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11K 610 977

Dear Mr.Right

Okay, it's been a couple of days since I met Kameron. Yamir was right, he is a cool person. But he's really shy and doesn't talk much, which I understand honestly. Tania is the only one of the girls I've spoken to since the game, we actually finally exchanged numbers too, no more talking through Angie (who I still haven't heard from OR seen)  It's whatever, maybe she's dealing with family problems, who knows.

anywho, I've been thinking about something all week. Yamir and I have only been together for a couple of days, but if we're being honest it feels like we've been dating for longer.

And as I've made it known, I'm a virgin....and as I've also made it known, I'm tired of being a virgin. So yeah, lately I've been thinking about sex. Now yes, I get it, that may be a little fast but like bro, a boy has needs.

Idk, maybe it's just lust, Yamir is fine as hell and I wanna do something beyond a kiss. okay you know what , I'll admit it...it is too fast to be thinking about stuff like this but I don't care...

I want it.

"Jesus," I mumbled to myself, staring at the video on the screen.

"...she's taking it." I shook my head.

"Hayden!" I heard my dad call out from the hallway, causing me to slam my MacBook shut.

"Y-yeah!" I responded, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.

Moments later my dad walked through the door, and just as he was about to speak his face contorted in both confusion and suspicion.

"why are you red?" He questioned.

"I was watching a scary movie." I lied.

There was no way in hell I was about to try and explain to my dad that I was watching porn so I'd be more prepared for sex.

One, he'd kill me.

Two, he'd kill Yamir.

Three, I'd kill myself before I even let him try and give me the talk.

"Oh," he nodded, "well I just came to see if you wanted to help me cook dinner later, it's been a while since we've had a father-son day." He smiled.

I honestly didn't feel like it, but he was right, it had been a while since we did anything together. Plus I didn't wanna hurt his feelings by saying no, so I agreed.

On top of that, I'd at least rather be in the kitchen to help while he "cooked", that way the food would actually be edible.

"sure dad." I smiled.

"alright, I'm gonna head to the store really quick to get the stuff." He told me.

I nodded and then watched as he exited my room, allowing me to release a nervous breath.

Once I was sure he was gone, I once again opened my laptop and began to stare flatly at the screen.

Watching porn for self-pleasure, and watching it for education were two different experiences I swear.

This right here just seemed so overproduced and boring. There was no way I'd be able to do half the stuff this guy was doing, I mean seriously, how was he not in pain?

The straight versions weren't much better, it was just dramatic screaming and positions I couldn't see myself in.

This was so damn stressful. Yamir wasn't a virgin, and I'm sure he had more than one body. If we ever did have sex, I didn't want to embarrass myself.

Imagine he tries to do the do with me and it's just horrible, then he breaks up with me. God, how do I even prepare for something like this?

Just as I had begun to smother myself in my comforter the topic of my internal monologue called me.

"Hey Yamir," I answered, pressing the speaker option on my phone.

" baby, I'm about to pull up." He spoke,

"Pull u—oh wait I totally forgot about your doctor's appointment," I spoke, slapping my hand over my forehead.

"yeah, are you still able to go?" He then questioned.

"Of course, it just slipped my mind." I told him, "Hold on, you're driving with a concussion!?" I then questioned.

"Hayden relax," he chuckled, "it was only a minor concussion, and it's been over 48 hours since I got it—I'm okay to drive now."

I was still apprehensive about it, hence my silence, so he spoke again, "I mean you could always drive me, but I know you don't like doing it."

"yeah yeah..." I mumbled, grabbing my keys.

He laughed at my response, and moments later he was pulling up to my house.

After locking up behind me, I approached his car and entered it, immediately meeting him with a kiss after I did so.

"how do you feel?" I asked as we backed away.

"normal," he replied simply, watching as I buckled up before he began to drive.

"—what have you been up to, since you got home and everything?" He then asked, dropping one of his hands from the steering wheel and resting it on my thigh.

Honestly, that question had already caught me off guard, but the feeling of his large hand over my thigh left me even more dazed.

"Oh, I uh—"

Okay Hayden, just come up with a believable lie. Nothing you haven't done before.

and don't blink.

"I just watched a couple of shows." I waved off, making sure to keep my eyes open.

"your usual?" He asked, "That 'baddies' shit?"

"yep!" I nodded.

Good job Hayden.

"I thought you said it was over?" He asked, chuckling.

"Oh, it is, um, I was just watching old episodes," I told him.

"oh ok," he replied

"—I like that color on you by the way," he spoke, motioning to the green shirt I had on, "it makes your skin glow, you look sexy."


"thanks, booby," I mumbled, feeling my cheeks heat a bit.

" 'course." He replied, simply.

Now that he'd pointed out my appearance, I was able to take in his.

He had a habit of dressing in athletic attire, like right now he wore a grey sweat suit. And he looked great, I mean he always looked great, but god, why did it have to be grey?

"you're getting warm." He chuckled, applying slight pressure to his grip on my thigh.

"Really?" I played off, "I don't know why, I'm cool, cool as ice." I waved off.

"right," he nodded.

"Anywho," I said dramatically, changing the subject, "I've got an idea of what to do for your birthday!" I said with excitement.

"forreal?" He questioned, "What is it?"

"Can't tell you, it's a surprise, but just know we'd have to travel for it," I told him.

"love, how is it gonna be a surprise if we have to travel, I'm the only one between us that drives." He laughed

"wait that's a good point," I mumbled.

"—well I can tell you where it's at without telling you exactly what it is," I added.

"Okay, where is it?" He then asked, still laughing.

"wellll, there's gonna be this music festival down in Florida during and after your birthday—I saw it on Twitter."  I ranted.

"So it's a music festival?" He questioned.


"fuck I didn't even know I said it," I sighed, "Me and my big mouth!" I complained.

Yamir snickered at my choice of words then spoke, "I'm looking forward to it love, just me and you." He added.

"Really?" I asked in excitement.

"Yeah, you did a good job deciding, I can't wait." He continued.

"wait but you don't even know who's performing yet." I pouted.

"Who will it be?" He asked as he looked over at me.

" Brent Faiyaz, My personal favorite—Sza, Ice Spice, that other new rapper you were telling me about, there's even rumors of Drake and Nicki being a surprise!" I cheesed, already giddy with nerves.

"wow," he said genuinely, "yeah nah—good job, that sounds like it's gonna be too fun."

"Eh, don't mention it." I waved off cockily, causing him to scoff playfully.

For the remainder of the ride to the doctor's office, we made small conversations about his birthday plans, discussing the travel time, places we'd stay, and all the logistics stuff.

"I've been trying to figure out a good hotel to stay at, but they're all so expensive, and I don't want you to have to pay anything when this is my gift to you." I ranted, pouting.

"Nah don't worry about that, my family has an estate in Florida, we can use that." He informed.

My mouth dropped dramatically after hearing that, "y'all have a what?"

"An estate," he repeated, "y'know, like prope—"

"No, mir I know what an estate is, the fact that you guys have one is just surprising. I swear every day I learn more about how rich you all are." I told him, laughing.

"Oh, well yeah—we can use that, you just gotta make sure your dad is okay with it." He then spoke, laughing, "I doubt he wants you to spend a weekend with me in a different state."

"lord," I sighed.

"—this time I'm gonna have to be a bit more persuasive." I thought aloud, "Maybe I'll just cry—that usually works."

"Hayden don't do that." He spoke.

"Hey, do you want me to come or not?" I shot back.

"fine...just don't make him feel too bad." He added.

Eh, he'll be alright.

Moments later we pulled up to Yamirs doctor's office, which might I add, looks fittingly high-class for his family.

"wait right there," he spoke as he exited his car.

I looked at him in confusion but listened to his words while I watched him walk all the way around to my side of the car and open the door.

When I realized what he was doing a warm blush came over my cheeks yet again.

"Thanks," I muttered as I stepped out.

Honestly one of the best things about Yamir and I dating is the fact that I completely loved corny gestures—and he was really good at doing corny stuff in a way where it still gave me butterflies.

"Of course." He replied simply as he shut the door behind me.

Comfortable silence is what we walked in as we entered the building.

While he went ahead and signed himself in and everything I waited quietly in a seat closest to the door. Just a habit I'd gotten from my dad..again—paranoid military father.

Thankfully the wait wasn't long at all, almost nonexistent really.

There were barely five minutes of us sitting before being called to the back.

"Alright, it says you're here for a post-concussion check-up?" His doctor spoke, reading off of her clipboard.

"Yes ma'am," Yamir nodded politely.

"Alrighty, we're gonna go ahead and have you remove your shirt, I'll be back shortly." She informed me before leaving the room.

Of course, as he was told, Yamir removed his shirt, revealing his genuinely perfect body.

I must've been staring because I heard him chuckle lowly which then caused me to look up and immediately connect our eyes.

"Shut up," I mumbled shyly.

"I didn't even say anything, Hayden." He told me, still laughing.

"It was written all over your face." I shot back, turning my lip up.

"Okay pretty boy, whatever you say." He shrugged, shaking his head.

Just before I could speak again his doctor returned, garnering both of our attention, "Alrighty, I'm gonna have you step onto that scale right there." She spoke, pointing to the device in the corner.

Yamir nodded then walked over to it, once he stepped on, the nurse took a second to write down his weight, then looked up at his height.

"Oh wow, it looks like you had a bit of a growth spurt." The doctor chuckled, "Last time you were 6'1, you're up to 6'3 now." She smiled.

"—What are your parents putting in your cereal young man?" She joked.

Yamir only laughed shyly in response and dropped his head.

You'd think he'd be used to compliments by now, but he would still blush occasionally, it was so cute.

On another note, 6'3 is crazy, like I knew he was a big guy, but wow.

that's uh, that's....interesting.

After Yamir laid back down on the bed, she gave him the concussion inspection as I watched on anxiously.

"everything looks good thankfully." She spoke as she inspected his pupils.

"So I can start playing ball again?" He asked immediately.

I slapped my hand over my face and shook my head while his doctor just laughed.

"Yessir, you can, though, let's try to be a little careful." She said wisely.

"Of course." Yamir nodded, smiling widely.

For about 5 more minutes she just gave him instructions on what to do if symptoms return and gave him a refill of the nausea medicine if needed.

I was genuinely so impressed by how quickly his doctor's office moved, it took us only about an hour to be in, seen, and out. Can't lie, I was jealous because anytime I went to the doctor it became an all-day ordeal.

"you wanna get food?" Yamir asked as he opened up the passenger door for me.

"No it's okay, my dad wants to make dinner tonight—so I'm just gonna wait until then," I informed as I sat down.

He nodded and closed the door behind me before walking to his side.

"Let me get you home then, I don't want any more reason for your dad not to like me." He laughed.

"He doesn't dislike you Yamir, I told you that." I laughed.

"I know, still, I feel like asking you to come with me for an entire weekend will rub him the wrong way." He ranted.

"Honestly, I think it's best if you come in when you drop me off today and talk to him. He's kinda old school in some aspects, he values initiative and he'll want to read your intentions." I told him honestly.

"Yeah I can do that—definitely." Yamir nodded, "I get it too— when I have kids I'm gonna wanna meet their significant others as well, 'specially if it's a boy."

I chuckled at his words then spoke again, "Speaking of dads, How's Mr.Paul?"

Immediately his face contorted in confusion, "who?" He asked.

"Mr.Paul..." I repeated, "Your dad."

"my dads' name isn't Paul." He spoke, shaking his head.

"But he— he said it was, even your mom called him Pauly." I pouted.

"I'm not gonna lie baby, my dad just has this thing about not giving out his real name on the first interaction." He explained, "My mom most likely just went along with it, she knows how he is."

"—I guess he's just old school too in that regard, but his real name is Nicolo." He explained.

That's interesting, I mean I'm not sure why he'd have to be so secretive, but I guess I get it.

"Oh wow—that seems more Italian than Paul," I replied, giggling.

"Yeah," he agreed, chuckling with me, "but Paps fine—he just works a lot. Both my parents work a lot honestly, my mom just tries to take a vacation every now and then, pap...not so much." He explained.

His expression caused me to pout at his words, his tone wasn't sad but he still looked it.

"Hey don't worry booby, I'll come over anytime you want me to annoy you." I smiled, causing him to eventually break out into his own.

"you already do...." He mumbled, which led me to shoot my eyes over at him.

He laughed even harder at my expression before speaking, "Just joking, you couldn't annoy me if you tried, love."

Oh really, challenge accepted.

If all goes well and my dad is cool with me going out of town with him this weekend, I'll make it my personal mission to annoy the hell out of this boy.

"you're so shady," I told him, shaking my head.

"shady?" He questioned.

"yeah, shady...remember I explained it, it's like being messy." I told him.

"wait— I mean I remember a little bit about you saying being shady is like trying to be funny. But I don't understand what either of those things have to do with me being messy, I actually cleaned out my car today." He said seriously.

I blinked at him for a bit before bursting into laughter.

He looked on at me with a confused expression but the entire thing was genuinely just adorable.

"not like that bubba," I told him

"Ah," he nodded, "okay well c'mon, Lemme know what it means—now you got me feeling stupid." He ranted, laughing.

"being messy and being shady is kinda the same thing, it just means you're a slick person, or in some cases, it can be used for people who start, or like drama," I explained.

"Damn..." he mumbled lowly.

"—this shit is like a different language." He spoke.

"It actually is when you think about it." I replied, "Oh my god—I'm gonna teach you all the lingo!"

My excitement was not matched, and instead, he looked over at me and tucked his lips.

"Y'know what, I think I'm good—I appreciate the gesture though." He told me.

"your loss," I mumbled saltily.

"Fine, if you teach me about that stuff, I get to teach you about sports. Football and basketball, because football seasons about to end." He shot back.

I'd rather die.

"Actually you're right, I think we're good!" I told him, forcing a wide smile.

He scoffed at my words and shook his head, pulling up to my house not too much longer after that.

I spotted my dad's car in the driveway which meant he was back home, which honestly made me a little nervous.

"You don't have to speak with him today if you don't want," I told Yamir, anxious for him.

"Nah it's okay, the longer I wait the less likely he'll be to like me." He replied, stepping out of the car.

After opening the door for me to step out as well, he gave me a reassuring smile and we approached my front door.

Once we stepped in, I could immediately hear my dad from the kitchen, talking loudly on the phone with one of my uncles.

"C'mon," I told Yamir lowly, grabbing his large hand and leading him through the house.

"Hey Dad," I spoke as we entered the kitchen, causing him to turn around and look between us both.

"Hey son," he stated foremost, "Yamir, I've been seeing your highlights online—it's good to see you again young man." He then added, walking over with his hand extended.

I watched as they shook hands and then my dad spoke again, "I'm gonna call you back in a second man," he said on the phone before hanging it up and placing it in his pocket.

"How have you been, I heard about that concussion last week?" My dad asked, leaning against the counter.

I took this as the opportunity to slide out of the kitchen, "be right back," I mumbled to them both before scurrying to the stairs.

I walked up the stairs but then leaned over the banister so I could hear their conversation.

"I apologize about not speaking with you sooner sir, I planned on it—then my injury happened and I had to rest," Yamir spoke.

"Don't mention it kid—I completely understand. I'm happy you came by today if anything. Hayden's been all about you lately so I knew I'd have to speak with you."

Okay...let's leave me out of this...

"I haven't seen him so happy in a long time, it's really good to watch." My dad continued.

"Ah, I'm just enjoying every second with him honestly." Yamir spoke, and by his cadence, I could tell he was smiling, "I've never been this happy either."

"That's good to hear," my dad spoke, "I just want you two to be careful as well. You're both young so right now it's just rainbows and unicorns, but as you get older and this relationship continues things will get hard." He spoke.

"—my son is...how do I put this...he's not average." My dad started.

God where is he going with this...

"Hayden is someone who is very transparent with his emotions. He wears them on his sleeve really. He's not like me or you, or even his brother. My son is gentle, and after raising him all these years, I know that he requires gentleness from those around him." My dad continued

I'm not gentle........okay maybe a little.

"It's why he and his mother got along so well, they were both very gentle beings." He spoke.

"I'm not saying you will, but I'm stating this anyways. Don't hurt my son—I like you, and I feel like you have very good intentions, but on the off chance I'm wrong—I'm telling you that."

"I'm not sir, I try to avoid doing anything that would even give him that thought," Yamir replied.

"Good," my dad nodded, "well then you have my blessing to continue being with him. He's my youngest though, no matter how old he gets he'll always be my baby boy—

I'm gonna kill myself, I wish he'd stop calling me that....

"—I can be a bit overprotective of him, but I've been trying to get better seeing as he's about to be an adult."

That's an understatement...

"I understand," Yamir agreed.

Of course, you do...

"Okay good good, Hayden you can come down now!" My dad then announced loudly.


Slowly I walked down the stairs and back into the kitchen where they were both leaning on opposite counters.

"Soooo, what did you guys talk about?" I asked.

My dad only rolled his eyes while Yamir just shrugged.

"Let me know when you're ready to start cooking nosey boy." My dad spoke, laughing.

"Yeah, I should get going and leave you guys to it," Yamir spoke as he stood up straight.

"C'mon, I'll walk you out," I told him, again grabbing his hand.

As I all but pulled him with me he said a quick goodbye to my father.

"How did it go?" I asked as we stepped outside on the porch.

"Real good," he responded simply, "I think he likes me."

"boy everybody likes you." I scoffed.

"Even you?" He teased, looking down at me with a smirk.

"shut up," I mumbled.

"Okay." He replied simply before leaning down at capturing my lips with his own.

As usual, the kiss was prolonged when his hand held my neck in place.

Slowly, my hands made their way to his abdomen, where I palmed his abs gently, enjoying the chiseled muscles.

Finally, when he broke the kiss I had to suppress the urge to whimper at the loss as he looked down at me.

"Alright I gotta go, aren't you supposed to be cooking something with your dad?" He questioned.

"not yet," I said quickly, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him back down to kiss again.

This time he allowed me to control it while his arms wrapped themselves around me to bring us closer together.

I know he said my lips were soft, but I swear that his were just as soft. Even the way his light facial hair would tickle my skin sent tingles over my body.

"Baby, we..gotta... stop." He mumbled in between the kiss.

"No.." I protested.

He allowed the kiss to go on for a couple more seconds before breaking it.

"If your dad walks out and sees us he's gonna kill me." He laughed.

Honestly, he was right, I just didn't really care at this moment.

I only rolled my eyes in response, feeling as he gently grabbed my hand and began walking with me to his car.

"what got into you huh?" He questioned huskily.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied shyly, gazing at the ground.

"Okay," he chuckled, "we can play like we don't know what's going on."

"I don't know anything." I shrugged, coming to a halt in front of the passenger side of his car, and leaning back on it.

"Okay." He repeated, placing his arms on each side of me and leaning his massive frame over top of me.

I really couldn't read the expression he had as he looked down at me. But he wasn't smiling, and he didn't exactly look angry either.

I'd never seen him look like that, his eyes were almost misty, and his mouth hang just slightly agape.

Seconds later I could feel his soft lips kiss my cheek, my jawline, my chin, then finally—again he kissed my lips.

This time his hands found my waist, where he squeezed just slightly—applying an arousing amount of pleasure that pulled a sound from my throat I'd never even heard from myself.

I could even physically feel his lips curve into a smile as we kissed.

That's it, I've waited long enough.

It was time.

And even if it wasn't time.

I still wanted to do it—specifically with him.

Again when we separated our kiss, we took a moment to catch our breaths, but just stared at each other in the meantime.

I was still trapped between his arms, but I wasn't really complaining. They were some pretty sexy arms to be fair.

"you wanna feel something?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow in question and he grabbed my hand in response.

I watched as he then placed it over his chest, giving me a good feel of his pounding heart.

Though his hand was over mine, his eyes were still locked onto my own, never breaking the eye contact.

My mouth again fell, but this time it was due to how fast his heart was beating. I mean mine as beating fast too—but it was because this was really my first time experiencing any of this.

Slowly and gently he continued to move my hand down his body, watching closely at my expression to make sure what he was doing was okay.

Our hands got lower and lower, low enough to trail over his abs again—then he stopped at his waistband.

As we continued to look into each other's eyes, I bit my lips to contain myself...but eventually I failed at my self-censorship.

"K-keep going," I mumbled.

It's not like anyone could even see what was happening, his huge stature was literally engulfing me, and my back was to his car.

He waited a few seconds, then began to trail my hand down more.

Even slower than he was before, he trailed my hand over the bulge of his track pants.

A slight gasp escaped both of our throats, me from the shock of what I was feeling, and him from the sensation of our hands.

He stopped the movement, and removed his hand from my own, but left my hand over his crotch.

To be fair, I could've moved it anytime I wanted—I just didn't want to.

"look what you do to me." He mumbled very lowly.

I swear, between his words, what I was feeling through his clothes, and just his appearance, my entire body was on fire.

Sure I've watched Porn, and sure I've masturbated, but I have never in my life felt like this—and we haven't even done anything crazy.

Literally, all it took was a kiss and a bit of feeling around for me to be on the verge of passing out

My heart was gonna beat out of my chest at this point, and I swear I could feel him literally throbbing through his clothing.

"You've gotta take your hand off love, or it's not gonna go down." He spoke quietly, almost whispering.

Reality finally kicked back in during that moment, and I brought my hand back up to his chest.

Now I had to try and fix my own situation down there too.

"I gotta go now, foreal." He spoke, shaking his head.

"—no telling if your dad saw us, I'm gonna die the next time he sees me," he joked.

Playfully I rolled my eyes and pushed him back so I could walk.

"Yeah, text me when you get home okay," I told him, watching as he nodded and approached the driver's side of his car.

As usual, once I was back in my house he pulled off.

Thankfully my dad was in the kitchen and back on the phone so I doubt he saw anything.

"Look who finally decided to join us." He said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah." I played off, still trying to compose myself from what I felt earlier.

"I like that boy for you son—he's a good kid." My dad nodded.

"Really?" I smiled.

"—well that's great because his birthday is this weekend and we've been planning this trip, but I know how you are soooooo..."

After my rant, he just blinked at me, "No." He stated.

"Dad!" I whined.

"Where is the trip?" He asked.

"Florida..." I mumbled.

"Hell no!" He repeated.

"C'mon, please! You've already met his parents, and now you've met him! Dad, they're rich, I'll be safe." I convinced.

"Hayden..." he started, then caught himself.

"—If you go, I want your location on at all times." He started.

"When you get there I want an update, when you're about to leave I want an update, hell I want an update every time you get in a car." He ranted

"This isn't the military, Captain America." I joked.

"boy.." he warned.

"Got it, got it!" I said quickly, seeing he was serious.

"When will you leave and get back?" He asked.

"Friday we'd leave, and Sunday we'd get back," I told him.

His silence was still telling so I spoke, "Dad please, I never ask to go anywhere."

He groaned then responded, "Fine Hayden but I'm being serious, I want that location on."

"Done." I nodded.

"And if you turn it off, I'm calling the police and telling them you ran away." He added.

"Oh my god—Dad that's crazy," I said with wide eyes.

"Do you want to go or not?" He asked.

"Well, I guess it's not that crazy." I reiterated.

"Also call your brother before you leave—give him a whole rundown of your relationship as well, I want him to have your location too."

"You're not serious, Tariq is gonna have me text him every hour—he's just as bad as you," I complained.

All he did was give me a stern look and I sighed, "Fine...I'll call him."

"—but that's a yes though right—I can go?" I added in question, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yes," he sighed, "you can go...."

♥ ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴍʀ.ʀɪɢʜᴛ ♥

🤭 any thoughts?

apologies for any errors.

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