I'll love you, until the end.

By Miss_Malfoysbaby

236 1 0

She was new, he was stubborn but something... something brought them together. Love? Magic? Or something else... More

One: New Girl
Two: Slytherin!
Three: Get On The Bed
Four: My First
Five: I Know
Six: The Ball
Seven: Mine
Nine: About Last Night
Ten: Promise Me
Eleven: Shut up and kiss me
Twelve: Change Of Plans
Thirteen: Until The End
Fourteen: My Lord
Fifteen: The Dark Mark
Sixteen: Crucio
Seventeen: Draco POV
Eighteen: Lorenzo Says Hi
Nineteen:Draco POV
Twenty: I Don't Care
TwentyOne: No.
TwentyTwo: You Moron
TwentyThree: Fight Back
TwentyFour: I Will Love You, Until The End
TwentyFive: Goodbye

Eight: Hello Mother

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By Miss_Malfoysbaby

The next day we were supposed to be leaving to go visit family for Christmas. Draco and I spent that last night together and the next day we shared smiles as we told the rest of our friends goodbye. We agreed we would share our relationship with them once we came back. We promised we would write to each other as often as we could over break.
"Are you going to miss me?" I teased him that last night.
"Yes." He stated honestly, which caught me off guard.
I smiled at him as I laid my head on his chest and he ran a hand through my hair.
"What about Lorenzo?" I asked carefully.
"The twat basically lives with me, I won't miss him." Draco laughed.
I hit his chest and stuck my tongue out at him.
"I mean, how do you think he will take it?" I asked.
"He'll be fine." Draco assured me.
"He hates me right now."
"Good." Draco said.
I sat up and looked at him.
"It's not funny." I scoffed.
"I never said it was." Draco sat up as well.
"Draco I don't want to hurt him, plus won't it strain your friendship?" I asked.
"Why do you care about his feelings so much?" Draco grumbled.
"He's a good guy Draco! He doesn't deserve to be hurt." I argued.
"He will be fine I said."
We both huffed and I turned away from him, thinking about how to tell Lorenzo. I felt Draco's fingers brush against my arm and I slowly looked at him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"I think you should tell him." I said.
"Okay." He cooed.
I laid back down on his chest and closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to the sound of his heart.
Draco watched from the platform as Pansy and I boarded the train. I didn't wave at him but I smiled at him from the window where Pansy couldn't see my face. He winked at me and butterflies filled my body.
"Wonder why Malfoy decided to walk us to the station." Pansy laughed. "He better not be feeling for me again."
I laughed and rolled my eyes, turning to look at her.
"You should ask him." I teased.
She bumped my shoulder. The rest of the train ride we spent talking about break and our families. Pansy invited me over for a sleepover and I agreed as long as mother said it was okay. We arrived to the station and I spotted my mother instantly. She was nervously biting her nails, looking in all the windows until she laid eyes on me, then her face beamed with excitement. I hugged Pansy goodbye and rushed out of the train car and straight into my mothers arms.
"Hi clover!" My mom squealed.
"Hi mom!"
"How are you? Do you like the school? Did you make any new friends? Are the professors nice?" She began interrogating me.
"Mom." I laughed. "Let's get in the car and I'll tell you all  about my first week."
The car ride home I told my mom about the people I met and places I saw. She reminisced about some old hang out spots and people she knew. I decided against telling her about Draco. I didn't need her freaking out and sending me back to BAM. We made it home and I told her about pansy's invite and she agreed it was fine. I put my things away and mom made dinner, her famous lasagna. As we ate she talked to me about how important it was I did well on my studies otherwise she would transfer me back. I told her she didn't need to worry, I would do fine. I headed to my room after dinner and noticed a scroll on my bed. I opened it and noticed Draco's hand writing. I laughed and shook my head. He misses me already huh?

"Clover, I'm writing to you to let you know that you might not hear from me for awhile. I know we promised and I don't want to break a promise to you already, let alone at all, but my father needs me to.. help him. I hope you made it home safe and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I will write to you as soon as I can.

Yours, Draco."

I crumbled the note and threw it in my waste bin. Well my break was off to a great start. What was going to keep him so busy that he couldn't write a stinking letter to me! I sat at my desk and began to write my reply.

"Draco, well that hurts, what will you be doing? I guess I understand. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I'll be staying at Pansy's house tonight and maybe quite a lot over break.

Yours, Clover."

I sent it out and quickly got my things together to head to Pansy's house. I kissed my mother goodbye and stepped outside, holding a bracelet made of pure gold in my hand. It was the port key to get to her house. The world began spinning and the air became thin. Suddenly my feet landed firmly on the ground and I was standing in front of her house. I made my way up the long walk to her doors and knocked. The door flung open and Pansy threw her arms around me.
"I'm so excited you could come! Especially tonight!" She cheered.
"What's tonight?" I asked, stepping inside.
"We're going to a Christmas party at Zabinis house!"
"I didn't bring any nice clothes." I whined.
"You can borrow some of mine silly." She laughed.
We headed upstairs and I placed my bag on her bed. She began rummaging through her closet and pulled out two dresses. One was white and one was red.
"Which one?" She asked.
"I'll wear the white one." I sighed.
She handed me the red one.
"I said white."
"You always wear white. Wear red tonight. Maybe you'll meet someone new and need to look a little sexy!" She teased.
"I should definitely wear white then!" I laughed.
We began getting ready, doing makeup and curling hair. I decided to wear my hair all down and put on bright red lipstick to match the dress. Pansy handed me a pair of red heels to match and we made our way downstairs to leave. We arrived at Blaise's house and it was my first time being here. It was huge which didn't surprise me, pansys was too. Her father knocked on the door and it immediately opened. We all stepped in and the house was buzzing with people. Some chatting, some laughing and others drinking. We spotted Blaise and headed his way. He smiled at us and gave us each a kiss on the cheek.
"You two look lovely." He said.
"Thanks!" Pansy and I spoke in unison.
He handed us cups that smelled to be filled with whiskey and after taking a big swig, I was right.
"Be careful Clov. That's some expensive stuff. One glass of that is the same as a bottle of the stuff we drink at school." Blaise warned.
I nodded and took another small sip from it, already feeling a bit light headed. We walked around as Blaise told us about his family and house, places they've been and things they have done. We reached the upstairs and I noticed a room at the end of the hall that was open but it was dimly lit. I squinted and noticed there were a few men inside, standing around having what looked like a serious conversation. One of the men saw me looking and smiled at me, winking his dark brown eye. I shivered and continued following Blaise and Pansy around the house.
"I have to go talk with a few people. You two have fun!" Blaise said as he waved goodbye.
We walked back downstairs and I realized I had finished my drink.
"Here." A gruff voice said from behind me.
I turned to see a tall man with dark brown hair and brown eyes to match handing me another cup. It was the man I saw upstairs earlier.
"My names Felix." He spoke gently.
"Clover." I smiled. "Thanks."
He nodded and took a sip of his own drink while his eyes traveled up and down my dress.
"Stunning dress." He smiled.
"Oh thanks. I borrowed it from my friend. I wasn't planning on coming tonight." I said.
"You should probably ask her if you can keep it." He winked again and my cheeks got hot. "How do you know Blaise?"
"School." I said.
"Ah yes. Hogwarts. Do you enjoy that school?" He asked.
"I'm new there but so far I enjoy it, yes."
"I attended it when I was in school. I finished my studies there two years ago." He admitted.
"Oh that's neat." I could feel my head begin to spin from the whiskey and found myself falling against him.
"Oh I'm sorry." I nervously laughed.
"Too much to drink?" He raised an eyebrow. "Here, I know somewhere you can rest it off."
He began to lead me back up the stairs and down the hall to the room I noticed earlier.
"I really should go find my friend." I slurred, feeling uneasy about him.
"Who is she? I'll let her know you're up here." He assured me.
He pushed the door open and the room was now empty. It was a bedroom with a large bed and a fireplace which must have been what was illuminating the room earlier. He gently laid me down on the bed and as soon as my head touched the pillow the world went black.

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