Mikaelson Trio -Legacies- (Bo...

By KatherineReilly19

160K 5K 432

Book 2 Continuing from the three girls jumping into Malivore. The Mikaelsons and the people of Mystic Falls... More

Author's Note
Cast (Part 1)
Cast (Part 2)
Introducing New Cast
In the Theater
Previously On...Mikaelson Trio -Legacies-
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 1)
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 2)
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 3)
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 4)
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 5)
I'll Never Give Up Hope (Part 6)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 1)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 2)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 3)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 4)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 5)
This Year Will Be Different (Part 6)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 1)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 2)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 3)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 4)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 5)
You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know (Part 6)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 1)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 2)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 3)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 4)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 5)
Since When Do You Speak Japanese? (Part 6)
Screw Endgame (Part 1)
Screw Endgame (Part 2)
Screw Endgame (Part 3)
Screw Endgame (Part 4)
Screw Endgame (Part 5)
Screw Endgame (Part 6)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 1)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 2)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 3)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 4)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 5)
That's Nothing I Had to Remember (Part 6)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 1)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 2)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 3)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 4)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 5)
It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough (Part 6)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 1)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 2)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 3)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 4)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 5)
This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent (Part 6)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 1)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 2)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 3)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 4)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 5)
I Couldn't Have Done This Without You (Part 6)
Season 3 Covers
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 1)
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 2)
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 3)
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 4)
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 5)
This Is Why Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies (Part 6)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 1)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 2)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 3)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 4)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 5)
What Cupid Problem? (Part 6)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 1)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 2)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 3)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 4)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 5)
Kai Parker Screwed Us (ish) (Part 6)
You Can't Save Them All (Part 1)
You Can't Save Them All (Part 2)
You Can't Save Them All (Part 4)
You Can't Save Them All (Part 5)
You Can't Save Them All (Part 6)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 1)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 2)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 3)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 4)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 5)
There's A Place Where the Lost Things Go (Part 6)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 1)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 2)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 3)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 4)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 5)
Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself (Part 6)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 1)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 2)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 3)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 4)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 5)
Facing Darkness Is Kind of My Thing (Part 6)
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Extra #5
Extra #6
End Of Book #2

You Can't Save Them All (Part 3)

1K 41 2
By KatherineReilly19

Prison World

Lizzie groans awake, and looks at her twin. "What happened," she asks. "I had to break the sand clock," Josie says. Lizzie nods, "I have something for you," the blonde says as she pulls something out of her pocket. The dark haired siphon witch takes the page delicately recognizing it as a page from a grimoire. After looking through it, the dark haired siphon lets her lips twist up into a small smile. "Great minds think alike," she says. She reaches into her own pocket and pulls out the same page and shows it to Lizzie. "Grace," Lizzie whispers and Jo nods. "Jo," Lizzie whispers. "Why are we in a prison world, why was it made," the blonde asks. "I don't know, it can't be because of her and her friends," Lizzie says nodding her head towards Jade. "It has to be someone worse," Josie continues. "Or at least on the surface worse," Lizzie amends. "There's something's missing from my memory," Josie says suddenly. "Or someone," Lizzie argues. "Uh... same," Alaric says. "I don't know what this is, but Wendy found it in her pocket," Jade says, producing a note from her own pocket. "Who's Kai?" Alaric asks looking down at the note that reads, 'Sorry, not sorry.' "The person who's missing from our memory," Lizzie says. "There's a spell affecting my mind. I've felt it before," Josie says looking at her twin. "Malivore," the set of twins and Alaric say at the same time. "You might want to grab a seat, Jade," Alaric warns as he sits down in what used to be Damon's seat. "Why?" Jade asks curiously as she cautiously sits.  "Trust me," Alaric says. "Harae-tamai kioku yomigaerashi-tamae," Josie whispers. And after a moment, each of them falls unconscious. 

"Even without the Mikaelson girls, the two of you can figure things out," Matt says. "So, what," Lizzie asks. "So, why do they need to be at the school. Why can't Alaric just kill them and get it over with," Matt says. Kol snorts, "That's funny, because I was thinking the same thing about you when we lived in Mystic Falls," the vampire taunts. 


Kai stands in the kitchen of the Salvatore School making himself a sandwich. He watches as a group of students leaves the room. Kai grabs the crystal from the kitchen island, "What do you want Kai," a voice says from behind him. "Jo," he says turning around. "I need to bounce some ideas off of you," Kai says. "Lovely," Jo mutters. "Alyssa says she is going to help the twins but she is also the one that sent them to the prison world," Kai says. "You don't think that she is going to help," Jo whispers. "Now, I could have done some research on Esther Mikaelson when I was in the prison world but I didn't," Kai says. "She sounds a little like you, no offence," Jo says. "What would you do," Jo asks her twin. "She's going to show the Mikaelson girls one spell and then when they agree, she's going to switch the spell," Kai whispers. Jo nods at her twin and then disappears. 

"Have you ever met an annoyed Gemini witch," Grace asks. "I grew up with one," Kai says. "We know," Hope and Faith say. "And let's not forget the fact that you guys do not know when to stop calling me Malachai," he adds. "What is wrong with calling you by your given name," Klaus asks. "You tell me, Niklaus," Kai shoots back. 

In the moment that Kai allows the information to sink in, the Necromancer appears. "Mm-hmm. Oh, well, well. The Salvatore School. How I've not missed you," the Necromancer says. "I told you, I could get in," Kai says. The Necromancer rolls his eyes, "Don't brag...it's unbecoming," he mutters. "You underestimate the Tribrid at your own peril," the Necromancer warns the heretic. "And the two heretics, they have an enormous amount of power," the Necromancer says, the heretic smirks secretly, "The dark haired one is angry," the Necromancer warns. Kai smirks, "Don't forget about what I told you," the Necromancer says.  Kai growls lightly, "Watch it, because I will show you angry," Kai growls. The Necromancer smirks at the on edge heretic, realizing that he was saying the right things, he just needs to find the right order. 

"Why is the Necromancer still breathing if he threatened your nieces," Damon asks. "Because I already have a lot of dead enemies, I don't need one that can bring back from the dead," Kai says.  


In the cemetery, the Necromancer and Kai are sizing each other up.  The heretic is already not trusting this person and the Necromancer wants to manipulate the heretic. "What do you want," Kai asks. "I need dark magic, the Mora Misirium," the Necromancer says. Kai shakes his head, "That won't work," Kai says. "The dark magic is trapped, even if Josette has broken the sand clock, the dark magic will stay," Kai says. "Then if you won't work with me, then those two will have to die," the Necromancer threatens. Kai uses his vampire speed to pin the Necromancer against the wall, "What do I have to do," Kai asks. "I want the Phoenix, Landon out of the way," the Necromancer says. "There is only one thing that can kill the phoenix, a golden arrow and I happen to have one," the Necromancer explains. "There is a set of boulders by the falls, I will get him there, all you have to do is make the shot," Kai says. 

"You are protecting your nieces," Caroline whispers. Kai nods, "But he can't be compelled, so you will have to find a different way to get him to the falls," Elena says. "You are right, Landon cannot be compelled, but other people can be," Kai says. 

Before the girls get to the bottom of the staircase, Hope makes sure to call in back up. "Finn," she whispers. "What is happening now," Finn asks. "We need your help," Faith says. "Alyssa looked through one of the devil's grimoires and found a spell that can help us bring back to the twins," Hope explains. "And you want to know if I trust the spell," Finn says. "You were there when she did spells," Faith says. "It would be better to ask Kol," Finn says. The girls give him a look, "You can't, because then you would have to tell him everything," Finn mutters. Hope and Faith exchange a look, "Fine," he says. The girls walk down the remaining stairs with their Uncle Finn trailing behind begrudgingly. "Alright, show us the spell," Faith demands. Alyssa spins the grimoire around to show the two Mikaelsons the spell she picked out. Finn peers at it along with his nieces. "It looks well and good, but I still think we should get someone else's opinion," Finn whispers to his nieces. "Well then, where is Grace," Faith asks. Finn pauses for a moment, "She's working on other leads," Finn says. "Bring back what was taken from us, bring them back to where we truly want them," Hope says.  Faith stiffens for a moment and Finn gives her a look, "What is it," he asks. "Fear, concern with a slight hint of nostalgia," Faith lists. "Kai," the two other Mikaelsons say in unison. 

"You are willing to admit that I know more than you," Kol asks. "Is the world ending," he adds with a smirk. Finn rolls his eyes, "Whose emotions are those," Rebekah asks. Faith turns and points at Kai, "His," she says.  

In the Alps, Enzo St. John is watching over the house that Bonnie Bennett was living in at the time. All of the sudden blood drips from above his ashes, he watches as it saturates the ashes. "The little Mikaelson," he mutters.

"How is bringing him back, working on other leads," Elena asks. "Well, bringing Enzo back is not working on them directly," Grace says. "It's more like preparing for what is about to come," Grace continues.

Faith walks into the kitchen to see Kai still in shock over what the Necromancer threatened. "What happened," the pink haired Mikaelson asks. "Nothing," Kai says. "Don't lie," Faith says. Kai glares at the girl, Faith looks at the heretic and narrows her eyes at the man. "What are you feeling at this moment," Faith asks. "You tell me, you are the expert," Kai retorts. Faith gives him a look, "You're an empath witch, I can tell," Kai says. "Somebody threatened the twins," Faith deduces. Kai's head snaps up to the pink haired Mikaelson, "Yes," he says. "That would explain the fear and the concern," Faith says. "What I am not understanding is the nostalgia," Faith says. After a moment of the Mikaelson girl and the male heretic looking at each other, Faith catches the crystal hanging loosely in his hand. "Who did you see," Faith asks, nodding towards the crystal. "Jo," Kai whispers. Faith nods, "Well, there is the nostalgia," the girl whispers.

"How can you tell," Marcel asks. "Well, I was not looking for it when I met her, but I picked up on it," Kai says. "On what," Bonnie asks. "She flinches a tiny bit when she feels a very powerful emotion," Kai begins to explain. "But when she feels several powerful emotions at the same time, she stiffens slightly so that she can make sense of what is going on," Kai says. "And then there is when she rolls her eyes, but nothing happened around her," Kai says. "That means someone she is close to is feeling an emotion and she is annoyed by it," Kai says. "My guess is that she gets annoyed with Grace's emotions the most," Kai finishes. 

Landon follows Dorian to a quiet sitting room, "This shouldn't take long. Right?" he asks, wanting to be with Hope so that he could prove himself to her. "I can't believe I've lived in Mystic Falls this long, and I've never actually seen the falls, you know?" Landon says. Dorian turns to look at Landon, "Mr. Williams? You okay?" Landon asks. Dorian decks Landon making the phoenix fall unconscious.

"You compelled Dorian," Caroline concludes. Kai nods, "And the beauty of compulsion, is that you can create loopholes if you want," Kai says. 

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