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By vvronii

46.4K 1.5K 528

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1.1K 52 10
By vvronii

IN POTIONS CLASS, Sephtis moved with effortless grace, his movements fluid and precise as he mixes the ingredients for the Everlasting Elixir.

There is a sense of calm confidence in his demeanor, as if he knows that he will succeed without even trying.

Regulus rolled his eyes.

As the potion begins to boil and simmer, Sephtis steps back, his eyes fixed on the cauldron before him. He seems almost bored, as if creating the perfect potion is something he has done a thousand times before. When the potion is finally complete, Sephtis steps forward once more, his expression one of boredom.

He knows that he has once again created a perfect potion with ease, and he is not surprised when Slughorn turns to the rest of the class and announces. "Once again Mr. De la Verlac, has created a perfect potion. Let us all take note of his skill."

Slughorn smiled bashfully, but behind his eyes were a sense of worry.

The other students in the class nod in agreement, but they are not surprised. They know that Sephtis is a master of every subject, a prodigy whose skill seems to know no bounds. It has been that way for years, and there is a sense of quiet acceptance among the students that Sephtis will always be the best of the best.

And yet, even as they watch Sephtis with a mixture of admiration and envy, they cannot help but feel a sense of awe. Sephtis is a true master of potions.

Snape sneered at the last part.

As the class ends, Slughorn approaches Sephtis with a wide smile. "My dear boy, are you attending the Slugclub this weekend?" His tone one of friendly curiosity.

Sephtis, his charm on full display, smiles back at the professor. "Is a date required, Professor?" He asks, his voice smooth and honeyed.

After everything they learned about him it gave them whiplash seeing how he can change in a matter of moments.

Slughorn chuckles at Sephtis's words, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Not at all, my boy." He says, his tone jovial. "Bring anyone you like. The more the merrier."

Sephtis nods in understanding, a sly grin on his lips. He knows that the Slugclub is the perfect opportunity to make new connections and expand his influence.

Slughorn is now regretting his choices.

As he turns to leave, his eyes fixed on the future, there is a sense of quiet confidence in his movements. For Sephtis knows that he is destined for greatness, that his skill and his charm will take him far in this world. With the Slugclub on the horizon, he is ready to take the next step on his journey.

Yet news spreads through the halls of Hogwarts that Sephtis will be attending the Slugclub with a date, the students are abuzz with excitement and anticipation. Gossip spreads like wildfire, and soon everyone is speculating on who Sephtis will choose to bring.

"Really?" Sephtis raised a brow. "Is who I chose to be my companion that much of a big deal?"

"I mean it's you. What do you expect?" Remus said to him.

In the Gryffindor common room, a group of students are huddled together, their voices a low murmur. "I heard he's going to bring a Veela girl from Beauxbatons." Says one, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Regulus gritted his teeth.

"No way!" Counters another. "I heard he's going to ask that Ravenclaw girl with the dyed hair. She's always following him around like a lovesick puppy."

That said girl watching blushed as she hid her face into her hands.

But in the Slytherin common room, the speculation is just as heated. "I bet he's going to bring that girl from Durmstrang." Says one, his voice low and conspiratorial.

"Maybe he'll surprise us all and bring that quiet girl from Hufflepuff." Suggests another, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Hufflepuff? Really??"

"Fuck off you, twat."

As the students continue to speculate, Sephtis himself remains quiet and aloof, as if the gossip and speculation mean nothing to him. So the students continue to fight and argue, each one convinced that they know who Sephtis will choose.

Though in the end, only Sephtis knows the truth, and he is keeping his cards close to his chest. For Sephtis is a creature of mystery and intrigue, and his secrets are his own to keep.

Sephtis sat alone at the very end of the Slytherin table, his eyes scanning the sea of faces around him. He was well aware of the students watching him closely, wondering who he would ask to be his date for Slugclub. He could feel their eyes on him, feel their thoughts like a dull ache in his head. He could even sense their curiosity, their intrigue, their jealousy, all of it swirling around him like a maelstrom of emotions.

Oh right— he is a legilimens.

"I wonder who he's going to take to Slugclub?" Whispered one girl to her friend.

"I heard he's going to take someone from another school." Replied her friend, a note of excitement in her voice.

"Maybe he'll pick me." Said another girl, a hopeful look in her eyes.

Those girls who had spoken all hid their faces into their hands in embarrassment, especially when Sephtis gaze them a blank stare.

He knows he was always going to be the subject of intense curiosity and speculation. Sephtis gritted his teeth, his headache intensifying as he heard their thoughts. He wished he could shut them out, but as a legilimens, he was always attuned to the thoughts and emotions of those around him.

'Go fuck yourself.' Regulus thought as he looked at Sephtis who scoffed at his thought.

He picked at his food, barely tasting it as he listened to the whispers around him. Some students were hoping he would choose them, while others were openly hostile at him.

"Hey Moony, do you know who Verlac is going to bring to Slugclub?" It was one of the Marauders, Sirius Black, with mischief in his tone.

"Why do you care?" Regulus glared at Sirius.

"Hey, don't give me that look." Sirius said.

Remus sighed. "I have no idea. He doesn't confide in me about everything, you know."

While Barty and Evan had their conversation was focused on Sephtis.

"I heard that Muddy is going to Slugclub." Barty said, a sneer on his face. "Can you imagine? Who in their right mind would go out with that disgrace of Slytherin?"

Evan nodded in agreement, his expression equally disdainful. "I pity the poor soul who gets paired with him. They'll never live it down."

Barty and Evan were both wanting their futures selves to shut up and stop digging themselves a deeper grave. Especially when Sephtis shifted his gaze to them.

Regulus, who was sitting nearby, listened to their conversation with a mixture of jealousy and bitterness. He had always hated Sephtis, but the idea of him going on a date with someone else filled him with a kind of rage he couldn't quite explain.

"Denial is a river in Egypt, this man is gay."

"Dude, not now."


"Unbelievable." Regulus said with a sneer onto his face. "I can't imagine anyone wanting to go out with him. He's too strange, too... otherworldly."

As Barty and Evan continued to talk, Regulus's eyes drifted over to Sephtis, who was eating his food seemingly without a care in the world. He wondered what it would be like to be him.

"You mean with him."

"Really, dude?"

"What? It's true!"

Regulus scoffed, he didn't want to be like Sephtis, he told himself. He didn't want to be an outcast, a freak, a disgrace to the House of Slytherin. So he joined in with his friends, laughing and joking and trash talking him.

Sephtis who as the chatter grew louder, remained quiet, his expression inscrutable. He knew that his choice of date would be the subject of much speculation and gossip. Finally, he stood up and made his way out of the Great Hall, leaving the students behind to wonder and speculate. He didn't owe them an explanation.

As he walked down the deserted corridors, Sephtis thought about his options. He wasn't sure who he wanted to take to Slugclub, but he knew that he would have to choose soon.

Sephtis was used to the expectation. He had been born to it. He knew that he could handle whatever came his way, and he wasn't afraid to make his own decisions, no matter how unpopular they might be. As he disappeared into the darkness of the castle, Sephtis knew that he would find a way to make his choice, and that he would do it on his own terms.

"You do everything on yours own terms." Remus pointed out and Sephtis just hummed in response.

The screen shifted.

After making his rounds as Prefect, Sephtis stands alone on the Astronomy Tower, his piercing gaze fixed on the night sky. His tall and imposing figure seems to blend seamlessly into the shadows, as if he is a part of the darkness itself. His movements are fluid and graceful, every step measured and deliberate. There is a sense of purpose in his demeanor, a quiet intensity that suggests he is always searching for something just beyond his grasp.

"Why? Why are you like this?" Many blushed seeing Sephtis basked in moonlight.

"Master." The voice called out and with that flying up to meet him was Æthelred with a smile on their face, Sephtis's demeanor changes.

"Oh that is kinky."

There is a sense of mutual respect and understanding between these two beings, a connection that goes beyond mere master and servant. They are creatures of the night, bound together by a shared purpose and a deep trust that has been forged over time.

Regulus glared at the screen harshly.

Æthelred, his devoted servant a vision of ethereal beauty and dark mystery. Their lithe and toned figure moves with a fluid grace, like a predator stalking its prey. The jagged marks on their skin are a testament to their fierce loyalty and unwavering devotion to their master.

Sephtis lips moved upward into a smirk.

Clad in the finest white silken fabric, Æthelred's pale skin seems to glow in the moonlight light, a canvas for the intricate golden adornments that decorate their body. The purest of golden bands adorn their shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, and ankles, a testament to their status as a faithful servant of Sephtis. The skull of a raven, dipped in gold, hangs around their neck like a talisman, a symbol of their unwavering loyalty to their master.

Their ash-white hair cascades down their back in long waves, framing their androgynous features that are both sharp and defined. Their pointed ears, adorned with golden jewelry, lend them an otherworldly quality, as if they are not quite of this world.

But it is their wings and horns that truly set Æthelred apart. The black feathers of their wings seem to shimmer in the light, while the golden tips catch the eye like glittering jewels. The twisted horns on their head are a testament to their power and strength, each adorned with an intricate golden bands that marks them as a creature of great importance.

In all of Æthelred's features, there is an air of dark elegance and mystery. They are a creature of shadow and night, devoted to their master with a fierce and unwavering loyalty that knows no bounds. To see them is to feel a sense of awe and reverence, for they are a being of great power and beauty, and their devotion to Sephtis is absolute.

"Merlin, why is everyone so hot?!"

Sephtis turns to Æthelred with a cold and steely gaze, his voice sharp and impatient. "What took you so long to arrive?" He demands, his words like a whip crack in the night air.

Æthelred, hovering in the air before him, looks down with a slight bow of their head. "My apologies, Master. Your mother had me doing a task."

Many's interests piqued at the mention of Sephtis's mother. While Sephtis's gaze darkened.

Sephtis eyes narrow for a moment, but then he nods. "Very well." He says, the edge of impatience still in his voice. "Just don't keep me waiting again."

Æthelred nods with a hum. "Ofcourse, Master. I am at your service."

Sephtis nods once more, his gaze flickering back to the stars above. "Good." He says, his tone final. "Now I have a new task for you to be done with it."

As Sephtis humms, Æthelred's pale grey, almost white eyes seem to practically glow with anticipation. He is eager to satisfy his master, to carry out his will with ruthless efficiency and unwavering loyalty.

"This is so gay, and I'm a lesbian..."

There is a sense of quiet intensity in Æthelred's demeanor, a coiled energy that is ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. His eyes flicker with a fierce determination, and their body seems to vibrate with a barely contained power. Now despite their obvious strength and power, there is a sense of humility and deference in Æthelred's posture. He knows his place in the hierarchy, and he is more than content to serve Sephtis with all his heart and soul.

Sephtis hummed in acknowledgement.

As he prepare to embark on his task, there is a sense of calm purpose in the air, a feeling that everything is exactly as it should be. With Æthelred's glowing eyes fixed on Sephtis, there is no doubt that whatever he is about to do, he will do it with a fierce and unwavering loyalty that knows no bounds.

Sephtis leaned forward in his throne, his piercing blue eyes fixed upon Æthelred. "Æthelred." He began, his voice low and commanding. "I have a task for you."

Many leaned in curious on what he is asking.

Æthelred bowed respectfully. "Of course, Master." He replied.

Sephtis continued and spoke his tone serious. "I require a respectable date for upcoming Slugclub."

Æthelred's expression betrayed his surprise. "Date, Master?"

Everyone laughed at his expression.

His Master's words were unexpected, this task is a rather unusual assignment— to find him a respectable date for Slugclub. For a moment, Æthelred was uncertain how to respond. Such a request was not something he had ever expected to hear from his Master, and he found himself at a loss for words. But then, with a deep breath, he composed himself and replied with a solemn nod.

"Yes." Sephtis confirmed. "I have been invited to attend, and I require a companion who will be worthy of my presence."

"So a piece of shit?" Regulus said.

"If I wanted to go on a date with a piece of shit, I would have just asked you." Sephtis responded.

"Fuck you, Verlac."

"I know you wish to."

Æthelred considered the request for a moment, his mind already whirring with possibilities. "I will do my utmost to find a suitable companion for you."

Sephtis regarded his loyal servant with a nod of approval. "See that you do." He said, his voice firm. "I expect nothing but the best."

Æthelred nodded. "I will do my utmost to find a suitable companion for Slugclub, one who will be worthy of your presence. You have my word, Master."

With that, Æthelred bowed deeply and turned to leave, his mind already racing with the possibilities of who he might be able to find to satisfy his Master's request. Though he was uncertain of what lay ahead, he knew that he would give his all to fulfill Sephtis's wishes, no matter how unusual they may be. He will find the perfect companion for Sephtis.

They can't help but wonder who will he get for Sephtis De la Verlac.

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