Sakura Urameshi: Chapter Blac...

By Rosentic_xo

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Sakura took a step back and raised her energy shield. "Who's there?" she called sharply. The only response... More

1. It Wasn't A Dream
2. Spirit Trial
3. Kintsugi
4. When Worlds Collide
5. Elemental Sites
6. Power Sphere
7. Last Chance At Victory
8. You're In My Territory
9. Taboo
10. Battle of Wits
11. Divine Justice
12. Eyes Always Watching
13. Heart of Darkness
14. Out of the Shadows
15. No Control
16. Into the Storm
17. Truth and Lies
18. Divided We Fall
19. Too Late
20. Obsession
21. Road to War
22. No Way Out
23. Unhinged
24. Don't Be Afraid
25. I Don't Believe It
26. Goblin City
27. I'll Show You Everything (Part 1)
28. I'll Show You (Part 2): The Safe Zone
30. I'll Show You (Part 4): Monster
31. Game Over
32. Bonus Round
33. Your Fault
34. Arrival
35. Kurama's Fury
36. I'm Here
37. Spirit Detective Showdown
38. Lucky Seven
39. Whatever the Cost
40. What Lies Beneath
41: Seikoki
42: Vengeance
43. The Atavism
44. Power Unleashed
45. It Ends Here
46. Running Out of Time
47. Listen To Me
48. It's Over
49. Into the Light
50. The Road Ahead
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter: Every Step of the Way
Sneak Preview - Book 4: Three Kings

29. I'll Show You (Part 3): Bloodshed

198 13 71
By Rosentic_xo

Haruki woke the next morning with aching muscles and a sense of excitement he hadn't felt in a long time.

The idea of surprising Sora with a new fairy garden might have started as a fleeting late night thought. But as he lay in bed pondering the idea, Haruki came to some key conclusions.

For one, Sora had been so fixated on finishing Kenji's birthday present that she'd all but brushed Haruki off when he floated the idea of a replacement fairy garden. This hadn't surprised him; it was typical Sora. The entire time they'd been friends, she was constantly making things for other people. To his knowledge, nobody had ever done the same for her, and she'd never asked to begin with.

The only person who knew about the first fairy garden was Kenji, and their other classmates were all very young. This would be a meaningful gift, one that only he could give her.

The thought of Sora's joy when she saw her new refuge clinched it for Haruki. He didn't just want to make something special for Sora. He needed to.

With his mind made up, Haruki quickly got to work.

The first task was to find the perfect spot, one where Sora wouldn't think to look. But where?

An area the Golden Trio hadn't explored seemed like a good idea. This might make the search longer, but that was a minor issue. He would know what he was looking for when he saw it.

Haruki managed to slip away during free time and headed back towards the south east forest. Sora would never follow him here; she was spending every possible second on Kenji's playground and had no time for anything else.

After a decent search, Haruki stumbled upon a small glade, sheltered lightly by twisted cedar trees,

Instantly, he knew this was the place for the fairy garden. It had a beautiful pond surrounded by moss-covered rocks, a large array of woodland plants, and best of all, a flock of wild birds had already made their home nearby.

Haruki started construction on the spot. He might not have Sora's flawless technique, but he was experienced enough to get started.

By the time his break was over, he'd made progress. It was nothing too elaborate; just a few basic elf houses and a small bridge. A simple and solid foundation to work with.

After surveying his efforts that first day, Haruki was confident of the plan. With lots of hard work and a pinch of luck, he was adamant that he would finish Sora's garden in time to surprise her after Kenji's birthday party.

And so, a whole new routine began for Haruki. He juggled morning academics, sneaking away to work on the fairy garden during break, and intense afternoon psychic sessions followed by training with Kenji at night.

It was a lot, and the schedule gave Haruki very little time to play with his other friends, but that was fine. Energised by the secret he was keeping, he ploughed ahead. Nothing could cause him to fall off the track now.


"I just wanted to make her smile again," Haruki muttered. "That's all. It still doesn't seem like too much to ask for,"

"Of course not, my boy," Sensui said from far away. "But you were denied that. You were kept in the shadows, a mere pawn in a larger game. And that's why we're going to judge this world. For the sake of divine justice."

Sakura closed her eyes. She didn't know what else to do at this point.

The flowers, the candles, the's exactly like it was with Sora. He wanted to make something special for me.

Things were beginning to make sense, but it was providing the opposite of comfort. Haruki didn't see how twisted and disturbing his obsession was. He was just going on childlike instinct.

"Isn't it sad, Miss Urameshi?" Sensui continued. "I highly doubt you expected any of this."

Far too drained to respond, Sakura buried her face in her knees. Seeing these memories, knowing what was was unbearable.

"I thought as much," Haruki laughed. "What did the old man tell you, apart from our names? Absolutely nothing. Typical."

Sakura's ears were suddenly filled with malicious laughter. The abruptness of it caused her to look up.

"Come now, Ghost. You can't stop now," Sensui's spiteful leer drilled into her. "Not when you've got a captive audience at your disposal,"

Haruki froze, then immediately joined in the laughter.

Sakura's fists clenched. "Stop it!"

It was as if the sound had physically knocked some clarity into her. She suddenly remembered where she was. Who she was dealing with.

He's not the little boy in that photograph. Or those memories. Not anymore. I can't let empathy cloud my judgement.

Kurama had made that near-fatal mistake during his match against Urashima at the Dark Tournament. She couldn't make it herself. While not a physical fight, this was still a battle. One that she couldn't afford to lose.

"Sorry, honey," Haruki snickered. "I suppose that was going a bit far. Especially when you're being such a good girl. Now, where were we?"

Sakura shrank back, but it was no use. Haruki yanked her towards him and threaded his fingers through her hair.

"Don't be like that, my sweet," he purred with a wicked smile. "Not when we're just about to reach the climax."

She shivered. "Haruki, listen-"

"Shhh," Haruki pressed his forehead against hers. "It'll be over soon. I promise. You're ready to see it all. Ready to know the truth...about everything."

The stabbing pain returned, along with those hideous shadows.

How much longer can I last?

Her grasp on reality was slipping away. Sakura cried out and plunged once more into a sea of dreams.


The final weeks slipped by in a flash, and at last Kenji's ninth birthday had arrived.

May 14th was a perfect day. The students woke to a clear blue sky full of golden sunshine and puffy white clouds. Everyone assembled in the dining hall first thing in the morning where Sora was waiting with Haruki at her side. They led Kenji and the others to Shinrinyoku.

Haruki knew he would never forget the moment when Sora unveiled the newly completed playground.

It was beyond anything the children had imagined. A giant treehouse rested in the large cedars, surrounded by swings, slides, monkey bars, and climbing frames that formed a labyrinth.

Kenji was thrilled, but the younger students were beside themselves. Using nothing but telekinesis, items from the woods and her creativity, Sora had made an absolute treasure.

That whole day was spent playing together in this utopia, until Master Shinsuke called them in at dusk. It was time to get ready for the party.

Inside the dining hall at dinner time was a feast reserved only for special occasions. The long table groaned under the weight of yakiniku, miso salmon with soba and ponzu dressing, udon noodle salad, tonkatsu chicken, Kare raisu curry and sweet bean cakes.

The children devoured the meal like it was their last. Reminders to save room for the cake fell on deaf ears. Haruki was halfway through his second plate when he felt a gentle hand on his arm.


For a moment, all Haruki could do was stare. Sora looked radiant. Instead of her usual training uniform, she was wearing an ice blue silk party dress and matching shoes. Her sleek blonde hair cascaded down her back, and she'd pinned a spray of soft pink wildflowers behind her left ear.

"Hari-chan, I've been looking for you," she smiled. "Did you have fun today?"

Haruki swallowed his mouthful a little too quickly. The resultant coughing fit stopped him from answering right away.

"Careful," Sora giggled. "Don't take more than you can chew."

Haruki wiped his streaming eyes and grinned. "Yeah, it's been super fun. And everyone loved the playground."

"You really think so?"

"For sure! Putting the swings on the other side worked much better than under the treehouse. And that maze was so cool!"

"I'm so glad with how everything turned out," Sora sighed wistfully. "Listen, Hari-chan..."

"What is it?"

She bit her lip and looked down. "I...well, we haven't had any time to play lately, and-"

"Oi, Hari! There you are!" An arm draped around Haruki's shoulders. "Hey Sora, can you give us a second?"

Sora's face fell, but only for the smallest moment. By the time Haruki blinked, she was beaming brighter than ever.

Haruki glared. "We're talking, Kenji. I'll be there in a minute."

"No, it's fine," Sora said quickly. "We can talk later."

She moved back to the table. Haruki's glare was turning murderous, but Kenji only grinned.

"Awww Hari, what are you looking at me like that for?"

"She was trying to tell me something important, Kenji. Why'd you have to interrupt?"

"Because last I checked, it's MY birthday," Kenji laughed. "And while we're on the subject, don't get too comfortable when the lights go out. We're still on like always."

Haruki nearly choked again. "What?!"

"Like I said, it's my birthday. And what could be a better way to finish the festivities than a good old sparring session?"

"But it's meant to be our day off!"

Kenji smiled. "Yeah, and you've still got a lot to learn. What kind of teacher would I be if I let you slack off now?"

Haruki opened his mouth to protest further, but Kenji's next words stunned him into silence.

"There it is. You've found your inner fire."

Haruki's mouth hung open in shock. Kenji fixed him with a knowing look.

"You're doing so great, Hari. Becoming strong. A real man,"

He nodded over towards the table where Sora was filling little Shizuka's plate again. Haruki's heart swelled at the sight. He knew what his friend was getting at.

"Hari, I know you've missed her. But don't ever forget why you're doing this," Kenji whispered. "It's what makes you a stronger fighter. A better person."

Before Haruki could respond, the lights dimmed unexpectedly. There was a murmur, but then another cheer went up.

"Oh wow! That's incredible!"

"Kenji nii-chan! You're so lucky!"

"Look, look at it Kenji-kun! Can you believe it?"

A huge and magnificent birthday cake was levitating into the dining room. Colourful sparks flew from nine candles and illuminated the children's excited faces.

Kenji poked Haruki in the ribs. "So, I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah," Haruki swallowed. "See you tonight."


"That was the last night we were all happy," Haruki said to himself. "If only I'd known..."

He glanced down at Sakura, who was still crumpled like a rag doll on the bed. Her agonised face showed that she was still locked in the tangled web of his memories.

I didn't want to do this. Not here. Not now.

Forcing his memories on Sakura's weakened body after everything else would certainly have adverse effects. But what choice did he have?

"I know it hurts," he murmured, though he knew she wouldn't hear. "I know you don't want to see the truth. But you have to, honey. You're the only one who'll understand."

"Don't falter now, my boy," Sensui chuckled from the corner. "This is all for the mission. For divine justice. Show the girl everything, just like you said, and she'll belong to you alone."

Haruki's eyes darkened, and he nodded. There was no going back now.

He would make it up to her when they started their new life.


Both boys were full of cake and worn out from the day of celebration. But here they were, making a beeline for the training room after everyone else had gone to bed.

"Now this is what I call the perfect day," Kenji said happily. "You ready to work, Hari?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Haruki sniped back. "You know it's still not too late to take the night off."

With one hand on the door, Kenji turned to look at Haruki with an expression of mock horror.

" What does that even mean?!"

"Very funny. But don't come crying to me when you're all tired in the morning."

Kenji winked. "Sleep is for the weak, Hari. Now get your butt inside."

Haruki dragged himself into the darkened training room like a lamb going to the slaughter.

"What are we working on tonight?"

Kenji was already feeling around for the light switch. "Well, I'm in the mood to be nice, so I think we'll just go through some basic drills and call it a night?"

Haruki resisted the urge to cheer, and instead smiled. "That sounds perfect, but...can we also check my ki attacks too?"

The lights flickered on as Kenji's laugh rang out. "If you insist. Let's get to it!"

Haruki dropped down and the training session began in earnest. He swept through the first warm up routine without breaking a sweat and immediately moved onto his strength exercises.

Kenji joined in at first, but after a few minutes Haruki insisted he do it alone. Kenji agreed, watching with immense pride as Haruki trained.

It was astonishing to see such a transformation in his young friend. That first night, Haruki had barely managed one set of strength repetitions. A week later it had grown to three. Now he did five sets and wasn't even breathing hard.

"Right, Hari. That's really good work. In fact, I wonder...can I finally stop holding back?"

Kenji had already removed his tunic and leapt into the centre of the room where Haruki waited.

"How about a little mono-y-mono?"

"Bring it on," Haruki crouched low. "I'm ready for anything you throw at me."

"That's what I like to hear. Now show me what you got!"

It was impossible to say who made the first move. The two boys sprang to life and collided in the middle of the floor where they began to spar.

But something felt different this time. It wasn't just another session. Haruki couldn't explain it. Weaving around Kenji's moves, ducking in and out, throwing a punch that was dodged and immediately was like they were in a spontaneous dance. One that made him feel alive and powerful.

Haruki forgot how tired he was, the late hour, the abruptness of it all, and began to lose himself in the moment. In this room, he was no longer a scared little child, but a warrior in training.

For the first time, he wished someone else was watching. Like their wise and beloved teacher...or Sora. How amazed they would be, if they saw his progress and confidence.

Kenji threw another punch and Haruki evaded with an uncharacteristic fluidity. But to Kenji's astonishment, that wasn't the end of it. He expected Haruki to get closer and take another swing or kick, but his friend actually threw himself towards the ground.

"Huh?" Kenji blinked. "What are you-?"

Haruki slid between Kenji's legs before flipping over and rearing himself up from behind. Kenji whirled around to see Haruki's fist on a collision course with his face.

"Think fast!" he yelled.

Kenji reacted just in time by pivoting slightly and blocking the punch.

"Too slow!"

Haruki growled and kept pressing against Kenji's forearm. "That's what YOU think!"

He had yet to land a single hit, but Kenji hadn't managed to either, and that in itself was enough to keep fighting.

With a yell, Haruki swung his other fist. Kenji caught it in his free hand, but that was exactly what Haruki was planning. He seized Kenji's arm and used the momentum to start pulling. 

"What the-?!" Shock flashed across Kenji's features. He'd never expected Haruki to try this so soon. But the shock quickly morphed into a fierce joy.

"Not this time, Hari!"

Kenji jammed his elbow downwards. Pain shot through Haruki's forearm and his grip slackened. The next thing he knew, he was tumbling through the air.

Instead of crashing to the ground as expected, Haruki managed to right himself in time to spring off the wall and land safely on his feet. Kenji must have flipped away too, since they were now standing on opposite sides of the training room.

The boys stared at one another in silence. Neither seemed able to speak.

"Hari..." Kenji shook his head. "Did you just...?"

"What did you expect?" Haruki almost snapped. "If you're not gonna hold back, then I won't either."

Kenji crouched slightly. "Oh, so that's how we're going to play it? Fine by me!"

Haruki grinned back. "So, what's next?"

"Like you don't know," Kenji laughed. His hands were already crackling. "I think it's time for your next test."

Haruki froze. The silver ki surrounding Kenji's hands could only mean one thing. Those lethal Tornado Air Blades. Maybe even the enhanced version.

Kenji raised a brow. "Something wrong, Hari?"

"N-no!" Haruki insisted. But in truth, his heart was pounding. Kenji really thought him strong enough to handle that move at full strength?

Understanding passed over Kenji's face, and his amused smile became a smirk. "Ah, I get it. Even after all the work we've done, you're still scared."

"I'm not!" Haruki flinched. "But last time-"

"So in other words, you're still scared," Kenji snickered. "That's your problem Hari. You're thinking every fight is going to be fair. Like your opponent will go easy on you."

"I'm not scared!"

"Then why don't you quit whining and prove it already? Tornado Air Blades, magnitude 5!"

One look at the rings proved this wasn't like last time. Not even close. These air blades were flashing, augmented with a concentrated dose of Kenji's power. They looked capable of disintegrating anything in their path.

"What will you do now?" Kenji said. "Run like a baby, or stand your ground?"

The sight of those blades screaming towards him momentarily paralysed Haruki.

Come on, move!

Haruki twisted his body to evade, but he wasn't quick enough, and his right shoulder paid the price.

"See? This is what happens when you're a coward, Hari. People get hurt!"

Haruki clutched his bleeding arm and glared at Kenji. "Shut up!"

"Remember what I told you at the beginning?" Kenji said. "Real men don't freeze up. No matter what's thrown at them, they fight!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?"

"Doesn't look that way from where I'm standing. You were so scared of my attack just then, it nearly took you out."

Haruki opened his mouth to shout back, but Kenji suddenly vanished from sight. Before Haruki could even blink, Kenji appeared from behind and seized him in a full nelson hold.

"See? Still too slow!"

"No fair Kenji! Get off!"

"Oh please," Kenji snorted. "If you think this is hard, it's nothing compared to a real fight!"

Haruki twisted and kicked, trying to get free. "You said...we'd just do...basic drills!" he panted.

"Yeah, I may have lied about that," Kenji said without a hint of remorse. "Or did you forget who's birthday it is?"

Haruki went to kick his older friend in the shins. Kenji dodged lazily.

"Oh come on. Like that's going to work!"

"Just let go already!"

Kenji's death grip only tightened. "What if one of our friends was in trouble? One of our classmates? What would you do then?"

Ice flooded through Haruki's chest at the thought. However, there was little time to react as he was slammed into the floor.

"Not even going to try and get up again?" Kenji stood over him. "What happened to not holding back anymore?"

No oxygen remained in Haruki's lungs; all he could do was lie there and try to remember how to breathe.

"This training is much bigger than just you, Hari. Bigger than our classmates. What will happen the next time Sora is in danger? Will you let her down too?"

Growling, Haruki went to flip over. Kenji pressed his knee into Haruki's back.

"You have to man up if you want to have a hope of protecting yourself, let alone someone else," Kenji hissed. "There's no room for cowards. I thought you'd understand that by now, but maybe not."

"No!" Haruki roared. And with a colossal effort, he dragged his hand up high enough to fire a ki blast in Kenji's direction.

The attack must have hit, or at least made Kenji jump aside, because the pressure holding Haruki down lifted. He rolled away and leapt to his feet.

Kenji was in a similar position, though slightly hunched over and rubbing his cheek.

The superficial burn left behind would normally make Haruki's insides contract with guilt. Not today. The blood was still thundering in his ears.

"That stung more than I expected," Kenji said with a knowing look. "Has little Hari-chan finally decided to be a man? Or is he still a coward?"

Haruki's fists closed tightly. His temper was already at boiling point but Kenji's next words would make it ignite.

"Still nothing. Just like I thought. Sora would never go for such a crybaby."

Even in the aftermath, Haruki still couldn't explain exactly what happened next. All he remembered was being blinded by a visceral rage. His vision went white, his body seemed to move of its own accord...

"Wait, Hari! Stop, STOP!"

A loud crack, a sickening crunch, the sound of pained yelling...

"Ow, ow! Hari, what the hell?!"

Haruki blinked. The veil slowly lifted and the training room came back into focus. The scent of blood hung in the air.

"Hari, please! I'm sorry, ok!! You won, I admit defeat!"

Another blink, and Haruki's eyes widened at the sight. Of all the possibilities, he'd never in a million years expected to find himself pinning Kenji down, arm twisted behind his back and poised to break.

"Come on!" Kenji barely managed to turn the side of his face around. "You beat me. Let me up!"

At last, Haruki released him. Kenji rolled over and sat up. It was at that moment Haruki saw the extent of what he'd done.

"Sheesh..." Kenji attempted to stem the flow of blood from his nose. "That was some uppercut."

Haruki couldn't seem to make a sound. He stared at Kenji, not knowing what to do.

"I...I didn't mean to..." he stammered.

Kenji hesitated for a split second before shaking his head. "Nah, I did this to myself when I fell. You moved so fast. I didn't ever expect that."

He took a moment before painfully getting to his feet. "Look, I think that's enough training. Why don't we call it a night?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea."

The colour drained from Kenji's face. "Sir! What are you doing here?"

Haruki's heart dropped. He knew exactly who was behind him even before turning around to confirm.

"It would appear the two of you have been quite busy of late." Master Shin observed from the doorway.

Kenji coughed awkwardly. "Uh, you might say that."

Haruki wanted to vanish. How in the world did he know what they'd been up to? They hadn't breathed a single word to anyone.

"You're bleeding, Kenji. Let me take care of that for you."

Kenji made his way over, one hand pressed over his bloody nose. Haruki couldn't help noticing that he was dragging his feet a little.

"Haruki, my boy. What happened to your shoulder?"

Haruki opened his mouth to dismiss it as a harmless scratch, but under his teacher's scrutiny he walked over to have it fixed.

When both his students had been taken care of, Master Shin sat down in the centre of the training room.

"Come, let us talk."

Slowly, reluctantly, the boys did. Haruki still couldn't look their teacher in the eye. He was too afraid of what he might see.

What was all this about? Were they about to be scolded? But they hadn't done anything wrong. Or had they?

"Master," Kenji had gone red. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I should have told you-"

Master Shin raised a hand for quiet. "Kenji, relax. I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened."

"You mean you're not mad?" Haruki burst out.

Master Shin smiled warmly. "Why on earth would I be mad, Haruki? Seeing two of my Golden Trio honing their skills, challenging themselves, ascending to new heights...what more could any teacher want?"

"How long have you known?" Kenji asked.

"Long enough," Master Shin chuckled before turning more serious. "However, I'm surprised at the display I saw on entering. Would either of you like to explain?"

The boys looked down.

"We...we got carried away." Haruki said in a small voice.

Their master's eyes swept over them. He didn't say a word. Both boys shivered a little in his discerning gaze.

"Very well," Master Shin said. "Let us leave that aside for now. There is something else I wish to discuss with you both."

Kenji sat up a little straighter.

"Truth be told, I didn't expect you'd be up for more training this evening," Master Shin began. "I went to find you in the dormitory, but naturally you weren't there," he laughed a little. "In a way, this is better. Now, listen carefully."

"What is it you need, Master?" Kenji asked.

The old man closed his eyes and seemed to make a decision. "Tomorrow, I must leave the estate for a few hours."

Haruki's attention spiked. He honestly couldn't recall the last time Master Shin had left them alone.

"Leaving? What for?"

"There is a dear old friend I need to visit," Master Shin said. "Her name is Master Genkai. We fought together back in the day, but for various reasons, it's very rare we get the chance to meet now."

Kenji bit his lip. "Master, are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I know what you mean, Kenji," Master Shin said. "However, I cannot decline this invitation."

"But you told me..." Kenji paused. "I mean...what if something goes wrong while you're gone?"

Haruki stole a glance at his friend. Why did Kenji sound so nervous?

"I hear you, Kenji," Master Shin said. "But I don't believe there's any reason to fret."

"Why not?" Haruki asked.

Master Shin smiled. "How could there be, with you fine boys here to take care of things in my absence?"

Kenji and Haruki exchanged a look.

Haruki's face morphed from apprehension to a wide grin. Their teacher was trusting them, even after the wolf incident?

"You want us to help? Sure, just tell us-!"

Kenji's hand came down on his shoulder, hard.

"Shush!" he hissed. "Master, are you sure about this? I mean, Hari hasn't been training as long as me, and-"

Master Shin chuckled to himself while Haruki glowered at Kenji.

"You are rational as always, my dear boy," Master Shin smiled fondly. "And yes, your concerns are perfectly valid. But as I said, there's nothing to worry about."

Haruki couldn't resist sticking out his tongue. Kenji's jaw twitched in annoyance.

"Kenji is correct, Haruki," Master Shin said in a slightly raised voice. "Remember what we talked about in class? As wonderful as your enthusiasm is, rushing into any situation rarely succeeds. Do not let your excitement get the better of you."

Haruki squirmed. "Sorry sir."

"Good boy. Now, to business. As long as you do everything I am about to tell you, there is no reason for anything to happen,"

Kenji nodded firmly. "Ok, sir. We're listening." 

"Very well," the old man closed his eyes and began to explain.

"As you know, the estate is protected by a barrier that conceals our presence from the outside world. Within this safe zone, we are undetectable from anyone who would seek to do harm. However, blocking power signals is not the same as preventing infiltration. In other words, the shield can only hide the shrine, not necessarily keep an enemy out. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now, one thing I have not disclosed is my own surveillance," Master Shin continued. "By regularly scanning the vicinity with my ki, I can identify any potential threats or breaches. Naturally, none have ever appeared, but-"

"Sir?" Haruki piped up. "I don't understand. Why would there be any danger at all? We don't have enemies."

A very loaded silence hung in the air. Neither Master Shinsuke or Kenji seemed able to respond.

Haruki cocked his head. "Are we in danger, sir?"

"No...not exactly, however..." Master Shin hesitated. "Sometimes...shadows from the past can linger, even though we try our hardest to douse them."

Haruki blinked. "Huh?"

"Many years ago, I knew some people," Shin murmured. "Two brothers who chose a destructive path. I've told you that no soul is without some kind of darkness, but these brothers gave into that darkness. I only wish I could have..."

He paused, then smiled.

"This old man's past is not your burden to bear, children. I am all but certain there is no danger, but I have taken precautions. Your overprotective teacher won't rest easy otherwise."

A stone-faced Kenji nodded. Haruki followed suit.

"Come, let me show you what I mean."

The children followed Master Shinsuke into the familiar dojo and towards the shomen. He motioned for them to stay where they were, then walked behind the kamiza where a list of class rules were posted.

Master Shin pushed it aside and pressed a hidden button. The wall split open, maybe a metre or so wide, to reveal a hidden room.

It wasn't big, but their teacher explained that this was the safest hiding place in the whole compound. And from the way he described it, they believed him. Soundproofed, reinforced to repel ki attacks and covered with the strongest possible concealment spell.

"Should anything go wrong with the barrier, anything at all, you must get everyone inside and close the door behind you," Master Shin said, and pointed to a seal on the back wall. It was the kanji for Master.

"Touch the seal right here. As long as it remains fixed in place to the wall, I will sense it and return immediately. And until I do? It is imperative that you stay here. Even if you believe the danger has passed. Do you understand?"

Both boys were tense and silent. Even Kenji seemed uncertain. The weight of what their teacher was asking was starting to sink in.

"Why can't we just call for you with telepathy, sir?" Haruki asked.

"The distance will be vast, Haruki, and the containment spells around the estate might affect communication. This seal will be the fastest and easiest way to alert me."

Master Shin crouched to their level.

"I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't believe you were capable. There is virtually no chance or reason for anything to happen, but...will you set this old man's mind at rest, and promise me you will protect everyone in my absence?"

Haruki nodded once without hesitation. "Yes sir. We'll do what we have to. Right Kenji?"

His older friend swallowed. "Yeah...sure..."

Haruki glanced sideways at Kenji. For the first time ever, he didn't sound confident. The clouded eyes, the slumped frame, the slight tremble in his voice when he spoke...

But then Kenji squared his shoulders before looking up, and any trace of doubt had disappeared.

"Nobody will get hurt, Master. Not while we're around."

"Good boy," Master Shin placed a hand on both of their heads. He seemed relieved, at least until he glanced up at the clock.

"It is late," he murmured. "But I will ask for another moment of your time. There is one more thing to discuss."

Master Shin eyed the boys in turn before asking, "What was going on between you two when I arrived tonight? A mere training session should not result in that kind of bloodshed."

Haruki looked at the ground. He didn't know how to explain it. One minute he was racing across the room, the next moment Kenji was on the ground...

"I...I don't know what came over me. I was-"

"It's my fault, Master Shin," Kenji interrupted. "I pushed him too hard. I wanted to take him further."

Understanding passed over Master Shin's face. "Ah. Emotional regulation. I see."

Haruki blinked. "What are you talking about?"

"I wanted to get you riled up," Kenji groaned. "It's the next step. Don't you know about that?"

Haruki shook his head. Kenji sighed, then looked at their teacher for help.

"To put it simply, Haruki, in many ways your feelings are the key to unlocking your power," Master Shin explained. "Emotions affect all kinds of energy. Enough provocation is usually sufficient to break down the internal walls that seal your true potential away. I'm guessing that was your goal, Kenji?"

"Yes," Kenji admitted. "I wasn't planning to start tonight, but he's been doing so well. I thought pushing his buttons would help him get stronger."

"Oh," was all Haruki managed to say.

"Yeah," Kenji laughed ruefully. "I guess it worked a little too well in your case, huh?"

Haruki flushed.

"I agree," Master Shin said firmly. "It's true, emotional regulation is a vital next step, but it was far too soon for you to introduce that aspect. Haruki is much younger and less experienced than you, Kenji. Remember that."

Kenji nodded. "Yes Master."

"As for you, Haruki. Even though Kenji was reckless, you allowed your anger to get the better of you. You lost control. We don't want that to happen again."

Haruki looked down again to hide his embarrassment. He felt stupid when tears pricked at his eyes.

"Don't misunderstand me, dear boy. Anger isn't a sin. It's what we do with it that matters. Understand?"

"Yes sir." Haruki sniffled.

"I'm not scolding you. It's simply a caution. We'll work on it together, alright?" Master Shin smiled gently. "Now, it's time you boys went to bed."

Haruki and Kenji bowed and obediently made their way to the door.


They turned back to their teacher.

"Don't ever forget how proud I am of you." Master Shinsuke said. "Sleep well."

Having well and truly received their marching orders, the boys headed back to the dormitory building.

Neither of them spoke. Kenji seemed lost in thought, and Haruki couldn't think of what to say.

At least, until they arrived at Kenji's room.

"See you tomorrow Hari?"


With a wink, Kenji opened his bedroom door. Haruki couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Kenji!" He burst out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you tonight. I-"

Kenji's fist bopped him on the head. "Didn't you listen to a word Master Shin said? You don't need to be sorry!"

"I know, but-"

Kenji gripped his shoulder. "Instead of worrying about that, why don't you focus on what you DIDN'T do tonight?"

The blank stare on Haruki's face made Kenji grin.

"You didn't freeze up. Not once."

And laughing quietly at the stunned look on Haruki's face, Kenji closed the door behind him.

Almost in a daze, Haruki floated down the hall towards his own bedroom.

He's right. I didn't get scared. At all.

He found himself stopped outside another door.

Sora's room.

His heart pounded slightly faster at the sight. The door was slightly ajar. At this hour, there was no way she'd still be up, but after what happened at dinner, how could he walk on by?

Haruki glanced up and down the hall, checking for any sign of life. It confirmed he was alone.

He couldn't resist.

With his face pressed against the slim opening, he peered inside and saw the moonlight falling on Sora's face while she slept. Apparently she'd been too tired to remove the spray roses from her hair before turning in, but the ghost of a smile was still visible on her lips.

The whole day felt like a dream thanks to Sora. She'd been so determined to make Kenji's birthday perfect, but when was the last time anyone had done the same for her?

"Don't worry, Sora-chan," Haruki whispered. "Tomorrow, you'll see what I've done for you."

He could hardly wait.


A trembling Sakura drew her knees into her chest. She was back in the cave again, surrounded by anger and fear.

Twenty years may have passed, but she knew she'd likely seen the last innocent memory Haruki had ever experienced.

Even so, the effects on her own well-being were obvious. Her head throbbed with the pressure of Haruki's demon energy.

These injuries...all those much more of this can my body take?

"What's the matter, honey? You're being very quiet."

Haruki delicately stroked her cheek. "I would think you'd have more to say about all this. About all the lies."

Weak as she felt, Sakura forced herself to look at him.

None of Haruki's memories so far justified his blame towards Master Shinsuke. The one in these visions matched the wise and gentle teacher who had trained her.

But she could never say that to him.

"I can tell...that you've been through a lot." She murmured. "Even if you haven't told me the whole story, I know you're in pain."

"You don't even know the half of it," Haruki spat. "That day, with was just perfect. We were happy...carefree...and I never suspected anything. None of us did."


"Are you seeing it now, my sweet?"

His lips were so close they were brushing against her forehead, but Sakura didn't move. She couldn't.

He's not just revealing his memories to me. He's reliving them in full.

How well she understood that feeling.

"You fail to see the bigger picture, Ghost. You weren't naive. You were taken advantage of."

Sakura winced. Sensui was looming behind her. She could feel his smirk.

"Your only sin was being blind to your status. Merely a pawn in a larger game. The old man's failures led to your suffering. You never had a chance. He knew that. Yet he allowed it."

Sakura's fists clenched.

"Why so quiet, Miss Urameshi?" Sensui asked. "Surely you understand to some degree. Your teacher failed you as much as anyone else."

Rage swelled inside Sakura. Nobody could insult Master Shin and get away with it.

"You don't know anything about him, Sensui-!"

Haruki rounded on Sakura. "Oh, and you're the expert, are you?" he snapped. "I'm curious, honey. What did he say to you then? What do you know that I don't?"

Sakura stared at him. She needed to find the strength to respond, but what could she say in the face of such anger?

Would he even listen to anything I say?

Of course not.

Haruki hauled her upright. Black dots swam across Sakura's vision.

"Answer me!" He shook her fiercely. "What lies did the old man fill your head with? I need to know!"

"What does it matter?" Sakura shot back. "Even if I told you, what difference would it make?"

Anger flashed across his face.

"Mr Sensui, I think it's time. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Ghost," Sensui leered. "As you can see, things are taking a slight turn. In the event that Yusuke's team defeats Game Master, we'll need time to...prepare."

Goosebumps sprang up on Sakura's skin. "What do you mean?"

"Shhhh..." Haruki murmured. "As I was saying, honey, I think it's time you saw what really happened that day."

"No," Sakura shook her head. "I already-"

Haruki's irate glare quelled her into silence.

"I always finish what I start, honey. So you'd best shut up and do as you're told."

Sensui stepped forward. "It seems you haven't learned, Miss Urameshi. Ghost has waited far too long for this. And so have I. We can't afford to wait much longer for you to come around."

He nodded to his minion.

"Do what you must."


"Hari-chan, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, Sora-chan. Just keep your eyes shut."

Haruki carefully led Sora through the maze of branches and ferns.  His heart pounded harder with every step.

Today was the day.

"Should we be here?" asked Sora. "It seems out of the way..."

"Don't worry, it's not much further," Haruki said. "Just over here."

Sora gripped his hand while they clambered over a twisted root. "Can I look?"

"Not yet, Sora-chan. Soon."

"Can't you give me a hint?"

"Nope. It's a surprise."

Haruki pushed a branch aside and guided Sora to the perfect spot. A final glance around showed everything was ready. It was now or never.

He took a deep breath and let go of her hand. "Ok, you can look now."

Sora opened her eyes and blinked in the filtered sunlight. "Hari-chan, what are we-? Oh!"

Her jaw dropped. She'd seen the surprise. Haruki stepped back to see the results.

Sora looked over the glade with wide eyes. The mirror-like pond. The tiny elf village he had constructed, nestled among the mossy rocks. The patches of colourful flowers dotting the landscape. The birds twittering in the branches.

Haruki watched her with bated breath. Sora didn't say a word until she'd scanned the entire clearing. Then she turned to him.

Her eyes were now misty.

"Hari-chan...did you make this fairy garden by yourself?"

He nodded.

"And you did this for me?"


Her hands went over her mouth. "But...but why?"

"Because you were sad about your other fairy garden. And you were so busy working on Kenji's playground that you didn't have time to make a new one, like we promised."

Sora blinked. "Kenji's birthday was way more important than my fairy garden!"

"That's just it, Sora-chan. You're always making things for other people. I...I wanted to do the same for you."

Her jaw trembled. Haruki stepped closer and handed her the tsubaki camellia he'd picked when she wasn't looking.

"This is your surprise, Sora-chan. Don't you like it?"

Sora looked at the flower, then back at Haruki. A second later, she flung her arms around his neck. Laughing and crying at the same time, she hugged him tightly.

"It's beautiful!" she choked. "I never's so beautiful, Hari-chan. We'll have so much fun playing here. Thank you. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Sora-chan. I just wanted to make you happy."

Sora pulled back and smiled. "Come on."

Haruki knew what was coming before it did. Sora took his hand and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. They both rose into the air. Haruki giggled; he loved the feeling of being weightless. Higher and higher they went, towards a branch on the largest cedar tree.

Once at the top, they had a beautiful view of the estate. The sun was shining, the gentle breeze rippled, the forest seemed to sing, their friends were milling around in the distance.

The sight was perfect. There was no other word for it.

Sora spread her arms wide. "Look, Hari-chan. When we grow up, we're going to make the world so beautiful. All three of us!"

Haruki slipped his hand into hers and squeezed. He thought his heart would burst with happiness.

"We will, Sora-chan. We-"

Sora's lips pecked his cheek.

Haruki gasped and turned quickly to look at her dazzling smile. His whole face burned.

"Sora-chan, I-"

"Wait..." Sora paused. "Do you hear that?"

Haruki listened. "Is that the alarm?"

Hey guys, listen!

Both of them froze. That telepathic message came from Yuto, their 6 year old classmate.

You all have to come back to the dojo right now! Kenji says to hurry!

Yuto sounded scared. and it jolted the children to action.

"Hari-chan, what did he mean?"

"I don't know, but we better hurry. Let's go!"

Sora immediately floated them back to the ground.

Haruki grabbed her hand. "Come on!"

They took off at full speed through the woods.

It didn't matter how many years had passed. It didn't matter that this was just a memory. Sakura knew exactly what was coming, and it was unbearable.

They were children. Just innocent children.

The image of Master Shin's face while he told her the story was burned into her head. At the time, it had told her everything about the horrific incident. By his own admission, Master Shin had deliberately withheld the graphic details from her for fear of the consequences.

Please, don't make me see this.


"I shouldn't have done that."

Sweat glistened on Haruki's forehead. With shallow breaths, he pulled away from Sakura and started pacing.

"If I'd known...if I'd just known what was coming, I would've run away from the compound instead of towards it. I could've taken her somewhere safe. And we might've..."

His breathing sped up. His chest heaved under the weight of remembering.

"That night...Kenji knew. He knew this wasn't good. Why didn't I see it?"

Waves of agitation rolled off Haruki. Sakura raised herself up slightly and saw him obsessively rubbing the scar above his eye.

"I trusted the old man. I trusted he knew what he was doing. I shouldn't have gone along with it...I should have known naive."

Haruki clutched his head in despair.

"I just wanted to know why. Why did he abandon us like that?!"

With great effort, Sakura went to sit up.

"Haruki,'re not the only one who doesn't know everything. You don't know what it did to him, how devastated he was-"

Haruki's giant hand pressed down over her mouth.

"No," he snarled. "Don't even try that on me, honey. It won't work."

Sakura went to pull away. Haruki seized her arms.

"Don't fight me," he hissed. "I told you, I'm not going to stop. Don't make me hurt you."

Instead of fear, those brown eyes narrowed with anger. "You already have."


With the hardest slap she'd received yet, Sakura fell backwards onto the mattress. Warm blood trickled from her mouth.

Now I've done it.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Haruki's silhouette towering over her. She braced herself for the next hit...

"Haruki! Are you paying attention, you son of a bitch?!"

Their collective attention snapped to the screen behind them.

Goblin City was still raging on, but apparently Genkai's round was complete. Someone else had taken the lead.

"Something on your mind, Detective?" Haruki sneered.

Sakura's aching heart leapt. Yusuke was front and centre, staring up with clenched fists. The pixelated bodies of his fallen enemies were scattered around a virtual landscape.

"That was nothing compared to what I've got in store for you!" Yusuke shouted. "You're already dead!"

"Is that right?" Haruki breathed. "Well, let me tell you something, Spirit Detective. Even if you do make it here, there won't be anything left to find. We'll be long gone. To our new home. Our new life."

He turned back to Sakura. She saw the old maniacal glint in his eye.

"Just you and me, honey. I'll have you all to myself."

He climbed back onto the bed and stared at Sakura's white face.

"But first, my beautiful bride needs to know everything."

Sakura's very soul trembled.

Kurama...Yusuke...I'm sorry.

This was it. Haruki was going to force her to watch what had happened first hand. And she couldn't stop him.

There was nothing she could do. Nothing, except wait for this nightmare to end.


Normally the grounds were alive with movement, but Haruki and Sora couldn't see anyone when they arrived back at the main estate.

Still clinging to Sora's hand, Haruki ducked behind the dorm building and looked around to confirm they were alone. There was no sign of danger, so he pulled her towards the dojo and they slipped inside the door.

"Hari-kun! Sora-chan!" Yuto ran over. "You made it back. Was anyone else with you?"

"No, just us." Sora looked around at the other children. "Yuto, what's going on?"

"We don't know," Yuto said. "The alarm rang, then Kenji nii-chan told us to come in here and wait."

"Where is he now?" Haruki asked.

"He said he felt something on the south east side and went to check it out. We need to keep quiet til he gets back."

"Ok, then that's what we'll do." Sora said. She looked reasonably calm, but Haruki heard the tremor in her words.

"Sora nē-chan!" Five year old Shizuka wailed. "I'm scared!"

Sora made a beeline to Shizuka, who immediately ran into her arms for comfort.

Yuto glanced at the door. "Hari-kun, Kenji nii-chan said it was ok,'d know what to do if things got bad."

"Yeah, I do. But only if we need to," Haruki swallowed. "Wait here. I'm going to find Kenji."

Yuto caught his arm. "Hari-kun, could something really get inside the safe zone?"

Before Haruki could answer, the door burst open.


He stumbled in, out of breath and unable to speak right away. Haruki and Yuto ran over.

"Kenji, what is it? What's wrong?!"

"Did you find anything?"

Kenji looked up, white and panting. "Is..."

"I think so..." Yuto said while performing a quick headcount. "Yes, we're good."

"Thank God," Kenji all but crumpled to the ground.

Haruki knelt beside him. "Kenji, what's going on? Is there danger?"

Their eyes met for a moment. Suddenly, Kenji gripped Haruki's arm.

"You remember that night we went into the forest and felt that weird ki thread?"

Haruki nodded. Kenji pulled him closer and started explaining in a low whisper.

"I felt the same thing again, on the edge of the safe zone. But this time it felt stronger. Much too strong to be a wolf. When I went to check it out, I sensed two threads. They're not animals, and they're definitely not human either,"

He shuddered slightly, and that alone was enough to make them worry.

"I'm not sure who they are, but they're approaching fast, and they mean business. We need to hide, now."

Haruki felt dread coursing through him. "Why would anyone come here? Master Shin said-"

"It doesn't matter right now. We have to get the others inside the room and call Master Shin."

"What if..." Haruki hesitated. "What if they find us?"

The steel in Kenji's hands hardened. "Hari, you already know what that means. This isn't the time to be scared. Master Shin told us what to do. And beyond's up to us. We promised to keep everyone safe!"

Haruki's mouth opened and closed. That's right. They'd made that promise. What had he been training all this time for in the first place? How could he forget his resolve?

There was no question of it. This was the moment to step up and take care of his friends. Take care of Sora.

"Right." Haruki set his jaw. "Let's do what we have to do."

"Good," Kenji smiled and turned to the rest of their class. "Hey guys? Over here!"

Everyone's attention went on the most senior student and they crowded around him. Even the younger girls hanging off Sora.

"Look, I need you all to listen because we don't have much time," Kenji said urgently. "I...I think there's something scary outside trying to get into the safe zone. And that means-"

"There's a monster?!" Tiny little Hinata cried. She clung to Sora's leg even more tightly.

"I don't know for sure, Hina-chan," Kenji went on. "All I know is we might be in trouble, and-"

Hinata's brother Benjiro spoke up next. "What about Master Shin? Why isn't he here?"

"He's...out. And that's not important right now. What matters is staying safe until he gets back."

By now, most of the younger students were wailing in terror. Some had even begun running in panicked circles.

"Guys, guys! Listen!" Kenji called. "I know you're scared, but it's going to be ok. We have a plan. Hari, go open the door."

Without hesitation, Haruki hurried to do so. The hidden entrance was revealed, and many children gasped.

"What's that?"

"How did you know?"

"We're supposed to go in there?"

"Master Shin told us about this last night," Haruki explained. "Come on, it's ok."

Nobody seemed brave enough to move. Honestly, Haruki couldn't blame them for that. This space was hardly inviting and looked far from secure.

"Why can't we just call Master Shin to come save us?" someone asked.

"He said to get everyone inside here first," Kenji said. "Right, Hari?"

Haruki nodded. "This is the safest place we can be. Concealment spells, the Koweranai technique...we'll be fine, I promise."

Sora was the first to step forward. "Alright, Hari-chan. We'll do it. Come on everyone."

Still comforting the little ones, she made her way into the dark compartment. A second later, everyone else started following.

Kenji glanced at the entrance and his eyes widened. "They're getting closer," he muttered.

Haruki's heart stopped beating for a moment. "They're coming?!"

"I think so," Kenji breathed. "Hurry guys, they're almost here! Quick!"

The symphony of panic swelled.

"Shhh!" Kenji started shoving the stragglers. "It's ok, it's ok, just get inside. Move, move!"

Heart pounding, palms sweating, Haruki's whole body tingled with apprehension. Monsters were coming after them. But why? What had they done? Were these intruders searching for their teacher?

"Hari, MOVE!"

Kenji pushed him inside the secret room and took one final look back at the dojo before stepping in himself. The door slid shut with a thud.

In the dark and cramped space, Haruki felt fourteen pairs of eyes land on him and Kenji. A small light conjured by Benjiro illuminated the shadows enough that the boys could see how afraid and confused everyone else was.

"Kenji nii-chan, what do we do now?" Yuto whispered.

"We need to stay calm, and we need to be quiet," Kenji said. "Can you all do that?"

Despite some minor whimpering and sniffling, the majority nodded.

"Good. Now, we're going to call for Master Shin. But until he arrives, nobody leaves here. Not even if we think it's safe. That's what he told us. You understand?"

Another collective nod.

"That's right. We got this," Kenji smiled, but it didn't quite meet his eyes. "Now, I'm going to need to get through..."

He started wading towards the back wall, where the seal waited. It was too high for anyone else to reach.

Haruki watched and tried to calm his pounding heart. Master Shin said all they needed to do was touch the seal. As long as it was in place, a single touch would send him back.


Sora's hand slipped into his. She'd somehow managed to disentangle herself from the crowd long enough to get to him.

"We're going to be ok, aren't we?" she asked. "As long as we stay here?"

Haruki turned to her. Even in the dim light, he saw that she was pale and trembling.

He squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Sora-chan. Master Shin told us this is the most secure place in the estate. Nobody will find us here"

"Ok...I trust you. But how will Master Shin know what's going on if there's a Koweranai spell on the door? We won't be able to use telepathy."

"See that kanji seal on the back wall? He told us to touch it, and he'd know to come back."

Sora hesitated. "But why isn't he here now? He wouldn't have built this place unless there was a chance know, something going wrong?"

Haruki bit his lip. She had a point. Master Shin had insisted there was little chance of danger, but still...

"Hey Sora. Little help?"

Kenji had struggled to the back of the room, as close to the seal as he could get. Though he was easily the tallest, he couldn't quite reach. Not with everyone in the way.

Sora waved her hand. Kenji floated upwards and over their heads. Despite the tears, some of the youngest students giggled.

"That's it, guys. We're all good here." Kenji grinned. "Won't be long and he'll be back bossing us around."

A wave of relief washed over Haruki as Sora threaded her fingers back through his. It would be fine. Kenji was stretching out to touch the seal. Master Shin would return soon. He'd return soon...


A colossal blast rocked the building.

Everyone ended up on the ground amidst a chorus of screaming, and the next few seconds were nothing but a blur to Haruki.

Naturally, Kenji was the first to recover. He jumped up and started shouting, "Is everyone alright?" but the class was too dazed and distressed to respond immediately.

Through the darkness and incessant ringing in his ears, Haruki realised he was lying on top of Sora after apparently trying to shield her from the explosion.

Shakily, he got up and pulled Sora with him. "Sora-chan, are you ok?"

"Yes, what about you?"

"I think I'm fine."

Sora gasped and looked around frantically. "Hina-chan! Shi-chan! Yuto! Kenji!"

The boys seemed unharmed, but deeply shaken. The younger girls were almost hysterical. Sora did her best to calm them while Haruki struggled through the sea of crying students.

"Kenji, what was that?"

"It felt like a blast. A ki attack, maybe," Kenji went white. "Hari, look."

Haruki did, and his heart dropped. "Oh no, the seal!"

It had fallen off the wall and apparently cut Benjiro's forehead before landing on the ground.

"It only works when it's on the wall, right?" Haruki said. "Did you get to it before that explosion?"

"I'm not sure," Kenji admitted. "I think I did, but it all happened so fast."

"So what do we do now?"

Before Kenji could answer, they heard more banging. Not an explosion, but a crunching of wood and metal. Like someone was trying to break into the dojo.

"Everyone, stay quiet!" Kenji ordered. "They're coming in. We can't let them find us!"


The door was knocked down and someone, or something, entered the room.

Thud. Thud.

Haruki froze. So did the rest of his class. Those heavy footsteps sent shivers down every spine.

"It's empty, brother," a high pitched voice said. "No sign of anyone."

"It appears that way," his companion replied. "And perhaps it would be true, if we were dealing with anyone other than him. The concealment spell surrounding this estate shows he's still paranoid."

Kenji tensed up, along with Haruki. That second voice was so intimidating, they wouldn't have been surprised to see a dragon.

The first voice giggled. "An excellent point, brother. Dear old Shin does love his little tricks, doesn't he?"

Quite a few students gasped. How did these people know their master?

"He does, brother." The second man said. "And if he isn't here, then that can only mean one thing..."

"All those brats are here alone," the first man laughed. "What do you say, brother? Are you up for a game of hide and seek?"

"Of course."

Kenji went white. Sora gathered all the younger girls in her arms. Several students covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming.

Haruki's insides clenched.

Sir, where are you?

If Kenji had managed to touch the seal, even just a fingertip, it would call him back, right? He'd be here any second. He just had to be!

Hari, can you hear me?

Yes. Kenji, what do we do?!

The only thing we can do. Kenji wiped the sweat from his brow. If they find us, we have to fight.

Haruki glanced at Sora, noted her poorly concealed terror, and nodded.

He might be scared, but he was ready to do whatever he must to protect them all.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Haruki was close enough to see the door had slid apart by millimetres.

He couldn't resist. Seeing what they were up against would surely give them some advantage, right?

He pressed his face to the opening, and saw them for the first time.

One was huge, hulking and absolutely radiating with menace. The other was spindly, with a mop of hair and a wicked smile. Both were prowling around, searching every corner of the room.

There was no doubt in Haruki's mind. The smaller one had the same ki thread he and Kenji sensed that night in the forest.

Kenji, I...I don't think he's coming.

No...I don't think he is. I mustn't have touched the seal in time.

The despair and frustration in Kenji's response was the most terrifying thing of all.

The smaller monster paused. "Brother, I don't think we'll find anything here. Shall we search the next building?"

The atmosphere in the hiding place eased slightly. Could luck, sheer luck get them out of this?

"No, brother. Shin always said a dojo was the centre of an estate. They're here somewhere."

"I see," the small monster laughed. "I just hope for their sake that his seal was stronger than that pitiful concealment charm outside!"

Hari, I have an idea.

What is it?

Kenji had his gaze planted firmly on the entrance while he communicated, ready to fly into action at the first hint of discovery.

Master Shin doesn't know what's going on. And without the seal, we can't contact him from here. If those things find us, you'll need to act.

Tell me what to do.

I'll distract them while Sora makes sure there's a clear path for you. Get outside, as far away as you can, and call Master Shin with telepathy. It's our only chance.

But what about all of you? I can't just-

Hari-chan! Sora cut in. Listen to Kenji. Don't worry about us, we'll follow after you.

It seemed there was more than one person in this conversation.

But I can help you fight. Haruki argued. And Yuto is way better at telepathy than me!

That's not true! Yuto said. Your ki is more powerful than mine, and you can channel that into your telepathy. Who knows how far away he is?

Haruki hesitated. He didn't want to leave his friends behind. He didn't want to be a coward...

You can do this, Hari-chan. Sora gripped his hand, hard. You have to!

That's right. He had to, if anyone had a chance of seeing tomorrow. If he wanted to help his friends, if he wanted to make sure Kenji could keep training, and Sora could play in her new fairy garden.

Ok, I'll do it.

Kenji and Yuto relayed the plan to the others, instructing them to run in different directions and hide in the forest.

Haruki looked through the door again. Those monsters weren't going away. They were determined.

"You can't hide from us, children!" the giant stranger growled outside. "We will find you!"

Haruki's young heart was racing. Those monsters weren't going anywhere. They had a plan, but he'd never been so terrified.

Nothing made sense. Who were these people, and where was their master?

The children clutched each other in the dark, hearts pounding, hyping themselves up to run, waiting for their teacher to come through the door and save them from these monsters.

"Where's M-Master Shin?" the youngest student whimpered.

The door to their hiding spot flew open. Haruki jerked back just in time.

It was over. The twisted, smiling face of the smaller monster was there.

"Peek-a-boo! I found you!"

Several children screamed. Others wailed.

The monster gave a hideous grin at the sound of their terror. He raised his hand and his fingers shot towards them...

"NO!" Kenji roared. His monstrous ki attack flew straight into the man's shocked face and sent him backwards.


Nobody needed to be told twice. The children scrambled to get out of the compartment and started running in all directions towards the door.

"What's the big rush?" The spindly monster called. "You can't leave so soon. We just got here!"

"Come on!" Haruki yelled, and kept running. The door was in reach. He was so close. He just had to reach it and then everyone could escape...

Something huge stepped in front of the door. Haruki skidded to a halt and heard everyone behind him do the same. They stared up at the giant man with sunglasses who was grinning down at them like they were a meal.

"Look what we have here. A full class of children, when it was really your teacher we wanted to see. I don't suppose any of you could tell us where to find him?"

Haruki's knuckles glowed white. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"An old friend of Master Shinsuke," the man said. "We go way back. Where is he?"

"None of your business!" Haruki snapped. He felt hands clutch his arm.


She'd caught up to him during the mass panic.  Growling, he pushed her behind him.

"Just as we thought, brother," the spindly man had slithered across the room and clambered onto his brother's shoulder. "He's not here. And after we came all this way just to see him! How disappointing."

"So, the old man left you here alone and defenceless," the giant sniffed. "How very typical."

"No he didn't!" Someone shouted in the background. "Don't you say that about him!"

The small monster snickered. "It seems our old friend is indeed absent, brother. But I do believe these adorable children will be a splendid consolation prize. Don't you?"

The giant man smiled. "Oh yes, brother. I think that will be just perfect."

"Very well...which one of you brats wants to be the first gift for your master?"

The small creature scanned the crowd of shivering children, and finally came to rest on the dissident from a moment ago.

"How about you?"

Those bizarre tendrils burst forth, towards his target. Haruki watched in horror while Yuto was snared and dragged forward.

"Yuto!" Sora cried.

"How I've waited for this moment," the monster simpered. "You're going to be a perfect demonstration for the rest of your little friends!"


Those deadly silver discs sliced through the monster's hands, and Yuto dropped to the floor.

The monster howled and stared at his bleeding stump. "What...what did you just do to me?!"

Kenji launched himself in front of the group. "If you want to fight anyone, it's going to be me! You can leave my friends alone!"

Both strangers laughed.

"Is that right?" The larger one sneered. "You really think you have a chance against us? A mere human, a child no less. You wouldn't be worth ten percent."

Nobody knew what he meant by that, and nobody cared.

Haruki stepped forward. "He's not the only one who can fight. Just go away, or else I'll teach you a lesson!"

They laughed harder, but the larger man leaned down and eyed Haruki.

"How very interesting. Your ki signal is different from his. Yoki, if I'm not mistaken."

"Oh!" The small monster gasped. "Well that certainly changes things!"

Haruki's stomach churned. He had no idea what they were talking about, but it didn't sound good.

"Enough!" Kenji snarled. "Hari, NOW!"

Both boys flared their energy and fired off a simultaneous attack. The ki blasts hit both monsters in the chest. But instead of causing injury, they bounced off their targets, into the roof and brought a giant beam down.

The students scrambled out of the way. Haruki dragged Sora with him.


When the dust cleared, Haruki's eyes widened. Nobody had been hurt, which was a relief, but that was cold comfort.

Not only had they failed to leave a scratch on the monsters, but they now had debris blocking the door.

"Damn it!" Kenji hissed. "Sora, you think you can move that stuff?"

She seemed frozen.

"Sora, snap out of it! Can you move the wreckage or not?"

"I...I think so...look out!"

The enemy was almost upon them. Haruki jumped up and shot his ki at them both. The big one batted it away with his hand.

"Sora, clear a path for everyone. Now!" Kenji yelled. He hurled himself at the large man and they started exchanging punches.

"You certainly have spunk, boy. But I'm afraid your power pales in comparison to mine."

"I don't care!" Kenji dodged the hit and flipped over the giant's head to strike from behind. "Hari, GO!"

Haruki looked around wildly. Kenji, fighting with everything he had. His classmates, running in all directions, screaming while being pursued by the smaller man's tendrils. Sora, crouched at the door, straining with all her might to levitate the beam away.

What do I do? Why isn't Master Shin here?

If those monsters saw what Sora was doing, they'd target her. He couldn't let that happen. If she got the door open, they could run.

He ran towards the larger monster and joined Kenji in the fight.

"Take this!" Haruki aimed a hard punch. The man blocked it.

He tried again. And again. Kenji did too. But nothing seemed to make the slightest difference in the battle.

Punch. Dodge. Kick. Kick. Slide. Ki blast. The villain looked almost bored.

How long can we keep up? Master, where are you?

"You have honour. I admire that," their opponent said. "But I do not have time for games."

And with that, he pierced his hand through Kenji's stomach.


He collapsed on the ground, coughing up blood. Haruki ran to his side. The chaos faded into the background. Haruki hardly heard the shrieks of terror, or the malicious laughter. All he cared about was the giant dark stain spreading across Kenji's middle, and the blood spilling onto the floor...

"Hari...go..." Kenji choked. "Be a them..."

Haruki stared at him. "I...Kenji, hold on!"

"Now!" Kenji ordered. The light was fading from his eyes. "You...have to..."

He took a shuddering breath, and his hand fell limp.

"Hari-chan! I've almost got it. Hurry!"

With tears running down his face, Haruki forced himself to move. He ran to the door where Sora had just about cleared the way.

"One more...should do it!" Sora panted. "Come on!"

With a yell, the beam shifted. Haruki grabbed her hand. "Come on, run!"

"But Kenji-!"

"He's fine!" Haruki refused to believe otherwise. "Everyone, come on!"

He jumped over the rest of the debris and was halfway out the door when he heard Sora scream. Her hand slipped from his grasp.


Haruki looked back and saw that one of those deadly tentacles had wrapped around her waist. She was being pulled away, back into the carnage.

"Trying to get away from me, my dear? I don't think so!"

The monster was laughing maniacally. Some classmates were still running, others were lying motionless amid pools of red...

"Sora-chan! Let go of her!" Haruki made a move towards the monster, but Sora raised her hand.


Haruki's feet left the ground and he was propelled out of the room.


She looked back at him in desperation. "Forget me, Hari-chan. RUN!"

The rest of the doorway crumbled, and Haruki found himself on the other side of the rubble. Cut off from Kenji. From Sora. And his friends.

"Sora! Kenji! Leave them alone!"

He threw himself at the pile, shrieking and crying, fighting desperately to get through.

What are you doing?! Kenji and Sora risked everything to get you out. Call Master Shin. It's their only hope!

Blinded by tears and panic, Haruki dashed to the edge of the forest and channelled his ki. He was the only one who could help now.

Please let this work. Please!

He had to do this. He had to save them...

Master Shin! Please, can you hear me?!

A second later, the reply came.

Haruki? Is that you? What's wrong?

Some monsters came. They're attacking everyone. You need to help us!

There was a pause.

Hold on Haruki, I'm coming for you! We'll be right there!

He sounded panicked. Horrified. Shocked.

Hurry, Master! They destroyed the dojo, and I-

A hand seized Haruki by the scruff of the neck.

"Well look at this. Seems Toguro found one after all."

Haruki whirled around. He was surrounded by five men, all wearing eye masks and wearing official-looking uniforms.

"Who are you?!"

The bearded man who'd grabbed him laughed. "Yep, just as I thought. He's got crazy levels of Demon Energy. More than I'd expect from a kid. And he managed to get out of the building. Not too shabby."

Another man stepped forward and inspected Haruki's face. "He's a scrawny thing, but he's got potential. What do you say, Sorahiko? Is he worth it?"

"Yeah," Sorahiko's eyes sparkled with greed. "He'll go for a decent sum. Let's take him."

"Let go!" Haruki wrenched away. He didn't have time for this. He had to help his friends!

"Shut it, brat. Don't make this harder than it has to be-"

Haruki elbowed the thug holding him in the gut. He doubled over, and Haruki slipped free. He hit the ground and started running. If he could just make it to the trees, he'd be ok until their teacher came. He should be here any second...

An electric current shot through Haruki's small body. He dropped to the ground.

What was that? What did they do?

The thugs gathered around Haruki and hauled him upright.

"Don't try that again, kid. There's more where that came from."

"Let go! Let go of me!"

Haruki thrashed and kicked, but the man holding him seemed to brush it all off.

"What's wrong with you? Get that kid under control!"

Another electric current paralysed Haruki. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything. Panic seized him.

Master! Where are you?

He should be here by now. He should be saving them all.

"Master!" Haruki cried.

"Shut up!" Sorahiko slapped him. "Sheesh, sure is a feisty little thing, ain't he?"

"I got it." The bearded man dumped Haruki on the ground.

"What are you doing? Get off me!"

Someone pressed their knee into Haruki's back and snapped restraints on his wrists.

"Stop! My friends are still there! Master Shin!"

He looked, but there was still no sign of their teacher.

"Master, where are you?!"

"Your friends, huh?" The man called Sorahiko grinned. "Sounds like those Toguro Brothers are having fun in there. What do you say, kid? Should we lighten things up?"

And then Haruki saw what was in the stranger's hand. A Molotov cocktail.

His jaw dropped in horror. He watched, helplessly while the thugs lobbed the flaming bottle into the air. It landed on what was left of the roof of the dojo and caught alight almost instantly .

"NO!" Haruki screamed out. "No, no! KENJI!! SORA!!"

This was a nightmare. It had to be. There was no way this could be happening.

Amidst the faint shrieks from inside the building, and the cruel laughter of all these strangers, Haruki kept yelling desperately for his friends, his teacher...

A hood was jammed over his eyes, then Haruki received a heavy blow to the head and everything went black.

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