Stay Home (Machine-gun-kelly)

By Katiekate912

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2020 the year the world shut down. now the question is? are you immune? More



140 8 0
By Katiekate912

Lilly POV

I sat on the couch in front of the fireplace. After my little episode Toby wouldn't leave my side. I tried to tell him I was okay but he was persistent. Colson sat down by my feet, looking through his phone, Toby sat across from me.

"You hungry"? Toby asked.

I shook my head.

"Thirsty"? He added.

I shook my head. I didn't want anything, I was cozy and fine where I was. When Toby got up Colson grabbed my legs and put them on his lap, then covered them with the blanket. He started to rub my feet and I was in heaven.

"All I found was some canned soup. I'll put it on the stove". Toby smiled as he walked back into the kitchen.

"You okay"? Colson whispered.

I turned to him and gave him a smile. I was fine, I felt better. "Yes".

When Toby walked in he handed me a bowl and I sighed. "I said I wasn't hungry, now this is just a waste".

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well once Ned comes home he's going to wonder what happened. At least I can say I fed you". He grumbled and sat down on the recliner.

"Who is in room 2319"? I asked changing the subject.

Colson shrugged his shoulders. He wouldn't know, he doesn't live here.

"Rosey Traill. She's maybe 72"? Toby sighed. "Why"?

"She was the exposure alert. That's why the alarms went off". After Ned walked in and slammed the door we got quiet.

"What happened"? Toby asked, causing Colson to take my legs off of him.

"There were four more deaths in this apartment complex. People are dying from this and everyone who doesn't have it could care less. Miss Rosey was one of the ones who died and someone is already moving in. Nobody disinfected the apartment yet. It's only going to lead to another death and Mitch doesnt care at all". Ned spoke and sat next to me.

"Why are you wet"? He asked.

Toby started to talk but I stopped him. "Oh Toby and I had a fight. We sprayed water on eachother". I lied.

Ned turned to Toby and sighed. "Why can't you two leave eachother alone."  He groaned.

I got up and moved so he could lay down. I grabbed the non wet blanket and covered him up.

"How was your day"? He asked me.

I paused. I needed to keep the lie going.

"Oh fine. I read my book, had some tea". I smiled.

"Well, I need some sleep. Can you guys keep the fighting to the minimum"? He asked and I kissed his forehead.

I was pulled by the arm around the corner to Toby and Colson.

"Why didn't you tell him? Were supposed to keep track of the panic attacks". He said and lightly pushed me.

"I didn't tell him because he came in stressed. Why add on to it"? I whispered.

"I don't care. You need to tell him. I marked it for 7 minutes. Anymore then that you need to buy the new medication".

"I'm not buying eighty dollars worth of medicine every month, we barely have a cent as it is". I spoke and walked into my room, they followed.

"I have savings. I'll buy the first three months, you can cover the rest working down at the dock or something downtown". He spoke.

Colson paced the floor as he scratches his neck.

"They don't have a cheaper option"? Colson asked.

I shook my head. Even before the pandemic my money wasn't good enough. I couldn't afford it then and I can't afford it now. I sat on my bed as Toby sighed and walked out of my room. I glance up to Colson and he sat next to me.

"I can help you. Just let me know". He spoke and got up and walked out.

Help me? How?


Three days since my episode and so far I was okay. I got to leave the house today and go pick up supplies, only because Mitch is allowing us. I sat in line and waited, my mask up above my nose, my gloves on and my sunglasses coving my eyes.

"Lilly, hi"! I heard someone say. I turned around to see Leo. His bright green eyes shimmered in the light as he pulled his mask down showing his pearly whites.

"Hi Leo". I nodded and handed my papers to one of the guards.

"How are you? I haven't seen you". He asked and handed me my bags.

"I'm okay. Just trying to live life". I joked.

Leo was always a friend to me. Even though we barely talked.

"Well, if you aren't doing anything tomorrow night I'm planning on going into the city to see the fireworks for the winter party, if you wanna come with me". He smiled.

I dreaded things like this. How do I let him down slowly?

"Oh. Fireworks. I'm not sure". I said and started to walk, as he followed.

"Cmon, it's just fireworks. I'll pay". He said again, this time keeping pace.

"Can I let you know? Toby and I usually watch them together". I lied. Toby and I do nothing together.

"Oh. He said he was coming so thats perfect. Just tag along".

Now he was just being annoying. Sweet, but bitter.

"I'm okay. Thanks for telling me though".

I went to walk off but he grabbed my bags, pulling me to him. "I'm trying to be nice". He whispered, trying to laugh it all off. I wasn't laughing.

"Please let go of my things". I whispered back and he didn't comprehend.

"Just say yes. You don't do anything anyhow". He smirked.

That didn't sit right with me.

"And that's my business. I said no Leo". This time pulling my bag from his grip.

"You're just a tease. It's pathetic". He said, stepping closer to me.

Don't think that just because im five foot five that I can't stand up for myself. News flash, I'm not considered 'short'.

"Quit bothering me." Why start something that he couldn't finish anyhow.

"I'll stop bothering you all right. Right after you tell me what's in it for me princess". At this point two other guards came over, antagonizing more of what Leo was doing.

"Is this that girl you told us about"? The one asked. He was a bit taller, black long hair and brown eyes.

"No fucking way. It's what's his faces sister". The other tall blonde spoke."I was told to leave you alone". He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and turned away but they stood infront of me again.

"Come hang out with us. You know you want to". One whispered, grabbing my hand.

"Please stop". I begged, they weren't letting up.

"How about I carry those home for you. You can give me a nice tip". The long haired one said and pinched my ass.

"Oh there you are". Someone said from behind us.

Colson had a smile on his face when his eyes met mine, but dropped when he looked at the others.

"How about you go home Baker. Nobody needs their supplies from you today". Leo smirked akd wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I actually came to gather up my date here. We're actually running late. If you don't mind". Colson said walking up to all three men.

He was super tall.

"No problem man. She's all yours". The blonde spoke, shaking colsons hand and let go of my arm.

Leo pushed me into Colsons chest, his arms wrapping around me instantly.

"Fucking tease". He mumbled and walked off with the other men.

I turned to look up at Colson as he kept his stance on the others, then quickly dragging me with him down the small allyway next to the old train station.

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