بواسطة mi3na7lee7

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In a world very far from earth, there was a utopia where only women reside. These women were blessed by not o... المزيد

Trailer + Character Introduction
Chapter 1: It Begins
Chapter 3: The Taboo
Chapter 4: The Aftermath
Chapter 5: A New Beginning

Chapter 2: A New World

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بواسطة mi3na7lee7

The SIREN suddenly heard something. She realized that she could hear water falling.

She slowly opened her eyes to a bowl in front of her. She saw hands. They were wringing a towel.

She followed those hands with her eyes. She saw a person with very short hair in a dress that looked like a rag.

She slowly observed the person. She came to realize that it was a boy.

The boy stood up. He jumped a little as he realized that she was awake. "Oh, you're awake. I came to clean your wound." the boy said. 

The SIREN was placed on a wall. Her hands and feet were chained towards it. Her cape and armor had been removed. She was dressed in the same clothing as the boy, rags.

The SIREN only observed him. He came closer and made a tear in her rags and placed the towel on the side of her stomach.

The SIREN didn't even flinch. The boy was amazed by it. "Wau. You didn't even flinch. How?" the boy asked as he cleaned her wound.

The SIREN observed him and his actions. The boy removed the towel and placed a bandage on it.

"It will heal in a few days." he said as he looked at her. The SIREN looked him dead in the eye. The boy shivered as he looked away from her.

"Say, may I ask what your name is?" the boy asked as he looked at her. The SIREN stared at him. She tilted her head left and stared at him.

The boy was starting to become uncomfortable and a little scared. "My name is Pethro. And I'm one of the servants here. A few guards will escort you to our king. And your friend is alright."

The SIREN stared at him. It looked like she didn't understand him. Pethro nodded towards her and left. She was left alone in the room. She closed her eyes and tried to think of what happened and how to escape.

Some time passed and the door opened. The SIREN looked up and saw 4 men. Two entered and removed her shackles. "Don't try to escape." one of the soldiers said.

She followed the soldiers out of her cage. They walked down a long hallway. They turned a corner and walked up the stairs. They reached the top. The sun hit the SIREN face as she kept on walking.

They climbed a few stairs again. The SIREN saw a man sitting on his throne. She could easily tell as his chest was showing, but this God was different. He had the head of a jackal.

He was surrounded by a lot of women. The man never once took his eyes of the SIREN.

"You stand in the presence of Anubis. God of the afterlife, cemeteries and embalming as well as the protector of graves." one of the women said as she glared at her. But the SIREN didn't budge at all.

"So, explain. Why were you in my dessert?" Anubis asked. But the SIREN couldn't understand him. She looked around her.

"Who are you searching for? Your friend maybe?" Anubis asked. But still, she didn't look at him. She stopped searching when she finally found what or who she was looking for.

She walked towards him. One of the girls was about to say something when Anubis stopped her. The SIREN walked towards the boy.

"Hii." the boy said as he slightly waved at her. She held his face and stared deep into his eyes. The boy was confused.

The SIREN kept on staring into his eyes. The boy stopped moving when he saw something shine in her eyes. The boy suddenly screamed in pain.

The SIREN let go of him and closed her eyes.

"I am sorry. But it was the only way for me to copy your language." the SIREN said.

Anubis ears stood up and everyone looked at her. She slowly opened her eyes. And looked at the boy. She kneeled down. "I thank you for taking care of me, and again, I am sorry." the SIREN said.

Anubis watched her closely. She turned to look at Anubis. She walked towards him. The guards aimed their weapons at her, but she didn't care.

She stopped, as she was two feet in front of him. "Could you repeat your question?" the SIREN asked him. "Who are you? And why were you in the dessert?" Anubis asked her.

"I am from a planet where we don't have names. We are defined by our ranks and titles." She looked around. "Where am I?" she asked as she looked around.

"You are in Egypt. Home to Gods and Mortals alike. You are in my kingdom, Cairo, the capital of Egypt. What was your title on your planet?" Anubis answered. The SIREN nodded before answering. "All you need to know is that I was a soldier in my Queen's army." the SIREN said.

Everybody started whispering, some even laughed at her. Anubis on the other hand, was quiet. "You haven't answered my second question yet-" "Where is she?" the SIREN cut Anubis off.

It suddenly became quiet. There was hostility in the air. Anubis signaled his men. Four men brought the Second commander. They laid her on the floor.

"There. I brought your friend for you. Now will you answer my question?" Anubis asked as he looked at her. The SIREN walked towards her comrade.

Everyone was shocked at how Anubis hasn't screamed yet. As he doesn't like to be ignored.

The SIREN kneeled down.

"She hasn't woken up ever since we found the both of you. We've tried everything. She must be dead." one of the maids said to the SIREN. But the SIREN didn't pay her no attention.

The GARTY was also dressed in rags.

She placed her hands together, in a begging motion. She then turned one into a fist, before breathing slowly. She used the hand, that she made into a fist, and hit the Second commander on the chest.

Everyone stepped back. The hit looked like it would hurt. The Second commander suddenly gasped. She sat up and started coughing. A hand was extended towards her.

"He tem na. (Welcome back.)" the SIREN said towards the GARTY. The GARTY took the SIREN hand and stood up. The GARTY nodded.

"Ot ka? Grat yu ni mo? (Where are we? And where is the beast?)" the GARTY asked. "What language is that, that your friend speaks?" Anubis asked as he looks at her. "It is the language of our home. One moment." the SIREN said as she turned towards the Second commander.

"Ka o te e na mi? (You speak the language of evil now?)" the Second commander asked. "Ga o tu mi ne ga do e tam. A tu, grat yo bo u. (It is their language. And one more thing, they use names.)" the First commander said as he looked at her.

"Al gem it ta. (Then let them name us.)" the Second commander said. The First commander nodded. The Second commander looked into the First commander eyes. And did the same thing.

The two broke eye contact. The Second commander looked at Anubis. "I thank you for saving my life. My comrade told me that, on your planet, you use names?" the Second commander said towards Anubis.

"Correct. But she told me that on your planet, you don't have such things." Anubis said as the Second commander nodded. "Since we are on your world, why don't you name us. I assume that you also have a lot of questions for us. So, we ask you some question while you do the same to us." the Second commander said.

While she was talking, the First commander looked around, not moving her body. Her eyes landed on Anubis. He was staring at her, as she stared back at him. It was like the two had an intense staring match which Anubis lost.

"Very well then. I will call you 'Tiye' and your white-haired friend will be called 'Akila'. Both of them looked at each other before nodding.

The SIREN was now named Akila, and the GARTY was named Tiye.

"Very well then, ask away." Akila said. "Sit." Anubis motioned them to. "That won't be necessary. Please ask your question." Tiye said.

"Very well then. What is the name of the planet that you are from?" "Morganyen. And we are called Morweens." Tiye said as Anubis nodded. "What were you on your planet?" "We are warriors." Akila said as she corrected Anubis.

"Last question, what were you doing in the dessert?" Anubis asked. "Before we answer that question, answer us this. Were we the only ones in your dessert?" Tiye asked.

Anubis frowned as he looks at them. "Did you or your soldiers see anything else? Something unknown? Did you see a sword?" Akila asked. Anubis looked at her before answering.

"No. We did not. As a matter of fact-" "Are you sure?" Akila asked as she cut Anubis off. He signaled one of his men to come forward. "Tell them everything." Anubis ordered.

The soldier nodded before speaking. "We found the both of you in the dessert. You were in the drying and dangerous parts of the dessert, so we were amazed that you survived. The both of you, along with two big and heavy weapons were in the dessert. Nothing else." the solder said.

"You're lying. There is more." Tiye said as she looked at him. "That's everything." the soldier stayed adamant. Tiye walked towards him. She was taller than him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Tell.me.everything." Tiye said with a threatening voice. The soldier gulped and started speaking. "Yess. There was something else. We found blood. We followed the trail, but it later on stopped. That's everything. I swear." the soldier said. He bowed towards Anubis and left.

Tiye walked back to where she was standing. She got irritated. So irritated that she hit the nearest wall, causing it to break. Everyone around them was shocked.

"Uo tem. Ad qi do nu e ke fa. (Calm down. I stabbed my sword in its back, so it can't fly far.)" Akila said. "Calm down? This is me being calm. (Ou tem? Dan go gu iem ou tem.)" Tiye said with a normal voice.

"I understand that you are frustrated. But tell me, what brought you here? And is it dangerous?" Anubis asked as he looked both of them dead in the eye. The two women didn't flinch at all.

"A beast that we have never seen before, brought us here. We fought it off on our home planet. But we didn't kill it. It was merely ...." "Unconscious." Akila said as she helped Tiye finish her sentence.

"That. Thank you. It awakened shortly after and spread its wings. Before me and ...Akali could react, it snatched us and flew away. So, if you didn't see anything with us, then that means that the beast left us alive on purpose." Tiye as she looked at all of them.

A woman stood beside Anubis. Her eyes were covered. Anubis looked at her before speaking. "Tanith, are they telling the truth." "Yess they are, Master." Tanith answered. Anubis got up and walked towards the women.

He was taller than them. He looked at the women before coming to a conclusion.

"If this beast is still here, and if you are still alive, then that means it is very dangerous. Cause I can tell that the both of you are very strong women. They will stay with us for the time being. Move them to the North Pavilion and give them different clothes." Anubis said. He walked towards his throne and sat down.

Everyone whispered at what Anubis said. Nevertheless, four servants walked towards them.

"They will escort you to your rooms for the upcoming days. Tonight, we have a feast. It is mandatory that you join." Anubis said as the women nodded. They followed the servants towards their bedrooms.

While walking away, Anubis kept on looking at one of them. "Have you ever seen hair like that?" Anubis asked one of the ladies that was waiting to catch his attention.

She smiled before answering. "I have not, my Lord. Those are very strange hair colors. A yellowish color and white colored hair. How strange indeed." the woman said as she looked at him. Anubis nodded before standing up.

"Everyone, get ready for tonight." Anubis ended his sentence, and everyone walked away, preparing for tonight. He also walked away but not before greeting the ladies.

He walked towards the North Pavilion. The reason why everyone gasped was because the North Pavillion is where Anubis rests. He entered, walked up the stairs and strolled through the long hallway.

He walked past an open door. He caught a slight glimpse of something white. He stopped and slowly turned around. He looked through the creak of the open door.

It was Akila. She was standing in front of the window. Her long hair was braided into one single fish scale braid. She slowly removed the only hair ornament from her hair and slowly undid her hair.

Anubis watched it all happened. He found it comforting to watch her.

"If you think that I didn't notice you, you are mistaken." Akila stopped just at the last braid in her hair and turned around. "I noticed you from the moment you entered this structure." she walked towards her door. She touched the door handle and opened it.

Anubis was gone. She looked around before completely closing the door. Anubis on the other hand, hid at the corner. He exhaled before walking towards his chambers.

He entered his chambers and closed his door. He walked towards his table. He placed his hands on it. "What is wrong with me?" He walked towards his bed and laid down. He placed his hand on his eyes and drifted towards the dream land.

A while later, Akila and Tiye were getting dressed for the feast. Two servants helped them get dressed. They wore the traditional clothing of the Egyptians. Making them unrecognizable.

After both of them were done, they excited the room. Both of them stared at each other and smirked. They both followed the servants out of the North Pavilion.

They entered the palace and climbed up the stairs. While walking, the two of them looked around. The climbed the last step and entered, which looked like the Throne room.

The servants kneeled before walking away. Anubis noticed them and got up. Everyone stared at them as they wore their clothing.

"Come forward." Anubis signaled them. They nodded and walked towards him. Everyone was either amazed by their beauty, glared at them or had on their curious faces. But the women paid them no mind.

They stopped walking as they stood in front of Anubis.

"Everyone, today we have rather strange guest. They are here on a mission and won't stay very long. So, let's show them our hospitality." everyone clapped at Anubis's statement. The women turned around as they looked at every one of them.

"Let the feast, commence."

The feast started. People talked and laughed. Women and men danced as music was being played.

Akila and Tiye sat beside Anubis. One on the left and the other on the right. "Both of you haven't touched your food yet. Don't worry. It isn't poisoned." Anubis said as he looked at them.

Tiye shrugged and started eating. "And what about you?" Anubis asked as he looked at Akila. Akila looked at Anubis. She took a bit of her food. Anubis released a slight smile as he looked at her.

A maid came towards Anubis and whispered into his ears. "Master Anubis. It is time for the final dance. Who will dance it?" Anubis looked around.

He looked at Tiye. "Do you know how to dance?" Anubis asked her. "On our planet, it is a custom that every woman knows how to dance." Tiye said as she wiped her mouth. "Would you care to show us?" Anubis asked.

Tiye looked at Anubis before looking at Akila.

"Gom tu in? An que e a no um te mi na? (What do you say? Shall we teach these people what a dance really is?)" Tiye asked Akila. She looked at Tiye before standing up.

Tiye stood up as well. Both of them walked towards the center of the room.

"What should they play?" Anubis asked. "Whatever they want." Tiye said.

The music started playing.

Akila and Tiye stood facing each other. Akila ran towards Tiye. She jumped onto Tiye's hand. Tiye's hand was raised all the way as she held Akila.

Tiye started singing. Akila started moving her hips from side to side. She jumped and landed perfectly on the floor.

The crowd was in awe.

Tiye kept on singing as Akila kept on swaying her hips. Tiye started swaying her hips. Both of them walked towards each other. They held each other's right hand and turned in a circle.

Tiye threw Akila in the air. Akila did multiple 180 degree turns before landing in Tiye's arms. Both of them started stomping on the floor.

Anubis realized that both of them were bare footed. He let it go as he was enjoying the dance.

Tiye and Akila started moving their hips, legs and hands from side to side. Making beautiful turns. They were both perfectly in sync.

They kicked their leg in the air and placed both of their arms in the air. They placed it down and turned around. They stopped and looked at each other.

Tiye did a handstand and Akila jumped landing on her feet. Tiye removed one of her hands. Now she was standing on one hand while holding Akila on one leg.

They landed back on their feet and continued dancing in a circle. Moving their hips from side to side. Akila finally started singing and harmonizing with Tiye.

The crowd was again in awe at their beautiful voices.

Both of them turned to face the crowd and danced. They later on turned to face each other. They came close and touched each other's hands.

They held each other's hand, and they moved their feet and kept on singing.

They started singing louder and louder. They let go of each other. And again, Akila jumped on top of Tiye and landed on her hand that was in the air.

Both of them twirled in the opposite direction. The music became louder and so did their voice.

The music stopped and so did they.

Everyone stood up and cheered for them. They all clapped their hands for them as they were amazed by their performance.

"HORAAY!" everyone screamed and cheered to them. Even Lord Anubis.

"Amazing. Your performance was splendid. Now let us al-"

A roar interrupted Lord Anubis's speech. Akila and Tiye turned around and ran towards the balcony. It was indeed the beast. And it was flying again. Beter than ever. It roared at the people. Some of them ran in fear, while the guards were on high alert.

"GAURDS! Get the people to safety. The rest of you, fight that creature!" Anubis said as he looked at his guards.

He looked around for Tiye and Akila as they were nowhere to be found. He then spotted them on the balcony. He ran towards them as he also screamed at them.

The beast came closer and closer towards them. But Tiye and Akila were ready for it. As that is what they are trained to do.

They stood on the edge of the balcony and jumped off.


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