The SOLDIER of Garreg Mach

By GreninJoker

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Following the supposed death of Sephiroth, former First Class SOLDIER Cloud Strife traveled around Gaia searc... More

Prologue: A Skirmish and a SOLDIER
White Clouds: Three Houses
White Clouds: Familiar Scenery
White Clouds: Mutiny in the Mist
White Clouds: Tower of Black Winds
Cindered Shadows: The Fourth House
Cindered Shadows: What Lies Beneath
Cindered Shadows: Rite of Rising
Cindered Shadows: Danger in the Dark
A/n: An Update
Cindered Shadows: Betrayal
Cindered Shadows: Return to Me
Cindered Shadows: Wolf Pack

White Clouds: Goddess's Rite of Rebirth

254 4 0
By GreninJoker

3rd Person POV

Opening up on another portrait, paintings of the moon appeared on the canvas, where its bright moonlight bathed the forests and animals as they both flourished in the light of the goddess. At the same time, several angels descended from the heavens, illuminating the sky above Garreg Mach Monastery, were all who believed in the religion praised as the goddess prepared for her return.

Narrator: As the sun grows stronger and the nights grow ever shorter, the Blue Sea Star returns to the sky once more. Believed to be the goddess's home, her followers look to the star and commence celebrations of her rebirth. On the grounds of Garreg Mach Monastery, a grand ceremony is held in honor of this much anticipated event. Every true follower of the Church of Seiros is sure to be in attendance.

Scene Transition

As the week went by, Byleth and Cloud both got their earnings for their well executed attack during the Gaspard revolution. Afterwards, they got to take a nice load off of work with them celebrating Caspar's birthday, enjoying themselves for once after being through such a difficult battle with Lonato and his militia.

Later though, Byleth went near the gate where she heard some kind of commotion going on in front of the monastery, there, she found a woman talking with Bernadetta, who, as per usual, seemed to be having a panic attack at the mere sight and thought of interacting with someone else.

Woman: Thank you, Lady Bernadetta. I will take my leave.

Bernadetta: (Mutters to herself) Oh, good... (Aloud) Bye! Uh, good-bye!

The woman walks away, finally letting Bernadetta get back to her silence and lonesomeness once again. Something the young recluse was more than happy to see happen.

Bernadetta: (Sighs in relief) Finally... Oh, that was awful. Just terrifying.

Byleth: (Walks up to her) What's terrifying?

Bernatedda: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! It was nothing big. That lady just wanted me to show her around a bit. But strangers are just so nerve-racking.

Byleth: You've never seemed scared of me.

Bernadetta: Oh yeah? How about when I first met you and I wouldn't come out of the corner or even uncover my face? Actually, now that you mention it, it's funny. Once I started talking to you, I stopped feeling scared. I wonder why... You know, Professor, you might be the first person I've been able to speak to normally since I got here and I have no idea why.

Byleth: Well, I'm glad, regardless.

Bernadetta: I'm happy about it too! When we first started out here, we had to do drills... Outside. I skipped those every chance I got. It's a terrible idea- going out in the forest with all these people you don't even know! Thanks to you, though, I can actually make it through class now. I'm grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do... If you weren't here...

Byleth: It's all right.

Bernadetta: Sorry... I'm okay... I am okay. I'm doing just fine. I feel safe here, thanks to you.

Byleth: I'm glad... Oh, by the way, was that you singing in the greenhouse? Cloud told me about it earlier today.

Bernadetta: What...? Y-You saw that? Why would you see that?! You were watching me?! That crosses the line, Professor! Singing? Me?! Why would I be singing!? I'd never be singing! Ah! I've never been so humiliated!

Suddenly terrified of Byleth again, Bernadetta quickly turned tail and started running away from Byleth, shouting loudly about how embarrassed she was that Byleth and Cloud had both heard her allegedly singing in the greenhouse earlier.

Bernadetta: (Off-screen) (Screaming in embarrassment) Useless! Worthless! Unmarriageable! Augh!

Byleth: ...

As Bernadetta ran away in shame, Byleth simply looked off into the distance where she went, only one thing filling her mind as she ran away...

Byleth: What a strange, sad, little girl.


As the week continued on, Byleth and the rest of the Blue Lions had met in the reception hall, discussing their missions for the month, however, there was also the matter of the strange letter that they had recovered from Catherine regarding the supposed assassination plot against Lady Rhea.

Dimitri: So, our task for this moon is to patrol and guard the monastery, to help put a stop to that assassination plot. The knights will certainly have their hands full protecting Lady Rhea. Perhaps our enemy is counting on that...

Byleth: Agreed. They've got to be expecting something...

Dedue: Please, elaborate.

Dimitri: Why would Lord Lonato be carrying around a secret note with an assassination plot written on it? Isn't it possible he hoped to monopolize everyone's attention with this alleged plot... In order to distract from his true aim?

Annette: Maybe they're after the treasure vault. There's also lots of valuable stuff in the library and Professor Hanneman's quarters!

Felix: True. The monastery undoubtedly houses many weapons that rival even the Heroes' Relics.

Sylvain: Whatever their aim, we can't allow any harm to come to the ladies of the monastery. I mean, what would I do with my spare time?

Dedue: You mean to say we should search the monastery. Try to find what the enemy is truly after.

Dimitri: Yes. And we should be prepared to fight them as well, should it come to that. I wouldn't mind getting in some training, just in case.

As the rest of the Blue Lion's thought on their plans to see what they can do with this information about the assassination notice, two people walked up to the group, one, a small boy wearing tattered and dirty clothes, holding a damaged bow in his hand, and the other, a taller woman with short bluish-black hair, along with a much more higher quality bow over her shoulder.

Shamir: A secret meeting, Professor? Oh, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Shamir.

Dimitri: Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And this young man here is-

Cyril: I work for Lady Rhea! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril. In case you forgot.

Byleth: Shamir's apprentice?

Cyril: Yep. She's teaching me about the bow and the sword and all kinds of stuff. I've gotta protect Lady Rhea, so that's why I've gotta learn all I can from Shamir.

Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea. That aside, if you need anything, ask.

Byleth: (Nods) Likewise.

As Shamir and Cyril attempted to walk off, suddenly a voice called from behind her, stopping her dead in her tracks. The identity of this voice came from someone who she hadn't seen in quite a long time... Someone she never expected to see again, least of all in Garreg Mach.

Cloud: Well, there's a face I haven't seen in a while. Didn't think you would work for the Knights of Seiros.

Shamir: (Stops) I... Could say the same for you, Cloud.

Byleth: (Slides between them) So, you two know each other...?

Cloud: You could say that. She helped me get adjusted to Fódlan when I first got here.

Shamir: We became a brief mercenary team later, but we both went our separate ways to do our own thing. I hadn't heard from him in a few months, I assumed he either left Fódlan or got killed. I didn't even think of the possibility that he might've joined the Knights.

Cloud: To be entirely honest, I only joined to keep an eye on her. (Pats Byleth's shoulder)

Byleth: (Grumbles) Which I don't need...

Shamir: Regardless, we can catch up later, for now, I've gotta go.

Shamir and Cyril both head off to get back to work on their training and preparations for the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth. Meanwhile, the Golden Deer had joined their teacher to talk about what they had learned from the assassination letter from the Gaspard ambush.

Claude: Okay... So our task this moon is to patrol and guard the monastery in support of the knights, who are busy trying to stop an assassination plot. Here's the thing. I don't think the bad guys are really trying to assassinate the archbishop.

Cloud: Good. Seems like you're smarter than I thought. It must be a distraction of sorts.

Claude: Precisely. That "secret note" with the assassination plot on it... There's just no way that was real. People don't just carry around secret notes. Someone wanted us to find it.

Ignatz: Do you really think the assassination plot is just a distraction?

Hilda: Oh, yeah. That makes complete sense. But then... What are they really after?

Claude: If I knew that, I wouldn't be so worried. Let's see... It probably involves somewhere that will be empty during the Rite of Rebirth, yeah?

Cloud: My thoughts exactly. But what or where could they go for something like this?

Lysithea: Since the ceremony is at the Goddess Tower, it follows that everywhere else at the academy will be severely understaffed.

Leonie: Do you think they're after the church's donation money? I hear noble families tend to donate quite generously.

Raphael: My bet's on the dining hall. It's a treasure trove of delicious food. Makes me angry just thinking about them getting their grubby hands on it!

Cloud: I highly doubt that, Raphael.

Hilda: Let's split up and look around! I'll keep an eye on the reception hall.

Claude: You should get in some training if you have the time, Hilda. There's a good chance we'll have to fight.

Hilda: Uh! Well, I'm not the only one who needs to train here! It's not right to single me out like that.

Cloud: She's right. Everyone, training starts tomorrow. We need to get ready for anything.

The class all nod to their professor, heading off to get started on their training to prepare for any potential conflicts that may arise should there be any kind of conflict coming their way once the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth comes to pass, and especially if the assassination plot against Lady Rhea was true, despite the odds of it being so.


Later in the week, Byleth had gotten up from her desk after finishing some paperwork, including assigning Mercedes, Ashe, Sylvain, Annette, and Dedue some certification tests to take later. Afterwards, Byleth prepared to head out and explore the monastery to get some more work done, however she stopped upon hearing Sothis mutter to herself about something she seemed to remember.

Sothis: A Hero's Relic...

Byleth: Hm? Do you know something?

Sothis: However could I know something? Still, it is heavy on my mind. The stone within the sword... A glow of red...

Byleth: Thought of something?

Sothis: Hm? Oh, it is nothing.

Leaving her room, Byleth went out into the monastery, heading out to get to work and hopefully learn some more information about the supposed assassination plot, as well as this weird rumor about another Hero's Relic... But at the same time, she needed to get her students ready to fight should the opportunity arise once again... Which meant that they needed to learn to get along with each other...

Scene Transition

In an open field, Ingrid had been ambushed by some bandits, though she managed to hold her own against them, it was clear that the bandits were going to overwhelm her, luckily, Dedue was nearby collecting some firewood, thanks to this, he managed to drive off the bandits with his axe.

Afterwards, once the bandits were cleared out, Ingrid and Dedue were both left together in the field to pick up the mess, however, it was incredibly clear that Ingrid was less than pleased to be hanging around Dedue, likely bringing up some old prejudices that she held from Ishval.

Dedue: Are you injured?

Ingrid: No.

Dedue: Good.

Ingrid: ...

Ingrid: I'd have cut my way through. Alone. Without your assistance.

Dedue: My apologies.

Ingrid: Your apologies are empty.

Dedue: ...

Ingrid: I... I spoke out of turn. I'm sorry, Dedue. His Highness has put his faith in you. You're a valuable comrade, no matter my feelings. I... The people of Duscur...

Dedue: Save your breath. There were countless people like you in the capital. People who spat, threw things- insults and stones alike- whenever they pleased. Their anger was natural. I do not begrudge them.

Ingrid: I... I see.

Dedue: You owe me no apology. And I will keep my distance on all other occasions. But on the field of battle, allow me to aid you. If you were to fall, His Highness would grieve.

Ingrid: I see. Then I will accept your help. On the battlefield.

Dedue: Understood.

Scene Fade

Dedue and Ingrid have attained Support Level C

Back with Byleth, after heading out of her room, she went off to the side where she saw Shamir and Cloud both standing by a wall, chatting and catching up with each other after not seeing each other for such a long time apart from each other.

Byleth: So, since when did you know people? And why was I never told about this?

Cloud: Because you didn't need to. Long story short, she got me settled, got me started as a mercenary again, we went our separate ways, you guys found me, and here we are.

Shamir: But also, you spend too much time roaming the monastery. If you're looking for something, try less aimless wandering.

Byleth: Well, I was just thinking of the enemy's objective.

Shamir: Do you even know who the enemy is? You can't know why without knowing who. (Sighs) Look, it's none of my business anyway. I'm just here to take care of enemies who get too close.

Byleth heads off towards the training grounds where she had hoped to see all of her students training, in case they need to battle this moon once they figure out the enemy's true objectives.

Luckily, there was a student training... However it was just Felix, who, as per usual, just finished training on his own. But choosing to leave him be for a while, while he goes over to talk to Jeritza, who was also off to the side, training on his own, being as broody as usual.

Jeritza: You're skilled... Why won't you battle me...?

Byleth: Uhm... Because... You never give me the chance to...?

Jeritza: Hmph...

Again, awkwardly shuffling away from the masked swordsman, Byleth went over to her student and checked on his progress, wanting to see what he was so excited about. Knowing this, Felix calmed down and turned his attention to Byleth.

Felix: Sending an assassin to the monastery, hm? Hopefully it's someone worth crossing blades with.

Byleth: While I hope that doesn't happen, I do wish that there's someone that there's someone we can fight against...

Felix: It seems we're cut from the same cloth. However, Lord Lonato's rebellion may have been quelled, but the unrest in Faerghus isn't dying down anytime soon. The boar prince should hurry up and claim the throne, rather than letting old customs hold him back.

Byleth: Boar prince...? Old customs...?

Unfortunately, Felix didn't elaborate on this explanation, choosing instead to get back to his training. Deciding not to disturb him again, Byleth just left the young noble to his training.

Heading out of the training grounds, Byleth went over near the classroom area, where she saw Raphael standing near the field, seemingly deep in his own thoughts, likely concerning the supposed plot they were dealing with.

Raphael: I bet the enemy's using this assassination nonsense just to sneak in and raid the pantry. What do you think, Professor?

Byleth: Uh-huh... Raphael... I honestly don't think that's the case.

Raphael: You don't think so? Then dinner's on you if it turns out I was right!

Leaving Raphael alone to think about his food theft plot, Byleth went over to the Black Eagle's classroom, where Dorothea was reading one of her books and doing some studies.

Dorothea: Is it true you got caught in the fighting? I'm so thankful you made it out alive. I don't know what we would do if we lost you...

Byleth: I know... Don't worry, I won't die yet.

Patting Dorothea on the shoulder and reassuring her that she would be around for a while, Byleth walks further into the classroom to speak to Edelgard, who was looking through some books to try and figure out the enemy's plans as well.

Edelgard: Oh, have you been tasked with guarding the monastery as well? Such a stir over a single letter... But I suppose the archbishop's safety is too important to risk.

Nodding and giving a little bit of help to figure out what the enemy was planning, Byleth left the Black Eagles to their work and went over to her own classroom where Dedue was sitting in front of the fireplace reading a book about some more plants he could work with.

Dedue: The monks declined my offer of assistance. They said that no one from Duscur is to be trusted, especially now. Given the circumstances, I cannot fault them.

Byleth: Hmm... I'll have a talk about that... I'll make sure that they show you some respect...

Storming off, Byleth quickly found a few monks and gave them a very stern and aggressive talking to about their treatment of Dedue, they were very receptive to her criticisms, quickly apologizing to her and promising that they would apologize to Dedue the next time they see him.

Moving away from the monks, Byleth made her way to the Golden Deer's classroom, where Claude, Marianne, and Lysithea were all gathered around each other, talking about their plans for the month and how they could figure out the enemy's objectives.

Claude: There's been talk of an attempt on Rhea's life. We've been ordered to help the knights patrol. Could that possibly mean that Rhea isn't beloved by everyone the world over?

Byleth: I don't like to think of the possibility, but I think that may be true. We should keep our eyes out.

Lysithea: Well, I don't know who to blame for all this commotion, but it's frankly a huge inconvenience. With everyone stuck on guard duty, our study and training time has been drastically reduced.

Byleth: Well, some things are more important than that.

Lysithea: Yes, yes, I understand that. But it doesn't change the fact that it's a royal pain.

Marianne: But, it seems there were forces opposing the church, beyond Lord Lonato... I never thought such forces could exist in this world.

Byleth: To be fair, we only know a small part of this world. But it makes sense that the church would have enemies.

Marianne: I suppose that may be true... But I don't understand... What would they have against the church?

After some further discussion, Byleth left the classroom area, heading off towards the entrance hall to do some shopping for her students. However, along the way, she ended up bumping into Seteth, who was looking over a small list of items he was getting.

Seteth: I've been in town, procuring some supplies for Flayn.

Byleth: Did you encounter any danger?

Seteth: No, but do not concern yourself for my safety. I am very much stronger than I appear.

Byleth: If you say so... But who are you...?

Choosing not to press Seteth for questions, Byleth went further into the entrance hall where she found Ingrid talking to another one of the guards, hoping to give her some good advice to take for this month.

Ingrid: Professor, while the investigation is important, don't forget to make time for your training. If we have to battle and cannot win, all will be lost. We don't know who our enemy is, so we must be prepared for anything.

Byleth: Correct. That goes for you as well, I hope you know.

Leaving Ingrid to continue her conversation with the knight, Byleth went out to the entrance to the monastery where, as usual, the gatekeeper was standing guard, making sure that nobody got into the monastery without permission, as well as providing some more information to Byleth about the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth.

Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report! The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is this month, right? The monastery gates will be thrown wide open on that day! I'll be working as a guide. I hope I get to guide some lovely ladies around... (Chuckles) Heh heh...

After doing some shopping to get some more supplies and repairs for her students' weapons, Byleth went off towards the stables, where she found Ferdinand tending to some of the horses, likely boasting to them about his incredible noble status and the joys of being a noble.

However, once Byleth arrived, he turned his attention to her and proposed a possible opportunity that the enemy could take during the celebration, some kind of way to get everyone off of their backs while they conduct their plans.

Ferdinand: Hmm... Setting fire to the stables to distract everyone, to cause a commotion. It is the oldest trick in the book, but I cannot shake the thought that our enemies may attempt it... I will stand guard and watch over the stable... And the knights' horses. They are truly magnificent.

After talking to Ferdinand, who had given her a tea set to gift to someone, Byleth went off towards the knight's hall where Dimitri was training on one of the dummy's, while at the same time, trying to figure out how they could learn more about the enemy's objectives.

Dimitri: If the enemy's aim lies elsewhere, we had better discern their true intent quickly. As I see it, our best option is to explore every inch of the monastery. We should also speak to everyone here. Let's plan to compare notes once you've got a lead.

Byleth: Right, I'll do some digging around the monastery and see what I can find. I'll report back to you later.

Heading off to the side, Byleth found Tomas reading some of his notes while looking over the fire, seemingly regarding Catherine and Thunderbrand, heading over to him, Byleth hopped to get some kind of new information about these mysterious Hero's Relics.

Tomas: I hear you have fought alongside Catherine. I would wager that her power exceeded your expectations. Had you the chance to witness her Relic? Thunderbrand, glowing red... That glow is a sure sign that her blood contains a Crest that harmonizes with that Hero's Relic.

Leaving the knight's hall, Byleth had made her way down to the dining hall to grab some lunch. Heading off to the dining hall, Byleth found Annette holding a small bag of sweets in her hands, humming to herself about how much she was going to enjoy these sweets.

Annette: (To herself) I bought the ingredients for making some sweet treats I can't wait to eats! (Glances behind her) Huh? Oh! (Turns around) I know it looks like I'm fooling around, but I'm not. I'm preparing for potential battle during my patrol by making sure I have plenty of food I can eat while walking. Smart, huh?

Byleth: Good thinking, Annette.

Annette: I know! Once they're ready, I promise to share some with you.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard in the dining hall. Several students looked between the tables to see what had happened, as did Byleth, with her going over to the tables to investigate what had happened...

Upon arriving at the location, Byleth found the source of the loud noise... Lindhart... He had collapsed on the ground in exhaustion, luckily, he had started getting back up, though he still seemed to be half-asleep in the process.

Linhardt: (Yawns) So sleepy... Too sleepy... I found an interesting book in the library. Got so caught up reading it I forgot to sleep... Interesting discovery though-the coffins of the Four Saints in the sanctum each have their Crests carved into them. I'll need to find a way down there to get a look...

Byleth: Please don't break into the coffins.

Heading near the entrance to the dining hall, Byleth spoke with one of the knights, who proposed one of the possible locations that the enemy's could possibly attack, that being, surprisingly the dining hall, supposedly there are some very valuable wines that are stored away in the cellars, however, the knight also noted that the wine wasn't exactly the best for drinking.

After jotting some of that information down, Byleth went over to the counter where Jeralt was waiting, getting some of his own food. Walking up to him, Byleth grabbed her food and started talking to her father, hoping to get his input on what the plan was for this month.

Jeralt: What's the matter? You're running all over creation. Ah... You don't believe Lady Rhea is the real target, do you? Even so, the knights have their orders. We can't abandon our duty to guard Lady Rhea. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is an important event for the Church of Seiros. They say it's the day when the goddess will return to walk among us. Not too likely, if you ask me. Uh... Best if you keep that to yourself.

Byleth: I'll try.

The two eat their food, with the added company of Ashe and Petra, allowing a nice bonding session between the three of them, while also providing Ashe with some much-needed comfort after dealing with the whole situation with Lonato.

After finishing their food, Byleth went down towards the pond where she found Lorenz... Who was, as usual, chatting up a bunch of girls about the glories of being the heir to House Gloucester and the Leicester Alliance, while also, of course, having his mind occupied by the plan that Claude had thought of.

Lorenz: Professor, could you please talk to Cloud? Are we really just taking Claude's word for it? If so, I doubt anything will come of this. It is all probably just some sort of distasteful joke. I find it highly unlikely that anyone would be foolish enough to barge in here and cause a disturbance.

Byleth: (To herself) Hm... Seems Claude and Cloud have the same idea... (Aloud) Look, I'll have a talk with Cloud, but I don't think it'll change.

Leaving Lorenz to his girls, Byleth went to check on some more seeds she had planted to try and harvest them, while at the same time, Byleth spoke to one of the monks, outside of the greenhouse, gaining some more information about the greenhouse to potentially find a lead as to the enemy's goals.

After learning of the potentially valuable plants that could be found in the greenhouse, Byleth wrote down some of the notes that she had learned from the monk. Heading out from the greenhouse, Byleth went near the pond where she saw Manuela sitting by the water, likely thinking about the plans... That, or yet another failure at love for her.

Manuela: Professor. I hope you're well. As for me, I had a date with a splendid specimen of a knight. But now he's suddenly not in the mood to see me again. I blame all these rumors of a deathly figure showing up in town. Such an uproar must have, beyond reason, drawn his attention away from me.

Byleth: Right... The rumors... Hmm... A deathly figure, you say...?

Walking away from Manuela, Byleth ponders the rumor Manuela spoke of, a supposed deathly figure that was caught roaming the town late at night. Deciding it might be something to look into, Byleth wrote it down on her notepad with the information she was gathering for Dimitri.

Heading towards the residential area, Byleth once again came across Bernadetta's door, where, as usual, the shy recluse had barricaded herself in her room, hiding herself away from the world as she always had.

Bernadetta: Um... Hi. Right now is, um... Well, right now's okay I guess. If you, um, want to chat... A little.

Byleth: Didn't I see you in the dining hall last night?

Bernadetta: Hey, I get hungry sometimes. Like anyone else! What? Eating at night is bad for you? There's no way that's true. Wait, really?

Byleth: Just show up for class... And stop eating so late at night. I don't want you getting sick.

Leaving Bernadetta to her isolation again, Byleth made her way towards the reception hall, where she saw Petra standing outside in the halls, looking over the rooms and trying to plot the plans to try and figure out what the enemy's planned for the ceremony.

Petra: Fighting to stop a murdering is my specialness... No, my specialty. I will show my best work!

Byleth: Good, I get the feeling that I'll need it.

Continuing down the hall near the knight's hall, Byleth found Mercedes looking over the edge of the monastery, praying that nothing bad happens during this month and that the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth doesn't get interrupted by some kind of attack.

Mercedes: The monastery holds many treasures. Maybe the enemy is after one of those? Even so, the idea of stealing from the church is just horrible...

Patting Mercedes on the back and reassuring her that nothing would go wrong during the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth and that they would do everything in their power to protect the monastery from any attacks, Byleth made her way towards the vault area, where Caspar was waiting outside, seemingly antsy about something.

Caspar: Oh. Hey, Professor. I was just reading this letter from my father. Do you know him? He's a pretty big deal in the Empire. He only writes to ask how my training's going, or how many monsters I've killed. Stuff like that.

Letting Caspar get back to the rest of the letter he got by his father, Byleth walked to one of the monks by the vault, filling her in on some of the treasures that were held within the vault. Unfortunately, it turned out there weren't many actual valuables like gold or other gems, instead just swords, weapons, and other artifacts like that. Sadly, none of them would be worth stealing, leading Byleth to yet another possible dead end in her search.

Heading back into the reception hall, Byleth walked down the room where she saw Hilda and Sylvain chatting with each other about the events this month, mostly ignoring the possibility of an attack, instead focusing on the fun events that they could partake in instead.

Hilda: Hello! I'm in charge of managing all records for the Golden Deer House. Oh, but I don't have any information of note right now. Go ahead and continue your investigation. And put a little extra effort into it, please! And tell Professor Cloud to get on it as well!

Sylvain: You know, no classes on a festival day! I thought I'd get to spend all day relaxing in the company of some lovely ladies, but now this has happened. Hey, Professor, I know there's talk of an assassination attempt, but do you really think they'll do it on the day of the Rite of Rebirth? I feel like security would be looser some other time. Is there some reason why it has to happen on that day?

Byleth: No. We're not waiting, if something happens, we'll deal with it. Including you.

Leaving Hilda and Sylvain behind to keep talking, Byleth made her way upstairs towards the main offices of all the professors in the academy, heading towards the audience chamber to speak with Rhea, however, she was stopped by Catherine, placing her hand on Byleth's shoulder to get her attention.

Catherine: You'd best keep your distance. In this nervous state, I might just cut you down.

Byleth: You? Cut me down? Hmph. I'd like to see you try.

Catherine: Oh, come on. I'm only kidding! Oh, by the way... Hey, Professor. You're good-looking, you know that?

Byleth: I am? (Looks over herself) I guess I have been taking good care of myself since I got here.

Catherine: Right. And, at the same time, you look like someone who was born to fight. I bet we'd get along. I'm also good-looking and born to fight, heh? Need any help with your class?

Byleth: Sure, I think I could really use the help this month.

Catherine: Great! Feel free to call on me when a fight's brewing. Thunderbrand and I will be there when you need us.

Nodding and heading off, into the audience chamber, Byleth went into the archbishop's office, where Rhea was sitting at her desk, looking over some notes and offering up some prayers for the month in hopes that the goddess will walk peacefully among the planet.

Rhea: Hmm... Might you have come looking for me because you were worried about my safety?

Byleth: I was worried about you. But I also think that the enemy could have another objective...

Rhea: I am quite all right. But your concern means a great deal. And I am aware of the possibility. On the day of the ceremony, I am trusting that you will not allow your attention to wander or wane.

Byleth: Of course.

Leaving Rhea to her work and prayers, Byleth went back down the hall, heading into Hanneman's office where she found the Crest scholar looking over some more of his notes about Byleth's mysterious Crest.

Hanneman: Unbelievable. What a terrifying story. However, an assassination attempt on Lady Rhea is doomed to fail. Pardon? You think the goal may be different than simple assassination? Intriguing. I suppose the priceless objects in this room could perhaps draw thieves. However, there's no one but me who could make use of them...

Writing this information down, Byleth once again learned of a potential attack location, unfortunately, like the others, it seemed like it would be yet another dead end for her plans.

Heading to the library to do some investigating, Byleth learned about some of the books that were kept in there, as well as those which were thrown away by Seteth for being deemed "too inappropriate" for the library's collection. But, once again, another dead end.

Heading to the armory, Byleth saw Leonie doing some maintenance work on her spear and bows, however, she was slightly out of it, her mind seemingly occupied by the plans that were being carried out this month.

Leonie: Seems like donations to the monastery aren't actually kept here. That means the enemy isn't likely to be interested in money. We should turn our attention elsewhere. Then again, I guess some of the plants in the greenhouse could sell for a lot. But that can't really be it, can it?

Byleth: I doubt it.... There's gotta be something I'm missing...

Leonie: Yeah... There must be something... Oh, hey, did you hear? A knight wielding a scythe is roaming around town at night. If he's a villain, I'd like to get the measure of him.

Writing in her notes once again the mention of a mysterious knight figure roaming the streets, Byleth went on her way towards the upper levels of the dormitories, hoping to see if she could find some kind of lead on this supposed scythe wielding knight. However, instead, Byleth ended up just bumping into Cyril, who was hard at work sweeping the floor, making sure it was all clean for Lady Rhea.

Cyril: Excuse me, Professor? I just wanted to let you know that Lady Rhea is always real concerned with you. She expects great things, I think. Please don't let her down, okay?

Byleth: Don't worry, I won't.

Cyril: I hope you're not just saying that.

Patting Cyril on the head, Byleth made her way downstairs towards the cathedral, hoping to offer up her prayers before the end of the day. Along the way, Byleth found Ignatz standing off to the side, sketching some of the artwork in the cathedral.

Ignatz: The monastery's so big. How can we narrow down the list of possible targets? The only places I can think of are the vault and the library, and... I guess that's it.

Byleth: Hmm... There's got to be one other place we missed...

Walking away from Ignatz, Byleth thought of every place she could think of, trying to figure out where they could possibly find some way to figure out where the enemy would attempt to attack them. However, she couldn't think about it for long, as she soon came across Ashe, who was solemnly standing in front of the giant statue of the goddess, praying to her, his mind still clearly stricken by grief and sadness over the loss of his adoptive father.

Ashe: I can't stop thinking about Lonato... I'm sorry, Professor. I know this isn't the time, but... I just can't get past it.

Byleth: Come on, Ashe. Pull yourself together. I know you're sad, but I'm going to need your help this month, I can't do this without you.

Ashe: Thank you. No matter what happens, I promise you I'll do my part. I checked on my brother and sister who were living in Castle Gaspard. Thankfully they're all right. I was worried because they're both so young, but the church in the castle town offered to take them in. That much, at least, is a big relief.

Giving Ashe an uncharacteristic hug, Byleth assures him that they'll be there for him if he needs it. Thanking her for the kindness, Ashe went back to his usual cheery self, heading off to get back to his studies and knight stories.

Heading over to the side of the cathedral, Byleth found Flayn looking over a door that one of the knights were guarding, seemingly interested in what lies beyond it, although, of course, she wouldn't make it obvious to Byleth when she approached her.

Flayn: Professor... I am afraid I have acted a bit childishly toward my brother recently... Given the circumstances, I requested that he provide me with some candies... Silly of me, really. The timing was improper, and I regret it very much now. Oh, but more importantly, this place is off limits, Professor. It is only open to the public on the day of the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth.

Byleth: Only open on the day of the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth? What's behind that door?

Knight of Seiros: On the day of the rite, the monastery will be open to the public, including the Holy Mausoleum. The Holy Mausoleum is where the tomb of the divine Seiros lies. There she slumbers, eternally. That's... Pretty much all that in there. Just an ancient coffin. It's sealed with a powerful magic, to protect against would-be grave robbers.

Byleth: Huh... The Holy Mausoleum... Interesting...

After hearing of the Holy Mausoleum, Byleth made her way outside the cathedral to think on this information. However, instead, she found Alois overlooking the edge of the monastery, making sure that everything was running smoothly.

Alois: Have you visited the Goddess Tower? It's a sacred place, used for rituals and the like. In general, students aren't allowed entry. But as you'd expect, that rule just excites their curiosity. Some have even tried sneaking in. Well, at least for this month, that kind of behavior is totally unthinkable. We have a lot more security, what with the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth coming up.

Having gathered enough information, Byleth made her way towards the entrance to the cathedral once again, crossing over the bridge, Byleth was met with a shock from Hubert, who was looking off into the distance, seemingly lost in thought about something.

Hubert: Can you imagine the archbishop being murdered? I prefer not to consider such a gruesome scenario.

Byleth: Of course not. We're going to avoid that possibility no matter what.

Hubert: Awfully calm, aren't you? I wonder what it takes to rile you up.

Shaking her head, Byleth continued to walk away, making her way back to the knight's hall where Dimitri was waiting for her to give him the information they could use to figure out where they could attack the enemy and catch them off guard.

Upon arriving at the knight's hall, Byleth filled Dimitri in on everything she learned while she was searching the monastery, going into detail about the possible attack points the enemy could attack as well as the disturbing rumor about the supposed deathly figure wandering the streets of the town.

Dimitri: So... There is something that the church values above all else. On the day of the rite, it will be open to the public. That will make gaining entry far easier than usual. You know the place of which I speak...

Byleth: The Holy Mausoleum.

Dimitri: Yes, that is the most likely possibility. We do not know their objective, but there is a good chance that our enemy is planning to target the Holy Mausoleum... (Sighs) But I must say... All this talk of assassination plots... It brings back dark memories I prefer to keep buried. I doubt there is any correlation, and yet... Ah, it is nothing. I am sorry for allowing my mind to wander. My focus should be solely on guarding the monastery right now. Take care, Professor.

Byleth: You too, Dimitri... Take care of yourself...

Byleth walked away, taking a few lessons from Catherine and Manuela to try and get better with a sword and faith magic, however, once those lessons were finished, the final bell of the day rang, calling Byleth back to her quarters to go to sleep for the night, bringing an end to yet another day of a successful exploration day around the monastery.


As the week went by, Byleth and Cloud both worked hard to get everyone all ready for the coming battle that was ahead of them. In doing so, Byleth and Cloud had both given everyone a bunch of certification tests to allow everyone to at least reach a beginner class.

However, some were able to take an intermediate class exam, namely, Dimitri and Felix in the Blue Lions, and Claude and Lysithea for the Golden Deer, with them, along with Byleth and Cloud, of course, the two classes were surely prepared enough for the end of the month when it came time for a potential battle with the hidden enemy.

In order to train and test their skills, Byleth had dispatched her students to quell some more insurgencies within the kingdom, while Cloud had called for his class to help fight with some bandits in the Alliance, leading to the bonds between everyone growing much stronger...

Scene Transition

In the dining hall, Byleth was busy cleaning up after a small victory celebration after their successful battle in the kingdom. However, Dimitri walked up to her to talk to her about something he seemed to think was important.

Dimitri: Perfect timing, Professor. If you don't mind, I have a favor I'd like to ask of you.

Byleth: What's the favor?

Dimitri: It's in regard to sword training. Not for myself, but... Well... To be honest, I've been teaching swordsmanship to the orphans at the monastery for a while now.

Byleth: Orphans? How unexpected.

Dimitri: I must agree. Frankly, I'm not great with children. Some of them saw me sparring with the knights one day. They started pestering me to teach them. They were so earnest... I couldn't help but oblige. There's much I wish to show them, but due to my own studies and training, I'm afraid my time is rather limited. Which brings me to my favor. Your swordsmanship is unmatched. I hate to ask this of you, but... Would you consider lending me a hand?

Byleth: Of course. You can count on me.

Dimitri: Thank you, truly. I am in your debt. And I always repay my debts, I'll have you know. All of these children lost their families and homes to war or illness. This may sound a bit arrogant, but... I feel it's my responsibility to help them. I lost my parents without warning too. In that way, we're the same. In Duscur, I lost my father, stepmother, and closest friends. I didn't have many allies at the castle after that. In truth, I had only Dedue for companionship.

Byleth: Have you no other family? Or anyone else you can trust?

Dimitri: I'm afraid not. My birth mother fell ill and died shortly after I was born. And my uncle... (Sighs) Suffice to say we don't get along. I once had people I could confide in. Family, friends, instructors, even the royal soldiers. But they were all taken away from me four years ago. Ah, but there were those outside the castle walls I was close to. Such as Rodrigue!

Byleth: Rodrigue?

Dimitri: Heh, pardon my rudeness. I meant Lord Rodrigue. He is my father's old companion, and the father of Felix. On the occasions he would visit the capital, he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides. While Dedue is like a brother to me, Rodrigue is more like a second father. It might sound ridiculous, but... He's the kind of man I hope to become one day. Someone who helps others... Someone who can reach out and save a lost soul. Oh... Please accept my apologies for boring you with my life story. In any case, don't forget your promise, Professor. I'm counting on you.

Byleth: Right. You can count on me.

Scene Fade

Byleth and Dimitri have attained Support Level C

Deciding to give everyone some more free time to do as they please before the mission at the end of the month, everyone had split up to go about their days, where multiple paths would cross with each other...

Scene Transition

At the training grounds, Dimitri was busy working hard to improve his skills with a lance and sword, however, he was soon interrupted when he saw Felix walking up to him, with his usual annoyed and disapproving look on his face.

Dimitri: Hello, Felix. I see you're here to train as well.

Felix: Go away. Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch.

Dimitri: Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like your brother every day.

Felix: Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. You're not fooling me.

Dimitri: I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so.

Felix: Because I know what you really are-a beast, craving blood.

Dimitri: A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago. Last time we met outside the academy?

Felix: I am. The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was ruthless slaughter and you loved every second. I remember the way you killed your victims. How you watched them suffer. And your face... That expression. All the world's evil packed into it. That was our first battle. I remember it vividly.

Dimitri: ...

Felix: Oh, something wrong? Go ahead and deny it, you wild boar.

Dimitri: I deny nothing, Felix.

Felix: Well then. I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that slaughter in Duscur, along with my brother.

Dimitri: Perhaps you're right.

Felix: Hmph. Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don't make a habit of talking to beasts.

With that final remark, Felix walked away, leaving Dimitri alone at the training grounds, simply watching as his old friend left him behind, not wanting to be near someone he considered to be less of a man...

Scene Fade

Dimitri and Felix have attained Support Level C

Elsewhere, Cloud had gone over to the knights hall to patch up a few of his wounds with his healing Materia, however, his peaceful healing was interrupted when Leonie walked up to him, with a somber and remorseful look on her face. It seemed she was sorry for something, that something being the cause of Cloud's injuries, where she had gotten in his way while in the middle of a battle, which caused him to get pretty badly banged up by a bandit with his sword.

Cloud: ...

Leonie: Hey, Professor.

Cloud: (Sighs) What do you want, Leonie?

Leonie: Listen... About what happened while we were wiping out the bandits, I-

Cloud: Save it. I don't want to hear it.

Leonie: I just wanted to apologize!

Cloud: And how many more will you owe me? You got in my way during a real battle, something that could have gotten me killed. You're reckless. You need discipline.

Leonie: I just want to prove to Captain Jeralt how much I've trained and growed! I can't understand why he accepted you and allowed you to travel with him!

Cloud: Look, I know how much you admire the old man-

Leonie: Captain Jeralt.

Cloud: The old... Man... But trust me, he's not as great as you think he is.

Leonie: Tch... The only person who isn't great is you and his child!

Cloud: Look, admiration is fine, but you're taking it to an obsession. You can't emulate every aspect of the old man. You'll just get yourself killed.

Leonie: That's your opinion. I'll show you that you're wrong! Just watch! (Leaves)

Cloud: (Sighs)

Scene Fade

Cloud and Leonie have attained Support Level C!

Lastly, elsewhere in the monastery, Hilda was, as usual, lethargically cleaning up the library, mostly just complaining about how tiring and exhausted she was after putting up a total of five books in their proper shelf... Luckily, someone was also helping her put up the books, someone who was simply just doing as she was told...

Hilda: (Groans) Why do I have to clean the library?

Marianne: ...

Hilda: "It looks like you're not busy." I was quite busy sampling pastries, I'll have you know, Professor Cloud!

Marianne: ...

Hilda: Who wants to sort books, anyway? They're so bulky and heavy, it takes forever to lug them around!

Marianne: ...

Hilda: Right, Marianne? You agree with me, right?

Marianne: N-no, I don't mind it.

Hilda: Oh, you like cleaning, then? I will say, you look like someone who'd be good at it.

Marianne: I, umm, well...

Hilda: In that case, it's all yours! I'd only slow you down, if I'm being honest. As I always say, "If you want something done right, let someone else do it themselves."

Marianne: Um.

Hilda: Right, I'm off to run some errands. I'll leave all this in your capable hands!

Marianne: ...

After a while, Hilda had returned from running her "errands", that being doing some shopping for some new clothes and jewelry, along with likely getting back to those pastries that Cloud had pulled her away from to get to work. Since she was left alone, Marianne was the one who had to deal with the cleanup... To... Disastrous results...

Hilda: Hey, Marianne, are you... (Looks around) Whoa. What happened? This place looks even worse than before! I didn't even realize that was possible.

Marianne: I'm sorry, Hilda. I just didn't know the best way to organize the books while sorting.

Hilda: Oh. well, no way around it, I suppose. I'll show you how it's done. First, you have to decide where you'll put each topic. Then, all of the books that don't match that topic, remove them from the section. When you remove them, you need a temporary place to put them. Let's put books on magic, here, books on swordsmanship, here. Once you've done that, you just put the books back in their sections. Like so.

Marianne: Wow, Hilda! That was incredible!

Hilda: Yeah, yeah, what kind of praise. Looks like in the end, I'm doing this whole thing on my own, hm?

Marianne: Sorry. The least I can do is help you put them back on the shelf.

Scene Fade

Hilda and Marianne have attained Support Level C


The end of the month had finally come standing out at the cathedral, preparing themselves for when it was time to head into the Holy Mausoleum to try and figure out what the enemy was planning.

Dimitri: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is finally here. Let's move ahead with our plan.

Dedue: Leave it to me. Professor, Are you in as well?

Byleth: Of course.

Ingrid: We've narrowed down our objective... Kind of. So, let's show everyone that we can carry out our duties better than anyone!

Dimitri: We're counting on you, Professor.

Then, after a while, Seteth and Flayn both walked up to the group, as usual, Seteth had his typical stern and serious expression on his face, a stark contrast to Flayn's still cheerful look on her face.

Seteth: You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin. While we are in the Goddess Tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.

Flayn: May I let you in on something, Professor? My brother can be a bit... Callous. He told me that he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better off patrolling a coffin!

Seteth: That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble. (Turns to Byleth again) As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.

Flayn: Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!

The two siblings leave, letting Dimitri and the rest of the Blue Lions prepare for their mission to protect the Holy Mausoleum to try and figure out what the enemy's were really looking for, as well as what was hidden inside of the Holy Mausoleum itself...

Dedue: It's time.

Dimitri: All right. Let's stick to the plan, and go hide where we can watch over the entrance to the Holy Mausoleum. If anyone suspicious enters, we'll follow them in and take them down. Got it?

Byleth: Right. Let's go.

However, before the Blue Lion's could head towards the Holy Mausoleum, the Golden Deer class, led by Cloud, walked in front of them, stopping them in their tracks, almost as if they knew what they were planning.

Claude: Hey, Teach. Going somewhere?

Byleth: What does it matter, Claude? You look like you know something.

Cloud: We know the Holy Mausoleum is supposedly being attacked today. We've come to assist with stopping that.

Dimitri: How did you even come to know about this information?

Claude: Well, aside from the fact that Teach was running around like a maniac... Last night, I imagined myself as the enemy and prowled around the monastery. That's when Master Thief Claude came across something very interesting...

Cloud: For the record, I tried to stop him.

Claude: But, regardless, we figured it out, so now, let's get going. Time for a joint mission. Let's move out!

The joint operation between the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer houses was now underway, heading towards the Holy Mausoleum, Byleth and the others set up camp in a small secluded location, keeping an eye out on the stairs and entrance to the Holy Mausoleum to make sure nobody suspicious got in... However, a small platoon led by a strange beak-masked figure walked into the room, signaling it was time to get to work...


Upon running downstairs, the Blue Lions and Golden Deer classes both ran into the Holy Mausoleum, all of them prepared their weapons for battle, however, they soon found something terrifying blocking their path... Something... Or someone... The very thing that the rumors they had heard were talking about...

A knight with a deathly appearance... The Death Knight...

Dimitri: We're too late... The enemy is already in here.

Mysterious Mage: Those Central Church dastards have spotted us... Buy me some time while I open the seal on the casket!

Western Church Soldier: I'm on it.

Spreading out, everyone looked over the ground, noticing several strange patterns all over the floor, all signaling to some kind of strange, and possible magical properties on them.

Claude: Looks like the enemy is going after the casket in the back. Maybe they're going after the saint's bones? Weird. I'd like to defeat them before they can finish the job. But did you notice? Look closely at the ground. There's some kind of contraption on certain parts of the floor. The smart move is to advance while finding the best fighting positions we can based on the enemy's weaponry.

Everyone all spread out and got to work on trying to stealthily avoid the strange tiles while also fending off the enemies that came their way. However, the lead mage called out to this mysterious Death Knight, hoping to get him to attack the class to stall them for a while.

Mysterious Mage: Death Knight! Prove your strength and scatter these fools!

Death Knight: I don't take commands. Or waste my time on weaklings.

Dimitri: That knight looks like he has experience. It would be foolish to challenge him recklessly.

Cloud: Everyone, go around him. I'll handle tall, dark, and scary. Mercedes, Lysithea, you two are with me.

Following Cloud's orders, Byleth led her class towards the left of the room, fending off the enemies that came their way. On the right, Claude led his class around the other side of the room, defeating their enemies, all the while Cloud, Mercedes, and Lystihea all charged down the middle towards the Death Knight.

Cloud: Alright, big guy, let's see what you're made of!

Death Knight: (Chuckles) Like moths to a flame...

Mercedes: Oh my, how frightening! Won't you please go easy on me?

Death Knight: (Glares at Mercedes) You... Was this meeting... Preordained?

Mercedes: Hmm? What do you mean?

Cloud: Mercedes, stay back! Lysithea, back me up!

Lysithea: Right!

Cloud and the Death Knight both clash with their blades, each one of them letting up on their battle with each other, as he requested, Lysithea had started using her black magic to try and give Cloud an advantage, with Mercedes healing him and her friends if they get hurt.

Death Knight: I told you that if you fled, I would not chase you. But it seems you wish to die...

Retaliating against the students, several soldiers from the Western Church charge forward, attacking the students with their swords, lances, and bows. Some of the students like Ingrid and Lorenz ended up getting pretty badly banged up, but luckily, they were able to heal up with some handy faith magic.

Since Cloud was keeping Death Knight at bay, Byleth, the Blue Lions, and the Golden Deer all managed to advance further, causing the lead mage to panic, especially with the Death Knight being too occupied with his battle with Cloud.

Mysterious Mage: The reinforcements haven't arrived?! If they approach from behind, we can attack them from both sides...

Back with Cloud and the two mages, the former SOLDIER grabbed a green Materia orb from his pocket and placed it into his sword, raising his hand in the air, Cloud looked at both Mercedes and Lysithea, who both seemed to get the message.

Raising their hands in the air as well, all three of them slowly gathered fire in their hands, upon finishing their spells, Mercedes and Lysithea both shot multiple balls of fire towards the Death Knight, following this, Cloud unleashed his own fire spell from his Materia, Firaga.

Upon sending all three of these powerful fire spells towards the Death Knight, Cloud and the two mages both successfully knocked the knight off of his horse and down to the ground, successfully defeating him and allowing everyone to advance.

Death Knight: I didn't expect to encounter someone like you... How fortunate.

With the Death Knight defeated, Cloud, Mercedes, and Lysithea all advanced forward, defeating the enemies in the middle, linking up with their classes to charge for the head mage.

Unfortunately, the mage managed to open up the casket and reveal the contents inside... However, judging by his reaction, what he found wasn't what exactly he was looking for.

Mysterious Mage: It's no use! The seal is broken. You can't- Huh? A sword?

Pushing the casket open, the mage pulled out a strange bone-like sword and prepared for combat against Byleth. Unfortunately for him though, Byleth was a lot quicker than he anticipated, as she charged forward with her sword. Swinging her sword at full force, Byleth knocked the strange sword out of the mages hand, grabbing the sword mid-air, the professor of the Blue Lion's grabbed the sword and prepared for the coming battle against the mage.

Responding to this, the mage slowly made a fireball between his hands, launching it at her, Byleth, almost absent-mindedly, swipes the fireball away with the sword, completely dispelling the fireball and strangely causing the sword to glow bright.

Mysterious Mage: Huh... What?

Upon seeing the swords glow, Byleth tosses her other sword to the ground. Now panicked, the mage sends more fireballs towards Byleth, however, she effortlessly knocks them all aside. The mage slowly backs away, cornering himself against the coffin of Saint Seiros. Realizing he needs an escape, the mage attempts to create a barrier to protect himself from any further harm, however, Byleth, now armed with this new weapon, was more than ready to fight through the shield.

Pressing down on the barrier, Byleth slowly starts to crack the magic spell, soon breaking it completely, allowing her to effortlessly slash through the mage, killing him instantly. Upon defeating the mage, Byleth looked down at the sword, noticing a small hole in the center of the sword...

Byleth: What the...? What does...

Suddenly, before Byleth could ask any questions, footsteps could be heard from the stairs, turning around in anticipation for more enemies, everyone was relieved to see that Catherine and more of the Knights of Seiros had arrived to help with the cleanup job.

Catherine: Is the intruder here?! Oh... Looks like you guys have this under control. (To one of the knights) You! Round up any stragglers.

Knight of Seiros: Will do!

The battle was finally over, the thieves couldn't steal this strange sword, and had managed to successfully grab the sword and win the battle, despite the strange enemies they met... Namely with the strange mage and of course, the mysterious Death Knight...


Later in the cathedral, Rhea, Seteth, and Shamir all stood in front of multiple soldiers from the Western Church, which Dimitri had brought to them, presumably to pass judgment onto them for trying to raise an army against the Central Church of Seiros.

Seteth: As all of you have committed a breach of faith, the archbishop will now pass judgment.

Shamir: Inciting a Kingdom noble to rebel. Unlawful entry. The attempted assassination of the archbishop. An attack on the Holy Mausoleum. It is unnecessary to go on, followers of the Western Church.

Priest: What?! We have nothing to do with the Western Church!

Seteth: You have already been identified. Please spare us your second-rate theater.

Rhea: Dishonoring a holy ceremony is worthy of death for a member of the church. You are well past the hope of redemption. If you have any grace remaining, you will willingly offer your life as atonement for this crime.

Priest: No! This isn't what we were told would happen! We've been deceived!

Shamir: It's no use arguing. Whatever your excuse, the punishment stands.

Rhea: May your souls find peace as they return to the goddess...

Priest: Wait! Please! The goddess would never forgive you for our execution!

Second Priest: Monster! We know you've already slaughtered many of our fellow brethren like this!

Rhea: This concludes the investigation. Please remove these poor, lost souls from my sight.

Dimitri: ...

From off to the side, hidden away from anyone's view, Cloud listened in to the whole thing as the soldiers from the Western Church were escorted off, silently listening and passing his own judgment... On the Central Church...

Cloud: (To himself) You want to act as judge, jury, and executioner, huh? Why does a church feel the need to execute its prisoners...? And why do they feel the need to control everything in the world...?


In the Blue Lion's classroom, Dimitri returned to his class, giving a report on what he saw when the Church of Seiros executed the prisoners from the Western Church, which unfortunately seemed to bring up some rather traumatic memories from his past.

Dimitri: There you have it... It seems that the assassination attempt and the attack on the Holy Mausoleum were all the work of the Western Church. As for the masked knight who led the attack... I'm afraid his whereabouts are yet unknown.

Dedue: It makes no sense that the Western Church would try such a thing.

Dimitri: It just goes to show that the Church of Seiros is not completely united. The church is led by those here in Garreg Mach, and the Western Church doesn't have a strong voice on its governing council. I imagine the Western Church has harbored some resentment towards the Central Church for a while now.

Byleth: The Western Church? Holding resentment towards the Central Church.

To prove his point, Dimitri pulled up a small map showcasing the distance between the Western and Central Church, highlighting how close they are in proximity to each other, as well as the resentment the Western Church might have towards the Central Church.

Dimitri: The Western Church lies far to the west of Castle Gaspard, where Lord Lonato held his rebellion. It's situated on the far side of the Kingdom's most impressive fortress, Arianrhod. I imagine the Western Church's intention was to eliminate Lady Rhea, and the Central Church's authority along with her. Naturally, the knights will be riding out to question the Western Church's top officials. Or rather... To punish them.

Dedue: When they do, Your Highness, we will likely be asked to carry out said punishment.

Dimitri: Indeed. Now, I don't mean to be rude, Professor, but I must say that your situation is rather unusual. For someone to grow up in Fódlan and yet never have any contact with the Church of Seiros is... It's hard to believe.

Dedue: I wonder why the archbishop would hire someone like that as a professor...

Ashe: So... Those people from the Western Church were... Um, Lady Rhea had them killed, didn't she?

Mercedes: Well, of course she did. Going against the teachings of Seiros like that. Quite unforgivable!

Ingrid: Those who stray must be punished, I suppose. That said... Professor, I-

As everyone was debating the morality of the Central Church executing the Western Church soldiers, Seteth walked into the classroom, calling Byleth to the audience chambers to discuss the mission.

Seteth: There you are, Professor. It seems Lady Rhea would like a word with you. Come with me.


Elsewhere in the world, a man wearing a white and red outfit was seen speaking in a foggy forest, along with the strange knight that Kostas was yelling at before the knights came and killed him.

Mysterious Man: The archbishop lives. Not that I had ever placed much faith in those swine from the Western Church.

Mysterious Knight: I have news, both good and bad. The remains of Seiros were not in the tomb. However, something else was. The Sword of the Creator.

Mysterious Man: Ah, the weapon wielded by that thief, the King of Liberation.

Mysterious Knight: Thief? Hm. At any rate, it is now in the hands of the academy's new professor. I doubt you will be surprised to hear that the Crest Stone had already been removed from the sword when it was found.

Mysterious Man: Hmph. As expected. It would be foolish to keep both in the same location.

Mysterious Knight: There's more. The professor was able to awaken the sword's true power. Even without the Crest Stone, the sword glowed red. The professor's Crest is compatible. There is no mistaking it.

Mysterious Man: Absurd. Using a Relic without its Crest Stone should be impossible... The King of Liberation's bloodline should not even... Hmm.

Mysterious Knight: They must be allowed to keep it, for now. I do not have enough information about the professor to act. As for your request, I assent. The Death Knight is at your command. Use him well.

Mysterious Man: Good. I believe I will enjoy this a great deal...

The seeds for an insidious plot were already planted... And the motions were already in play, and soon... Their paths would cross with the Church of Seiros, and only the goddess knows what could possibly come from that...


Back at Garreg Mach, Byleth had been called to the audience chamber to give her report for the mission and regarding the strange sword she had gotten from the coffin of the Goddess.

Rhea: I cannot thank you enough for defeating those invaders in the Holy Mausoleum, and especially for protecting the Sword of the Creator. That sword is one of the Heroes' Relics, and the most precious artifact in the church's possession. It is also a weapon of terrifying power. For now... I will entrust the sword to you. Please, use it wisely.

Byleth: Huh? You're... Giving the Sword of the Creator... To me...?

Seteth: Lady Rhea, wait! Do you truly mean to give the Sword of the Creator to this stranger?! Surely it is not the sort of thing that one hands over so readily, even to someone who has the ability to wield it! If someone like Nemesis were to appear again, all of Fódlan would be consumed by war!

Byleth: What? Nemesis?

Seteth: Nemesis, the King of Liberation. He is an ancient king of mankind who was defeated by Seiros over a thousand years ago. When Fódlan was attacked by wicked gods, it is said that the goddess gifted Nemesis with the Sword of the Creator. Nemesis used that sword to defeat the wicked gods, saving all of Fódlan. Henceforth he was dubbed the King of Liberation. However, his power began to corrupt him until he, himself, turned to the darkness. Saint Seiros was forced to destroy him. Lady Rhea, I beg you to reconsider. Given a little more time, we could more accurately assess this stranger's abilities.

Rhea: No. I have faith, Seteth. Faith that our friend here will not be corrupted by wickedness. Since the death of Nemesis, none have been able to wield the Sword of the Creator. Now, after all those long years of being sealed away, it has returned and found a new master.

Seteth: I... Understand. As you wish, Lady Rhea. There you have it, Professor. See that you do not betray the trust the archbishop has seen fit to bestow upon you.

Byleth: I'll... Do my best.

Seteth and Rhea both walk over to the archbishop's office, allowing Byleth to head back into the hall to try and collect her thoughts on this whole thing, especially considering she was now being entrusted to be the new bearer of the Sword of the Creator, the legendary Heroes' Relic... With even Sothis feeling confused on this whole thing.

Sothis: The Sword of the Creator. The King of Liberation. Each tale is more confusing than the last! And I really can't read that Rhea at all... That sword is clearly precious... So why is she so keen to gift the thing to you?

Byleth: It is strange...

Sothis: I feel as though we have become entangled in a mystery... And there is one more thing that has been plaguing me. The Sword of the Creator... It somehow feels distinct from other Relics we have seen. Such as the one that... Oh goodness, what was her name? Ca... Cat...

Byleth: Catherine?

Sothis: Yes! Her! The Sword of the Creator differs from her Thunderbrand in one key way. It bears a hole... Where something should have been, but is no more. I despise not knowing what is going on! It... It frightens me. And yet... I place my trust in you. I must. Whatever comes to pass... Please swear to cut a path that is your own.

Byleth: Yeah... I promise. I'll cut my own path on my own...

Heading downstairs to try and figure out what she could do for the coming month, unbeknownst to Byleth and the others, Claude had listened in on the whole conversation, excluding everything with Sothis, of course, but, he know knew everything about Byleth being entrusted with the Sword of the Creator.

Claude: The Sword of the Creator... Pulled right from the legends. I finally found it, and yet it ended up in Teach's hands. Could I even use it anyway? Damn it. There's no telling what's to come...

Walking back towards his classroom, Claude linked up with Cloud, both of them silently nodding to each other, now knowing that there was something the Church of Seiros was hiding from them, something they were going to figure out, no matter what the cost... The mystery of the Sword of the Creator, the true identity of the Death Knight, and most of all, the skeletons inside of Rhea and the Church of Seiros's closets... All of it would be uncovered in time... And nothing would ever be the same...

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