History Speaks || Wonki [Enhy...

By kripa-n-bista

897 49 71

"I was a King! I loved my people and they cherished me!" He bellowed, spitting at his feet. Distant grey eyes... More

History Speaks
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/ Prologue /
[Conquest - Ⅰ]: Dream Fire
Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 4

Chapter - 3

45 2 9
By kripa-n-bista

Council Meeting


The Hall Of Affairs, Imperial Palace of Xuli, 1406

Riki hated council meetings. The old officials dictating the lives of their citizens were the bane of his existence. If he could, he would have wiped them all out. He merely gives curt nods to the ones that come to greet him and his brother, which considering Hyunjin's position, is quite a lot of them.

It isn't a surprise as Riki was known to be cold and distant with those he wasn't close with. And Riki disdained the officials. Naturally, he was more inclined to ignore them than entertain them with measly conversations.

"General Xīcūn, we heard about your sparring session with General Wen. You did well to defeat that old man. Heaven's know he needs to be knocked down a peg or two from his high horse!" One of the Officials claps a hand on his shoulder. Riki has to put in some effort to hold back his sneer at the audacity.

General Wen was a formidable warrior. The luxuries these old coots enjoyed were a gift from General Wen who protected their borders from invasion. General Wen sacrificed his own comfortable life, his family, and his lone son for the nation. If Gerenal Wen did not protect their borders, enemies would have ransacked the country and sucked them dry.

General Wen has every right to be proud of his work. Unlike these freeloaders, he worked for it. General Wen deserved to gloat about it. These officials did not.

"I thought upstanding individuals, such as yourself, thought mindless gossip to be below your station. One only suited for maidens. Was I wrong?" Riki raises a brow.

He does not miss the slight twitch of lips on the other's face. Riki internally scoffs at the man's poor attempt to disguise his anger.

Good, be angry. After all, dogs only know how to bark.

"Xīcūn, you should not be so hostile," his brother whispers beside him. Only for his ears. Riki rolls his eyes as he excuses himself to his seat.

The official watches him go with a tight smile before exhaling a deep sigh and addressing the Crown Prince. "Your Royal Highness, General Xīcūn is a man of pride. He will always disrespect those above him. In his eyes, he is the only one that is good. Do not bother with the likes of him, Your Highness."

Hyunjin replies, his tone clipped, and sharp, "My brother is very respectful to those who deserve it, My Lord. Besides, he knows his place quite well. Unlike people who let a mere court presence get to their heads. He is my brother, after all. Please take your seat and help yourself to the refreshments, elder Bao. His Majesty should be arriving soon."

Hyunjin bowed and turned on his heel to walk to his seat, leaving a fuming elder behind in his wake.

"Who is hostile now?" Riki murmurs to his brother which earns him a light laughter. Riki smiles.

"Attention, His Majesty, The Monarch of Xuli has arrived! Resume your places and bow to His Excellency!" The announcer calls from the entrance to the hall and everyone stands to greet the Emperor.

The King is a man in his mid-forties, his hair tied in a neat bun with a headpiece adorning his head. He has sharp cheekbones and glittery eyes. A feature that Riki is quite acquainted with through Yeji.

"Resume your seats, gentlemen." His voice is soft and polite. Riki and Hyunjin sit on the cushion cross-legged. As the prince and heir, Hyunjin was seated right beneath the throne. Riki is beside him.

"Let us start the discussions."

Riki tunes out the complaints from elder Mo who drones on and on about the crop harvest of the year. Some raise concerns about land disputes while others raise concerns about filial piety.

The emperor is very enforcing when it comes to filial piety. He values it above everything else and punishes those who ignore it, harshly.

The politics of the nation is something Riki has never concerned himself with. That was Hyunjin's job. Not his. What does concern him is the safety of the nation and its citizens.

He is a General of the nation's army. As such, its protection is his duty. That is his filial piety.

You can say, it draws his full attention when General Wen steps out from his seat to kneel before the King.

"Your Majesty, The rebels from the east have been subdued, however, another has risen in the north. There is no one to protect our Northern borders. At the moment it is the most vulnerable Fort of our country. I implore you to send troops to guard it immediately."

Elder Bao chuckles, "General Wen, the borders are all your territory. You are its protector. To say that, are you saying you are not fit for the job?"

General Wen shakes his head. "That is not what I mean, Lord Bao. The North is unprotected at the moment. My troops have suffered a heavy loss in the battle in the east. As such, another force is needed to guard it."

Elder Bao scoffs, "Why would you focus on the east where 4000 soldiers are situated and leave the north unprotected? Are you slacking off on your work, General?"

General Wen sighs, "Lord Bao-"

The elder cuts him off, "Are you suggesting that His Majesty stop territory expansion?"

"That is not-"

"Your Grace, Yong'An is a country of valuable resources. It will bring prosperity to our nation. It has vast lands that could be used for agriculture. There are forests and rivers that will purge our troubles of water maintenance and land disputes. We should focus on winning, Yong'An, Your Excellency."

General Wen stares at the Elder in disbelief. He appeals to the King instead, "Your Majesty, perils of the country will only grow if we leave the North unprotected. War with a nation such as Yong'An will only incense it further. We need to strengthen our Fort before attacking another nation!"

The emperor sighs. "What do you suggest I do then, General Wen?"

The general straightens up. "Send troops to the North, Your Grace. The rebels need to be suppressed before we invite new ones."

"We cannot spare more men for border disputes! We need soldiers to protect the capital!" Elder Bao protests.

"Are you talking about protecting the capital or yourself, elder Bao?" General Wen snaps.

The old man stutters."Your Grace!"

"Silence!" The emperor roars. He massages his temple as he looks towards his son.

"Xián Zhēn, what do you think should be done?"

Put in a tight spot with no warning, Hyunjin struggles. "I," he gulps. Sensing his brother's nervousness, Riki reaches out to squeeze his hand under the table. Soaking in the rare show of comfort Hyunjin straightens up.

"I think we should send a troop to the North. According to General Wen, it poses little threat and can be subdued quickly. After we suppress those rebels, we can march towards Yong'An for territory expansion."

The emperor looks quizzical, "We have 3 generals concerned with border safety. General Wen and his troops have served our nation a great deal. Other than them, General An, General Lim, and General Xīcūn are the only ones to be spared. All their troops are formidable for border expansion. We cannot spare them in the North."

Hyunjin thinks for a while.

"How about we send General Lim to the North and General An and General Xīcūn to Yong'An?"

"What are your thoughts, Xīcūn?"

"My apologies, Your Majesty. I am ready to serve the country no matter where you send me. But as Your Excellency stated, our troops cannot be disposed of in the North, if you wish to extend our borders to Yong'An." Riki bows his head as he publicly refuses his older brother's suggestion.

"Then, what will you suggest, General Xīcūn?" The emperor asks.

"Yong'An is a country of formidable military force. Their experience is greater than ours and the number is uneven compared to theirs. They have a force of 60,000 soldiers. Our military force without General Lim, and General Wen's troops, does not compare. It would be a fool's errand to wage war. General Wen experienced a heavy loss in the east. We cannot spare more in the North. Perhaps send Lieutenant Han and his troops to the North and have the rest of us march to Yong'An?"

"Excellent suggestion General Xīcūn!" Elder Bao exclaims. General Wen looks forlorn.

"General Xīcūn... Lieutenant Han has no war experience. To send him to the North would be a bigger mistake." General Wen protests.

"We were all inexperienced when we first became Generals, Lieutenant Han will be the same. He will learn."

The emperor concedes.

"Very well, we will have General Wen, General An, General Lim, and General Xīcūn's troops march to Yong'An by sunrise in three days. Lieutenant Han is to march towards the North to suppress the rebels. You're all dismissed."

The emperor walks out of the Hall Of Affairs and the rest follow. Riki looks at Hyunjin, uncertain.

"Do not look so worried, Riki. I had thought suppressing the rebels would be the best form of approach." Hyunjin placated his brother.

Riki says, "Your idea wasn't too bad. Like you said, General Wen thinks that the North will not pose much threat. Lieutenant Han is smart and strategic. He will do well. Yong'An is not a small enemy. The country has stood for almost three centuries. It will be a difficult opponent. We need all the military force that we can get."

"You're right. Yong'An is difficult to conquer. Though, I am sure, it won't pose as much of a problem to you, will it?" Hyunjin teases.

Riki smirks, "Of course not."

The two brothers laugh about it as they exit the Hall, unaware of the eyes that watch over them in cruel amusement.


A reminder;

Xīcūn: is Riki's courtesy name

Xián Zhēn: is Hyunjin's courtesy name

Courtesy names are given names that are used by people outside of immediate family members.

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