New Beginnings | A Teen Wolf...

By OrphanVoid

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This book is based of some of my reality shifting experiences and some things I want to happen when I shift... More

Face Claims/Inserts
Chapter One: Wolf Moon
Chapter Two: Wolf Moon 2
Chapter Three: Second Chances
Chapter Four: Pack Mentality
Chapter Five: Magic Bullet
Chapter Six: The Tell
Chapter Seven: Heart Monitor
Chapter Nine: Lunatic
Chapter Ten: Wolf's Bane
Chapter Eleven: Co-Captains
Chapter Twleve: Formality
Chapter Thirteen: Code Breaker

Chapter Eight: Night School

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By OrphanVoid

Some day in January, Night Time (PST)
Location:, Beacon Hills California
A Few Weeks After The Bite Probably

Third Person POV:

The school doors slam shut, shaking on their hinges as Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles grip the handlebars with everything they've got.

"Lock it, lock it!" Scott yelled.

"Do I look like I have a key?" Devin said.

"Grab something--" Scott said.

"What?" Terrance asked.

"Anything." Scott roared.

While Scott, Terrance and Stiles clutches the handlebars, Devin looks out the doors to the bolt cutters leaning against the wall outside.

"No." Scott said.

"Yes." Devin said.

"No, Devin, don't--" Stiles said.

But she pushes past Scott, Terrance and Stiles, stepping out into the cold air. Holding still, Devin glances into the darkness. All she sees is the breath plumbing from her lips. Then feet moving, she races to the side of the building where the bolt cutters lie. Grabbing them, she turns back to see-- Scott, Stiles and Terrance staring out the glass doors. Trying to speak. Trying to say--

"Run! Devin! DEVIN!!" The three yelled.

Devin slowly turns her head as something lopes out of the darkness, swiftly moving and coming right for her. Devin charges back in with the bolt cutters. Scott and Stiles grab the other handle, the two of them fumbling to get both sides of the tool down into the bars, a makeshift lock. When the four look up again the walkway leading to the doors lies.... empty. A few leaves tumble across the pavement.

"Where is it?" Devin asked.

"Where did it go?" Stiles asked.

"That makeshift lock won't hold, will it?" Scott asked.

"Probably not." Terrance added.

They slowly retreat back, taking each step faster and faster until-- They're all running. Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles hurtle into a dark classroom.

"The desk--the desk." Terrance said.

They slip around the teacher's desk and start pushing it toward the door only to flinch at the loud squeal of metal against tile.

"Stop, stop!" Stiles said.

Holding still, they speak fast.

"The door's not going to keep it out." Devin whispers.

"I know--" Scott said.

"It's your boss." Stiles said.

"What?" Terrance said.

"Deaton. The Alpha. Your boss." Stiles said.

"No--" Terrance said.

"Yes. Murdering, psycho werewolf." Devin said.

"It can't be." Scott said.

"Oh come on!He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air. That's not convenient timing?" Stiles said.

"It's not him." Scott and Terrance said.

"He killed Derek!" Stiles said.

"Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Devin said.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead. We're next." Stiles said.

"Okay--just--what do we do?" Scott asked.

"We get to my Jeep or Devin's truck. We get out of here. And you two seriously think about quitting your jobs. Good?" Stiles said.

Scott nods. They turn to the windows to view the parking lot. Quietly stepping to the furthest window, they spot Stiles's Jeep and Devin's Truck sitting in the lot about twenty yards away. Scott puts his hands on the window sill.

"No, they don't open. The school's climate controlled." Devin said.

"Then we break it." Scott said.

"Which will make a lot of noise." Terrance said.

"Then, uh... then we run really fast." Scott said.

They glance back to the Jeep. Now seeming much further away.

"Devin and Terrance are both faster than us, plus Terrance is on track." Stiles said.

"Really fast then." Scott said.

While Stiles and Terrance start looking for something to break one of the windows, Scott and Devin come closer to the glass.

"....Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" Devin asked.

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong..." Stiles said.

"It's bent." Scott said.

"You mean dented?" Stiles asked.

"No, I mean bent." Devin said.

Stiles and Terrance move over to the windows. Stiles cups his eyes to the window. Oddly, the Jeep's hood twists up towards the windshield like the top of a tin can.

"What the hell happened to my--" Stiles said with a gasp, as he was cut off.

An explosion of glass by their heads sends them screaming to the floor. Ducked under the window, they look past raised arms to see-- something skidding across the tile and slamming to a stop on the opposite side of the room amid a shower of broken glass. It's the Jeep's battery, wires hanging off it. Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles sit frozen underneath the classroom window, staring at the Jeep's battery in front of them.

"That's my battery." Stiles said.

Scott nods. The four of them gazed at it, stunned. Stiles starts to get up but Devin grabs him.

"Don't." Devin said, whispering.

"We have to move." Stiles said.

"He could be right outside." Terrance said.

"He is right outside." Stiles said.

Devin keeps him down, hand gripping her cousin's shoulder.

"Just let me take a look." Devin said.

Craning her neck to see out the window, Devin glances around the empty and dark school lot.

"Anything?" Terrance asked.

Devin shakes her head no.

"Move now?" Stiles asked.

"Move now." Scott said.

They get up, scrambling across the tile floor. The classroom door cracks open. Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles slip into the hall. They glance down the opposite ends of the corridor, nervously drifting forward.

"This way..." Scott said.

"No, no, no no.." Devin said.

"What?" Scott asked.

"Somewhere without windows." Terrance said.

"Every single room in this building has windows." Scott said.

"Somewhere with less windows." Stiles said.

"The locker room." Scott said, realizing.

"Yeah." Stiles, Terrance and Devin said.

"Okay." Scott said.

They creep down the corridor carefully, until they reach the locker room. The door opens, the four of them hurrying inside.

"Call Uncle Noah." Devin said.

"What?" Stiles said.

"Call. Your. Dad." Scott said.

"And tell him what?" Stiles asked.

"Anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with police cars it'll take off." Terrance said.

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight including my Dad?" Stiles said.

"They have guns." Terrance said.

"And Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down. Remember that?" Stiles said.

"Then we have to... We have to find a way out and run for it." Scott said.

"There's nothing near the school for half a mile." Stiles said.

"What about Devin's truck? What about Derek's car?" Terrance said

"That could work. We go out. Grab the keys from his body. Take his car, while Devin and Terrance go for her truck." Stiles said.

"And Derek." Scott said.

"Fine, whatever." Stiles said.

But as Stiles reaches for the door, Terrance stops him.

"....What?" Stiles said.

"I think I heard something." Terrance said.

"Like what?" Devin asked.

"Quiet." Scott said.

Still gripping Stiles's arm, Terrance listens, nervous breath rising. Stiles moves to take his hand off the doorknob, but Terrance clenches down on his arm, a signal to stop. A shadow passes by the mottled glass window of the door. Mere centimeters from them. Terrance eases off Stiles's arm, slowly stepping back. With Scott and Devin doing the same.

"Hide." Devin said.

Stiles draws back into the darkness with them. They all glance around in terrified desperation. There is nowhere to hide. Stiles looks to Scott with pleading eyes. But Scott doesn't seem to know what to do either. So Devin reaches for a locker door, as Stiles does the same. And they both climb right into their separate lockers.

"No, Stiles--" Scott said.

"Devin!" Terrance said.

But then a second later, Scott slips into the locker across from Stiles, as Terrance does the same going across the one Devin is in to hide as well. Inside the locker- Scott holds still, trying to control his breathing, trying to quiet his heartbeat. The locker room door opens. A large, dark figure enters. An odd clicking sound on the concrete floor. Through the locker's air vents- Devin watches the shape pass by her. She can see Terrance through his own vent holes, eyes wide and terrified. Inside the locker- Stiles puts his hand over his mouth trying to cover his breathing while-- Scott holds utterly still, just his eyes blinking rapidly in the darkness as--The locker door yanks open, revealing--

The Janitor. He screams in surprise, staggering back. Before Scott can get a word out to explain, Stiles, Devin and Terrance stumble out of the other lockers.

"Son of a bitch!" The Janitor yelled.

Scott grabs him, trying to keep the terrified man on his feet.

"Quiet--quiet!" Scott said.

"Quiet, my ass. Are you two trying to kill me?" The Janitor asked.

Gasping, the Janitor leans against the locker looking like he's on the verge of a heart attack.

"The four of you. Get out." The Janitor said.

"Will you just listen for half a second, okay!--" Devin said.

"No, not okay. Get the hell out of here. Right now!" The Janitor said.

The door slams open into the hallway, Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles pushed out by the furious Janitor.

"Just one second to explain--" Stiles said.

"Shut up and go." The Janitor said.

Then, hand still on the door, the Janitor suddenly whips back into the locker room, swinging the door shut with him. The movement happens so quickly it leaves Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles staring in utter confusion at the closed door.

Until--The Janitor's face comes slamming back to the door's window. The four stagger away in shock as the body of the Janitor slams forward again, rattling the door in its frame. Scott and Terrance grab at the door, trying to get it open, trying to help the man as Stiles pulls them back. The four of them screaming, Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles finally run for it, racing down the corridor as-- The locker room door wrenches off its hinges, bursting into the corridor and falling to the floor. The Janitor's dead body collapses down onto the door and then in one swift motion-- Is dragged back into the darkness of the locker room.

Things change and The Argent household comes into view. Down the sidewalk from her home, Allison looks from one end of the street to the next, still waiting for Scott. Her phone rings and she puts it to her ear.

"Lydia says we're coming to get you." Jackson said, from the other line.

"Please, don't. I'm sure he's on his way. He's only...26 minutes late." Allison said as she quickly looked at her phone.

"You hear that? First it's "He's only 26 minutes late." A month later it's "he only hits me when he's drunk." Slippery slope, Allison. Slippery slope." Lydia said, from the other line.

"We're picking you up." Jackson said.

"No." Allison said.

"Too late." Jackson said, from the other line.

Jackson pulls up in his Porsché with Lydia. He rolls down the window. Strangely, his face has lost the paleness, a healthier glow returning to his cheeks.

"Lydia gets what Lydia wants." Jackson said.

Allison glances down the road again. Still no sign of Scott.

"Come on, get in. We can stop by his place and see if he's there." Jackson said.

Allison finally gives a reluctant sigh. But the moment she opens the door to get in the back, her phone buzzes.

"Is that him with the best explanation ever of why he's half a fucking hour late?" Lydia asked

Allison eyes her phone with a curious gaze.

"Not exactly." Allison said.

While back at the highschool. Feet flying across the floor, Scott, Terrance, Devin and Stiles race for the exit at the end of the hall. They reach the fire door handles at the same time, pushing down and shoving forward. The doors open, but only an inch, clanging against something behind them. Pushing again, they hear the same metallic clang. Something is on the other side, blocking the doors.

"What the hell?" Devin said.

Scott peers out the open inch of the door.

"It's a dumpster. A garbage dumpster." Scott said.

The four slowly retreat a few steps.

"He pushed it in front of the doors--" Terrance said.

"--to trap us in." Devin finished.

Devin turns, backing into the door, using her strength and trying to push off from her feet and move the dumpster behind it.

"Help me." Devin said.

The door clangs against the dumpster again and again as she keeps trying to muscle it open.

"Devin, stop." Terrance said.

"I'm not dying here." Devin said.

"I especially do not want to die in school." Stiles said. 

"We're not going to die." Scott said.

"Then what's it doing? What does it want?" Stiles asked.

"Us. Derek says it's stronger with a pack." Terrance said.

"Great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's- That's beautiful." Devin said.

They retreat from the doors again, looking down the other end of the hall. But their cautious progression comes to a halt when Scott pauses. He turns to the wall of windows at the side of the corridor looking out on the courtyard and opposite side of the school. On the roof- A figure crouches in the darkness, red eyes gazing directly at them. The four start moving, running, nearly stumbling over each other as-- the alpha bounds from one level of the roof to the next, landing and leaping in the same instant as Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles race ahead. Behind them glass explodes into the hallway, the Alpha crashing back into the school. Scott grabs Stiles, Stiles grabs Devin who grabs Terrance, pulling them all into the adjacent stairwell.

"Down, down!" Scott said.

They race into the lower level of the school, running for safety while--Jackson's Porsché swerves into the lot. He gets out of the driver's side, pulling the seat up to let Allison out. They both glance at the Jeep and Truck parked a few spaces away.

"What are they doing here anyway?" Jackson asked.

"All I got was this..." Allison said.

Allison holds up her cell phone to show him a text: 'Meet me at the school - Scott.'

"They lock the doors at night, you know." Lydia said.

"That one looks open." Allison said.

Allison points to the door lying open. The bolt cutters sit upright against it, carefully placed there to hold it open. Almost as if welcoming Allison into the school.

"You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Jackson said.

"That it looks like they broke into the school? No. Pretty obvious." Allison said.

"You want me to come with you?" Jackson asked.

"It's okay." Allison said with a shake of her head.

"Allison..." Jackson said hesitantly.

Allison pauses, turning back to him.

"You have this look like you're about to say be careful." Allison said.

"I am." Jackson said.

Allison gives Jackson a smile, surprising him.

"What?" Jackson said.

"That concerned look on you. I've never seen it before." Allison said.

"I am concerned." Jackson said.

"It's a good look for you." Allison said.

From the Porsché, Lydia notices the moment between them. And clearly doesn't like it.

"Don't worry. I'll be right back." Allison said.

"Okay..." Jackson said.

As Allison steps into the dark corridor, the bolt cutters slip, falling to the pavement... allowing the door to clatter shut. Devin, Terrance, Scott and Stiles back into the basement of the school, slipping around corners. Fluorescent lights flicker above them with an electric crackling.

"We have to do something." Stiles said.

"Like what?" Devin asked.

"Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it. Something." Terrance said.

Stiles glances at the doors with mesh cage windows in them, old and dirty lockers lying open inside. Trying to think fast, eyes darting as-- A door slams open behind them. The four of them pull back into the darkness. Holding still, they hear a strange clicking on the floor, claws tapping against the tile. Devin's eyes move from the thin corridor to where several old administrative desks lie stacked against the wall. Scott catches her look, seeing an idea come to fruition. Devin slowly--very slowly--moves her hand into Stiles's coat pocket to pull out his car keys, Stiles looks at her with wide eyes. She brings them up. They jangle softly, causing the four teens to flinch. Terrance glares at Devin, eyes nearly coming out of his head. Especially when his friend rears back and-- throws the keys. They land right in one of the cage rooms,clattering against the wall. Something blurs past, A massive shape in the darkness, soaring in after the keys. Without hesitating, Devin jumps out of the shadows and slams the door shut behind it.

"What are you doing?" Terrance asked.

"The desk." Devin said as she held the door.

"Oh...Get the desk!" Stiles said.

"He can't--" Scott starts, but stops when the three glare at him.

"All right." Scott said.

With barely a second to comprehend the plan, Scott and Terrance rushes to one of the steel desks and rams it against the closed door. Devin slips out of the way as the door jerks forward hitting the side of the desk. The Alpha roars from inside the cage room, slamming into the door. But the desk wedges between it and the opposite wall. Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles turn to each other in a moment of pure triumph. The Alpha can't get out. They trapped it.

Back in the parking lot. Waiting behind the wheel, Jackson stares at Devin's Truck and Stiles's Jeep, studying it in the darkness.

"You see that?" Jackson asked.

"See what?" Lydia said.

"The hood on that piece of crap Jeep looks crappier than usual." Jackson said.

Jackson opens the door of the Porsché.

"Where are you going?" Lydia asked.

"To take a look. Stay here." Jackson said.

"I'm not staying in the car." Lydia said.

"Just stay in the damn--" Jackson gets cut off. 

"Don't leave me alone in the car." Lydia says it with a fierceness that spins him around.

"Fine. Don't have a meltdown." Jackson said.

Jackson steps out, Lydia clicking her own door open. The two make their way over to Stiles's Jeep.  Jackson runs his fingers over the crumpled hood with Lydia by his side.

"Look at that. It is indeed a piece of crap. Can we get Allison and leave now?" Lydia said.

Ignoring her, Jackson leans closer, noting the strange grooves in the hood. Like claw marks. He then glances to the doors of the school. And starts toward them.

"What are you doing? Are we getting Allison? Jackson?" Lydia called.

Inside the school's basement--Stiles, Devin, Terrance and Scott stand on opposite sides of the desk now wedged between the cage door and the wall. Stiles slowly motions with his hand for Scott and Terrance to climb over. But Scott looks too scared to move. While Terrance climbs over quickly. A breath comes from inside the cage room. The four teens turn back. They can't see it in the darkness, but the Alpha is there, trapped inside. With a far more emphatic look, Stiles twists his head at Scott, trying to get him to climb over the desk to him. Finally, Scott moves, awkwardly sliding over the desk as--

The alpha's hand slams up against the mesh wire window of the door sending the four of them flinching back. They stare at the massive hand, clawed fingers like talons fitting through the openings. It slowly pulls back, disappearing again into the shadows. Incredibly, Stiles starts toward the cage room.

"What are you doing?" Devin whispers harshly.

"I want to get a look." Stiles said.

"Are you crazy?" Terrance said.

"It's trapped. It can't get out." Stiles said.

The cage rattles as if in response.

"That's right. We got you." Stiles said, confidently.

"Shut up." Scott, Devin and Terrance said.

"No. I'm not scared of this thing.I'm not scared of you. Because you're not going any--" Stiles said as he was cut off.

Suddenly the Alpha leaps up, shooting right into the ceiling.The panels burst away, Crashing and Clattering to the floor. Scott, Terrance, Devin and Stiles gaze up in horror as the ceiling panels above them shake, bending and popping up under the weight of the creature. No longer trapped at all. They turn to watch the panels rumble and shake above as the Alpha makes its retreat. In the hallway--Heels clicking down the hallway, Allison peeks into one classroom after another.

"Scott?" Allison calls out. 

Allison's voice echoes down the corridor. Shadows bounce across the walls as she moves toward a stairwell.

"Scott?" Allison calls out louder.

In the adjacent hallway--Lydia hurries after Jackson down another corridor.

"Hold on." Lydia says.

Lydia heads for the door of the girls room.

"Are you kidding? You have to use the bathroom? Now?" Jackson said.

"Yes, now. Do you have a problem with me performing a basic biological function?" Lydia asked.

"I'm starting to have a problem with all your functions." Jackson said.

Ignoring his comment, Lydia pushes through the door. Arms folded, Jackson gazes back to the empty corridor. But his arms fall to his sides when he sees something... A large silhouetted figure. At the end of the corridor. Standing there. Watching him.

"McCall?" Jackson calls out.

Jackson steps forward, trying to catch any detail of the figure at the end of the hall. But it's an almost perfect silhouette. And still strangely motionless.

"Scott?" Jackson says this time.

Then, almost as an inaudible whisper, he says another name...

"Derek?" Jackson whispered.

The silhouette moves from a standing position down to all fours. Then, almost casually, it lopes into the next hallway, disappearing around the corner. Short gasps choke their way between Jackson's lips as he stares down the long corridor until-- The girls room door slams open, sending him nearly off his feet.

"Did you find them?" Lydia asked.

In the school's indoor pool area--Walking on the tile floor between the school's two swimming pools, Allison stops when her phone begins ringing. She pulls it out to answer. Back in the school's basement--Terrance turns to the others.

"Do you hear that?" Terrance asked.

"Hear what?" Stiles asked.

"It sounds like a phone ringing." Devin said.

And then the realization dawns on Scott as he listens to the ringing.

"What?" Stiles, Devin and Terrance said.

"I know that ring. It's Allison's phone..." Scott said.

In-between the walkways of the high school's swimming pools, Allison puts her phone to her ear.

"Hey, I can't seem to find them. Okay, give me a second. I'll be right there." Allison said.

Allison clicks off and is about to put her phone away when it rings again, startling her. She gives a curious look at the display and then answers.

"Terrance?" Allison says.

"It's me. Where are you?" Scott asks from the other line.

"In the school looking for you. Why weren't you at my place?" Allison asks.

"Where are you right now?" Scott said a bit harshly.

Allison flinches at the harshness of his tone.

"On the first floor--" Allison says.

"Where? Where are you exactly?" Scott asks.

Allison starts to speak, but her voice catches in her throat. Scott's voice is so sharp, so laced with urgency that it startled her silent.

"The swimming--the swimming pools." Allison said.

"Get to the Lobby. Go now." Scott said.

"Okay, okay, I'm going--" Allison says as she hangs up the phone.

Allison pushes through a door and into the first floor lobby to find Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles running toward her.

"What are you doing? Why'd you come here?" Scott asked.

"Because you asked me to." Allison said.

"He asked you to?" Devin said.

Allison shows them her cell phone and the message on it: 'Meet me at the school - Scott.' Allison notes their reactions.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send that message?" Allison asked.

"Because he didn't." Terrance said.

"Did you drive here?" Stiles asked Allison.

"Jackson did." Allison said.

"Jackson's here too?" Scott said.

"And Lydia. What's going on? Who sent this text--" Allison says but then pauses.

Allison's phone rings again. She picks up.

"Where are you?" Allison asks.

Jackson and Lydia hurry around the corner.

"Finally. Can we go now?" Lydia asked as she hung up her phone.

But before any of them can speak they hear an odd rumbling above them.

"Run." Terrance yelled.

Terrance spins, pushing them forward as something bursts out of the ceiling panels behind them. The doors to the cafeteria slam open, seven frightened teenagers rushing in.

"Scott, wait--not here--not here." Devin said.

But Scott isn't listening. Swinging the doors closed, Scott spins back to search for a way to barricade them in.

"The vending machine. Help me push it in front of the doors." Scott said.

"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison asked.

"What happened to the ceiling?" Lydia asked.

Scott doesn't answer, concentrating his efforts on shoving one of the vending machines forward.

"Just help me!" Scott said.

Jackson and Allison get behind it as well, sliding it against the doors. Scott's panic seems to infect them all, heightening the fear among the group.

"Chairs. Stack the chairs--" Scott said.

"Guys, hold on." Terrance said.

"Can we just wait a second?" Devin said.

Even a frightened Lydia helps, pushing chairs forward, moving as fast as she can.

"Guys, wait a second. Hello!" Stiles said.

Jackson and Allison grab chairs, stacking them, everyone rushing to blockade the doors. Everyone except for Stiles, Terrance and Devin.

"Okay, nice work." Devin said with sarcasm.

"Beautiful job, everyone." Terrance said with the same level of sarcasm.

"Now what do you think we should do about the twenty foot wall of windows!" Stiles yells.

Stiles, Devin and Terrance shake their hands at the field of glass to their right. Scott and the others look up. Good point.

"Can someone please explain what's going on? I'm freaking out here and I'd at least like to know why." Allison said.

Scott doesn't respond. Doesn't even look at her.

"Scott..." Allison said.

"Somebody killed the janitor." Devin said.

"What?" Lydia exclaimed.

"Yeah, the janitor's dead." Terrance said.

"What the hell is he talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison asks, looking at Scott.

But, Scott shakes his head no.

"What? Who killed him?" Jackson asked.

"No, no, no. This was supposed to be over. The mountain lion--" Lydia says, only to be cut off.

"Don't you get it? That wasn't a mountain lion--" Jackson said.

"Who is it? What does he want?" Allison said.

Stiles, Devin and Terrance look to Scott for help. But his friend almost seems to be shutting down. Just shaking his head, no idea what to say while Allison and the others become more panicked.

"What's happening? Scott?" Allison said.

"I don't know--it's just--if we go out there, he's going to kill us." Scott said.

"Us? Kill us?" Lydia said.

Allison turns to Stiles, Devin and Terrance  pressing them.

"Who? Who is it?" Allison asked.

Devin and Terrance go to speak but are interrupted by Scott.

"Derek. It's Derek Hale." Scott said .

All eyes turn back to him in shock. Especially Devin, Terrance and Stiles. Scott looks almost surprised at saying it himself. Welp.....If Derek is still alive he's gonna kill Scott.

"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson said.

"You're sure?" Allison said.

"I saw him." Scott said.

"The mountain lion-- " Lydia starts.

"No. Derek killed them." Scott said, shaking his head.

"All of them?" Allison asked.

"Starting with his own sister." Scott said.

"And the bus driver?" Allison asked.

"And then the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out... he's going to kill us too." Scott said.

Jackson turns back to Devin and Stiles.

"Call the cops." Jackson said. 

"No." Devin says.

"What do you mean no?" Jackson asked.

"She means no.Want to hear it in Spanish?" Stiles said.

"No." Stiles said with a fake spanish accent.

"Derek killed three people. We don't know what he's armed with." Devin said.

"Your Uncle is armed with an entire Sheriff's Department. Call him." Jackson said.

"I'm calling." Lydia said.

Lydia puts her phone to her ear.

"Hold on--Lydia, just wait--" Devin said. 

Devin starts forward, but Jackson shoves her back.

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped in here and we need you to..." Lydia says into her phone.

Lydia pauses. The others watch her expression change to one of surprise. She slowly pulls the phone away from her ear.

"She hung up on me." Lydia said.

"The police hung up on you?" Allison said. 

"She said they got a tip warning them there would be prank calls about a break in at the high school. She said if I called again they would trace it and have me arrested." Lydia said.

"Then call again." Allison says. 

"They won't trace a cell phone." Devin said.

"They'll send a car to your house before they send someone here." Stiles adds.

"What the... What is this? Why does Derek want to kill us? Why's he killing anyone?" Allison said dumbfounded.

They all look to Scott for the answer.

"Why are you looking at me?" Scott asked.

"Is he the one who sent her the text?" Lydia asks.

"No--I mean, I don't know." Scott said.

"Is he the one who called the police?" Allison asked.

"I don't know." Scott said, snapping at Allison.

Causing Allison to flinch noticeably. Behind her, Jackson can't help but smile just a little bit. Stiles, Devin and Terrance get in between them to pull Scott aside.

"Okay, everybody just ease back on the throttle, all right?" Stiles said.

They take Scott over to the kitchen area of the cafeteria to talk to him privately.

"First off. Throwing Derek under the bus? Terrible idea." Devin said under her breath.

"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something. And if he's dead, it doesn't matter." Scott said.

"Except if he's not." Terrance said. 

"Oh God, I totally bit her head off." Scott said, realizing he yelled at Allison.

"And she'll totally get over it. Bigger things to deal with. Like getting out of here alive." Stiles said.

"But we are alive. And it could have already killed us. It's like it's cornering us." Scott said.

"What? Like it wants to eat us all at the same time?" Devin said

"No. Derek said it wants revenge." Scott said.

"Against who?" Terrance asked.

"I don't know. Allison's family?" Scott said.

"Maybe that's what the text was about." Devin said.

"Someone had to send it." Stiles said. 

"So while looping through the woods he stops to take out his Blackberry?" Scott says sarcastically.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm the sarcastic one in this friendship." Stiles said.

"Okay, assheads. New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad who is also Devin's uncle and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" Jackson said.

No one speaks up to disagree.

"He's right. Tell him the truth if you have to. Just call him." Scott said to Stiles and Devin.

"I'm not watching my Dad get eaten alive." Stiles said.

"And I can't watch another family member die." Devin said.

Jackson steps past the others, charging toward Stiles and Devin.

"That's it. Give me your phone." Jackson said.

Jackson spins Stiles around, grabbing for the phone in his pocket. But in a moment of pure protective instinct, Devin reels back and clocks Jackson, sending him sprawling to the floor. Strangely, Lydia isn't the one running to help him up. It's Allison.

"Are you okay? Jackson?" Allison asked.

While Jackson's turned around, she can't see the look on his face. And despite being punched, he's smiling, silently pleased by the turn of events. He slowly gazes back, feigning shock and hurt. Seeing Allison covering her territory, Lydia seems to snap back to life and hurries over to help. Cradling her shaking hand, Devin looks to Terrance, Stiles and Scott who are slightly surprised. Then, with the hand not trembling in pain, Devin reaches into Stiles's pocket and fishes out his cell phone. As the others watch, she dials and Stiles takes the phone back putting it to his ear,

"Dad? Hey, it's me... and it's your voicemail. Um... I need you to call me back. Like now. Like right now--" Stiles says.

As something slams against the doors. Lydia screams, Allison retreating to her side.

"We're at the school--Dad--we're at the school--" Stiles says.

"Uncle Noah please....Hurry..please...i don't-..I don't wanna die." Devin says over Stiles's shoulder.

Wham! A stack of chairs tumble down as the barricade against the doors begins to fall. Stiles lowers the phone, backing away with the others. Something hammers at the doors. Smashing at them, pounding, desperately trying to break through. The vending machine slides forward. A chair whips past Allison as if thrown like a projectile. She screams, hands coming up.

"Oh God, oh my God--" Lydia says.

The hinges at the top of the doors begin coming out of the wall, metal seeming to bend and collapse inward.

"The kitchen." Devin said.

"The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Terrance said.

"Which only goes up." Scott said.

"Up is better than here." Stiles said.

Another boom and the decision is made. They run for the kitchen.The stairwell door slams open. Scott and the others spill out into the second floor hallway. They try doors. All locked. Until Lydia finds an open one and--They hurtle into a Chemistry room, quickly and quietly shutting the door. Scott and Terrance grab the teacher's chair and fit it under the knob as they hear-- The stairwell door slam open again. Everyone backs away to the wall where they can't be seen at the window of the door, each holding their breath.

Jackson, Lydia, Allison, Scott, Devin, Terrance and Stiles, all press to the wall in terror. Closest to the door, Devin slowly leans out from the wall. Stiles grabs at her, trying to get her to pull back. But Devin cocks her head, listening... She hears the click of claws against the tile floor. The creature coming closer and closer. The door rattles from the weight of its approach. Lydia covers her mouth with her hands, trying not to shriek as a breath steams the window at the door. And then... It moves on, the sound of its lumbering body dissipating. After a moment, the kids breathe. But no one moves. Eyes still on the window of the door, Scott whispers--

"Devin, Jackson, how many people can fit in your cars?" Scott asks.

"Three people, but if they sit in the bed of my truck...then all of us." Devin said.

"Five if somebody squeezes onto someone's lap." Jackson said.

"Five? I barely fit into the back." Allison said.
"It doesn't matter. There's no  getting out without drawing  attention." Stiles said.

"What about this?" Terrance said.

Terrance's eyes to the steel door past the teacher's desk.

"It leads to the roof. We could go down the fire escape to the parking  lot in seconds." Terrance said.

"But that's a deadbolt. And Devin can't pick that lock."  Stiles said.

"The Janitor has a key." Devin said.

"You mean his body has it." Stiles said.

"We can get it." Scott said.

"We can find him by scent. By blood." Scott said, whispering to Stiles.

"Gee, that's an incredibly terrible idea. What else have you got?" Stiles said.

"Me, Terrance and Devin are getting the key." Scott said.

"Are you serious?" Allison said.

"It's the best plan. Terrance is fast and so is Devin. Plus someone has to get the key if we want to get out of here." Scott said.

"You three can't go out there unarmed." Allison said.

Scott grabs the teacher's pointer from the chalkboard, gripping it like a baseball bat. As Devin takes out a taser from the back of her pants along with a swiss army knife. She hands the taser to Terrance. Devin notices their looks.

"What? I always have this on me." Devin said.

"It's better than nothing." Scott said.

"There's got to be something else--" Stiles says. 

"There is." Lydia said. 

Lydia nods to the cabinet full of chemicals.

"What? Like throw acid on him?" Devin said.

"No, like a firebomb. In there is everything you need to make a self igniting Molotov Cocktail." Lydia said.

"Self-igniting..." Terrance said.

"Molotov Cocktail. What? I read it somewhere." Lydia said.

"Well, we don't have the key to that either--" Stiles says.

"No but I have a lock picking set." Devin said, as she held out her hand.

Terrance reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small leather wrapped pouch. He hands it to Devin who takes it and unfolds it. There in the pouch are; torsion wrench, twist-flex torsion wrench, offset diamond pick, ball pick, half-diamond pick, short hook, medium hook, saw or "L" rake, snake or "C" rake. Devin picks out what she needs and goes to the lock on the cabinet. She then starts moving her tools in and out of the lock searching for each tumbler. Soon Devin gets the lock undone and opens the cabinet. Moments Later- several bottles line the teacher's desk. Lydia pours one bottle into a mixture already in a glass beaker.

"Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid." Lydia said.

Jackson turns each bottle, looking for the right one, then carefully hands it to Lydia.

"No. No, this is insane. You guys  can't do this. You three can't go out there." Allison said.

"And we can't sit here waiting for my uncle to check his messages." Devin said.

"You three could die. Do you get that? He's killed three people." Allison said.

"And we're next." Terrance said.

"Someone has to do something." Scott said.

Turning, Scott eases the chair out from under the doorknob.

"Devin, Terrance....Scott, stop." Allison said.

"We'll be back--" Scott said.

"Stop. Just stop." Allison said.

Allison has tears in her eyes, out of fear and anger.

"Scott, remember how you told me that you'd know whether or not I was lying? That I have a tell? So do you. You're a terrible liar. And you've been lying all night." Allison said.

The others listen behind her, watching with evident discomfort as Scott almost responds with another lie but then keeps his mouth shut.

"Don't leave us." Allison said.

Furthest from the group, Jackson practically has to bite his lip to keep from smiling.

"Lock it behind us." Scott said.

But before Scott can turn, Allison steps forward. As the others watch, she pulls him toward her, pressing her lips to his in a kiss of pure pleading. Scott gently eases back and breaks the kiss. With a look of torture on his face, he turns and-- Goes out the door with Devin and Terrance behind him. It clicks shut as-- The door to the darkened stairwell eases open. All too aware of each other's own frightened gasps, Scott steps inside and peers down... No sign of movement. They begin taking the steps one-by-one, inching their way back to the first floor. Making their way through the corridor. Scott steps around the corner, breathing the air in, cocking his head... and catching a scent. Devin and Terrance catch it too.

Two double doors quietly click open allowing the three of them to step into the school's cavernous gymnasium. A large wide-open space, it's lit only by the emergency lights mounted over the two exits. Clutching the molotov cocktail in his hand, while Devin holds her swiss army knife and Terrance holds Devin's taser. They take a breath of the air, their heads turning toward the telescoping bleachers against the wall. They make their way over. But instead of climbing up, they step around and underneath the bleachers. Through the dark recesses the three ventures deeper and deeper.

Feeling their way through the underside of the bleachers, Devin, Terrance and Scott slowly peer up to discover something hanging in the shadows above. The janitor's keys. Hanging from his body which itself hangs from the metal supports cross hatching the underside of the bleachers... Stiles, Lydia, Jackson and Allison sit, lined up against the wall of the chemistry room  while waiting for Scott, Devin and Terrance's return.

"I don't get this. I don't get why they're out there, why they left and... I can't... I can't get my hands to stop shaking. My hands--" Allison says whispering.

"It's going to be okay." Jackson whispers to Allison.

Stiles turns, hearing the whispers. He glances at Lydia who seems strangely calm. Almost like she's determined not to be frightened anymore while Jackson leans closer to Allison.

"I can't stop shaking." Allison says.

"It's okay." Jackson said.

Jackson puts his hands over hers, their fingers intertwining, trying to keep her calm while his eyes linger over her just a little too long. Back in the gym under the bleachers--Scott gently sets the molotov cocktail down on the floor. While Devin pockets her swiss army knife. Scott cups both his hands so Devin can step up and reach the keys. She reaches for one of the metal supports underneath the bleachers, as she steps onto Scott's hands. Scott boats her up. Devin then begins climbing, making her way toward the keys which hang from the Janitor's belt. After one last step, she stretches her arm, trying to grasp at the keys when-- A clunking sound makes her stop. The others were freezing in their spots  as well. Devin holds still, eyes darting to the shadows. Scott and Terrance cock their heads to listen. But there's nothing. So Devin reaches up again for the keys when--

Another clunk causes the supports to shudder. Turning back, Devin sees what the source of the sound is when-- The bleachers start collapsing inward. Someone or something is pushing the seats in from the gym floor, causing the bleachers to telescope in on them. With a well-aimed swipe, Devin snatches the keys off the body. She jumps back to the floor between the bleachers and the wall as Scott and Terrance help her. The three of them hurdles for the light just beyond. But the bleachers close in fast, threatening to crush them as they make one last leap. Scott grabs the molotov cocktail on the floor and-- The three of them tumble out to safety. In the chemistry classroom--At the teacher's desk, Lydia glances at the bottles of chemicals they used to make the Molotov Cocktail.

"Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric  acid. It won't ignite, if it's not..." Lydia said.

Lydia looks back at him to find him glaring at her.

"I gave you exactly what you asked for. Didn't I?" Jackson said. 

Jackson stares at her, unblinking. An unnerving, frightening stare. Lydia looks back at the bottle.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure you did." Lydia said.

Back in the school's gym--Standing at the edge of the collapsed bleachers, Scott shakily raises the Molotov Cocktail as Devin pulls her swiss army knife back out and Terrance turns on the taser.

"Come on." Devin said. 

"Come and get us." Scott said.

Something comes rushing forward as Scott hurls the cocktail. The three then squeeze their eyes shut waiting for the fiery explosion. But all they hear is breaking glass. They snap their eyes open to see harmless chemicals spilling across the floor.

"Oh fuck." Devin, Terrance and Scott say.

Something latches around the three of them ankles and drops them right to the floor. The Keys tumble out of Devin's grasp as she's hurled to the center of the gym with Scott and Terrance. Clawed hands clamp down on the side of their heads, pushing their faces to the floor. The tips of the claws poke into their cheek, threatening to draw blood as their eyes open wide. Then the Alpha's silhouette profile eases down toward each of their faces, sharp teeth jutting from its open mouth. It lets loose a roar as powerful and earth-shaking as the cry of a T-Rex. Pinned and helpless, Their eyes suddenly blaze, Devin's turning white, and Scott and Terrance's turning yellow as if in response to the Alpha's roar. They open their mouths, teeth now fanged. They're beginning to shift...

The others turn to hear the echoes of the bizarre sound coming from the school below. All except for Jackson who-- Falls to his knees, wincing in pain. Then he's screaming. Hand clutching the back of his neck, he crumbles to the floor as the others whirl around to see him lurching in pain. While in the gym--Scott, Devin and Terrance twist up, the Alpha no longer holds them down, no longer anywhere in sight. Eyes yellow, Scott and Terrance cry out as they transform into werewolves. Devin gasps and thrashes in pain, as her eyes flicker from white to black and then back to fully white. Devin's body twisting even more and stretching, Devin trying to fight the transformation she knows is coming, as she keeps releasing weird noises.

But brought on this time by the howl of the Alpha, the shift is agonizing, their bodies wracked with spasms of pain, clawed hands pressing, almost digging into the floor. Scott's and Terrance's heads whip up as the transformation completes. But something is different. Teeth bared, an animalistic pulling the back of Scott's lips, it's as if innocent Scott McCall has disappeared completely. Nowhere to be found behind the yellow eyes now searching the shadows for something... Something to kill. As Terrance remains normally shifted. He quickly goes towards Devin checking on her as she is still transforming. While Scott leaves the gym completely.

"Devin..Devin can you hear me." Terrance rasps out from behind his fangs.

"Hurts....bad.....blood....O negative...." Devin gets out in between gasps and screeches.

"Blood?" Terrance says puzzlingly. 

Before she could speak, Devin releases a roar louder than the Alpha's as her eyes go completely white. Her body turning gaunt to the point of emaciation, as  desiccated skin is pulled tightly over her bones. The noise of them snapping and rebuilding echoing through the gym,as her bones push out against her skin, her complexion turning the color of ash-gray of death, and her eyes pushing back deep into her sockets, as her body grows taller and slimmer. Devin was unrecognizable and looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave.She had transformed, not into a werewolf....but something even worse...she had transformed into a true Wendigo form. The transformation had caused Terrance to back up, as he heard his best friend cry and scream in pain as she changed. So when he looked back and saw her as a Wendigo he was scared.

Terrance tried to approach Devin, but he could tell she wasn't fully there. He could tell that the Wendigo was in control. As it pried opened the bleachers and went under them. It grabbed the janitor's body, throwing it into the center of the gym, landing next to Terrance as it made a sickening plop sound. The bleachers then closed shut loudly as the Wendigo dashed towards the body and began eating it.

"Devin..DEVIN STOP!" Terrance yelled in horror as he saw the Wendigo devour the body.

It didn't miss a thing, as it tore through the body. Eating every piece of flesh, muscle, tendon and organ. The Wendigo didn't even make a mess with the blood, as it licked it up after finishing with the Janitor's body. It was covered in his blood after its feast, only leaving the Janitor's bones on the floor neatly cleaned.. It turned to Terrance stalking closer to him.

"DEVIN." Terrance roared.

As Terrance backed up. The Wendigo cocked its head to the side listening.

"Devin...Come on...You know this isn't you! Come back to me." Terrance yelled.

Terrance stepped back again as he tried to plead with the Wendigo. While in the second floor corridor--A shadow falls across the floor. Scott steps back into the corridor. Head turned down, his approach is slow and deliberate, eyes glaring up with a murderous stare. In the chemistry classroom--

"No. I'm fine, like seriously- I'm okay." Jackson says.

"That didn't sound okay at all." Allison said.

"What's on the back of your neck." Stiles says, looking at Jackson's neck.

"I said I'm fine!" Jackson says irritably.

"It's been there for days. He won't tell me what happened." Lydia said.

"As if you actually care." Jackson snaps.

Stiles steps in between Lydia and Jackson.

"Can we not argue for half a second here?" Stiles asks.

"Where're the others? They should be back by now." Allison says.

Allison doesn't see the silhouette moving in front of the door-- Just outside, Scott approaches the door, he had grabbed the Janitor's key after Devin dropped it. He fits the Janitor's master key into the lock while his other clawed hand comes up. His breath is ragged, almost strangled by low growls rising from the back of his throat. Chest heaving with each gasp, eyes squeezing shut as if trying to hold the monster at bay-- Scott snaps the key off in the lock. Back in the gym-- Terrance stares up as the Wendigo contours it's body and crouches near him

"Devin come on..I know you're in there...please come back.." Terrance said.

The Wendigo gets in his face as it inhales his scent.

"Come back please...think about Avery! About Stiles.. About your Uncle Noah. Just think...Remember them Devin please. What would they think if they saw you like this!" Terrance said.

That seemed to do the trick, as the Wendigo backed away stumbling over themselves. Clutching at their antlers and head. Screeching in absolute terror and agony.  As memories of their family flash through their mind. The Wendigo falls to its knees, shaking the floor and making a loud cracking noise. The thing seems to transform back right in front of Terrance's eyes. It had transformed back into Devin, her shirt and mouth covered in blood as her eyes went back to their normal gray color. Terrance then rushes over to Devin as she curled in on herself and began shaking.

"Devin....Devin, Hey you're okay. You're safe." Terrace said, trying to reassure and comfort her.

"I.....I ate--.. I ate the....Janitor." Devin gets out in between each harsh breath.

"Hey...No..No. It's okay, we'll figure something out. But....that wasn't your fault. You...You couldn't control it. The Alpha made you go like that." Terrance said as he pulled her closer and held her. Trying to stop Devin shaking.

"I....i didn't want to eat him.....but i....i felt hungry. And he.....his blood smelt so good....Terrance...i didn't wanna do it.... I'm.....I'm scared... Terrance...i..i can't--" Devin says, her voice small and trembling as she stops herself.

" none of that. Like I said it wasn't your fault. And I know you're scared....i'm...i'm scared too. But Devin...we gotta do something quick. Scott left....and i think people are coming. And you're covered in his blood...--" Terrance says, but stops as he smells the air.

"Wait--It doesn't smell like his blood anymore.. It smells like--" Terrance says, stopping.

"My blood....Why does it smell like my blood." Devin asks frantically.

"Maybe...Maybe it's one of your powers. Whatever you eat..your prey's blood turns to yours." Terrance says, trying to make it sound believable.

Devin nods along with the idea. While back upstairs in the chemistry classroom--Allison sees a silhouetted face at the door.

"Scott?" Allison said.

Allison hurries for the door. Grabbing the knob, she twists but is unable to open it. She looks out, seeing only the back of Scott's head.

"Scott? What are you doing?" Allison says.

Head still turned, Scott starts to move. Walking away from her.

"Where's he going?" Lydia asks.

"Scott!" Allison yells.

Allison pounds on the door, yanking at the knob, shouting Scott's name until finally Lydia's voice cries out over hers.

"Stop, stop! Do you hear that? Listen." Lydia says.

Sirens. All four of them rush the windows to look out on-- The school parking lot - where Deputy Sheriff cars race in, red and blue lights whirling into the darkness. In the hallway--As the Sirens grow louder and louder, Scott slumps down to the floor, shaking, forehead beaded with sweat... But normal once again. While in the gym-- Terrance had used his claws and slashed at Devin's stomach. She cried in pain, but it was a part of their plan, as to make it less suspicious with Devin covered in blood. She had stopped her healing and Terrance had retracted his claws, putting his hand against the wound to try and stop the bleeding. As the gym doors opened--

The parking lot of the school comes into view now--Amid a flurry of police activity in the school parking lot, Sheriff Stilinski talks with Scott and Stiles.

"You're sure it was Derek Hale?" Noah asks.

Scott nods. Noah turns to Stiles for confirmation

"I saw him too." Stiles said. 

"What about the janitor?" Scott asked.

"We're still looking for him. All they found was bones." Noah says.

"Bones? Are you sure..Did they look under the bleachers?" Scott asked.

"They said there was nothing there, Scott. They pulled out the bleachers just like you asked. I wasn't allowed in there for some reason." Noah said.

"I'm not making this up." Scott said.

"And I believe you. I do." Noah said.

"No, you don't. You have that look. Like you feel bad for me. Like you want to believe me. But I know you don't." Scott said.

"I hear you. And we're going to look over the whole school, I promise." Noah says.

"Wait- they wouldn't let you in the gym." Stiles said.

"Yeah they wouldn't and they wouldn't tell me why." Noah said.

"Wait...Scott you're the only one who returned upstairs. Where is Devin and Terrance?" Stiles asked, now realizing his cousin and her best friend weren't out in the parking lot with them.

Before Scott could reply he is interrupted when a cry comes from the front doors of the school. The three of their heads snap to the door. As Devin is carried out by  Deputy with Terrance following behind. As a voice calls out.

"Sheriff! Sheriff, we need you here." The Deputy calls out.

"Devin-" Stiles and Scott said.

"Move! MOVE!" Noah says as he rushes over to the Deputy caring his niece.

Scott and Stiles follow Noah over to where the Deputy brought Devin. The Deputy had set her down on a gurney at the second ambulance. The paramedics then started working on her quickly. Terrance hovering close by.

"What happened?" Noah asked, concerned.

"I don't know...I found the two in the corner of the gym." The Deputy said.

"Sixteen year old female, born intersex. Deep laceration to her abdomen and chest." The paramedic could be heard saying as they worked on Devin.

Noah then looked over towards Terrance, as he made his way to him. Scott and Stiles had drifted off somewhere.

"Terrance, son. What happened to my niece?" Noah asks.

"It..It happened so fast. We were in the Gym after Scott left. Devin had dropped something. And......i didn't mean to lose focus. But she pushed me out the way....and he attacked her. He fucking stabbed her...." Terrance said, frantically.

"Okay, Okay Son..Who stabbed her?" Noah asked.

"Derek....Derek  Hale." Terrance says grimly.

The EMT's then tell Noah that Devin needs to be transported to the hospital. So he sends Terrance to go with her. The doors to the ambulance close and it drives away. While somewhere back near the front of the school steps-Stiles turns to Scott.

"We survived, dude. We outlasted the Alpha. That's still good, right? Being alive?" Stiles asked.

Scott shakes his head, sitting down on the school steps.

"We were in the Chemistry room and it walked right by us. You don't think it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Scott says.

"Then why are we still alive?" Stiles asked.

"Because it wants us in its pack. But I think first we have to get rid of our old pack." Scott said.

"What? What old pack?" Stiles asked.

"You. Allison. Jackson and Lydia. Same goes for Terrance and the Twins." Scott said.

"The Alpha doesn't want to kill us..." Stiles says realizing.

"He wants us to do it." Scott said.

And for once, Stiles doesn't know how to respond.

"That's not the worst part." Scott says. 

"How the holy hell is that not the worst part?" Stiles said.

Because when he made me shift... I wanted to do it. Terrance fought his urge to kill. And Devin....She... I don't know exactly but, all I know is I wanted to kill you. All of you." Scott said.

As the words sink in on Stiles, Scott glances past him. A look of shock comes to his face. Stiles follows Scott past officers and crime scene technicians to the other ambulance where someone is being checked out by an EMT. Deaton looks up.

"There you are." Deaton says.

"How.. How did you..." Scott says.

"Get out? Not easily. And from what they've been telling me, I'm alive because of you and Terrance. I think I owe you both a raise." Deaton said.

Noah approaches, gently pressing Scott back.

"We'll let you talk to him later. Give the EMT's a chance to check him out." Noah says, as he gives them a look.

Scott steps back with Stiles, both still looking at Deaton. But his attention is grabbed by someone else hurrying between police cars.

"Allison?" Scott calls out.

Allison glances back to see him hurrying toward her.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks.

"My dad's on his way." Allison nodded.

"Do you need me to do anything? Want me to come back with you--" Scott starts but is cut off.

"No, I don't." Allison says, the words come quickly.

"Okay..." Scott said.

"And I also don't know what happened to you in there. I don't know what you were thinking. Maybe you weren't. But right now... I don't feel like I trust you." Allison says.

"I can explain." Scott said. 

"I don't care--" Allison starts. 

"Okay. Don't say anything else. Please. Just don't say anything yet." Scott says.

"Scott--" Allison tries to say.

"Stop. Please. Don't say anything. Stiles's Dad is taking me home. I gotta' make sure my Mom isn't freaking out. And then I'm going to get a new phone first thing in the morning--" Scott rambles.

"Scott--" Allison tries to say again.

"I'll get a new phone and I'll give you a call--" Scott says quickly. 

"Don't." Allison said.

Scott opens his mouth to speak, but the response won't come. Just a short, agonized breath. Almost like a gasp of pain in anticipation of the words he knows are coming...

"Don't call. Just don't." Allison says.

And Allison turns. Walking away from Scott. Leaving him alone under the flashing red and blue police lights.

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