Eighteen Minus (COMPLETED)

By Yours_Nidhi

298K 26.9K 17K

(Apart Series - Book 6) Thank you for the beautiful cover Shiviious ❤️ Vanshika Khanna has everything in her... More

Prologue- Teaser - Please give me another chance!!!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Reader's Love ❤️
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note - New Schedule
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Prologue - Teaser - You hurt so good!!!🥹💔
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Final

Chapter 1

8.4K 628 268
By Yours_Nidhi


'And with that I assure you this partnership would not only prove to be a profitable one but would also help our organisation get free promotion in media and become a household name. Not just our stock value would spike up but our reputation in the society would also become more trustworthy. What more do we want? We may not have originated in India but Khandelwal Group of Industries would want India to be their new home!!! That's all from my side everyone!!! Thank you' saying I stopped the slideshow and the boardroom burst out with a loud applause welcoming my presentation. I was content.

No!!! Not just because the board now trusts me as their CEO but also welcomed my decision.

Six months ago when I took over Shine Productions, many thought I was foolish. I had no idea about the entertainment industry in this country. Everyone thought I was making a dumb decision but the only man who had faith in me was my mentor, my father DharamVeer Khandelwal and today I see the pride in his eyes. That smile when he sits on the chairman's seat and smiles proudly is all that I thrive for...I want nothing else.

Everyone left the board room and I started disconnecting the projector wires from my laptop when I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew the warmth. I smiled.

'This is why I say have faith in your decisions. No one is born a businessman. We learn everything. And look you have learnt it all and how well have you done Sunny. I am so proud of you!!!' dad patted my back and I smiled saying

'If it wasn't for you, neither would they trust my decision of investing into Shine Group nor would they agree for our collaboration with the ARS Production House. It's you dad. Thank you' I said when dad held my shoulders saying

'No Sunny!!! It's you!!! When you have done something wrong accept your mistakes and when you have done something right accept that too. Learn to accept both...your faults and your achievements both!!! That'll make you a fine businessman!!! Got it?' Dad asked and I nodded.

'Hmmm by the way did you free up your schedule for tomorrow? Remember we are going to Jaipur tomorrow for Aditya's wedding rituals. Tomorrow is Mehndi and I am super excited to see an Indian wedding after so many years!!!' dad was really excited. I chuckled. When people say that parents turn into children when they grow old, they are so right. My father is all set to retire from the business in next three months and is thoroughly enjoying his notice period as the chair person.

'Dad even I am very excited that Lavanya ji and Adi are getting married. Finally Adi found the woman of his dreams but dad it's a three day wedding followed by a reception....and I don't think my right work schedule would let me-'

'Mister Rajveer Khandelwal!!! In case you forgot I am still your boss and this is an order, you are attending every ritual with me and anyways it's an Indian wedding which means lot of beautiful Indian girls which means-'

'Daddddddd!!! Not again!!!' I rolled my eyes and picked my laptop and started walking outside the meeting room.

'But Sunny!!! You agreed to meet Lavanya-'

'Dad you tricked me!!! If I knew this was your planning for a bride hunt, I would have escaped that meeting too!!!' saying I pressed the button to my private elevator waiting for it to arrive when dad continued his convincing session.

'Look Sunny!!! I understand you are a workoholic businessman and your sex life is also pretty boring but you have to understand this is all not for you...it's for me!!!' he said and I cocked an eyebrow up asking 'You??? And how so?'.

By then the elevator arrived and I pressed the number 14 and the elevator started moving ofcourse along with my father who continued to explain...

'Ofcourse me!!! For how long would I stay in that huge mansion all alone? No one to gossip, no one to bitch about you...And I am tired of eating Hariya's boring food.' he complained and I shot him a look

'Really dad? You need me to marry so you can gossip and bitch about me? Are Hariya uncle and his entire Vanar Sena's (Team of monkeys) not enough? Every other day I see you sitting with them in the garden gossiping about our new neighbours. I mean for god's sake Dad..' I complained and he pouted saying

'That Hariya is also in his sixties. He also has a hearing aid in his left ear. I ask him for tea, he brings ghee and his gang of men...they are all useless. We need someone to tame them all!!! And that's a woman!!! A perfect woman for this household!!!' and that's when the elevator door opened and I smiled saying

'Well then get married dad!!! Or maybe have a girlfriend!!! I'm extremely modern that way... I don't mind that so much!!!' I said earning a slap on the back of my head and I cried out a 'Ouchhh' when Saina my receptionist chuckled. I smiled and started walking towards my cabin.

'How about this Saina girl??? I think she's single!!! And I don't believe in religion,caste or creed. All I want is a daughter in law!!!' he said and I shot him a look saying

'Dad please!!!'

'Okay then how about Miraben Mavani's daughter. I heard she's a model!!!'

'Not interested Dad!!!'

'But she's pretty Sunny!!!'

'Dad please!!! You know I don't want to get married!!!' saying I walked into my cabin and kept the laptop on my table and sat on my chair and started looking into the project report.

'But why??? I don't understand your problem Sunny? Is this because of my relationship with your mother? Look Sunny just because our marriage didn't work out doesn't mean marriage in itself is bad!!! Your every friend is married. Some even have children. I feel lonely Sunny. I get worried as well. You have no one other than me. I know you weren't like this during your teen. What made you like this Sunny? Is there someone else?' and I froze.

Wish I could explain you dad but even I don't have an answer to that question.

Do I still have her? If so where is she? There have been times when I wanted to enquire about her but my past deeds don't let me even take a step in that direction. I don't know what this feeling is...

Guilt? Fear?

'Sunny if there is someone please tell me...I-'

'Dad!!! There's no one!!! It's...It's just that I'm not really ready to you know...marry someone! And arranged marriage...I..

I don't know Dad!!! It's scary!!!' I said and dad kept a hand on my shoulder saying

'Sunny who is asking you to marry someone immediately? Meet girls...date them...take some time to understand them and then take a call. You are one of the most eligible bachelors in our society. Just say yes Sunny and look for the list of women who'll be on their toes with their proposal for my perfect son!!!' he said and I shook my head.

'Sunny please say yes!!! I promise...I won't force you. But atleast meet the girls '

'Girlss??? As in plural???'

'Suryavanshi's Royal King is going to be married and the biggest of business personalities and celebrities would be attending the event.'

'Daddddd No ways!!! If you are planning to do that I'm not attending Adi's wedding!!!'

'Sunny he's your best friend yaar!!!'

'I can't commit suicide just because I've to attend his wedding. He'll understand!!! You go alone...I'll visit his reception party!!!' and dad looked worried

'Okay Okay!!! No bridal hunt at the wedding but once the wedding is over, I would organise dates for you to meet girls...is that fine?'

'Dad yaarrr!!!'

'Sunny if you won't agree to this then I promise you I am going to ask Hariya to make spicy oily food and oh ya I'll eat lots of sweets!!! If there's no one to take care of me then why should I li-'

'Dadddddddd!!! Stop!!! I know I bought a production house and we produce a lot of tv shows and movies but that doesn't mean you start your daily soap right here!!!

Fine!!! I'll meet the girls but only on one condition!!!'

'Anything you say Sunny!!!' dad was practically dancing and I chuckled saying

'If I don't like the girl!!! No forcing!!! Is that okay?' I asked and Dad hugged me saying

'Anything you say Sunny!!! Anything!!!' saying he hugged me tightly and I chuckled.

'Sharma!!! Any issues any time call me on my mobile and I-' but dad grabbed my phone forcefully and said

'Hello Sharma.. listen!!! This is your boss's father!!! Your big boss to be precise!!! I don't want you to call Rajveer for next four days for anything. Handle everything by yourself. Your boss is on a DND mode for next three days!!!Clear???' he spat in his authoritarian tone and I was shocked

'But Dad...'

'Thats an order Junior Mister Khandelwal!!!' he said and I knew I had to zip my mouth.

'We have arrived Sirji!!!' our driver stopped th car outside a majestic palace that was decorated with flowers, lights and lanterns.

'Is there an issue Raghu?' Dad asked and Raghu uncle, our driver said 'Sahab... there's media at the gate. They'll crush down the car!!!' he said and I called Adi. In one go he picked the phone saying

'Where are you buddy??? The evening is lit up...Only you are missing!!!' said Adi aka Aditya Raj Suryavanshi...the groom and my business partner. I told him that the media is just outside our house and he was alerted. He quickly sent over his men and within seconds our car entered the gates of the grand palace while media kept flashing their camera nonstop onto our faces.

We were used to this after all my father was one of World's richest business magnates.

'Finallyyyy!!!' saying Adi engulfed me into a tight hug and I smiled.

'I am so happy you are here buddy!!!' he said and I smiled saying 'Its your wedding with Lavanya ji...I wouldn't miss this for anything!!!' I said and he patted my back. His highness the King of Jaipur... Adi's Dadasa (grandfather) also met us and we were honoured meeting his royal highness.

Adi told us that the Mehndi function has already begun and asked us to freshen up and join them in the Royal Bageecha (garden). We were allotted royal rooms in the palace. Dad made himself comfortable with Dadasa and decided that he doesn't need to freshen up again but I had back to back meetings since morning and I took a flight immediately post that, not leaving any time for me to freshen up. So I decided to take a quick shower.

Post a warm shower, I looked into my suitcase and picked a simple black kurta pajama. Spraying some of my expensive perfume and clubbing the look with my diamond studded watch and Mojri (shoes) I walked towards the Bageecha. I could see dad had already found Dev Daadu who is his good friend and also happens to be Lavanya's grandfather's friend. My dad was having a ball already. I smiled and looked at Lavanya ji who was talking to dad. Looking at me she smiled and I slowly approached her because I knew no one else there. Adi wasn't here and I felt like an odd one out.

'Looks like you have never been to a wedding for a long time?' she asked and I looked at her hesitantly and smiled saying

'Not really!!! For almost a decade I have been outside the country. Never liked attending weddings post mom's death and then there was career, pressure, business...could hardly see something of this sort!!!' I said recalling the good times I had with mom until I discovered her different side and then I lost her forever.  My thoughts were broken as the waiter came with some cold drinks and hot drinks and Lavanya ji offered me some.

'Ummm nope!!! Thank you I don't drink all these.. ' and she was pleasantly surprised as she asked 'Health freak???' and I chuckled saying 'Not really!!! Gastric issues!!! Hard drinks don't suit me and soft drinks make me burp all day!!!' and that's when a lady in a green netted saree, long brown hair approached Lavanya ji. I couldn't see her face as her back was facing me

'Wellll then fresh fruit juice should do...' saying she looked at the woman who probably offered her the juice I guess. I was suddenly feeling uncomfortable. The lady brought it for the bride and here I was unnecessarily being a tantrum king. Should have just took something from the tray rather than bothering someone so random.

'Such a drama you are...why can't you drink soft drink one night... stupid girl!!!' I heard the woman complain to Lavanya ji and although they both were talking to themselves I felt goosebumps listening that voice. It was familiar.

'Shikhu...one more for our new guest Rajveerji as well please!!!' she said and the next second the woman in green saree turned around and offered me the juice only for my eyes to widen in shock.

It was her.

She was infront of my eyes after twelve big years.

My heart almost stopped.


Anddddd like promised I'm back.

Here's the first chapter of Eighteen Minus.
Hope you enjoyed it. Do let me know.

To everyone celebrating
Happy Ramnavami  🙏
Happy Ramadan  🤲

God bless us all ❤️

Love Love ❤️

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