
By JoniiG

7.2K 115 91

Loosing your memory at the age of six, can also mean loosing a crucial part of your life. Y/n has to come fac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 56

49 2 0
By JoniiG

"Dabi." He called you angel. That means he has his memories unharmed and remembers the commission with all four of you together. "Or should I say Touya?"

"Oh? You know that too?" He's still smiling like a creep. "I guess you listened to a lot of what we said that night and your nosy brother opened his mouth."

So, they did leave because you were discovered. "If you're here...Then she's here too, isn't she?"

"Oh, you mean Hina. Unfortunately, your sister wasn't included in this mission," He's...laughing? "She's not even aware of all this."

For fuck's sake, this guy is mad crazy.

"You know this guy?" Your teacher asks, confusion audible in his voice. "Nevermind, tell me everything later. Go inside now." You can't. Izuku needs help, he can't beat that guy alone. You don't have time to question Dabi, Aizawa will do that anyways. You spread your wings taking off towards Izuku. "Y/n!"

"No, you don't." You're suddenly surrounded by blazing hot fire which could easily burn your wings and even melt your steel. Fuck! Izuku is in danger, you can't waste time here! You're no match for Dabi but with Aizawa's quirk maybe you could help him immobilize him. "Get down, birdie. I have a question for you."

The fire, then, vanishes; Erasure. He ties Dabi with his cloth, crushing his head with his knee and pins him down, threatening to break his arm.

"Y/n, I won't say it again."

"I can't! Izuku and I went to get Kota back but a villain showed up and he's fighting him alone!"

"Then send the location to Vlad! He'll handle it!"

"It's too far and I'm faster than-"

"Y/n!" You jump. "This is not the time to debate! Get inside and tell Vlad to go!"

He won't make it in time and you don't want to imagine what could happen to Izuku until he gets there. You can't let him wait longer, he's probably exhausted and surely has broken an arm or even both.

"Sorry, Sensei!"

"Y/n no!"

You're already gone. You're most likely getting punished for this after everything is hopefully over but that is the least of your problems.

When you get to Izuku he's barely standing. He has broken both arms but his legs are okay. He can at least move. Whereas the villain is crushed on the mountain unconscious.

"Y/n, take me to Mandalay quickly!" He's panicked and you're guessing not because of the fight. "She needs to send a message to everyone!"

"Got it." You take him and fly back to the camp where Mandalay and the rest of the Pussycats are.

You meet Aizawa halfway through, calling out to you so you land, thinking he might want to tell you something important.

"Midoriya...You did it again did you?" He says, looking at Izuku's injuries. "Did you forget what happened to Hosu?"

"No, but...We have to hurry, I need to deliver Mandalay a message!"

"Wait!" He stops. "You'll deliver her two messages..."

You grab Izuku again and send him to Mandalay as soon as your teacher gives you the message. There's two villains there, exactly like she said via her telepath.

A lizard-like guy is fighting her and she's on the air, not able to make a lot of moves. You pin the guy down with your feathers and land Izuku on the ground. Tiger is fighting another villain who seems to be armless, you don't see Ragdoll and...Pixie Bob is on the ground, her head filled with blood.

"Mandalay! Kota's okay!" Izuku says. "And here's a message from Mr. Aizawa! Tell everyone with Telepath!"

"Everyone in Class A and B!" She activates her Telepath. "In the name of pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!" This is better. With Aizawa's permission you can't hold back anymore. "You two! Get back to the camp immediately, especially you! Those injuries aren't normal!"

"No...I'm sorry!" Izuku stands up and is directed to the forest. "Please, tell everyone one more thing!"

"Izuku, where are you going!?" You chase him, blocking his path. "You must get treated right away, she's right!"

"The villains!" He has a look in his eyes that is trying to warn you. "At least one of their targets is...They're after Kacchan! Please tell everyone with Telepath!"

You don't think. You can't think. You only move. Your body just moved on its own into the forest, panic coursing through every single vein of your body. Tears filling your eyes, the wind helping you wipe them, having a clear vision.

You fly, dodging every tree in your vision with ease. You only focus on the feather.

Focus on the feather. Focus on the feather. Focus!

"We have discovered one of the villains' targets! It is one of the students–Kacchan! Kacchan should try to avoid combat and act independently! Understand Kacchan!?"

Come on, where is he!? He and Todoroki started second for the test of courage, so if they haven't moved from there, they shouldn't be too far away! So, why aren't you able to locate the fucking feather!?

Plus, you can't call out to him. What if there's another villain around and- No! You mustn't think negatively right now, you have to find him. You won't let any villain get so much as a scratch on him.

What the- A gunshot?

"Please, Katsuki, you're strong, you would never allow yourself to be beaten so easily." You try comforting yourself. "Please, be okay...Please."

It's fine. Focus on the feather! That's it, calm down. Take deep breaths and focus. You're in too much panic to be able to track it, you need to calm down.

You stop and close your eyes, trying to listen to everything around you. Fucking hell, there's too much noise from every direction, it's making difficult to hear anything.

Come on, you can do this. You have to find him. Focus, focus, focus!

"Damn it!" You fly above the forest and look around, finding exactly what you were looking for. There's a villain stabilized in the air with...his teeth? And right in front of him, "Ice!"

You found him. He's okay, he's with Todoroki who's carrying a student on his back.

"Katsuki!" You almost fall on the ground with him because of your speed. "You're okay...Thank God, you're okay."

"'Course I'm okay! This petty villain ain't no match for me!" You let go, looking at the situation.

There's a wall of ice protecting them from the villain's sharp blades, forming from his teeth. He attacks again which makes you reflexively draw out your swords, already in their steel form. The blade breaks through the ice and Todoroki builds another wall.

Okay, think. He can break through Todoroki's ice, those blades don't seem fragile in the slightest, so there goes your steel, and you can't even retreat because he'll chase after you since they want Katsuki.

Plus, they are almost as fast as you move, so you're all at a disadvantage here.

"I can't get near him, damn it!" Katsuki whines. "The only thing I can do is blast him with everything I've got-"

"You can't!"

"He's right, you'll burn the whole forest around us!" What is there to do, though?

"If the trees burn, just cover them with ice right after!"

"That blast will impair my vision, too!" Are you really out of choices here!? "What'll happen if I can't stop all of it!? Our opponent has advantage in both number of moves and distance!"

"Wait!" You have an idea. "I could fly above him and pin him down with my feathers!"

"He'll dodge," Katsuki says. "Those things move faster than ya and can even counter with blades coming within the one's already out."

He must have a weakness. Everyone has a drawback on their quirk.

"What if I-"

You can hear rumbling in the distance. Another villain coming your way? Wait, it's three of them.

"There! I can see ice!" Izuku? "They're in the middle of a fight!"

It is him and he's on Shoji's back. What the fuck is chasing them, it's massive!?

"Bakugo! Todoroki! One of you, please– Make some light!"

Light? Why do they...Oh, no.

"Tokoyami!?" No, no, no, this is why you wanted to give him a fucking flashlight! "Dark Shadow stop!" Dark Shadow takes down the villain in a second, breaking every icewall Todoroki had built up till now. "Or maybe don't, that's helpful."

"Hurry up and make light!" Shoji yells. "Tokoyami's out of control!"

"Indiscriminate attacks, huh?" Todoroki hands you the boy. "All right, I'll use my flames-"

"Wait, idiot!" Katsuki stops him. The villain...He's still conscious and he's about to attack you again. "Look."

He pierces his blades through Dark Shadow which results in shattering every single one of them with his hand. He even broke his teeth before knocking him out.

Right when is about to attack towards you, Katsuki and Todoroki jump to him, activating their quirks and making enough light for Dark Shadow to weaken.

"I'm a bad match-up for you." In a different situation, you'b be annoyed with that comment but now is not the time.

"Sorry..." Tokoyami kneels on the ground, panting. Dark Shadow must've exhausted him. "Thanks for saving me."

"Are you okay?" You squeeze his shoulder lightly.

"Sorry guys..." He holds my hand and you're slightly panicking because Katsuki is right behind him. "I was too immature...I let my anger take over and released Dark Shadow..." His hands are now shaking. "The influence of the darkness and my anger spurred on that guy and in the end, it got so strong that I couldn't hold it back and ended up hurting Shoji."

"Tokoyami," You lean closer to make him look at you. "We can leave that for later. That's what you would say, right?" It's exactly what he'd say and it makes him calm down and get him back to his logical self. Katsuki gently pushes you away from him, holding your hands. "Now, you know what it's like."

"Shut up." He mumbles. Ah, so this is what he felt when you got jealous over Pixie Bob. It does feel nice, you admit. "Stop smirking."

"Yeah, sure. Listen up," You take everyone's attention. "We need to escort Katsuki back to the camp where two pro heroes are. The problem is that at the clearing, the Pussycats are still fighting, so we can't go back there. We're gonna lose time. I suggest we cut straight across."

"We don't know how many villains there are," Shoji states. "We might come across one suddenly."

"We can use Shoji and Y/n's search abilities." Izuku suggests. "And we have Todoroki's freezing, and if Tokoyami's okay with it, an invincible Dark Shadow with built-in controls."

"What's with you guys!?" Katsuki snapped.

"You walk in the middle." Todoroki orders him, which is not one of his brightest ideas.

"Don't protect me, ya scum!" You grab his shoulders and place him in the middle as everyone lines up.

"Shoji, go ahead, I'll watch our backs." You spread some of your feathers in every direction around you, not too far away, so you can locate anything that might come near you.

"Don't ignore me!"

"Make sure you keep up."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Enough with this. "Oi!"

"Shush," You hit his head lightly. "I can't hear anything with your whining."

That's a lie but you had to shut him up somehow. You check every direction with nothing suspicious so far.

You keep walking towards the camp within the woods, hoping you don't encounter another villain. As the silence falls, your mind can't help but think about Dabi. You're not sure if you should trust his words. If he's here, then she must be around as well.

After about five minutes, you start hearing voices.

"Everyone, stop." You command, halting everyone. "I hear someone in the distance...They're ahead of us."

"Can you tell who it is?" Izuku asks.

"I must send my feather closer," You move it as close as you can, trying to understand whose it is. It doesn't have to be in their field of vision, you're not too far away from them. "Got it. It's Uraraka and Asui but they're not alone. There's another girl with them whose voice I've never heard before."

"Let's check carefully, then." Tokoyami says. "It may be someone from class B, for all we know."

"I'll move to the front." You fly in front of Shoji. "In case it's a villain, I'll quickly immobile her."

All of you run to the girls, hoping they're okay and not hurt. When you get there, you see Uraraka who has pinned the girl down on the ground and Asui stuck on a tree. The girl then escapes from Uraraka and leaves.

"Who was that?" Shoji asks her.

"A villain. A crazy one." Asui answers him.

As they keep talking, you take a look back, to check the others but...They aren't behind you.

"You're protecting Bakugo?" Asui says. Or Uraraka, you're not sure, you're not even paying attention to what they're saying. "Where is Bakugo?"

He's not with you. He's not with you, where the fuck is he!? No one let their guard down, during this emergency, how did you lose him!? How did you not hear him!?

It's not just Katsuki; Tokoyami is also gone. You only manage to take one step, before flying, because Shoji grabbed your wrist. "Wait!"

"Wait about fucking what!?" You shout out of panic. You can't even think straight anymore. How could you not have heard him, damn it!?

"The boy you're talking about," A man's voice was heard from above. A guy with a mask—what's with the masks, seriously—and a yellow cape is standing on a tree's branch, holding a staff in his hand. "I took him with my magic. This talent isn't someone who should be on the hero side."

He's holding a blue marble, throwing it up and catching it in the air, moving around his fingers skillfully and showing it to you. Is that where Katsuki is? What did he mean by magic? "We'll take him to a stage where he can shine more."

You get your swords out but don't move. You have no idea what his quirk is and whatever you do, there's a risk of Katsuki getting hurt if you're reckless. "Give him back!"

"Give him back? That's a strange thing to say." This guy is messing with your patience. "Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone. He's his own person, you egoist."

"He does belong to someone!" You basically teleport behind him, swinging your sword and landing a hit on him. "And that someone is me! Now return him along with my friend!"

This dude can fly. Just great. Your attack didn't do much because you hesitated at the last second. You don't want anything to happen to Katsuki just because your emotions get the best of you.

He can fly but he's not faster than you. That's good.

"We simply want to show him that the path he's on now with its fanatical values is not the only path he can take." He lands on a tree. He's too sure of himself, as if you're gonna stay there and watch. "Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values."

You sneak a couple of feathers behind you trying to guide them close to him, to pin him down.

"To go out of your way to talk to us," Todoroki says. He saw the feathers, he's buying you time. Perfect. "You're underestimating us."

"I was originally an entertainer, you know," Thankfully, he's stupid enough to actually underestimate you. "It was a bad habit of mine. Taking Tokoyami was an improvisation on my part."

He has two marbles on his hand. Is that his quirk? He can trap anything and anyone inside those blue marbles? That's not good. That's not good at all, even if you take those, he's the only one who can get them out of there.

Just when you're about to capture him, he disappears. You look around, but you don't see him anywhere.

"Sorry, tricks and running away are my only redeeming features!" Up. You fly directly at him while Todoroki gives the boy he's holding to Uraraka and builds an icewall that probably stretches close to the camp and high enough to catch him. It still failed. "There's no way I'd fight students who are hero candidates." He put them in his pocket. You should thank him, he made your job a lot easier. If only he didn't disappear every time you get close to him. "Especially the U.A-"

"For someone whose face is covered, you talk too much!" You chase him, throwing your steel feathers to him.

"Vanguard Action Squad!" He says, the communication device in his ear. "Target successfully collected! It was just a short while, but with this, our show has come to a close! As arranged, head to the retrieval point in the next five minutes!"

"Give them back, you asshole!" You reach to him, kicking him from above and directly to the ground. "Todoroki! Now!" And he vanishes again before he is able to freeze him. How is he even able to do that?

Damn it, the weight has started to affect you. The training is so intense, your body hasn't adapted to it yet and it's already hurting.

And he's getting faster. No- you're getting slower, is all. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! You can't catch up to him!

Wait. Weight! Of course! "Uraraka! Make us float! I'll fly us to him!" You just have to be lighter and that way you'll go even faster than before.

You attach a feather to Todoroki, Shoji and Izuku while Uraraka makes every single one of you float. Asui will use her tongue to throw you as far as she can and Shoji uses his arms to correct the trajectory and pull you.

Asui releases you to the sky and once you get close to him, Uraraka deactivates her quirk. All of you fell on top of the guy sending him down to the earth with force. Your feathers immobilize him to the ground, not letting him move a single muscle.

"Give me back my boyfriend and my friend!"

"Mister," Dabi says, raising his hand, emitting blue fire from it. "Get out of the way."

He once again starts disappearing but Dabi can't wait, apparently, since he threw the fire directly at you. You quickly step to the front, making a shield of steel to protect the boys.

You hear a low laugh from Dabi. As if to say what you're doing is pointless. Indeed it is...The fire is melting down your steel with ease, if you don't get away your wings will burn to ashes.

"G-guys! I can't...Hold...Much longer!" You barely finished your sentence when Dabi's fire grew bigger, throwing you back and burning almost half of your abdomen in the process. You can't hold the scream you let out from the intense pain of burning.

"I'll give you a point for resisting that long, good job, angel." Dabi claps, walking to your direction. He reaches for your chin, forcing you to look at him. He's hideous; you can't even hold eye contact for more than two seconds.

It reminds you what Kei told you about him. Hina is probably in love with this guy...This guy...How could she love someone like this...?

He didn't hesitate to kill you now or earlier when you were with Aizawa. Tears form in your eyes, thinking he has tricked her into something, making her believe lies. This can't be...He can't be...

"You can't be Touya..." You whisper and he grabs your neck, making breathing almost impossible. He lifts you up, shoving you against the tree.

"Say that name again and I'll burn you alive." He lets go of you, falling down to the ground again, breathing deeply and choking from nothing but air. "You're lucky you're her sister."

"Why the fuck does she love you?" You try standing up. "Why are you here? What the fuck do you want with Katsuki?"

He fills his palm full of fire and burns the left side of your stomach. Badly. Violently bad. Your cry of pain must've been heard to the whole forest.

"I'm not obligated to answer any of your questions." He is still burning you. He must be holding back, though, or else your skin would've been gone by now but fuck, it hurts so bad! "You know who is, though?" He finally takes his hand off of you. "Your brother."

What...? What does he mean? What does Kei have to do with all this? No. No, he's messing with your head, you don't trust any of what he says.

"Mister, where is Bakugo?"

"Of course," He reaches for his pocket to find nothing in it. You can't hold your smirk back even while being in so much pain. "Hm?"

"Run away!" You shout to the boys who have Katsuki and Tokoyami. You already took the marbles from his coat's pocket long ago. Though, if there weren't other villains around, you'd have already escaped. "I don't know what your quirk is, Mister, but your mistake was to keep those marbles anywhere but in your hand while I'm around. They are inside them, aren't they?"

"Oh, that didn't take you long! As expected from someone with detaching feathers!"

Todoroki built an ice wall towards Dabi to help you get away from him but if you try moving even an inch, the burn hurts even more. You're paralyzed from the pain.

"Moron-" Dabi was ready to fire a blast at Todoroki when Mister stopped him.

"No, wait."

You are surrounded...There is no escape from this place. A nomu and the warp guy from the USJ, Kurogiri, appear along with the rest of the villains who were fighting the Pussycats. For them to be here, that means they were defeated.

Can this get even worse?

"It's been five minutes since the signal." Kurogiri says. He has opened portals behind every member of the League. They're leaving? "Let's go, Dabi."

"Wait. Our goal is not yet-"

"Oh, that?" Mister says. "They seemed so happy that they rushed out here, so I thought I'd give them a present. It's a habit, one of the basics of magic. When I flaunt something," He takes his mask off, showing his eyes and mouth only. "It's because there's something I don't want you to see." He takes out his tongue, revealing two marbles.

"N-No!" He tricked you. You send your feathers to attack him and get them back but Dabi burns them all. "Return them right the fuck now!"

With a snap of his fingers, he reveals what's inside the marbles Shoji is holding. Todoroki's ice...It must've been from earlier.

"During the freezing attack, I prepared dummies and put them in my right pocket." His quirk lets him compress and confine things!? They're getting into the wrap. No! Move! Move, damn it! "Now, that's all from me-"

A light breaks his mask apart. No, not a light. You look over from where the light came from and it's Aoyama's quirk.

The marbles escape from his mouth and the boys reach for them, while you send a pair of other feathers to help them. Shoji grabs the one but Todoroki is too late, as Dabi is faster and takes the marble.

"That's sad," He has that disgusting grin he had the second you saw him the first time. "Shoto...Todoroki...Mister, confirm it now. Release it."

He snaps his fingers once again, releasing Tokoyami and Katsuki. Your heart stops beating when you see the villain's hand around Katsuki's throat, especially when you look into his eyes.

He's terrified. He can't fight back.

"No!" You're trying to move but you can't. Come on, move! Move! If you send feathers again they'll be burned down, there's no point! What are you supposed to do!? "Give him back..." Move! "Give him back, Touya!"

His hand was ready to shoot fire directly to you with the intent to kill you.

"It's me ya want..." Katsuki hit him in his stomach with his elbow, enough to change the direction of the attack. "Leave her alone."

"You're lucky Shigaraki wants you unharmed." Dabi bit.

Izuku starts running to him as fast as he can. Please reach him. Please, Izuku. Please!

"Katsuki!" You choke a sob, seeing him getting lost into the warp. The look in his eyes telling you to not come look for him when he knows that's exactly what you're going to do.

Izuku is almost there. He can reach him. He can reach him. He-

"No..." He's gone... "Katsuki..." Katsuki is gone... "KATSUKI!"

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