Minecraft Story Mode - Ashter...

By IcicleKun

147 4 9

When Ashter is reborn into a new world, his limited skillset of knowing about potions has transferred into th... More

Part 1 - Mastermind

Part 2 - Elleegard the Redstone Engineer.

32 1 4
By IcicleKun

"Look, there's the sign! Redstonia!" Olivia says, the three traveling with Reuben to where Elleegard is supposed to be. With the amulet in hand, Jesse confirms this,

"Yep. Seems like the place." He states as Ashter is seen counting his potions,

"Seems we didn't need that fire resistance after all." He thinks, letting them continue to hang from a belt.

"Redstonia, here we come!" Olivia cheers, the carts coming to a halt, and the four get on out.

"You're about the meet the greatest redstone builders in the world..." Jesse hypes Olivia up, as she was VERYYYY nervous about this. She is a builder herself but not as good as even Ellegaard's moderately great builders.

"Do you think Ellegaard will be willing? You know... To help us?" Olivia wondered as Ashter nods,

"There's no doubt about it. Of course, she will." Ashter states, the four jumpings right through the portal.

As soon as the group exits, the place they saw was incredible. Way calmer and in harmony with Redstone engineering, sending a bridge up, they're guided to the main capital, awed by the machines and other things around them.

"Builders of Redstonia! I want you to know how much I value and adore every one of you! Your hard work inspires me every day!" A voice was heard, and Olivia recognized it.

"I-It's Ellegaard! It is her!" Olivia rushes the boys and Reuben to the voice, as they stop with a group of others, gazing at the magnificence that is Ellegaard.

But something catches their ears...

"The Command Block!" Ellegaard finishes her explanation, her being confined to her Dome of Concentration until further notice.

But as she locks herself behind a wall of iron, Olivia demanded they go after her, before she completely locks herself inside.

But Ashter was focused on one thing.

That Command Block.

Something felt familiar...

About that name...

But as they were about to rush to see if they can find a way to speak to Ellegaard, the stairs retracts, blocking them from entering.

The three needed to get up there, so they walk up to a darker-skinned man named "Mr. Calvin" in which they attempted to get into the place through him.

But alas, it all went in vain. He sees that they were sent by Gabriel, but he refused to let them through,

"Welp. Seems we got to find a repeater to get to Ellegaard." Jesse states, as Ashter then tells,

"It was good that you didn't give the amulet to that guy. I wouldn't." Ashter was a bit annoyed, as the man offered to give it to her, sending it through a tunnel to her private office.

Soon, the man checks his pockets.

"Hm... An iron ingot. Maybe if I find some stone, redstone, and some... Whatever, I can build that Repeater in no time." Ashter states as he goes up to a woman to who Jesse is speaking to.

"..." He looked at Jesse, as he asked,

"Hey, mind having any spare items we can use?" He wondered as the woman is surprised,

"Hm... Well, yeah, I have some items in the chest. Go for it." She states, as Ashter rushes to the chest and grabs some stones.

5 stone was added.

"Alright. We're getting somewhere." Jesse spoke to the man, as Olivia comments,

"Here, I got some Wood and Redstone Dust! Maybe we need all that to make the Repeater!"

However, Ashter spotted something.

An interesting... Machine.

"Welcome one and welcome all! This is the future of crafting ladies and gentlemen!" A woman says as Ashter cuts off,

"W-Wait! Where are you going?" Olivia wondered as Ashter gives her the items,

"I'm... Going to check out some other machines. You find Ellegaard without me." Ashter states as the man goes to see...

"Taking a few components, I made a machine that collects, crafts, and reuses bottles to make..." The man soon grabs a, although rather weak, potion from the tunnel of other bottles.

"Potions! Not even your time can be wasted to make such irritating liquids!" He showcases this to others, as Ashter looks away, annoyed.

"Machines that make potions... Then what's the point of making them?" Ashter wondered as he looked around some more,

It didn't spark much interest, the place being heaven for redstone contraptions and so many other gadgets unknown back home.

"Man... Hopefully that Witherstorm didn't just devour everything in its way..." Ashter sighs, hoping he can go back to living normally soon.

But as he continued, he noticed something...

"!" Ashter looked to see...

"Well, hello friend." Says a woman, dark complexion and all,

"Hello..." Ashter look peeks to see the machine,

"What's... This for?" He wondered as the woman was SO happy to say,

"THIS is my new invention! An auto farm like my sister's over that! But, instead of Sugar Cane, it farms wood! Man, the homes I helped build with this puppy... You gotta love machines! This will get me a spot to become Ellegaard's protege!" She states as Ashter asked for a showcase of the machine, the woman obliging as she is seen flipping a switch. Complex components go to work, and imminently the tree is grown, and soon, a tree or broke down.

"YES! Another success! But... TNT is also hard to come by, thanks to the black market from Boom Town being discovered by a security guard. Man... If only I can access Ellegaard's farms! MAN, I need to get to work!" She states, with Ashter ending it with,

"Do you mind if I can have some spare wood?" He wondered as the woman smiles,

"Sure! But I need the rest, so here's two." She hands him one, the man smiling and thanking the woman.

"Great, thank you!" Ashter thanked the woman, who smiled back,

"Anytime." She smiled brightly.

Ashter soon heads up to the crafting table, with Jesse soon finishing...

"Score! We got a Repeater!" Jesse states as Ashter smiled,

"Way to go, Jesse." Ashter congratulated him, as the man says,

"Come on, we need to head up to Ellegaard and fast!" Jesse asked him to hurry, with the man crafting...

8 Wooden Planks!


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Wooden Sticks (2)


Instant Heal Potion (2)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

Fire Resistance (1)

Ashter soon crafts himself a weapon, ensuring he doesn't need to use his potions.

He then crafts 1 Wooden Axe! Not durable, but it'll do.

Ashter places the axe into his inventory, having about 5 planks left and 2 more sticks.

Things seemed good, Jesse waving him over, as he places his newly crafted Repeater down, the circuits lighting up due to the addition of the piece.

"Great! Now we just have to activate the stairs and disable the walls." Olivia states, as Jesse commands the gadget, having the stairs flair out and the walls go down, they were set as the four enter Ellegaard's lab.




Olivia is shellshocked, as Ashter looked around, a bit impressed by the complexity Redstone can offer.

"This... THIS RIGHT HERE... Is Ellegaard's lab! Man oh, man... I-I think I'm going to faint..." She was taking this all in too quickly,

"Breath, Olivia. Breath." Ashter calms her nerves, the woman breathing, before saying,

"S-Sorry... I... I was just so excited... And I... Wow..." She slowly steadies herself, Olivia isn't too sure what to think of this... At all! But soon, Jesse steps on a pressure plate, opening a door to an even BIGGER complex.

Woah..." The three all say in unison, them entering the place, items, and blocks and so much more are being brought up to wherever, as Ashter looks at different... Gems? Ingots? There were a ton of gold, lapis, iron, and even diamonds being brought up to god who knows what.

"They must've built things unlike anything we've seen before if they're getting so many resources..." Ashter thinks as they continued to look around, as Ashter stares at the Flint and Steel.

"Man, if only I had some coal and wood, I would've saved that iron," Ashter complains, as Jesse pats his back,

"Cool axe." He states as Ashter chuckled,

"Yeah, it isn't the best." He grabbed it, the weapon and tool being wooden so it'll break easier.

"Maybe when we get to Ellegaard, maybe she'll have some spare tools we can use! Isn't that exciting?" Jesse wondered as Ashter looked back to the tunnels.

"Diamonds and iron... No stone... Hm... Maybe..." Ashter believed Ellegaard would give them some sort of weaponry to help. So hopefully when they do...

"!" Jesse stops walking, and a crusher is seen slamming open and close,

"This must be used to break things up? Keeping intruders out? There are lots of possibilities." Olivia says as Jesse noticed the repeater on the obsidian. With a long tug on the thing, the machine slows down its pattern, allowing the pair to enter through.

"Nicely done, you two! You're pretty good at this." Olivia states, as Jesse awkwardly chuckled, believing he and the Redstone share some bond.

The three then enter a room, where they gasp in awe at the curtain of lava flowing down on them.

"Hm..." Olivia soon flips a switch, the lava quickly opening up the path,

"That was awesome," Jesse comments as the three head deeper into the labyrinth of the great Ellegaard.

And there she was... So close... Yet far.

Olivia is in complete shell shock than before, her eyes widened, her jaw-dropping, everything was there. Ellegaard was there.

Creating something...?

But Ellegaard was speaking to herself? Well, it is a VERY complex machine she's dealing with. Things weren't exactly all buddy-buddy with her, though, as she speaks to herself more and more, thinking of formulas and complicating mathematical problems that only she knows the answers to.

It was like she had her assistant with her until she turns around, surprised her "assistance" are here.

"Don't touch ANYTHING in here, okay? It's all SUPREMELY fragile and... Genius!" Ellegaard compliments her works,

"Did Calvin send you? Are you my new assistant? I hope so, there are more than I thought! Perfect for my experiment. And hopefully, this SUPER ADORABLE PIG can also be of use! Ugh, four assistants! So lucky I am!" Ellegaard continues on and on and on,

But as Jesse tries to speak, Ellegaard cuts them off

"No time for specifics, I'm afraid." She then explained their tasks, Olivia was to flip on a "T-Flop" circuit to get some items delivered, Jesse was to get some specific materials from the chest, and Ashter was to help place them in a specific order.

"If I get this done sooner than I expected, then I can reinvent the world as we know it! Here it goes..." Ellegaard soon flips another switch, as horror fills the three eyes, as crafting tables slam the items, as they merge... Shift... And a...

"A COMMAND BLOCK!?!" The three are horrified, as Ellegaard is excited,

"It seems Calvin has informed you all of this! Yes, this is my latest invention! A Command Block! Ooo, I hope this one works!" Ellegaard hopes as Jesse tried to stop her, but the Command Block fades away.

"Darn... There goes attempt 6,451..." Ellegaard soon spoke to the people, hoping to get some use out of them, as Jesse took control, explaining the situation.

"There is this ain't Witherstorm Ivor created! It is destroying EVERYTHING in its path due to a Command Block! Gabriel sent us here. Look." Jesse explained things up, showing Ellegaard the emulator, as her eyes widened,

"W-Wait... So Ivor... Made a Command Block...?" She was confused, Ivor is a potion maker after all,

"Yes! And with that, he made a Wither so powerful, it is destroying everything and everyone in its path! You got to help us. It's the only way to stop it." Ashter hoped to knock some sense into her, but the woman sighs,

"Look. I am a busy woman, and for one, I don't do fighting anymore. The Order hasn't since we disbanded." Ellegaard breaks the news, shocking everyone,

"What!?! But... You're the Order of the Stone! Heroes, warriors! We need those warriors right now if we can get-!"

"Ashter. Hold on." Jesse stops him as if trying to get the story back into motion,

"Is it possible we can help you make the Command Block? To help with this threat?" Jesse wondered, as Ellegaard thinks, before nodding,

"It's possible. A Command Block was made many thousands of years, no, millions of years ago by an ancient race. But due to war, it shattered into many pieces, creating an air that if I do this right, can bring forth a fragment of its separated powers. Well, that's not exactly a Command Block's origins, but it is what gives up the power to create it." Ellegaard explained,

"Then let's get this started." Jesse smiled, as Ellegaard nods,

"Right. Now... Here is what we'll do..." Elleegard explained, as the four now start giving many materials to the woman, and bit by bit... Experiment by experiment... Lever by lever... Things went poorly. Some went nowhere...

But some...

Went through absolute fruition.

It took a while, as everyone stares,

"Okay! Okay! Excellent! Good! This is exciting, terribly exciting!" Ellegaard is dancing in one spot, as Jesse and the other's eyes widened, staring at the Command Block forming,

"Has it ever gotten this far...?" Olivia wondered as Ellegaard shakes her head,

"No! Never!" She says, the Command Block vibrating even more, air coursing into it, materializing... STABILIZING!

"Uh...!" Jesse isn't sure, as Ellegaard cheers in excitement,

"ELLEGAARD, GET DOWN!" Jesse rushes, as the Command Block suddenly BOOMS in a bright burst of energy.

"AUGH!" Everyone is blown back, as Ashter groans, unsure of what's going on, as he soon gains his vision. He stares up, seeing Ellegaard looking amazed and in awe...

"Woah... I-It worked! It worked! WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!" Ellegaard is amazed, as Ashter is brought to his feet, Jesse looking rather nervous.

"..." Ashter stares at the block, as Ellegaard is seen grabbing it,

"... Do you think it'll be in safe hands?" Ashter wondered as Olivia is trying to touch it, but Ellegaard refuses to let her.

"I knew it! It was... It was real! I can't believe it... I got to show my people this revelation right now!" Ellegaard tried to rush to show her citizens, but suddenly... Tendrils break into the dome, horrifying a few.

"What the!" Ellegaard is suddenly swatted away, as she screamed, being slammed into the wall.

"ELLEGAARD!" Olivia rushes to her, as Ashter and Jesse bring out their weapons, hitting the tendrils away with a hard THUD with each strike.

"This axe is more durable than I thought...!" Ashter grunts, being pushed back,

"I-I'm okay... H-Hurry! We must get to the portal! We must protect this Command Block!" Ellegaard states, as the five rush to the portal, Redstonia being destroyed bit by bit, Ellegaard is horrified by the display of power.

Just what was Ivor thinking!?!







The group soon get back to the temple, and surprisingly enough, it was upgraded by none other than Lukas, who greeted them excitingly with joy that they survived.

Even more so when he spots Ellegaard, as she holds her prize.

But as Lukas welcomes them with open arms...

"PETRA!?!" Olivia, Ashter, and Jesse are awed by her return, as Ashter rushes in and hugs her,

"Woah, missed me?" She wondered as Ashter smiled,

"You have no idea!" He was starstruck. He didn't think he'd see her again... Again...

"I'm so glad you're okay, Petra!" Olivia was glad as well, as Petra was a bit surprised herself.

But she soon explained the terrors she had to deal with, explaining that she owed Jesse a ton for saving her life...

But Gabriel...

Well, they aren't sure if he truly survived...

But the group continue, as Ashter looked in his pocket.

"..." Ashter snuck a few irons into his inventory,


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Wooden Axe (Fractured)

Wooden Sticks (2)

Iron Ingots (3)


Instant Heal Potion (2)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

Fire Resistance (1)

"Tsk... The axe is still breaking. Well... Time to craft a new friend." Ashter states, Ashter soon enters what used to be Ivor's brewing room, the man soon places the items in the right spaces, and...

"!" Ashter's eyes widened, him smirking in delight, grabbing the axe.

"Perfect. It should last far more than my axe and Jesse's sword combined!" Ashter states, as he soon meets up with the others.


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Iron Axe


Instant Heal Potion (2)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

"Little too scared for you Ellie? Couldn't just... Think it away?" Says a voice, as Ashter looks up, reading the Concoction Book, as he dumps and falls to the ground, dropping all his potions,

"Ah...!" Ashter's eyes shivered, as he gathers his things,

"HEY! Watch it out will you-!" The man stopped, as he looked like he saw a ghost, as Ashter soon looks up,

"Hey! I was... Reading..." Ashter slows down, as the pair were seeing differently.

That right there was Magnus. Ashter couldn't believe it! How did he get there...?

But Magnus got shivers, seeing a ton of Ivor within Ashter's vulnerable state.

"Ivor...?" Magnus wasn't sure but shakes his head.

"Uhm... Hey. Sorry, kid." Magnus helps him up, as Ashter awkwardly chuckles,

"Hey, I should be sorry, I was kinda reading..." Ashter chuckled, as he then says,

"Pack up. We're heading out." Magnus says as Ashter wasn't sure what he meant,

"Wait... We're leaving? But we just got back!" Ashter was a bit confused, as Magnus says,

"Yeah! That's what I said! Man, even as a chem wiz, you're pretty logical! I like that." Magnus smirked, as Ashter sighs,

"I guess we're ready then." Ashter reluctantly head out with the others, him by Petras's side, as she seemed like she was about to fall.

"Need help?" Ashter wondered as Petra nods,

"Yeah... I... I just had a long day..." She was clearly tired, as Ashter supports her, as her weight lightened.

But as they continued walking, the night brought some visitors in form of Skeletons, Zombies, and Creepers.

"Tsk." Ashter growls, pulling out his axe, holding it with both hands,

"Wow. Nice axe." Petra compliments, as Ashter smirked, as he fights the mobs, swinging at them, and when down, he bases their heads in, the beasts fading into nothingness.

He continues, the others fighting and somehow winning without a weapon.

But as they run along,

"Sorean should be close! Keep going!" Jesse motivates, as Petra was rubbing her arm, as Ashter noticed it,

"..." He had a few potions. Maybe it's a bite? But that's impossible... If she hadn't pissed off a wild wolf.

But they can heal from it. That is what makes them all different.

But the group soon enters Sorean's temple... Bunker... Whatever it is.

"He had brains... But not like Ellegaard..." Ashter noted from the Redstone door. It wasn't as complex but enough for an average builder.

But as they entered deeper into the place, Petra coughed, causing Ashter to look at her.

"..." Ashter looked very worried, as the group enters another room, of which the groups jump from pillar to pillar that if missed, will lead them underground.

"Just... Don't fall, okay?" Jesse advises, as Ashter nods,

"!" Ashter jumps, as he lands on the first pillar, then the second...

"!!!" But Ashter's eyes widened, as Jesse jumped behind him, but his footing was off,

"Gah!" Jesse instinctively grabbed Ashter's shirt, as he wasn't sure what was going on-!"

"OOF!" Ashter lands on the ground, as Jesse groans in pain, him being Ashter's landing.

"Thanks a ton..." Jesse groaned as Ashter was a bit annoyed,

"Jesse, what the heck!?!" He was, like explained, annoyed,

"L-Look, I'm sorry, I just lost my footing." He states as the pair looked around, this being underground-!

"OOF!" Lukas suddenly falls, landing on his stomach, he groans a bit as he looks up to see...

"Oh... I guess I wasn't needed...?" Lukas says, as Jesse then was a bit... Flattered? Thankful?

"Thanks for helping out. Because we got a bit of an Endermen, as...

"JESSE... DON'T. LOOK." Ashter states, as he and Lukas, alongside Reuben, all stare down, with Jesse doing the same.

"We can't just walk around like this..." Jesse complained, as Ashter states,

"Well, we'll just have to get used to it. Because of this place... Is a death trap." Ashter then says the obvious, the three slowly and surely walking uninterrupted.

But it didn't take long for yet ANOTHER PROBLEM to arise. Where were they going? Are they heading to where they needed to be? Things do go so... SWIMINGLY... When they are then seen falling due to a trapdoor opening up, causing the four to drop.

"!!!" They aren't sure what happened, the stream taking them somewhere, it is very strong they're no match, being drifted to wherever this leads.

"Reuben!" Jesse calls out to the pig, Reuben swimming up, okay, as the stream calms itself, as they're right where they needed to be...

"Come on! Give it to me!" Magnus is heard, as Ellegaard fuses whatever is going on,

"Not! With something like THIS in your hands, I would've damned whoever was STUPID enough to do that!" Ellegaard shouts, as the three soon get out of the water, as Olivia was glad they're okay.

"That's it, I'm going!" Ellegaard turns around, Command Block in hand,

"Guess it's up to me to learn how this works... All the time!" Ellegaard rants, as Magnus was dumbfounded that SHE was walking away,

"See! I'm walking away too! Super TNT here I come!" Magnus states what they were bickering, which means that the Command Block might replicate the Super TNT needed to defeat the Witherstorm.

"Super TNT?" Ashter wondered as Jesse sighs,

"It's some TNT more powerful than any other TNT. Sorean has it. We're trying to find him." Jesse crops it to a short finish, as Ashter agreed that,

"I guess that is what they're bickering about." He chuckled, they're like... A couple...

"..." He turns to Petra, who is seen... Rubbing her arm.

"..." He didn't like how she was intentionally doing that every minute.

"They've got some issues to work through," Jesse says as he hopes they'll end this so they can get to the important things.

"What are we gonna do now? Where should we go?" Olivia wondered, as Jesse soon looks to the left, then the right,

"..." Ashter soon goes to Petra,

"Hey... Everything alright?" Ashter wondered as Petra was surprised to see him,

"Oh... Hey, Ashter." She says as the man looked around, before crouching,

"Look... I know this isn't the right time... But... I know something is up. You're never this reserved, what happened when we separated?" He wondered, the others far enough to not be able to hear them.

"Look, I got some potions, maybe if this isn't bad, we can fix it!" He takes out 2 potions.

"... I don't think those would work," Petra states as Ashter cocks up an eyebrow, as she soon gets up.

"Come. I'll show you." She soon leads Asther around a corner, seemingly into Magnus' place.

"So...? What is it?" Ashter wondered as Petra asked,

"Do you know what the Wither Sickness is?" She wondered as Ashter nods,

"Yeah, potions can utilize that effect," Ashter says as Petra sighs,

"Well... During that moment when Jesse saved me, I... I caught something." Petra soon rolls up her sleeve, as Ashter's eyes widened,

"!" Ashter's reaction caused the woman to soon pull the sleeve down, as Ashter was... Astonished.

"Here. Let's use a potion." Ashter says as Petra looked at him, seeing the facial expression of someone serious,

"... Fine." She reluctantly agreed as Petra's face twists a bit, as the potion was opened, the red liquid pouring onto the rash-like a scar,

"Tsk...!" Petra grunts, as Ashter finishes the bottle.


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Iron Axe


Instant Heal Potion (1)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

"Feeling any better?" Ashter wondered as Petra nods,

"Yeah... Thanks, Ashter." Petra thanked him, and Ashter nodded,

"But we have to tell them soon. I only have one left, and there doesn't seem to be a room for Ivor here." Ashter says to her, the woman nodding,

"Noted. And... Thanks again." Petra thanked him, as the man continues to stare at the marking.

"..." He didn't like it.

"..." Ashter takes another look around. Nothing on Ivor was here... How long was he gone from the order...?




But soon Jesse flags him down,

"Hey, Ashter! Wanna tag along?" Jesse wondered, Lukas, Olivia, and Axel going the other way to head to Magnus.

It didn't take long for the question to be answered, Jesse's eyes widened at the horrendous mark on Petra's left arm. It sickened him, made him almost throw up,

"What's wrong with your arm!?!" Jesse wasn't sure, but Petra explained it,

"Do you know what Wither is?" She wondered, as Ashter was right, this was a Wither Sickness that comes from decaying mobs in the Nether like normal Withers, Wither Skeletons, and a rare flower from the Wither Forest.

"And I feel like it's just going to keep getting worse." Petra however was sure this isn't curable, as Ashter says,

"Woah woah woah. We just used a potion, it should've gone away by now!" Ashter wasn't sure how to think about this, as Petra sighs,

"It would've gone away a long time ago. Tsk... Ivor..." Petra cursed him for this-

"Creeper!" Petra's eyes widened, as Jesse and Ashter are knocked into a hole, falling as the pair plops, their bodies wounded from the fall,

"Ugh..." Jesse groans as Ashter rubs his stomach,

"That... Wasn't cool." Ashter growls, but he imminently bolts to the amulet, grabbing it as it was close to falling.

"Hey, Jesse, look! It's glowing a new color!" Ashter draws him close, and Jesse was amazed.

"That means we're about to find another member! Maybe Sorean?" Ashter wondered, remember, they left imminently to find Sorean.

"... Then let's follow it," Jesse says, as the pair walk along the dark halls, the place broken with holes everywhere, but they continue.

Passing through an entrance, their eyes widened in awe, seeing areas illuminated with Glowstone.

"Oh wow..." Ashter walks up to one of them, as Jesse sighs,

"At least it's bright." He states,

"This must be Sorean's place... After all, he is the master architect.

But the two continue, never bothering with the environment, as they entered another room. But they couldn't help but feel something here. Someone is here.

"..." Ashter takes out his axe, as Jesse does with his sword. Their steps were light, they didn't make a sound.

"He must have something useful in here! He has to!" Ivor is here. Of course. That snake.

"Show yourself, who's there!?!" Jesse walks with Ashter, 

"... Wait...!" Ashter's eyes widened, as with a belt of potions and all...

"You...!" Ivor looked mad right now,

"Trying to interfere with my plans again, I see!" Ivor stays away, noticing their weapons,

"Your tenacity is commendable, yet misguided!" Ivor insults, as Ashter takes control,

"What are you doing here." He states, as,

"Hah! I'm here to take down my creation! You kids ruined it, now I have to fix the mess you-!" Ivor is suddenly hit, the axe slashes his chest, weakening him,

"Ashter!" Jesse was annoyed, as Ashter growled,

"You hurt Petra with that BEAST you made, and you think it's our fault!?! I should've killed you when I had the chance." Ashter rushes in, as Jesse stands in front of Ivor, his sword blocking the axe,

"Ashter! Calm down! We're here for the same reason, we need to get the Super TNT, remember!?!" Jesse hoped to get through to him, but Ivor laughs,

"And that is what you're going to face but at a larger scale! Back down, novice, and leave the Witherstorm to me." Ivor attempted to walk away,

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." Ivor attempted to walk out, just to be stopped by Petra.

"!" Ivor's eyes widened,

"Petra!?! You escaped!?!" Ivor backed up, as Ashter pushes Jesse away,

"You're too soft, Jesse!" Ashter slashes his axe, and Ivor is hit once more,

"AUGH!" Ivor is knocked down, and as Jesse growls, realizing he is weak, he readers his sword.


"Says the one who caused this madness in the first place." Ashter readies a potion, as Ivor smirked,

"So. I see you got some experience. No matter... Nobody messes with Ivor the Alchemist! I am a master at something you will never be!" Ivor splashes a potion, as he zips 


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Iron Axe


Instant Heal Potion (1)

Fire Resistance Potion (1)

Strength Potion (1)

Invisibility Potion (1)

Ashter has nothing like that.

"Don't make yourselves the villains in MY story!" Ivor mocked, as Petra stands guard,

"I'll make sure that insect doesn't escape!" Petra says as Ashter stands beside her,

"Me too." He was on guard,

"OUT OF MY WAY!" Ivor screamed, rushing to Petra, but Ashter grunted, standing in front of her,

"!" Ivor's eyes widened, as his sword is gripped by the axe,

"Huh!?!" Ivor was horrified, as Ashter pulls it from his hand, throwing it to the side.

"!" Ivor couldn't believe it...

"JESSE, NOW!" Ashter shouts the man's eyes widened once more, as Ivor is hit with a huge THUD to the side.

"DON'T TEMP YOUR FATES, FOOLS!" Ivor rushes to Jesse, swinging and running along, a predictable pattern for the experienced, not to Gabriel's level, swordsman. Jesse soon twists his blade and body, holding it with both hands, he swings and knocks Ivor down, Ashter jumps and slams the axe down, as Ivor barely dodges.

"Stop RUNNING," Ashter demanded, as,

"It didn't have to go this way! All you lot had to do was just let me go!" Ivor soon grabs a Splash Potion,


"Hahaha!" Ivor soon fades away,

"Now you see me, now you-!" The potion completely takes effect. The effect goes invisible, their footsteps are nullified, and they can't speak. Items in hand however are still visible.

"It's one of his Invisibility Potions! He can be anywhere!" Jesse says as Ashter and Petra continue blocking the door,

"Vanish all you want, Slimeball, you're still not going anywhere!" Petra vowed as Jesse was able to block...

"!!!" Ashter's eyes widened, as he didn't expect him to use Potion of Harming.

"AUGH!" Ivor finally is down his health all sorts of low.

"Guys!" Lukas is rushing to the group, as Ivor looked... Calmer.

"Have you ever seen the effects of a Splash Potion of Slowness!?!" Ivor chuckled, as Ashter's eyes...

Wid... need...

". . . !" Ashter slowly turns, as Ivor smiled, yoinking of Ashter's last remaining potions, as he pops open the cap, drinking the Potion of Instant Heal.


Flint and Steel

Wooden Planks (8)

Iron Axe



"N... o...!" Ashter slowly says, horrified,

"Magnus and Ellegaard may think they can stop me... That they can destroy the Witherstorm...! But they are MISTAKEN! And it will cost them their lives!" Ivor says, slamming the door shut on them, walking away like nothing just happened, and drinking the rest of the potion he got from Ashter.

In pursuit of answers, all our heroes found in Sorean's Armory were deceit... And treachery. Locked in the dark chamber deep in Sorean's mountain, as the Order of the Stone rides off towards near-certain doom, our heroes must ask themselves... Would they find a way out of this dark tomb? Is there any way to cure Petra's Wither Sickness? Would they find a way to defeat the Witherstorm? Or will they remain, trapped, as it continues its ravenous rampage across the entire world!?! Only time will tell..."

End of part 2.

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