Noticing You (BoyxBoy)

Okieleaf द्वारा

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Jess Roma is quiet and fades into the background. People don't notice him. Isaac (Zack) Johnson is nice and o... अधिक

Thirty-Five (END)


309 16 51
Okieleaf द्वारा

Zack led the way back to his car and Jess followed quietly. He hadn't really realized what he was doing in the moment of inviting Jess out to eat but he was glad he did now. When talking about going home his face just looked sad, not at all like how it did before when they were just having light-hearted small talk. In the moment he just wanted to make the sad look go away, he hates it when people are sad because of something he said.

They reached his car and Zack automatically went to the driver's side. He watched as Jess slowly, hesitantly, made his way to the passenger side. They got in and Zack started the car, pulling out of the parking space and driving off.

"So... drive through or go in?" Isaac asked, looking at the slightly nervous looking boy sitting in the seat next to him.

Jess looked up from his lap and over at Zack, shrugging. "It doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with either."

Zack nodded. "Alright."

As they drove Isaac's eyes kept going to the sky. He was thinking outloud, "The sun's getting kinda low. What if we got food and drove to the park to watch the sunset?"

He wanted to kick himself when he realized how cheesey that sounded. This wasn't some romance book they were just going out to eat. He prayed Jess wasn't weirded out or thinking he was stupid now.

"That sounds cool." Jess agreed, stopping Zack's thoughts.

The boy smiled widely from behind the steering wheel, keeping his eyes on the road. His beaming expression made Jess smile a little as well.

They drove until they got closer to the center of town. "McDonald's?" Isaac asked, looking at the closest fast food place. Jess nodded so he made the turn and got in line.

Jess told Isaac his order of a cheeseburger and a Dr Pepper so he could order for them. After they both had their food with a Coke and a Dr Pepper Isaac began driving towards the park.

He parked facing the setting sun and grabbed his burger and fries.

Jess kicked off his shoes and criss crossed his legs on the seat, getting more comfortable to eat. They snacked and watched the sky, Isaac snapping a couple pictures. It was extremely calm and that made Isaac smile.

He couldn't ever do anything like this with his friends. Ki and Jace would get bored and Andrew isn't really a sky person, although he does try to let Zack have his moments it's obvious he doesn't share the enthusiasm.

It was nice, having someone to share a peaceful moment with. He hasn't watched the sunset with someone that enjoyed it since his mom died. She's where he got his love for sunsets, she was always wanting to watch them and get pictures. Isaac took over her habits after she couldn't keep on, the sunset now seeming extra special because she was the one painting them so pretty for him.

When the sun was officially gone Isaac turned to Jess who was just finishing his fries. "I'll drive you home. Sorry I kept you out so late."

"It's alright. I didn't really want to be home anyway." Jess said smoothly.

Isaac pulled out of the parking lot for the park and started on the road. "Alright, where am I headed?"

"Turn right up here." Jess said and kept giving directions as they drove. They started heading back in the direction of the park as they'd have to pass it to get to Jess's house.

Jess looked over at Isaac as he was driving. Isaac could feel the dark eyes on him but didn't say anything about it.

"How late does your dad work?" Jess suddenly asked. Isaac met his eyes briefly before turning back to look at the road. "You said that's why you didn't want to go home, because he works late right? How late is that?"

Isaac smiled. Questions meant progress. Jess was talking a more. Maybe even they'd become friends soon. "Late. Usually I wait up for him until like midnight so when he says not to wait up that means he won't be home until some ungodly hour."

Jess nodded a little to himself. It was hardly a nod but he did move his head enough to notice. "Sorry for the sudden questions, I'm a curious person and then I get nosy."

"It's alright. I don't mind answering any."

"So is it just you at home while he works? Do you not have any siblings?" Jess asked again, a sudden curiosity spreading through him.

"Nope. Just me. My mom starting getting sick when I was five so they weren't worried about having any more kids."

"Your mom was sick?" Jess cringed after he said. "Sorry, that's personal I know. Left up here."

"It's okay. Yeah she got sick, diagnosed with cancer. Neither of my parents said anything about it to me though, not until it got real bad and she had to start staying in the hospital from time to time."

"Oh damn." Jess's voice was quiet.

Isaac chuckled. "You're the first person not to apologize a million times like you put the tumor in her brain. It's refreshing."

"I used to hate the word sorry. People would befriend me and then find out I didn't have a dad present in my life and suddenly there was a million apologies over and over again. I get it."

Isaac nodded. He decided against asking anything about Jess's missing father, it wasn't any of his business. He didn't want to push too much in case Jess was uncomfortable.

"Turn right, I live down this street. The house with a horribly painted blue door."

Isaac drove until he saw the house with a light blue. The paint was chipping off and from the looks of it had been for years. He slowed to a stop at the curb.

Jess opened the door to get out but paused. He looked over his shoulder and gave Isaac a smile. It was one of his pretty smiles, bigger and more genuine than his small ones. "Thanks for today."

Isaac smiled right back. "I should be saying that. See you around?"

"Yeah. See you." Jess then proceeded to climb out of the car and walk up to his house. Isaac waited, watching him go in before leaving.

He started the drive home, flicking on the radio. A song he was only faintly familiar with came on and he let it drown out the quiet of his car, blending with the sound of the motor to make a calming melody.

He made it to his house in the dark and once his headlights went out the only light was from his neighbor's porch lamp. He made his way up to the door and fumbled with his keys for a bit before getting it to unlock.

He walled into the house and was met with silence, just like always. Home sweet home. He let out an exasperated sigh and made his way back to his bedroom.

He had to maneuver in the dark as all the lights were off, there was just one lamp on the living room giving off light. Luckily he had become an expert at walking through his house with very little to no light because any time he gets home after dark it's like this. He doesn't like leaving them on when no one's home because it shoots the electricity bill up.

Zack finally made it to his own room and flicked the light switch. He immediately cringed at the sudden brightness but his eyes adjusted soon so he could start changing.

Once in more comfortable clothing, a pair of joggers in this case, the light was turned back off and he dove backwards on the bed. He turned his TV on and clicked on HBO Max.

With a show he wasn't paying attention to playing in the back he plugged his phone in and crawled under the covers. He wasn't feeling exhausted because he usually didn't go to bed for another few hours but he didn't want to be awake right now. He wanted to sleep, so he closed his eyes and tried his damnedest. It didn't work though, it never did.

So he hopped up and decided to pay attention to the show he had put on. Of course it wasn't interesting but he had nothing better to do. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep until at least twelve, although probably not until one.

My sleep schedule is so fucked.


Fridays were always hectic. Zack had gotten used to their craziness. The mornings went by normally but at lunch everyone slowly started getting more hyped. By the end of the day hald the school will have painted faces and all the players will have been told good luck at least once.

In sixth hour Serenity, a junior, came up to him and was dead set on painting his face. She looked up at him with bright blue eyes that many of his teammates had fallen for and a smile on her face. "Please."

He eventually caved because he was too nice to say no. "Alright."

She grinned and got paints. He knew he'd have to wash it off later before practice but apparently she didn't know that. He let her have her fun because he didn't feel like making anyone upset today. It was a good day.

He knew part of his more happier nature today was hope. He didn't want to dwell on it too much though. He didn't want to hope that Dave was at the game tonight.

His dad worked late often, he didn't need to get his hopes up. Anything could happen. They could call him in and he might not be able to make it. Zack held the possibilities in the clutch of his hand but they didn't kill his hope like he wanted. If Dad missed this game he knew he'd be disappointed, no matter how hard he'd try to hide it.

But for now, he let the hope simmer a bit.

Serenity giggled as she finished painting his face. "You look beautiful."

"Why thank you." He gave her a goofy grin but silently thanked the Heavens when the bell rang signaling the end of class.

All the students started filing out of the room and Zack joined them. He grabbed his bag and walked out. In the hallway he was met with Jace and Carter, both walking to practice.

"Coach isn't gonna like that, y'know." Jace made a gesture to Zack's face.

"I know, I know. I'm gonna wash it off."

"Why even get it done?" Jace raised his eyebrows in question.

"I didn't want to hurt Serenity's feelings and say no."

"Serinity?! Dude, you lucky fucker. She is hot." Carson said with a big grin. "I'd love to tap that."

"You see, talking like that is why you're a virgin." Zack said and grinned as Carson's face fell.

"Ay, how the hell would you know? I've had sex."

"If you were both drunk, it doesn't count because the girl didn't know how much of a dick you are." Jace said and everyone knew he was only half joking. Carson was a bit of an asshole when it came to girls.

The boy in question just rolled his eyes. "I'm not taking shit from twinks."

"See? Dick." Jace snapped back but had a light smile on his face.

That's how it was. No one on the team liked to fight for real. It caused problems with their teamwork. For them, it was much easier to slide off arguing as just bickering between friends. It was often hard to tell if anyone was just teasing or really meant it.

When they entered the locker room Zack went straight over to the sinks and started washing his face. He managed to get the paint off easy but not with lack of teasing from the boys.

Some slacked off when they heard his reasoning, either because they thought Serenity was pretty and would've done the same thing or because they knew the type of person Zack was. The type to feel guilty over something silly. Like in this case, not letting a girl paint his face.

He then changed and walked on to the field with Andrew and Ki before they all got split up for drills. The next hours was spent practicing.

After the bell rang students hung around. Some sat in the bleachers and watched thr end of practice, which let out about twenty minutes later, and some were just around school campus. On game days most kids that go just joke around town until the game starts, then they can get back quickly and grab good seats.

Zack wasn't one of those people. He showered and then went home, looking forward to laying on his couch until he absolutely had to leave. He liked football but he liked resting more.

Dave wasn't at the house when he got there. Not that he expected him to be. He wasn't there when Zack left either, but he didn't let himself pout. That didn't mean his dad wasn't coming to the game.

However the hope started flickering when he got to the field and still no Dad. The other team showed up, they talked, Coach gave a pep talk and all the while Zack kept an eye out. He didn't see him.

When the game started he let the disappointment take over. He wasn't going to be sad though. He knew this might happen.

As the game started and the ball was being thrown in the air, he let the sadness fall away. He let himself be consumed by that still feeling that came every time his cleets dug into the grass. The peaceful feeling that nothing else mattered but the task at hand: win the game.

The quarterback threw the ball and what would normally go to the wide receiver went to Zack because the other player had two boys on him. As Zack turned to make a dash for the ball his eyes caught on a man gripping the bars of the bleachers, cheering the loudest. His old man was right there.

A smile reached his face and with the new found motivation he ran to catch the ball.

A few hours later Zack walked out of the locker room after all the cheering and Coach's congratulations speech. It was always the same with the wording just changed; good playing, I knew you could do it, don't let this go to your head. He had an easy smile on his face.

That expression enhanced when he found his dad in the receding crowd. He was immediately brought into a hug and got pats on the back. "You won!"

"I won." Zack chuckled.


Sorry if you wanted to read the football game but I'm not writing that because I don't like football. Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

Love you ♡

- Z

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