Princess of Mardalia

By blackgirlwriter97

1.3K 78 31

~BWWM. WMBW. Interracial. Love Triangle. Historical. Royalty. -Oops I fell in love with my brother's wife...~... More

~*~ Princess of Mardalia: Characters ~*~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

93 9 1
By blackgirlwriter97

The next morning Princess Aisha woke up to the sound of soft knocks at her door. She rose from her new bed, wrapped a robe around her and opened the door revealing an older woman.

She bowed deeply. "Hello Princess Aisha. I've been sent to wait on you. My name is Hilda."

"Hi Hilda, please come in."

Hilda entered the room and took the princess in. She was a very beautiful woman. She examined her appearance and physique and found no flaws about her. Her exotic features were not like the women of Pantoran.

"I've come to help you get ready for the banquet in your honor tonight. I shall bring hot water to run you a bath."

"Must we get started so early?"

"Oh yes your majesty. Today is a very important day for you and the people of Pantoran. You shall be formally introduced as Prince Atticus' betrothed. It is a big day indeed."

"Well then I guess it is not too early to start then. But I would like to eat before we get ready. I am famished. I realize I slept through the night without dinner."

She gasps. "Your majesty! I shall get on it right away. Excuse me," she says departing from the room hurriedly.

Just as Aisha closed the door, a soft knock rang through her room. She slowly opened it to reveal Atticus. He was dressed in casual clothes. A tunic and comfortable pants.

She was a little surprised to see him at her door so early, but she thought about her Father's words and decided that this was good.

"Good morning Princess."

She beamed at him with a dazzling smile. "Good morning Atticus."

"I hope your first night here was good. I did not see you come to dinner last night."

"I guess I was so tired after so many weeks on the ship. Sleeping in a bed on solid land was much needed for my body. But I feel like a new woman this morning. I am so excited for today."

His eyes lit up at her words. He wanted her to love her new home and he would do anything to make her comfortable.

"And thank you so much for making my room so inviting and comforting. It reminds me of my home. You are a very kind man for going out of your way to think of this for me," She said batting her eyes at him.

His breath caught in his throat as he thought of what to say to her. Her alluring eyes had stopped his brain from forming words. He took the moment to take her in. Her robe tied close to her waist and he could not tell if she wore undergarments or not.

His eyes drew up to her face again. She was beautiful, even first thing in the morning.

He cleared his throat. "I would do anything to make your stay here enjoyable. And trust your family was a huge help in creating this surprise for you."

They stood there in comfortable silence staring at each other with bright smiles on their faces.

"Would you like to have breakfast with me?"

"Yes I would, but Hilda has just run off to get food for me."

"I will go to the kitchens then to arrange for both of us to have breakfast in the green house garden and send Hilda back."

Aisha bowed lightly. Atticus took her hand and kissed her knuckle.

She closed the door behind him and leaned against it trying to slow her heartbeat. Atticus was a lot different than she had anticipated. If she wanted to hate this place, he had made it hard so far. Atticus was charming and attentive. He made her heart race in a way she had only experienced with I'ekae.

Oh, I'ekae.

She had to tell herself she was doing nothing wrong. She did not owe I'ekae her heart, but he had been her first love. She wrestled with the idea of giving her love to another.

Soon Hilda was back with a few servants who carried buckets of water.

"I will run you a bath, your highness."

They filled the tub and filed out one by one leaving only Hilda behind. Aisha undressed and stepped into the tub. She enjoyed the warm water as Hilda ran around her room pulling out clothes and shoes for Aisha to wear. She scrubbed Aisha and wet her hair, avoiding the crown of her head.

"Wont want you getting sick before tonight," she said pouring water the water on her curly tresses.

She helped her out and helped her dress before gently combing her hair.

"Please don't fear to tell me how I should be doing this Princess. We have curly haired folk here too, but not to your degree."

"Oh Hilda, you are doing a great job."

And she was, to Aisha's surprise. Hilda was taking her time detangling each clump of curls. When she was finished she clapped her hands and stepped back to admire her handy work.

"I'm no professional, but I do think I did a fine job."

Aisha examined her head in the mirror. Hilda had done a good job. Of course her work was not like the work of her royal hairdresser, but for someone whose own hair was long and silky, she had done a commendable job. Aisha's hair hang, slightly damp, around her shoulders in a curly curtain.

"Thank you, Hilda. I do appreciate your helping me."

"Of course your highness. Now, you must get ready, Prince Atticus may be waiting for you."

Aisha jumped up.

"Ah, ah, ah," Hilda said with a wave of her finger and gently pushing Aisha back to her seat in front of the mirror. "Sometimes it is good to make a man wait."

Aisha smiled at her and looked at herself in the mirror. She decided to add kohl liner around her eyes like she was accustomed to doing and some shine for her lips. Now she was ready.

She stood and examined the dress she wore. It was another dress that has been made for her, slightly less heavy than the one she wore yesterday.

"I'm ready."

Hilda lead her out of the room and down the halls to the garden house. She opened the door for Aisha and let her walk in alone.

Aisha walked into the warmth of the greenhouse and followed the smells of food to where Atticus stood peering at some flowers. The area of the garden near the fountain that had been empty yesterday was decorated with a table, linen, flowers, candles and a mound of food.

Atticus heard her footsteps and turned to greet her.

"Hello Aisha."

"Hi Atticus," she said with a short bow.

She moved closer to him wanting to examine the flowers he was looking at. They were beautiful blue flowers.

"Are these your favorite flowers?" She asked as she gently reached out to touch a petal.

"Yes, blue is my favorite color actually. And yellow. What about you?"

"Growing up my favorite colors were always red and purple, but now yellow has captured my heart. It reminds me of the sun."

She peered over at him and caught his eyes intently watching her.

He cleared his throat. "Would you like to eat now?"

"Oh yes! I am famished."

He led her back over to the table and pulled her chair out for her, then took his own. A servant came forward and began pouring them fresh water.

"Thank you Astrid. You may leave, I wish to serve the Princess and I."

The young servant bowed before leaving the garden house. Aisha was shocked. In her kingdom she had never witnessed any of the royal men serve anyone, let alone a woman. Atticus picked up a serving utensil and looked at her with a smile.

"What would you like?"

Aisha pointed to the varying dishes in front of them as Atticus put them on her plate. They both sat in comfortable silence, eating their food and sometimes chatting.

"The food is very good here."

"I'm glad to hear that. I know the cook will be happy to hear that. She has had a renewed sense of energy since we were given new spices from your kingdom."

"Well an inspired cook is a good one. I cannot wait to eat at the feast tonight."

"I cannot wait either. I am excited for people to know you as my soon to be wife," he said extending his hand out to her.

She blushed as she slid her hand into his large palm.

"Well I pray there are no other women, who do not think the same."

Atticus chuckled. "There may be, but none as beautiful as you, Princess. If they are unhappy, it is out of jealousy."


Later that evening Aisha and Helga were busy in her chambers getting ready for the feast.

Helga was pinning her curly hair into an elegant updo, with a few pieces of curly strands hanging about organically.

Helga stepped back, adjusted a piece, and clapped her hands.

"We're done."

Aisha examined her hair and smiled. Her hair did look good. She examined her makeup again making sure everything was in place as Helga opened up her wardrobe to pull out a dress.

"Prince Atticus had this made for you for tonight."

She held up a beautiful royal blue dress made of silk. It was a halter style with long poofy sleeves and silver embroidery. The shoulders of the dress intricately cut out.

"That is beautiful. Won't I be cold though?" The shoulder of the dress would leave her exposed.

"I have a cloak for you as well, but we keep the great hall very warm on nights like this. Plus with all the bodies and ale to consume, you will appreciate this dress."

She stood as Helga helped her get dressed. When she looked at herself in the mirror she was pleased. Helga placed her tiara on her head.

"You look beautiful Princess."

She smiled at Helga. "Thank you."

"Okay, now you must be off."

"Should I know anything before I go?"

"Oh dear. You will be just fine. Atticus is quite smitten with you. I know he will not leave your side tonight. You have nothing to worry about."

Helga opened the door.

"I'll be at the feast should you need me," she said ushering Aisha out.

A royal guard escorted her to the great hall. As she approached she could hear music, laughter and revelry going on. She began to feel her nerves set in.

Before the guard could open the door she stopped him.

"Are you okay your highness?"

"Yes. I just need a moment."

To her appreciation, Axel came into view.

"Hey there stranger. I bring you to my home and then you avoid me for 2 days?"

"Oh Axel!" She said throwing her arms around him. She released him and grabbed him by his shoulders. "I'm so nervous."

"Ah, don't be. This is nothing, what you should be worried about is the wedding night," he said with a wink.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Oh shut up."

"What? It's true."

She sighed.

"Okay okay. Would you like me to walk you in?"


"Then I shall." He put his arm out for her to grab and she gladly took it.

She straightened her back, the guard pushed open the door, and they walked through. Aisha could feel all eyes on her instantly. The room felt like it even got quieter as they walked in.

Atticus was at the head of the table with his mother, father and Aurelius. She watched as a smile took over his face and got up to make his way to the pair.

"Thank you for escorting the Princess in, brother."

"You know I do not mind the attention." He said with a smirk.

Atticus took Aisha's hand and lead her the rest of the way, to where his family sat. He could not keep his eyes off of her. Her bare, brown shoulders shown so beautifully. The dress complimented her and she was wearing his favorite color.

"I'm sorry I should've escorted you here myself, Aisha."

"Oh no please don't be sorry. Axel was more than willing to help me." Her eyes surveyed the room again. Most people had gone back to their own conversations but she could see many people still looking at them.

"They cannot stop looking at you," Atticus whispered.

"I know I feel eyes everywhere on me," she laughed nervously.

"You are the most beautiful woman here, can you blame them?"

She smiled at him bashfully. "You flatter me Atticus, but I think the Queen is."

Before he could interject they stood before the King and Queen. Aisha bowed elegantly.

"Your majesties, it is a pleasure to dine with you tonight."

They both stood and Queen Izella embraced her in a hug and a kiss.

"We are glad to have you here and to celebrate your safe arrival to Pantoran."

The Queen and King admired her dress.

"You look fitting in our house colors," the King complimented.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Come Aisha, I will introduce you to some of our members."

Aurelius watched as the princess and his brother walked away. He didn't necessarily hate these events, but tonight he did not wish to be there.

Axel sat besides him.

"Why do you sulk brother?"

"My cup is empty and I have no woman to keep me company," he said with a smirk.

Axel leaned conspiratorially, "I can help you find a woman, we are not short of those around here."

"Do you not listen to your mother at all? We are to leave the servants alone."

Axel rolls his eyes. "Fine. If you do not want to break mom's rule, there are many daughters and wives, of status, who would gladly entertain you."

Aurelius looked at the hall full of people. He scanned the room and found that many women were looking in his direction, batting their eyes at him. He smiled in the direction of a young, red haired woman, before turning back to his brother.

She was pretty, but not as beautiful as the woman that would not leave his mind.

"Maybe I will make the effort then brother."

"I call dibs on the red head," Axel says.

"I've already set my eye upon her, better luck next time," Aurelius said standing up.

"We'll see about that."

Aurelius grabbed Axel's full cup of ale and walked into the crowd of people. His brother was introducing Princess Aisha to the Head Captain of the Castle Guard, Lennox.

He kissed her hand and smiled at her.

"It's a pleasure to formally meet you, Princess Aisha. I look forward to ensuring your safety here."

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, thank you for your service."

Aurelius entered the conversation.

"Hello Prince Aurelius," Aisha greeted him.

"Hello Princess, are you enjoying your stay here so far?"

"Yes, everyone here has been very kind. I'm looking forward to my days here."

She looked up at Atticus who smiled down at her.

"What is Mardalia like?" Lennox asked.

"Mardalia is a beautiful country. Most days are perfectly warm for walks, playing, or taking a swim but other days it is so hot you would not fathom setting foot into the sun. We don't have snow like there is here in Pantoran."

Both brothers watched as she spoke with Lennox. Neither really aware of the other. Her face would light up randomly with radiant smiles as she conversed. She animatedly moved her hands about as she told her story.

Curly tendrils framed her face perfectly as her brown eyes looked over at Atticus with a smile, then slowly to Aurelius, and back to Lennox. Another couple joined the conversation and Atticus broke from his trance to introduce them to Aisha.

"Princess Aisha, this is Duke Jakob and Duchess Nora Godfrey."

Aisha bowed as did they.

"My, you are just beautiful aren't you?" said the Duchess.

"Thank you," Aisha said with a smile.

Another woman approached. The red head Aurelius had smiled at before. She wore a beautiful, long sleeve emerald green dress. She was the daughter of a Clan Cheiftan.

"Hello," she said to Princess Aisha, bowing. "I am Merida. Daughter of Cheiftan Isak of the Culligan Clan."

Aisha extended her hand to shake, "It's a pleasure meeting you Merida. I am Princess Aisha."

Both women smiled at each other as they conversed, complimenting each other's dresses. Aisha watched as Merida's eyes drifted over to Aurelius multiple times. She inwardly smiled at the girl's flirtatious glances at him. Someone else in the group began talking again.

Atticus leaned to whisper in her ear. "Would you like to go outside?"

Aisha nodded softly as Atticus pulled her away, conveniently as another couple was joining the group. He began leading her towards an alcove that had a door, when he stopped her in it.

"You'll probably be cold out there."

"Helga has my cloak."

As if summoned, Helga appeared with the Princess' cloak.

"Sneaking off are you?"

Princess Aisha smiled. Helga was motherly and she appreciated her little quips.

"But for a moment, Helga," Prince Atticus spoke.

"Don't be long. Dinner is going to be served soon and you will not want to be missing when it starts."

She helped Aisha put it on before the two slipped out the door onto a covered patio outside. The Prince immediately let out a breath of relief.

"You would think that after so many years, a banquet like this would get easier, but tonight's banquet is the most nervous I've been in ages," he said glancing at her with a chuckle.

They were easy enough to get through most times, but tonight with Aisha there, he was nervous as ever. He wanted her to be happy and comfortable.

"I know what you mean. Being so new here does make it a bit nerve wracking."

She drew her cloak in closer.

"If you're cold we can go back in," he said hurriedly.

"Oh please no! I'm quite enjoying being out here, alone with you. No one else vying for our attention." She smiled at him sweetly.

He felt his heart rate accelerate. He ran his hand through his curly tousled locks as his face reddened.

"And at some point I will have to get used to this weather. You are not even covered as much as I am and you don't appear cold at all."

He chuckled and blew out a cold, cloud of smoke.

"I guess you should. Are you excited about Pantoran being your new home?"

She mulled this over. Was she excited?

"I'm excited for it like a voyager might be excited to leave his home and all he knows, to find somewhere he has never been and knows nothing about. I know your language, but not of your customs, practices and laws. Our cultures are different," she paused, "but it has only been 2 days and if these two days have any indication of how things might be here... I am very excited about being here, Atticus."

She smiled at him and he returned it.

"I promise you these two days are just the start."


A/n I would like to point out that at this point in time I have not refined these 2 cultures/kingdoms apart very well yet.  

Mardalia is modeled after African culture and Pantoran after Gaelic/Irish-British culture.

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