Part 1 - Mastermind

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A brown-skinned man with silver eyes is seen, as a normal human in this cube world, he is seen mixing some liquids and ingredients, trying to make a potion with low-quality ingredients.

"!" Ashter's eyes widened, but his smile drowns as the potion dulls, showing that it didn't work.

"Ugh, these pieces of junk!" Ashter was at a house below the treehouse in which his friends reside. They forbid him from ever experimenting with potions up there, fires might start as the boy snags the bottle from the stand, a Brewing Stand.

"BOO!" A larger man scared the man, and Ashter cried in horror, as his eyes widened, holding his things down from their inevitable demise.

"Hahahaha! You should've seen the look on your face!" Says a green-dressed man, 

"Axel!" Ashter was annoyed, as the man smiled, a mischievous one indeed.

"Tsk, don't you have other friends to scare? I almost dropped my items!" Ashter gathers some of the softer items that are scattered from the ground,

"Hey, I was only joking," Axel states, going through his items, and seeing about 5 potions that Ashter's made.

"You still have these here? Even after all these years?" Axel stares at 5 bottles, Ashter's oldest and first set of potions.

"Of course. It brings back good times." Ashter reminisces about the past, as there are a ton of potion types.

Strength. Swiftness. Healing. Invisibility. Leaping. But there is more than this. Ashter is trying to perfect his crafting abilities, and messing up is the only way to do it.

"Hehe, you should come and help me prank the others! It'll be hilarious!" Axel hoped he would join, but Ashter sighs,

"Look. We got a competition to do, and right now, I need to clean up. Why not you go on without me?" Ashter wondered as Axel shrugs,

"Suit yourself." He exits the room, as Ashter looks around, cleaning things up and looking at...

"Ah. My potions." He looked at them, as things almost spills from his arms,

"I gotta put these away. Then we will get going." Ashter says, putting the various items away in their places. Ashter look looked around. A bed is seen behind a window, another room is a part of this small house, and a ton of other things are placed here and there.

"Gotta arm me. Mobs might come out during our time at the town." Ashter suggested as he goes into a large display, opening it as a shield is placed.

"Shields. A good form of defense." Ashter smirked, placing the shield on his back. He has limited space in an "inventory" where small amounts of items can be placed.

But he then looks at a chest.

"Hm... Wouldn't hurt..." Ashter digs into the chest, as he smirks,

"Perfect." Ashter grabs a Swiftness Potion.

"Swiftness. Might come in handy." Ashter soon gets out of the place and looks at the sunny skies.

"Hey, Ashter!" A dark-skinned woman named Olivia.

"Oh, hey Olivia." Ashter steps to them,

"I see you were... Busy." Olivia chuckled, as Ashter SMELLS of potion making.

"Uh... Y-Yeah, I kinda... Had a bit of a RUN IN." Ashter growls a bit, as Axel looks away, making sure he isn't looking suspicious.

"Hey, guys!" Another male voice is heard, as Jesse soon drops with a pig named Reuben, the pig dressed... As an Ender Dragon.

Minecraft Story Mode - Ashter's Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن