A Million Steps To Freedom

By Veel0city

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Dust. That's all that's out here. There's no magic in the world anymore, there's no hope. Our green fields an... More

Prologue: The Dew of Dawn
Chapter 2: Riot
Chapter 3: Purge Night.
Chapter 4: Vexations
Chapter 5: Jonas
Chapter 6: Condensed Apocalypse
Chapter 7: Kill The Beast
Chapter 8: Meaning Behind The Mask
Chapter 9: Reality Broken
Chapter 10: Poach
Epilogue: The Setting Sun And The Empty Grave

Chapter 1: Goliath

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By Veel0city

It's been 20 years. 

My land that was once full of green grass and massive trees in now nothing but dust, sand, and forgotten dreams. I've been hunting the same man for years, but nobody knows where he truly is. My legs never seem to get injured from the hundreds of miles I have wandered, I have killed thousands and leveled civilizations. I can hear my own breath from the gas mask I've worn for years. My jacket has ripped almost in half, and my pants are black from the fires I've walked through. Chains and restraints have become belts and hanging items, I need no book for spells. My black hair grown to great lengths, covering my right eye. It's the same thing every day. I walk, I walk until I see a small town in the distant dunes.

If they try to fight. They die

If not, I talk. 

Simple as that. I'll kill as many people as I have to get my revenge.  There's a town now...

One way in. A few ways out, small walls with lots of guards. I slowly walked there, my eye reflecting a red flare and chains dragging in the sand. I stood at the gate as they looked down at me.

"Goliath! What do you want with us?"

I'm not a talker. But if I must.

"I seek the answers."

I heard a small comment off to the side. 

"...thought Goliath was a man...?"

"What answers?"

"Let me in."

The entire city was standing still, the citizens inside scared of me. Pitiful.

"Not until..."

Thunk. An arrow to my head. It bounced off, I looked up to the man who shot it. Now he's the reason they all have to die. I turned around. And left. I didn't want to let them watch their demise themselves from me. I'll let it be grand. I walked to the top of a small mountain. Raising my fist up I placed the city in my grasp. I plummeted my fist into the ground, it disappeared into a pool of blood as a massive red hand emerged from under the city. The fingers scraping the sky as I closed my fist. The city crushed in the hands grasp, I raised my fist out of the pool and looked at my blood and scarred hand. Laughable. Sand submerged the crater left behind, no survivors... as it should be. I continued my walk, no city in my way this time.

Goliath. That was my new name. I don't remember who I was before, but I know now I'm death and destruction. But I'm also salvation, I know the reason my land is a wasteland is because William made it so. I chuckled, he'll be my kill. Though I'm not sure on my gender... I seem to be lacking what most men would call "balls". So if I had to guess who I am I'm a woman, though does it really matter anymore. It's all his fault... I'll regain what is mine. Tch!

I continued walking. The sun heating the sand under my feet as I looked around, stony ruins poked through the dunes around me as no villages or cities came into sight. I walked. And I walked. That's what I've been doing for years, walking. Trying to find William, to kill him. It's taken over my mind... what if the future im killing for isn't possible? I fell to my knees, I clawed my hands in front of me. Am I... powerless?! No.... No... I can kill him, I can save everyone. My breath got fast, but I heard footsteps. A group of men surrounded me, axes and spears in their hands. Raiders.

"What're you doin' out here? This is our land buddy...

"H-hey.. we shouldn't mess with him.. that's..."

"Shut it Bobby!"

"Everything you've got right now.."

I looked up, I raised my hand. They aren't scared... I stood. One walked up to me putting himself in my face.

"I said... everything..."

I let my 2 fingers glide through his skull and out the other end, cutting upwards he was dead on the spot. The others backed off as I slowly ascended upward, they scattered. With a simple hand motion they sunk into the sand below. Silence. Perfect. The only sound now was the wind blowing up sand. I couldn't bother picking up my mess, leaving the body and weapons for others. 

"Where should I go."

Am I... talking to myself? There's something wrong with me, what is happening? Is this... humanity?! No.. shut up. I need to get going. I walked again, now having a destination in mind. A city with almost no laws known as "Detroit". I've heard others laugh at the name, but I don't understand it. I began my journey, well more of a side quest. Hope I made some.. friends? That's the word right?

It was far away, it would take a long time to even get close. But even in the distance, the night made it easy to see the lights from the tall buildings. The land it resided it was called "No Man's Land." That part of the desert has no leader or government, nobody uses magic... everyone has gone back to machines. Upgrading themselves with metal and steel enhancements, what they need to mimic a fraction of my power. Ha! 

Though it keeps crossing my mind. Am I human? After all these years on the hunt, I've never stopped to think on who I am now. I looked at my hands. Soft, scarred, dried blood covering them... Hmpf. I snapped my fingers and summoned some fingerless gloves i pocketed a while back, black leather fitted my hands now.  Comfortable to some extent, though I'll have a throne one day. It started to get cold, the moon highlighted my figure and the sand gleamed with blue specks. This place is eerily beautiful at night, would've been better a while back. Though I guess it doesn't matter anymore. I kept walking, I don't seem to get tired after all the stuff I've seen. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'll meet someone else. Maybe one day I won't be alone on these walks, though maybe the reason I'm alone is the exact reason I'm writing in this journal. Perhaps when all said is done, this can be some historical document. Would be cool... just like me. Ha ha. Is this what comedy feels like? 

It's been hours... I feel so bored. The sun will come up soon, and I'm feeling murderous, it happens sometimes. Is that a town?! Let's go. Took long enough.... Let's see how they act

I walked to the gate. Guards stood at the entrance, spears in their hands. I emerged from the darkness into the lanterns light, my eye being the only colorful thing sticking out in the night. My breath being visible from my mask in the cold, the men shook at my very presence. 

"You! Halt! What do you want?"

This one wasn't scared, looked stronger than the rest. A strange metal contraption on his right arm going down to his fingers. Like a second skeleton it shifted gears time to time, I could hear its whirrs and sounds. He asked again, I lifted my head a bit to look at him from afar.

"Let me in. Or let me through. I don't want to walk around this place."

"The gates close at night, we can't let anyone in."

"Did I stutter? Obey me."

He scoffed at me, ignoring me.

"Last chance..."

"Boss. Just let her.. or him.. just let them in, better not to mess with this one."

"Fine. I better not get fired for this."

The gate opened, the metal clanged and shot sparks into the sand as I walked inside. The door slammed back down scattering sand and dust, the town was empty at night. I could ask for information... Tch. Better not to talk with lowly creatures.

The town was silent, the wind blowing the sand and gravel beneath my feet around. It wasn't laid out well, and I eventually got lost in the maze of housing and markets. Starting to piss me off...  flight is something not all can achieve, I saw it as unfair to use against any foe that stands against me. So I did was any sensible and reasonable person would, I lifted my hand and destroyed half the town in front of me. The path forward now clear as day, as I began to walk. But I was stopped by the guards from before.

"I knew we shouldn't have let you in! Devil!"

I turned, the wind blowing harshly now against them. I sought fairness in battle, sometimes. They raised their spears, and I raised a single sword. One strike. Dodged. One down. In a flash I already cut one down, the others too scared to even move. I liked the way I did that to people. 

"Back! Stay back!"

He slashed at me, his axe being deflected and my sword cutting though his armored body. The captain remained, the strange apparatus on his arm glowed a green color as he ditched his weapon for his fist. He ran up... and read me. He knew that I would try to dodge him to the right, but he struck to the right. His fist hit my chest. The strange device on his arm shot something into me, I felt my mind nearly reset itself my heart skip a beat. The lights turned back red and I was stunned back. I breathed heavy, my eyes flooded with water.. was I crying? I fell to my knees gasping for air, my vision blurry and disoriented. He walked up to me.

"I made this for you. Devil."

I summoned ice from the ground to pierce his chin shooting blood through the top of his head, I stumbled up and ran. I ran away falling over, I fell into the sand looking at my shaking hands. What did he do? My body was falling apart, images flashed in my head from a life I don't remember. I passed out... 

Hours passed, when I woke up I was buried in sand. I seemed to be fine now, but I felt different. I looked behind me... the town I was at wasn't there. I must've ran far. No matter... I have a destination anyway. I looked to the horizon, the tall buildings of "Detroit" beckoned me. Either I destroy that city. Or I rule it. 

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