Wildfire | Evan Buckley

By UltaRoseMoon

694 21 0

"Wildfire, My life is wild, while I risk my life to fight fires and save people." (Buck x Fem {OC} ) Started:... More

Cast + Playlist + Information


274 11 0
By UltaRoseMoon

Fresh start
2 x 1

Emilia kept her eyes on the road while Sophia looked out the window. Emilia had gotten full custody of her little sister after both of their parents were killed last year. The two have agreed to start a new life in Los Angeles after Emilia got a position with the fire department, 118.

"You sure..." Sophia said which caught Emilia's attention. "Sure of what?" Emilia questioned as she kept her eyes on the road. "This is a good idea." Sophia said. Emilia hummed. "I'm sure of it, it's a fresh start in a new city." Emilia said. "Maybe you can find someone down here, you are lonely that's for sure." Sophia said which made Emilia's eyes widen then she scoffed at her little sister.

"The right guy hasn't came into my life, I been cautious since..." Emilia said. "You know what, fuck Marcus." Sophia said which made Emilia's eyes widen. "Sophia Isabella Carter!" Emilia exclaimed. "What? you know it's true, that asshole treat you like shit, Emilia and you know it." Sophia snapped.

"Well, you aren't wrong, besides I hope you are ready to make friends here."  Emilia said. "I hope you are as well, you haven't been right since you lost Sarah." Sophia said. Emilia thought back on that horror.

A bullet hit Sarah in the chest which made Emilia gasped as she watched her best friend hit the ground. "SARAH!" Emilia said. Emilia made her way over to her best friend. "Stay with me Sarah." Emilia said as she tried her hardest to stop the bleeding but she was too late when she watch the life slip out of Sarah.

Emilia sighed. "I feel like it's still my fault." Emilia said as she shook her head. "No.. you stop that... Em, it's not your fault." Sophia said sternly to her sister. "I feel like I should've done more." Emilia said. "You did what you could." Sophia said.

Then Emilia pulled into the station, "Holy damn." Sophia said. "What did I tell you about the language." Emilia said sternly. "Yeah, yeah but Em, You are working in this station." Sophia said as she and Emilia hopped out of the truck. Then walked in, they were looking around. "Carter sisters?" They recognized the voice. "Eddie?" Sophia and Emilia questioned with shock. Eddie walked over and hugged Emilia. "I heard, I'm sorry about what you two had to go through." He told her then he pulled away. "I got full custody over her, then I got transferred here, fresh start." Emilia said. Eddie looked at Sophia, "You have grown so much since the last time I saw you." Eddie said and Sophia smiled. "How's Christopher?" Sophia asked. "He's doing well, he'll be pretty excited to hear that you two are here." Eddie said.

"What are you doing here?" Emilia then asked. "I'm also now a part of the 118." Eddie said. "That's cool, first you two went to school together now you'll be fire fighters together, sick!" Sophia exclaimed. "Emilia Carter." She looked up to see Fire fighters. "You must be Captain Bobby Nash, nice to meet you." Emilia said. "Nice to meet you, welcome to the 118." Bobby said. "Thank you, this is my little sister Sophia, she doesn't start school until next week, is it possible she can come with me until then?" Emilia asked. "Not a problem, I see you know Mr. Diaz here." Bobby said. "They went to school together sir, more like grew up together, they have history, good history." Sophia said. "Don't be blinded by my sister, she can be sweet but can also be chaos." Emilia said. "Sounds like Buck, I'm Hen." Hen said and Emilia smiled. She looked in the back. "I take it that's Buck?" Emilia asked. "It is, I'm Chimney." Chimney answered. "May I, Sophia get to know this lovely group." Emilia said. 

Sophia looked at her sister as she saw her walking to Buck. "I'm betting those two will be dating in six months." Sophia said. "Now Sophia..." Eddie said. "Eddie, I want my sister to be happy, ever since Marcus, she's been avoiding that." Sophia said. "Whose Marcus?" Hen asked. "Shitty, abusive ex boyfriend." Sophia replied. "I'm pretty sure your sister doesn't want you to use that language." Chimney said. "I agree with him." Eddie said. "Oh don't start that... but I meant it, my sister deserves the happiness, plus since Sarah, she hasn't made friends." Sophia said. "I heard about that." Eddie said. "What happened to Sarah if I may ask?" Bobby asked. "She was shot, by a sniper, my sister was on duty, she was shot in front of Emilia, Emilia tried to save her but she lost too much blood, Emilia blames herself for that." Sophia said.

Buck became starstruck when the Carter woman approached him. "You must be Buck." Emilia said to him. "You must be Emilia Carter." Buck said. "It's nice to meet you." Emilia said. "Same here."  Buck said. "I heard you are quite a character, if that's the case, then I am used to it. I have full custody of my little sister, she and you, quite similar in characteristics." Emilia said. Before Buck could ask the woman, she knew. "Before you ask, our parents were killed last year, I was the only one who was willing to care for my little sister and I always have, it's just been the two of us. Moving here, I hope good changes come... because we both need it." Emilia said as she looked over at her little sister who was giggling at Hen.

"I'm sorry, but look, if you need anyone to talk to, the both of you. You can always reach out to me." Buck told her. "I really appreciate that." Emilia told him, with a slight smile.

Buck and Emilia walked over to the group. "I see you are getting to know everyone little sis." Emilia said. "Yeah, nice to meet you Buck." Sophia said. "You too." Buck said. Then Emilia noticed tension from Buck, meaning the looks he was giving Eddie. "Buck's not liking the new guy to well." Hen whispered to Emilia. "Eddie?... oh someone's jealous of something." Emilia whispered. "It's about the calendar..." Hen said as she dragged Emilia else where. "Oh you mean that sexist thing that never involves us women?" Emilia said as she threw her hands up. "Yes! See cap, Emilia knows how I feel about that Calendar." Hen said. "Let the best man win, but women should be able to be apart of that calendar because not only we save lives in fires but we're good looking too." Emilia said as she rose a brow.

"I like this one." Hen said as she patted Emilia on the shoulder. "She's another great addition to our team." Bobby said. "She's blunt and to point, like she's always been." Eddie said. "You two know each other?" Buck asked. "We grew up together in Texas, went to high school together, now we're firefighters together now." Eddie said. Eddie looked at Sophia, "You kid, you are going to do great things, like your older sister over there." Eddie added. Sophia smiled.

Then alarm went off, "I'll be fine here, I promise I won't get into any trouble, I got to continue my school work before I start next week." Sophia said. "I mean it, stay out of trouble." Emilia said to her sister.


They were on their way to the repair shop, Emilia sat close to Hen. "So, Sliver star, huh?" Chimney asked Eddie, which Eddie nodded. "Did you save a platoon or something?' Chimney asked again. "No, no, nothing like that, uh just a convoy." Eddie responded. "Eddie uh, you heard about the hot firefighter calendar." Hen asked and Emilia shook her head playfully. "Sorry the what?" Eddie questioned. "It's for Charity." Emilia replied with a smile. Bobby and Hen chuckled at her enthusiasm.

Buck shook his head then looked over to Eddie. "So is your full name 'Eduardo'?" Buck asked. "No." Eddie responded. "People ever call you Diaz?" Buck then asked. "Not if they want me to respond." Eddie answered once more, Emilia silently chuckled, remembering back when they were kids. "My mother did when we we was kids, getting in trouble but being bunch of trouble to my grandmother and her garden." Emilia answered. Eddie chuckled. "Yeah, I... I mean we would always make up to her." Eddie said to Emilia.

"Something's got to give. We got... we got Cap, Hen, Chimney, Buck. Now we have Em, We can't just call you 'Eddie'" Buck said. "Can't tell if he's being serious or not." Eddie said looked over to Hen's and Emilia's direction. "I like to always operate under the assumption that nothing he says is serious." Chimney tells Eddie. "To be fair, I like Em.... My best friend Sarah used to call me that." Emilia said, Buck softly smiled at the woman.


"Having quite the adventure on your first day." Sophia said from the living room while Emilia was doing her skin care. "Just doing my job saving people, stopping fires, just doing my duty for the job I love but also fear at the same time." Emilia replied to her little sister, Then she heard a certain song blasting, Emilia looked out. "Sophia! Are you playing Fake Love again?" Emilia questioned. "What, One that is great BTS song and two, that's what Marcus was giving." Sophia said and Emilia rolled her eyes.

"Oh I found a song for you and Buckley." Sophia said, Emilia rose her brow. "What would that be?" Emilia questioned. "House of Cards." Sophia said, Emilia's eyes widen. "Sophia Isabella Carter! we are only friends!" Emilia spatted. "For now." Sophia said then she giggled off to her room, while Emilia rolled her eyes and finished her skin care then headed off to bed.


Emilia was wrapping her hands, Sophia walked over to her sister. "May I help you?" Emilia said as she then made eye contact with her little sister. "I saw Buck earlier, I think jealously is within that guy." Sophia said. "Him and Eddie, I saw it."  Emilia said as she and Sophia made her way to the weights. Emilia and Buck made eye contact with each other. Sophia saw the eye contact, she looked over and saw Eddie. "Hey little Carter." Eddie said. "Hey." Sophia said as she sat down on the bench.

"Are you excited for school next week?" Eddie asked. 'Yeah, but I'm afraid." Sophia said. Emilia shook her head. "Hey, You won't find assholes at your new school, I promise you. As your sister, I wouldn't lie to you, so you will make new friends, I promise, moving here, is a fresh start, meaning nobody, nobody won't treat you as such, New city means fresh start and new memories to be made." Emilia said as she looked at her little sister. "She's right, kids are good around here." Chimney said. "Why don't you go keep Hen some company." Emilia said and Sophia nodded then walked off.

"She's a great kid, she'll be fine." Chimney said to Emilia. "Thanks, I always told that kid she's going to do great things." Emilia said. "That she will." Eddie said. Then Emilia picked up of the weights. Buck picked up his phone and took selfie.

"Your in the wrong light, man." Eddie told Buck. "Some of us don't need lighting to look good." Buck replied. ".. And there's the cockiness I was told about." Emilia said with a brow rose. Buck bit his lip at her response. "Hey, Eddie, What did you mean by the wrong light?" Chimney asked him.

"The light in this room is flat and blue makes you look soft, if you want to look lean and muscles to pop, you need warm side light, I'll show you." Eddie said. "When did you became such a expert Diaz?" Sophia questioned as she came back. "Well little sis, there's the thing called the internet, you can look up about anything." Emilia answered her sister.

Eddie then showed both Chimney and Emilia the photos on his photo. "These are the ones I sent in for the calendar." Eddie said. "Whoa.." Chimney said. "It's giving..." Sophia said and Emilia looked over. "Aren't you suppose to be with Hen?" Emilia questioned. "I can't stay in on spot." Sophia said. 

"It's uh kind of cheating, sending pictures by a professional photographer." Buck said. "The photographer is twelve, my niece, she's a master at the iPhone filters." Eddie said. "Your niece?" Chimney question and Eddie nodded. "You think she'd be willing to take my submission pics for me..." Emilia went in a daze as her and Buck made eye contact, "Mhmm." Sophia whispered. "Oh stop it." Emilia spatted.

"You know you really shouldn't get his hopes up like that, no offense Chim." Buck said. "No offense taken, Evan." Chim said. "What the..." Sophia mumbled.

Emilia didn't like the tension and Eddie took noticed of that. "What's your problem man?" Eddie asked Buck. "Ok, you." Buck said. Emilia and Chimney looked at each other. "You're my problem, your comfort level, you're not supposed to just walk in here like you've been here for years, this month's meant to be uh getting to know you period, you're meant to respect your elders." Buck said to Eddie.

"You're not his Elder, Buck." Chim said. "Someone got a corn cob in his..." Sophia said. "Stay out of it little sis." Emilia spatted looking at Sophia which made the younger Carter hold her hands up.

"Look, I in no way meant to uh be too familiar or step on anybody's toes, I know you're going through some personal stuff right now." Eddie said. "What personal stuff?" Buck questioned. "I know your girlfriend recently broke up with you and you're coming to terms with that." Eddie said. "Is her name ...." Sophia said. "Don't even finish that sentence." Emilia said to her sister.

"I'm not and she didn't break up with me, who told you that?" Buck said as he looked over at Emilia, Sophia and Chimney. Emilia looked at Chimney. "21.." Chimney said. "Really." Sophia mumbled.

"I'm just saying, I hear you're a good guy and I'm sorry you're going through pain but you don't have to take it out on me or be threatened by me, we're on the same team." Eddie said. "Why would I be threatened by you?" Buck questioned. "Exactly, There's no need to be, we do the same thing, I've just done it while people are shooting at me is all." Eddie said. Emilia shook her head and walked over. "Yeah, my sister has some things to say." Sophia said.

"Buck, I don't what's going on here, please put the beef aside, please. Because I need you to get along with Eddie because how can trust you two together to have my back, I can trust Eddie but Buck, I am not so sure on you, we are a family act like it, please." Emilia spatted, then she walked away. Sophia approached the two men, "Diaz and Buckley, if something happens to my sister out there because you two are beefing, correction Buck is beefing with Eddie [Voy a meter mi pie en sus culos]"  Sophia said sternly. "Si, nothing won't happen to Emilia, because I know she's all you have left." Eddie said. "Besides that is not how you are going to win my sister bro." Sophia said looking at Buck. Chimney couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

She walked away and before Buck could say a word. "You'll get your ass kicked by a sixteen year old if something happens to Emilia, so..." Eddie said. "She's right... please listen to the sixteen year old and Emilia." Chimney said before walking away then Eddie walked away. Buck sighed then alarms went off.

Author's Note

Translation (I will shove my foot up your asses) Personally I don't know if I should be trusting Google Translates but I will be posting translations here in the author's notes.
Also sorry for taking so long for releasing the first chapter, I had to rewatch the episode, to make sure I have everything lined up correctly.
Also the ex boyfriend name was Tyler, but then I realize, oh sh*t he would share a name with Tyler Strand, who he and Carlos  happens to be my favorite couple, TARLOS, So I changed it to Marcus, no offense to anyone with that name but I couldn't do Tyler dirty. 

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