Camp Pack (Vikklan,Merome,Poo...

By _Little_Lion_Man_

33.3K 1K 610


Chapter One : The Arrival
Chapter Two: Tears
Chapter Three : A Wake Up Call
Chapter Four : The Office
Chapter Five : A Crush
Chapter Six : Admitting
Chapter Seven : The Showers (Smutty)
Chapter Eight : Away
Chapter Ten : Cute
Epilogue (Sorry!)

Chapter Nine : The End Of All Things

2.4K 80 52
By _Little_Lion_Man_

-x-Outside of the camp-x-

Phil hit Vikk in the head, "Goddammit you faggot!" He hissed, kicking Vikk in the leg. "Phil! Lets not do this in public!" Melissa warned, opening the car door. "Fine." He growled, shoving Vikk into the car. "Heres your phone." Melissa handed Vikk his iPhone. Vikk typed in Lachlans number, and texted him. He probably had his phone by now.

Vikk: Hey, its Vikk

Lachlan: Hey babe! How is it so far?

Vikk: Not too shabby.

Once they got home, Vikk got out of the car and looked at his house he hadn't seen in a few days. "Get in the house," Phil demanded. Vikk nodded and ran into the house, running up to his room and texting Lachlan again.

Vikk: Just got home babe. I think they are about to beat me..

Lachlan: Stay safe love! Text me your address if you need me

Vikk :Love you xxx

Lachlan: Love you too xxxxxx You know what xxx is right? haha

Vikk blushed at his phone. Phil stomped into Vikk's bedroom, a bat in hand. He walked up to Vikk with a smirk. "We told you to not fall in love with some faggot like you," Phil hissed. Vikk gulped and sunk into his bed, "Dad, you can't change-" "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!"He yelled, letting the bat connect with Vikk's stomach. Vikk yelped and winced in pain, closing his eyes. "We warned you Vikkram. This isn't over." And with that, Phil hit Vikk again, but this time in the legs. He picked up Vikk by his shirt and threw him down on the floor, on his stomach. He hit Vikk in the neck, and in the back. Vikk screamed in pain, rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. "Prick." Phil muttered, dropping the bat.

"I HATE YOU!" Vikk yelled angrily, finally tired of his parents actions. "I.FUCKING.HATE.YOU!" He shouted, tears spilling from his eyes. Phil smirked in the doorway, watching Vikk become angry. Phil walked off, as Vikk sobbed quietly.

He got up, groaning from pain shooting up his back and neck. He sat down on his bed, grabbing his phone and opening the camera app. He took off his shirt, revealing new bruises along his stomach. He looked at his neck, and it was heavily bruised, purple and blue on his neck.

He texted Lachlan.

Vikk: Lachlan.

Lachlan: Yes, Vikky?

Vikk: They-he hurt me again

Lachlan: Can I see

Vikk sighed, taking pictures of the bruises on his stomach, neck, and back.

-x-Lachlans household-x-

Lachlan gasped at the photos Vikk sent him. Tears stung his eyes, as he texted back.

Lachlan: Address, now.

Vikk: Lachlan no

Lachlan: Goddammit tell me! I cant let you get fucking hurt Vikk!

Vikk willingly typed in the address nervously.

Lachlan: Ill be there soon love


Lachlan basically pounded on Vikk's front door. Vikk opened the door slowly, smiling to reveal his lovely boyfriend Lachlan.

Phil ruined the moment, and shoved Vikk aside, starting to hit Lachlan. Luckily, Lachlan's parents were in the car and called 9-1-1

Lachlan threw a punch at Phil, hitting him right in the jaw. Phil fell backwards, almost falling onto Vikk. Lachlan bent down,"Never. Fucking.Hurt.My.Boyfriend.AGAIN." He growled in Phil's ear. Phil smirked as police sirens were heard from outside. "I never want to see you again." Lachlan said to Phil. "And I hope you die in hell." Phil replied as officers took him to a police car. Melissa was found and arrested also.

"He can stay with us," Lachlan's mom suggested. "Thank you, Mrs Power but I don't want to be a bot-" "Honey, you are always welcome at our house. Consider yourself part of the family, Lachlan's lover." Mrs. Power smiled. Vikk nodded, "Are we going back to camp?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. I explained to Mr.Dahlberg (Adam) that you needed to return."

Omg plz dont hurt me! End of chapter! You had to know Vikk was getting hurt sometime. Anyway, I kinda feel like writing more smut..Your opinions?

Love ya long time. -Ender/danie

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