Fear Town- The Chronicles

By ShootingTheBreeze

454 20 6

Fear comes in many forms. Some hidden and some open. Take a visit to Darkwood Sands, where the atmosphere i... More

Fear Town- The Chronicles
Chapter 1 (Darkwood Sands)
Chapter 2 (Blood is Thicker than Water)
Chapter 3 (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?)
Chapter 4 (Family Ties)
Chapter 5 (QuickSands)
Chapter 6 (Pandora's Box)
Chapter 7 (Ancient Awakenings)
Chapter 8 (Sweet Dreams)
Chapter 9 (The Caves)
Chapter 10 (Enter the Dragon)
Chapter 12 (A New Life)

Chapter 11 (Secrets Revealed)

8 1 0
By ShootingTheBreeze

As Abby tried to decipher what has happened, she went in her room, shut the door, and got out her journal.   She sighed and poured her heavy heart out on the blank white paper canvas.

Dear Journal:

Since my granny Georgina’s visit, my plan has been deferred on getting more info about the map and the cave drawings I found.    So…I tried a final time asking my family.     I really did not expect this.

I don’t know what to say.   Still trying to wrap my mind around all that’s happened.  That’s taking a while to grasp.  (Abby takes a long and deep breath recalling the recent memories)

Ok, SO…here’s what happened.

(Abby takes a deep breath)  I can’t believe this.  Here it goes…

My family has been lying to me and my best friend Hunter, since childhood, has been untruthful to me as well.

I’m adopted.   That’s right, I’m really adopted.   It’s true.   I really cannot believe I just figured this out until now.   How did I find this out?   I stumbled upon it by accident.

You see…I was walking down the hall and I was thirsty, so I went downstairs to get something to drink.    Then, I heard it.   At the bottom of the stairs it sounded like someone was on the phone with a loud, but calm voice.   They sounded angry, but extremely worried about something.

It was like something they had in storage was gone.   They were talking about a box that seemed to be missing, an ancient map, and very secret documents that were never mentioned.   It didn’t sound anything like mom or dad or any member of the family, it sounded more like a business associate.

Then, I heard the same voice talking to what sounded to be my mother.  The conversation went like this…

“What do you mean that box is missing?    It was yours and Eric’s job to keep it safe.”  The unknown man said.     “I did keep it safe.   Eric couldn’t keep it safe at his place because his children might just come across it by chance so, I kept it hidden.”  Pandora said.    “Where did you put it?!?   Does anyone have it?!?   If so, who has it?!?   Tell me…now!”  The man exclaimed.

“It’s hidden in a very special place, trust me…no one will be able to touch it where it is.”  Pandora said.     “Are you sure it’s safe?”  The man asked.     “Yes, I am very sure.  If anyone gets even remotely close to the box, they will regret it forever.”  Pandora said raising her eyebrow with a smirk on her face.    “Great.  Now we can continue this plan in motion, we can always get more vials and more solution.”  The man said with a devious smile on his face.

“What about that one document?   Abby mustn’t know who her real family is.   If she did find out, she would never forgive us and we know we can’t have that.”  Pandora said to the man.    “We definitely cannot have that happen.   We must keep this top secret or everything we have worked towards will be ruined.”   The man said.

After that little conversation, they both agreed to keep everything hush hush and rushed off on their separate ways as to not get caught by anyone else.    I quietly snuck back up to my room.

I just sat on my bed and gasped at the crazy nonsense of what I just heard.  Who was that man?   What was the “top secret” info that they were talking about?   What does me being adopted have to do with ruining that top secret plan?   What is their so-called plan?   Who is Eric?

So many questions to ask in such little time.  Some of the questions could possibly be answered, but some may never be.

This really explains everything.   The way I am treated, Pandora and Penelope acting extra harsh to me (also yelling out randomly that I’m adopted), and my parents acting like I’m invisible.

Wait…There’s more.    Hunter’s turned out to be a secret paid protector for me and apparently dangerous.    Yes, that guy, Hunter.    One of my best friends.   The guy who is afraid of scary movies…dangerous?    It’s unbelievable, but I have always had a feeling that he was living a secret life.   I didn’t know that it could be true though.

Oh yeah…my grandmother Georgina (who I barely see and speak to) has been visiting in Darkwood the whole time when I thought she was still in Maine, but she was really meeting my parents behind my back on “business matters”.    What was she really doing here?    Hopefully, I will find out someday, but I might never know why she really in Darkwood.

She could’ve come and visited me for a few minutes.   Things are really adding up since I just found out I am adopted.    I always felt that she never really liked me anyway.

I don’t know what happened.   All the thoughts in my head a few seconds ago, a few minutes, hours, days, and practically my whole life…gone in a flash, just…like…that.   Now all I have are my current thoughts of, well, memories of my childhood.     All the things I took for granted, the things I really could have done with my life instead of wasting time letting life go by.

Wait…what am I talking about?    I have a fresh start, a clean slate.    I can do anything I want, be a brand new person.    First, I have to find some inspiration to get into.    I have to first find out what that is and how will I do this with blurred thoughts.   Maybe I’ll find out what really happened…that’s if I actually want to go down that road.    I just have to find out anyway whether I like the outcome or not.    Guess I have to be my own detective.

What else don’t I know about my family?    About Hunter?...My entire life?...About anything?!?   I bet it’s just all a big lie, isn’t it.   I can’t believe it.   I really just can’t.   Just when I think I couldn’t deal with any more stress, more just decides to pile on.   Will I ever get a break or at least some sort of rest?    From this jaded angle, probably not.

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