Cataldinabluebird

469K 12.4K 814

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] 'So, it's agreed then? If I help you with your financial problems, you'll pretend to... More

The Pretend To Be Agreement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six (Different Version)
Epilogue PT. 1
Epilogue - PT. 2
Important Information (FAQ)
New Account

Chapter Twelve

10.3K 333 10
By Cataldinabluebird


Eggs? Did we have no eggs? Eggs where are you? - I ask silently in my head as I search through the humungous fridge. I've currently spent what felt like forever - but was probably on five minutes - trying to find the eggs so I could make myself scrambled eggs. As I continue to move things around and place them where they were supposed to be, something brown catches my eye. Right behind the jug of milk is the rectangular box of eggs hiding.

"Yes!" I scream happily, throwing my arms up in the air before bringing them back down and manoeuvring my hand in such a way that I could grab the eggs without having to move anything.

When I finally have them in my hand I place them on the counter, closing the door to the fridge with my foot. With my hands on my hips I look and check to see if I have everything I needed, and once I'm done counting them off one by one, I set to work.

Cracking four eggs into a bowl with some water I put different types of spices that I wanted into the mixture and then whip it all together using a fork. I take the bowl and place it over the frying pan that was covered in melted butter and dump the contents into it slowly. Settling the bowl back onto the counter, I grab a hold of the spatula and use it to scrape the whiting egg into the middle. To the side, on a plate covered in paper towel, is a small pile of cooked bacon. From behind me on the other counter where the sink was built into it sat an old music player that was currently playing some jazz music.

I swayed side to side as I cooked, humming the slow, relaxing rhythm. The cabin was more like a huge house that was built in the woods, sitting on one side of lake. On the other side of the lake was a campground, which if I went outside I see boats on the water. My mind trails off as I continue to cook, not even noticing that anybody had entered the kitchen until the eggs are finished and being plated. While plating them, I see a tall figure standing in front of me, and I have to suppress a scream. In place of a scream I let out a long breath, holding a hand over my heart.

"Will!" I shout, reaching out and punching him lightly on the shoulder.

He erupts into loud, thundering laughter. "S-sorry, Grace. Didn't mean to make your heart stop."

I send him a glare, a heat crawling its way up my cheeks as I knew there was more to his words then he was going to let on. Grabbing my plate of food and few slices of bacon, I walk past him and too the oval shape table. Setting my stuff down, I do the same, and when down I start to eat.

It isn't soon after that Will joins me, sitting down on my left side, a plate of food in front of him. The food that sat on his plate was the left over's of what was left of the scrambled eggs while another was the plate of bacon. A glass of orange juice comes into my line of vision and I glance up at him, an eyebrow raised.

"What?" He asks, shoveling food into his mouth. His words come out as 'hat' instead of 'what', and I knew I should've been annoyed with him, but all I wanted to do was smile.

I give him a skeptical look as I ask, "What's with orange juice, Blondie?"

He chocks on his food at me calling him Blondie but with a large swig of his orange juice he's fine.

"D-did you... Did you just call me Blondie?" He asks, and I shrug, not going to answer him if he's not going to answer me.

I decide to ignore him as I eat my food, but he was making it difficult for me to do so. Will kept looking at me with puppy dog eyes, and he kept trying to steal my bacon off my plate. To keep myself distracted from him I began to sing songs in my head, but even then did he interrupt me. After a while as he was getting on my last nerve, he started to say random things that didn't even make sense.

"Pineapple, apple, lamp shade," he said just loud enough for me to hear, "Gorilla, couch, orange juice-"

I lean up and off my chair, reaching up and placing both hands on his cheeks and then kissing him harshly to cut him off from saying anything else. He doesn't move his lips, but I move mine. It takes him a few seconds to register what's going on, and when he finally gets it his lips start to move. One of my hands slip down from his cheek and onto his shoulder, where I run it down his arm and all the way to where his hand that rested on him thigh. I lay my palm out flat on his thigh; give it a light squeeze which causes Will to moan.

Just as things were getting heated, and I could feel his pants ruffle as he clutches onto them, and instantly, I pull away.

"Practice," I whisper against his lips before turning away from him and grabbing my dishes and then begin to stroll back to the kitchen.

"Totally not fair...," I hear him groan out and I let out a breathless chuckle.


An hour has passed, and since then I have washed the dishes, put my clothes away, and as a way for myself to relax I decide to go outside and sit on one of the lounging chairs. With my sunglasses on I read the back that sat in my lap, enjoying the breeze that came by every once and a while. The sun was shining, but because of the protection of the trees there's a perfect amount of shade that covered me. I wore my bikini underneath a pair of shorts and one of my old, holey t-shirts that used to be my father's and was two sizes too big.

In my head there's a mental debate on whether I should go swimming or not as it is the middle of October. But if it was warm enough to get a tan, then maybe it might be warm enough to go swimming?

I snap out of my thoughts and go back to reading my book when a black car pulls up to the cabin. Closing my book, my eyes flash over to the vehicle in curiosity. The left hand side door opens and stepping out of the car is a man that looks to be around Will's age. He has spiky brown hair and eyes that looked to be almost black from where I stood. The mystery man was good looking, but he wasn't as handsome as Will.

Oh God, I'm comparing him to Will!

The mystery guy walks up to the cabin, an older man behind who's carrying his luggage for him. When he spots me standing there he smirks, turning his direction from the front door to me.

"Well hello, gorgeous. What's your name?" He asks once he's standing on the deck, our eyes meeting.

"Hi, and its Grace. You?" I tell him, crossing my arms.

"Name's Jordan Watson and I'm looking for a guy that goes by the name William Reid. Have you seen him around, Touts?" He questions smugly.

Oh, I do know him.

"I have seen him around." I say, and he raises an eyebrow wanting more information.

I sigh. "He's inside, probably taking a nap or showering in our room."

"Thanks - wait! Did you just say 'our' room? So, wouldn't that make you his-"

"Girlfriend," I finish for him. "Yeah, I'm his girlfriend, Touts."

Sorry it's short. I'm writing with writer's block. I hope you all enjoyed it. And if you could comment, it would really make my day. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'd really like to see what your thoughts are about the book. There are plot holes as this book started on a whim. A roll of dice if you will.

Thanks for reading.

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