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9.8K 547 617

Dear.Mr Right

Unfortunately this boy gives me butterflies...
No but seriously this has been the craziest 24 hours I've had in this damn state. So much has happened and I've been through about 10 different emotions, but honestly i would not trade it for the world. I'm literally blushing just writing this.

Slowly and lethargically my eyes fluttered open, the first thing I noticed was how warm I was—or rather how warm everything around me was.

Then the memories all came rushing in from last night—the loads and loads of memories.

Looking up I noticed Yamir was still asleep, his mouth hang open slightly in a cute way which plastered a small smile on my face.

I didn't wanna move, I'm not sure what we even were anymore, but laying here in his arms was so comfortable, I just had a hunch it wouldn't last.

Him admitting all those feelings for me at once was a bit overwhelming—but after he explained his situation to me it made sense. I mean either way I was gonna be okay with it, if anything I had been trying not to catch feelings for him because I thought they wouldn't be reciprocated, now I had no reason to fight those urges.

Still, this was a lot—really fast, but I don't think I'd have it any other way.

My dad should be home any minute now, and I'm sure if he either saw us like this, or saw Yamir leave my room shirtless, he'd want an explanation—no matter how much he claimed to like the boy.

But I really didn't want to move—it felt so good being like this. Slowly I leaned a bit more into his chest and relaxed.

"you okay?" He spoke randomly which kinda startled me so I flinched in his arms.

In response his grip tightened and he spoke again, "my bad I didn't mean to scare you—good morn'." He smiled, eyes still closed.

"you sounded like a demon," I joked, his morning voice sounded so much different than his usual one.

"sorry." he chuckled.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." I mumbled.

He broke out into a small smile for a while, then he held it, and eventually I realized he'd just fallen back asleep.

I laughed quietly at that and laid back against his chest, playing with the chain that laid loosely around his neck.

I enjoyed that brief moment of pure comfort before my phone alerted with a text message.

Gently I shifted so my back was against the boy behind me and I could reach for the nightstand.

I really should get up before my dad got home—I just could not bring myself to move. Plus Yamir fell back asleep, clearly he was tired.

After squinting my eyes I focused my vision to see who had texted me.

Once I realized who it was I creased my eyebrows in confusion.

Angie never texted me this early, but once I read it and she explained how she couldn't sleep I frowned sadly. She'd been so upset over this boy for so long, whoever it was he hurt her bad.

Angie: hey ik it's early, but I just really couldn't sleep at all last night and I needed someone to talk to, I'm sorry. I just really don't know what to do about him, like I can't believe he told me he doesn't feel anything, I feel so used and played, and I feel stupid because a small part of me still feels like there's a chance.
Sent at 8:09 am

There wasn't much advice I could really give her, I mean honestly I was half asleep and that was a lot to deal with in the morning, but I also had never been through that so I'm not sure how to help.

"who's that?" Yamir once again asked randomly, I guess he's going in and out of sleep due to my movement—I was trying not to wake him.

"just a friend, she's kinda stressed out over a guy." I explained, I didn't really wanna say her name and put her business out there.

"it must be serious if she stole you from me." He teased.

"I'm literally still here, I couldn't get any closer to you or I'd be inside your skin." I snickered.

"I'm okay with that." He smirked.

So corny yet so cute.

"what is in your pocket, it's been poking me all night." I spoke, tugging on his chain playfully.

"what?" He questioned.

"whatever you have in your pocket has been poking me all night, I didn't want to say anything because you were asleep." I told him.

"there's nothing in—"

He cut himself off and stopped speaking randomly.

"—it's my phone, yeah—I put it in my pocket so I wouldn't lose it." He nodded.

"it doesn't feel like a phone.." I spoke, reaching down to grab whatever it was.

Before I could however, he swiftly turned around and sat up at the edge of the bed.

"Are you okay?" I questioned in concern, watching him.

"Yeah—I uh, just gotta go pee." He nodded.

"Oh okay, I should get up anyways, my dad will be home soon."

Seconds later he walked over to the door and left my room to head to the bathroom.

I stretched for a moment before heading to my dads bathroom again to freshen up for the morning.

When I did return, Yamir sat at my desk engulfed in his own phone, now changed back into the clothes he'd had on last night.

"I gotta head home soon." He revealed as I walked back in.

"why?" I frowned as I came to a stop in front of him.

"I gotta session with my private coach—then I gotta help my little sister study for a little bit." He revealed.

"oh.." I responded, attempting to hide some of the disappointment.

"you okay?" He questioned in concern, noticing my demeanor.

"yeah no it's fine." I waved off.

"we should probably talk about last night," he then said, sighing.

"I mean we don't have to, I get it if you didn't mean anything by it—or if it was all a heat of the moment thing." I ranted, waving him off.

"Hayden what are you talking about?" He chuckled.

"Like you know, you said a bunch of things that I'm not gonna hold you to—I get it." I shook my head.

"you think I didn't mean it when I said I had a crush on you?" He then questioned

"I don't know." I mumbled, shrugging.

"I meant it." He reassured, spreading his legs comfortably as he sat in my chair.

"so then, I mean—are we—like, what are we?" I questioned nervously.

He looked at me for a bit before chuckling.

"what?" I whined.

"you're cute." He responded, continuing to laugh.

"Yamir stop laughing at me, what did I say that was so funny?" I spoke, crouching so I could point at him in his chest.

"Until I take you out on a first date, I don't want to put a title on anything—as of now, we're just doing what we've been doing, learning each other." He responded, grabbing my hand softly that had been poking him.

"—now we just know that there's feelings there." He added.

I digested his words silently before he spoke again.

"are you okay with that?" He asked.

"yeah—wait so are you gonna talk to other people?"

"Romantically no, of course not, I'm all in on you." He smiled, causing a red hue to wash over my cheeks.

"so then we're just talking?" I questioned, wanting to be completely clear about everything so there was no confusion.

"sure, we're talking, then will start dating, then hopefully I can make you my boyfriend." He smirked.

I wanted to scream out of giddiness but that would be embarrassing so I'm gonna wait until he leaves.

"is that okay with you?" He asked again, laughing.

"I wouldn't know any better." I shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"is this really your first time talking with a guy, you've never talked about your sexuality with me before." I spoke.

"Honestly," he sighed, "I never thought about it but I was never opposed to it. I don't really think I wanna label myself anything honestly—I don't really understand it enough yet." He explained.

"—I knew I had a crush on you, your gender never really crossed my mind. To me having feelings is just having feelings, I'm not really into the whole restricted to one label thing." He added.

"wow," I mumbled.

"what?" He laughed.

"You're really not at all what I expected when I first saw you.." I said truthfully.

Either this boy was an amazing liar and a pro manipulator, or he was genuinely perfect.

"Eh I'm just regular." He waved off before standing up.

As usual he regained the height difference and looked down at me.

"Alright I gotta head out before my mom kills me." He started.

—and again that pout I had returned, "I forgot."

"I didn't expect you to look sad, usually you'd tell me to hurry up and get out." He teased.

"well now I don't have to act like that." I shrugged.

" so then I was right, it was an act." He cheesed.

"shut up." I shot back.

"make me." He shrugged.

There's not one holy thought going through my mind right now.

"—you know what, you should come with me." He suggested with a smile.

"I thought you had a private session and stuff." I replied.

"I do, but you can watch if you want, or just chill in my room until I'm done, or stay here—it's up to you." He spoke.

"Are you sure that's okay?" I questioned as my lips slowly contorted into a smile.

"more than okay, it's preferred." he smirked.

"iTs pReFeRred." I mocked causing him to roll his eyes.

"I'm gonna head to the car, we can leave whenever you're ready." He then spoke, holding onto his car keys.

"aye aye captian," I saluted dramatically, watching as he exited my room.

Once he was downstairs and I heard the front door open and close I let out a voice cracking scream and threw myself on my bed.

The fact that my sheets now smelled like him only made the giddiness even worse and I had to force myself to get up and get dressed for the day.

When I did finally make it downstairs my dad was walking through the door and his expression changed to confusion when he saw me.

"I just got home and you're already leaving again?" He laughed, dropping his equipment.

"yeah I'm heading over to Yamirs." I responded, fighting the urge to smile.

"How was that movie yesterday?" He then asked.

"Good!" I said simply, trying to make this conversation as quick as possible he started asking too many more questions.

"no hug son, really?" He asked, watching as I approached the door.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to him to meet him for a quick hug.

I swear my dad was gonna treat me like I was 5 forever. Like sure I was the baby boy, but I was still about to be 18.

"anything else father man?" I teased jokingly.

"No you can go ahead and enjoy yourself, let your friend know I'll be expecting to talk with him soon, one on one." He nodded.

I creased my eyebrows and spoke up, "talk to him for what?"

"don't worry about it—go ahead, don't keep the boy waiting now."

I gave him a suspicious look but ultimately left the house and went about my way.

"you ready?" Yamir questioned as I stepped into the car.

"Mhm!" I smiled as I applied my seatbelt.

He chuckled and nodded before driving away.

"what you want for breaky?" He questioned, turning on his radio to a low volume.

I thought it myself for a bit before responding, "I don't know—how come I always have to choose?"

"cause I'll eat anything," he shrugged.

"I should probably eat light though since I'm about to be working out and all that." He added

"you can get a fruit bowl from chic fil a." I smirked.

"Homophobic chicken it is then." He joked, nodding.

"Oh my god this is my song!" I said randomly when I heard a certain lyric.

"He say that I'm good enough, grabbin my dududuh!" I rapped seriously causing Yamir to laugh.

"so you're a rapper now?" He teased, "dope—I like it."

"I'm whatever ice spice wants me to be, that's my main bitch." I said matter of factly.

"—like that boy is a cap, sayin he home but I know where he at, like!" I continued, pointing at Yamir as if I was creating a new music video.

He only rolled his eyes at my antics as he focused on the road.

"I didn't know you liked rap." He stated.

"I dibble and dabble." I responded, giggling.

"—what about you?" I asked.

"Yeah I like it." He nodded.

"Really, I thought you were just an RnB typa guy?" I questioned.

"It just depends on my mood honestly, I've been listening to this one new rapper lately kinda heavy." He informed.

"really who?" I asked genuinely.

"Ion think you know him, imma play a song for you one of these days, he's dope." He smiled.

I nodded and shrugged as we eventually came to a stop at the fast food place. Like usual, Yamir ordered and payed before we were on our way to our destination.

As much as I had visited his house, I don't think I'll ever get used to the glitz and glamour, or the fact they had security in every corner.

"My moms home today, you might see her." He informed as he parked in their garage.

The last two times I'd come over, no one else was home, now that they were—I was kinda nervous about their reactions.

"I can take you back home if that makes you uncomfortable."

"it's fine booby." I replied, shaking my head.

He gave me a look of question prompting me to speak again, "I promise." I added.

With a smile he nodded and exited the car before waiting for me to do the same.

"c'mon," he muttered as he walked toward the garage door.

Once we were inside and I was met with the familiar luxury of his home, I immediately noticed what sounded like a woman talking very loudly and dramatically on her phone.

"yeah that's my ma, she's probably talking to one of her boring wife friends." Yamir joked, taking note of my expression.

I snickered at that and followed him as he walked. The voice got louder up until we entered the kitchen and I was met with who I assume was Yamirs mom.

She was a rather tall pretty brown skinned lady, I can definitely tell which features Yamir had gotten from her.

"Nicole I'm gonna call you right back—yep my son just walked in with his friend." She spoke before hanging up.

"Hon' nice of you to finally join us." She joked, looking over at Yamir who smiled sheepishly.

"sorry I couldn't just come here without making sure we was taken care of, we didn't get to eat breakfast." He explained.

"I get it," his mom nodded before looking over at me and extending her hand.

"Nice to finally meet you, Hayden right?" She questioned.

"Yes ma'am," I smiled as I shook her hand.

"I must say—this is a nice change of pace because all of my sons other friends are more muscle than brain, I swear." She joked, causing me to snort in laughter.

"ma ..." Yamir sighed.

"I'm just saying," she shrugged.

"—well I'm gonna leave you two alone, Yamir finish up you food quickly, your coach is already out back waiting, and your sister has been waiting on you all morning." She informed.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded as we both watched her exit the Kitchen.

"she's nice." I spoke.

"she can be." He shrugged, pulling out our food.

I got my usual meal while Yamir stuck with the fruit I suggested.

"you wanna go to my room?" He asked.

I thought to myself a bit before nodding, I felt a bit more comfortable there than anywhere else here.

"alright cmon." He muttered before grabbing all our things once more and nodding toward the stairs.

After I began walking he followed closely behind me until we got inside his room.

We sat on his floor just eating for a couple minuets before he had to leave.

"Okay I gotta go, for real this time." He chuckled, plopping a blueberry in his mouth.

"you've already kept the man waiting for who knows how long." I laughed, using my thumb go swipe away some of the fruit that had stuck itself at the corner of his mouth.

"yeah yeah." He muttered, standing up and removing his shirt.

"You're getting changed in here!?" I asked more loudly than I'd meant to.

"Not fully, relax." He laughed, walking over to his closet which was like another room in itself.

"Oue let me see what clothes you've got in there that I can steal!" I joked, shuffling to my feet.

"I don't know about all that." He chuckled, as he looked through his own clothing for something to workout In.

"Jesus," I mumbled as I looked around the walk-in closet.

"I'm a lot bigger than you—they'll be too large." He added removing his pants.

My eyes went wide and I quickly turned around so my back was towards him now.

"maybe just a sweater then, oversized sweaters are the new wave." I suggested.

"Then go ahead, choose whatever you like." He suggested.

"—you can turn around now." He added.

I did so and released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Okay I'm leaving, you wanna watch—or you gonna stay here?" He asked.

"Um im gonna stay in here," I nodded, "maybe I'll finally show you what a clean room looks like." I teased.

He rolled his eyes before nodding and exiting his closet.

Moments later I heard his room door open and close.

"man," I sighed, "he's genuinely gonna be the death of me..."

♥  ᴅᴇᴀʀ ᴍʀ.ʀɪɢʜᴛ  ♥

wishing I was a fictional character named Hayden right about now.

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