Seven: Mine

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That night I walked back to my room, alone. Draco had left without saying another word after he admitted he felt the same thing I did. I stepped into our common room and Lorenzo and Blaise were sitting on the couches chatting when they both looked my way. Lorenzo shot up and rushed over to me.
"Are you okay love?" He asked, panic lacing his words.
"I'm fine." I sighed. "I'm just tired."
"Where did you go? You just disappeared." He asked.
"I just needed some air. The great hall was getting too crowded." I lied.
"Clov-" he was cut off by someone else walking in behind me.
"And where'd you run off to mate?" Lorenzo questioned him.
"What are you my mother now?" He asked, measuring the space between Lorenzo and I.
I took a step away from Lorenzo, looking down at my feet and Lorenzo noticed.
"Are you sure you're ok?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I said I'm fine. Just tired." I lied again.
Draco walked past us and sat at the couches with Blaise.
"Clov, you can be honest. Is it what we talked about? The kiss?" Lorenzo said in a hushed tone.
"Kiss?" Draco perked up.
"None of your business Malfoy." Lorenzo said, irritated.
"No Lorenzo. I'm fine, I promise." I tried to smile at him.
Draco stood up and sauntered over to us.
"Elaborate on this... kiss. You two a thing now?" Draco asked through his teeth.
Lorenzo didn't say anything but looked to me. I shook my head and sighed.
"No. We're not Draco. Lorenzo misread a situation and-"
"Kissed you?" Draco interrupted me.
I slightly nodded praying to Merlin Draco would leave it alone.
"I'm sorry Clov. I just thought-" Lorenzo started.
"I already said it's okay. I'm fine and we're fine. I'm just tired." I stopped him.
"No. If he kissed you and you didn't allow him to then-" Draco began seething but he slid his hands into his pockets and stepped back. "Whatever. I'm going to bed."
"Me too." I turned to head for my room but Lorenzo caught my hand.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
Draco looked over his shoulder as he headed up the stairs to his room. I sighed but nodded yes and followed Lorenzo out into the hall. I caught a glimpse of Draco before the doors closed behind us. Hurt flashed across his face.
"I want to make it up to you and show you I'm not an ass." Lorenzo smiled. "Can I take you to lunch tomorrow?"
"Lorenzo." I sighed.
"Please Clov. I feel really bad."
I bit my lip and stared at him, trying to think of an excuse but I was all out of them. I quietly shook my head no and dropped my eyes to the floor. He didn't say anything but I could hear him breathing.
"Oh." He finally broke the silence. "Can I ask why?"
"I just-" I stopped myself from saying anything because there was only one reason, Draco.
"I see. Uhm." He scratched the back of his neck. "I uh- I don't think I can be around you for awhile then. Every time I see you upset I feel it's my fault. I also need to get over these feelings I have for you and I can't do that if I have to see your smile or hear your laugh." He stepped back and slowly turned to walk away.
"Lorenzo, please!" I pleaded.
He didn't stop.
I went back in the common room and plopped down next to Blaise who was now reading a book quietly.
"It would be easier if you were just honest with him." Blaise spoke softly.
I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.
"With who?" I asked.
"Both of them." He said.
"You don't think I see the looks between you and Malfoy?" He said coolly.
My heart began pounding.
"There's nothing between us." I lied.
"Looks like you need to be honest with yourself too." He closed his book and stood up, heading for the stairs to his room. "It'll cause a lot less pain. For everyone." He said before he was gone.
I didn't sleep much that night. Maybe I should have stayed at my old school. I rolled over and saw the sun peering in but it was still early so I decided to get up before anyone else. I made my way out in to the common rooms and noticed it was empty. I took a deep breath and decided to go for a walk. I made my way through halls and stairwells until I reached the courtyard. I made my way out of the courtyard and down to the lake, sitting in the grass and watching the sun bounce off the top of the water. Blaise told me to be honest with them both but honestly I didn't know much of anything. I knew I wanted Draco and he felt something for me but I didn't know what he wanted. This would be so much easier if he would open up to me. With him it felt like I would have to take what I could get but that was not enough right now. After awhile the sun was high enough that I knew people would be waking up now so I headed back inside to go get some breakfast. The great hall was pretty empty, only a few students scattered around. I sat at the end of slytherin table and began placing food on my plate, eating alone with nothing but my own thoughts. I looked up and noticed Lorenzo enter and our eyes met but he quickly looked away, walking past me. I wasn't hungry anymore so I got up and left. Walking down the hall by myself I noticed a strange door that I had never seen before. I didn't think much of it but when I tried to walk past, something stopped me. It was like a hand had grabbed my shoulder, urging me to turn back around to the door, so I did. I placed my hand on the knob and slowly turned it, stepping inside. I immediately noticed how full the room was, stacked to the ceiling with junk and dust. I kept walking inside, making my way through the maze of junk when suddenly I heard someone just ahead. I ducked behind a stack of old books and listened as they were saying spell after spell. I peered out and saw Draco messing around with what looked like a large dark oak cabinet.
"Draco?" I said quietly as I stepped out from where I was hiding.
He whipped around holding his wand at my throat. He blinked a few times, probably just as surprised to see me here.
"Clover?" He gawked.
"What are you doing?" I asked looking at the cabinet again.
"You shouldn't be here." He shook his head looking around.
"Why? Where are we?" I asked.
"Room of requirements." He stated. "You need to leave."
"It's not safe."
I looked around at the messy room and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Clover." He sighed.
"I need to talk to you." I said.
He stiffened at that but nodded.
"Meet me in Hogsmead. We can talk over butterbeer." He agreed, turning me around. "Now you have to go."
As quickly as I had entered the room, I left. Leaving more confused than when I entered.
Later that day I made my way down to meet Draco and he was there already, sitting at the furthest table back. I sat down in front of him, offering him a soft smile. He just nodded.
"What's this about? Are you ok?" He asked, looking me over.
"I'm fine." I replied, confused. "But we need to talk more.. about us."
He sighed and placed his hands on the table, twiddling his thumbs.
"After our conversation I think we need to clear things up." I said and he slowly nodded.
"Look, Clover." He started.
"Let me go first please." I interrupted him and he nodded.
"I know we barley know each other, but when I'm around you I feel- connected." I tried explaining, feeling dumb.
Draco just watched me as I talked.
"It's like I've known you before or my whole life. It's like I'm drawn to you." I continued.
"Obsessed much?" He scoffed.
I sank lower in my chair, feeling crazy, like he hadn't admitted it to me already that he felt the same way. I opened my mouth but the embarrassment took over and I just stood up to leave.
"Sit down." Draco demanded.
"No! I'm not going to do this. You're giving me whiplash! One second you're an ass and the other you're making me feel like you have feelings for me. If this is how it's always going to be then.."
Then what?" He cut me off.
"Then this is done." I stated, gritting my teeth.
I waited, giving him a moment to reply but when he said nothing I turned and left. I made it halfway back to the school when a hand grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around.
I rolled my eyes and turned to keep walking when he grabbed my hand.
"Clover." He spoke gently.
I stopped but still refused to look at him.
"Clover. Please look at me." He whispered.
I glared at him, tears forming in my eyes.
"What!" I demanded.
"Please don't." He whispered.
"Don't what?!" I shouted.
"Hate me." He breathed.
My breath caught in my chest and my stomach dropped.
"Draco, I don't hate you! That's the problem." I admitted.
"You want to hate me?" He asked, hurt in his tone.
"It's easier than feeling how I really feel and hearing you turn me down over and over again." I snapped, suddenly realizing how Lorenzo felt.
"And how do you really feel?" He asked.
"I- I don't-"
"Like the air is ripped from your lungs every time I talk. Like you would watch the world burn to see me smile one more time. Like the smell of me is so intoxicating that you wouldn't mind choking on it." My heart began beating faster as he spoke. "Like you would naw off your own arm if it made me happy. Your heart breaks when you're not around me and you want to explode when you see me with other people because you want all of my attention."
"Yeah." I said, breathlessly.
"Like a single touch from me is enough to set your whole body on fire, but you love it. You love it so much that you ignore your brain and heart just to feel it again." He continued.
I couldn't talk. I had no words. All I could do was blink at him.
"You wanted to know how you felt well there, I explained it for you." He spat.
"How did you-"
"Because I feel all of that, every second of every fucking day." He interrupted me. "I don't know why but it's like the second I laid eyes on you, it clicked. This feeling that I needed you, not just want you because trust me, I want you so fucking bad all the time, but that I NEED you." He seethed.
"And when you say my fucking name, Merlin Clover, it's like the most beautiful song I've heard in my life." He dropped my hand and grabbed my face. "I don't know what we are or if we can be anything at all but-" he stopped for a moment, locking eyes with me. "Fuck it."
He pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arm around my waist. Electricity shot through us, it was in the air and coursing in my veins. He pulled away, still looking down at me.
"You're mine. I can't be away from you and if that's what you need from me to stay then I don't care what anyone says, you're mine." He said quietly.
I bit my lip and nodded slowly at him. The world melted away around us and the ground fell out from beneath us. Nothing mattered besides him, besides Draco.

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