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9K 533 642

Dear Mr.Right

Not gonna lie, I feel like calling yourself the main character is just icky levels of narcissism. But man I swear I've got to be the main character of SOMETHING, Because you cannot make this shit up...

I mean just my luck right...my boyfriends the prince of a mafia fucking empire.

"Hayden, what are you doing down here?" A voice questioned, causing my heart to drop and my head to snap around.

Yamirs mom stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at me from my position in the middle of the stairway.

She was dressed comfortably in her night attire, robe tied securely around her pajama set.

It genuinely felt like all the moisture in my mouth had left at that moment. So many thoughts crossed my mind, passing out, pretending to die, pretending to be frozen in hopes that if I stood incredibly still she might just not see me.

Eventually, I just decided the best option was telling the truth...or at least half of it.

"Yamir told me he left his phone downstairs, I was just on my way to get it," I told her, trying my best to remain calm and not stutter in any way at all.

"Oh he did, I was actually just about to bring it to him—here you go hun'." She nodded, pulling the phone from the pocket of her robe.

I don't know whether to be more nervous, or relieved.

Shakily I walked back upstairs and grabbed the phone from her hand, "thank you," I said politely.

"Goodnight." She told me, comfortingly before continuing down the hall.

I swear I didn't even notice how much I'd been shaking until I got back to Yamirs room and closed the door behind me.

I almost dropped his phone five times just because my hands were so jittery.

"Love, you marked my neck up crazy—I didn't even realize," Yamir spoke from the bathroom, probably hearing me walk into the room.

Responding to that wasn't even something I could do right now, so many thoughts were running through my mind, the main one being that I'm pretty sure his dad was a fucking mafia boss.

That meant Yamir was a fucking mafia prince and I just happened to be the mafia prince's boyfriend.

"Hayden?" Yamir called out again when I didn't respond.

Now yes, maybe for some people that would be like a dream come true, but I'm not some people.

My dad literally works for the government, Yamirs dad was objectively a criminal, that's about the worst combination possible.

Not to mention hearing Yamirs dad talk so casually about killing people was terrifying—he had no remorse, no emotion besides anger...even to bring kids into it.

"Baby I—" Yamir started talking as he exited his bathroom, but then paused when he saw my state.

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately, walking over to me.

I was still frozen in fear, unable to answer his questions.

"Hayden, what happened?" He repeated, "Talk to me.." he mumbled as he started wrapping his arms around me.

"Y-your dad..." I muttered, which immediately caused him to stiffen.

"my dad?" He questioned in response.

I backed up from his embrace so we could see each other's faces.

How in the hell was I even supposed to approach this, what if he didn't know—I don't want to break a family apart.

But he wasn't gonna let this go—now that he had seen me like this he wasn't gonna let either of us go to sleep until I opened up to him. Not that I could even sleep after that anyways.

"I-I heard something, I don't know..." I mumbled.

"Maybe I misinterpreted it—I don't know—I-I just, and then h-he said—" my frantic rant was cut off when he spoke.

"Hayden breathe." He said comfortingly, "c'mere." He then mumbled, walking us back over to his bed where we took a seat on top of it.

"breathe in," he instructed.


"out." He continued.


"Now talk to me—what freaked you out so bad?" He questioned again.

After taking one last deep breath I spoke, "I was going to get your phone—then I heard your dad and uncles talking."

"Um, I didn't think anything of it at first, but then I heard your dad talking kinda crazy Yamir...a-and like I said, maybe I'm just misinterpreting what they were talking about b-but—" I paused again.

"You heard him say something that scared you." He nodded knowingly, which caused me to nod in agreement.

After a brief sigh, he spoke again,

"Baby ask me what you really wanna ask..." he told me calmly.

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and then began to speak, "mir what is your dads job?"

His eyes immediately dropped, and his expression looked almost guilty.

That really told me everything I needed to know—again, my heart dropped.

I stood up from his bed and began slowly backing away from him, eyes wide.

"Just let me explain.." he mumbled.

"Y-you knew..." I whispered lowly in shock.

"Baby." He stood up, looking over at me with pleading eyes.

I swear, standing here—watching how he was reacting to everything I just told him.

Everything was starting to make sense...

"The fake name he gave me at first, the police officer letting us go after hearing your last name, the fact he's never home..." I ranted lowly, still backing up as Yamir edged closer to me.

Eventually, I couldn't back up anymore, and my back hit the wall with a soft thud.

"Can you just let me explain Hayden, please.." he begged, coming to a halt in front of me.

My body language might make it seem like I was afraid of him, and maybe a small part of me was—this was just so much to take in, put yourself in my shoes.

"what is there to explain Yamir..." I mumbled.

"Let me explain why I didn't tell you." He sighed, shaking his head.

"t-this is just alot..." I frowned, holding back impending tears.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you Hayden, trust me. At no point have I ever put you anywhere where I felt like you'd be in danger." He said seriously.

"Come sit back down and I'll explain everything, I'll tell you everything you want to know." He almost pleaded.

I'd basically been hugging the wall for about a minute, just thinking back to what I heard—someone said the feds were all over Yamirs dads business. Maybe what I'm thinking is just me being paranoid, but that means they have to know where he lives right, what if they just come in here and start shooting—or arresting people?

Yamirs black, it's different for him than it is for his dad, call me crazy but I can't just not think about stuff like this now.

What if one-day Yamir is out with his dad and something terrible happens...

Eventually, I shakily nodded and allowed him to lead me to the bed once more.

"Okay," he sighed when I sat down.

"I've known about what my dad did since I was little—I had to find out for myself, and yeah, it's hard for me to process sometimes." He stated.

"I didn't tell you because not only did I not want to run you away, I felt like the less you knew then the better it would be for your safety." He told me genuinely.

That again filled me with fear, just hearing the 'your safety' part.

"What about your safety Yamir, you're his son—doesn't that make you a big target." I questioned, feeling a tear finally slip from my eye.

With his thumb, he swiped the tear away then spoke, "Hypothetically yes, but I guess that's why he's never home—for years he's done his best to keep us separated from that life."

"—Baby, nothing is gonna happen to me, and nothing's gonna happen to you either." He added.

"J-just...I don't know." He sighed, "I know it's selfish to just outright ask this—and I'm not trying to manipulate you. But just...just don't leave me...please." He mumbled.

"I get I should've told you, and maybe my reasoning isn't good enough, but I never had bad intentions." He finished.

I let his words digest for a moment then I replied, "I don't want to break up Yamir, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared." I said truthfully.

"Of me?" He asked, "Or my dad?"

"I'm not afraid of you, I get why you didn't tell me I guess, but knowing who you are and what you're connected to is scary. Yeah, you say nothing is gonna happen to you—but what if it does?" I sniffed.

"That's valid, but I told you before, a big part of why I work so hard is because I don't want to have to depend on my parents much longer." He stated.

"I want a big family and I want that big family with you." He added, "I'm his son, not his successor—I don't want you to worry."

His words calmed me a bit, maybe I'm just  stupid and dickmatized—but I did feel better after talking it out with him.

That's not to say I was completely over it, I still don't think I'll ever stop being scared of his dad, and I'm not excited about how difficult it may be if my dad ever finds out about Yamirs dad's occupation.

"Don't be scared ok..." he mumbled, again wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

I'd been shaking for so long at this point, he probably thought I was crazy as he held me.

"I'm not goin' nowhere." He whispered near my ear.

"—and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He added.

I stayed silent and let his comforting words calm me, eventually—when I felt comfortable enough to get back in bed, I did so while cuddled securely against him.

I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified to be anywhere else in his house besides his arms, I had a death grip around him at this point, I mean my legs were even wrapped around his body as I hugged into him.

He rubbed my back comfortingly and would occasionally place a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel bad..." I said randomly, now that I wasn't frantic and I had more time to process my thoughts.

"don't apologize, you weren't wrong in that situation in any way." He stated lowly.

"All our issues have come from me not communicating things that I should've—it's not gonna happen again, I promise." He added.

There's a good possibility that I'm the dumbest boy on earth for looking past the fact Yamirs dad was who he was. But genuinely, I think I'd reached a point with Yamir that it would take a lot for me to leave him.

He's my first romantic interest, he took me on my first date, he's my first boyfriend, he took my virginity, but most of all, he's my first love.

He couldn't control who his father was, yes I wish he would've told me earlier, but if I knew this back then I probably would've ran...and then I would've missed out on the boy who I was certain is Mr.Right.

Maybe I'm just too young, who knows, but as of right now—I didn't care, not when it came to him.

"Goodnight," he then said lowly, "I love you."

I inhaled his scent more then replied, "I love you too."

Moments later we both allowed sleep to come over us, of course—my dream was related to the bomb of news I just received.

I guess you could even compare it to a nightmare, all I remember from it was that I was trapped in some basement, no matter how loud I'd scream—or how much I pounded on the door, no one would save me. The worst part was that I could see Yamirs dad outside the door just staring at me...

When I woke up from my nightmare with a slew of panicked breaths, as expected—Yamir woke along with me, calming me down with his gentle touch to match his gentle words.

It was embarrassing to have a nightmare in front of someone, but knowing he'd never judge me, I didn't feel as bad as I could've.

"I'm here, you're good—it was just a bad dream." He mumbled.

"yeah.." I whispered, shaking my head.

It took me about five minutes to fall back asleep, this time I don't think I had a dream at all really, or at least I definitely didn't remember it when I woke up again.

As usual, when my eyes fluttered open, I was still in Yamirs arms, though he seemed to be glued to the television screen that played some basketball game.

"hey.." I mumbled, causing my boyfriend to shift a bit to look down at me.

"Hey," he replied, "you okay?" He then asked.

"Mhm," I hummed, resting comfortably against his chest, allowing me to hear his steady heartbeat.

"It's kinda rainy outside, can't really go anywhere." He started, "It's just us here though—which I guess is kinda good, we probably should talk a bit more."

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"My mom took my sister to her dance recitals, and my dads out." He replied.

My heart skipped a beat when he said his dad was out, I feel like I'm gonna overthink everything when it comes to that man now

I know it's probably unfair, his dad has shown me genuine kindness since we met. But after what I heard last night, it might just take me a while to get comfortable.

"—I just wanna make sure you're genuinely okay, you had a nightmare last night—and I feel like I have an idea of what it was about." He mumbled.

"I'm fine, it'll just take time." I told him lowly, "I'm not mad at you."

"Are you sure, cause I feel like if I were you I'd probably be a little mad at me—I should've told you." He shook his head.

I stayed where I was for a couple of seconds, just to make sure I thought before I spoke. Then I shifted so that I was no longer laying on his chest, and now took the position of straddling his lap.

"I'm not mad at you Yamir," I repeated, " yes this is a lot to take in, and yes last night I was pretty shaken up about it—but none of that is directed towards you," I told him.

"Okay?" I questioned, placing both of my hands on the sides of his face gently.

His lips curved up into a smirk as he replied, "Okay," he agreed.

"But—" I started again.

"—With all that being said, I do have a couple of questions?" I finished.

"Go 'head." He replied.

"Okay, first one—do you know how to use a gun?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

"yeah." He nodded.

"What!?" I said in genuine shock.

"My dad took me to a gun range when I was like fifteen." He explained, "Just a worst-case scenario if I ever had to defend myself."

"Can you teach me?" I asked.

"No, for what?" He questioned with raised eyebrows.

"I'm just kidding, my dad taught me too—but why are you so against it?" I asked.

"I dunno', I just don't want you to feel like you need to learn how to use one." He told me.

"It's like you said, worst-case scenario." I shrugged.

"I don't plan on ever putting you in a position where you'll have to use that skill though." He stated.

"You wanna be my Superman so bad." I teased.

"mhm." He hummed lowly, sitting up to place a gentle kiss on my lips before swiftly flipping us over so that he was hovering over me this time.

"Have you heard anything back from Uni?" He asked.

"No, my advisor said they should be getting back to everybody this week, Have you heard anything?" I then asked.

"Yeah but it's cause their football scouts have been looking into me, so I think It's kinda different." He shook his head.

"Oh," I mumbled.

"—hey mir." I spoke up again.

"Hm?" He hummed in response.

"What happens if we don't end up at the same college?" I asked.

"We will." He stated simply.

"Okay but what if?" I repeated.

With a sigh he flopped down next to me, no longer hovering over me.

"What would you want to do?" He question as we both eyed the ceiling.

"I mean I don't wanna break up—obviously," I mumbled.

"To be honest Hayden I don't even really wanna have this conversation, we're both gonna get into our dream school—no point in getting sad over splitting up when that's just not happening." He spoke.

"You're right," I replied.

"I know, so with that being said," he paused and stood to his feet, "come help me make breakfast." He stated, extending his hand.

I giggled and grabbed it before he gently pulled me to my feet.

Moments later we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen where he began grabbing everything.

While he went ahead and did that, I took the time to scroll aimlessly on Instagram—before ultimately coming to a big halt when I came across a picture my own boyfriend posted.

"Yamir delete this!" I whined, holding up my phone.

He was near the sink which was a bit of a distance from me so he had to squint a bit to see it.

Side note, I really just think he needed glasses, he had a habit of squinting.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked, referencing his post.

"You're dressed like a slut!" I pouted.

His eyes went wide for a second then he gave me a blank stare when he realized what I meant, "cut it out."

"—they can't even see anything foreal." He added. " Im wearing shorts and a tank-top."

"uh, grey shorts." I specified.

"and whether or not you think they can't see anything is not the point, look at all the fatherless children in your comments." I pouted.

"I don't read those." He shrugged.

I can see why too...

" I want you to strap me to the bed and pound me until I sweat  out your seed, I mean do these people realize their comments are public!?" I questioned in disgust after reading one of the wilder comments.

"I don't really think so." He chuckled.

I swear just sitting there I had reported like 10 people's comments, and then their pages.

"Oh, so this is funny to you?" I scoffed, "How would you like it if I posted a picture dressed like a slut, hm?" I teased.

"do it." He spoke, walking back over to me with a smirk.

"—let everybody see what they can't have." He added as he leaned down and got closer to my face.

I tucked my lips so I wouldn't smile before speaking again, "When did you even take those?"

"last week sometime," he replied.

"I'll delete it if you want," he added.

"No it's okay, Im not actually that crazy, but you better pin my comment," I told him matter-of-factly.

"of course," he laughed.

"You want a protein shake?" He then asked.

"Ew no! Aren't they awful?" I asked with a grimace.

"Nah not the ones I make, plus they're good for working out—we're about to do that." He explained.

"We are?" I questioned.

"yeah, there's nothing else to do—the weather is horrible." He told me as he cracked the eggs.

"I mean I can think of a couple other things.." I mumbled.

"Nope, nothing else until we work out." He said sternly.

"Okay but why do I have to do it with you?" I huffed.

"Because I like working out with you." He replied.

"You just like watching me." I shook my head.

"That's true, we're definitely doing squats today by the way." He joked causing me to shake my head and smile.

"C'mon and start on the eggs while I make our shakes." He instructed, nodding over to the spot next to him.

"Hey just cause you're my sugar daddy doesn't mean you get to boss me around." I teased, standing from the stool.

"Your birthday is in like a couple weeks, let that sugar daddy thing go." He scoffed.

"No, you're an old man." I joked.

"Well just drop the sugar part." He smirked.

"You just think you're so funny," I spoke, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not telling you to say anything you haven't already said before." He smiled as he turned on the blender.

"Let's relax, I never bring it back up when you moan in my ear." I shot back.

"I mean I do it on purpose, I want you to know how good you feel." He chuckled.

"—but you're right, let's just drop it—what's understood doesn't have to be spoken on." He waved off, blushing slightly.

After the next fifteen minutes, we finished our breakfast and began to eat. The protein shake Yamir made really wasn't bad at all, I'll give him his 10s. 

But unfortunately, he was very serious about working out, and now he'd dragged me all the way to their personal gym.

"15." I announced aloud from my sitting position on his back.

Honestly sitting on his back while he was doing push-ups was fun, this was a workout I could get used to.

"20!" I said finally, standing to my feet—allowing him to do the same.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded but stayed silent to catch his breath.

"Okay.." he spoke up.

"Squats." He instructed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before getting into position.

"Hollon," he spoke, walking up behind me and placing his hand on my lower back to adjust my form.

"That's better." He nodded.

"wait aren't you gonna do them too?" I asked.

"Still catching my breath, this is all you" He smirked.

"Yamir you're really not as slick as you think," I told him.

"Not even doing anything," he shook his head, removing the shirt he had on.

"—you gonna start or what?" He then laughed.

Again I rolled my eyes but ultimately began to proceed with the workout, going for a good five minutes before stopping.

"Look at you," Yamir smiled, handing me the water bottle after I was done.

"Yeah yeah," I replied as I took a gulp of the water.

"What's next?" I asked, "And please tell me we're almost done."

"Pull up bar." He replied, nodding over to the equipment.

"Like this.." he instructed, jumping up and hanging from the bar—putting his entire body on display for me to see as his muscles flexed repeatedly.

He then folded his legs back as he continued to pull himself up and down

When he hopped down he stretched his arms back and forth before speaking, "Your turn love."

"I can't do all that," I told him genuinely.

"You don't have to do as many, or go up as high," he informed.

"—matter-fact, you don't even have to jump up, I'll lift you." He added.

"Okay." I nodded before walking to stand under the bar.

Yamir leaned down and hugged at my legs before lifting, which allowed me to grab at the bar.

I mimicked his position from earlier and folded my legs back as I pulled myself up and down.

When I was done I'd managed to do a good five pull-ups before dropping down carefully.

"See that's what I'm talking about." Yamir smiled, pulling me into his chest once I was done.

"Just tell me we're done." I groaned.

"Yeah we can finish up, we've been at it for long enough." He chuckled.

"Oh thank god," I said in relief.

"It wasn't that bad, admit it." He laughed, flexing in the mirror to check his own physique.

I looked at his reflection as I came up beside him, "look at you taking another picture for all your hoes," I teased, watching him pull out his phone.

"chill out." He said simply as I snaked my arms around to hug into him.

"Say cheese." He instructed, holding up his phone to our reflection.

I smiled and waited for him to snap the photo before breaking our pose.

"Okay, now I need a shower." I sighed, shaking my head.

"See, you know that's my favorite part" He smirked.

Oh, but I'm the horny one right...

First the squats, now this.

"nasty." I pointed, causing him to just shrugged with a smirk.

Moments later we were exiting the gym and making our way back to the stairs of his house.

Our movements came to a halt when the front door opened, revealing Yamirs father, flanked by two suited men.

The sight of him sent goosebumps up and down my entire body, I couldn't even help it—his words from yesterday just kept replaying over and over in my head.

And I've seen those two guys with him around here before, I guess now I know they were probably his guards or something.

"Oh hey pap, you home this early?" Yamir questioned, looking down at me for a moment before looking over at his father.

"hey son, yeah something came up.." Mr.Nicolo said simply.

"How are you, Fiore?" He then asked, looking over at me with a smile.

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat and then opened my mouth to speak—but Yamir beat me to it.

"Oh my bad pap he's really tired, we've been working out all day," Yamir answered.

"Ah," his dad nodded knowingly.

"What did I tell you about that son, be careful." His father added, chuckling.

Wow, this man really thinks I'm the softest thing on earth...

"Yeah, you're right." Yamir nodded, blushing.

"Okay well I'll see you two later, I've gotta handle something." Mr.Nicolo spoke before walking ahead of us, flanked by his guys.

"You okay?" Yamir then asked once we were alone again.

"Yeah, you didn't have to speak up for me, I don't wanna make it awkward," I told him, although it was probably better that he did.

"I just know it's still kinda early, you're uncomfortable around him...I get it." He explained.

Guilt washed over me after that, and the whole walk back to his room, I was silent in thought.

"I'm sorry," I finally spoke up as were both getting undressed for the shower.

"Why, you didn't do anything." He shook his head.

"I don't want to make it seem like you have to choose between me and your parents, because I completely understand that you're gonna choose your parents, I'm just nervous—"

My rant was cut off when his lips covered mine with a kiss.

"it's okay," he mumbled when he parted our kiss.

"I get it—I understand how you're feeling." He added.

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, "it's just gonna take time, and I'm willing to wait."

He took a moment to turn on the shower before turning his attention back to me and speaking once more.

"—either way, I don't plan on leaving you...so whoever it is...or whatever it is...when it comes to you I'm always gonna figure something out."

"Okay?" He questioned, snaking his arm around my waist.

It really felt like the roles had been reversed from earlier.

"Okay." I nodded

"Good," he nodded, "I love you—that's all that matters right now."

♥ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴍʀ.ʀɪɢʜᴛ ♥

sorry for any errors!

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โPizzaface โž That's what they called him.
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67.2K 2.8K 41
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2.8K 142 18
(แด‹ษชสŸสŸแดœษขแดษด แด˜ส€ษชษดแด„แด‡ แด€แดœ ๊œฐษชแด„) แด‹ษชสŸสŸแดœแด€ ษช๊œฑ แด€ ษดแด-ษขแดแดแด… ๊œฑแด›แด‡แด€สŸษชษดษข ส™ส€แด€แด›, แด€๊œฑ แดแด€ษดส สŸแดแด„แด€สŸ๊œฑ ๊œฑแด€ส. สœแด‡ สœแด€๊œฑ ษดแด ๊œฐแด€แดษชสŸส แด€ษดแด… สŸษชแด แด‡๊œฑ ษชษด แด€ แด›ส€แด‡แด‡สœแดแดœ๊œฑแด‡ สŸแดแด„แด€แด›แด‡แด… ษชษด แด›สœแด‡ แดกแดแดแด…๊œฑ แด€สŸสŸ แด€สŸ...