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By vvronii

45.9K 1.5K 528

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1.1K 71 11
By vvronii

SEPHTIS WALKED through the halls and people had stopped in their tracks to gaze upon him, their eyes fixed on his graceful movements and the effortless way he carried himself.

Many couldn't help but to blush in embarrassment seeing themselves on screen openly staring at Sephtis.

Sephtis was a dark and seductive beauty, with an air of mystery and danger that drew people to him like moths to a flame.

Dumbledore was anxious. He couldn't believe it, he should have seen the parallels between the pair, it was uncanny.

Sephtis is a figure of imposing stature, with a towering frame that exudes an otherworldly aura. His features were sharp and angular, his eyes a piercing blue that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light at the same time an absolute void that seems to swallow all light and hope. His hair was black as coal, falling in soft silken waves, and skin is as pale as the snow that falls on the highest peaks of the mountains.

It is truly isn't plausible he is just a muggleborn, he is much more than that.

His beauty was not just skin deep, but a reflection of the darkness that lurked within him. His voice is like a siren song, luring the unsuspecting to their doom with its hypnotic melody. His smile though rare is a wicked grin that promised pleasure and pain in equal measure.

His voice they could listen endlessly for hours on end. His smile, oh how they wanted to see it themselves. They knew they shouldn't but they can't help it.

It was not just his appearance that enchanted those around him, but his cold and indifferent nature that drew people in. He had a way of making everyone feel as if they were beneath him, as if they were nothing more than insignificant specks to be toyed with at his leisure. His charisma was magnetic, and his charm was irresistible.

"You all are masochists! You want him to be like that to you and you'll enjoy it!"

"Dude, shut up so do you."


People would gather around him, drawn to his beauty, his power, and his unpredictability. He had a way of speaking that made people feel as if they were in the presence of a fallen angel, one who had glimpsed the secrets of the universe and was now forever changed by what he had seen. His words were like poison, weaving a spell that left his listeners spellbound. In short, Sephtis was a creature of such dark and seductive beauty that he seemed almost too dangerous for this world. His presence was like a dark cloud on a sunny day, and those who were lucky enough to be in his company felt as if they had been touched by something forbidden and taboo. He was the embodiment of the fallen angel, and those who dared to enter his world did so at their own peril.

Dumbledore really should have kept a closer eye on Sephtis, he can't help but to wonder if it is too late now.

Regulus felt a mix of confusion and relief as he caught a glimpse of Sephtis walking through the halls, seemingly perfectly fine after seeing him on hallucinogenics the night before in their dormitory.

Sephtis just raised a brow at Regulus who groaned cursing everything.

Sephtis's dark and seductive beauty seemed to glow even more brightly in the light of day, and Regulus found himself transfixed by his every movement. His eyes were a piercing blue, seemingly devoid of emotion, and yet hinting at a depth of feeling that few could fathom.

Regulus wanted the floor below him to open up and consume him, and just let him die already.

On one hand, Regulus was relieved to see that Sephtis was not displaying any obvious signs of distress or abnormal behavior. On the other hand, he couldn't help but wonder if Sephtis was still under the influence of the drug, or if he had somehow managed to shake off its effects. Regulus's mind was filled with questions, as he struggled to make sense of his conflicting emotions.

Regulus couldn't help but feel a sense of unease around Sephtis, given his recent drug use. He knew that hallucinogens could have significant effects on an individual's cognitive abilities and mental health, and he worried about the potential long-term consequences for Sephtis. He also felt uncertain about how to approach Sephtis or talk to him about his drug use, particularly given Sephtis's often cold and indifferent nature.

Despite these concerns, Regulus couldn't help but be drawn to Sephtis's dark and seductive beauty. Sephtis had a charisma and charm that was hard to resist, even in the face of his recent drug use. Regulus found himself watching Sephtis as he walked through the halls.

"I mean don't you just watch him anyways?" Barty asked and Regulus glared at him.

In the end, Regulus was left with a sense of apprehension and uncertainty about his feelings towards Sephtis. He knew that he needed to be cautious around him, particularly given his recent drug use, but he couldn't help but be drawn to Sephtis's dark and alluring presence.

"Ugh, did you see Muddy walk by? I can't believe they let Mudbloods like him into Slytherin. He doesn't belong here, no matter how pretty he is." Evan said.

Evan blushed at the fact he admitted he actually viewed Sephtis as pretty.

"I completely agree. It's a disgrace to our noble house to have someone like him among us." Barty hummed.

Regulus hesitates for a moment, then speake. "I see your point. He doesn't quite fit in with the rest of us, does he?"

Evan and Barty nod in agreement.

'It's not because he's a muggleborn. It's because he's different, and that's what makes him so fascinating. He's like a puzzle that I can't quite solve, and I find myself drawn to him despite myself.' Regulus thought.

Regulus wanted to scream.

"By Odin, you are whipped." Barty whispered.

"Crouch, shut up." Regulus hissed, as many looked at him, expect for Sephtis, and for some reason Regulus hated that Sephtis wasn't looking at him.

Evan and Barty continue to make rude comments about Sephtis, but Regulus tunes them out, lost in his own thoughts and feelings.

Regulus quietly slipped away from Evan and Barty, his mind consumed with thoughts of Sephtis. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right, that there was more to Sephtis's recent behavior than he was letting on. He followed Sephtis to the library, watching as he settled in at his usual spot at the back table.

Yet he couldn't help but to gaze at him. His features were sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline that spoke of his strength and dominance. His hair was jet black, flowing like the raven's wing in the wind. His skin was pale as snow, yet it seemed to emit a dark aura that surrounded him like a shroud. His lips were full and seductive, yet they seemed to curl into a sinister smirk at the slightest provocation.

"Merlin! You are so—"

"Shut the actual fuck up."

Regulus shook his head at those thoughts and took a deep breath and walked over to Sephtis, sitting down across from him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration bubbling up inside him, and he demanded to know what had happened the night before when Sephtis had been on hallucinogenics.

"Verlac." Regulus said, his voice cold and hard. "I need to know what happened last night. I saw you on those drugs, and I know it's not something to be taken lightly."

Sephtis looked up at him, his expression unreadable. "I don't know what you're talking about, Regulus." He said, his voice smooth and unemotional. "I haven't taken any drugs, and I'm fine. You must be mistaken."

"You are gaslighting him!"

"So?" Sephtis raised a brow.

Regulus felt his anger rising, and he leaned forward, his hands gripping the edge of the table. "Don't lie to me, Verlac. I saw you with my own eyes. I know you were on something, and I need to know what it was."

Sephtis simply stared at him, his eyes cold and indifferent. "I don't have to explain myself to you, Black." He said. "Whatever you think you saw, it's not my concern. I suggest you mind your own business and leave me alone."

"You are such an asshole."

"Obviously." Sephtis said amused.

Regulus felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, realizing that Sephtis was gaslighting him into thinking nothing had happened. He wasn't sure what to do next, but he knew that he couldn't just let this go. He had to find out the truth, no matter what it took.

Regulus stood up and left. He couldn't believe that Sephtis was so willing to gaslight him into thinking he had not seen what had happened the previous night.

Regulus was feeling frustrated and angry after his encounter with Sephtis in the library. He knew that he couldn't keep Sephtis's drug use a secret, but he was worried about what would happen if he told anyone. He decided to confide in Evan and Barty, hoping that they would believe him and offer some advice.

"Really? Them? For advice?"

"Fuck off, Potter."

After finding Evan and Barty in the Slytherin common room, Regulus took a deep breath and explained what had happened the previous night in their dormitory.

Evan and Barty listened to Regulus's story with growing disbelief. "Are you sure it was hallucinogenics?" Evan asked skeptically. "I mean, it's Verlac we're talking about here. How would he even get access to something like that?"

Sephtis was satisfied that his façade is working, he always liked to see people fall for it.

Regulus felt a pang of frustration. He knew that Sephtis had a reputation for being cold and indifferent, but he also knew that he was capable of doing dangerous and reckless things. "I'm sure it was hallucinogenics." Regulus said firmly. "I saw the evidence with my own eyes."

Regulus, Evan, and Barty's conversation about Sephtis's drug use did not go unnoticed.

"Oh shiiiit....."

Unbeknownst to them, another Slytherin had overheard their conversation and quickly spread rumors about Sephtis using hallucinogenics throughout the school. The rumors spread like wildfire, and soon students from all houses were talking about Sephtis's alleged drug use in mere hours.

Sephtis, for his part, seemed completely unaware of the rumors swirling around him or simply didn't care. He continued to go about his business as usual, studying in the library, practicing spells in the courtyard, and attending classes with his usual cool detachment.

Sephtis knows his future self definitely didn't care knowing that they can handle the situation.

Regulus couldn't help feeling uneasy as the rumors about Sephtis's drug use spread throughout the school. He knew that he had inadvertently started the rumors by confiding in Evan and Barty, but he had never intended for the information to become public knowledge. He felt somewhat uncomfortable that he was the reason that all of Hogwarts knew about it before the day even ended.

Evan and Barty, on the other hand, seemed to take the rumors in stride. They didn't seem to care about the impact that the rumors might have on Sephtis or on the Slytherin house as a whole.

Regulus knew that he had to do something to help Sephtis if the rumors were true, he didn't know why but he had to. As the hours passed, the rumors grew more and more exaggerated. Some students claimed that Sephtis was addicted to hallucinogenics, while others said that he was selling them to other students. Some even whispered that he was secretly practicing dark magic, and that the hallucinogenics were just the tip of the iceberg.

Sephtis has to give it to them the last rumor is definitely true without a doubt.

Yet Regulus was shocked when he heard that Sephtis had easily shut down the rumors about his alleged drug use by pointing out that he was a muggleborn and couldn't possibly have access to rare magical hallucinogenics. He couldn't believe that everyone had believed Sephtis's lies.

They all agreed they would have believed it, after all it seemed so logical to.

Regulus felt frustrated and angry at Sephtis's ability to manipulate the truth. He felt a surge of frustration at everything. He knew that he couldn't force Sephtis to tell the truth, but he also knew that he couldn't just let the lies continue. He decided to bide his time, hoping that he would find a way to get Sephtis to admit the truth eventually.

Regulus is definitely obsessed.

In the end, the rumors about Sephtis's drug use died down on their own, and the incident was largely forgotten.

Yet Regulus couldn't forget.

As Sephtis sat in the Slytherin common room, watching Regulus walk past him in frustration, he couldn't help feeling a sense of satisfaction. He knew that Regulus had been trying to take him down, to expose his secrets and reveal his lies. Yet Sephtis wasn't worried. He knew that he was always one step ahead, always in control.

Sephtis smirked, he was right.

While Regulus was gritting his teeth.

In his mind, Sephtis reveled in the power he held over Regulus. He thought of himself as a puppet master, pulling the strings and watching as Regulus danced to his tune. He knew that Regulus was blinded by his own sense of righteousness, thinking that he could take down Sephtis.

"Fuck you, Verlac." Regulus hissed.

"As much as you want to, no." Sephtis said, and Regulus felt his face burn at the implications.

Sephtis smiled to himself, savoring the feeling of being in control. He enjoyed seeing Regulus's frustration, his anger at being unable to expose Sephtis's secrets. To Sephtis, it was all a game, a battle of wits that he was always destined to win.

Regulus was seething.

He reveled in the power that came with being feared and respected, knowing that he was the envy of his peers. As the night wore on, Sephtis continued to bask in his own glory. He knew that he was the master of his own fate, and that no one could ever truly bring him down.

And so, as Sephtis looked out over the Slytherin common room, and into the Black Lake through the window and he knew that he was in control, that he held all the power.

He knew that he would always be steps ahead of his adversaries, always in control of his own destiny.

Sephtis smirked.

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