The White Bone Kid | A Hero I...

By BurntToastAt3AM

1.9K 72 30

500 years ago, the powerful Monkey King was sealed away under ruins by the Lady Bone Queen. The Queen's Bone... More

Part 2: Journey to the... somewhere?
Part 3: A smidge of belief
Chapter 4: New Story on the Shelf

Part 1: Stories of "fiction"

851 24 11
By BurntToastAt3AM

"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. China, 500 years ago, was peaceful and quaint, until the day the Monkey King emerged from the mountains and destroyed an innocent village with his mighty staff. The people wailed and screamed as the simian laughed at their pain. Until the Lady Bone Queen arrived to end his reign once and for all. 

The Queen trapped him under the ruins of a mountain, using her scythe, she cast a spell to seal him away, and as long as the scythe lay above the ruin, the Monkey King would lay there for all eternity. As for the Queen, she vanished from the world, never to be seen. And the scythe? civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Lady Bone Queen." A fine-dressed gentleman sat upright on a high stool, finishing his tale. 

A younger girl squeal as he finished, flapping her arms around with excitement, "That's so cool!!" The girl had elbow-length black hair with a grey headband, she wore a white cardigan with a royal blue t-shirt underneath, along with a grey above-knee skirt with black shants. (shoe-pants) The girl jumped up and down with excitement, "The Lady Bone Queen is so cool! She's so strong and beautiful!" The older male chuckles at the girl's excitement, "Oh, Bai He. And you thought you knew all the Lady Bone Queen's stories."

Bai He shushes the man, "Oh yes I do! I got her whole life written down in this very book. Which I wrote and drew myself!" Bai He pulls out a blue book with a skull drawn on the cover, "Like when she passed away from her human life and rose back as a skeleton demon, and rose the skeletons around her and formed a civilisation in Bone Island! Also how she-!" "Hehe, easy Bai. The papers are falling out." Bai He drops the book on the male's lap and grabs the fallen papers. The male picks up the book and chuckles, "It's nice to have someone to share these stories with."

"*AHEM* Well, I've done my part, I think I am owed something?" "Oh right, the 'free item' of choosing! So, what will you- AH!" Bai He gets carried with one hand by a taller and older female, her hair was black like Bai's and tied in a half bun with the rest hanging at shoulder length. She wore a violet polo t-shirt, a name tag on the front right with the name 'Zhizhu', black leggings and ankle boots. Her eyes had a lime-green glow "This store isn't a charity, Lin! I'm not letting you encourage my employee to shoplift!" Lin freezes but composes himself, "Ah, Zhizhu, don't you see it's a wisdom payment?" "Wisdom pay-my ass!! Either you pay or leave!"

"And you, Bai He!" Bai He freezes as Zhizhu places her down, "I already sent you on your break." "Ah- right! Sorry, I was just really invested in Big bro's story." Zhizhu sighs, "It's okay. Here, have some money for yourself, go get lunch." Bai He salutes, "Yes ma'am!" she runs out of the retail store, leaving Zhizhu with Lin, "Listen here Lin, I- ..." Lin awkwardly laughs as he sneaks an item into his grey, white-striped jacket, Zhizhu gives a glare as a dark aura surrounds her, commotion is heard in the store as Bai He exits and wanders the streets.

Pop music blasts from her headphones as she dances by, and her mind wanders back to the Lady Bone Queen, in all her glory before *Bam!* "Ow!" She danced in front of a pole, she looks back to notice she walked off to an abandoned construction site. "Oh no! Am I lost!?" Bai He panics and peeks around for workers, she hears distant chatter and walks toward it. She hides behind a broken steel plank and peeks over at the talking individuals. As she observed further, she realised... these people don't look human.

"I've been waiting years for this moment... Everything set?"

"Almost, baba."

Two Monkeys were standing in front of the rubble. One had ebony fur with tanned skin, with a spiked red marking across his eyes, his right eye had a scar over it, leaving a gash through his eyebrow, leaving the right eye white and the left golden. He wore a black belt around the waist, with a yellow and black tunic. His shirt was covered by an armoured skirt and a brown and gold cross-chest piece. He was dressed in black boots with gold tips and a torn crimson scarf. 

The one next to him appeared younger, his skin appeared tan, lighter than the ebony monkey, with brunette fur with an apple-shaped, ruby, marking across their dark eyes. He wore a crimson belt, red slacks, and an orange robe with teal trimming. His black shoes had white sole tips, and he wears white knee wraps across the bottom of his slacks. His hair was tied above with a red bandana. Bai He gets curious about the two and sneaks closer to them.

"After all of this time, we've finally found the Bone Scythe that trapped my King all those years ago." Bai He observes closer and sees the Scythe in all its glory, both the handle and the blade were made of clean limb bones. "The Lady Bone Queen's Scythe." Bai He whispers behind another piece of rubble. "So, MK, how do we rip this off?" The ebony monkey asks 'MK', who sighs, "Unfortunately, it's not that easy. It'll take more than our strength combined to remove this thing. Only the ones "worthy of the Queen's power" can remove it."

"Then how?" "Don't worry, baba! I paid our old inventing pal, Syntax, to help us." MK pulls out a giant metal glove, "This hunk of heavy metal has the power to harness its power and break the seal!" The older monkey seems unimpressed but gestures for them to do it anyway. MK grabs the Scythe with his glove and tugs back with all his might. MK yells as the Scythe shakes at the pulling force, a blue shockwave spreads across the site, almost knocking back Bai He. MK falls on his back, looking up to see the Scythe in his gloved hand.

"YES! I DID IT!" MK jumps up with joy and stares back at the rumble but nothing else budged. "What? Why is nothing happening!?" MK turns back to the older monkey, "Baba, are you sure this is the right spot?" The ebony monkey groans, "What other construction site would have a magical scythe, sealing away the great Monkey King? I'm sure this is the right spot!" As if on cue, the rubble of rock explodes, smaller pieces scattering from the sky onto the floor with a golden glowing figure in the centre of the explosion.

"Is that..." The figure lands on his feet, it was a ginger-furred monkey with peach skin and a pink heart-shaped marking across gold eyes. He wore a rusty, pale yellow chest piece with pauldrons over a yellow shirt, maroon pants, a red sash belt, black boots with gold soles, and a gold coattail with red and turquoise trim. Additionally, he wears a little gold headdress with two long red feathers as well as a red two-piece cape. His clothes were dirty and ripped, his head was dizzy and his body wobbled slightly.

"Ugh... how long was I- OOMF!" "WUKONG!" The ebony monkey pounces onto Wukong and nuzzles his face, "W-Woah! Macaque!?" Wukong smiles and nuzzles Macaque back, "The six-eared Macaque, one of the most powerful demons in the Mortal Realm, is here cuddling me all soft and kindly? This can't be my mate!" Wukong and Macaque laugh, Wukong cups Macaque's cheek, admiring the one facing him, "Heh, I see you've glamoured for the occasion. But, how did you free me?"

Macaque smiles, "Actually, it was not me. It was our child." MK gets pulled next to Macaque, he nervously sweats, "U-Uh yeah! Hi Dad, the name's Xiaotan now." Wukong stares confused, "Huh? 'Xiaotan'? But-" "He goes by Qi Xiaotan or MK now, and he's our son. So..." Wukong embraces MK with no hesitation, "Oh, you've grown so much! My son, you look so much like me and your baba! Thank you!" MK's eyes shine, "Hehe! It wasn't as hard as I thought!" Bai He stares a little confused but a little joyful.

Confused since the oh-so-terrible Monkey King was so kind but joyful at the sweet reunion. Maybe the Monkey King wasn't so heartless and evil? Wukong embraces both MK and Macaque, "I can't believe that after all these years, we're finally together again. Now..." Wukong's aura shifts into a dark one, his golden eyes shine as he shows a devious grin. "With me finally free, we can conquer this world and finally take revenge on the pile of bones that trapped me here!" Wukong cackles and the two behind him join. Nope, still evil, "Oh no!"

Macaque stops laughing, overhearing Bai He in the distance. Bai He hides back behind the rubble and covers her mouth, scared she got caught. "Someone followed us." The three stare in Bai He's direction. "MK, scan the area." MK follows Macaque's command, dropping the Scythe and zooms around the area, all Bai He sees is a golden blur, her breath quickens as her fear rises. The site soon goes quiet, Bai He sighs with relief until, "Far from home, kiddo?" Bai looks up to see MK above her, crouching on the rubble. She attempts to run, but MK grabs her by her cardigan and drags her back.

"Found a kid hanging around." MK chucks her in front of Wukong, who laughs, "Now, where did you come from? Eavesdropping, I see?" Bai He shivers as the King speaks above her. "Please! Don't hurt me! I-I was just-" "Hurt you? No, no. But I think keeping you with us is a better punishment..." Wukong reaches for Bai He. She moves back, feeling an object behind her to block. "AH! STAY BACK!" With one swing of the item, the three are blown backwards. Wukong watches in shock, "What? How can she..." Bai He looks at what she's holding. It was the Bone Scythe. "How can that child wield the Scythe!?"

"This little brat." Macaque walks closer to Bai He, she aggressively waves the Scythe around, "AGAIN, STAY AWAY! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THIS!!" "Listen, kid, that Scythe isn't yours. So, hand it back, and we'll let you go." Bai He ponders while staring at the Scythe, "Hmm. No!" Macaque's golden eye twitches, "I'm not asking. I'm telling you, hand it over." Bai He places her index finger on her lip as she thinks some more. "HMMM. Well... should I? Hmmm. Ooh, I have an idea!" "What?" "How about..." Bai He bolts out of the construction site with the Scythe in her hand.

"WUH- HEY! YOU LITTLE-" Wukong tightens his fists and growls, "500 years I spent, plotting for my reign over the world... and all of it is about to be ruined by some tiny BRAT!!" Wukong takes a heavy breath, releasing his fists, "We have to go after the child!" MK pats Wukong's back, "Dad, you're in no condition to fight right now! I'll go after her, you go rest with Baba." Wukong nods, "Go get her, son." MK bolts after Bai, summoning a cloud and soaring out of sight. "Come my King, I'll get your clothes fixed into something more comfortable." They both exit through a shadow portal with conjoined hands.


"GOTTA GO FIND LIN!! GOTTA GO FIND LIN!!" Bai He jolts through the streets, suddenly hearing strong winds behind her, she turns back to find MK on a cloud, speeding towards her. "Hand over the Scythe, kid and we won't have to get physical!" Bai He sticks her tongue out at him, she spots rotten takeout, grabs it and chucks it at his face. Their cloud spins out of control as they desperately attempt to yank off the stench. Bai He stops and watches the young monkey chuck the trash onto the floor, pure anger plastered on his face. Shit.

Bai He tries speeding up her running as MK charges for her on the cloud. "Fine... LET'S GET PHYSICAL!" "AH! I'M SORRY!" Bai He books into an alley way, knocking over bins and planks to possibly get the monkey off of her tail. (No pun intended) MK jumps off his cloud and chases her by foot, speeding through the tight space to reach her, "COME BACK SO I CAN TAKE YOU!!" "NEVER!!" Bai He hops over a fence, leading into a civilian's backyard, she barges through the back door to the front door, crashing into the person's possessions, "SORRY!!"

After several minutes of running, Bai He looks back, seeing no MK, "Haha! I lost him!!" Bai He cheers before realising she was still lost. "Crap! I need to get home!" "FOUND YOU!" Before she knew it, MK swiped her from the ground and flies off on the cloud. He holds her with one hand wrapped around her body. "HEY! LET ME GO!" MK laughs as he hears her yell, "Oh, don't worry! Once my dad gets the Scythe back, you can be our first prisoner!" Bai He freaks out more, kicking and screaming in an attempt to break free.

"I wouldn't do that. We're way high off the ground. Don't want those 13 years going to waste." "I'M 16 YOU- AAH!" MK rises her by only the back of her cardigan, dangling her over the high ground. "Listen kid, either you waste those years for being loyal to a decaying corpse, or keep your life and surrender. I think we both know which is better." Bai He looks down to the floor, if she could properly see it, she finally comes to a decision. "Fine... I choose the first!" Bai He kicks MK's gut, making him let go. "NO!"

MK charges forward to grab her again, Bai He screams as she feels herself get pulled by gravity. She notices an orange blur flying toward her direction on the floor. The blur rises up to the sky, the front  resembled the head of a raging bull with flames as it's body and tail. The blur vanishes revealing a biker in a crimson motorcycle. The biker had a crimson biker jumpsuit with a indigo, black bull design plastered on the front, orange flames wrapped around the ends of their sleeves and a black symbol of three balls of fire moving in a circle at a clockwise direction.

They wore black knee and elbow pads along with indigo gloves. Their helmet was indigo and red with a black visor covering the face, along with a hole in the back with a bright red ponytail sticking out. The sides of the helmet contained the same symbol as the one on the bikers back. The biker grabs Bai He by her arm and swings her behind them on the seat. Bai He grips the biker's waist tight as they drop back to the floor. MK watches both drive away, almost falling off his own cloud. MK growls, "DAMMIT! If they get that scythe to the Bone Queen... We need a plan." MK flies out of the city, to Flower Fruit Mountain.

Well, shit- This isn't the Samadhi Son- Yeah, I made a swap au and have been thinking about it for two whole days so... I'm still working on story 3 but this is my fixation right now.
Edit: Changed Spider Queen's name to Zhizhu bc 'Spider' plus it sounds nice.

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