Origin Of Legends: Wolves Of...

By Ronin141

219 70 15

In the world of Garrvon the human, dwarven and elven kingdoms have always had troubled histories regarding ea... More

Chapter 1: The Third Son
Chapter 2: Plan & History
Chapter 4: The Elven Assassin
Chapter 5: Arrival at Fort Graken
Chapter 6: Into The Woods
Chapter 7: Deadly Ritual
Chapter 8: Battle For Fort Graken I
Chapter 9: Battle of Fort Graken II
Chapter 10: Recovery & Plan
Chapter 11: The Dragonborn
Chapter 12: The Dream & Camp

Chapter 3: The Blackbolt

23 6 7
By Ronin141

767 AHSA (after hell spawn arrival)
5th of Dettris
Dwarven Kingdom Coarrolon

In the capital of Coarrolon, named Dagaolt are it's dwarven citizens dressed in a variety of clothing appropriate of their social standing. One in particular named Durgon is dressed in leather armor with a long sleeve tunic underneath and trousers in brown, black, and grey colors.

a sophisticated crossbow is sling across his back as he's leaning against a wall watching his fellow dwarves walking past. His blonde hair is short in length but styled with a mohawk that's tied into a braid as some markings are on the sides of his shaved head.

His beard is as expected the thing that stands out. It's long enough to meet the standards but not enough to be a hassle. It's braided three times on each side with the middle being braided as well.

He gazes around with his brown eyes when his fellow dwarven rogue exits the shop. He is of a somewhat darker skin tone and darker hair with longer hair and a beard similar enough.

"Bout time Fenko, what you do? Screw the shopkeeper like a bitch in heat?" Durgon questions both bluntly and judgingly while adjusting his fingerless gloves beneath his leather bracers.

"Heh no but I certainly wouldn't regret it if I did, for a shopkeeper? She gets me all bothered below the waist." Fenko states perverted like.

Durgon shakes his head judgingly regretting the fact he has to be partners with Fenko, but it's not his choice.

"Enough of this, you ready to go see Abastion?" Durgon asks getting on the relevant topic.

"I'm never ready to see Abastion but we don't really have a choice in the matter." Fenko retorts nervously.

Durgon can't blame Fenko, Abastion is a ruthless bastard even by dwarven standards but he's heavily associated with the noble families often lining up beneficial marriages for both sides and himself so most turn a blind eye to his actions.

The two dwarves walk through Dagaolt past various shops and establishments. One of which they enter seeing a bald dwarf with a somewhat scarred face with a beard that's mostly braided in the middle.

"Ah my two favorite lowlifes, bout time you've arrived, was beginning to think you tucked tail and ran." Abastion states mockingly but both Fenko and Durgon ignore the insult.

"What's the job Abastion?" Durgon asks wanting to get this out of the way as it's always a dreadful piece of work.

Abastion scoffs to himself but decides not to dilly dally.

"You got two jobs in fact, first head to the Emerald tavern, a client has been usually late on his fees and has been acting strangely of late... The second one is a bodyguard job, a small but nice noble family by the name of Braska is worried their precious little daughter will be targeted while she's off to find a suitor."

"Sounds simple enough, we'll get it done." Durgon states assuredly which Abastion likes to hear.

"But fair warning, screw this up? And you'll be gargoyle food." Abastion threatens.

This greatly annoys Durgon but he simply tells Fenko to come along which he does.

"Smug stout fucker can go fuck himself with a stone cock for all I care." Durgon growls out irritably earning a chuckle from Fenko.

Fenko does get it though, they both have dealt with Abastion for many long and painful years but if it wasn't for him? They'd just be a bunch of orphans which is the worst fate for a dwarf.

"Emerald tavern just up ahead, how do you wanna handle this?" Fenko questions curiously.

"You talk to him, I'll put Blackbolt to him if he needs it." Durgon states rather harshly, as is the way of many dwarven mercenaries in the Kingdom Of The dwarves.

Fenko is agreement as they enter the tavern separately under the impression that two well armed dwarves entering together would arouse unnecessary attention.

Fenko walks around the tavern searching for their target while Durgon watches from afar. Fenko eventually finds a beardless dwarf recognizing the fellow as their target.

"Hello Teskee, got a minute?" Fenko asks sitting across from Teskee who's eyes widen recognizing Fenko as one of Abastion's men.

Teskee gets up to run but a bolt pierces his shoulder pinning him into the chair thanks to Durgon and his crossbow. Durgon pulls back on a lever causing the crossbow to self load a bolt, a perfect example of dwarven engineering.

"Not soo fast Teskee, we gotta talk after all." Fenko points out with a smirk as Durgon approaches the table with Blackbolt resting on his shoulder.

Teskee sighs sweating nervously with Durgon resting his finger on the trigger of Blackbolt.

"If this is about me not paying? I assure it's not on purpose, I'll pay! It's just... Taking longer than I'd like." Teskee expresses but Durgon and Fenko exchange glances.

"Why?" Fenko questions as Teskee sighs placing a satchel on the table motioning for Fenko to open it.

Durgon motions Fenko to do so. Fenko sighs opening the satchel as his eyes furrow in confusion seeing some glowing metallic like stones.

"Bergallia's tits, Durgon these are Magius stones... A single one's worth a fortune, this turtle fucker has five of them on him." Fenko states as Durgon looks in surprise holding one of the Magius stones.

Durgon is rarely surprised but this? Warrants such a reaction.

"How the hell did you get your hands on these? Such things are quickly sold into royal markets by the mining business." Durgon points out wanting an explanation.

"I uh... I got a friend who stole those for me, I wasn't gonna be able to pay before but I assure you, I'll pay once I sell these stones." Teskee expresses but Durgon and Fenko tell him there's no time for him to sell them. "But... Here take two and tell Abastion this is my payment, I'll keep the rest to myself to sell.

Durgon hums lowly as he swiftly pulls out the bolt from Teskee's shoulder who holds it in pain.

"Works for me." Durgon says taking his leave with two Magius stones in his grasp with Fenko following him out. "Here, head on back to Abastion and give him these to him, I'll meet you at the Braska estate."

The two go their separate ways as Durgon preps to meet with the nobles as he definitely doesn't care for the higher class that much. Especially since he remembers being spat on nobles as an orphan.

Durgon arrives at the estate and decides to wait for Fenko as he'd rather not tolerate the nobles by himself. He feels Fenko lightly hit his shoulder.

"Did you have to leave me to Abastion? Caught him in the middle of... Well... My point is I hate talking to him." Fenko complains.

Durgon looks over replying that he doesn't like talking to Abastion either, arguably more than him. Their attention is gained when a dwarf in heavy plated armor approaches the gate of the estate.

"Oi, state your business." He says having been watching the Durgon for a good while.

"We're here under Abastion's orders, to act as bodyguards to the Braska girl looking for a suitor." Durgon replies slipping the document through the gate.

The guard scoffs taking the document ripping it open and reads it to himself with little enthusiasm.

"Ugh very well, mind your attitudes marked ones, otherwise we'll gut you where you stand." The guard threatens bitterly and opens the gate.

Durgon and Fenko follow the guard into the Braska estate which just screams noble with all the fancy paintings, silk curtains and excellently windows.

Durgon and Fenko walk up the stairs earning some glares from the high borns no doubt. One even spits in their direction.

"Hmph, if we did that? We'd have every violation done upon us." Fenko whispers with clear distain for this.

"You know how it is with nobles, gotta have that double standard." Durgon replies but they stop seeing the guard stop before a door which he knocks upon.

The door opens up thanks to an older dwarf with quite the beard putting Durgon and Fenko's to shame.

"Lord Warrlin, forgive me for intruding but Abastion's men arrived just now." The guard says respectfully bowing formally.

Warrlin looks towards Durgon and Fenko who do their best bow, they never were taught proper greetings for the nobles.

"Durgon Blackbolt and Fenko Fasthands, I hear you're Abastion's best men and I hope to Bergallia it's true. This is my daughter we're talking about."

Durgon and Fenko nod understanding telling him they'll do what they're paid to do.

"Father all this protection is unnecessary, the house guard and a blade at my hip will suffice." Warrlin's daughter says.

Durgon gets a good look at the daughter named Dyana with is very pretty with her orangish hair and striking green eyes.

"My dear Dyana, it's good to your confidence unwavering but we must take precautions." Warrlin replies.

Durgon and Fenko remain silent as one wrong word can get them killed.

"Well seeing as they're here, we may as well get this started." Dyana states with her guards assembling.

Durgon can tell that they're ready to die if it means protecting Dyana, but he notices Dyana looking his way.

"Is something the matter lady Dyana?" Durgon cautiously asks.

Dyana stares Durgon up and down eventually diverting to the crossbow.

"Nice crossbow." Dyana compliments walking past Durgon.

Durgon and Fenko exchange glances and shrugs as two follow closely behind with lady Dyana being escorted by her guards.

Durgon keeps a lookout finding some curious eyes looking on but look away once Durgon locks eyes with them. He finds himself keeping pace with Dyana unintentionally.

"So I'm aware folk like you take on your own surnames, usually ones that describe you in some way like your partner's being Fasthands, but why Blackbolt?" Dyana asks curiously.

Durgon glances towards Dyana perplexed by her curiosity as surely she has better things to do than asking questions about him.

"It's nothing special Lady Braska with no real meaning or reason behind it... Blackbolt is also my crossbow... It just felt fitting." Durgon replies as respectfully as possible not willing to risk to if she's an uptight noble.

Dyana hums to herself as the reply is nothing special but something is keeping her curious about Durgon as something about him makes him different from other marked ones like him.

Dyana's escorts stop as the meeting point of her first suitor is straight ahead and waiting. Two guards go with Dyana and into the building with her suitor and some guards of his own.

Durgon leans against a wall with Fenko kneeling down with his hands interlocked. Fenko's eyes catch a rather curious dwarf with greyish hair a dark colored beard with shades of grey in it, walking and talking with one of the nobles.

"Hey Durgon, you recognize that burly dwarf with the greataxe?" Fenko questions though Durgon can sense that Fenko already knows so he doesn't bother asking. "Ugh... That is Dwarven Wolf Commander Zaiken, he leads the dwarven aspect of the Wolves."

Durgon hums hearing this though with little interest for the topic as he never found much of a liking for the Wolves.

Suddenly multiple mobs begin fighting amongst each other. Everyone nearby gets caught into this including Durgon, Fenko and lady Dyana's guards.

Durgon and Fenko barely managed to slip away from this though Durgon's mind runs finding it odd how the mob conveniently started fighting as soon as Dyana was away.

Durgon without hesitation rushes into the building without Fenko finding two of Dyana's guards dead. Durgon follows the sound of commotion finding Dyana on the ground as her dress is ripped in various places.

Recognizing what Dyana's suitor and the guards are trying to do to poor Dyana. Durgon quickly draws Blackbolt releasing two quick shots at the guards hitting one in the gut and the other in the knee.

Both guards collapse as Dyana's suitor shoots up as Durgon shoots two bolts in both shoulders knocking the suitor back against the wall.

"I am the son of Berris Algo! You dare-" the brat tries exclaiming but screams out from Durgon shooting in both knee caps.

Durgon glares menacingly at the brat as he sees flashes of a woman he looked up being forced into the very situation Dyana was about to find herself in.

Durgon shoves the brat to the floor taking aim at his manhood and shooting a bolt into this area. The brat flails around in pain while Durgon reloads Blackbolt pulling back on a charging handle but he turns to Dyana who appears to be lost in trauma.

"It's alright milady, you're safe now." Durgon states soothingly while offering his hand.

Dyana accepts his help as he lifts her up bridal style and walks. Durgon tells Fenko and the guards that this was a trap and that they should return to the Braska estate.

Dyana though is looking up at Durgon enamored with him feeling his firm but gently grip on her. Zaiken meanwhile is helping clear out the mob.

It doesn't take long for Durgon and everyone to arrive at the estate with everyone asking what's going on. Durgon tells some the servants to help Dyana to her room.

Lord Braska arrives silencing everybody as he demands someone explain to him what happened and what is the meaning of the commotion.

Durgon reluctantly steps forward kneeling hoping the Lord will believe him.

"As soon as your daughter met with her first suitor, Algo's son, two mobs broke out into a brawl... I rushed inside to check on the lady to see her moments away from being raped... I stopped it." Durgon admits but decides to add to it. "If you don't believe me? Look towards your daughter, that'll give you the answer you need."

Lord Braska huffs and approaches his daughter asking her if this is true. Dyana nods with no hesitation.

"Well... You have my eternal thanks marked one, but seeing as how you likely attacked and wounded Algo's son and his guards? House Algo will want your head, a marked one attacking a noble is a death sentence..."

Durgon looks down understanding what he's implying, a choice... He can stay and be punished for his good deed or leave the city and take his chances on the road, he certainly can't rely on Abastion to protect him as not even Abastion has that kind of pull to defy the law in instances like this.

"Then I suppose I should leave as soon as possible." Durgon replies turning around to leave.

"Wait... Can I talk to you for a moment?" Dyana asks as Durgon looks to her and nods following her into her room.

Durgon looks at Dyana seeing her traumatized gaze as she sits on the bed and looks towards Durgon motioning him to approach which he does.

"I... Thank you for saving me, even though it partly means you can't stay here." Dyana expresses gratefully.

"There's no need to thank me milady, you were in trouble and... I was there." Durgon states but can see Dyana fiddling with her hands nervously.

Durgon raises his brow seeing her nervous mentally questioning why she's soon nervous.

"It's not fair to you though, you saved me and are practically forced to leave... You should be compensated." Dyana states standing herself up and is next to him.

Durgon is confused but becomes even more confused once Dyana places lips onto his. Durgon's mind races as he wraps his arms around Dyana's waist as the two kiss longer than a kiss should last.

The two separate looking into each other's eyes.

"I... That was very nice... Shame you won't be staying, otherwise I'd give you something more." Dyana says with Durgon catching on with what she's referring to.

He himself feels strange when it comes to Dyana, mainly cause of how different they are.

"I'd like that but... I shouldn't stay longer than I have to." Durgon expresses with disappointment backing away from Dyana.

"If you happen to be in the area once things calm down? You could visit me." Dyana offers with a smile while grabbing Durgon's hands.

Durgon's mind races as he didn't expect to feel such a way towards a noble lady, a woman he can't even be involved with normally.

"If that happens? I'll write a very specific letter." Durgon replies completely falling for Dyana which he heavily debates in his mind.

Dyana kisses him once again which he returns though it doesn't last nearly as long. Durgon eventually takes his leave with Fenko who is debating what to say.

"Listen... It's best if we go our separate ways." Durgon states as Fenko nods though he wants to say something.

"Yeah uh... Good idea... I'll try to keep Abastion off your-"

"Don't... You do that and that'll confirm Abastion's suspicions and get you killed... Just focus on yourself." Durgon orders as he sighs heavily. "It was nice knowing ya Fenko, but try to behave yourself alright?"

Fenko is silent seeing Durgon take his leave who lifts up his hood knowing getting out Dagaolt will be difficult aware that Abastion has men across the capital.


It is currently dark in the capital minus some torches lighting the streets. A hooded Durgon is moving the lit streets with a backpack holding some of his belongings vital to him.

Blackbolt is slung across Durgon's back as he's hoping to not draw attention to himself so he can sneak out of Dagaolt.

Durgon sees the city gates up ahead but to his disappointment also finds a group of thugs whp he knows are in Abastion's pocket.

"Ah the man himself, me and the boys were betting on weather or not you'd take this exit or not." The leader of this group of sons of bitches.

Durgon shakes his head while removing his backpack prepared to pull out Blackbolt.

"Uh-huh? And what do you plan on doing?" Durgon asks indifferently as he has a pretty good idea.

"Tch it doesn't matter, all you need to know is that Abastion wants reparations for the fumble of today's job, those reparations being your life." The thug says as he and his men draw their weapons.

Durgon scoffs saying he figured as much quickly drawing Blackbolt releasing two bolts landing in one thug's head and in another's gut.

Durgon continues releasing bolts while moving as the thugs duck and weave these shots. The leader swings a hand axe towards Durgon's head who lifts Blackbolt blocking the the incoming strike.

Durgon hooks Blackbolt around the thug's neck swinging him around to the ground. Durgon quickly shooting a bolt into another thug's neck who gurgles thanks to the bolt in his throat.

Durgon charges past two thugs violently ripping out the bolt in the thug's neck. He quickly stabs another thug in the eye while shooting Blackbolt one handed which headshots one of the thugs he charged passed earlier.

Durgon throws the thug's corpse into the remaining thugs and quickly slams down a smoke bomb concealing his position as he takes this moment to reload Blackbolt.

"Oh there's the cowardly tactics, I expected better from a fellow dwarf." The leader exclaims in a taunting manner.

The remaining thugs surround the smoke trying to wait it out.

"Come out and face us you fuckin cow-" a thug exclaims but is quickly silenced by a bolt piercing his mouth and out the back of his head.

The thugs exclaim profanities but some are quickly put down by more bolts coming through the smoke. The leader pulls out a bomb and chucks it into the smoke to force Durgon out.

Durgon dives out the smoke while shooting multiple bolts in quick succession. Most of the thugs are killed by this action, Durgon is met with a hand axe being thrown into his shoulder.

Durgon grunts from this when he's struck in the back of his leg via a mace. Durgon looks around seeing more thugs arrive as he tries shooting Blackbolt which is kicked away from him.

"Come on, let's kill this bastard and-" when the thug is suddenly decapitated by a greataxe wielded by Zaiken.

The thugs panicking attack Zaiken but he makes short work of the thugs slicing and cleaving these poor bastards into two till there's nothing but corpses surrounding him.

Durgon powers himself up panting heavily as he genuinely thought he was done for.

"You fought pretty well." Zaiken compliments.

"Wait... You watched that transpire? A little help would've been nice!" Durgon angrily expresses with Zaiken chuckles to himself setting his greataxe against the ground.

"I wanted to see how well you could fight and you did so pretty well for an archer, especially against multiple opponents... You make for a pretty worthy recruit." Zaiken states bluntly.

Durgon scoffs while grabbing Blackbolt and his backpack.

"I've no interest in joining your little order, I'm grateful for you saving me and all but-"

"Well that's unfortunate cause I hereby invoke the right to conscript you into the wolves, you can either join willingly or I kill you here and now." Zaiken states tightening the grip on his greataxe.

Durgon looks in disbelief as he wants nothing to do with the wolves, especially with it being forced but he does not wanna face Zaiken after seeing him cut through multiple men easily and he knows members of the wolves are great warriors.

"Ugh... Very well." Durgon reluctantly agrees but he hopes to find an opportunity to run eventually.

"Excellent we'll ride for Fort Graken but just so you know, you try escaping or killing me? You'll spend the rest of your days running from the Wolves and they'll drag you back to kill you or be a member, being a part of the wolves is an obligation not a punishment." Zaiken sternly states.

Durgon scoffs to himself but keeps his tongue to himself knowing he doesn't have a choice no more.

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