My Mr. Meesey

By skittles12202000

24 1 0

I had a wonderful idea for a hurt/comfort and slice of life fic. ๐Ÿž โ‹† ๐Ÿš ๐ŸŽ€ ๐’ž๐Ÿ‘๐‘€๐’ซ๐ฟ๐ธ๐’ฏ๐ธ๐’Ÿ ๐ŸŽ€ ๐Ÿš โ‹† ๏ฟฝ... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4

7 1 0
By skittles12202000

Your stomach growled for the first time that day, you had almost made it the whole day without needing anything but suddenly all you wanted was a glass of water and some food to fight the growing heat outside. You both had passed extremely small town a few miles back, it consisted of a sheriffs station, a library, and a library with a small group of suburban looking houses but that had been a few miles back. You'd both been driving through thick trees not that long ago but now all you could see was dry red dirt and a few leafless shrubs.

Meesey noticed the grumble in your stomach and felt a pang of guilt. He had been so caught up in the adventure that he forgot about your needs. "I'm sorry, human. I should have thought about your needs sooner," he said apologetically.

You waved him off with a smile. "Human? Please Meesey call me (y/n)." You say taking and grasping his mitten and squeezing it in a kind gesture. Meesey looked at you with surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Okay, (y/n)," he said, returning the squeeze. "And I apologize again."

"It's alright, Meesey. I'm just a bit hungry and thirsty, that's all. Let's see if we can find somewhere to stop for a bit." Meesey nodded and continued driving, scanning the horizon for any signs of civilization. As you drove further, the heat became more intense and the landscape became even more barren. The road seemed to go on forever, with no end in sight.

Just when you thought you might have to settle for a meal of dry crackers and warm water, you spotted a small building up ahead. It was small and rundown, with peeling paint and a rusty sign that read "Last Chance Cafe."

"Looks like we found our stop," you said, pointing to the building.

Meesey pulled the van up to the front of the cafe, and you both stepped out into the blazing sun. The heat was almost unbearable, but the thought of a cold drink and a hot meal spurred you on. As you pushed open the door, a bell tinkled overhead, announcing your arrival. The inside of the cafe was dim and dusty, with a few scattered tables and chairs. A lone figure sat at the counter, nursing a cup of coffee.

The person looked up as you approached, and you saw that it was an older woman with kind eyes and a warm smile. "Well, hello there!" she said, her voice raspy from years of smoking. "What can I get for you folks?"

You ordered a sandwich and a glass of water, and Meesey requested a cup of coffee. As you waited for your food, you struck up a conversation with the woman, who introduced herself as Lorraine. She told you about the town that was a few miles back, and how the cafe had been struggling since the highway was built and took all the traffic away. As you ate your sandwich and drank your water, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the small moment of rest and human connection in the middle of your adventure.

"Hey is that your van outside?" You heard Lorraine ask you as she dried off a glass with an old cloth, you follow her line of site and see a few teenage boys on dirt bikes hitting the side of your old dusty van with metal rods and tossing rocks at your windows.

You feel a pang of anger and fear as you see the boys damaging your van. Without thinking, you rush out of the cafe and towards the boys, Meesey following closely behind you. "Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!" you shout, hoping to scare them off.

The boys turn towards you with smirks on their faces. "What's it to you, old lady?" one of them sneers.

You clench your fists, feeling the anger boiling inside you. But before you can say or do anything, Meesey steps forward, towering over the boys with his imposing height. "You will stop that at once," he says, his voice low and threatening.

The boys shrink back at the sight of Meesey, their confidence faltering. You feel relieved to have him by your side, knowing that he is fiercely protective of you. One of the boys speaks up, "Sorry, we didn't know it was your van. We were just messing around."

You eye them suspiciously, still feeling angry and violated. "Why were you messing around with someone else's property?" you ask, crossing your arms. The boys shuffle their feet uncomfortably, their earlier bravado now replaced with sheepishness. "We were bored," another one mumbles.

Meesey steps forward again, looming over them. "That's not an excuse to damage someone else's property. You will apologize and offer to pay for any damages."

The boys exchange nervous glances, realizing they are in a difficult position. After a moment of silence, one of them speaks up. "Okay, we'll apologize and pay for the damages. Can we go now?"

Meesey looks at them sternly. "You can go, but I'll need your names and contact information so we can follow up with you about the damages."

The boys reluctantly give their names and phone numbers, still looking intimidated by Meesey's imposing presence. You feel grateful to have him by your side, knowing that without him, the situation could have escalated into something much worse.

As the boys ride away on their dirt bikes, Meesey turns to you. "Are you okay?" he asks, his expression softening.

You let out a breath that you didn't realize you were holding, and turn to Meesey with gratitude in your eyes. without another thought you run up and embrace Meesey. "Thank you, Meesey. I don't know what I would do without you," you say, feeling a new wave of appreciation for your unusual companion.

Meesey wraps his arms around you, holding you close. "I'll always be here for you," he says, his voice warm and reassuring. You feel a sense of comfort in his embrace, knowing that he will always be there to protect you.

As you pull away, you notice that a few of the cafe patrons have stepped outside to see what was happening. Lorraine is among them, her expression one of concern. "Is everything alright?" she asks, looking between you and Meesey.

You nod, feeling a little embarrassed about the scene you just caused. "Yes, everything's fine now. The boys apologized and promised to pay for the damages."

Lorraine nods, still looking a little shaken. "I'm glad you're okay. Those boys have been causing trouble around here for a while now. It's good that someone finally stood up to them."

You smile at her, feeling a sense of pride in what you and Meesey just accomplished. "Yeah, it feels good to take a stand. And I couldn't have done it without Meesey," you say, placing a hand on his arm.

Meesey smiles back at you, his eyes filled with warmth. "I'll always have your back," he says, before the two of you head back into the cafe, ready to move on from the incident and enjoy the rest of your day.

After enjoying a wonderful lunch followed by great company thanks to Lorraine you and Meesey get back into your now dirty and dented van, you look on at the damage and sigh.

Meesey notices your distress and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. "It's just a little damage. We'll get it fixed," he says, trying to cheer you up.

You smile at him, grateful for his positive outlook. "Thanks, Meesey. You always know just what to say to make me feel better."

Meesey chuckles. "Well, that's what friends are for, right?" he says, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze.

As you start up the van and head back onto the road, you can't help but steal glances at Meesey while he drives your rigidity truck . He's been there for you through thick and thin, and you know that you wouldn't have made it this far without him. The two of you continue on your journey, with the sun shining down on you and the wind blowing through your hair. Despite the damage to your van, you feel a sense of freedom and adventure that comes with being on the road, and you know that there are many more adventures to come with Meesey by your side.

After a couple more hours of driving it what seemed straight desert you finally start to see signs of life, large conifer trees and large bounders followed by a large bridge going over what seemed like the ocean leading to a large city. Part of you wondered if this might be the end of your journey, would the rare book store have the copy you were looking for?

"Meesey?" You say out of the blue getting the creatures attentions, "What happens when you, Y'know, complete your task?" For the first time you saw his expression change to something other then happiness but he tried his best to hold his composure before answering you somberly. "Well," He says with a sigh, "Once my task is done, i stop existing." Your heart sinks at Meesey's words, and you feel a lump form in your throat. You knew that Meesey was on a mission, but the thought of losing him was something you couldn't bear.

"Meesey, I had no idea," you say, your voice trembling. "Is there anything we can do? Any way we can change things?"

Meesey shakes his head sadly. "No, I'm afraid not. My existence is tied to this task, and once it's completed, I will cease to be."

You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you quickly wipe them away. "I don't know what to say, Meesey. I don't want to lose you."

Meesey looks over at you, his eyes filled with compassion. "I know it's hard, but we have to make the most of the time we have together. And who knows, maybe there's more to this than we realize. Maybe there's something waiting for me on the other side."

You nod, trying to hold back your emotions. "You're right. We'll make the most of the time we have left."

With a heavy heart, you continue on your journey towards the city, unsure of what the future holds for you and Meesey. A heavy silence had fallen over you both but one thing's for sure, you will cherish every moment you have with him, and make the most of the time you have left together. As you venture farther into this large city the tall buildings seem to swallow you while the sea of cars grows around you. Finally you make it to a string of stores where the infamous 'rare book store' lay. Some part of you knew that this might be the end of everything but you couldn't let yourself be selfish now, enjoy the time you have with him you try to remind yourself.

"Are you ready?" Meesey ask after pulling into a parking spot and putting the car into park, he could see the fear in your eyes but when his mitten came to rest on your arm he could see you relax a bit. Taking a deep breath, you nod at Meesey. "Yes, I'm ready. Let's go find that book."

You step out of the van and walk towards the entrance of the store, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The store is small and cluttered, but you can tell immediately that it's filled with rare and valuable books. You approach the counter and a middle-aged man with a thinning hairline greets you with a smile.

"Welcome to our store. Is there something specific you're looking for?" he asks. You take a deep breath and explain the book you're searching for. The man nods, seemingly impressed by your knowledge of rare books, and leads you to a section of the store where the book might be located.

You search through the shelves, your heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, your eyes fall upon the book, sitting on the top shelf. You can feel the old worn canvas of the hard cover under your fingers and it causes tears to come to your eyes, Meesey had started his search on the other end of the store and hadn't noticed your discovery. You stood there for a moment debating what you should do, on one hand you'd been looking for this book for what seemed like months. You open the front cover seeing the message written in red ink that seemed to have some water damage.

To (Y/n), my unbelievably talented and smart child. May you find your purpose in life and thrive like a rose in a garden.

Your fingers ran gingerly over the old tattered paper, your father had been your only friend for so long. You feel a lump form in your throat as memories of your father flood your mind. You had always felt alone after he passed away, but somehow, finding this book feels like a connection to him. You turn to look at Meesey still busying himself with looking for the book, You suddenly realized what all this was for. Your journey hadn't begun because you were running away from your problems, you had felt as if you'd lost your only friend the day your father died and you were desperately looking for some way to get him back. Standing here now though you realize that what you were looking for hadn't been lost at all. Putting the book away back on the shelf you call out to Meesey that you hadn't found anything sending him out to the van to ready for your departure, in the meantime you bring the book to the counter paying a pretty penny for it before leaving.

You managed to sneak it into the van and under the mattress of your bed before slipping back into the passenger seat. "I'm sorry we didn't find your book." Meesey says with a sigh closing the door and starts to pull out of the parking lot.

"Its ok, What do you say we go into the mountains for tonight? There has to be a nice view point of the city from there huh?"

Meesey looks at you surprised, but then nods his head, "Sure, that sounds like a great idea." He adjusts the GPS on the dashboard and soon you're on your way, leaving the city behind. As you drive towards the mountains, you can feel the tension and stress from your previous search start to fade away.

The scenery becomes more and more beautiful as you climb higher and higher, and soon you find yourself at the top of a hill with a breathtaking view of the city below. The sun is starting to set, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape.

You and Meesey sit in silence for a while, just enjoying the view and each other's company. Eventually, you turn to Meesey and say, "Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I know it was a bit crazy and all over the place, but I really appreciate your help."

Meesey smiles at you, "Of course, (Y/n). I'm always here for you, no matter what. Again i'm sorry we couldn't find what you were looking for." You bite on your lip guiltily the weight of the book hidden under your mattress beginning to weigh on your conscious.

"Do you know what happens? When you cease to exists?" Meesey looks at you with concern in his eyes, "What do you mean, (Y/n)? Are you okay?"

You take a deep breath and try to explain, "I mean, what happens when we die? Do we just disappear, or is there something else out there?"

Meesey's expression softens and he puts a comforting hand on your shoulder, "I don't know for sure, but I like to believe that there's something more out there. Maybe we become energy or our souls go to some kind of afterlife. It's hard to say, but I don't think we just cease to exist."

You nod, feeling a sense of comfort in Meesey's words. You sit there with him for a while longer, watching as the sun sets behind the city and the stars begin to appear in the night sky.

As the night grows darker, you both crawl into the back of the van and lay down on the mattress. You reach under the bed and pull out the book, opening it up to the first page.Meesey glances over at you, "What's that?"

You take a deep breath and hold up the book, "It's the book my father gave me before he passed away. the one weve been searching for, but I found it earlier today." Meesey looks down at the book and back at you, you'd never seen him wear the expression he was wearing now and you could tell he wasn't happy about you keeping it a secret from him

"That's great, (Y/n) but why didn't you tell me?" He seemed hurt and rightfully so, you'd brought him into existence to help you find what you'd found earlier today but now that you were sitting here you'd give up the book in a heartbeat all over again for even another day to spend with Meesey.

"I'm sorry, Meesey," you say, feeling guilty. "I didn't think we would find it And then when I did find it, I guess I just wanted to keep you here with me. I can't imagine what i'd do without you, what will i do when you are gone?" You began to cry feeling the overflow of sadness knowing soon your friend would be nothing but a memory of the times you'd shared together. You feel Meeseys Mittens come to rest on your arms making you look up and into his gaze.

"I'll always be with you, (Y/n). Even if I'm not physically here, my memory and the moments we shared will live on. And who knows, maybe there's something more after we're gone. Maybe we'll see each other again in another life or in some kind of afterlife. But until then, we have each other and the memories we've made together."

You nod, feeling grateful for Meesey's words. You take a deep breath and wipe away your tears, feeling a sense of peace wash over you. You look back down at the book in your hands and smile, feeling a sense of closure.

"I'm glad we found this book, Meesey. I think it will help me find the answers I've been searching for." He nods smiling at you again, you know now what must come next. You hesitantly slide the book into his hands not letting go of it immediately, finally you take a deep breathe letting him grip it in his mits and turn it over in his hands examining it.

"At the garden, the little prince realizes that, even though his rose is not a unique type of flower, she is unique to him because he has cared for her and loved her." You hear him say, you can hear his voice crack from emotion but you smile through the tears, "He tells the roses that his rose is like the fox. He has tamed her and cared for her, and now in his eyes she is the only rose. The prince then returns to say good-bye to the fox."

You finish the quote and you both embrace one another, you swear you can hear him sniffle but don't dare let him go long enough to look. "This has been the best adventure of my life." He says tightening his grip. He looked at his friend, perhaps for the last time, and said what he had always known, since the day he popped into existence in the back of this very van. "I love you."

You felt a small kiss be placed on your cheek but before you could meet his eyes again a poof of blue smoke makes you cough and swing open the back doors of your van. The tears that streamed from your cheeks weren't from the coughing or the smoke but from the brokenness of your heart at the realization that your friend Meesey was now gone, crossed over to whatever lie ahead for him and his journey.

The realization that he was really gone hit you hard, and you felt a deep sense of loss and emptiness. You wondered how you would ever be able to continue on without him by your side.

But then you remember Meesey's words, that he would always be with you in your memories and the moments you shared. You knew that he was right, and that you would carry him with you always, in your heart.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to find some peace amidst the pain. When you opened them again, you saw something that made your heart leap - a single red rose growing from the ground in front of you.

You knew instantly that it was a sign from Meesey, a way for him to let you know that he was still with you, watching over you from wherever he was. You picked the rose from its place in the dirt and held it tightly in your hand, feeling a sense of comfort and warmth wash over you.

You knew that Meesey would want you to keep going, to continue on with your life and find happiness and joy even in his absence. And so, with a heavy heart but a newfound sense of strength, you stepped forward into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that Meesey would always be there with you, in spirit.

Before you leave you take the Mr. Meeseeks box from your van and sit it on the bench that watched over the city atop the tall hill, maybe someone else would find this here and find the same friendship you had. You climb into your Van pulling out of the dirt path leaving the box and the city behind to return home.

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