Together From Different World...

By FlippingOcFanatic

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An AU where Captain Caviar Cookie is a merfolk living in the ocean as the protector of merfolks in his entire... More

Chapter 1: Cookie and Merfolk
Chapter 2: The Storm
Chapter 3: Safety
Chapter 4: Black Pearl Cookie
Chapter 5: Rescue Mission
Chapter 6: Agreement
Chapter 7: Meeting
Quick Question
Chapter 8: Night Sky
The Salty Sharks Design
Chapter 9: Question
Chapter 10: The 1st Kidnap
Chapter 11: The Second Kidnap
Chapter 12: The Contract
Chapter 13: Save The Day
Chapter 14: Welcome to Creme Republic
Chapter 15: Piece of Bread
Chapter 16: House Oyster
Chapter 17: Creme Republic Tour
Chapter 18: Convocation
Chapter 19: Tension
Chapter 20: First Night Ended
Chapter 21: Second Morning
Chapter 22: Lower City Beach
Chapter 23: Tea Party
Chapter 24: Attack in the Alleys
Chapter 25: Cemetery
Chapter 26: Prepare For The Night
Chapter 27: Date Night
Chapter 28: Carnival Dates
Chapter 29: Shocking Revelation
Chapter 30: Third Morning
Chapter 31: Training
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Opening Ceremony

Chapter 34: The Tournament

166 2 8
By FlippingOcFanatic

In the hallway, Clotted Cream Cookie, Financier Cookie, and Custard Cookie the III went to the clinic and as they open the door...they saw Squid Ink Cookie, Peppermint Cookie, Custard Cookie, Mille-Feuille Cookie, and Oyster Cookie sitting down while Baumkuchen Cookie in a different room treating Candy Diver Cookie who wanted privacy from everyone.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be monitoring the audience?!" Custard Cookie stands up as he glares at him.

Custard Cookie the III looks scared as he went to Clotted Cream Cookie's back. The consul gave a serious look at his father. "Checking on the cookie who seems to have fainted, what about you? I know this is Candy Diver Cookie and I know you don't like them."

"Yeah, I want to know why," Oyster Cookie glares at Custard Cookie.

Custard Cookie rolls his eyes and ignores them. Financier Cookie looks around and notices Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie. "I figure Squid Ink Cookie is here since they are their friend, but aren't you Peppermint Cookie? One of Captain Ice Cookie's crewmates?"

Peppermint Cookie nervously look as they gripped their seashell as nodded. "Y-you're right, I recently became friends with them and I was worried about what happened to them. As much as I want to watch the tournament, I can't let my friend be sick like that."

"You're a good child, thinking about others before themselves," Mille-Feuille Cookie smiles at the child which made Peppermint Cookie smile nervously. "I know I never met Candy Diver Cookie before but I am concerned about them."

"True, Caviar Cookie told me how they are acting strange lately...and I want to know why he is acting strange," Oyster Cookie looks angry as she held her hands tight.

Clotted Cream Cookie and Financier Cookie look at each other and they can tell that Oyster Cookie didn't know about Captain Caviar Cookie entering the competition. They were also surprised when they found out last minute, which also made them question why he entered knowing the risk he will take. One of the reasons why they want to talk to Candy Diver Cookie about it since they know more than everyone.

"Candy...Diver...Cookie," Squid Ink Cookie kept crying while Peppermint Cookie tries to cheer them up.

From a different room, Baumkuchen Cookie finally examines the already awaken Candy Diver Cookie. "Never thought you have a breakdown, especially when it is unlikely you to have one," he responded.

Candy Diver Cookie looks down and isn't sure why that happened. They explained how they saw a cookie and memories came. They couldn't understand the memories they receive.

"Hm, it is possible that you might be remembering something important. You did tell me that you have amnesia even before you met Caviar Cookie?" The elder asked.

Candy Diver Cookie looks down and slowly nodded. They couldn't describe their newfound memories since they just found out recently and it gave them a headache.

"Well I would advise you to rest up but since you want to watch the tournament, I advise you to go back home and rest once this is over. I am worried it will affect" Baumkuchen Cookie looks weirded out at the last part.

Candy Diver Cookie looks confused why he said it like that in the last part but decided not to think much.

"Since we got time, I want to discuss your health report yesterday and I am not sure what to say don't have one," Baumkuchen Cookie showed the papers to Candy Diver Cookie who took a look and was shocked at what they just learn. "As the elder involving health, I should know about this yet...I don't know why this happened to you. So I advise you to have a check-in in case I might help out that will help with your health. What do you think?"

The diver is a bit skeptical and wanted to focus on helping Captain Caviar Cookie, but they also think about themselves since they are worried about their abilities hurting other cookies. They nodded slowly which help them a bit.

"Alright, make sure to calm yourself down in order to help control your abilities," Baumkuchen Cookie smile at them as they gave a lollipop to Candy Diver Cookie. They stare at the lollipop and ask for one more since they want to give it to a friend.

Back in the other room, Oyster Cookie has been talking to Clotted Cream Cookie while they wait. "So even you didn't know?" Clotted Cream Cookie asked.

"Yes, I am angry he did that behind my back. I don't know why he is so irresponsible knowing how risky it is," Oyster Cookie held her head as she couldn't hold back her anger, which surprises Clotted Cream Cookie as he has never seen her that angry like that. Of course, Clotted Cream Cookie knows that Oyster Cookie doesn't know that he knows about him knowing about Captain Caviar Cookie being a mercookie.

"I been wondering about that and since he is busy in the tournament, I figure I should ask Candy Diver Cookie about this since they are with him longer than us," Clotted Cream Cookie scratch his head.

"Same to me, although I am worried about them given their health and-" Oyster Cookie was interrupted when Baumkuchken Cookie and Candy Diver Cookie left the room.

"Huh? I didn't expect more cookies to be here?" Baumkuchen Cookie looks at everyone in the room. "it seems cookies will do care about you." He smiled but Candy Diver Cookie isn't as they saw Custard Cookie and tries to avoid eye contact. Custard Cookie looks angry that they didn't bother to look at him.

Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie smile as they proceed to hug them which helps them a bit before giving them lollipops. They smile and licked the lollipops, which brought to Custard Cookie Cookie the III's attention as his eyes sparkle.

"Oh, I didn't know are here already. Since you are here, have a lollipop," Baumkuchen Cookie smiles as he gave a lollipop to Custard Cookie the III.

He smiled as he thanked him. "Wow, this looks like Strawberry Cookie's lollipop weapon," he said before he licked the lollipop.

"Candy Diver Cookie, are you alright?" Oyster Cookie came as she asked them with a concerned look.

Candy Diver Cookie didn't expect to meet up with Oyster Cookie right now especially when they are planning to avoid her as they are afraid of how she would react to Captain Cavair Cookie joining. But they did miss her and responded that they are alright and just need to rest up a bit.

"That is good to know and I know I shouldn't ask but...can we talk somewhere privately?" Oyster Cookie whispered to them. Candy Diver Cookie can tell this is about Captain Caviar Cookie and just nodded.

"Can we also come along? We are also concerned," Clotted Cream Cookie frowned which the elder nodded.

"Candy Diver Cookie, where are you going?" Peppermint Cookie stares at Candy Diver Cookie leaving with them.

Candy Diver Cookie explained that they want to talk about something privately and they catch up with them later on. Peppermint Cookie and Squid Ink Cookie frowns which Financier Cookie notice.

"Custard Cookie the III, wanna join them while we wait?" Financier Cookie looks at him and smiles as she looks at the children.

Custard Cookie the III smile. "Sure, I did hear about Peppermint Cookie from your friend," he greeted Peppermint Cookie as they began walking together while Candy Diver Cookie went with Oyster Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie.

"Oh that is right, my friend told me about you. Hope they didn't cause trouble in the kingdom," Peppermint Cookie smiles as they shake their hands.

"Well that cookie is still trouble but that is what I like about them, hope their trip is doing well. And it is good- Squid Ink Cookie?" Custard Cookie the III was shocked to see them again which made him scared.

"Custard...Cookie...the...III?" Squid Ink Cookie stares at them.

"Hold on, you guys know each other?" Financier Cookie is surprised to hear that.

"Y-yeah, they are a resident in our kingdom...well they sometimes in the kingdom, although many cookies are too afraid to be near them," Custard Cookie the III rub his arm nervously as he avoids eye contact. Financier Cookie stares at Squid Ink Cookie and wonders, who is that cookie?

Custard Cookie realizes they are gone and decided to follow them. "You're not gonna see your nephew?" Mille-Feiulle Cookie ask.

"Why would I care about him? He isn't worth my attention," Custard Cookie looks annoyed before he left.

"Honestly, I feel bad for nephew being related to him," Baumkuchen Cookie frowns as he gave the report to the nurse. "It is a good thing Custard Cookie the III gets a chance to see the consul, they may not be related but they are more family than Elder Custard Cookie."

'You're right," Mille-Feiulle Cookie smiles as she saw Baumkuchen Cookie leaving, which makes the elder and the nurse in the room a sinister smile. "Let me take a look at the report." She looks at the nurse.

The nurse uncovered herself and it reveals to be Shadow Sister Cookie as she handed the report. "I didn't have the chance to listen to their conversation but hope this works out," she responded.

"Good, now I wonder what they are so special about their health and their strange- what?" MIlle-Feiulle Cookie's eyes were wide to see the report. Shadow Sister Cookie is confused about what she saw as she took a peek and was horrified by the report.

"What? They...have" Shadow Sister Cookie is shocked at what she just read.

"Are you sure this is the report?" The elder stares at her.

"Yes, this is exact same report that Baumkuchen Cookie wrote," Shadow Sister Cookie is in disbelief.

"Then...who is Candy Diver Cookie?" The more she learns about the diver, the more she is confused about who they are.

Somewhere hidden away from everyone, Clotted Cream Cookie, Oyster Cookie, and Candy Diver Cookie have this conversation about Captain Caviar Cookie.

"Wait? He overheard me talking about the bet yesterday?" Oyster Cookie is shocked to realize that Candy Diver Cookie nodded but they mentioned it is more of a breaking point as Captain Caviar Cookie notice how the salt cookies are failing and they were told he would be a great fit to be a captain despite not wanting to.

"I see, makes sense why he would join in," Clotted Cream Cookie never thought Captain Caviar Cookie would do like this. He is thinking that he might have nefarious plans to get the black pearl but he can tell this is risky for a mercookie to do this stunt.

As Clotted Cream Cookie was busy thinking, Oyster Cookie quickly whispered to Candy Diver Cookie. "Don't you think this is too risky for him to do it? Why didn't you stop them?"

Candy Diver Cookie frowns as they did but Captain Cavair Cookie was too stubborn to stop them. Oyster Cookie was about to ask more but heard something from the announcer.

"Now it is time for the obstacle course to begin!" The moment it was announced, Clotted Cream Cookie and Oyster Cookie realized what the obstacle course meant. They quickly ran while Candy Diver Cookie is confused but decided to follow them in which they accidentally ran into Custard Cookie.

"Oh, Candy Diver Cookie? That is your name right, I was looking forward to talking to you," Custard Cookie gave a weird smug look at him.

Candy Diver Cookie is nervous to see him as he tries to walk away but Custard Cookie stops them from leaving.

"You know? Caviar Cookie told me at the restaurant about cookies having limits that you shouldn't push too far," Custard Cookie laughs as he began to remember back in the restaurant.

"Because I save you, I don't expect rewards but at least be grateful that you are alive right now. Even if you don't deserve to die, there is a chance that you might push everyone's limits even me and Candy Diver Cookie," Captain Caviar Cookie warn him that he should be grateful to the cookies rather they like him or not and the chance they will push their limits.

"Hearing him mention you makes me laugh, it is believable for that salt cookie to not push their limits too much which I can tell right away he has no hesitation. But you, I am not afraid of you rather I pushed your limit or not," Custard Cookie mocks Candy Diver Cookie. "I mean you look so weak that you recently got yourself to the doctor twice. Yeah, I knew what happened yesterday. I still wonder what everyone sees in you from important political figures to those from the slum."

Candy Diver Cookie is shaken in sadness having to hear those cruel words from him, they didn't know why he is acting like this when they did nothing to him other than being justified in what they did.

"Still, I am mad that your friend enters the competition. But I figure he will fail in the end, maybe some injury along the way that can send him to the hospital," eventually the elder's words made Candy Diver Cookie angry. "Anyways, don't try to get in my way. Because it is useless for you and for friends to think they can change." He gloats and laughs as he walks away.

Candy Diver Cookie stares at Custard Cookie leaving like that to point their water boils in anger and their body entirely glows. The lights flicker nonstop and the furniture began to move, they couldn't hold their anger that the lights and furniture began to break. They stopped once they realized what they did and were horrified to know about it, they need to control their emotions. They were devasted at what they did and just ran away.

Not knowing that Mille-Feiulle Cookie and Shadow Sister Cookie were watching them, still confused about who they are.

Back to where Oyster Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie is, they finally got a look at the competition and they were surprised to see the participants ready with their swimsuit but shocked to see Captain Caviar Cookie in a diver suit.

Many of the participants laugh thinking he doesn't know how to swim, Captain Caviar Cookie is annoyed but he has no choice if he is gonna swim without being exposed.

"Quick update on the obstacle course! Once the participants cross the swimming race, they will proceed to the eating competition in which they will pasta and once they finished, they will proceed to the bike race," the announcer cookie announced.

"What?" Captain Caviar Cookie saw the pasta and realize it is big and should have been used to feed the hungry instead of the participants.

"Caviar Cookie?" Captian Caviar Cookie looks at who answered him and it seems to be Missionary Cookie.  "I heard a lot about you and I wanted you to know, may the best cookie wins?" She smile as she waited for her hand to shake.

Captain Caviar Cookie can't help but find her familiar but seeing a young cookie extending a hand, he smiles as they shook their hand. "Of course, hope you do well in the competition."

"Yep, I made sure to pray to achieve my goal," Missionary Cookie smiles.

"Now participants, get ready for your position..." The announcer cookie announced the participants are ready for the ready.

While they are ready, the three judges chatted together.

"So kid, any idea of who will be the next captain?" Captain Ice Cookie asked GingerBrave in a motherly way.

"Hm...I am not sure, but I figure since this is just the beginning and I will just see who will be," the child smiles at the captain.

"Same, it is better to see than to decide early on. What about you, Gumball Diver Cookie?" Captain Ice Cookie smiles and asked Gumball Diver Cookie.

"Hmm...I guess the cookie in a diver suit," Gumball Diver Cookie pointed at Captain Caviar Cookie.

"Huh? Why? I mean it is weird for him in a diver suit but why since we haven't gotten a chance to see what he can do," Captain Ice Cookie asked since she find it weird.

"Yes, even I find it weird since we didn't get to see what he can do," GingerBrave is confused when he heard it.

"I...don't know...I makes me...admire him," Gumball Diver Cookie isn't sure why but can see a spark in him.

"Alright participants. Ready...Get set...Go!" Announcer Cookie announce the start of the race and everyone began to go deep into the water Captain Caviar Cookie dived into the bottom. With the diver suit hitting the bottom, he took out his diver suit with his legs turned into the tail as a began to swim faster while carrying the diver suit.

At the surface, Missionary Cookie kept swimming as she looks at the other cookie. She grabbed a small vial and secretly toss it at the participant. The moment it was tossed, the participant couldn't feel their legs and they couldn't swim so they began to panic while the other participants reach the finish line.

Captain Caviar Cookie kept on swimming but notice the participant having trouble swimming. Thinking he didn't want to abandon that cookie, he quickly went to the surface and rescue the participant in which he grabbed both the cookie and the diver suit. He quickly throw the participant safely to the finish line before he put on a suit as he arrived at the finish line. He stares at the cookie and saying if he is alright.

The participant began to feel alright as they look at him. "I''t have to?"

"Better than leaving you like this, rest up if you want to be alright," Captain Caviar Cookie said as he took out the diving suit and went to the table as began eating.

The judges focus on Captain Caviar Cookie as they were stunned but admired on how he saved a cookie. Oyster Cookie stare at the bravery he did with her eyes shining but shook her head as she is still angry at him.

Missionary Cookie kept on eating her pasta while she slip something hard into one of the participant's pasta. She finished eating and began to go to the bike race.

Captain Caviar Cookie finished eating and was about to leave but notice one of the participants choking. He couldn't let that cookie suffer like this, so he quickly tries to hug him harder to stop to spit out that cookie until it was spitting out.

"Hey, are you okay!?" Captain Caviar Cookie asked in concern.

"I...thank you," the participant was terrified as they thought they were about to die.

"No problem, drink some water," Captain Caviar Cookie comforted the participant before proceeding to the bike race. He has a troubled time on the bike.

"Wow, I knew he is great but that is one heroism," Madeleine Cookie, who is in the audience, said with a smile.

"I don't say much, but I agree," Espresso Cookie smiled.

"Oh good, we arrived just in time for the bike race!" Custard Cookie the III smile as he, Squid Ink Cookie, Peppermint Cookie, and Financier Cookie arrived.

"Yay!" The children cheer.

"Custard Cookie the III?" Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie stare at Custard Cookie the III as they are now in eye contact.

"Espresso Cookie! Madeleine Cookie! Hi!" Custard Cookie the III smiles at them.

"Huh? Here we thought only GingerBrave is here, but I guess you being here is great," Madeleine Cookie smiled.

"Are Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Chili Pepper Cookie?" Espresso Cookie asked.

"Well Strawberry Cookie is in the Hollyberry Kingdom going on training for her defense, Wizard Cookie is in the City of Wizards to magic, and Chili Pepper Cookie wanted to come...but she is in prison," Custard Cookie the III smiled.

"Eh...make sense," Espresso Cookie Cookie shrugs.

"Since we are here, wanna sit with us?" Custard Cookie the III smiled as he showed his new friends and Financier Cookie.

"Oh sure, I am happy for Financier Cookie and your friends to seat with us," Madeleine Cookie smiles while Financier Cookie looks annoyed.

"You better behave," Financier Cookie responds.

Madeleine Cookie laughs. "And you must be Peppermint Cookie, you're from Captain Ice Cookie's crew."

Peppermint Cookie nervously smiles. "T-that's right..."

"And who you might-"

"Squid Ink Cookie!?" Espresso Cookie's eyes are wide to see him.

"Espresso...Cookie?" Squid Ink Cookie cries.

"Wait? That's Squid Ink Cookie!?" Madeleine Cookie was shocked to learn about it. As he and Espresso Cookie began to defensive away from Squid Ink Cookie.

"Yeah, that is what I am saying!" Custard Cookie the III scratches his head.

"Hold on, you two also know them?" Financier Cookie is speechless to learn they also know Squid Ink Cookie.

"Well, I did mention they are a resident of the kingdom I live and given where Espresso Cookie and Madeleine Cookie stayed," Custard Cookie the III answered nervously.

"Yeah...well...we don't like to talk about," Espresso Cookie looks away.

"Yeah, especially when Espresso Cookie gave them-"

"Shush!" Espresso Cookie shushes him before he whispers to him. "We talk about not mentioning them and the magic candy."

Financier Cookie overheard him talking about the magic candy. She stares at Squid Ink Cookie and wonders who they are and what is so special to everyone. Everyone even Oyster Cookie seems to know about Squid Ink Cookie rather they know little or more. They decided to stop talking as they continue watching the competition.

Clotted Cream Cookie stares at Captain Caviar Cookie and the acts he is been doing to not just one cookie but two. Two complete strangers to him. It gave him more doubts that he really is a bad cookie.

Candy Diver Cookie arrived where Oyster Cookie and Clotted Cream Cookie were. Candy Diver Cookie whispered if Captain Caviar Cookie has been exposed.

" least he is smart not to get caught, but still..." she whispered with a worried look.

Candy Diver Cookie looks at the contest and he sees Captain Caviar Cookie troubled on his bike but continues on the bike. They sigh in relief that they are okay but notice the judging area and see Gumball Diver Cookie again, they look away to prevent another breakdown again. Although they are curious about them and whisper to Oyster Cookie.

"You want to know about them? To tell you the truth, you're the reason why I suggest them being one of the judges," Oyster Cookie responds which surprises Candy Diver Cookie. "Yes, I am telling the truth. I don't know why but-"

"Elder Oyster Cookie," the oyster envoy appears. "I think it is better if the elder should get back to their seat."

The three of them look at each other and nodded that they should go. "I will talk to you later," Oyster Cookie respond as they began to walk away.

Candy Diver Cookie looks down as they have many questions about that cookie but decided to meet up with their friends to watch the tournament.

Despite Captain Caviar Cookie having trouble with the bike, he quickly makes sure he is in the lead when he and Missionary Cookie are almost at the finish line. She was shocked that he is almost about to beat him but she will make sure to win. She kept peddling until her brakes broke as she was almost about to fall but Captain Caviar Cookie grabbed her and prevent her from falling.

"You almost fell, are you okay!?" Captain Caviar Cookie looks at her with a worried look.

Missionary Cookie was surprised that he saved her but didn't thank him as she quickly arrived first at the finish line while Captain Caviar Cookie came in second as he landed on the ground due to lack of experience.

Everyone congratulates Missionary Cookie for winning the first tournament, which Mille-Feiulle Cookie notices and smiles that she finally got her to win. While they were busy congratulating Missionary Cookie, Captain Caviar Cookie has a hard time standing but was pulled by the two cookies he saved earlier as thanks. He smiled that at least he help them...

Candy Diver Cookie arrived where Financier Cookie and the rest were seated and they were disappointed that Captain Caviar Cookie didn't win. Oyster Cookie arrived where the elders are seated and frowns he lost but it is better not for him not to win. Not knowing that the judges had taken a look at Captain Caviar Cookie who had done some heroic acts, something a true captain will do.

Once the first competition ended, the stage is being prepared for the next competition which gave the participants time for a break. Captain Caviar Cookie has been wondering where Missionary Cookie is since he worries that she almost fell. Eventually, he heard a familiar noise, he look and saw Candy Diver Cookie, who is allowed to meet Captain Caviar Cookie during the break.

"Candy Diver Cookie? Are you alright?" Captain Caviar Coookie forgot that they were sent to the clinic and worries if they are alright.

Thankfully, Candy Diver Cookie respond that they are fine but needed rest once the tournament is over. But they told Captain Caviar Cookie about Oyster Cookie and how she is mad about him joining.

"I figure she knows and be angry about it, but she will understand soon," Captain Caviar Cookie gripped his hands. Candy Diver Cookie frowns as they aren't sure about Oyster Cookie forgiving him.

Missionary Cookie took a look at them and her eyes wide to see Candy Diver Cookie, her entire body is shaken as she remembers that night. She is part of the white masks who attacked Candy Diver Cookie and witness their dangerous powers. She walks distant away from them in order to avoid it.

While they were talking, Captain Caviar Cookie noticed Clotted Cream Cookie ordered the servants to throw the pasta from the contest.

"Hold on, I think I got an idea on where you gonna give the remaining food without throwing it," Captain Caviar Cookie stopped them as he got an idea.

Somewhere in the audience is the poor section in which cookies are unable to pay for their own food and even got hungry. They attend to watch the tournament in hopes of a salt cookie to win, eventually, they smell food and they look to see Captain Caviar Cookie and the guards holding pasta. "I figure it is better not to waste the food and give to the unfortunate," Captain Caviar Cookie smiles at them which gave them hope with eyes as they receive food and thank him and rest.

The three judges are just walking as they finished eating but notice Captain Caviar Cookie giving them food to them, the look in their eyes can't help but smile. They are not the only ones, Oyster Cookie saw him and although she is mad...she can't help but smile. Clotted Cream Cookie just watched Captain Caviar Cookie and it gave him doubts about him being a bad guy.

//This will be the last chapter in order for me to have a break from the internet. My break might end at the end of the school year and I will be focusing on myself. Don't worry, I will be writing some chapters, just not posting.//

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